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Page: 1 149 CFR 671.206 teuvss 206) Ortginat English version ‘CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS ‘TITLE 49— TRANSPORTATION ‘CHAPTER V — NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT ‘OF TRANSPORTATION PART 571 — FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS. “Subpart 8 — Faderal Motor Vehcle Safety Standard 871.206 Standard No. 206 DOOR LOCKS AND DOOR RETENTION COMPONENTS cial veo: 2 F241 (1867.22.85 Let emer 77 Pa 751-768 2012.0-06) “Talo ‘ile onegear estan ‘Pea te wan sua fil omens Soars mars he Se tise 3605 seg. (iteraces) igs Bento tet (isenaraa) iereotan Fa (1369.48.14 ‘een Bide (istsees rae era) wesc S0FR ienes-venet (1885-0827) Fnarate) ‘aeons Sern iasoa sabia (teen. 10) ‘aeons Faone cos (lnearas| ‘eros: iit Sea(o8e@7 33) Eat: epee pte ‘aren TEER saes- 418 nor.azs) rhe) taco: 200.03. FERRE Shes GSES FES! cemetopttomir EEN BAERS; een ara (gsos.a7-25) iFnal e:carecton) cove: 209-00. ewrare reer Govoo-e) femaiain:epenee options or Stone a0 E12 TrFRTSI-789 — goizat46) ech aendrons) teats: 2012-0208 {1271206 standard, 20 Dorks an aor tetonconpanors 1. 8p@ BF PUREE & poet “@bamierAG—SSOSCS~*~*~S”SSSSSSS*CS 80 TNH 49 FR 671.208, Dore, locks and retention aystems Page:2 (euivss 206) 1. Scope and Purpose ‘The standard epectiog nents including latches, hinges, and other supporting ‘ecupente belng elacted trom a vahlele se a result of impact ‘82. Application ‘This standard apple to passenger care, multipurpose passenger vehicles, and wucks, with gross vehicle welght rating (GVWR) of 4.536 kg orloss. “Auxlary Door Late? ie latch equlpped with a fully latched poston, with or without a feecondary latched position, snd fed to 8 coor or coor ayetem equipped with a primary door latch system. ‘Auxillary Door Laten Systent conaleta of door latchee and ster lated withthe primary doar lech system. other than those aeso- ‘door or door system on the back end of a motor vehicle through which ‘or eargo can be loaded ar unloaded. t dose not (@) A wunk ta; or (6) A door o* window compessd entirely ot lazing matelal and whose latches andlor hinge apsteme are attached clveely to the glazing material, “Body Member le that parton ofthe hinge nermallyafied tothe body structure, ‘cargo-Type Door’ means a door deslgned primary to aecammadate cargo laading In cluding, But Rot limited to, @ two-part doar tha latches to set Door Closure Waming Syston Isa system that wil activate visual elgnal whan a door latch system lent In ll ltehed positon andthe vabilelgnfton fa activated “Door Hinge Systent Is one or more hing used fo support a door. ‘Door Latch Systent conalas o atchee and stikee Inetallad on a oor eyster. ‘Door Member Is that postion ofthe hinge normally axed to the door structure and con ettuting the swinging member. "Door System lathe door, latch, striker, hinges, sliding tack combinations and other door retention components on a door and ite surrounding doortrame. The door systom of & Gouble door includes both coors, ‘Double Door le a aystemn of two doora where the front door or wing door open fet and cconnacta tothe rear dag or belted doer, which opane second, Foling Dor ea movable bur, hh wil dose of an snranewy tp, mult ‘etlcle or truck, coneletng ot twa oF more hinge pansla hat ewing, slide (dose not have 2 siiker and teh seaombly. -Fortcbolt mesn the part of the latch that engages end retane the etlcar when In a latched poston. ‘@Daimier AG oT 06-08 (TBe-h usasrade 49 CFA 574.208 Doors, lacks andl (FMvss 208) tion systems Page: *Fork-bolt Opening Directo the Istoh ts engage the forkbat. the direction oppastte to that In which the evrker enters “Fully Latched Postion” Is the coupling condlion of the latch that retalng the deor In a completly clased postion “Hinges 9 device system used to postion the door relative to the body structure and control the path of the door swing Tor passenger Ingreas and eg ‘Hinge Pir? is that porton ofthe hing narmellyIntreanneting the body andl doer mam. bere and establishing the swing axl, *Latafr Ia a device employed to maintain the door ina clased positon relative tothe val: cle body with provielons for dallbsraterelaese (oF operation), “Primary Door Late latched postion and ls designated as a "primary door lah ecpipped wt bot ly hed psiton and sconny “Primary Door Latch System consists of a primary door latch(s) and a strtker(s). “Secondary Latches Postton” door ins parilly closed position. ta the coupling condition ofthe latch that retains the “Side Front Door“le door tht, Ina aldevew, has 60 percent or more of te opening area. ‘orward ofthe rearmost point on the driver seal back, when the gest back Ie adjusted to Ms ‘most vertical and rearward postion. Side Rear Door"ls 2 door that, In side view, has 60 percent oF more of lt opening area to the rear of the resrmost polnt on the divers seat back, when the driver seat le adjusted 10 te most vertical and rearward postion 19 maintain the doar Inthe fully latched “Trunk Lid" \p\a movable body panel thet providss access from outelde the vehicle to a space wholly partiigned from the occupant compartment by a permanently allached perition br fied or foldown beat beck. 84. Requirements ‘The requirements apply 10 all side and back doore, that lead dlrecty Into a compartment that contalne one or mare seating accommodations. and the associated door componente, except for those on folding doors, rol-up doors, detachable doore, bus doors used only for ‘and labeled sceordingly and on bus doora to accommodate 8 permanently attached wheslchalr It aystem that wisn the devies Ie In the retracted position, {theft platform retracts toa vetlel orentatlon parallel to and In close proxiraty withthe Inte Nor surface of the It dot i form completely covers the doorway ' Barlade to the doorway. The ing of ether a flashing vi ‘compartment or an alarm auclble ta the driver that le act ‘tedhen the doors not ily closed end he vehicle Ignition iz ecvated 84.1 Hinged Doors 84.1.1 Primary and Auxlary Door Latch Systems. Each hinged door syatam shall be equipped wit at least one primary door latch eystem. By tha time a vehicle le vertilad @ manufacturer shall designate the door latch system(s) that le the "primary door latch ays: {om(s)." Upon contiicaion, 2 manufacturer may not thereattar alter the designetion a pr ®Daimler AG 19: 2042-00-08 (Ted-hid) sarod 49 CFR 571.206 Doors, locke and retention aysteme Page: 4 (Fuevss 206) ‘ary door latch system. Each manufacturer shal, upon request trom the National Highway ‘Trafle Safety Aaminievation, provide Information ragarcng auch designation. 94.4.4-1 Load Test One, (a) Each pri leached poston, shal nat pendular to ich that he ltch and the stelker anchorage are not com- reseed agalnat each other, wien tasted in accerdancs with 88 1-11 (0) When in the sscondary latched positon, the primary door latch aystem shall nat sepa- rate when # load of4 500 N le applied in the same aration spoctied In paragrapa (a) af tls ection when tested In accordance with S6.4.1.1 ‘94.4.12 Load Test Two, (a) Each primary door latch aystem and auxllary door latch aystem, when tn the fully latched poston, shall not separate when a load of 8,000 N ls applied in the forcbatt opening direction snd parallal tothe face ofthe latch, when tested In accordance with 5.11.2 (0) When in the secondary latched positon, the primary door latch ayster shall nat sepa- rate when a load of 4 500 N ie epplied inthe same dracton epeciied In paragrapd (a) of tha ection when tested In accordance with 9.1.12. 84.4.4. Load Teat Thee, (Appleable only to back doors that open in a vertlcal cteeion). Each primary door latch system on back doors, when in te fulylatchad position, shal not separate when a load ct 81000 Nis applied In @ dation ortnogonal to the dlvecions: spacifid In Sait 1.1 and $4.11.2 when tested In accordance with $51.1 3 94.4.4. 4 neta! Lose, Each primary door latch system and avsllary door latch system shall mest elther the dy- namie requirements spectiled In paragraphs (sh and {b) of 84.1.4. or the caleulation of Iner- {lal load resletance epeeied in paragraph (e) of Se-1-4 Each primary door laich and avilisry daor latch on each hingad doar age rom the fly ltehed poation when an Inari load la appllad fo the door latch system Ireluding the latch and ite activation devies, n the dlrections parallel tothe ve dinal ana tenaveree axe withthe locking dovice dlsangaged, when tasted 55.1140). (bj Each primary door latch and. auxllaty door latch on each hinged back door not dleengage irom the fully latched postion when an ners load ls epoled tothe door lich System Inclodng the latch and ha activation device, nthe dracon parallel tothe vehisi'2 ‘vocal axis wih the locking device csengaged, when tested as specified in $5.1.1-40) (©) Each component or subassembly Ie calculated fr Its minlmum Inertial load resletence ln @ partcviar dracion. The comblned reslatance to the unlatching operation must aaaure thatthe door latem syetom, when 0 ‘whan subjected to an Inara load of of tls section or paragraph (b) ofthis section, as applleable, when calulated In accordance sth $8. 11.4 fa (84.4.2 Door Hinges. (94.4.1 When tested In accordance with 85.1.2, each door hing (6) Suppor the door, 49 CFR 571.208, Doors, locks and (eutvss 206) lon aystome Pag: 5 (b) Not separate when a longitudinal oad of 11,000 Nis applied, (©) Not soparate when tans load of 9,000 N le appled, and (@) For back doors, (1) Not eaparate when @ laa of 11,000 N ls applied perpendicular othe Ringe face pate (dongtudnal Toad test) such tht the hinge plates are nol compressed againat each other (Cas Test One} (2) Not separate winen a load of 8.000 N is applied perpendicular tothe xls of the hinge fo the hinge face pate (transverse load test) such that te hinge plates are Agalnet each other (Load Test Two) (3) Not separate when a oad of 9.000 Nis applied Inthe dlraction ofthe axe ofthe hinge pln (Load Test Three—enly for back door that open in a vercal dvectin} 94.4.2. If alngla hinge within the hinge system le tested Inatead of th entra hing tem, the hinge mist bear load proportional ta the total number of hinges Inthe Ning tem: (For example, an individual hinge in a twohlnge system must be capable of wifnetanding 50% of the load roqulrmenta ofthe tatl system), ' On slde doors with rear mounted hinges that can be operated Independently ot omer door, (6) The interior door handle shall be inoperative when the speed ofthe vehicle Is greater ‘than or equal fo 4 km, and (6) A soar closure warning system shall be provided for those doors. The door closure ‘warning system shal be focatee where can be clearly seen by the driver ‘84.2 Stang Side Doors. ‘84.21 Latoh System. Each ellng doar system shall be equipped with ether: (a) Atlenst one primary door latch systam, or (b) A door latch system with afl latched postion and a door closure warning system “The door aloaute waming aystom shall be located where ican be clearly sean by the aver Upon serfetion a manufacturer may not thereafar aie the dasigation of primary latch ech manufacturer ahel, upon request fom the Natonal Mghway Trtfie Slety Adminlats tion, provide Information regaraing such designation. 84.24. Load Test One, (a) At least one door latch ayetem, when In the full latched poalton, shall not separate ‘when a load of 11-000 ls pled in the dlration perpendlovlar ta the face ofthe latch euch thatthe ateh and'he etrker anchorage are not compressed agalnet each other, when tasted In accordance wih 86.21, (b) Inthe case of a primary door latch systom, when n the secondary ltched poston, the door latch aystem shal not soparsta when a load ef 4.500 N le applied nthe samme recon pected In paragraph (a) of his section when tested In accordance wih $5.21 94.241. Load Test Two. laiched postion, shall not separate wht a load of 8000 N le apaled in the forcbokt opening direction and paral ta the face of the lsteh when tested In accordance wih $3.2 1.2. UsA/Federal: 49 CFR 574.208, Door, leks and retention ayetems, Paga:6 (Fuivss 208) (6) n the case ofa primary door lech syatem, when n the secondary lstched postion the door latch system shall not atparste whan load ot 4900 N la applied inthe same cracton ‘spectied In paragraph (a) of his section whan tested In accordance with 85.2.12. $421.3 Inara! Load. Each door latch system certled as mocting the requlreme 421.1 and $62.12 shall meet ether the dynamic requirements spestiag In paragraph of this section or the caloulation of inertial load reslotance spectied In paragraph (B) of tha ecton. of (2) The door latch system shall not disengage trom the fully latched postion wen an Iner- tial load fs apple to tne door latch systom, Including the latch and is activation mechanlem In the directions paralel to the vehicle's longitudinal and transvereal axee with the locking ‘dlaengaged, and when testad n accordance with S3-11.4(0) () The minimum inertia load resistance can be calculated for each component er subs: sembly. Their combined recletance to the unlatching operation must assure that the door latch system, whan properly assembled In the vehlcle door, wll ramaln latched when sub Jaetad to an inettia loed of 30.9 In the vehicle directions spectied In paragraph (a) of this ection, when calevated in accordance wth $5-1-144a) (84.2.2 Door System. {ores of 18,000 N slong the vehloletranaverae exia le sppllad tothe door aa specified in se2z. ‘$42.22 When a sliding door system Is tested In accordance with 85.2.2, the following conallone shall not occur (0) A saparetion which permits s sphere wih a dlametar of 100 mm to pass unobstructed betwen the exterior of the vahlela {0 the Interior of the vehlele, whlla the require force le ned as shown In Figure 1 (b) Ether foroe apnlcaton deviae reaches @ total dleplacement at $00 mm, ‘$42.28 Thib $42.2 apples to veces manvTactured on ar ater Saptember 1, 2010 ‘84.3 Door Locks. Each door shall be equipped with et least one locking deviea which, when engaged, anal prevent operation of te exterlar doo’ handla or other exterior latch fo lease control and which hae an operating meana and a lock releagslengegamant device lo. tated witin the Intro ef the wehite. 84.3.1 Rear elde doors, Each rear elde door shall be equipped wh at lesst one locking dovies which has a lock raleaselengagament mechanism located within the Intelar of the ble tothe drver ofthe vehicle or an caoupart seated aajecent to ss operation of the Interlor door handle or othr erate ectlona to unlock the door and operate the Intelor dor handle or other Intror latch ralease conta. ‘84.8.2 Back doors. Each back door equipped with an Imaror door handle or oth latch teieaee contra, ahall be equipped with et laeet one locking device that rm qulrements of 843-1 Inteor the 86 Test Procedures. ‘85.1 Hinged Door. “@amierAS—SSOSCSCS*~*~*~*~*~*S”S”S”S”SCSSSSSC a TN UsArFede 49 CFR 571.208, Doors, locks and retention systems Page: 7 (uvss 206), 89.4.1 Primary and Auxillary Boor Latches, Load Test One Force Applotion. The test procedures for S41.4.1 and S4.2.4.4 are aa flows! (a) Fully latehed postion. (1) Attach the test fomure shown In Figure 2to the mounting provisions of the lech and {ure with latch and stkar Inthe Tully latched postion In the te load perpendloular tothe face ofthe latch. (2) Locate weights 20 a8 to apply a 900 N load tending to separate the latch and etiker In the alrcton of the latch opening. (3) Apply the tot load, Inthe rection specified In S4.11.1 and Figure 5, at arate not to ‘xcoed 5 mmm unt the requted load hae been echlaved. Record the maximum load schloved, (6) Secondary Latched Position, 1} Attach the tostfoure shown In Figure 2 to the mounting provisions of the letch and siker.Algn the declan of engagement parallel to the linkage of tha Tature. Mount the th {ure ith laten end eke In the secondary postion Inthe fast machine 80 a5 °0 apply a load perpendicular tothe face of th latch (2) Locate weights 20 a8 to apply a 900 N load tending to separate the atch and etiker In the action of the latch opening. (3) Apply the tos oad, Inthe dlvection specified In S4.11.1 and Figure 5, eta fata not to exceed 8 mmm unl the requted load has boon achloved, lacord maxdmum load achloved (4) The toot plate to whlch the door tion similar fo the envieanment in which eora, hs mounted wil have & etre cutout configura ‘oor latch wil be mounted on normel vale Load Test Two Force Application, The teat procedures for 841.12 and S4.2.1.2 are aa tliows (a) Fully Latched Postion. (1) Adapt the tot theture shown In Figure 3 tothe mounting provislns of the latch and sker- Mount the tatu wih Tatoh and tke nthe Tul latched postion Inthe ost mactine 80 0 apply aload inthe rection of latch pening. (2) Apply the tat load, Inthe rection specified In Sé.11.2 and Figure 5, ata rata not to exceed 2 minh Unt the requlted Toad hae been echlaved: Record the maximum Toad achieved, (6) Secondary Latcned Postion. (1) Adapt the test there shown In Figure 8 tothe mounting provislns of the latch and steer. Mount the fiture with latch and striker In the secondary latched positon Inthe test ‘machine 0 a8 to apply load In tho dlrecton a latzh opening. (2) Apply the tot load, Inthe rection specified In Sé.11.2 and Figure 5, sta rata not to ‘xcoed 5 mmin until the requted load has been echlaved. Record the maximum load chioved, ‘@Dalmier AG 9 2012-04-08 (Tha-hi) UsA/Federal: 9 CFR 874.208 Doors locks and retention systems Page: 8 (euivss 206) Load Test Three Force Application. The test pracedures for S4.1.8 sro aa fo lowe (a) Adapt the test fitura shown In Figure to the mounting provisions of the latch and sutker. Mount te fhture with latch and star Inthe fly latched pasion In the tact machine 50 a8 To apply a load in tha dretion spaced In S411. end Figure 6 (©) Ay the test load, In the direction specified n $ and Figure 5, st arate not to ‘xcocd 8 mmimin unil the requlred load has been achieved. Record the maximum load re auld 88.1.1 Inorlaf Force Applesion. The test procedures for S4.1.4.4 and 84.2.1. are as fellows: (a) Cateulason. The calelaion le performed In accordance with paragraph 6 of SAE Rec- commended Pracice J8S0 (1081) (Inarporatod by reference, aee § 718} (b) Dynamic Test, The dynamic inertial force application Ie tested according tothe setup specitied in paragraph (1) oF (2) of his section. (1) Test Setup and directions for Full Vehicle Test. (0 Toot Setup. (A) Rglly secure the full vehicle to an acceleration device thst, when acoolrated to gether, wil agsure that all polnts onthe erash pulse curve are within the cordor defined In Fable | and Figure & (C) Close the door) tobe tasted and ensure tha the door atch (es) is Inthe fuly-atohed positon thatthe door(s) le unlocked, and that all windows, It provided, on ‘he door) are Sloeed. (W) Test Dracons. (See Figure 7) (A) Longitudinal Setup 1, Orla he vehicle ao that ite longhudnal se Is alloned wth the «axieof the necsloration devies, simulating a frontal Impact. {2) Lena! Setup 2. Oren he vals so hat languages th the aeot : 20 that te nsverse axle Ie allgned withthe (0) Transverse Setup 2. (Only for vehi se.) Orlnt the vahcle so that its transverse Gevige, simulating a alda Inpact inthe ection oppoate ta that described ln B(H}UN(G) of ‘hie peragraph (2) Test Seup and Directions for Doar Tes. (0 Toot Setup. (A) Mount the door assemble, consetng of at least the door latch(es), exterior door hen: dl} wth mechanical ach seein, nro dor opaing lve.) and eng devin), ‘ther Separately er combined te at ‘mounted to {ixwre to correspond to a aorta one apeited in S}) ofthis paragraph, (@Dalmier AG us: 2012-06-08 (Ted Ak) 49 CFR 871.208, Doors, Jocks and retention systems Page:8 (FMVSS 208) (6) Mount te cord door opening ‘ixture to the sccaleration device, and tore (©) Ensure that the door latch Is In the fuly-latched pasion, that the door is unlocked (doors may be tethered to avoid damaging the recording equipment), and that any windows, I provided, ere closed (i) Test Directions, (See Figure 7} (A) Longitudinal Setup 4. Orient the deor subsystems) on the sessleration device In the dlveclon of frontal impact. (B) Longitudinal Setup 2. Oslent the door subsystem(s) on the accsleration device In the dlreclon of reer Impact. (©) Tranaverse Setup 1. Orient the door aubsystem(e) an the acceleration device In the dl rection oft dtiver-si8s Impact. (0) Tranavorse Setup 2. Orient the door eubsystom|e) on the acceleration device In the dl rection opposite to that described In (b}(2)(lI)(C) ofthis parsgraph (E) Vertcal Setup 1 (applicable only to back doors that open In a vertical drectian).Ortert ‘the door subsystems) on the acceleration device £0 that its verUcal axle (when mounted In ‘he vehicle) Is elghed with the axis of the acceleration device, simulating a rollover Impact ‘whore the foree la applad In the dlraction from tha top to the batiom of the door (when routed Ina vehlala). (F) Nerical Setup 2 (applicable only to back doors that open Ina vertical drectian). Orlent ‘the door subsystam(s) on the acceleration device so that Ite vertical axle (when mounted In ‘the vehlele) Ie aligned with the axle of the acceleration davice, slmulating a rollover Impact ihe fores le applied tn the direction opposite to that ascribed In {oy(2}(lN(e) of the (8) Test Operation. (0. The accalerston dovies platform ahall be instrumented with an accelerometer and deta ‘specified In SAE Recommonded Pr $571 §) Channel Class 60. The accel (i) Maintaining a minimum acceleration level of 30 g for a period of st least 90 ms, while ing the recorded acceleration within the pulse corréer defined In Table 1 and Figure €, ‘acealerate the acceleration device Inthe following dlrsctions In the directions specified In through (A) For Full Vehicle Te:}0(0}. (©) For Door Tests, in the diectione specitiod in $} through (i) Check recording device far door opening andior closure duting the test. (W) If at any point in time, the pulee exceeds 36 g and the test specifications sre met, he ‘toet ahall be coneldered valid {88.4.2 Door Hinges. The test procedures for 84.1.2 are ae follows Multiple Hinge Evaluation; @Daimier AG 2012-06-08 (Ted-hi) usArred 49 CFR S71.208 Doors, locks and retention systems Page: 10 (euvss 208) ' Longituana! Load Test. a) Attach the test fixture llustrated In Figure 8 to the mounting provisions of the hinge _ayetem. Hinge attuds ia configured to elmulate vahlole poston (doar Tully closed) relative to the hinge centering. For test purposes, the distance between the extreme end of one hinge In the aystem to the extreme end of another hinge inthe aystem Is to be set at 408 mm 4 ‘nm, The load le ta be applied equidatant between the tinagr cantar of te engaged portone ‘of tha hinge pine and thraugh the centerline of the hinge pin in the longitudinal vahcla rec. tion (gee Figure). ) Apply the test load at a rate not to exeaed 6 romnin until the required losd has been ‘achlevad, Record maximum load achieved, Tranaverse Load Test {a) Attach the test ture shown In Figure & ta the mounting provisions of the hinge eye tom. Hinge atts Is configured to almulata vanlls postin (deer fly alozed) reltlve tothe hinge centerline. For test purposes, the dtance between the extreme end of one hinge In Hon (ote Figure 2), ) Apply the test load at a rate not to exoaed 6 rom/nin unt the required losd has been achlevad, Record maximum load achlaved, '85.1.2:2 Back Door Hinge Load Test 4a) Load Test One (1) Attach the test ttre i system. Hinge attitude Is configured to slmulate vehicle po the hinge centerline. For test purposes, the distance between the extreme end of one hinge ‘system in the eystam to the extreme opposite end of another hinge system Is to be eet et 408 4 4mm, The load ls to be spplled equidistant between the linear center ofthe engaged por Hong gi the hinge pine anid tough tre centering of the hinge pln. and as spectiod In '84.12:1(6)1). (See Figure 8). (2) Apply the test load at a rte achieved’ Falls conaets. of 8 schleved, 101 fo exceed § mmmin untl the requled losd has been aration of either hinge. Record the maximum losd (0) Load Test Tao 4) Attach the test thcture llustrated In Figure 8 to the mounting provisions of the hinge ayetem. Hinge etude ls configured to emulate vehicle posan (door fully closed) ralatve to the hinge centering. For test purposes, the distance between the extreme end of one hinge tem inthe aystam tothe extrame oppeatte 44 mm. The load! t be sppled equidstant between the: the hingo pins and though the centerline of the hinge pln Figure 8) (2) Apply the test load at a rate not to excaed 5 rominin unl the requleed losd has baen achleved. Fallure conslats of = separation of alther hinge. Record the maximum load sschleved, (6) Load Test Three (1) Attach the test fixture llustrated In Figure 8 to the mounting provisions of the hinge system. Hinge etude la coniigured te elmulate vehicle postion (doar Tull closed) relative to “@Daimier AG c 6? 2012-04008 (Toa) UsA/Federal: 49 CFR 571.208 Page: 11 (ruvss 206) ‘tha hinge centailine. For test purposes, the datance between the extrame end of one hinge jppasis end of anather hinge eyetem is to be set at 406, Pplled through the centerline ofthe hinge pln, and ae specified In |8441.2-4(6)(0). (Soe Figure (2) Apoly he test laad ata rate not to exceed § mmmin until the caqured load hae been fchleved. Fallure conslate of @ separation of ether hinge. Record the maximum toed shaved 85.1.2 Single Hinge Evaluston. lndvidual hinges of a hinge aystem are tated in accordance whi the praceduree below: (2) Longitudinal Load. Atach the test fixture luetated in Figure @ to the mounting provi of the hinge. Hinge atttude ls configured to simulate the vahlels positon (door fully iva to the Nnge centerline. For test purposes, the Toad leo be appllad aque {ant betwoon the near center of the engaged pertions of ihe hinge pin end through the cen. {eine of the hinge pin Inthe longitudinal vahcle dracon. Apply the Teel laad ete rato not to fexcead 5 mm/min unl the requred load has been achlaved. Fallute const aration Dt elther hinge. Record maximum load achleved. (t) Tranaverse Load. Attach the test fitureMustrted In Figure 8 to the mounting provi slone of the hinge. Hinge atitude ls configured to simulate the vahlcla postion (door fully hosed) torino ‘exceed § mmimin unt Dt elther hinge. Record maximum load achleved. (6) Back Door Hinge Load Teste. (1) Load Test One, Attach the test fiture Mlustratad In Figure 8 to the mounting provisions cof the hinge, Hinge attuee ls corigured to simulate the vehicle postion (dor fuly closed) Tolatve to the hinge centerline. For test purposes, the load is to be applied squiditant be {tween the near center of the engaged partona at ihe hinge pin and trough the contering of {he hinge pln, and as specified In $ (See Figure 8). Apply the test load st rate fot to excaed § mminin until the required logd hae been achieved. allure conelste of a ‘Separation of eter ings. Record manimum load achieved. (2) Load Test Two, Attach the test fitue Mlustratad In Figure 8 to the mounting provisions fof the hinge. Hinge attitude ls configured to simulate the vehicle postion (dor ful closed) ‘olative to the hinge centerline. For test purposes, the load is to be applied equidistant be {tween the near center of the engaged partons af ihe hinge pin and through the conterling of {he hinge pln, and as spectied In $ (See Figure 8). Apply the test load ata rate rot to exceed § mmimin until the required load has been achieved. Fallure conslste of a ‘Separation of eter hinge. Record maximum load achieved. (6) Load Test Thee. Attach the test fre lustrated In Figure 8 to the mounting provi lone of the hinge. Hinge attitude l» configured to simulate the vehicle position (door fly oo Be applied through (85.1.2. For plano-type hing rangement of the test fiture fe altered 0 thatthe Fiogs. at forces ere applied to the complete ‘852 Silaing Side Doors. ‘@Daimier AG Tesue: 2012-04-08 (Toa-hkl) usarreder 49 CFR 571.208 Doors, locks and retention aystems Page: 12 (Fuss 206), 85.2.4 Door Latches, $ Load Test One Force Applloation. The requirements of S4.2.1.1 are tested In ac- ceordance with the procaduree epectiad in SS.1.1.1. § Load Test Two Force Application. The requlramente ot are tested In ac- ‘cordance with te procedures epectied in 83.4.1 2. 95.2.1. [Reserved.] $52.14 [Reserved.] {85.2.2 Door System. The test procedures for $4.22 are as follows: 85.2.2 Tests are conducted using a full vehicle with the sling deor and its retention ‘components $ The tests conducted using two fores appleaton davies capable of applying the ‘outward transverse forces specified in $52.24, The test aetup Is shown in Figure 10. The {roe application system shal incl tha following: (a) Two force sppieation platae, () Two force application devices capable of epplying the outward wansveree load re ‘quirements for a minimum alsplacement of 300 rm. (6) Twa load cells of suffcient capecty te messure the applied loads specified In $ (@) wo linear dleptacemont m tion device dleplacement during the tt sent devoes requlred for measuring force applica (6) Equipment to measure for @ 100 mm separation as speciied In S4.2.2.2(a), whlle re sspecting al relevant safety and health requirements. 85.2.2. Test Setup, (a) Pemove all interior vim and decorative components trom the aiding door assembly. (b) Remove seats end any interior components that may Interfere withthe mounting and ‘operation of the tost equipment and all pllar tim and ary non-suctural components that (vetlap the door and cause Improper placement of tha force applloatlon plates. (c) Each force application device and associated suppor etusture ls rig fixed an a horizontal aurfecs an the wehica flac, while eppiying the loads (d) Datermine the forward and aft alge of th ‘ure, that contains & latehstrker. sliding doer. or Its adjoining vahlels strue- (6) Ciose the sliding door, ensuring tha ll door retention components are fully engaged (1) For any tested door edge that contains one latchistrker, the following set-up proce: euroe are used! (1)(0 The force application plate le 180 mm In length, 60 mm in width, and st In thickness. The plate edges are rounded to a radue of € mm-=1 mn. et 18 mm (a) The plates are tied perpendicular to the force applleaton devices and move In the transverse direction. For alignment purpoass, each plate le attached tothe application davice Iva manner that allows for rotation about the vere’ y-avle. In this manner, te Ta “@baimerA@SSOSCS~*~*~*~*~S~S”SCS”SS”SSSSCS OAR) 49. GFR 871.208, Doors, locks and retention systems Page: 13 (Ftvss 206) each plate remal hal canterine Praila!to the vertical plane which passes through the vehicle's longitu (2) Place the force application device and force applleation plate against the door 20 that tha applied foree le perpendicular to the vertical longitudinal plane thet pessoa through the Tonglusinal centerline, and verically centared on the daorrmounted porion of the ker. (8) The force application plate Is positioned such that the long edge of the plate Is as close to tha Interior edge of the door as possible, but not euch that the forward edge of for ‘ward plate and the rear edge of the rear plate are more than 125 mm from the respective Interior edge: (a) Forany tested daor adge that contalne mora than one latchiatike, the folowing estup procedures are used! (1)() The force applleation plate Ia $00 mm In length, 50 mm In width, and at least 15 mm In thickness. The plate edges are rounded to a radius of B mm +1 mm. (i) The plates ave ted perpendicular to the foree applletion devices and move In the ‘waneverse direction. For alignment purposas, each plate ig aftached ta the application dovice Ina mannor that slows for rataion abaut tha vehicles y-axle. In thia manner, the faos of ‘each plate remalne parallal tothe vertical plane which peeaee through the vehicle longitu hal eanterine. (@) Place the force application device and force application plate against the door so that the applied force Is perpendicular to the vertical longitudinal plane that passes through the vehicle's longltudinal centerline, and vertically centered on a point midway betwesn the out- fermost edges of the latchistiker assembles. (8) The force application plate ls positioned such thet the long edge of the plate Is as 2 to the Interior edge of the dor as possible, but not such that the forward edge of tor id the rear edge of the rear plate ate more than 12.5 mm from the respective ct ‘ward plate Interior edge: (h) For any tested door edge thst dose net contain at leset one Iatohtriker, the following setup procedures are used! (1)() The force application plate Ia 300 ram In length, 50:mm in width, and at least 15 mm In thickness. The plate edgee are rounded to a radius of 6 mm 1 mm, (i) The plates ara thted perpendicular to the force application devices and more In the ‘waneverse dlection. For alignment purposes, each plate ig allached ta the application device manner, the face of Ina manner that slows for rotation abaut the vehicle's y-ave. In th ach plate remains parallel tothe vartcal plane which pesaos through the vehicles longitu nal centering (2) Place the force application device and force application plate against the door so that the applied force Is perpendicular to the vertical longitudinal plane that passes through the ‘yahlee's longitudinal canterlina, and vertically centered on s paint midway along tye length of the door edge ensuring thatthe loading device avolde contact withthe window glazing (8) The force. application plate Is positioned euch that the lang edge of tho plate Is as tose to tha Interior edgs of the doar 8s poselble, Sut not such that the forward edge of tor ward plats and the rear edge of the rear plate are more than 125 mm from the respective Interior edge (1) The door Io unlocked. No extra fitures or components: mey be welded or affixed to the sliding door or any of hs components, @Daimier AG 2012-06-08 (Teak) UsAvFederal: 48 CFA 671.206, Doors, locks and retention systems Page: 14 (FNS 208) (Place the load application structure 80 thatthe force apalcation plates are In contact, wit te ineror ofthe slang doar (Apply apr Teat Procedure load at 500 N to each actuator and "zero" the cleplacement messuring device. (a) Increase the force on each force application device as llnearly as practicable untll a fo1co of 8,000 IIe achloved on each force application device In not lags than 00 seconds and ‘not mare then 120 seconde, or unl etthar fore applicalon devies reaches a total algplace- ‘ment of 300 mn (b) It ona of the force application devioas reaches the target force of 9.000 N prior to the ther, maintain the 2,000 N force with that force application device until the second force ‘pplication device reaches the 8,000 N force (c) Once both fore application devices have achieved 8,000 N each hold the resulting toad (d) Malntaln each force application device load as apecifled in paragraph (c) and within 0 sscands meacura the asparstion between the exterior edge ofthe docrtrame andthe Intevor of the door slong the perimeter of the door 85.3 [Reserved) 49 CFR 671.208 Doors, locks and retention system Page: 15. (eves 206) FIGURE 4. EVALUATION OF SLIDING DOOR GAP SEPARATION ‘Top View — Pre Test Exterior of Vahigle ‘Top View — During Force Application interior of| Vehicle “@oamerAG—SSOSCSC~*~*~*~*~*~*~”S”S”S”SCSSS*C BOG BEI Page: 16 Doors locks and retention systems UsAFederat: 49 CFR 671.208 (Fuevss 208) (wuszorsoea0v0 ayavnooaw) alvis oxuNNOH ‘MBBS TVGONVHOUAIN Tind cuceemesome fh sccmoss ait daaign wera / san ‘toi vane nzauae i } wu eroresoe ony oust 30 snosmocsowunran | Suto1 sunixid SSSLSHLLavO TiNd + 483. GVO1 NOs SUNLXld ONILSAL TTISNAL— HOLVT HOO -z BuNold Doors, locks and retention ystome Page: 17 (enives 208) FIGURE 3 DOOR LATCH —TENSILE TESTING FIXTURE FOR LOAD TEST? PULL Secor Hoenn pes ‘BOOR LATCH ASSENBLY pull jo: BOI 04-08 (Tod ey USAVFederal: 42 CFR 571.208, Doors, lacks end retention systems Page: (Fuvss 208), FIGURE 4~-OGOR LATCH ~ TENSILE TESTING FIXTURE FOR LOAD TEST 3 (BACK DOORS ONLY) Pom | a) | gr _| Pet | ae n tts o epee ae es > [w]e wb |e. @Daimier AG Teeue: 2012-04-08 (Tbd-hkd) (ens 08) FIGURE 5 DOOR LATCH STATIC LOAD TEST DIRECTIONS. LoaD Test2 vororesrs conoresr a Acceleration) 120 @Daimier AG 2012.00.08 (Ted) USAFederal:49 CFR 571.206 Doors, locks and (Fuevss 206) lon aysteme Page: 20, FIGURE 7 - VEHICLE COORDINATE REFERENCE SYSTEM FOR INERTIAL TESTING ‘@Daimier AG 8: 2048-06-08 (Teer) UsAVFodoral: 40 CFRS71.206 Door, locks andrtmon ystems Page: 21 craves 206), 2 FIGURE 8 - HINGE STATIC TEST FIXTURES “@amera@——SSOSCS~*~*~*~*~*~S~S”S”S”SSSSS:*CS EMO ) Page:22 : : : vp tussioer i ‘Bie, i A, i xe : : & : (

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