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Patricia Mae T.

CODE 082 (RZAL 1013)



Instructions: Identify someone in the Philippines who can be regarded as the modern-
day Rizal. Consider the checklist of Rizal’s values below to help you choose. Explain
your choice. Write your essay in 200-400 words. Insert the picture of that person.
Rizal’s Values

☐Faith ☐ Temperance

☐ Love ☐ Prudence

☐ Hope ☐ Resilience

☐ Peace ☐ Compassion

☐ Patience ☐ Mercy


President Rodrigo Roa Duterte is today's version of Rizal, in my opinion. Simply because he
opted to prioritize the needs of his country over his own. President Duterte is regarded as a leader
because he possesses the characteristics of a "Great Man." Duterte has condemned for previous
anti-Catholic remarks to Rizal's faith values. Duterte, on the other hand, expressed admiration for
God's creations. He believes in God wholeheartedly. We will see him in Jolo and going to war in
Marawi. It isn't about bravery, after all. It's all about trusting in God. The President appreciated
churches for their efforts to promote a "fruitful Christian way of life" among Filipinos. He exhibits self-
confidence and determination, which he intends to use to put an end to drug-related crimes as soon
as possible, something that previous Philippine presidents had overlooked. Honesty and integrity, in
that he says what he honestly believes and willingness to lead. His "humble" beginnings make him a
relatable and extroverted personality. He is competitive, and he utilizes his authority to influence
Filipinos so that his plans will be implemented. He used to sacrifice for the benefit of his country, just
like Rizal, our national hero. Duterte urged Filipinos to fight the "dilemmas of indifference and
division," for which national hero Jose Rizal died over a century ago. This reaffirmed Duterte's belief
that he had the Filipino people's permission to implement comprehensive and transformative reform.
He has pledged to change the country away from a centralized system and toward a democratic form
of government to more effectively divide resources. He identifies as both a socialist and a reformer.
Above all, Rizal and Duterte care about their people. Despite his despicable behavior, many Filipinos
continue to support him. Because he exudes the charisma that only exceptional leaders possess. He
gives peace to our country in the same way that Rizal did during his time. He found solutions to
crucial problems that former presidents had failed to address throughout their presidential terms. Also
despite mounting criticism of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, Duterte has pleaded for
"patience and understanding." Finally, our President has shown his compassion in serving the
country, even though many people have unfavorable ideas and statements about him, he continues
to serve and show his great love for our country.

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