BSBPMG522 Task 2 V3.2 JR 1

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BSB50215 Diploma of Business

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership

and Management
10118NAT Diploma of Social Media
BSB50215 Diploma of Marketing
and Communication

Undertake project work
Task 2 – Written Report

Candidate Instructions

Purpose of this Assessment task

This assessment task is designed to test your skills in undertaking project work as required by the unit BSBPMG522
Undertake project work. Your trainer/assessor will be assessing your work and provide you with constructive
feedback on Canvas. This task will assess your skills to:
 Define project
 Develop project plan
 Administer and monitor project
 Finalise project
 Review project.

In this assessment you will analyse the provided case, undertake research using Bounce Fitness website, and
complete the 4 parts of the project to demonstrate your skills in undertaking project work.

What are you required to do to undertake this Case Study?

You should carefully read the provided Case Study, the additional documents provided on Canvas and undertake all
questions in the four parts. The task includes: (i) Analysing the case (ii) Undertaking required research and (iii)
Reporting. No video recording of a role play or presentation is required.

To successfully undertake this assessment, you should be doing the following:

 Read the provided Case Study, scenarios and Bounce Fitness additional resources couple of times and
understand the requirements
 Clarify the requirements with your trainer and assessor if you are not sure
 Research appropriate websites as directed by your trainer/assessor
 Self-reflect before you record your answers and upload them on Canvas
 Discuss with your trainer/assessor the contents of the project you will be submitting

Context and conditions of undertaking the tasks?

The prescribed tasks will be undertaken by you after carefully analysing the case scenarios. Your trainer/assessor
will provide you a context to role-play the scenario. Your trainer will also provide you guidance on the websites to
be researched. Your trainer/assessor may also set certain conditions under which you will perform the tasks
required by this assessment. For example, your trainer may set a time limit to perform a task or, ask you to repeat a
task or, ask you to give additional information about the performance by asking you some verbal questions or, they
may prescribe you some new conditions to undertake certain tasks.

Given your personal conditions, your trainer/assessor should also be able to make some reasonable adjustments in
undertaking the tasks of this assessment. You should check with your trainer/assessor about the conditions under
which the tasks should be completed, and the possible adjustment they can make in undertaking these tasks.

What specific WHS requirements may be involved?

This assessment will require you to be aware of the standard Workplace Health and Safety requirements e.g.
Workplace Health and Safety Act and Workplace Health and Safety Legislation Your trainer/assessor will advise you
on these and other legislative requirements.

Tasks and frequency of performance

Details of the tasks to be undertaken in this assessment are provided in this document. The tasks listed must be
performed at least once.

Getting Started
The assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum three attempts in total). All assessments
must be resubmitted 3 days within receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You must clearly indicate “Re-submission”
on your resubmitted work.

You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other personnel but may refer to reference material
as may be needed. All questions must be answered satisfactorily for the assessment to be completed satisfactorily.

For any assessment conducted that is incomplete, or without satisfactory performance, the assessment will need to
be completed again after further training support. This may be simply to focus on question areas not achieved in
the prior assessment.

Submitting your assessment

When you are ready to submit your assessments, upload the files in Canvas via the submission tab. It is important
that you keep a copy of all electronic assessments submitted to Canvas. Please submit all assessment components.

Word count
In this assessment some of the questions include a word count. This is a guideline only, but your answers should
not vary substantially (i.e. +/- 10%) from the word count provided. Microsoft Word includes a word count tool.

Objective To test the required application skills in undertaking project work.

Assessment Cover Sheet

Candidate name:

Trainer’s Name:

Date Submitted:
Candidate declaration: I declare that:
 I have read and understood all the information provided in relation to the
assessment requirements to complete this unit, the instructions and the purpose
and processes of undertaking this assessment task
 This assessment is my own work and where other’s works or ideas have been
borrowed, I have appropriately referenced or acknowledged them
 I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to disciplinary

Candidate signature:

Task 2 – Written Report

General Instructions
In this task you will be required to refer to the simulated company “Bounce Fitness” (Bounce Fitness website
details and access are available on Canvas) and demonstrate your ability to define a project which includes being
able to access workplace documentation, define project stakeholders, delegate, identify responsibility, clarify
responsibilities, and determine and access available resources.
Read the case study below and complete the activities.

Bounce Fitness is made up of four (4) fitness centers. Their head office is currently in Cairns, Queensland.
The other centers are in Brisbane, (Queensland), Sydney, (New South Wales) and Melbourne, (Victoria). It
is the intention of the Board of Directors that a new centre will be opened in Perth, (Western Australia).

It was established in 2001 by Margaret House as a single aerobic studio. After two years, membership
increases demanded the small, leased, centre be expanded and a new facility was built on land purchased by
the organization. In 2004 a second centre was established in leased premises in Brisbane and then Sydney
and Melbourne in the subsequent two years.

The Head Office remains in Cairns and a Board of Directors has been established to oversee the function of
the business in all of the centers. Each centre has a Manager, who reports to the CEO in Cairns, and a team
of permanently employed fitness instructors and other casual instructors, all of whom report to the Centre

The business is operated on best business practice and complies with all legislative requirements, local by-
laws and is registered with the national body.

Bounce Fitness intends to market its brand through excellence in service and expertise to establish itself as
a premier provider of fitness and wellness in Australia. Much time is invested in training the Centre staff to
upgrade their professional skills and customer service to foster a loyal member base. Classes are innovative
and varied with regular changes to routines and activities.

Bounce Fitness has developed choreographed fitness moves with accompanying music which is geared to
the varying interests, needs and goals of the member group. It is intended that all around Australia, gym,
and fitness centre members will continue to be enhancing personal performance through classes designed
and produced by this business.

Classes are coupled with state-of-the-art fitness equipment to cater to those who prefer resistance training to
aerobic workouts. Additional free weights allow for use by even die-hard lifters.

All centers are carpeted in areas used for stationary activities, spacious, well-ventilated, and air-conditioned
to make the environment as safe and comfortable as possible. They are light and feature wrap-around
mirrored walls. The decor was designed by a Brisbane firm and is updated every three years. There are
showers, toilets, lockers.

Each centre features a retail section selling fitness shoes, clothes, and other related fitness items. There is a
small cafeteria which is leased to a provider who supplies healthy, low calorie drinks and light food.

Each Centre has regularly scheduled aerobic classes ranging from high intensity to low intensity. The
scheduling is left to each centre but must sustain a minimum average of twelve in each class for them to
continue to be held. The style of classes changes as new methods are developed to sustain interest and
provide variety.

Group circuit classes are also available. They involve rotation around the different resistance equipment as
instructed by the Instructor. The workout also includes interval aerobic exercises to enhance the value of the

Very low intensity classes are also held in age care facilities to keep residents active. The classes
incorporate light weights. This exercise contributes to the physical and mental health of participants as well
as providing variety in their day.

Special classes are held in high schools for senior students, sheltered workshops and other special situations
as requested and are operated as a community service, at minimal or no cost.

Funding is primarily from memberships. Memberships are sold on a one, three, six- and twelve-month basis
on a decreasing fee scale. Casual members are welcome, but the daily rate is a premium one.
Each centre sells memberships to 120% of their capacity. This means that at peak times it could be quite
crowded, but experience demonstrates that there is a maximum of 80% usage.

The retail arm of the business accounts for about 30% of the takings from each centre. The strategic plan
for retail is set to increase investment in sales this year to 35%. Each centre will be given a budget to
develop and implement a sales and marketing plan to trial. The most successful may be implemented
nationally and will attract an incentive for the most successful centre.

The catering facilities, which produce 5% of the income, less any rent off-set, are currently leased to private
operators. This is reconsidered during each annual planning session by the Board.
The Board of Directors have come up with some business objectives and Key Performance Indicators for
the next 12 months for each of the centers. You are the Centre Manager for the Sydney Centre and are also
required to meet the business objectives as per below:
 Generate a 10% yearly increase in sales
 Increase market penetration every quarter
 Continue to cultivate Bounce Fitness’s image as the premier long-term wellness program
 Decrease customer acquisition costs by 4% every two quarters
 Lower the cost of service delivery by 1% a quarter
 Holding spending, as a percentage of sales at a steady rate.
To meet the business objectives, it was decided to open a coffee shop at the Fitness Centre to generate more
customers to the centre. The idea is also to have a hub where clients can also socialize after their sessions
and be able to have healthy snacks and meals.

You as the Centre Manager are responsible for the above project for your Fitness Centre.

Part A- Define project

1. Access documents from the Bounce Fitness website to define the project scope. The documents
you will have to access include Business Plan, Coffee Shop Marketing and Corporate Marketing
Plan and any other documents form the website such as financial documents. (Copies of these
documents have been downloaded for your convenience and available on Canvas under
“Additional Resources”).

List the documents downloaded and explain how you can use these documents to define the
project scope. (Approx. 50-100 words)

The scope of a project is essentially all of the work that must be completed in order to meet the
project's goals. To put it another way, scope refers to the process of defining and recording
particular project goals, results, milestones, activities, costs, and timetable dates that are relevant
to the project objectives.
Business Plan: The aim of the business plan is that Bounce Fitness capitalizes on its founder's
proven abilities to meet the rising demand for fitness training, personal coaching, and other
health-related facilities. Bounce's early recognition was due to its emphasis on individual client
needs, staff commitment and follow-up, and interesting and entertaining new classes combined
with groundbreaking new concepts. The addition of life coaching, rehabilitative massage and
other health facilities raises the number of people who use the Centers and makes it more
convenient for them.
Corporate Marketing Plan: The main aim of this plan is that Bounce Fitness will work with
businesses in Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne's city centers, assisting them in being more
profitable while reducing their overall costs through creative health services and approaches. The
Bounce Fitness strategy is much more positive, emphasizing avoidance and excellent health
encouragement. Bounce Fitness believes that by assisting employees in changing their behavior
habits and adopting healthy behaviors, health insurance costs to businesses can be significantly
decreased due to improved employee efficiency, lower absenteeism and turnover, lower worker's
compensation claims, and a sustainable, more empowered workforce.
Coffee-Shop Marketing: The aim of this marketing plan is to lay out the approaches, tactics, and
programs that can help the Bounce Fitness Café business plan achieve its sales goals. Unlike a
traditional café, Bounce Fitness Café offers a unique platform for communication and amusement
via the Internet. Bounce Fitness Café was created in response to a growing demand. What the
public wants is:
Internet users to have access to a variety of networking technologies and a vast amount of
A gathering place where you can interact and share your experiences with friends and coworkers.

2. After you have reviewed all the documents and accessed the project scope and other workplace
documents, you are required to write a project brief to define the project. In your project brief you
must include the following:

a) Define project stakeholders e.g. explain who will be included in the project

Project Stakeholders: Project stakeholders are individuals and organizations actively

participating in the project, or whose preferences may be influenced favourably or
unfavourably as a result of project implementation or productive project completion.

Members inclusive of the project are: team leader, team supervisor, graphic designer,
marketing specialist, copywriter and external consultant.

b) Who is the delegating authority for the project?

The delegating authority of the project is the team leader who is liable to lead the preparation,
management, and execution of marketing campaign programmes.

c) What are the project parameters?

The project parameters are the development of Bounce Fitness Café as a group forum for
socialization and amusement, as well as the development of an environment that will not
threaten inexperienced users. Bounce Fitness Café will place itself as an educational platform
for those interested in learning about the advantages of the Internet, as well as providing
excellent coffee and bakery products.

d) Your responsibility and reporting requirements

Being the Centre Manager of the Bonus Fitness, I am the team leader for the project of
opening of coffee shop at fitness centre. Reporting requirements are:

Centres and HO have weekly staff meetings.

Teleconferences with the Centre Manager and Assistant Manager on a regular basis.

Centre Manager and Assistant Manager conduct quarterly meetings.

Management at the Annual General Meeting.

Every year, the entire staffs participate in a day of team building.

e) Bounce Fitness’s objective

Bonus Fitness’s objective is to increase revenue by 10% annually, increase market penetration
every quarter, maintain Bounce Fitness' reputation as the predominant long-term wellness
programme manufacturer, lower consumer purchase costs by 4% every two years, lower
service provision costs by 1% per quarter, and maintain spending as a percentage of sales at a
constant speed.

f) Project documentation of other projects relevant to the one you will undertake

Project documentation include the overall project vision, the project plans, the
schedule, and the risk analysis.

g) Resources required for undertaking the actual project (to be recorded in your Project Scope
Statement), including:

o At least two (2) physical resources

o At least two (2) human resources
o At least one (1) technical resource
Record your answer in the Project Plan template provided in question 4 of this document. (Approx. 300
– Physical resources:
A High-Quality Espresso Machine
-Human resources:
Waiter and waitress
-Technical resources: Internet
provider Telephone

Part B- Develop project plan
3. To develop a project plan for the coffee shop at Bounce Fitness, you met with your team to consult and
discuss the following:
 Confirm the project parameters
 Identify project management tools which you can use to manage the project
 What would be the risks involved in the project?
 What budget has been allocated to the project? Refer to the marketing brief for the
coffee shop.
Document any notes or feedback from your colleagues in the meeting minutes below. Participants can
include another learner/friend/family member/colleague. (You do not need to video record this activity)

Purpose, Objectives and Elements of Development of internet coffee shop within bonus fitness center.
the Meeting:
Attendees: 6 attendees inclusive of the team leader (team supervisor, graphic
designer, copy writer, marketing specialist, external consultant.)
Date and time of meeting: 2nd May, 2021, 12:00p.m.
Venue: Bonus Fitness Center
General Business and topics discussed: Project parameters, project management tools, risks involved in
the project as well as the budget allocated for the project were discussed.

Responsibilities: All the attendees were allocated various responsibilities for the
project. Team Supervisor allocated the responsibility of supervising
and endorsing ad campaigns, graphic designer allocated the
responsibility of organizing the production of a logo or other visual
assets for use in print media, marketing specialist allocated the
responsibility of coordinating online media connections, copy
writer allocated the responsibility of clearly articulating how their
design idea achieves the aim for which they have been entrusted
and external consultant allocated the responsibility of retaining
editorial authority of both print and internet marketing and public
relations collateral.
Name and date: Jacob Thompson, 2nd May, 2021.

4. You are now required to develop a project plan which you must submit to your CEO and the Board of
Directors for approval. When developing the plan, you should take the following into account:
The Project Plan provides the detailed project work plan, timescale, and resourcing requirements, against
which the Project Board or Sponsor can effectively monitor and control project progress. Where a separate
business case is not required, the Project Plan also provides the business justification for the project, which is
reviewed as the project progresses to ensure it remains valid.

The key areas that the Project Plan should cover are:
 Details of the project deliverables, including timing of and responsibilities for delivery
 Key project milestones

 Key dependencies, constraints, and assumptions

 An overview of the major project risks

 A high-level project timeline

 Resource management, including budget and other resourcing requirements.

The key considerations in the development of the plan are:

 The plan must be achievable. This means that estimates must be based on consultation with the staff
who will undertake the work and/or reference to historical data

 The plan should incorporate, or be informed by, lessons from previous projects

 Project management and control activities (such as planning, reporting, reviewing and quality
checking), as well as the activities to create the products in scope should be considered and included
in the plan

 The plan should support the quality management, risk management and communication management
activities required for the project.

Project Plan: Establishment of Internet Café Shop at Bonus Fitness Center.
Learner must specify the
title of the project to be
Project Manager Jacob Thompson
Learner Name
Project Sponsor Margaret House, who guides the organization as it was founded, as a high-quality
fitness operator in three capital cities and one major regional center throughout
Who has identified the Australia, with more than two decades of personal training and life coaching
idea for the project and experience.
initiated its further
Date 20th April, 2021

Date when the document

was developed
Project Overview:
Brief description of what the project to be undertaken is about: The project is about the establishment of
internet café shop at bonus fitness center, which aims at providing Via the platform of the Internet, a one-
of-a-kind forum for communication and amusement. Also its main purpose is to provide for a gathering
place for entrepreneurs engaging in discussing their Internet-based business ideas, a networking hub for
students and young people active in sharing a beer and their Internet adventures with friends, a gathering
place for local seniors interested in learning about the Internet's power and improved communication
practices, and a rest stop for travellers in search of an internet connection.

Relevant Organizational Objectives

Specify two (2) organizational objectives relevant to the project to be undertaken
1. Check to see if the data source is relevant. Use knowledge from a reputable source that is
important to the industry (e.g. regulator, governing body, or management).

2. Review to see if the information source is up to date. The date of any research information is
needed to decide if the data provided is current and not outdated.

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Relevant Organizational Objectives
Specify two (2) organizational objectives relevant to the project to be undertaken
1. Consider the people who will be impacted. Know all of the program's main stakeholders,
including how they prefer to interact, their needs, and the appropriate end results.

Consider the ramifications of each marketing strategy in terms of promoting responsibility,

transparency, and collaborative problem-solving.

Project Parameters
The purpose of undertaking this project is to the development of Bounce Fitness Café as a group forum for
socialization and amusement, as well as the development of an environment that will not threaten
inexperienced users. Bounce Fitness Café will place itself as an educational platform for those interested in
learning about the advantages of the Internet, as well as providing excellent coffee and bakery products.

Scope Description
Specify two (2) characteristics of the expected product or service from the project.

Two characteristics of the service from the project are:

1. Clients of Bounce Fitness Café will have exposure to complimentary Internet and email courses.

2. Laser and color printing are accessible.

Project Stakeholders
Specify two (2) stakeholders involved in this project other then you are being the project manager. Each
stakeholder must include one (1) responsibility each, while two (2) responsibilities must be specified for the
project manager.

Personnel/Role Responsibilities
Leaner Name/Project Manager
Jacob Thompson Determine the activities must be performed as part of a campaign,
and then assign those tasks to the required team members.

Create and maintain a material schedule to ensure that all

activities are completed on time.

Involved in the product development and distribution.

Samantha / Team Supervisor
William Brown/ Graphic Designer Lead the production of a logo or other visual assets for use in
print media
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Specify two (2) deliverables expected from the project.
1. Bounce Fitness Café strives to train and educate a loyal fan base by offering a novice-friendly
2. It focuses on attracting influential Internet users. Efficacy Web users are well-versed in the Internet and
its features. At Bounce Fitness Café, this community of customers will play a significant role.

Specify two (2) exclusions of the project can be:
1. Revenues surpassing expectations: If there will be escalation in the revenues over projections, then the
marketing budget will automatically increase.

2. Revenues missing projections: If projections are not met, marketing activities might be increased. Missed
forecasts prompt a reduction in spending, especially marketing expenditures, which the project cannot

Acceptance Criteria/Measures of Success

Specify two (2) criteria that will determine the achievement/completion of the project.
1. Bounce Fitness Café can be distinguished from other nearby coffee shops and potential Internet cafés by
creating a special, creative, up-scale atmosphere.
2. The development of an atmosphere that is welcoming to new users. Bounce Fitness Café will place itself
as an educational platform for those interested in learning about the advantages of the Internet.

Project Constraints
List two (2) resources or events that will limit or restrict the implementation of the project.

1. Would the cost of internet connectivity from home drop to the point that Internet Cafes like Bounce
Fitness Café will be obsolete?

2. Will people be able to pay for the services provided by Bounce Fitness Café?

Reporting Requirements
Outline the reporting requirements involved in this project, including any reporting processes involved
The reporting requirements involved in this project are:
Centers and HO have weekly staff meetings.
Teleconferences with the Centre Manager and Assistant Manager on a regular basis.
Centre Manager and Assistant Manager conduct quarterly meetings.
Management at the Annual General Meeting.
Every year, the entire staff participates in a day of team building.

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Risk Assessment
Develop a Risk Management plan for the project that applies to the Fitness Industry
Risk Assessment Likelihood Impact Mitigation Strategies
Low/Medium/High Low/Medium/High
Project not finish on Medium High Try to stick on the
time schedule and do not
procrastinate the
Clash Interest Low Medium Solve every problem
with discussion and
comes out to one vision
Over Budget Medium High Planning budget very
well and do not over
spending when the
project is running.

Risk management plan

Risk Reference

event happening)

Source (How can

strategiesEfectiveness of
The Risk (What

can happen?)

this happen?)

Impact (from

Risk Project not finish Procrastinat It can Stick to the schedule effective Me Project
Ass on time can disturb e and not disturb the and get things done in diu could
ess the project stick to the project the proposing time m be
me schedule schedule progress finishe
and d on
timeline time
Risk Clash interest may Egoism on Team Everyone should reduce effective Lo Teamw
asse causing the team each becoming their ego and find an w ork
ssm not work well individual not solid agreement maybe
ent affecte
Risk Over budget may Not having Project Stick to the budget effective Me Project
ass causing a well could be planning diu funding
ess prepared stopped m could
me budget be
nt affected

Compliance commitments
Highlight the key compliance commitments to the project; consider legislation that may be impacted by this
change. For information regarding legislation that applies to the Fitness Industry.

Fitness facilities are governed by a complex web of legislation (Commonwealth, State and
Territory), common law and State and Territory-based fitness industry codes (some of which
are mandatory and have legal status as statutory instruments, and some of which are not).
Failure to comply with a mandatory industry code may result in compliance orders being made
to remedy the contravention. Generally speaking, a failure by fitness facilities to comply with
13 | P a g e
reasonable and acceptable industry standards of service provision can give rise to legal
liability in negligence to compensate for personal injuries that have been caused by the failure.
Following changes to Australian law in 2002, recreational service providers, including fitness
businesses, have been given the right to contract out of their duty of care to their customers by
using exclusion clauses that can waive or limit liability for negligence or breach of warranty
that services would be provided with reasonable care and skill. Membership applications and
pre-screening tools used by fitness businesses typically include exclusion clauses. Common
use of such clauses has raised concerns that fitness businesses may decline to invest in injury
prevention practices and thereby risk the safety of their consumers.

Resource Requirements
List at least two (2) resources for physical, technical and human resources you will require to undertake the

Physical Resources Human Resources Technical Resources

Oven Waiter and waitress Internet Provider
A High-Quality Espresso Machine Barista Telephone

Estimated Project Cost

Students must outline all expenses associated with this project, including the resource
requirements, materials, labor costs, etc. must be listed.

Expense Type Description Estimated Cost

Oven Used to bake the patisserie $249
A High-Quality An espresso machine brews $1,500
Espresso Machine coffee by forcing pressurized
water near boiling point
through a "puck" of ground
coffee and a filter in order to
produce a thick, concentrated
coffee called espresso.
Waiter and waitress The one who will serve $3000
the customers (for 3 employee)
Coffee Beans For coffee material to grind $1000
Barista a person, usually a coffeehouse $2000
employee, who prepares and
serves espresso-based coffee
Internet provider Provide internet service for the $3500

Telephone For communication purpose $100

Total Estimated Project Cost $ 10,349

Project References
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Log all documentation and references accessed to determine the requirements of this project
The documentation and the references accessed to determine the requirements of this project are
specifications, client programs, quality assurance manual/operating procedures as well as the National
Standards and Code Of Practice.

Monitoring and reporting

Provide a summary of the monitoring and reporting mechanisms that will be adopted in relation to the
project and the frequency with which each will be implemented, using the table that follows. These should
be agreed with the Project Sponsor. Be sure to delete any mechanisms that will not be used and add any
that are not already included.

Control Purpose Frequency

Project Status Report to ensure that the objectives of the project are Monthly
being met by monitoring and measuring progress
regularly to determine variances from the plan
Exception Report to focus management attention on just those Monthly
areas requiring immediate action
End Stage Report used to give a summary of progress to date, the The end of the
overall project situation, and sufficient project
information to ask for a Project Board decision
on what to do next with the project.
Scope represents limitations or defines the boundaries Beginning of
of its application. project
Quality to provide structure and order to the processes Middle of
through which a company ensures that its project
products and procedures meet the appropriate
internal and external requirements, such as
through customer expectations or federal laws.
Issue Log, Risk capturing risks that we want to monitor over the Middle and end
Register life of the project so that we can take action of project
before they have a negative impact on the

Communication and Consultation

Provide details of the communication and consultation activities undertaken and agreed with the client
The process of consultation is an extremely important concept in the context of managing an
organisation. Consultation is an active process in which organisation management opens formal
and informal communication channels between the organisation and its stakeholders. Consultation
is a two- way process between you and your workers where you: talk to each other about health
and safety matters. listen to their concerns and raise your concerns. seek and share views and

Provide details of the important markers

15 | P a g e
Status codes
Copy the correct colour code into the status column

Not started In progress Complete On hold Terminated

Milestone Target Date Status
Web Development 20th May, 2021 Not Started
Introduction to the Internet Class 20th May, 2021 Not Started

Provide an overview of the project timeline using the Gantt chart below
Project Name: Establishment of Internet Café Shop at Project Manager: Jacob Thompson
Bonus Fitness Center.

Phase, activity, Person Work Timeline

task Response. efort
Graphic Designing
Copy Writing

Original planned end date will be met +/- (n) task now (n) weeks ahead or behind schedule
C=task completed this week

Part C: Administer and monitor project

You are required to demonstrate your ability to administer and monitor the project for the coffee shop at Bounce
Fitness. You will be required to take action to ensure project team members are clear about their responsibilities,
provide support, establish, and maintain record keeping systems, implement and monitor plans for managing
project finances, resources, complete and forward project report, undertake risk management and achieve project

5. Assume that you met with the project team members to ensure that they are clear about their
responsibilities and the project requirements. Document your meeting in meeting minutes and list
their responsibilities. (Approx. 50-100 words).

Purpose, Objectives and Elements of the Development of internet coffee shop within bonus fitness
Meeting: center.
Attendees: 6 attendees inclusive of the team leader (team
supervisor, graphic designer, copy writer, marketing
specialist, external consultant.)
Date and time of meeting: 3rd May, 2021, 12:00p.m.
Venue: Bonus Fitness Center

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General Business and topics discussed: Reinforce, develop, and preserve record-keeping systems, enforce
and track strategy for managing project marketing budgets, complete and forward project reports, manage
risk, and meet project deadlines.

Name and responsibilities: William Brown Graphic designer allocated the responsibility of
organizing the production of a logo or other visual assets
for use in print media.
Name and responsibilities: Sandy Jones Marketing specialist allocated the responsibility of
coordinating online media connections.
Name and responsibilities: Oliver Campbell Copy writer allocated the responsibility of clearly
articulating how their design idea achieves the aim for
which they have been entrusted.
Name and responsibilities: Lee White External consultant allocated the responsibility of
retaining editorial authority of both print and internet
marketing and public relations collateral.
Name and responsibilities: Samantha Team Supervisor allocated the responsibility of
supervising and endorsing ad campaigns.

6. Read the scenario below and explain how you are going to support Samantha in meeting the
project timelines and communicate with external stakeholders. (Approx. 50 words).

Whilst the coffee shop is being built and the project is underway, one of your project team members, Samantha
who is supposed to research some coffee machines which need to integrated into the coffee shop. Samantha is
also required to source the coffee beans in the aim of obtaining the coffee machine for free. Samantha seems a
little disorganized and the information was supposed to be collected and presented to the Centre Manager by
last week. As the Centre Manager you know that Samantha is very capable; however, needs some support and
assistance to get the required information. However, Samantha is finding it difficult to communicate with
representatives and getting them to come in on time.

Samantha is facing some issues as she is a little bit disorganized, also finding difficult to communicate with other
team members as such the Center Manager comes forward to help her. The Center manager will call upon all the
team members and discuss what’s the major problem being faced, will encourage the other team members to help
and support not only Samantha but the other employees also whenever they are in need and also developing certain
goals and standards of performance for all team members. In this way Samantha can feel confident enough to
undertake the responsibility assigned to her and with this encouragement she will be able to accomplish the work on
time in future.

7. Complete the ‘Recordkeeping Systems Log’ for this project showing how you are going to maintain the
required records for the Café Shop project for Bounce Fitness.

Recordkeeping Systems Log

Record Type Purpose Frequency

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8. Read the scenario below and complete the activity.

During your weekly meeting, you have reviewed previous weeks’ records and have found that some of the
project records have not been entered into the system. You are not happy as all records need to be
systematically entered and updated so that you monitor the milestones of the project.

Explain how you, as the Centre Manager, will ensure that the record-keeping system is continuously
maintained. (Approx. 50 words).

It is the responsibility of the employees working to maintain the record-keeping system. All stored documents are
identified and recoverable, and the storage areas are free of moisture and other agents that could cause premature
degradation. Records have to be held on software magnetic media, and are subject to routine ‘back-ups,' with the
‘back-up' documents being stored in a secure place to protect current data from loss or harm. All documents are held
for at least two years before being checked and transferred to the Head Office archives, where they will be kept

9. Once you have completed the project scope, and identified the resources required for the project, you
need to ensure that these resources are available for you to implement the project. Use the Project
Resources Log in the following pages to record all the resources required for the project as specified in
the Project Scope Statement. For the purpose of this assessment, the log must include:
 At least two (2) physical resources
 At least two (2) human resources
 At least one (1) technical resource

Check that these resources are available in the organization before commencing the project. When doing so,
ensure that you have obtained permissions and made necessary arrangements from relevant persons in the
workplace to be able to access these resources. Document the date when you checked and accessed the
resources. Has a relevant person sign off that section in the Project Resources Log.


Project Establishment of Internet Coffee Shop in Bonus Fitness Center
Project Jacob Thompson
Date: 3rd May, 2021
Resource Quantity Available? Date Supervisor/
Yes No Checked Personnel
Coffee Machinery, Other equipment 2 Yes 2nd May, Jacob
related to project 2021
Team Supervisor, Graphic Designer 2 Yes 2nd May, Jacob
Bounce IT, Finance and budget report 2 Yes 2nd May, Jacob

10. Refer to the previous Risk Assessment Plan that you conducted in Question 4 and review the risk
assessment plan to ensure that the project outcomes are met. Once you have reviewed the risk
assessment plan and the outcomes, you are required to write a report to your CEO and Board of

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Directors. You must address the following key points:
a) include a review of the risk management plan
b) advise them of the progress of the project
c) if the project deliverables have been achieved
Answer: This report is established to review the risk management plans that are based from the
Project Plan to be read to the CEO and Board of Directors. This report is written as a result that the
outcomes that are expected from the project have been met. This report is also written as a response
towards the situation of the project especially on the risk management plan. The construction work
is done on time therefore the expected risk did not arise although, the construction slightly bothers
some clients of the Bounce Fitness Centre, but the majority is not bothered as much.
For the staffs that are freshly recruited and stations at the coffee shop, they are now undergoing
training while doing a practical experience at the coffee shop and although the speed of service
has not reached a satisfactory results yet, they are improving and are expected to meet the targeted
quality by the end of next month.
Next is that we the project team would like to advise that if a coffee shop and hub is going to be
established for another Bounce Fitness Centre, we advise the use of the contractors we have and
the interior designer on the next project. For the furniture and appliances that we use, the website
that we use provides a variety of different designs and will surely be useful for future projects.
As a part of the closing statement, the project was a success since the expected deliverables are achieved.
The deviances of the tasks are still within the timeline of the project and the budget are spent wisely
despite some errors from certain budgeting inputs that will be included in the detailed
budgeting team’s project report. This project would not be finished without the full
cooperation from the Project Team, Centre Manager, Stakeholders, contractors and of course the
organization who has entrusted this project to us.

(Approx. 150 words)

Review of the Risk Management Plan


For the budgeting plan of the project plan, the rise in coffee beans price is entirely unexpected. It
was identified by the Financial Controller. This could happen from time to time, but the lesson is
always to expect the unexpected since this is something that is overlooked.

Risk Management Process

From the field of the overall project plan, the execution, risk management process and budgeting for the
project are a mix of new and old experience even after doing quite a few number of projects over the years

Tracking and Reporting

Status codes
Copy the correct colour code into the status column

Not started In progress Complete On hold Terminated

Milestone Target Date Status

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Part D: Finalize and review the project
You are required to demonstrate your ability to finalize and review the project for the coffee shop for Bounce
Fitness. You will be required to review your budget, transition of staff, complete project documentation, review
project outcomes, and involve your team members and document lessons learnt.
11. Read the scenario and complete the following activities.
You have met with the Financial Controller of the project to check the project budget and if your budget is on
track. During your meeting, you have identified and been informed by your Financial Controller that there is
now an increased cost for the coffee beans as the coffee beans selected are imported and of very high quality.
This means the cost for the coffee will increase over the next 12 months.
You are now required to review your budget and incorporate the increased costs of the coffee beans and
discuss it with the Financial Controller. Present the revised budget to your CEO for sign off.

Project Budget
Expense Type Estimated Cost Actual Cost
Oven Used to bake the patisserie $249
A High-Quality Espresso An espresso machine brews $1,500
coffee by forcing pressurized
water near boiling point through
a “puck” of ground coffee and a
filter in order to produce a thick,
concentrated coffee called
Waiter and Waitress The one who will serve the $3000 (for 3 employee)
Coffee Beans For coffee material to grind $2000
Barista a person, usually a coffeehouse $2000
employee, who prepares and
serves espresso-based coffee
Internet Provider Provide internet service for the $3500
Total $11,649
Approved by:

12. You held a final meeting with your project team and together with your team finalised the project using
the ‘Project closure report’. Complete the project closure report that specifically addresses finalised
financial records, how the project documentation will be archived, and the transition plan for team
members to new or previous roles, the outcome of the post implementation review, lessons learned and
opportunities for improvements. (Approx. 150 words)

Answer: Every project comes to an end eventually. Carefully managing the closure phase is as important
as any other phase of the project. Organisations that manage project closure and review well prosper.

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Those organisations don’t manage projects closure tend to have projects that drag on forever and repeat
the same mistakes over and over.

Closing out a project includes a daunting number of tasks. In the past and on small projects the project
manager was responsible for seeing all tasks and loose ends were completed and signed off. This is no
longer true. In today’s project-driven organisations that have many projects occurring simultaneously, the
responsibility for completing closure tasks has been parsed among the project manager, project teams,
project office, an oversight “review committee,” and an independent project review facilitator. Many
tasks overlap, occur simultaneously, and require coordination and cooperation among these
stakeholders. The three major deliverables for project closure are described below

1. Wrapping up the project. The major wrap-up task is to ensure the project is
approved and accepted by the customer. Other wrap-up activities include
closing accounts, paying bills, reassigning equipment and personnel, finding
new opportunities for project staff, closing facilities, and the final report.
Checklists are used extensively to ensure tasks are not overlooked. In many
organisations, the lion’s share of closure tasks are largely done by the project
office in coordination with the project manager. The final report writing is
usually assigned to one project office staff member, who assembles input
from all stakeholders. In smaller organisations and projects, these closure
activities are left to the project manager and team.
2. Evaluation of performance and management of the project. Evaluation
includes team, individual team members, and project manager performance.
Vendors and the customer may provide external input. Evaluation of the
major players provides important information for the future.
3. Project Reviews. Reviews of lessons learned are designed to improve
performance on current and future projects. Today, most reviews are the
responsibility of an independent facilitator. The facilitator also provides major
input to the closure report that will include lessons learned. These post-
project reviews should be held with the team to catch any missing issues or
gaps. This chapter begins with the recognition that projects are shut down
for many reasons. Not all projects end with a clear “Finished” and are turned
over to a customer. Regardless of the conditions for ending a project, the
general process of closure is similar. Wrap-up closure tasks are noted first.
These tasks represent all the tasks that must be “cleaned up” before the
project is terminated. Evaluation of project performance is next. Finally,
lessons learned or project reviews are examined in detail.

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Project closure report
Name of project:
Date & location of meeting:
Names of attendees:

Overview by project manager

Summary of highlights and achievements

Review by team of the course goals, objectives/deliverables

Met Missed Partially Comments



Success Factors

Lessons learned

Next steps / improvement plans / what could you do better?

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Archiving of records

Transition plan for project team members

Project closure report approvals

Prepared by:
Approved by:
Approval date:

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