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What is a Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is the

process of gaining website traffic or
attention through social media sites.
(Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn,
Instagram, Google+ and so on….)
Benefits of Social Media Marketing:
■ Brand Awareness.
■ Brand Promotion.
■ Increase Sales.
■ Increase conversion on website.
■ Increase engagement in your App.
■ Social media allows you to get feedback instantly.
■ Social media helps target audiences more effectively.
■ Basically Facebook is a social media platform, where we can make new
friends, find old school/college friends, interact with new peoples, see
photos of our friends and celebrities and so on.
■ But in digital marketing term, Facebook is a Sub-part of Social Media
Marketing that We can use as a tool of social media marketing.
Why Facebook ?
■ Facebook has a huge amount of costumer base.
■ Facebook has 2.23 billion monthly active users.
■ Facebook support more than 100+ languages.
■ Facebook is a globally popular social networking
What is a Facebook marketing plan?
Facebook marketing refers to creating and actively using a
Facebook page as a communications channel to maintain
contact with and attract customers.

• Raise awareness
• Drive demand
• Boost sales

Facebook business tools help you do it all.

Overview of Facebook
■ The average Facebook user has 330 friends; 15% of FB users have
more than 500 friends
■ An average user likes 40 pages
■ Each day 4.7 billion posts are shared on Facebook.
■ There are between 1500 and 15,000 pieces of content that
Facebook could show you each time you log in.
The first step to any social media marketing strategy is to
establish the objectives and goals that you hope to achieve.
• What is the end result you are looking for?

• What goal do you want to achieve?

• Be clear on your goal.

Create a Plan of Action achieve goals
• Once you’ve decided on a goal,
you need to create a plan to
achieve the goal. Here are some
things you will need to consider
in order to reach your goal.
Target audience
Core Audience

• Personas- youth, Man, Woman

• Profiles- Job seeker, House wife, Professionals

• Demographics- Age above 24 year,

• Identify any new customer types that you want to attract
based on your products/services.
Target audience
• It can help to split this into three types of social follower
Loyal-Regular customers who are already connected to you via social media. You want to retain
them and increase their purchases and engagement with your social profiles.

Existing-Customer who have with you before but aren’t regular shoppers and haven’t connected
on Facebook. You want to nurture them, bringing them closer to you online and therefore
increasing purchase rates.

Potential-People who have never visited the website or purchased from you but who are regular
online shoppers, and users of social media
What is Reach?
⦿ Reach: the number of people who see your post.
⦿ Similar to print readership in traditional advertising.
⦿ It may appear in people’s feed, but it depends on they may
react to it or not.

Organic reach VS Paid reach

⚫ Organic reach: people who see your ad via a like, share or comment
notification that a person’s friend makes.
⚫ Paid reach: people who are served your post because they meet the
criteria of the target audience that you identify.
How to Reach Organically?
■ Post good content.
■ Post to the interests of the audience, not your needs.
■ Use photos that pass the “scroll test”.
■ Post frequency and timing: max of once per day, afternoon is best.
■ Post content that is likely to spur conversations. Ask open ended
questions to spark feedback.
■ Follow your Facebook Insights.
■ Engagement = (Likes+Comments+Shares)/people reached.
■ Try to target 10% engagement with your posts. As engagement
increases, so does your reach.
Facebook Advertising.
■ Facebook ads is simply paying Facebook to show posts in
front of wider audience of your choice.
■ A Insurance Advisor for example: might only want their
post seen by Retired / 60+ year old in Bangalore.
■ Facebook makes it possible to target the right audience, and
narrow it down so you get right people seeing your ads.
■ Facebook ads just looks like just normal post but say as
‘sponsored ads’ on the left hand corner.

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