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NIM : P27241020149


Write Down Your Response with this statement.

1. You should be fined for not recycling.
Response : I agree with that statement, because that way people will recycle waste.
2. You should not have to wear a helmet when riding a motor bike.
Response : I don't think so, because if you don't wear a helmet when riding a motorbike,
it will endanger your safety.
3. All museums should be free to the public.
Response : I also think so, because if it was free many people would come to study.
4. Teachers are responsible for low test scores.
Response : I disagree with that statement , because in my opinion when a student gets a
low grade it means that the student is not diligent in studying
5. All students should be required to take a cooking class.
Response : I don't think so, because every student has different interests and talents.
6. All individuals should pay the same tax rate.
Response : I disagree, because each individual has a different income.
7. Individuals who share music online should be put in jail.
Response : I also have that opinion when the individual shares it illegally, because it can
harm certain parties.
8. Parents should be required to take a parenting class when they become pregnant for the
first time.
Response : I agree, it aims so that parents can overcome the problems that occur in the
first pregnancy
9. Television commercials for alcohol should be banned.
Response : I think so, because a lot of young children watch television.
10. Schools should regulate what students bring in their lunch.
Response : because each family's financial situation is different, so I disagree with that
11. Prisoners should be allowed to vote.
Response : because prisoners are also human beings who have human rights, I agree with
that statement.
12. The U.S. should not have dropped the atomic bombs on Japan to end WWII.
Response : those words are very true, to end the world war it does not have to be by
means of bombing.
13. The government should have the right to restrict freedom of speech in certain cases.
Response : I agree with that statement, because in certain cases when freedom of speech
is allowed it becomes a big problem.
14. Schools should provide laptops for all students.
Response : it depends on the ability of each school, if the school can provide a laptop for
every student then I agree, but if it's not like that then I disagree with that statement.
15. It should be mandatory that no teacher assign homework over the weekend.
Response : I totally agree with that statement, because on weekends it is supposed to be
used for relaxing.
16. Texting and talking on the phone while driving should be illegal.
Response : I agree with that statement, because it could endanger the safety of the driver.
17. Reality tv has no benefits for viewers.
Response : I disagree, the reason is tv useful for entertaining everyone in their spare
18. William Shakespeare is the best author of all time.
Response : I agree , he is considered the greatest English playwright and world-renowned
19. Students who attend Boarding school perform better academically than students who
attend a traditional school.
Response : I agree , because students who attend boarding school given more learning.
20. Welfare recipients should be required to take drug tests.
Response : agree, because welfare recipients must be free from drugs.

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