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US Army Corps of Engineers Buffalo District Webste #8 Meda News Releases News Release Archive + 200) = 2019158) + mu + 272) » 21622) = mo1si32) = Mian + mE) + RM Athol Springs: Strengthening Shorelines and Building Communities Published Aug 9, 2019, RINT) EMAIL BUFFALO, NY ~The US. Army Corps of Engineers, Buta Disses exeo to announce the awarding ofthe $8.2 millon Athol Springs canta, fr the strengthening ofthe Lake Erie seawall along Rate Sin the Hamlet of Ato Sprags, Hamburg, New York, “Route 5s a vitl ink between Bufo and the Southtowns,afickng abou 40,000 motors day, The current state ofthe seawal has presented a gauntlet of water, ie and debris endangering the comma. This project wil strengthen the shoreline forthe community asthe US. Army Corps of Engineers together with the New York State Department of Transportation partner to ensure publ safety and amore stable shoreline along Lake Erie said ol ason Toth, USACE Buflalo District Commander “Trough an enduring partnership beoween the Corps of Engineers and the New York State Department ot ‘Transportation that has lasted over two decades, the team has awarded 3 construction contract to Momish Wallace ‘om August, 2019 wo strengthen the seawall on Lake Erie that protects Rove 5. The project expected startin ‘October 2019 and continue through the fll of 2020, ‘The project design neues 31325 near foot armas stone revetment made up of3 foot damter boulders to sorb the wave action at comes in fom Lake Eri. A pedestrian pathway Is aso planned ro run along the top of| ‘he revetment which would steteh ong the entire length ofthe projet. “The currensat of the seawall on Route S poses 262 riko the allthose traveling through southern Erie County. “Thats why! am pleased to see thatthe Atho Springs Shoreline Protection project has finally been avarde and ‘onstruction should begin soon” ssid Congressman Chris Colin. "Special rae shouls be attcbuted tothe US. ‘Army Corps of Engineers who have worked hand in hand with my team, a5 wel a other elected ofa to make ‘his projeethappen= in May 2013, he Corps of Engineers an the New York State Department of Transportation signed an amended Project Partnership Agreement forthe Ahol Springs Shoreline Protection projet alloing the project to move orward. Tis agreement allowed the project to move forward fullfunded bythe federal goverrment under the Continuing authorities Program Section 103 (Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction), Contact Anarew Kornack 716.879.4369 ‘76352-8669 (ce) anaren.a kornacausace my 1776 Nagar Street Release no. 19.036 https! 1“ US Army Corpeof Engineers Sufi ister Websne A Mesia News Releases News Release Archive 2020190) moar poise poe) 2018022) 20132) zona pari ara USACE Buffalo District awards contract for Great Sodus Bay seawall repair [ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, BUFFALO DISTRICT Published Sept 30,2020, ‘eRINT | EMAL BUFFALO, NY ~The US. Army CoepsofEngnners Bulla District awarded a $3.86 millon contrac to Mihigan- based Great Lakes Dock & Materials LC, on August 21 for repairs tothe east breakwater inthe Great Sodus arbor, located in Sodus ay, Vilage of Sodus Poin, Wayne County, Nv Construction is schedule to stat ater this fll and ince repair o approximately 525 feet of the Charles Point steel sheet ple wal wich provides protection tothe shoreline east ofthe east brekwater. Agapin te breakwater has caused increased erosion tothe land behind tan the repr design vill provide beter protection fo eosin af the bul and potenti breach int the harbor. “Years of erosion and the recent historic floding that inundated Lake Ontario Communities ke Sodus severely damaged the very same protective infasiructure that the Army Corps of Engineers built decades 2go to protect Sodus Bay ang homes along Charles Point U.S Senator Caries Schumer 6 “Tht's why | was proud o secure ‘545 milon in funding this yer to rally epair and rebuld the Crates Point barir beach break wall-a vial Sel, protecting Sods Bay and safeguarding homes onthe Charles Pont bf fom the sk of alin int Lake ‘ontai, “The continued Lake Ontario high water events of recent years have accelerated ercsion to this area which 's particulary bad andin need of immediate repairs and shoreline protection sid Lt. Col Bi Adams, Buffalo Dist commander. "Unfortunately thas become increasingly apparent that, cross he Gret Lakes, the need to repair aged harbor infastructure has exceaded the means to execute these repairs. crcl me to Invest in harbor maintenance because treats 3 resent shoreline that can witstane future water fevel highs and lows. Repairing the Grest Sodus harbors directly ted tothe long-term economic growth, quay of fe, nd ‘environmenta heath ofthe harber. ThonkfUly, we have 2 grea teom = nelusing project manager Michael Draganac anc engineer designers Frank Lewandowski and Glyn Hinds - ho are aw onthe job” ‘The Buta Dstt received $45 in Federal funding to construct the projet in Apri 2020, ‘Te Corps of Engineers Cvt Works mission provides ake foundational component ofthe Nations public infrastructure that facltates economic growth, quality o fe, environmental health and ational security forthe ‘American people For more information about Corps of Engineers Continuing Authorities Program please vst: sda asec. snllMsions/iv. Works/Overview/ Continuing Autres rogram. Contact Susan Bar 7ea7aa4i0 716.788.2618 cel) susan. blaiegusace army 1776 Niagara Street Release no. 20-028, hitosiww tb eace.ermy.mlMedia/News-Releases/A\rticle/2366206/usace-buffalo-distrct-awards-contractfor-greal-sodus-bay-seawallepair/ 12

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