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GROUP THEORY ASSIGNMENT be clictince patmes - Support His a pooper which is 4 gee andes odli¥on , tivee elements oF we set Pp). Ther which oF were ar Gr lee pand 4 gubset of wntegers containin exactly Lp Prd? PY? POH mt eae ree ptp pLeP™ oo. pr P% oF pr Pr? Pr 2- Be of al 2*2 crabescen colt entaied from Fe and A=! is w _ des vrakis “mull plication - geo on cir (Ga- Show trat for Abelion gvoupsy @by"= abd”. VSOOGE 4- Show inae G %> obelicn iP} @b) t= @b* @5- Fee a,b eG k emy interes” shew treat Gr'ba)'= aba GE List all the elawe nen-abellan? ~ of GLB.) Ts tis gsoup | -Leb G= bt g f [&e]-ceRadof usGager under- matcix multiplication @ 08- Suppose tart the identity conditfon ae = ea = ia weplacedk by tne conditfon Ae=a yaing: Then it imph'eo tit easartba —Teue | False 4xe9!) jxl is ip aren ft= a eubgt? Qa- le G be on abellon 95eu tat Ht Is finite Z. Prove / Dispsove ot G- Qro- Lee G ve he grow of non O ed ahies under © cite ar 4xeg Juri ov * is lerwortoriol J beke jzeg or) ther @ HK ove aubqysoups of G © Only K ie a. subgyseup of G © Only # ¥8 a subeyserp FG @ nore of Were Qu- Witrouk actually 2°77 uting, tre odes, explain xh y comput y fre Same osdes 9 Zao x 42,85 12,28 J) have have Hye samme oxdeé in O15) Qo- In Zw, find jo) ,lb)> @ a=G,b-2 ® a=B, b=8 © a-b,b=4 Qua - SP arb-c are gop elements and lol=6, express Cokg? b*)* 2) Prouk using negestine expones. latb) fos each cose \blas Bu - Deter a a iar of none a, element of irae codes Mm IR* psouP zero uumbexs undes rnultfplicatin - , gooeP dw- ITfahkb be geoup elements, ab4 ba, aba #e. . poe that Bis Gupbe i a trot tt is non empl aubsek of a group J w a undes the geoup opesettion corel Nee Ine psoperlp that a is nak in tt pren at is nok in HH. Tetha subs soup 7. polynomials: undes additton Qe Le g be wre. gsoup of Lind tne svdts of coll coe ffident fam Bis. AP BX 46 and Pead= For Be +4, BO" RE ea) eee a ee tal SOOe y= +a¢ pelonys to G: Detewmine Inco) giver GED Casta 7 = dia “ua 2 shown NB- a igon agement F gee? g and \ol i - Fee St Gee of eome element of G: @a- Guppere that HS pon-empiy colt te perpen trot Faar ten wtb pelong 1 H. sit aufficten’ 1 sha trae 4 | aonbegorth °F F | bo - Shan abe) ion aeeap ao mare TAN tree elomens” | wren te ne ateash Ft elernert= ' of andes 2>! Cle Toue, -_ eubseb of 9 oem g db belong bot ig w ont hover fap Dy Ge - xf aisa g soup element having malinite onde AX mn such hat aa”. Teve | Folee ‘poz - lee xeG. rf £0 & xe, shod thot aap e oa ard x®4e. What con you 224 about onder Af C G22 Consides ULM) =G> | Oms<3>a gencontow 2 © C5? a genesatos © TGA) a aenesotos 7 @ asada gererortet a 2 What cancision con ve deem 6 . ian @24 - Bubpose that 1 is even positive mbes % pet op gulpgrsoup of Zon. Then eilises every ts ren 06 exachy halt are even - — then LOK Is alse a subgroup OF q. - 2 Con tris be genevoilized Sos ary elensep- Bubgycoups ? 426 Lee G veo geup: Blow Fret Z@ = ag C@), (ehere C@)= centsolizes of- a). f2n— sp aeG, shaw trot C@) = CCar4). 4-28 - Tf a,b oe olistarck grou cites of LLY 07 cbsy LS iP elements , she trot | 024.- The cenrsonlizes of an element ofa grep is Apellan. “Bue / False ays apellan: —pue [Fale -c(a®)- | d-ae- —the cents fa grorP ta os fai Suppose 4 egand lal= 5. Svea that c@ as- Leb G be the sek of all polynomials othr coe}piclents foo” we seh 40/4/23}, We con rmake G a geeup undes addition by odding Wwe pe omials in the usual y A %; be Combink We coehhy ene excefe tne we uee module c sng asdess AF elevnevid | Wits this rou opexertion, deter a 4: | coming elemmen® o and b suc Q22- Bubpor a Apo lad, wee t, aeb = bo. Yd Job). ze - a 4 fa cats» Bg] BL? en te Bind \A\.)B), x AP): ae-h sup of even asdes must have elomn Wo re ent af osdes 2. | —Youe / Fale - | Lae lee G= 4 [2 b|aketez } undes add tion. Ler th 4 Te weg erbterd =o} Te Ho aubopoup FG ? Whore ff O ie velplaced by 47 oat Lee wed awqitE| awe win lakep | ws : Ae GLI2EPD| det A ia an integer peer’ | / Ts a suboysoup of GLCZ R) 7 38 — e- Le H be a subgeoup of R undes bpeccdton of adtrso. Lae K= [ 2%7JaeH}. Shao that I'S a Bubmsoup of R* undes muttipli cotton: Qag- Lee G be m gyooulp of nctono Poor 1 lo Rr ap-cootton: being mutiplicatton of Fanctters: Leb Re } ge) pte=4)- | © isto eupg coup of G7 | @ Con 2 be replaced by any real numbes 7 | jo- Lak G = GLe2z, > wd We 4 {3 ey ao and p avnod 2050 inleayes undes moatax mnultfplicallan a eubaysoup of G- Poore | dispooe war Ris Qay- Le Re gasthlarede mod 4s Wo BuroqyrrP op CL undew addition 7 P4a- lee G~ GLcz wr? @ tu eCLis tind C ot ( Is ° ) > vihere C is tbe Cersolizey © nd 2G) ba The remaindes ashen 2 ig divided by 24, es 0 oy” GO last two aii of a |b2 an ——' Gas - The squar o elements in Ba are only © et —ygue | Falde 7 agian a! Ne ae,» 00 € G. Gay, Prove poke Caragas any G45 Thx Je q om elernents of Gr ahow that Oo tel = bye) @ Jab! =\ba) G40- Prowwar iF #4 2eG, Wren G abelian: aod Pz 4 anty One - Aesume G =f4,a,bre} ipo group of ident 4. Assume fustrer Pro g her 00 of ores 4. Shoo Mak G mwr be abelian - af all veal 2x2 ynatsi ce (2 fe ) jes mara mulltpiicattor- element Bas Leb G ve tre yp uly ad —be FO > und lee H= a | | (Sa)esledze} ae Ha subgeoup OF g? Oia Leb HE be the gsoup (Mox2 CR») lee K= Jey} -qa Ka Bubayrouy ot G? ber d50- Ty A i8 a subgoaip Show that abort of g haeg- Lek ottaé* = Jona \neny la a subgroup of 4

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