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156. 157, 158 159, 161 bo noch neopets Safi i neice hanaig yuan im b, = Othen i Ste og hearin ki Stadio decree (6) Slay +) may be convergent divergent ia (a) None ofthese The series (a) WnF ts \b} Conditional convergent |a} None of hese (a) Absolutly convergent (4) Divergent ihich of the folowing isnot tue? (e) Any rearrangement of absolutely convergent series is converge e ae is conditionally convergent (0) ch convergent = F 2 converset ia ra {d) ima, =0= F-1!", is convergent Which ofthe following isnot ue? Sic" 5 Js conditionally convergent Sevcmouet 5 . =” Hip se eect citer Leta, = Ege N Then the sequence (oy) (s) Converge (0) Bounded but not convergent (c) Dveges to (@) Nether bounded nor diverges to = Which of the folowing conditions does not ensute the convergence of el sequence a)? (a lg 2y/-4 O88 > mys lis convergent ae cone (€) The sequence 2n,py1 and (a) ar convergent 162, Let(a) bean incrasing sequence of postive real numbers such the sees Foy is divergent. Let Sy = Ba for n= 1.2. and = n= A forms 24. then im ys equal 0 Pree to) wo o (atop ‘te, 163. Sos and YA re contergent inn ere nen (a,c contionaly convergent (5 cis ache convergent (Soli Het ocroat (a None o hese 16k Hoy etch eniagen te te as (a) Absolutely convergent (b} Not absolutely convergent (Cindi men ort 1,8 1A 165. Theseies0-2y : z oF ee” {@) Non-convergent (b) Convergent (©) Oselatory (a) None ofthese 1 (nb 498 166, The series 5! #9 = Pig Da (2) Convergent {b) Divergent (2 Osclatory {4 None of these 167, LetS up beconvezentvhich fe folowing naan wox(s) ® le wo(t 1g tes 168, Thesetes—tyt ie agte (b) Divergent (6) None ofthese 169. f(b) isa postive monotone decreasing function and i os ‘bounded then Says} (a) Divergent {b} Conditionally convergent [c) Absolute convergent _(d) None ofthese oan (4) None of these (2) Convergent () Oselatry 170. For any fixed value ofx the series SSM ig: sir (a) Convergent (6) Divergent (c) Notabsolute convergent (d] None of these ma Te Ge aL (-y" aia foralin Then (Bie Sic Sees ciel #9 Sia contimly coment nd Bh wah en BS heater open er Seton, ao (Boh Fant $1 we condcnaty eve neoeeeey a Rice de eer ok Rie og and Te the series bel Dy (a lel oda x ( ) © es name (a) Both the seies Sand T are convergent {b) Sis convergent and Tis divergent (©) Sis divergent and Tis convergent (4) Both the series Sand T are divergent 174. The sim ofthe seres an mer (0-2) ts Ba oi dae-8 to Boe ta 202-8 1% 2 os a2 we MULTIPLE SELECT QUESTIONS : Questions having more thon one correct option, Which of the following isane tue? (0) Sou, is convergent lm uy = 0 1) unis convergent = Fy emergent (©) Aseties ui convergent evi sequence of partial sum< s, > Is bounded (4) 3ou,? convergent = uy is convergent, 2. Which of the following ifare divergent? oy: meee Xm? xm : 3. Let So, be osres and a= Tar if] which ofthe folowing are tue? (0) 5. converges absolutly if 1 a @ Se aremmtisi (6) Soy diverges tare Ft ot mee ot Fm, wn (tae both converge paste 4 Aan yd) ae esc ning yr a Ths bee elec Ory eee z ei Bia sears sess 05k drome Scie ava ‘Assume that x, sa series of postive terms which scomvergent, then 3 L naam 0) SP iscone (©) Jeampai i convergent (05 8 i convepe 10, n. 2 23, (a Consider the sequences, = <—¥ where p> Othen 14 bavi es Beis a (a) Sx is convergent oe it {e) Syxnis not convergent (d) None ofthese Which ofthe folowing isfare tus? witha MEE ‘ a ert 5 Let xq beanabschutly convergent series with xn = sandlet Siva be any wamangement of Sx then Ease . 16. (a) Ey, convergent (Lnes (aS yt dvernt ‘Which ofthe folowing is/are true? in_ i convergent T+, fa) Yunis conversent => J () J. unis convergent PIs is convergent 1, Ue) Sua convergent = oy convergent (2) Phe ut the above Which ofthe follsing is fre converaent Zen San Zend ay int Which ofthe following is/are convergent? wrt (b Din 18. ay, = y(t Whieh of the following is fare comect?” (0) Yun coment in > (©) Sous divergent if im Od (6) Sun convergent if in 2 <= mela (a) None ofthe above 20. Which ofthe following is/are nat convergent? ‘The geometic series Sar” is ore = (2) Convergesif|rl<1. ) Sa" pile ete (o) Divers ifr> 1 Zora teed 1 Spon Fy are cones adc then Amt (01 Sep + bys convergent (0) Selag)s convergent (©) Zlob) convergent {c) None of de above If (o,) is a monotonic decreasing sequence of postive number then Seer item x ins Pee eeeo tater rere bee = ml (d) None ofthe above Let {a,} sa monotonie decreasing sequence of postive numbers sith 9» Care S= S(-L"oy then (2) Sp> 05>». Then wich ofthe following is/are sways? (2) im ay =0 (b) im ($2 converges an (aS % converses NUMERICAL ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (NAT) Direction : For these NAT following question the answer is areal sumer, Give the range of real number 1 Team esis YI ine n=l 2 The sum of the series Vj142 14243 3 0 is 3 las,=5 1 fet Then tim $yn~S.1]8 IE. o, converges then rl ce lim 2795s equal to mo Sn Consider the series Fo, whore gy = [Pater Then lim |a,|!" is equal to

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