Tridium Technical Bulletin - Resolution For Host ID Changes Caused by Windows 10 Service Packs

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Resolution for host ID changes caused by Windows 10 service packs

Dear valued partner,

Microsoft's Windows 10 service packs cause a host ID change to Niagara Supervisors.

Niagara 4.3 and Niagara AX 3.8u2 users are not affected. However, for other Niagara
versions running on Windows 10, Tridium has released a set of software patches so users
won't have to request a new license.

Please refer to Tridium's knowledge article* on where to download and how to apply
software patches for Niagara 4.2 and Niagara AX versions 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.

After applying the software patches, multiple Niagara versions on a single machine can be
maintained using a single host ID. Further, these patches will prevent host ID changes
caused by subsequent Windows 10 service packs.

If you have additional questions, please contact your Tridium account manager or

*Niagara Community log in is required



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