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Mechanical Engineering Department Dr. J. N.

Mehta Government Polytechnic, Amreli

Correlation between the courses and the POs & PSOs

Subject Code: 3351903
Subject Name: ME-3
Semester: 5th
Prepared by: Mechanical Engineering Department

1. Course Outcomes (COs):

CO Explain working of grinding, super finishing, gear cutting, broaching, threading, non-
1 conventional and advance machining methods.

Explain kinematics and coolant/ lubrication systems with functions of each element.

CO Interpret designation system / method of cutting tools and tool holders used on machine
3 tools.

Organize the machine setup, job, cutting tools and tool holders correctly.

CO Select appropriate cutting tools, work holding devices and cutting parameters for the given
5 work piece.

Build the job/product as per given drawing/ specification.

2. Programme Specific Outcomes:

PSO1 The mechanical engineering diploma students will be able to function in software industry
area of design & development of software tools such as AutoCAD, Solidworks, Pro-e.
PSO2 The mechanical engineering diploma students will be able to work in power plants &
manufacturing industry in the domain of operation & maintenance.
PSO3 The mechanical engineering diploma students acquire technical & managerial skill that
make them an employable graduate.
PSO4 The mechanical engineering diploma students acquire theoretical background of each
course that they are capable of applying it for solving real time ( physical) problems.
Mechanical Engineering Department Dr. J. N. Mehta Government Polytechnic, Amreli

3. CO-PO & PSO matrices*


experimentation andEngineering tools,

society, sustainability and

specific knowledgeBasic and disciplines

solutionDesign/development of

Engineering practices for

Project management

Lifelong learning
Problem analysis

CO1 2 1 1 1

CO2 3 2 2

CO3 1 2 2

CO4 2 2 3 1

CO5 2 2 3 3 2

CO6 3 3 2 3 2
Correlation levels: 1. Slight (Low) 2. Moderate (Medium) 3. Substantial (High)

4. Table of Justifications:

Cos POs/PSOs Justification

CO1 PO1=2 Apply fundamental mechanical engineering concepts.
Identify different manufacturing processes, variables, and parameters,
working principles.
Recognize the need, applications and be able to clearly explain why it is
PO7=1 vitally important to keep current regarding new developments in
manufacturing field.
Students will be able to know and identify the specific applications of
basic metal cutting systems, mechanism behind working of the machine,
lubrication system and tool movement. This will build a conceptual
background related to course.
CO2 Apply Mechanical engineering concepts to solve the heating, friction and
wear issues by proper cooling/lubrication method.
Recognize the need of coolant and-or lubrication system for particular
application and be able to clearly explain why it is vitally important.
The understanding of lubrication and-or cooling requirement of setup
PSO4=2 enables himself to grasp the physical structure and working phenomena of
that machine.
CO3 The understanding of standards and codes of cutting tools and tool holders
PO1=1 will serve as a reference for tool and die selection.
Extract desired understanding and conclusions consistent by focussing on
PO2=2 tools, fixtures and its designations.
PO4=2 Student can understand theory behind setup of tool and job.
Mechanical Engineering Department Dr. J. N. Mehta Government Polytechnic, Amreli

CO4 Articulate problem statements and identify objectives relevant to the job,
PO2=2 tool and setup preparation.
Students can get the basic idea behind the software tools (CAD/CAM
PO4=2 softwares) which can aid in tool path planning, tool presetting, cutter lenth
and radius compensation etc.
Describe the rationale of making sound setup by nullifying vibration and
PO7=3 chatter.
Students can perform mounting, trueing and un-mounting of tool as well
PSO3=1 as job. This setup preparation practices can lead him to perform
preparatory activities according to experimental needs.
CO5 Identify manufacturing systems, variables, and parameters to acquire the
PO2=2 required cutting.
Design and develop an experimental approach, specify appropriate
PO4=2 equipment and procedures for given manufacturing problem.
Analyse and select the most appropriate tool, job and machine parameter
PO6=3 combination based on economic and alternate financial considerations.
Cite and comprehend technical literature and other credible sources of
PO7=3 information related to selection and preparation of setup variables.
Any manufacturing experiment needs selection of experimental variables,
materials of tools and job, tool selection, machine selection and choice of
PSO2=2 coolant/lubrication as per given part drawing. All these exercises will
allow students to design the experiment and make a clear planning.
CO6 Manufacture models/prototypes to develop a diverse set of design
PO3=3 solutions. Refine a conceptual design into a detailed design within the
constraints (of the resources).
Use CAM tools to aid seamless manufacturing and use of CMM and
PO4=3 digital measuring instruments.
By performing life cycle analysis students can know about the risk/benefit
PO5=2 of particular product and its manufacturing choices.
By the end of experiments student can have a full proof data relevant to
PO6=3 manufacturing choices made and its consequences for particular product.
Finally, after detailed design of experiment production of workpiece will
PSO3=2 impart hands on experience to the students and will feed the practical shop
floor knowledge to the cognitive and psychomotor domain.
Correlation levels: 1. Slight (Low) 2. Moderate (Medium) 3. Substantial (High)
Mechanical Engineering Department Dr. J. N. Mehta Government Polytechnic, Amreli

Dr. J. N. Mehta Government Polytechnic

Mechanical Engineering Department
Lathi Road, Amreli - 365601
Email: &

Subject Code: 3351903

Subject Name: ME-3
Semester: 6th
Prepared by: Mechanical Engineering Department
1. Course Outcomes (COs):

CO Explain working of grinding, super finishing, gear cutting, broaching, threading, non-
1 conventional and advance machining methods.

Explain kinematics and coolant/ lubrication systems with functions of each element.

CO Interpret designation system / method of cutting tools and tool holders used on machine
3 tools. Organize the machine setup, job, cutting tools and tool holders correctly.

CO Select appropriate cutting tools, work holding devices and cutting parameters for the given
4 work piece. Build the job/product as per given drawing/ specification.

2. CO-PO & PSO matrices*

Cos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10
SustainabilityEnvironment &

WorkIndividual and Team

PracticeExperiments and

The Engineer & Society

Discipline Knowledge

Life-long Learning
Engineering tools
Basic Knowledge


CO1 2 1 1 1

CO2 3 2 2

CO3 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 1
Mechanical Engineering Department Dr. J. N. Mehta Government Polytechnic, Amreli

CO4 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 2
Correlation levels: 1. Slight (Low) 2. Moderate (Medium) 3. Substantial (High)

3. Table of Justifications:

Cos POs/PSOs Justification

CO1 PO1=2 Apply fundamental mechanical engineering concepts.
Identify different manufacturing processes, variables, and parameters,
working principles.
Recognize the need, applications and be able to clearly explain why it is
PO5=1 vitally important to keep current regarding new developments in
manufacturing field.
Students will be able to know and identify the specific applications of
basic metal cutting systems, mechanism behind working of the machine,
lubrication system and tool movement. This will build a conceptual
background related to course.
CO2 Apply Mechanical engineering concepts to solve the heating, friction and
wear issues by proper cooling/lubrication method.
The understanding of lubrication and-or cooling requirement of setup
PO4=2 enables himself to grasp the physical structure and working phenomena of
that machine.
Recognize the need of coolant and-or lubrication system for particular
application and be able to clearly explain why it is vitally important.
CO3 The understanding of standards and codes of cutting tools and tool holders
PO1=1 will serve as a reference for tool and die selection.
PO2=2 Student can understand theory behind setup of tool and job.
Describe the rationale of making sound setup by nullifying vibration and
PO3=3 chatter.
Extract desired understanding and conclusions consistent by focussing on
PO4=2 tools, fixtures and its designations.
Articulate problem statements and identify objectives relevant to the job,
PO5=2 tool and setup preparation.
Students can get the basic idea behind the software tools (CAD/CAM
PO6=2 softwares) which can aid in tool path planning, tool presetting, cutter lenth
and radius compensation etc.
Students can perform mounting, trueing and un-mounting of tool as well
PO8, PO7=1 as job. This setup preparation practices can lead him to perform
preparatory activities according to experimental needs.
CO4 Identify manufacturing systems, variables, and parameters to acquire the
PO2=2 required cutting.
Design and develop an experimental approach, specify appropriate
PO3=2 equipment and procedures for given manufacturing problem.
Analyse and select the most appropriate tool, job and machine parameter
PO4=3 combination based on economic and alternate financial considerations.
Cite and comprehend technical literature and other credible sources of
PO5=3 information related to selection and preparation of setup variables.
PO6=2 Any manufacturing experiment needs selection of experimental variables,
materials of tools and job, tool selection, machine selection and choice of
coolant/lubrication as per given part drawing. All these exercises will
allow students to design the experiment and make a clear planning.
Mechanical Engineering Department Dr. J. N. Mehta Government Polytechnic, Amreli

By performing life cycle analysis students can know about the risk/benefit
of particular product and its manufacturing choices.
Manufacture models/prototypes to develop a diverse set of design
PO7=3 solutions. Refine a conceptual design into a detailed design within the
constraints (of the resources).
Use CAM tools to aid seamless manufacturing and use of CMM and
PO8=3 digital measuring instruments.
By the end of experiments student can have a full proof data relevant to
PO9=3 manufacturing choices made and its consequences for particular product.
Finally, after detailed design of experiment production of workpiece will
PO10=2 impart hands on experience to the students and will feed the practical shop
floor knowledge to the cognitive and psychomotor domain.

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