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Deepankar Raj 2021

Learn while Playing game
UI/UX test for SKIDOS

Industry: Project Type:

Gaming Mobile applications

Question for the test

Imagine you are a child playing a fun mobile game. At certain intervals, you are asked to Palette

do a math problem, fitting to your skill level.

Please come up with a NEW flow and design that covers the following:
Inform the child they are going to solve 2 math problems
Show the child the problem
“You have to recognize a triangle between different geometric shapes”
Show the child they can hear the instruction again if they want
Give the child options to input their answer
Give the child feedback when the answer
Is correct
Is wrong
Once finished, tell the child they are going back to the game

Design Process and timeline

The Whole project involved ux and ui work, from the design thinking,prototypeand testing

User Research UX Design Prototype & Testing UI & Interaction

Both user research was After a thorough A round of usability With a solid basis of UX
conducted to cover the understanding of the testing was conducted on findings,the visual part of
whole status quo,user stories selected user flows of the the app was designed,
spectrum of perspectives were generated followed app to make sure including interactions.
necessary to develop a by user flows detailing the the solution was user-
fully-fledged strategy. full user journey friendly & appealing.
Typography & Colors

Ab Primary-Light



Guava Candy
Black-Light Green-Light
Regular . Medium . SemiBold
181A1D #C9F76D

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Black-Dark Dark-Green
050505 #C9F76D
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z.

Mockup Screen

High Fedelity Mockup

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