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Topic 4. It is said that students should wear uniforms at school? Do you agree or disagree?

……………. Students should wear uniforms at school. What do you think? For me, I think it is
necessary for students to wear uniforms when they are at school. Firstly, wearing uniforms
encourages students to be proud of their school .
Secondly, wearing uniforms helps students feel equal in many ways, whether they are
rich or poor.
Finally, wearing uniforms is practical. You don’t have to think of what to wear every day.
Therefore, students in schools should wear uniforms.
- People think that students don’t need fashion. What do you think?

- Do you like your female teachers wearing Ao dai? Why?

Topic 13. If you could visit any countries in the world, where would you go? Why?
………… There are many places I would love to visit. I would first love to go to Japan and the
islands in the Oceania. I can’t wait to visit the white sand beaches and swim in the crystal clear
waters. In the same topic of beaches I would love to visit Thailand along with the Caribbean for
the same reasons. After my beach trip is done I will do a trip along entire of France and practice
my French along the way. By the end of my trips I will have an estimated age of 20 something.
Then I will go to California and drive along the coast with all my friends for 6 months while
studying there as well. I am from Brazil and have visited many places before so then I would
love to visit all the major locations again. Once I’m married and settled down another trip to
Europe and visit all the countries I haven’t already visited. I might sound crazy but my dream is
to travel the world and visit all the wonderful places the world has to offer. We all have our
hobbies well mine is traveling.

- What should you prepare before going abroad?

- Which place in Quang Binh do you like best? Why?

Topic 14. What is a good friend to you? Do you believe friendship can last for a long time?
Why or why not?
……….. A good friend is a great blessing of God. It is said that one who does not have any good
friends, is really a poor man. There are many different characteristics a good friend needs to
Firstly, a good friend always help his friend at critical moments of his life. It is a famous
proverb that ‘friend in need is a friend indeed’. He must always be at the beck and call of his
Secondly, a friend needs to be a fair person. He also needs to be caring and loving. They
need to be good listeners and positive people. A good friend would be someone that can make
you smile or laugh; a person that will make you happy when you are sad. A good friend needs to
be honest with you. He needs to tell you things about you that you should improve.
Thirdly, a good friend gives confidence to his friend. Two good friends never conceal
anything from each other. They become helping hands from each other. A good friend always
stands by his friend at the moment of crisis.
Finally, a true friend is always loyal to his friend in every matter. Especially at the critical
moments of his life, he always remain truthful and sincere to his friend. A good friend is never
fault-finding one. He points out the deficiencies of his friend and helps him in rectifying them.
By summing up the topic, we can say that a good friend is helpful, confident , truthful and
honest to his friend. I do believe friendship can last for a life time . I have two best friends . They
have all of the qualities I am looking for in a best friend.I can tell them anything I love my
friends so much, and I don’t know what I would do without them. So I know, and my friends
know also, that we will be “Best Friends Forever.”
- Describe your best friend shortly.

- What do you admire most from your best friend?

- What have you done for your friends?

Topic 15. How important is the influence of family on your life?

…………. Family is the most important influence in a child's life. From their first moments of
life, children depend on parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs. Parents
and family form a child's first relationships. They are a child's first teachers and act as role
models in how to act and how to experience the world around them. By nurturing and teaching
children during their early years, families play an important role in making sure children are
ready to learn when they enter school. Children thrive when parents are able to actively promote
their positive growth and development. Every parent knows that it's sometimes difficult to do this
important work without help, support, and additional resources.

- Do you think all members of the family should share the housework? Why?
- Who do you often ask for help before making an important decision? Why?

Topic 17. Do you think mobile phone is useful for secondary students? Why or why not?
……….  These days, mobile phones are everywhere on the streets. Mobile phones are not what
they used to be for only calling or texting. Now, there are games, music and camera functions
available in a mobile phone. Hence, I agree that mobile phones should be banned in schools as
there are disadvantages of students bringing their phones to school.
   Firstly, bringing their mobile phones to school is troubling matter. As students might misplace
their mobile phones in the school canteen or their classrooms and forget them. There may be
dishonest students who will take the mobile phone and not report it to the discipline head. This is
one of the reasons why mobile phones should be banned.
  Secondly, the mobile phones can be a distraction to the students if the school allows them to
bring. For instance, during lesson time, it is known that students cannot use it when the teacher is
teaching. However, some students may just use it underneath their desks or behind their textbook
and ultimately this will affect their grades.
  Lastly, bringing mobile phones to school will only increase the temptations of other students to
steal the phones. As some students have the newest most lastest phones like the ‘iPhone 4s’ and
‘Samsung Galaxy S2’, some bad students may keep a look out and might steal from them. Not
only will the victim be disheartened, the thief will think that he or she will be able to get away
from it everytime.
  However there are some reasons why mobile phones should not be banned in schools. For
example, if there is a family emergency like the student’s grandma is in the hospital, or his or her
house caught fire, their parents will be able to contact them. 
In conclusion, considering all the reasons, I strongly stand with that mobile phones should be
banned as it is a distraction to the students and their phones might get stolen. Also, should there
be an emergency, the parents can call up the school and the school can immediately infrom the
student. Thus, mobile phones should be banned in schools 

- Do you have a mobile phone?

(Yes) –What is the most important benefit that cell phone bring to people? Why?

(No) –If you had a mobile phone, what would you use it for?

- When shouldn’t students use the mobile phone?

Topic 18. Talk about a famous person that you admire and say why you admire him/ her?
Model 1
The famous person whom I would like to meet in person is definitely David Bekham. David was
a professional English footballer who played for the world’s most famous football clubs such as
Manchester United and Real Madrid. He was named in the list of 100 greatest living football
players of FIFA back in 2004.
Besides his career as a sportsman, David is also famous for his marriage to Victoria Beckham, an
equally successful model, singer and fashion designer, with four children. This has been
considered one of the happiest celebrity marriages and partnerships.
David Beckham is my biggest idol not only because of his legendary football skills but also
because he is very modest and kind as a person. He was seen offering a hand to a photographer
who fell while trying to photograph him. Also, according to his wife, David Beckham is a
devoted husband and father who always puts his family first.
If I ever had a chance, I would take David Beckham to my favorite restaurants in Hanoi and
introduce Vietnamese food to him. Of course I would take pictures with him too, to post on my
facebook wall but the most important thing would be for me to talk with him, learn from him and
be inspired by this man.
Model 2
I'm going to talk about my father because he has been a major influence in my life.
My father was always a good role model for me as I was growing up. He's hard-working, patient
and understanding; he's also got a goodsense of humour and seems to get on well
with everybody. Hopefully I've inherited some of these traits.
I admire my father because I think he brought me and my brothers/sisters up well; he was quite
strict but always fair, and he has always been someone I can turn to for advice. I think my
father set a good example by working hard and having a positive outlook on life. I remember that
he used to leave for work early and come home quite late, but he always made time for me and
my brothers/sisters.

- Do you want to become a famous person? Why/ Why not?

- Tell me something you have learned from him/ her and applied successfully in your life?

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