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Dear Installer

Alternergy Launch Electric Vehicle Charging !

Over the last few months, Alternergy have been researching a new market area that is showing rapid
growth and presents an exciting opportunity for installers.

The growth of the electric vehicle market in the last two years has been phenomenal and is expected to
continue growing exponentially. This will require an extensive charging network, both domestic and
commercial. The EV charging sector is a hugely interesting market for installers and we are very excited
about the long term prospects for this industry. For businesses already installing PV, electric vehicle
charging offers a perfect complement as the customer often require both. With over ten years’
experience, we have the design and technical skills to assist you with the whole process. We can
provide you with any assistance you may require, including how to become an EV charging installer.
Enclosed is a guide with all the information you need to get started.

We would also like to invite you to one of our free training events with our EV charging manufactures,
EV-Box and Evolt, on:
• 26 July at Exeter University
• 2 August in Kew Gardens, London

We are planning further events in the Midlands, the North and Belfast; let us know if you would be
interested in any of these.

Sign up by contacting us on 020 3763 7000 or drop us an email at

Alternatively we would be delighted to visit you at your offices – just let us know!

EV Chargers Now In Stock!

Ready to install? Our carefully selected products from three leading manufacturers: POD Point, Evolt
and EV-Box are available to purchase from our online shop now! If you are not already a customer, you
can register for a Trade account online – in just a few minutes.

We look forward to charging on with you in this exciting new market.


Alternergy is an established distributor for more than 10 years serving the whole of the UK and Ireland,
with warehouses located in Gloucester and Belfast.
Electric Vehicle Charging Guide for Installers

Table of Contents
EV charging - Why the Buzz?.................................................................................................................... 3
Alternergy – Charging on with EV! ............................................................................................................ 3
The EV Revolution ..................................................................................................................................... 4
EV Growth Numbers ..............................................................................................................................................4
EV charging for Business .......................................................................................................................................5
EV charging for Home ............................................................................................................................................5
The Home Charge Grant and becoming an OLEV Certified Installer ....................................................... 6
The EV home charge scheme (March 2016) FAQS ................................................................................. 7
How much is it? ......................................................................................................................................................7
Who can claim? ......................................................................................................................................................7
Who is eligible to claim this grant? .........................................................................................................................7
Does the customer have to have a plug-in vehicle? ...............................................................................................7
Can the customer install ahead of receiving their EV car? .....................................................................................7
Is there a limit on the number of chargepoints claimed? ........................................................................................7
EV Charging Types and Standard Charging Times .................................................................................. 8
Comparison table based on an assumed vehicle battery capacity of 22 kWh ........................................................8
Alternergy’s Business Partners ................................................................................................................. 9
Modes of EV Charging ............................................................................................................................ 10
Mode 1 charging...................................................................................................................................................10
Mode 2 charging...................................................................................................................................................10
Mode 3 charging...................................................................................................................................................10
Mode 4 charging...................................................................................................................................................10
EV Connector Types ............................................................................................................................... 11
Vehicle Types .......................................................................................................................................... 12
ICE .......................................................................................................................................................................12
EV "Electric Vehicle" ............................................................................................................................................12
Pure-Electric Vehicle (Pure-EV) ...........................................................................................................................12
Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) ................................................................................................................12
Extended-Range Electric Vehicle (E-REV)...........................................................................................................12
Hybrid ...................................................................................................................................................................12
A Typical Training Course ....................................................................................................................... 13
Course Outline .....................................................................................................................................................13
Entry Requirements..............................................................................................................................................13
Unique features ....................................................................................................................................................13
Useful Links! ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Training ................................................................................................................................................................14
OLEV and Electric Vehicle Home Charge Scheme ..............................................................................................14
Office for Low Emission Vehicles .........................................................................................................................14
Telephone 0300 330 3000 Website ..........................................................................................14
Electric Vehicle Homecharge enquiries: .....................................................14
email enquiries: ..................................................................................................14
Magazines/Trade bodies ......................................................................................................................................14
Alternergy, We’re About You not Us… .................................................................................................... 15
Why Choose Alternergy? .....................................................................................................................................15
Want to Know More? ............................................................................................................................................15
Awards .................................................................................................................................................................15

Unit 10, Turnham Green Terrace Mews, Chiswick, London W4 1QU ¦¦ 020 3763 7000 ¦¦
Electric Vehicle Charging Guide for Installers

EV Charging Guide for Installers

EV Charging - Why the Buzz?

The growth of the electric vehicle market over the last two years has been phenomenal and is expected
to continue growing exponentially. Tesla, for example, plans to produce 500,000 electric cars every
year starting in 2018. And Tesla are not alone, the likes of BMW, Audi, VW, Mitsubishi, Nissan, and all
major manufacturers are now releasing their own EV models. The Government is fuelling the uptake by
providing funding for electric vehicle purchasing and domestic EV charging in order to meet a target of
10% of all vehicles sold being EV by 2020 i.e. circa 250,000 vehicles.

All this will require an extensive charging network, both domestic and commercial. We are already
seeing a rapidly growing infrastructure of charging units emerging, with charge points popping up all
over the country, including fast chargers which can charge your vehicle within half an hour or less. In
London, 20% of car parking spaces in new developments now require EV charging points. This
provides an exciting new opportunity for PV installers as PV can be combined with EV!

Alternergy – Charging on with EV!

We have carefully selected a range of electric vehicle charging products from leading manufacturers:
POD Point, Evolt and EV- Box supporting every type of install from domestic and commercial to public
charge points with everything you need for completing the system.

Our products are now in stock and available to buy from our online shop 24x7
along with all our PV products.

We are here to help! If you need any assistance at all, just contact our friendly team on:

Ph: 020 3763 7000


Unit 10, Turnham Green Terrace Mews, Chiswick, London W4 1QU ¦¦ 020 3763 7000 ¦¦
Electric Vehicle Charging Guide for Installers

The EV Revolution
• The UK needs to cut CO2 emissions by at least 80% by 2050. Electric vehicles are crucial to this
target as they offer a way to reduce the traffic-based CO2 emissions and it is expected that by 2040
all new car registrations in the UK will be EV
• Increasing the number of EV charging stations will reassure consumers they can make longer
journeys – right now the main barrier to EV consumer acceptance
• The Government is subsidising home charging with the EV Home charge grant – representing 75%
of the cost (to a maximum of £500)
• Nottingham, Bristol, Milton Keynes and London have all been awarded significant funds to promote
green vehicle technology. Go Ultra Low City Scheme (Jan 2016) 4
• The Government also sees EVs as a way of eventually stabilising the grid and evening out our
energy peaks and troughs

EV Growth Numbers

Source: Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, May 2016.

Monthly figures published by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) show that
electric car sales in the UK have risen dramatically during the past two years.

• Predictions suggest as many as 1 million electric vehicles on UK roads by 2020

• Product costs are reducing and a huge number of new EV vehicles are due to be released
• Significant investments are being made in both battery and vehicle technology, assisting with
increasing the vehicle driving range

Unit 10, Turnham Green Terrace Mews, Chiswick, London W4 1QU ¦¦ 020 3763 7000 ¦¦
Electric Vehicle Charging Guide for Installers

EV Charging for Business

As more and more consumers embrace the EV driving experience, this creates a strong commercial
argument for installing EV chargers – particularly in retail outlets, hotels and leisure complexes,
motorway service stations, etc. This will provide an additional service to attract visitors and result in an
increase in revenue for the businesses.

Additionally, access to charging stations will become a necessity for workplaces to install charging
stations for staff and customers.

In London, new builds and residential estates within the M25 are governed by planning rules to adopt
EV charging on 20% of all new car parking spaces, along with a further 20% to be EV ready.

Going forward, public services - hospitals, libraries, streets, train stations, etc – may have obligations
placed on them to provide EV charging points for visitors.

EV Charging for Home

Having a charging station at home is the best way to charge overnight as this guarantees a fully
charged car every time you go out. As an added incentive, the Government is currently offering a Home
Charge Grant of 75% of the cost – capped at £500 for up to a maximum of two charge points per
household. It is possible that early PV adopters will become early EV adopters.

Only OLEV certified installers can claim the grant on behalf of the client. Fortunately, it is relatively easy
to become OLEV Certified.

Unit 10, Turnham Green Terrace Mews, Chiswick, London W4 1QU ¦¦ 020 3763 7000 ¦¦
Electric Vehicle Charging Guide for Installers

The Home Charge Grant and becoming an OLEV Certified Installer

In order to reclaim the Home Charge Grant (up to £500) you will need to become an OLEV Certified
installer. Under the scheme, customers who are the registered keeper, lessee or have primary use of
an eligible plug in electric vehicle may receive up to 75% (capped at £500, inc VAT) off the total capital
and associated installation costs.

To become an OLEV installer, there are just a couple of steps you need to take:

Step 1: Training: Sign up for a training course that complies with IET standards and the new code of
practice for EV Charging Point installations. The Horizon course was put together with BRE and comes
with Certification (see links for full list).

Step 2: Paperwork: Apply for authorisation by OLEV to claim the Electric Vehicle Home Charge
Grant on behalf of the domestic customer. You will need:

• proof of membership of the Electrician Associations (e.g. NICEIC/ ECA/ Select)

• proof of your public liability insurance
• proof your company's installers have been trained to install electric vehicle charge points; names of
installers, their qualifications and renewal dates
• proof you have been approved by the charge point manufacturer/s to install their products
• Complete OLEV form (copy of form Annex C at end of guide)

For more information check out the OLEV site , the IET code of practice and BRE guidelines for
installation. All information can also be downloaded from our site at

Unit 10, Turnham Green Terrace Mews, Chiswick, London W4 1QU ¦¦ 020 3763 7000 ¦¦
Electric Vehicle Charging Guide for Installers

The EV home charge scheme (March 2016) FAQS

How much is it?
The grant is a 75% contribution towards the cost of one chargepoint and its installation up to a
maximum of £500 (including VAT) per household/eligible vehicle

Who can claim?

The grant can only be claimed by installers who have been authorised by OLEV and have approval
from a charge point manufacturer to install their accredited equipment. The grant is paid in arrears (i.e.
once installation is complete)
Who is eligible to claim this grant?
• Individuals who have taken ownership of a new or second hand eligible electric vehicle on or after 1
April 2015 as long as they have not claimed against the previous charge point schemes
• Individuals who are assigned a company car or who lease an eligible vehicle for at least six months
on or after 1 April 2015. (They must be named by their employer as the primary user of an eligible
electric vehicle). If the named individual changes within six months, a second grant cannot be


Does the customer have to have a plug-in vehicle?

Yes! See above. A full list of eligible vehicles can be found at

Can the customer install ahead of receiving their EV car?

Yes, but the date of installation must not be more than 4 months ahead of the date of delivery or start
date of vehicle use. If a customer is not going to be present on the day of installation, they must fill out
and sign Part A (customer declaration) no more than six weeks ahead of this date.

Is there a limit on the number of chargepoints claimed?

Yes. The Electric Vehicle Home charge Scheme grant is limited to one installation at a domestic
residence per eligible vehicle, up to a maximum of two charge points per residence. In order to claim for
two chargepoint units at the same address, the customer must have two eligible electric vehicles that
have not been used to claim previously under the EVHS or DRS. The installer must inform the DNO
that this is a second chargepoint, and give the combined current of the two chargepoints in amps.

More info at

Unit 10, Turnham Green Terrace Mews, Chiswick, London W4 1QU ¦¦ 020 3763 7000 ¦¦
Electric Vehicle Charging Guide for Installers

EV Charging Types and Standard Charging Times

There are various types of charging units available which reflect the mode of charging, whether it is a
residential, commercial or public charge point or if the charging point is to be wall mounted or ground
mounted. Suitable sites include homes, workplaces, car parks, petrol stations and streets.

Charging times vary according to the battery capacity and the method of charging deployed.
For the car – battery Size and existing charge will affect the charge time. (for accurate times check with
vehicle manufacturer)

Comparison table based on an assumed vehicle battery capacity of 22 kWh

Phase Current Volage (V) Power kW Charging time
(Amps) © (hrs)
Basic 1 10 230 2.3 9.5
Standard 1 16 230 3.7 6
Fast 1 32 230 7.4 3
Very Fast 3 32 230 22 1
Rapid 3 63 DC 230 43 0.5 (80%)

Unit 10, Turnham Green Terrace Mews, Chiswick, London W4 1QU ¦¦ 020 3763 7000 ¦¦
Electric Vehicle Charging Guide for Installers

Alternergy’s Business Partners

Alternergy are pleased to bring you our carefully selected range of products from leading manufactures,
POD Point, Evolt and EV-Box.

POD Point is a market-leading and award-winning provider of electric vehicle charge points with over
20,000 customers in the UK and Norway and recommended by over 400 car dealerships. POD Point 9
offer domestic (solo) and commercial solutions (Twin)

POD Point Twin POD Point Solo

Part of the APT Control group, with 4,000 UK installations, Evolt are emerging as one of the UK’s
largest commercial EV charging providers. Evolt provide rapid charging points, wall and street mounted.

evolt commercial ehome

EV-Box was founded in the Netherlands and is the largest producer of EV products world-wide. With
more than 38,000 EV charge points already installed across 830 cities, the company has reached the
tipping point to expand into the UK and Ireland.

Business Line Double Pole Blue Home Line

Unit 10, Turnham Green Terrace Mews, Chiswick, London W4 1QU ¦¦ 020 3763 7000 ¦¦
Electric Vehicle Charging Guide for Installers

Modes of EV Charging


There are 4 key modes (as defined in the standard BS EN 61851-1) for the charging of an electric
vehicle, as summarised below:

Mode 1 charging
• Standard 3 pin plug (BS1363)
• Trickle charge AC
• The installation must be protected with circuit breakers and earth
• leakage protection
• Maximum 13A per socket (single phase 3kW)

Not recommended as does not include RCD protection which is necessary for safe charging

Mode 2 charging
• Standard 3 pin plug (BS1363)
• Trickle charge AC
• The installation must be protected with circuit breakers and earth leakage protection
• Maximum 13A per socket (single phase 3kW)
• Vehicle requires a special cable with an intermediate electronic device, with a control and protection
pilot function

Non-dedicated circuit and socket-outlet, charging with cable-incorporated RCD protection

Mode 2 can be used for the charging of an electric vehicle in locations where there is no dedicated
charging installation (Mode 3 or 4, see below), and for use by legacy vehicles. Mode 2 cables are
provided with an in-cable control box (including RCD), set and adjusted to a specific charging power,
and guarantee the provision of RCD protection during charging.

Mode 3 charging
• Specific EV connector (Mode 3 Type 2)
• Semi-fast and fast charging in single or three-phase installations
• Unit incorporates electrical protection
• Maximum 64A per phase (range 3.6kW - 43kW)
• Direct connection of the EV to the charging unit

Mode 3 is the preferred solution in the long term.

Mode 4 charging
• CHAdeMO or CCS DC charging plug, specific for EVs
• Rapid DC charging
• Plug specifically designed for EV’s

Unit 10, Turnham Green Terrace Mews, Chiswick, London W4 1QU ¦¦ 020 3763 7000 ¦¦
Electric Vehicle Charging Guide for Installers

• Maximum 400A per phase (50kW - 150kW)

• Unit incorporates electrical protection

Dedicated rapid charging, DC supply

Mode 4 is a necessary service function for rapid charging, for use as roadside assistance and service
station charging on long journeys.

EV Connector Types

Unit 10, Turnham Green Terrace Mews, Chiswick, London W4 1QU ¦¦ 020 3763 7000 ¦¦
Electric Vehicle Charging Guide for Installers

Vehicle Types


ICE - Internal Combustion Engine

EV "Electric Vehicle" – any vehicle that uses electric motors, either in full or in part, as propulsion.
This includes pure electrics, hybrids, plug-in hybrids, extended range electric vehicles and hydrogen
fuel cell vehicles.

Pure-Electric Vehicle (Pure-EV) – A vehicle powered solely by a battery charged from mains
electricity. Currently, typical pure-electric cars have a range of approximately 100 miles but are
improving all the time.

Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) - A vehicle with a plug-in battery and an internal
combustion engine (ICE). Typical PHEVs will have a pure-electric range of over 10 miles. After the
pure-electric range is utilised, the vehicle reverts to the benefits of full hybrid capability (utilising both
battery power and ICE) without range compromise.

Extended-Range Electric Vehicle (E-REV) – A vehicle powered by a battery with an ICE

powered generator on board. E-REV’s are like pure-EV’s but with a shorter battery range of around 40
miles. Range is extended by an on board generator providing many additional miles of mobility. With an
E-REV the vehicle is still always electrically driven.

Hybrid – A hybrid vehicle is powered by, either or both, a battery and an ICE. The power source is
selected automatically by the vehicle, depending on speed, engine load and battery charge level. This
battery cannot be plugged in; charge is maintained by regenerative braking supplemented by ICE
generated power. A number of fuels can power hybrid ICE’s, including petrol, diesel, Compressed
Natural Gas, Liquid Petroleum Gas and other alternative fuel

Unit 10, Turnham Green Terrace Mews, Chiswick, London W4 1QU ¦¦ 020 3763 7000 ¦¦
Electric Vehicle Charging Guide for Installers

A Typical Training Course

Duration: 2 Days
Course Cost: £350 plus VAT

This is the only course in the UK designed and developed in conjunction with BRE, IET Standards and
the new Code of Practice for EV Charging Point Installation

Course Outline
The course covers all aspects of the electrical installation of Electric Vehicle charging points.
The topics covered include:

1. Introduction to Electric Vehicles – Electric Vehicle types, Characteristics, Charging requirements,

Safety considerations
2. Overview of Electric Vehicle charging – Modes of charging and requirements, restrictions
3. Electrical Installation Requirements – Supply, Earthing, Planning permission, Explosive
atmospheres, Protection, Labelling, Control, Risk assessment
4. Installation – Practical domestic and commercial installation
5. Inspection, Test and Certification – Commissioning and DNO paperwork
6. System Test, Fault Find and Examination

Includes both practical and written assessments

Entry Requirements
Eligible candidates are those who hold an Electrotechnical NVQ Level 3 or a Full Scope Part P
qualification and BS7671:2008 17th Edition Wiring Regulations, City & Guilds 2391 or 2392 and have at
least 2 years industry experience.

Unique features
• Extensive hands-on experience in state of the art facilities
• Access to the IET technical network is included – access experienced installers and technical
• Receive updates and guidance notes free of charge
• Developed in conjunction with leading Manufacturers and Installers
• A copy of the Code of Practice is included
• Fully equipped training centres across the UK

High Voltage DC and Rapid Charge courses are also available

Unit 10, Turnham Green Terrace Mews, Chiswick, London W4 1QU ¦¦ 020 3763 7000 ¦¦
Electric Vehicle Charging Guide for Installers

Useful Links!

OLEV and Electric Vehicle Home Charge Scheme

Office for Low Emission Vehicles

Telephone 0300 330 3000 Website

Electric Vehicle Homecharge enquiries:

email enquiries:

List of eligible vehicles can be found at

Guidance for Customers
homecharge-scheme-guidance-for-customers-2016.pdf A London wide EV charge point map

Magazines/Trade bodies Electric Vehicles Magazine Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders UK Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Trade Association

Unit 10, Turnham Green Terrace Mews, Chiswick, London W4 1QU ¦¦ 020 3763 7000 ¦¦
Electric Vehicle Charging Guide for Installers

Alternergy, We’re About You not Us…

Alternergy has been in business for 10 years and we are one of the leading wholesalers and distributors
within the Solar PV sector. Focused on offering quality product at a competitive price, we can also offer
you technical and design support if you are in your initial stages of wondering what needs to be done.
We have a full team in place to support our customers and have warehouses in Gloucester and Belfast,
allowing us to serve the whole of the UK as well as the Republic of Ireland.

We are now entering the exciting and fast growing Electric Vehicle Charging market and are bringing
you our long experience in delivering value and quality solutions.
Why Choose Alternergy?

• We only offer you quality products

We only work with quality manufacturers that will live up to their warranties and give you peace of
• We offer value for money in a competitive market
We strive to remain competitive at all times and commit to offering you the very best value for
• Online shop
Alternergy is a one stop shop, providing everything you need for your PV or EV installation 24x7.
Online customers received an automatic 5% Online Discount
• Expert Knowledge and Support for your Business
With 10 years expertise, our team have a great knowledge of the industry and the products that we
stock. We are always on hand to give technical advice or help you design your installations
• We pride ourselves on our highly personalised, friendly customer service
Our friendly team is at the end of the phone, to listen, help and advise you with your installation. We
like to get to know our customers because we think that’s important!

Want to Know More?

Contact us on 020 3763 7000 or email Zoe on You can open a trade
account today on our Online Trade Portal to have access to all our EV products, stock availability and
discount pricing.


2013: Named in LSEG’s 1,000 Companies to Inspire Britain

2013: No.2 in Investec Hot 100 – UK’s 2 fastest growing business
2012: No.15 in Sunday Times Virgin Fast Track 100 fastest growing companies
2012: No.1 in Investec Hot 100 – UK’s fastest growing business

Unit 10, Turnham Green Terrace Mews, Chiswick, London W4 1QU ¦¦ 020 3763 7000 ¦¦
Annex C: Authorisation Application
for Installers

Section 5: Agreement to terms and conditions

I agree to the following terms and conditions for authorisation (please check
each box where you agree with the terms and conditions):

The company will retain all documentation pertaining to the installation

of electric vehicle chargepoints (this includes installation and
commissioning confirmations and certificates, customer declarations
and signatures, dates of installation and full address)

The company will only install chargepoints for which it is authorised

The company will test every installed chargepoint to ensure it is fully

functioning, it communicates data and meets all of the necessary safety

The company will notify the Distribution Network Operator after each
installation [copying in] and will
retain evidence of the notification.

The company will respond to requests for documentation relating to the

installation of chargepoints (eg DNO notification, BS7671 Electrical
Installation Certificate) to OLEV, or its representatives promptly.

All of our installers are aware of, and have read the IET Code of
Practice and will install chargepoints in accordance with this document.

I understand that only certain electric vehicles are eligible for the grant
and that grants will not be paid against ineligible vehicles.

I understand that proof of keepership, lease or nominated use is

required from the customer for the grant to be paid and our installers will
check the customer can provide proof before installation.

I agree to send OLEV, or its representatives, weekly updates on

chargepoint installations.

I agree to collect usage data on each charging event and to send

summary data to OLEV, or its representatives, every quarter via the

I understand that OLEV, or its representatives, may conduct credit

checks, checks on fraudulent activity and trade experiences on this

I declare that the information I have given on this form is correct and

I understand that security and anti-fraud checks will be undertaken on

information and supporting evidence provided using market intelligence
services. I give prior consent for any relevant checks to be undertaken.

If I knowingly give information that is incorrect or if relevant information

is knowingly omitted, the application and OLEV's decision on it will be
void and I may have court action taken against me.

___________________________ Signed __________________________ (Name)

___________________________ (Position) __________________________(Company)

___________________________ Date

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