Success Formula For Students To Strive

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Success Formula

for Students to

Venu Kalyan
Life Coach

New Trend Setter Organisation
Success Formula for Students to Strive...
Venu Kalyan, Life Coach
Ph : 9908011458, 9704447777

First Edition : January, 2020


Price : Rs. 300/-

For Copies :
All branches of Vishalandhra, Prajashakti, Navodaya & Other
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Layout & Designing : Charita Impressions

Printed at :
Charita Impressions,
Azamabad Industrial Area,
Hyderabad - 500 020.
Ph : 040-27678411
Dedicated to…

Mother, who has given birth,

is always my inspiration.
Father, who turns his breath into life,
is always my deity.
4 Success Formula for Students to Strive...
Here are the contents...

1. I... Me... Myself...? 12

2. A mother is... 17
3. A father is... 22
4. Siblings 27
5. Friends 32
6. Relatives 36
7. Love 41
8. Marriage 45
9. Self confidence 50
10. Devotion 54
11. Life 59
12. Anger 64
13. Agony 70
14. Despair 75
15. Callousness 80
16. The lie and the truth 84
17. Time management 90
18. Knowledge 94
19. Harmony 100
20. Compassion-Sympathy 105
21. Hard Work 110

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6 Success Formula for Students to Strive...
My word
Even this day, I get amused whenever I think of
my life and the events that led me this far in my
journey. My life has never been a cakewalk for me. It
has always been a constant learning process. To judge
a person of his honesty, just lending him a hundred
bucks would do the trick. To judge a person of his
morality, just observe his attitude towards the money
which is not his own. To judge a person of his
nobility, it is enough to take a look at his footwear.
The true nature of a person can be understood by
observing the way he frames his words while
speaking about others.
Instead of getting to know a person by observing

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 7

him, we are buying the words spoken by hundreds
of others. We are oblivious of the fact that we need
to have opinions of our own. That is the present
Well, above all let us question ourselves first,
who are we to judge a person? Isn’t it more significant
to understand what kind of a person you are in the
first place? We often forget the fact that when you
point your forefinger towards someone, the
remaining four fingers point towards you.
Unfortunately, in the present-day world, equity
and morality are nowhere to be seen. At the bright
side, we are left with few traces of honesty. Honesty
is something which needs to be cultivated. Morality
comes with the birth. Honesty is to be acquired. On
the contrary, we do not realize the eminence of our
birth and we turn oblivious to our parents, treating
them with disrespect. Their love and sacrifice are
taken for granted. We constantly fight with our
siblings, ignoring the very fact that we are born and
brought up together. We are biting the hands that
feed us. Gratitude is nowhere to be found. We forget
the help we received.
If this is the case, then what purpose do we
serve? What did our education teach us? If we cannot
imbibe honesty, what is the point of taking birth as a
human being? These questions haunt me all the time.
They constantly put me to test. I know many others
like me ask themselves the same questions. This book
is dedicated to all such people who question

8 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

themselves and seek answers. In this process of
exploring the answers to all my questions, I have
penned down my thoughts and shaped this book.
Many of us claim it to be love. But still they seek
to match caste and religion. Is this sort of love
genuine? Do you believe this sort of emotion is
genuine? How can we even call it love where caste,
religion, wealth, and status are prime considerations?
This can rather be called a business. Why? Isn’t it
reasonable to run a grocery store instead? Life can
be spent with calculations of profit and loss business.
At least they can bring home the bacon for such petty
purpose, why to love? What purpose does the
wedding or marriage serve? Recently, my friend and
I happened to accompany one of my friends for an
occasion of meet and greet with his to-be in laws.
Both the parties are educated. My friend stated that
he was quite impressed with the family as well. So
far so good. But what astounded me is the
conversation between the bride and the
“So, I have learned you earn handsome amount.
After all the deductions, I get an in-hand salary of
seventy thousand. We can lead a comfortable living.
If we save half the earnings, we will be able to afford
to have a child and the savings will suffice the
expenses for the child’s upbringing. What do you
“Yes. Indeed.”
This was the conversation. I could only see that

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 9

the whole point of conversation is all about the
money. Just the monetary terms and not anything
related to emotion and compatibility. We have come
to the point where everything is always about money
and nothing else matters. Of course, it is acceptable
and truth that money matters. Of course, it is the
need of the hour. Nobody can deny of this fact. We
need money day and night throughout the life. Does
this infer money is life? Then why all this eagerness
and greed? Why this constant distress? Give it a
Society must constitute a healthy co-living
between fellow beings. When we lack the basic sense
of co-existence, it is no longer a society. When it is
lacking togetherness, it is no longer a family. Your
life can be assessed based on the people with whom
you keep company. The phone calls you engage all
the time can speak about your way of thinking.
Let’s not hustle and hurry in our lives. Let’s not
compete with each other in this competitive world.
As long as we are fulfilling the duties entitled to us
in a righteous way, we will be happy. Else, a sense of
emptiness keeps haunting us all the time, no matter
whatever endeavors wee have achieved. As long as
this principle is followed, we will be happy with
ourselves. This is my advice to all my dear friends
out there. Hoping you would follow if you agree…

Venu Kalyan

10 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

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I... Me... Myself...?
What is mine in this world? Anything that
wholly belongs to me? Or a person who can be
claimed to be ‘mine’ by any of us? The immediate
answer is ‘no’. Don’t you agree? And yes, that is the
truth. It is a fact that nobody is entitled to anybody.
Nothing can be claimed to be our own. Yet we are
living in an illusion, oblivious of the facts. On the
other hand, life becomes monotonous if we draw
literal inference out of this argument. Because,

“Success doesn’t come to you, you’ve got to go to

it.” – Marva Collins

12 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

believing in belongingness gives you hope. If you
believe the tomorrow belongs to you, it gives you a
hope for a better tomorrow. If you believe you belong
to someone or someone belongs to you, this
belongingness cheers you up. It gives you a hope. A
hope for a happy life.
Hope gives immense strength to a man.
Ambition makes him capable of doing miracles. Such
is the emotion that is carried by the word ‘My’. The
origin and the ownership of this word are different.
We are not blown out of the sky just as that. We were
born out of sacred beings, mothers. No deity is
mightier than mother. Owing to this fact, let us try
and avoid self-centered mentality. That is when you
start realizing your inner self. That is when you will
understand your purpose in life. Life starts turning
‘I’ This is not just a word, rather an emotion
which too haunts the man. This word is recalled
countless number of times by every person, every
day and every minute. Who am I? Where did I come
from? With whose support am I living here? How
long this ‘I’ lives? What am I after my time here comes
to an end? Who am I when I am alive? Who will I be
when I am no longer alive? These questions are

“Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary

greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to
reach their potential.” – John Maxwell

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difficult to be answered.
Every now or then, we come across the issues
like murders for a hundred bucks, fights for a ten
bucks, bad mouthing and aggression all over. For
instance, we hire an auto rickshaw. He demands
hundred. We deny and agree for eighty. He denies
and bargains for ninety. We swiftly walk away or act
like it tactically. He immediately agrees to our word
and fixes for eighty. We feel on the top of the world.
We boast about it to others.
But do we even realize all this fight is just for
ten bucks? Day and night struggling with number
of problems, finding it difficult to make the both ends
meet, the poor fellow might have asked for an extra
ten bucks. The treasury is not going to shrink
anyway. If one can afford for eighty bucks, spending
a ninety won’t harm him anyway. We are indifferent
to servants, maids, and underprivileged people. We
are used to swearing them. This behavior is sheer
ego. The ego that is born out of self-centered emotion
called ‘I’.
Waking up early morning, we rush to jog. As if
it is an overwhelming achievement, we furiously
start giving orders “give me this” “Pass me this” to
our family members. No matter how much our

“I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and

I understand.” – Chinese Proverb

14 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

mother pleads us to have food, we turn a deaf ear to
her. Misconception of being judged as ‘oh not so
modern’ if we obey our mother. We are used to saying
mean things to our mother. We belittle her. We abuse
our father in front of others. We lay down number
of rules on our sisters. But when it comes to the
individual none of the rules apply. He can live the
way he wants. The reason is ego. Apathy has taken
over to the extent where we are not realizing to
whom we are talking and why exactly are we talking.

These self-centered emotions ‘I’ and ‘Mine’ have

dehumanized the very existence of the mankind.
Where did a person hail from? What is his purpose
here? Did we bestow happiness to at least one fellow
being? These things are to pondered constantly. No
matter how many turns our life is going to take, a
pure smile is always a milestone. As long as we carry
a smile on our face in our lives, success follows us.
Even though the world around us turns upside
down, view it with tranquility and pass on the
serenity to posterity.
No doubt the moment man has incorporated the
emotions like ‘I… Me… Myself…’, the sense of
belongingness and selflessness - ‘Our’ has completely

“Success means having the courage, the

determination, and the will to become the person you
believe you were meant to be.” – George Sheehan

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vanished. Very often, people get greedy over things.
We all get what we are destined. Ignorant of this,
lamenting for petty things, approvals and
appreciations is a waste of time. ‘I… Me… Myself’
are the most nonsensical words.

“If you’re not stubborn, you’ll give up on experiments too soon.

And if you’re not flexible, you’ll pound your head against the
wall and you won’t see a different solution to a problem you’re
trying to solve.” – Jeff Bezos

16 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

A Mother is…
There goes a popular saying which states God
created mother since he could not be present
everywhere. Also, a mother, who recreates the
creation, is no less than any divinity. Mere reminisce
of the word ‘Mother ’ is equivalent to procuring
worldly knowledge. Sheer inditing of the word
‘Mother’ is equivalent to composure of thousands
of poetries. Giving birth to a child and raising him
up is not at all a piece of cake. A mother is a savior,

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance,

learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of
what you are doing or learning to do.” – Pele

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lifesaver and a guardian angel to us right from the
moment we are born. It is disheartening to see the
way mothers are being treated today. Mothers are
being looked at as machines for carrying out daily
household chores. Mother is just a maid to most of
us. Her presence is taken for granted. Her love is
not being valued. Some send her away to
orphanages, while some leave her at old-agehomes.
Mother has become a use and throw tool these days.
Recently, I had to visit an orphanage. I couldn’t
believe my eyes when I had seen an old lady there at
the orphanage who used to live in my locality. I
started towards her to enquire on her wellbeing.
Meanwhile, she rushed to me, hugged me and started
“Finally, you have come son. Please take me to
our home.”
I couldn’t fight back my tears. The poor lady
mistook me for his son who left her at an orphanage
cold-heartedly. One could imagine the trauma she
was being put through. How can one turn so cold to
one’s own mother? Is this how a mother is to be
treated? A man who ill-treats his own mother such a
way cannot even be regarded as a human being.
Life has various phases and old-age is an

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is

progress; working together is success.”
– Edward Everett Hale

18 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

inevitable phase of life. You cannot avoid it. No phase
is permanent. You are not going to stay a teen forever.
Watchdog in childhood, counsellor in teenage,
companion in young age, at every stage of life, a
mother makes sure she is always there for her child.
How are paying back to her? The later stage of life
has to be peaceful. Are we making sure we are
treating our mother right in her later stage? Are we
respecting her? Do we even lover her back? Every
mother, these days, is being treated as no more than
a machine. Her presence is not cherished. Her love
is not being returned back. After her passing away,
they start showering her with lots of love reciting
classics, poetry, and speeches in her memory, just for
the show case business. Such deeds make no point.
No matter what endeavors you have
accomplished or what great heights you have
reached, you are always your mother’s child. Ill-
treating your mother is cutting the branch on which
you are sitting. An act of ignorance and foolishness.
Though you cause her all the pain in the world,
strand her alone, and downgrade her dignity, she
always turns up during your tough times. “Son, are
you okay?” Such is her Magnanimity.
Henceforth, love your mother. Be there for her.

“Self-belief and hard work will always earn you

success.” – Virat Kohli

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Fulfill her needs. She too needs to be loved. She too
needs to be respected. She too deserves to be cared
for. She is a human being too.

“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you
can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep
moving forward.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

20 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

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A Father is…
Father is an unrecognized ally. He is a knight in
shining armour. Amidst of many hardships and
struggles, he carries number of difficulties over his
shoulders and sorrows in his heart. Yet he does not
even shed a single drop of tear. He is a reliance to
the family. He never opens up on his emotions. He
constantly renders happiness to the family, and deals
with hassles and hurdles on his own. His agony is
never shown. His pain is always mantled. He is an

“The secret of your success is determined by your

daily agenda.” – John C. Maxwell

22 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

epitome of endurance. He is a mentor disguised with
austerity. A mother gives you a life and a father adds
significance to your life. This fact goes
unacknowledged. Every child, at ten years of his age,
feels his father as a hero. At his young age, during
the age of twenties, he complains his father is very
stubborn. During his thirties, son regards his father
as dull-witted. But this scenario changes once he
reaches forties. During his forties, the son stars
understanding the difficulties his father might have
gone through. During his fifties, he realizes that his
father was indeed a great man. It is during one’s old-
age that one appreciates one’s father. Unfortunately,
it takes time for the reality to seep in. It must not go
unrecognized that the parents are driving force
behind all the achievements and accomplishments
of a child.
Every morning a father has to fight with life. He
works day and night. His entire time and money are
spent for the well-being of the family. He carries all
the responsibility of the family over his shoulders,
all alone. In this process of rendering his entire self
to his family, he sacrifices his comforts and luxuries,
he restricts himself, he takes all the struggles and he
bears all the burdens. All we see is his

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that

there is something inside you that is greater than
any obstacle.” – Christian D. Larson

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authoritarianism. We do not acknowledge that he
fights with the world the entire time, to provide us a
better living. What is going to be the situation of the
family if father starts thinking of his earnings as his
own? What if he stops bothering about his family?
These points are to be kept in mind by every person.
A mother is candle to the family and the father is the
match stick who lights the candle. A father does not
know how to express his love. A mother does not
how to hide the love. All they know is to love
unconditionally. They deserve all the love in the
world and nothing else can pay back to the love that
they shower upon us. Actual orphans are those who
do not recognize the value of their parents. A father
is the one who proudly declares your success to the
world when you win. A father is a confidant who
pats your back in secret when you lose. By the time
you understand your father’s words, your son will
be there, judging your words. Father loses to mother.
Mother loses to father. Together they won their child.
Their opinions and advices are to be respected.
These days we are coming across many incidents
and instances where the parents are thrown out of
the houses without mercy. Old people are ending up
in orphanages and old-age homes. How come this

“If you want to succeed as much as you want to

breathe, then you will be successful.” – Eric Thomas

24 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

distress is caused to the people who are the very
reason for our existence and excellence? Why such
col-hearted attitude towards the people who knew
nothing but to love unconditionally? What are we
even going to achieve by turning a blind eye to our
parents? No matter how much you earn and
whatever you succeed, if you are insensible to your
parents, everything you feel you have achieved is
meaningless. By the time we are able to realize this
truth, what measure is the happiness that is within
us? To this I feel the parents, who are pillars to my
life, must be taken care of. We must look after them
making sure nothing bothers them. I wish my
companions think the same way as well and try to
put the thoughts to action. We must strive for the
same. No parent should shed tears. Will this life
suffice to make this happen? Even if it is not, my
constant pursuit and impulse is to make it happen.
Belittling one’s own parents has become cool
these days. Sometimes his earnings may not suffice;
sometimes he may not be able to make both the ends
meet. Sometimes during his tough times, his
emotions may get bottled up. He may be harsh on
us during those times. Just because he got frustrated
on the family does not mean you can picture him as

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether

you get back up.” – Vince Lombardi

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a mean person. Don’t you think this is not right on
any level? A father strives day and night to afford a
child’s education. The child grows up into man and
questions his father on what properties and wealth
did he save for the family. And complains about not
even having a home of their own. I sincerely request
the people with such mentality to earn his own life
of his dreams, if he can, instead of brooding over
what his father was not capable of. It makes your
father happy as well. Build a home of your dreams
and make your parents a part of it. It gives an
immense satisfaction and content to your parents
who had fought their whole life just for your welfare.
Instead do not make your parents regret for striving
their whole life for you. Make their struggle worth
it. How much you mourned after they pass away is
not going to matter at all. How well you treated them
when they are alive is all that matters in the end.

“Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what

you can do.” – John Wooden

26 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

Siblings are our first friends. Since we are born
out of same womb, our bond with our siblings is a
special one and strengthens stronger as we grow up
under same roof. This bond, if cherished throughout
the life, it would turn out to be the strongest
friendship ever. Instead, if they could not maintain
the relationship healthier, they would turn out be
the worst enemies. Siblings are born out of same
blood. They share the same roof. They eat together,

“Successful people do what unsuccessful people are

not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish
you were better.” – Jim Rohn

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play together, grow up together. But one could not
tolerate the other’s success. They lie about each other.
They deceive each other. They fight for wealth and
properties. They do not even hesitate to escalate
things to court. The value that’s been given to
materialistic treasures has not been given to
relationships and family bond. Is this what you call
life? Does only the money matter to you? Is it not
worth to make a move towards valuing and keeping
the blood relation alive? It must be given a thought.
Is it necessary to have such bounds between two
people who were born and brought up together?A
while ago society used to constitute of joint families.
The whole family used to stick together unitedly,
without any bounds and boundaries. Now the
scenario is entirely opposite. There is zero tolerance
towards one another. One cannot tolerate other’s
upliftment.How far is this concept of living on our
own, just the wife and the husband, the idea of
nuclear family right? The life today has become just
like the famous writer Sailaja Mitra has quoted,
“What value are these siblings going to add who
themselves are not worthy to keep?” There is anger
hidden in her words. The anger has reality in it.
Authors respond to the ongoing events. Stories are

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin

doing.” – Walt Disney

28 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

born out of the lives that they encounter. Our lives
are such a way that they have become a property for
stories and writers. We are in a belief that we too
have a life.
Once upon a time, during the age of letters,
affection and love used to be alive among people. A
mere glance at the loved ones would move them to
tears of joy. Now with the rapid growth of
technology, communication has become easy. A
single click on our mobiles has enabled us to talk to
anyone at any part of the world. Is this technology
bringing us closer or tearing us farther apart? It is a
question of confusion to the mankind.
A while ago, a family used to constitute four to
five members. They used to live happily together.
But these days it’s become difficult for even two
people to stay together with harmony. They lack to
maintain a healthy relationship. They lack the basic
cognizance of one another. The reason being money.
If one earns more, the other can’t tolerate. If one is
happy, the other can’t take it. Those days are long
gone where elder brother used to invite over his
sisters for traditional rituals and offerings. The city
culture has totally taken over our traditional
cultures. At least we are not recognizing and

“If you set your goals ridiculously high and it’s a

failure, you will fail above everyone else’s success.”
– James Cameron

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appreciating our
siblings. This culture
has already seeped into
our lives.
Brothers and sisters
are related to one
another by blood.
Earning money is a
cakewalk for few. For a
few, it is back-breaking.
But are these aspects
going to be barriers for bonds and relationships. No,
they shouldn’t be. Money must not intrude a sibling
relationship. Of course, we do have different
opinions. Our life-styles differ from one another. We
have different perspectives. That does not infer that
you can turn ignorant to your relations. You must
inculcate the sense of togetherness. We may have so
many things in our to-do bucket. We may or may
not fulfill all of those. But the zeal to accomplish them
drives us constantly towards fulfilling the goals.
Henceforth we need to realize that grudging on
others does not take you anywhere. Instead it
destroys your relationships.

“The successful warrior is the average man, with

laser-like focus.” – Bruce Lee

30 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 31
Friends are our well-wishers, our companions
who share our joy and sorrow. Do you think these
days are we able find a genuine friend who truly
wishes for your well-being? Why and why not? I too
hope to find the answers but I’ll try and share my
understanding of what friendship is and who friends
are. A day has been dedicated solely to celebrate
friendship. What is friendship? Is it about lending a
helping hand? Or is it about seeking for a helping

“Education is the passport to the future, for

tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
– Malcolm X

32 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

hand? Is a friend someone who offers you
something? Or is a friend someone who accepts the
offer? Most of us do not comprehend these points
properly. Few make friends with people who spends
money on them. Few make friends with wealthy
people for their own advantage. Few opine
friendship to be a stage to change each other’s habits
or make new habits together (Be it good or bad). This
is a misconception of what friendship is. It is not
friendship. A friend is a peer. A person of the same
age group with whom a we can connect emotionally.
They too are taken care of and looked after by their
parents. One may come from a rich background.
Other may not. But it is not a good practice to expect
the former to spend money on the latter. A true friend
is the one who corrects your mistake and directs you
to the right path. Instead, if he encourages and
accompanies you in wrong deeds, then he isn’t a
A friend is the one with whom we share our
deepest thoughts, emotions and our secrets which
can’t be discussed with our parents and even our
siblings. This tells us how important a friend is and
how valuable friendship is.
Few big shots with an influential background

“I’ve failed over and over and over in my life and

that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 33

friends just to use them as pawns if they get into any
sort of trouble. Such traces can be found everywhere.
Few just make use of people. Once their need is
served, they do not care anymore. These are just
necessities. Not friendship. Since bonds and
affections these days got polluted, today we are in
such a position where we are unable to differentiate
between genuine friendship and selfish intentions.
Only ten percent of us are truly feeling a sense of
responsibility towards their friendship. The rest are
viewing at it as just a need and necessity. No wonder
why we are losing faith in friendship.
This is the main reason why parents these are
not encouraging their children to hang out with
friends. They are laying restrictions on their kids.
Since these days many instances are being witnessed
where toxic companionship is leading to destruction
of individual. A good friend makes our life easier. A
great friend makes our problems seem smaller. A
special friend gives us confidence to face all the
complexities of life. These qualities make you a friend
who is worth keeping for a lifetime. Getting
acquainted with people who are wealthy, influential
or powerful and trying to make friends with such
people for our own advantage are being regarded

“There will be doubters, there will be obstacles, there

will be mistakes. But, with hard work, there are no
limits.” – Michael Phelps

34 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

as friendship these days which is wrong on different
levels. Such bonds do not sustain as well. Friendship
lies in wishing for other’s happiness. Friendship lies
in protecting the other person’s dignity throughout.
Friendship lies in understanding one another and
flourishing together.

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a

lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in
will.” – Vince Lombardi

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 35

Relatives are often regarded as pain in the neck.
The less we entertain relatives, the better it would
be. These are common sayings on relatives that we
come across often. How far this is true? Who are
these relatives in the first place? What is it about the
relatives that bothers us? I am sure everyone has lots
of complains about their relatives. Relatives are those
people who are directly or indirectly related to us
and our families, by blood or surnames, living not

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.

Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”
– Helen Keller

36 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

under same roof, but falls within the sphere of our
family tree, who visit us now and then to meet and
greet us or may be if something turns up then to get
their jobs done. This way they are of many kinds from
different walks of life with different mentalities and
ways of life.
It would be hassle-free if they mind their own
business and leave after their job is done but when
they start dishing the dirt on the family that is
annoying and frustrating. Every household has its
own problems to deal with and so much of distress
to handle. There will be imperfections and secrets
within every family. Instead of minding their own
stuff, the relatives gossip and blabber everywhere.
They try to picturize themselves to be very noble by
bad mouthing about others. They do not realize they
are down grading their own standards by trying to
belittle others.
Everyone has to have a goal, they must work
towards it, and they must equip themselves with
productive jobs in hand. Instead if they have all the
leisure time in the world and no job to do, they would
of course end up putting nose where it’s not wanted.
One such person in a family is enough to destroy
the reputation of the whole family. For instance, once

“Action is the foundational key to all success.” –

Pablo Picasso

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 37

there lived a family of seven. The husband of the last
girl never questioned her on wherever she was going.
He either approves of her or accompanies her. She
used to visit each of the other six families and she
carried the gossips all around. Even though her
husband knew this, he never declared his objection.
She created a ruckus among all the families. They
started disliking each other to the core, the distance
gradually increased and permanently the bond
between them got faded. But she had become an ally
to everyone. What lesson have we learnt out of this?
Why to constantly keep bugging someone by intruding
their privacy. Why to eavesdrop on someone all the
time? Why to add spice and cook the stories? But they
couldn’t grab this point and had become silent
spectators to her performance. By the time they realized
they had lost all the precious time in their hands. People
like this do exist. These people have created a whole
lot of unpleasant impression on relatives. So, we must
encourage the company of relatives to the extent that
is not toxic to us. Their mentalities are to be carefully
observed and corrected on the face, if necessary. Either
they make things right or walk away. By considering
behavior of one or two, you must not form a
generalized opinion on all of them.

“You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.”
– Babe Ruth

38 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

In a way the present-day lifestyle seems better
for some reasons. The hustle-bustle schedule of the
people is not providing them with leisure to gossip.
Sudden and unwelcomed visits to relatives’ houses
have also reduced owing to the daily rush of the
people today. Every one is not good enough to keep
company. The responsibility is upon us to surround
ourselves with good and healthy company.

“Success is most often achieved by those who don’t

know that failure is inevitable.” – Coco Chanel

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 39

40 Success Formula for Students to Strive...
Love is an indescribable experience. It is a divine
emotion. Love can make the entire world drown in
its ecstasy. Love can make the wildest whirlpools
still. Love is very powerful. Life introduces love to
you through your mother. Your father strengthens
it. Siblings take it way further. Friends add an essence
to it. Love makes you bemused and directionless.
Finally unknowing of its state, love flutters in

“A successful man is one who can lay a firm

foundation with the bricks others have thrown at
him.” – David Brinkley

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 41

Man can easily forget the love showered upon
him by his parents and siblings. He can completely
turn unmindful of how much their love values. The
love born in his young age is only cherished by him.
That is not love. Infatuation is often misunderstood
to be love. Some go against their parents. Many such
stories would end up failing. Youngsters are
misinterpreting attraction and infatuation as love
and are getting lost in such intoxication. It has
become cool to show off to fall in so called love.
Teenagers find it as a matter of prestige to have a
girlfriend or a boyfriend. Peer pressure gets to them.
They are fantasized about roaming around with the
opposite genders. Only few know what love is for
These days love has become all about dilly-
dallying. Bumming around during the student life,
later on bidding good bye has become very common.
Be it man or woman, character is very important.
Laying rules on just women, and leaving men to their
wish and will is utterly wrong. Personality matters
to both the genders. Only then you can make your
life beautiful. Else, life will be a constant brawl.
On one side it is being stated that caste and
religion are pointless concepts. On the other side, a

“Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.” –

Oprah Winfrey

42 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

big deal is being made out of the same. While you
love a person, you just view him/her as an individual
and hence his/her caste and religion does not bother
you. You accept him/her as an individual. You get
prepared to share the rest of your life with that
person. Rather, if you get to acquaint with the
person’s family, their life-style and the environment
around, and still you decide to stay committed to
that person that relationship lasts forever. If you love
someone, you must be able to love his family as well.
Instead if we declare our love for just the person and
not his family, we create a toxic environment around
us, thereby destroying peace and tranquility.
Love is not about salary, stature, wealth, or
properties. It is the union of two souls. Love unites
two lives. Love is correcting each other’s mistakes.
Both the partners should stand as two pillars to the
family. By turning into wheels for the family, they
must straddle to a happy living. Instead, having no
faith on love, suspecting each other, going after every
random person cannot be regarded as love. It is
called attraction.
Love that lasts for a week, the contacts that last
for a month, devaluing the words ‘I love you’,
entertaining the company of every random person,

“You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.”

– Wayne Gretzky

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 43

playing the same game with many isn’t love. We have
been witnessing the incidents where lovers are
switched just as that if a wealthier man comes into
the picture. Disheartened and enraged by this, the
opposite person may commit serious atrocities. What
is the reason behind it? Even love has become a
matter of need and necessity. If a man truly loves a
girl, will he be able to spill acid on her face? Will his
hands allow him to cut her throat and choke her to
death? Is this even love? Intending to destroy the
girl’s life just because he couldn’t tolerate the
rejection isn’t love.
If you truly love someone, you cannot tolerate
even a single drop of tear in her eyes. You try and
make her happy all the time. You make sure you do
not harm her in anyway. The true essence of love lies
in respect, faith and responsibility over one another.
In the first place, learn to love your mother. Respect
your father. Value your siblings. Sharing your love
must start from your family. Love must not become
materialistic. It must not be built on necessities and
individual advantages. Love is not a teen’s favorite
pass time. Love is an eternal emotion. You get what
you give. To be loved back, learn to love with a pure
heart and soul.

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in

and day-out.” – Robert Collier

44 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

Love is about two hearts. To take it further to
wedding, two lives and families are concerned. Many
pour scorn on the institution of marriage just as they
mock the concept of love.They forget the promises
made, get divorced in a snap, and the next moment
get engaged with some random person. They justify
these actions by quoting the words beautifully by
saying ‘We have only one life. Enjoy it to the fullest.’
No one objects such a brazen behavior. The reason

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the

great.” – John D. Rockefeller

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 45

being few selfish parents who get benefitted by the
earnings of their daughter or son and hence they do
not try to make things right between the couple.
Instead they provoke them to get separated. This
practice of divorce doesn’t come to an end unless
selfish people stop seeking advantages out of
disturbances between husband and wife.
Youngsters are not to be blamed. They are the
hot-blooded youth. They react in anger. Owing to
variety of anomalies and ego, they make mistakes in
the young age unknowing of what is right and what
is not. These mistakes lead their life to loneliness in
the future. Few parents might go greedy after the
money and encourage their son or daughter to get
separated from their spouses so that they can have
an edge over their earnings. They do not realize that
they create a turmoil in the family. The significance
of marriage is long-forgotten. In the past, even
though the couple couldn’t get along with each other,
by looking at their kids they used to make things
right and carry on with their lives. But these days, in
addition to getting divorced, they are sharing their
kids and separating the siblings as well. Deprived of
love, affection and proper upbringing, those kids
undergoloneliness and grow up to be psychopaths.

“Though no one can go back and make a brand-new

start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-
new ending.” – Carl Bard

46 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

Their pain causes distress to others as well.
In the past, father used to earn for the living,
mother used to manage home. This was customary.
In the present day, both are earning equally. Besides,
necessity has led the generation to a misconception
that money is all that matters. Does it really matter?
Wedding is a gateway that opens to an eternity of
love. A sense of protection that binds the family
together. It is absolutely fine even if the things are
not so perfect between the couple all the time, as long
as a war-like environment has not been created at
the home.
Once you get married, your love has to add the
extra element called responsibility. You should feel
responsible for the family. A daughter-in-law should
be responsible for her in-laws’ family and their
reputation. A son-in-law should take care of his in-
laws’ family as a son. Instead, belittling each other’s
families and bad-mouthing about one another has
become mandatory these days. This is not a healthy
practice. The institution of marriage has prominent
significance and that deserves to be respected. In-
laws’ must be respected equally as parents. It should
be noted that what goes around comes around. So if
you intend on sending away your parents or in-laws

“Our greatest fear should not be of failure… but of

succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.”
– Francis Chan

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 47

to orphanages, just think of the day when you
become old and think of your children treating you
the same way. Do not mistake their advices for
orders. It is eldership. Their eldership must be
valued. Your spouse is born to them and brought up
them. They deserve to be respected.

Keep on going, and the chances are that you will

stumble on something, perhaps when you are least
expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling
on something sitting down.” – Charles F. Kettering

48 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 49
Self Confidence
Self confidence adds an essence to life. It is a
factor of utmost necessity in everyone’s life. Many
of us mistake pride for self-confidence. Pride and
self-confidence never mean the same. Having faith
in oneself is self-confidence. Having faith in only one-
self is pride. In the past, only few used to be scholars.
Only few have had the opportunities to excel. Only
few had a stage to exhibit their talents. But these
days, even a slight trace of interest in the kids is being

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as

you do not stop.” – Confucius

50 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

immensely encouraged by parents. And the path is
laid for their enhancement. This inculcates
confidence. On being appreciated, one must cultivate
confidence, not ego. Ego destroys you. Self-
confidence empowers you.
Our country has given birth to many great
personalities. The country has witnessed true leaders
who put their lives at risk for the sake of the country
and rendered their services. Few sacrificed their lives
too. They made their presence pronounced and
vibranteven after their demise. On the contrary,
today’s world is filled with leaders who indulge in
corruption and lobbying, seek success through back-
door, and try to earn glory through money. Such
reputation is of no great concern. It doesn’t last even
a day. Glory earned out of one’s excellence makes its
mark in the history. Trying to earn a reputation just
for the name-sake is not going to take you anywhere.
It might become the talk of the town for a day. But it
wont last.
A student determines to pass the examination
with flying colors. He puts in his efforts for the same
which boosts his confidence. He definitely succeeds
in his goal. To believe self-confidence alone would
suffice to succeed is sheer stupidity. This way one

“We may encounter many defeats but we must not

be defeated.” – Maya Angelou

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 51

who builds up self-confidence, be it a student, or a
political leader, or an actor, or a doctoror whoever
that might be, definitely achieves success. One needs
to have determination and dedication in one’s life.
An easy success neither does worth a penny nor lasts.
Every now and then we witness physically
challenged people going out of their way and
proving their worth. A man with no arms writes with
his toes, their lack of vision is not stopping blind
people from pursuing the education of their interest,
a person with no legs is capable of dancing. From
this it is evident that self-confidence enables and

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Wishing is

not enough; we must do.” – Johann Wolfgang Von

52 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

drives a man to reach his highest goals. The success
that is achieved through struggle has the real worth.
That adds to your self-esteem.
People who are born with a silver spoon having
all the wealth and riches buy the success. They
develop ego. It is not confidence. The success and
the glory earned that way fades away in no time.
Self-confidence adds beauty to the personality.
Whereas ego destroys the charm. Character has a
personality which gets reflected in one’s face. It is
called the inner beauty. In its absence, all the external
make-up and mask-up would invite mockery. Our
conduct, the way of speaking, attitude towards
elders, the friendship we maintain, the love we care
for, and the way we treat our parents, all together
add to your confidence. Else, we end up with a
meaningless life accompanied by loneliness.

“Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within

yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down.
You have to keep going.” – Chantal Sutherland

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 53

Devotion is not about just praying to the idol in
front of you with folded hands and closed eyes. Also,
it is not about circumambulating for a hundred times
or it is not about lighting the camphor. Devotion does
not lie in giving beyond affordable offerings in the
temples. Giving the money that is earnt in different
illegal and corrupt ways as offering to god does not
wash away your sins. Indulging in frauds by
manipulating innocent devotees into carrying out

“Reading is to the mind, as exercise is to the body.”

– Brian Tracy

54 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

unnecessary rituals is not at all devotion. Then what
is devotion?
In this world of billions of people and the
universe of eternity, what measure are we? Wherever
we are, the only concern is about earning one’s life.
In this hustle bustle you have in a twenty-four day, a
sincere remembrance of the divine form, even if it’s
for a second, can be regarded as prayer. This act of
devotion would definitely be appreciated by the god.
God didn’t ask us for any offerings. Neither did he
ask us for insignificant rituals and prayers. We
changed devotion into a business these days.
Devotion is faith. Devoting the idols, that is
developing faith on the divine form, believing it
would do good and believing it would punish for
the sins is devotion which drives us to inculcate
conscience within ourselves. Have faith in the
almighty. He safeguards every one of us in any form
or appearance. Expecting results just by praying to
god without working towards the goals is
foolishness. The faith in god must drive us towards
our goals. God helps us fulfil the dreams. It is us,
who must work. Our duty is not just praying to god
and making wish. It takes effort from our side to
make the wish come true. How far can it be justified

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t

understand it well enough.” – Albert Einstein

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 55

to blame the god for not granting you the wishes
when no efforts are made by you? One more thing
that I would like to add here is, we are all destined
to a fortune and we get what we are destined to. This
point has to be realized by everyone. It is only then
enmity among people will be vanished. Once the
reality seeps in to us, we will be able to achieve
Devotion is a salutary. If it is displayed just for
the sake of formality or a mere show off cannot be
regarded as devotion. It is accepted by the god. Many
scholars have been stating these facts. Yet the true
meaning of devotion has not been recognized by the
people. It is utter stupidity to fear of getting punished
by god if we do not fulfil solemn vows. Solemn vows
teach us to stay committed to the promises made and
to stand by our word. For a man to stay disciplined,
it is necessary to put him to fear of being punished.
This fear of being punished makes a man to think
before he acts. In the absence of such fear, every one
behaves the way one likes and the society gets
burdened with much more problems.
Hence our elders state that every individual has
to have the fear of being punished. In the absence of
the same, the deeds we do are insignificant and

“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more

intelligently.” – Henry Ford

56 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

meaningless. Our ancestors have emphasized the
point that we need to have respect and fear towards
our elders and devotion towards god. This is the
deeper meaning to the point is the elderly has
experience and the divinity has endurance.Love
towards parents, respect towards mentors, and
devotion towards god add significance to your life.
Are we courageous enough to repay the god? How
can we repay him for giving us this birth as a human
being? We could offer him nothing but our sincere
prayer. Only the prayer offered to him with a pure
heart and serene mind can be called as devotion.

“Preparation is the key to success.” – Alexander

Graham Bell

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 57

58 Success Formula for Students to Strive...
“Life is a boon. Get hold of every moment.” Life
isn’t just a simple word. It’s an ocean A swim across
this ocean amidst of venomous snakes trying to spill
the poison upon us, gigantic whales trying to gulp
the life out of us and the black cobras waiting for the
moment to surround us. Yet the courage and spirit
which constantly drive us to fight add significance
to life. Comparing our lives to others’ lives is sheer

“Who questions much, shall learn much, and retain

much.” – Francis Bacon

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 59

Few opine they aren’t fortunate and lucky. This
is wrong. Everyone is fortunate and lucky. When
opportunity knocks on the door, few people grab it
while the others let go of it. Once the doors are closed,
you’ll have to wait until they open up again. It might
take few hours, few days, few years, or even a lifetime.
Hence one must strike while the iron is hot.
Life is a fight, life is a game of chess, and life is
an anxiety. With tagging the life with such meanings,
we constantly bother about not achieving anything.
Life isn’t meant to be spent bothering and worrying
about one or the other reason all the time. This life is
bestowed upon us by the god to spend it happily
with our friends and family. Few people complain
about the difficulties in their lives. They complain
about not being happy. This is wrong. As long as you
misuse your strength which is supposed to be used
to overcome your difficulties, you can’t be happy.
Few people go after wealth. Few go after status.
To acquire properties and wealth, you’ll have to earn
income. To acquire status, you’ll have to work hard.
You’ll have to love what you do. Only then we can
accomplish anything. Instead, these days wealth is
linked to reputation and vice versa. The wealth and
reputation earned in such a way won’t last long. Life

“Procrastination is the art of keeping up with

yesterday.” – Don Marquis

60 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

is a one-time event. Few must realize that it shouldn’t
be taken for granted; it shouldn’t be spent for hurting
others or hurting themselves. The petty problems we
face every day like failing in love, failing to earn
luxuries and comforts, scolding from mother or
punishment from father are leading to suicides. No
man has the right to kill himself no matter what the
reason is. Committing suicide is a sin. Birth and death
should not be controlled by man. They shouldn’t be
taken into our hands. Trying to kill oneself is a sin.
How ignorant it is to end the precious life for silly
reasons! Every single person needs love. Love is a
necessity. But love isn’t the only necessity. Money is
a necessity. But money isn’t the only necessity. Status
is a necessity. But status isn’t the only necessity. Your
life gets fulfilled the day when you spread happiness
to the people around you and make your world
lively. Only greater achievements do not add
fulfillment to your life. Achieving isn’t about
showing off to others. How did Sir Abdul Kalam and
Mother Teresa make their mark in the history? We
mustn’t speak of our accomplishments. Our actions
must speak. We mustn’t take all the wrong paths to
earn money. All our good deeds shower us with the

“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from

people who have the habit of making excuses.” –
George Washington Carver

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 61

It is absolutely fine even if you have not rendered
your services to people around you. You mustn’t
harm even a single person. Life is meant to live.
Death anyhow invites us when our time ends here.
Until then, we must live and let live. The decisions
taken out of the anxiety and anger make a man
Recently, I’ve come across an incident where a
woman, unable to handle the disturbances in the
family, tried to kill herself and her kids. The lady
was saved but unfortunately, the kids lost their lives.
Just imagine how the lady is going to live for the
rest of her life? She has to live with the pain and
agony every single day. Why the anger has to be
given such value? Anger is meaningless.
Drunkard husbands and their abusive behavior
has become a usual practice for our society from a
very long time. In the older times, women used to
tolerate this. Now the society has zero tolerance
towards the same. Boozing is an addiction in the first
place. Talking nonsense after boozing is also an
addiction. Taking the words of a drunkard seriously
is the biggest addiction. The lack of understanding
between husband and wife isn’t the mistake of their
kids. What right do they have to kill their kids?

“However difficult life may seem, there is always

something you can do and succeed at.”
– Stephen Hawking

62 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

Committing such thoughtless and grave mistakes
effects not just that family, but the whole society
“You own your birth and you own your death.
The life in between is owned by your country.” Said
by great scholar, Kaaloji. Henceforth add a meaning
to your life. Let’s live by rendering the service we
could and by valuing the meaning of life. What do
you say?

“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem

to have.” – Thomas Jefferson

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 63

Our elders taught us about anger which is a
thoughtless emotion. What have we learned from it?
Are we putting it into action? No. We are expressing
our anger on everyone around us. And we are proud
of it. We are opining it as a great trait. We do not
tolerate even a slightest opposition or defiance. We
answer back with hundred abuses for a single abuse.
We think of it as heroism. Though it sounds heroic
and bold, anger is capable if immense destruction.

“Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get

tired of doing the hard work you already did.” –
Newt Gingrich

64 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

All the people do not have similar mindset. Their
opinions and ideologies differ from one another. One
doesn’t lose his cool even under the deadliest
circumstances, while the other bothers about every
silly thing. Both together construct a society. Varied
ideologies make a society. Anger must associate with
intellect. Only then it becomes meaningful.
Meaningless anger leads you to unwelcome
consequences. Don’t you agree? Watch out for the
bizarre that follows.
There lived two friends. They had no differences.
They studied together. They lived under same roof,
shared same room and bed. They ate together. They
shared same opinions. Both of them liked a girl. This
had given rise to ego. They began competing with
each other for impressing the girl. Finally, they
developed deep seated hatred towards each other.
They abused each other. And got separated. Why
didn’t they at least think of asking the girl’s opinion
and wish? Isn’t it necessary to value other person’s
will and wish as well? No. They didn’t care and value
the other person’s opinion. They fought with each
other and drifted apart. One fine day when the girl
happened to meet these guys, she questioned them,
“Who are you in the first place? I have never met

“There are no traffic jams on the extra mile.”

– Zig Ziglar

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 65

you before. How come both of you like me without
even meeting me or getting to know me? And how
come you both broke your friendship?” They
remained clueless. Whatever she said was indeed
true. Without even getting to know each other, how
can one like the other? Instead of thinking this way,
they were stubborn about getting what they wanted.
Love and companionship cannot be bought
anywhere. Love has to be earned. For this one has to
inculcate good traits. One has to have a pleasing
personality to attract others. Only then one would
be likable. This incident is not from any movie or
novel. It had happened in one of the colleges in
Andhra Pradesh. What happened next? Both the
friends sorted out the differences between them.
They apologized to one another. They had drawn a
conclusion that the girl should belong to either of
them only. A while later when they had seen the girl
in some other person’s company, they could not think
straight and turned outrageous. They attacked her
with acid. They had spoiled her face and life
Oblivious of their responsibilities, the students
owing to their ego and grudge, destroyed the life of
the girl who is innocent. Why the innocent girl had

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but

anyone can start today and make a new ending.” –
Maria Robinson

66 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

to suffer? Why she had to get punished for the
mistake she never committed? Did they think of the
agony and pain the girl had to go through? Did they
think of how painful it would be if the same thing
had happened to the women of their family? Or did
their heinous act bring them peace? Of course not.
They are now rotting in jail. Now tell me. What did
they achieve with the anger? Jealousy triggers anger.
It has to be washed away. Ego has to be chased away.
Anger has to be suppressed. Or else these monsters
inside us will destroy the society around us.
Anger must have a reason. It must have a
purpose. Else the anger drives us to behave
senselessly. People fight constantly. Kill each other.
What they achieve end of the day? They end up in
prison. Is this the purpose one has to serve in life?
By engaging the company of fake friends, getting
provoked on their cheers and getting upset by their
comments, most of us go in the wrong paths and act
without intellect. What is that we achieve end of the
Movies might have become a component in our
day-to-day lives. But still how far they are applicable
to our lives? A cinema is made of fiction and graphics
though it relates to the real life. It is a three-hour

“Work as hard as you can and then be happy in the

knowledge you couldn’t have done any more.” –

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 67

business. This can’t be related to our life. The heroic
characters in the movies perform all the heroic stunts
in the movies. The hero punches four men with single
hand immediately after which they all fly away. If
we try that stunt, we hurt our fist first. If we try and
apply the same heroism in our real lives, we end up
deceiving ourselves.
You might have heard of the technique of
counting the numbers up to ten when your temper
is raised. Try that. If anyone offends you or hurts
you, say it then and there itself. Ask them to
apologize immediately. Why are we complicating the
simple problems by not solving them discussing
them immediately and politely? Before letting the
anger control you, have an understanding of
yourself. Estimate the consequences that follow. Only
then we will understand how to act and what to do.

“Today a reader. Tomorrow a leader.” – Anonymous

68 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 69
Agony has become a daily task for the people
these days. Every single person we come across in
our lives has something to bother about or worry
about. Everyone has difficulties. Every life has
problems. Few problems can be solved. Few cannot
be solved. The pain of losing a loved one can’t be
lessened, so is the pain of being punished for the
mistakes that we didn’t commit. Does brooding over
the difficulties constantly lessen the agony? The

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you

were to live forever.” – Mahatma Gandhi

70 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

negative vibes spread faster to the people around us.
Our elders constantly tell us that it’s fine even if you
do not share and spread your happiness. But your
sadness should never be spread to the people around
you. But we mostly spread negativity to the people
around us. We make their hearts heavy. Of course, it
is true that sharing your pain lessens it. But how far
it can be justified to spread the sadness around you?
For instance, in a family, a young son has passed
away, or the newly-wed daughter has committed
suicide unable to handle the pressures from the in-
laws’ family. Or a lady lost her husband at a very
young age. For just being present at the crime scene,
a person has been convicted of murder and is being
punished. Shareholder has cheated in the business.
A person has run into debts. Aren’t these the
difficulties and the problems that trouble us? How
many of these problems can be avoided and faced
by us? We are human beings. We can’t avoid these
inevitable problems. If possible, we vent out our pain
with our loved ones. We can receive their
consolation. But can we completely wash out the
problems? Can we totally avoid them? Give it a
thought. Definitely not. What can be done if
someone’s son or daughter loses his or her life in a

“Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has

seen and thinking what nobody has thought.” –
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 71

road accident? Whoever or whatever the reason
might be for the daughter’s suicide in in-laws’ house,
who can bring her back to life? Who can stop the
death of the husband? If you accompany a potential
murderer and get yourself into trouble, who can help
you? Unaware of the risks involved in a business, if
you are not alert and deceived by your partner who
can correct your negligence? If you spend your
money on unnecessary things and pretend to be
wealthy in front of others, who can save you? Our
deeds make us either victims or convicts. Our
thoughts are the reasons for our agony. So, can we
overcome these complexities is a million-dollar
question. If we determine to, we can! The lost lives
can’t be brought back to life. This thought gives a
slight relief.
This context reminds of me an incident.
Unfortunately, a young man in a family had lost his
life. Needless to describe the state of his parents.
They could not digest the news. The death of their
son has taken away the life out of them. They were
just living without the liveliness. We were worried
if they will ever be able to recover and come out of
the distress. Within a few days, while the mother still
mourned the death of her son, the father was able to

“Be stronger than your excuses.” – Anonymous

72 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

cope a little bit. We asked him. “Sir! How did you
bear the pain?” On the other side, his wife was also
questioning him. “How come you are not even
shedding a tear drop?” He then answered.
“Whatever happened was tragic. We can’t deny it. I
mourned all the night. I couldn’t withstand. I
collapsed in front the god. Why am I going through
this? Why this punishment? I pleaded the god to take
away my life as well. I dozed off at some early hour.
I couldn’t sleep for long. As soon as I woke up, the
house is filled with near and dear. Every one was
mourning. A wave of nausea engulfed me. At that
moment, a thought hit me hard. No matter how long
we mourn, we are not going to get our son back. His
time here is over. His purpose here is finished. That’s
that. And this is how my life is going to be from now
on. For the rest of my life, I’ll have to live with his
memories. I didn’t shed tears. Aversion has taken
over me. Someday my time ends. I am waiting for
that day. If I keep mourning and crying, it makes
my wife even sadder. I’ll become a burden to my son.
So, I am suppressing my tears.”
His words hit us hard. We felt sorry for him.
Even during such painful circumstances, he was
concerned about not imparting his pain to others.

“If people only knew how hard I’ve worked to gain

my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all.” –

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 73

Even for the petty
reasons, we worry a lot
and bother the people
around us. We brood
over the problems and
trouble the people
around us. After
listening to his words, I
have resolved to face
the problems instead of
escaping from them. I want you to follow this as well.
Where there is happiness, there is pain also. It
isn’t good to get overwhelmed by joy. Also, it isn’t
good to get crippled by sadness. Both should be
balanced. One shouldn’t dedicate one’s life
completely to either joy or agony. Few of us, when
elated, share it with others, overwhelm ourselves and
sit on cloud nine. When in problems, they worry a
lot, bother others, spread the negativity around and
brood over the problems. Not few, most of us are
like this. Because we are humans. We expect
kindness. We await appreciation. We expect love. We
want affection. Most of all, we need consolation. That
is how it is.

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to

start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar

74 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

Despair has taken over almost everyone these
days. Finally, the despair has become an abnormality,
a disease in fact and is being called ‘depression’.
Inferiority complex can also be related to despair.
Because, the youngsters these days are falling prey
to despair and depression if something happens
against their wish and will. A few days back, a
student has attended civil service examination and
was sure of passing the exam. But unfortunately, he

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t,

you’re right.” – Henry Ford

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 75

failed in the exam. He lost control over his emotions.
He slipped into a destructive mode. He grabbed a
knife and started attacking the people on the street
like a man possessed. Such despair has taken over
him. He started behaving psychotic unaware of what
he was doing. Later, after being examined medically,
he was admitted into hospital. How come such
desperation has engulfed him? He waited for his
dream more than he could think of. Since he couldn’t
achieve this, he has reached this mental state.
What causes hopelessness and despair? The
reasons might be many. Physical disorders might be
the reasons. Mental insecurities might be the reasons.
When something happens against our expectations,
then hopelessness and dejection encompass us. But
does giving up hope gets us what we have wanted?
Is it healthy to look on the black side all the time?
Definitely not. This is when you need to think and
act wise with a positive state of mind.
No matter how much of making up you do to
your face, it is the smile that greets others and
introduces you to the people. The faces coated with
despair can never be developed. Hope and
hopelessness stay together. There are the two sides
of a coin. “An oceanic wave is my inspiration. Not

“Thinking should become your capital asset, no

matter whatever ups and downs you come across in
your life.” – Dr. APJ Kalam

76 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

because it falls. But because it rises back” said by a
great poet. This has to be taken as a guiding principle
by everyone.
Every failure is a stepping stone to success. And
the same infers that failing doesn’t mean the end of
the world. If you achieve everything you have ever
wanted, what else is there to fight for? Failures make
you await the success. Few unfulfilled desires and
unattended hopes give you the reason to fight for
and makes the life interesting. If everything is
achieved, there’s nothing left to hope for or chase
A hope is necessary for a man. Life is nothing
without hope. At the same time, greed doesn’t get
you anything. Man doesn’t appreciate what he has
near him or with him. He turns a blind eye to friends,
family, affection, bonds etc. He chases something that
is far away and which is out of his court. This leaves
him in despair. We listen to people saying “what we
won is ours. What we couldn’t can never be ours.”
But there’s nothing wrong in trying to win. When
the efforts turn into a never-ending conflict or battle
then it becomes difficult. Leading the life with
discontentment all the time deteriorates the health
both physically and mentally. And this weakens us.

“You’ve got to get up every morning with

determination if you’re going to go to bed with
satisfaction.” – George Lorimer

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 77

There exists a bird.
It always shrieks out
loud. There won’t be
any reason. It has food
at its disposal. It has
strongly built nest to
stay. The chicks are safe
in the nest. It has its
twin bird to hunt for
food. Yet the bird lives
in a discontentment
and cries out all the
time. Joy or sad, it wails all the time. The same way,
no matter what he won or owns, the greed to acquire
more has taken over him. No matter how much he
earned, he is greedy to earn more and more. No
matter how much glory he achieved, the desire to
earn more and achieve everything leads a man to live
with discontentment. As long as we are satisfied with
what we have, we will be happy with our lives. In
the absence of satisfaction and in the constant fight
for something, life becomes stressful. Peace vanishes
out of the life. There won’t be any happiness.

“The expert in anything was once a beginner.” –

Helen Hayes

78 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 79
One has to have kindness. One has to be
compassionate and sympathetic. All these qualities
in a man might not give him a great stature, but
definitely they make him human. In the absence of
these, humans behave like monsters. We have to
make a habit of giving at least one percent of our
earnings to the poor, the destitute, and the blind and
physically challenged people. Instead we come
across few people saying things like “These people

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of

preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”
– Colin Powell

80 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

beg for money like this. But they are really wealthy
it seems.” This is wrong. If you can, then help them.
If not, it is fine. But instead abusing them by saying
“You look fit. Why don’t you go earn your own
living?” “Are we getting any easy money. We are
working hard for it. Why don’t you work and earn?”
These taunts are not necessary. It is just an urge to
criticize and say something bad to others. We must
make a habit of lending a helping hand.
For example, in a bus stop a girl was weeping
for some reason. She was just a kid. Nobody was
bothered even to stop by and ask her why she was
crying. No one was concerned. What would happen
to the girl if she catches attention of any evil mind?
Who might have left her here? Or is she an orphan?
So many such thoughts come across. I have observed
her for a while. She might have left her parents’
hands while walking and might have went missing.
By then she had caught attention of many bad eyes.
Few started enquiring her about her parents. Few
insisted her to go with them. This scared me. I
immediately walked to her and held her close to me.
Out of fear, the girl came closer to me and hugged
me. Those strangers, on seeing this left the place. I
then asked her about her parents. She wasn’t in a

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one

can take it away from you.” – B.B. King

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 81

position to answer. I took her to the police station
nearby. The police have given her photographs to
the newspapers. Finally, the girl was handed over to
her parents Happy ending.
Nothing can be done if we think “Why should
we bother?” If we raise hundreds of questions
everywhere, we end up in thousands of suspicions.
That’s why we need to respond to the injustice in
front of us. We should be helpful. “What might
happen then? Why should we bother?” These
thoughts should not let us hold back from helping.
Every man has to cultivate specific and sophisticated
opinions. He shouldn’t say and listen to the words
“why should I bother?” Today the child might not
be ours. But what if our child ends up in such
situation? What if everyone thinks the same way?
What if no one bothers? Today the problem might
be faced by other family. What if we face the same
difficulty tomorrow? What if others turn oblivious
to our problems tomorrow the same way we did
today? What importance is given to the society?
What is the meaning of security?
If injustice happens to someone, we turn a deaf
ear to them. We lack the common sense to think what
if the same thing happens to us tomorrow? If one

“Whoso neglects learning in his youth, loses the past

and is dead for the future.” – Euripides

82 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

abuses the other, we simply hold back. But if the
same thing happens to us, we expect everyone to
stand by our side. Be it happiness or sorrow, there
has to be a balance. We will have to be live balanced
and think balanced. Compassion towards fellow
beings, kindness towards animals and birds, and
empathy towards the poor and differently abled
should be cultivated. Animals and birds cannot think
like a man does. These creatures have love. The same
nature to love has to be cultivated. Only then our
life becomes purposeful. Its Significance is added to
the life.

“We learn more by looking for the answer to a

question and not finding it than we do from learning
the answer itself.” – Lloyd Alexander

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 83

The lie and the truth
Lying has become a habit for people. Everything
they speak is a lie from the question “Where are
you?” to “How is life?” It isn’t necessary to lie about
where you are. But lying starts from there and follow
us to sleep at night singing lullaby. It has become a
daily routine and habit for few. From sunrise to
sunset everything that is spoken has become nothing
but a lie. Liars often forget what they have told at a
particular place. They speak different versions at

“Learning is never done without errors and defeat.”

– Vladimir Lenin

84 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

different places. Hence forth they forget what they
intend to hide. Due to which they get caught too.
For example, let us consider the well-know story
of a boy lying to his father about seeing a tiger. Out
of fun, the kid yells twice that a tiger has come.
Believing this the father runs to his son twice. The
third tiger comes for real but no one believes him
this time. The same way a person who constantly lies
is never trusted, even if he speaks the truth at an
instant. So, we need to develop honesty. One has to
speak the truth courageously. Though people listen
to you lying or going bonkers, you must not think
that they have believed whatever you said.
Theyrealize. But they act like they don’t. Late they
criticize such people in their absence. Hence a person
must never create a chance for others to criticize him.
Besides that, few people go on speaking without
observing up to what extent the opposite person is
paying attention or if the person is really interested
in the conversation. Few people keep on lying
without even noticing whether the opposite person
has caught their lies.
They buy a thing. They lie about its cost. They
buy at one place. They tell they bought it elsewhere.
They build friendship. They lie about it saying there’s

“Teachers open the door, but you must enter by

yourself.” – Chinese Proverb

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 85

no friendship between them and complain that the
other person is getting on the nerves. They get into
relationship. But they insult the other person saying
his/her love is not genuine and blame them of falling
in love with someone else. They go and watch
movies. They lie that they do not watch movies. They
watch soap operas. They tell that they don’t have
time to watch TV. They dine at hotels. They say that
they are allergic to outside food. This way they lie
about their daily chores. They will be out of station,
at some other town. They say they haven’t left the
home since the family doesn’t allow doing so. What
is the purpose of doing all this? Nothing. It builds
insecurity among ourselves and nothing else. This
makes them forget what they have told to a person
and eventually they speak differently about the same
thing. Hence the truth gets revealed easily. They get
mocked. Everyone has to keep these things in mind.
“The truth is like a lion.” –St. Augustine.
Justifying the habit of lying by saying that the
truth is not believed by anyone is not a good conduct.
Is it? The truth may not win in the beginning. At the
end it is the truth that wins, brings grace to us and
makes the life significant. We have learned about the
king Harishchandra who had spoken nothing but the

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you

can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela

86 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

truth. In the context of our conversations, if someone
says that they are speaking the truth, what would
our immediate response be? We mock them saying
that he thinks of himself as a descendant of Satya
Harishchandra. King Harishchandra had made his
life significant by bringing honor to his family by
speaking truth only. The times have changed. Lying
has become cool these days. From parents to friends,
lies are taking over everyone. Even we lie, the lies
will become truth if we are wealthy and rich. Even if
a poor speaks truth, it is named as a lie. Hence it is
not always possible to find truth in what we speak.
Because we are human beings. Speaking only truth

“The real key to learning something quickly is to

take a deliberate, intelligent approach to your
learning.” – Lindsay Kolowich

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 87

all the time might not be possible. Sometimes it is
necessary to lie for a good cause. It is absolutely fine
to lie to unite two friends. If the situation comes
where the husband and wife get united by only lying,
it isn’t wrong to lie. The same way if two people are
to get separated, speaking truth would be a good
thing only. For instance, cooking needs salt as well
as sour. Alongside spice is also needed. Contrary to
this, if only sweet is added to the dish all the time, it
would become unpalatable. The same way, a lie when
necessary and a truth when lying is unnecessary
beautify the life. This builds a strong foundation for
a beautiful life. A strong foundation strengthens the
building. The same way when the life is closer to the
path of honesty, it becomes happier.

“Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty

without it.” – Stephen Hawking

88 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 89
Time Management
Time management enables us to achieve
anything in our life. To brief it out, whenever a baby
is born the time of birth is recorded. The same way,
time of the death is noted too. The parents’ concern
is to know the horoscope of the child with his time
of birth. “Does the horoscope hint any danger to
anyone? Does anyone get benefitted?” These kinds
of questions will be raised in general. What do we
understand by this? Time is an important element

“What we learn with pleasure we never forget.” –

Alfred Mercier

90 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

which decides our lives.
Besides, time is a divinity that takes us forward.
We quest for divinity elsewhere. We visit numerous
holy places. We walk around the temples for a
hundred times. Not that these are wrong. It is these
holy places which cultivate discipline in a person. It
is the deities who administer the time and make us
visit holy places. Hence the holy places and
pilgrimage centers enable the man to lead the life in
a decent path and adds a meaning to the life. But it
is the time which forwards with us and leads us
The time is the obvious form of divinity. Such
time is treated as just a tool or machine and if spent
as we wish, aren’t we witnessing number of failures
today. We can’t imagine how many more failures we
get to experience further.
Soon as we wake up, right from the moment we
leave the home, we find no time to have food, no
time to relax a bit. Every moment is a hustle-bustle.
Every moment is spent rushing and hurrying.
Driving with the same hurry, worrying about the
time and jumping the signals, driving very fast and
ending up in road accidents where few lives are even
lost. What could be the reason? We do not respect

“Your positive action combined with positive

thinking results in success.” – Shiv Khera

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 91

time. How can you get up early in the morning if
you wasted all the time by watching television,
movies and videos till late in the night? We do not
know the span of our life. At least we must follow
the time and make proper use of it as long as we
live. Mustn’t we? Otherwise what are we going to be
left with? What else will we be left with other than
ruining beautiful life by disrespecting the time, hence
forth fighting with the schedule and finally wasting
the time? Earlier time used to have a great
prominence. Now if someone gives importance to
the time, he or she is treated as a useless person, a
boring person, or a typical old-school. Making
mockery of having food on time has become habitual.
Turning a deaf ear when asked to sleep on time has
become compulsory. ‘Lead the life with discipline’
kind of words are being said just for the sake of
saying it and not for truly following.
One can’t see without eyes. One can’t hear
without ears. Such truth is the fact that one can’t live
without time. We know there is god. We know the
sun is an evident divine form. We are aware that we
must worship a cow. We know we must respect
women, love our mother and be responsible towards
our families. We are very well aware of such things.

“Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds you down or

polishes you up is for you alone to decide.”
– Cavett Robert

92 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

The same way we must know that time management
is pretty much necessary for the life in the absence
of which there won’t be a meaning and essence to
the life. Despite knowing this we constantly get to
hear this from others. We constantly make mistakes.
This is life. As long as a man resides in the human
body, he loses his sense. He turns deaf ear even when
warned with wisdom. To follow the time is to follow
the deity. Time is an integral source of the life.

“You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You

learn by doing, and by falling over.”
– Richard Branson

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 93

What is meant by “Are you studying?” It means
are you ready to lead a true life. Something that has
not been changed even a slightest is truth. If we have
a look at the world to search for something that never
changes, doesn’t everything undergo change
including the sun. The same way isn’t it true the more
knowledge we gain the smaller the world gets?
“Aham brahmasmi.” The saying goes in Sanskrit
which means “I am the absolute”. Knowledge is

“Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for

tomorrow.” – Albert Einstein

94 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

epitome of the divine. “Aanandho brahma, Satyam
brahma, Gnyanam brahma, Anantham brahma”
“Anthaha baahischa thathsarvam vyapya narayana
sthithaha.” Which means the immortal lord is present
everywhere. Knowledge is ambrosia. Truth, wisdom,
contentment, infinity, and divinity infer the same
meaning. Take the same form.
What has happened to such knowledge in the
present day? How many inappropriate forms it is
taking? Is it enlightening us? Or is it killing the
wisdom? Life used to be different during early-man’s
age. Now when man turned out to be a genius, the
life has changed in numerous ways and has gone
What is knowledge in the first place? Is it living
life as per one’s wish and will? Earlier there used to
be only few opportunities to acquire proper
education. Now the opportunities for literate and
even the illiterate to live are many. How many of us
are making the proper use of these opportunities?
And how many are not? This has become an
unanswered question. Most of us opine that
knowledge is education or it is regarded to books,
or knowledge is all about travelling abroad. But how
many are aware that none of the mentioned is

“Mistakes are the portals of discovery.”

– James Joyce

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 95

knowledge. What degrees are bagged by our
ancestors? How many books did they read? They
worked in a way of guiding and leading our lives.
The knowledge without wisdom is pointless. The one
who comprehends life is wise. The one who studies
life thoroughly is wise. But what is happening these
days? Soon after graduating, going to abroad and
the parents going bonkers about this so-called
victory has become fashion these days.
I remember a scene from a film where the actress
asks the male lead about why he isn’t interested in
settling in abroad for which he replies saying “Would
it be satisfactory for me to go abroad, get a job with
a decent pay, buy a luxurious car and send my dad
the picture of it? Will I be able to take my dad to a
drive in that car? Also, if my dad isn’t well, I might
be able to ask him to take a medicine. But can I give
him that medicine with my own hands?” How true!
We often complain that movies are misleading the
youth. But why do we turn oblivious to certain good
points shown in the films and why don’t we follow
them? Is the wisdom driving us only to the useless
points? Isn’t it guiding us to a right path? Don’t we
have brains? Think.
No matter how much knowledge you gain, it

“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in

rising every time we fail.” – Confucius

96 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

goes in vain if you do not know the basic values like
protecting the father, loving your mother, supporting
the child, and respecting the women. At last our
wisdom has taken us to the level where we totally
forgot our mother tongue and having our everyday
conversations in English. Also, the next generation
is being taught to speak only in English. Finally, we
have degraded to the wretched state of talking to
the pet dogs in English and boasting that the pet
understands only English. Wisdom is not
communicating in English. It is communicating in
English when it is necessary. Wisdom is not going
against our parents. It lies in understanding their
love and acting accordingly. Wisdom is not about
falling in love with a girl during the college days and
roaming all over the city on your bike. Wisdom is
about realizing how much time it is going to take for
his father to clear the debts that he made to buy him
the bike. Wisdom does not mean to marry the person
of your choice by opposing your parents. Wisdom
means convincing your parents no matter how
difficult it is. Wisdom does not show in denying all
this, using filthy words in English to look cool,
chewing a gum all the time to pose an arrogant
attitude, and day dreaming all the time. It shows in

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be

ignited.” – Plutarch

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 97

understanding the reality and earning a good
reputation among the fellow beings. Without
knowing any of this, why are we speaking about
wisdom and knowledge? Why are we pretending to
be knowledgeable in front of others and trying to
convince them the same?
You may earn a decent job with your education
and wisdom. You may get a decent pay. But none of
these is the measure of your wisdom. Life is
prominent than money. Eminence is superior to job.
This subject is as vast as an ocean. To have a clear
idea of these, we need to discuss many more things.
Friends! My writings are for you. Do not forget they
are meant for your bright future.

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will

never cease to grow.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo

98 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 99
Harmony is essential for life. There is no one in
life that doesn’t have any problems. Whatever the
problem it is, it has to be solved with harmony. A
home which didn’t experience demise of a family
member ever and a life with no problems at all does
not exist. The rich, the middle-class, the poor,
everyone has their own problems. Few people opine
that only they have problems and everyone else is
happy. It is utterly wrong. One or the other way, life

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

– Beverly Sills

100 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

gives troubles to everyone. The jobs we take up, the
society in which we survive and the families with
which we live, problems can be found everywhere.
It is not exaggeration when we say the problems
follow us like a shadow.
These problems which keep coming throughout
the life, the people who obstruct us, and the
situations which do not let us lead a happy life
should be tackled with harmony. Must learn to
reason with the people. If someone hurts us with
their words, answering back and hurting them in
return is not brilliance. Staying calm is also not
brilliance. Make him understand his mistake. Make
him realize the how severely he used his words.
Correct his behavior. Generally, at the workplaces
and offices, the superiors trouble the employees. This
strive is to assert their superiority. We constantly feel
like leaving the job. But what if you face the same
situation when you leave for any other place? Can
you leave that place too? Even if you can, how many
times are you ready to switch your work place? So,
the solution is to understand the mentality of your
boss or a colleague, know how to communicate with
him or her and act accordingly. Most of the people
complain “Who is he to shout at me?” Who is greater

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not

realize how close they were to success when they
gave up.” – Thomas A. Edison

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 101

than anyone? In the world, one is superior to the
other. In this constant of proving each other ’s
supremacy, they are ruining their self-worth.
Would this world be existing if the almighty
thought that he’s the greatest? Would you and I even
exist? Would the thought “I am the superior” give
you any life? Think. It is the blessings of the god that
put you in a position of higher official. You must be
grateful to god. You must take the responsibility
happily. You must set a good example for your
employees. You must know that your position and
designation mean nothing but a responsibility. Be it
an employee under the Chief Minister to the state or
Prime minister to the country, a job is a job. It is
ridiculous to self-glorify yourself just because you
are working in a good position. All of us are artisans
in this universe. Our duty is to keep working. We
are entitled to work as long as our body and soul are
The life introduces problems to every one of us.
We are supposed to face them, not escape from them.
One has financial issues, the other has health issues.
One might have mental issues. This way the life
perplexes a man with its problems. Even the poor
might be happy but the one who borrows money and

“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to

what they think they can do. You can go as far as your
mind lets you. What you believe, you can achieve.”
– Mary Kay Ash

102 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

spends on luxuries can never be happy. Borrowing
the money with an interest rate unmindful of the
future is a foolish act. There is no redemption for
this. That is why one must have contentment in one’s
life. One must lead one’s life with satisfaction.
Comparing your life with someone else’s, losing
everything in the trials to earn unnecessary riches,
later on borrowing in order to live, finally drowning
in debts and being unable to repay them are the
problems that cripple a man and are never to be
Earlier the health problems used to trouble the
people of the age above fifty. It is very unfortunate
that these days health problems are affecting the
people irrespective of their age. The reason is the
food habits of the people these days. Strictly only
home-made foods must be taken. Food adulteration
has become rapid these days due to which it has
become necessary for us to try and avoid having
outside-foods. A proper amount of food which is
freshly prepared has to be taken as far as possible.
Hence forth, the health gets upset seldom instead of
troubling every day.
The blind is able to climb the Everest. The person
with no legs is able to ascend the greatest mountain

“Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be

wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new
things and move forward with your life. Remember that fear
always lurks behind perfectionism.” – Dr. David M. Burns

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 103

ranges. They are bagging awards in running races.
The crippled and the handicapped are encouraging
thousands of us with their victories. This way they
are succeeding in numerous ways. Though they are
differently abled, they are dedicating themselves to
their duties and succeeding in life. What are we
scared of? What are we worrying about? We mustn’t
bother about the problems all the time. Instead we
must take inspiration from such people and face the
life. The same way financial issues are petty. Money
can be earned one or the other day. Finances can be
arranged tomorrow if not today. But exuberance is
unalterable. One shouldn’t get abandoned by the
problems. Instead the problems are to be chased
away with harmony.

“Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Accordingly,

a genius is often merely a talented person who has done all of
his or her homework.” – Anonymous

104 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

Compassion and sympathy are the two traits that
everyone has to develop. Generally, we feel pity for
the poor people or the disabled people. How long
we feel that way? Only for that second. We forget it
as soon as they disappear. Later we memorize it
while discussing with others. We give a detailed
speech on how much it saddened us. But what are
doing for them? When asked, we escape by saying
“What can we do? Even we don’t have anything for

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall
into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for
you? Not much.” – Jim Rohn

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 105

ourselves.” Moreover, we comment on someone else
saying “They are rich. They could have been of any
help.” Besides, we are happy thinking of ourselves
as great and kind-hearted human beings. Upon being
asked the same, an enmity is developed.
But we don’t realize that donating means giving
whatever we can afford. Giving away millions when
you have billions isn’t a great thing. We are not
realizing that kind-heartedness is giving a share from
what we have. Let us suppose we are indeed unable
to give anything. But at least you can persuade
someone to give. Isn’t that kindness? Let me tell you
a story as an example.
There lived an old woman in a small village. She
was all alone. In addition to this, her vision was not
proper. So, she could not even beg since her vision
was not cooperating due to which she just stayed
there laid on the floor to a side hopeless. Then arrived
a young man. He observed her situation. He gave
her the fifty bucks he had with him. Then the old
lady politely refused saying “Son! Today you are
offering me this But what about tomorrow? Day after
tomorrow? Keep it for yourself son.” “Why are you
being so hopeless? Just like I have offered today,
someone might come tomorrow. Please take it” the

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that’s

changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to
fail is not taking risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg

106 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

boy said smiling, put the money in her hands and
left the place. While leaving, he thought about what
the lady had said. “It is indeed true. I could help her
today since I was passing by. Even if someone passes
by, would they see this old lady? Even if someone
sees, would they help?” As soon as these thoughts
had crossed his mind, he thought of an idea.
He stuck a paper on the outside of the old lady’s
hut. The paper had these lines written –
“There lives an old lady here. She has lost her
fifty bucks. If anyone finds her money, please return
to her. Even I searched for her money. But I couldn’t
find. I couldn’t disappoint her. So, I gave her fifty
rupees from my pocket. If any of you find her money,
please give it to her.”
On reading this the passers by used to search
for the money, when they couldn’t find it, they used
to give the old lady money from their pockets saying
“Here is your lost money. Please take it.” The old
woman felt amused and wondered why people are
offering her money. She thought of it as god’s game.
As long as she lived, she could eat to the fullest with
what she had.
What do we understand from this? It is
absolutely necessary to either help or guide the way.

“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what

they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you.
What you believe, remember, you can achieve.”
– Mary Kay Ash

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 107

A small thought of a young man has paved a path
for a life. Can we not be helpful to the extent we are
capable of? This generation has to give it a thought.
Love the people around you. Help the needy.

“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If
you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step
forward, you’re always in the same place.” – Nora Roberts

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Success Formula for Students to Strive... 109
Hard Work
Hard work is the most important key to success.
The achievements without hard work are impossible.
An idle person can never gain anything if they sit
and wait for the better opportunity to come. The
person who is working hard is able to gain the
success and happiness in life. Nothing is easy to be
achieved in life without doing any hard work.
The Edison was working for 21 hours a day, and
he sleeps only for 2 or 3 hours on the Laboratory

“The future belongs to the competent. Get good, get better, be

the best!” – Brian Tracy

110 Success Formula for Students to Strive...

tables with his books as his pillow. The prime
minister of India late Pt. Nehru, he was working for
17 hours a day and seven days a week. There were
no holidays in his calendar. The Mahatma Gandhi Ji
worked ceaselessly day and night and he won
freedom for his country. The hard work is a price
that we pay for success in the life.
The constant vigilance and preparedness to work
is the price we have to pay for the success in life.
Work is a privilege and a pleasure, the idleness is a
luxury that no one can afford. Man is born to work
and prosper in life. He like steel shines in use and
rusts in rest. The work is worship. The man of actions
acts in the living present. There is no tomorrow for
him. He makes the best of time. Life is full of strife.
It is the action, activity of law of nature. A life of
idleness is a life of shame and disgrace. Idle men are
intruders on society. We are endowed with brain and
limbs, which are meant to be properly exercised. The
failure in life is very often due to idleness. The
Industry is the key to success, Industry makes and
idleness mars a nation.
Greatness can be achieved by great labour only.
What a man earns by the sweat of his brow gives
him a greater degree of satisfaction than what he gets

Teachers often know the best way to learn. They also know how
to keep their students motivated to learn the material they are

Success Formula for Students to Strive... 111

by a stroke of fortune. The man wishes to have many
things in their life. These latter things acquired by
hard toil are much than those gets by accident. When
a man earns by dint of toil; he enjoys a pleasurable
sensation which is equivalent to the joy of having
won a victory. Of this pleasurable sensation, the man
who has been born with a silver spoon in his mouth
knows nothing. A self-made man is certainly happier
and more esteemed than the man who owes his
fortune to the accident of his birth.
Not poverty but the idealness is a great curse. If
we waste time, time shall waste us. A life crammed
with work is a life bubbling with the joy of success.
Great men of the world were born in cottages but
they died in palaces.
America’s famous president Abraham Lincoln
was born in a log cabin in the forest. He could not
afford a lamp and read borrowed books with the
light of the fire in the hearth. And yet by dint of hard
work, he rose to be the greatest man of his time.
Stalin, the late prime minister of Russia, was the son
of a mere cobbler.
So, the hard work is very necessary and we
should always work hard as hard work always pays

Looking at learning from a teacher’s point of view is a great

way to fuel your fire to succeed in school. Here are some quotes
from teachers of a variety of subjects that relate to motivation
and success.

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What We do

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To attend Mr. Venu Kalyan High Power Motivation
Live Programme call us : 9908011458, 9704447777
follow us on youtube channel @venukalyan01



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To mum and dad, a huge part of what I do is to make you proud. I
love you more than words can express and appreciate all you have done
for me.
To my brother, Vinay Prasad for winning the brother ever award,
for continuing to support me professionally and personally through the
The three of you are a constant reminder I literally struck the genetic
I heartily thank to my wife Soujanya for putting up with my
eccentric/crazy/bipolar ways and sticking with me through the up and
My UNIK LIFE team, for the daily inspiration and laughter through
the journey and making it awesome.
Ashish, Sathish, Soni, Hiramay, Jhony, Santosh, Adharsh, Harideep,
Korvi Vinay, Sunil, Pavani, Ashok, Santosh, Praveen, and Many More
Who have been organizing all my seminars and events that have
allowed me to share my message and inspire audiences from overall India,
You guys are family to me. Thank You So Much All.
I owe particular gratitude to my writer and editor, Yadhagiri Garu,
and Bhagya Laxmi Garu. For managing the project, dealing with deadlines,
handling the
Changes… we would still be on draft version 1.0 if not for you.
My Gurus, Sneh Desai, K V Pradeep, Susheel, Ravindra, Sandeep
Gajjar, who has made a significant impact on my speaking journey; from
mentoring and coaching me, to being
A trusted, I am forever indebted.
Finally, I offer my appreciation and gratitude to you, the reader, I
hope you enjoyed reading my story as much as I had telling it. Feel free
to let me know about your journey in
Reading my book to or or
Kindly share your available feedback on My Social Media Platform
Note: After Sharing Your Feedback Don’t Forget To TAG Me
@venukalyan01 #venukalyan01

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