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Bridge Support FEA at Shell

• Model Notes
• Load Case Report
• Solution Data
• Stress Output Plots
• Stress Results - Notes
• Overstressed Areas
• Highest Primary Stress Ratios
• Highest Secondary Stress Ratios
• Highest Fatigue Stress Ratios
• Graphical Results

Input Echo:

Model Type : Cylindrical Shell

Parent Geometry
Parent Outside Diam. : 33018.000 mm.
Thickness : 9.000 mm.
Fillet Along Shell : 8.000 mm.

Parent Properties:
Cold Allowable : 114.5 MPa
Hot Allowable : 114.5 MPa
Material DB # 1005718.
Ultimate Tensile (Amb) : 399.9 MPa
Yield Strength (Amb) : 248.2 MPa
Yield Strength (Hot) : 235.8 MPa
Elastic Modulus (Amb) : 202720.0 MPa
Poissons Ratio : 0.300
Expansion Coefficient : 0.1184E-04 mm./mm./deg.
Weight Density : 0.0000E+00 N / USED)

Structural Attachment Type : "T" Section

Flange Thickness : 14.000 mm.

Flange Width : 250.000 mm.
Web Thickness : 12.000 mm.
Web Height : 650.000 mm.
Length : 400.000 mm.

Rectangular Pad Width : 410.000 mm.

Rectangular Pad Height : 870.000 mm.
Rectangular Pad Thick : 12.000 mm.
Nozzle Tilt Angle : 0.000 deg.
Distance from Top : 738.000 mm.
Distance from Bottom : 1762.000 mm.

Nozzle Properties
Cold Allowable : 114.5 MPa
Hot Allowable : 114.5 MPa
Material DB # 1005718.
Ultimate Tensile (Amb) : 399.9 MPa
Yield Strength (Amb) : 248.2 MPa
Yield Strength (Hot) : 235.8 MPa
Elastic Modulus (Amb) : 202720.0 MPa
Poissons Ratio : 0.300
Expansion Coefficient : 0.1184E-04 mm./mm./deg.
Weight Density : 0.0000E+00 N / (NOT USED)

Design Operating Cycles : 0.

Ambient Temperature (Deg.) : 60.00
Support Pressure : 0.000 MPa
Tank Pressure : 0.001 MPa

User Defined Load Input Echo:

Loads are given at the End of support
Loads are defined in Global Coordinates

Forces( N ) Moments (N-m)

OPER: 68646.0 49033.0 19613.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

FEA Model Loads:

These are the actual loads applied to the FEA model.
These are the User Defined Loads translated to the
end of the nozzle and reported in global coordinates.

Forces( N ) Moments (N-m)

OPER: 68646.0 49033.0 19613.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

The "top" or "positive" end of this model is "free" in

the axial and translational directions.

Stresses ARE nodally AVERAGED.

Nodal SMOOTHING has been deactivated. Some small

geometry distortions may result that may affect solutions
dominated by pressure stresses.

The cylinder length or nozzle/branch location was adjusted

so that a better mesh could be generated at each end of the
cylinder. The nozzle is now located 866.29 mm.
down the length of the cylinder and the total cylinder length
is 2500.00 mm.

Vessel Centerline Vector : 0.000 1.000 0.000

Nozzle Orientation Vector : 1.000 0.000 0.000
Load Case Report $X

Inner and outer element temperatures are the same

throughout the model. No thermal ratcheting
calculations will be performed.


1 WEIGHT ONLY (Wgt Only)

Weight ONLY case run to get the stress range

between the installed and the operating states.

/-------- Loads in Case 1

Loads due to Weight


Sustained case run to satisfy local primary

membrane and bending stress limits.

/-------- Loads in Case 2

Loads due to Weight
Pressure Case 1

3 Thermal ONLY

Thermal ONLY case run in the event expansion

stresses exceed the secondary stress allowable.

/-------- Loads in Case 3

Loads from (Thermal Only)


Case run to compute the operating stresses used in

secondary, peak and range calculations as needed.

/-------- Loads in Case 4

Pressure Case 1
Loads from (Operating)

5 RANGE (Fatigue Calc Performed)

Case run to get the RANGE of stresses.

as described in NB-3222.2,, or

/-------- Combinations in Range Case 5

Plus Stress Results from CASE 4
Minus Stress Results from CASE 1

Solution Data

Maximum Solution Row Size = 1368

Number of Nodes = 2115
Number of Elements = 722
Number of Solution Cases = 4
Summation of Loads per Case

Case # FX FY FZ

1 0. 0. 0.
2 52738. 192807. 0.
3 0. 0. 0.
4 121384. 241840. 19613.

Stress Output Plots $X

1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 2

2) Qb < SPS (SUS,Bending) Case 2

3) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Inside) Case 2

4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 2

5) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (SUS,S1+S2+S3) Case 2

6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 4

7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 4

8) Membrane < User (OPE,Membrane) Case 4

9) Bending < User (OPE,Bending) Case 4

10) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (OPE,S1+S2+S3) Case 4

11) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (EXP,Inside) Case 5

12) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (EXP,Outside) Case 5

13) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 5

14) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 5

Stress Results - Notes

- Results in this analysis were generated using the finite

element solution method.

- Using 2013-2015 ASME Section VIII Division 2

- Use Polished Bar fatigue curve.

- Ratio between Operating and Design Pressure = 1.000000

Assume pressure increases all other stresses.

- Assume free end displacements of attached pipe

(e.g. thermal loads) are secondary within the limits
of nozzle reinforcement.

- Use Equivalent Stress (Von Mises).

- Include S1+S2+S3 evaluation for operating stress.
Include S1+S2+S3 evaluation in primary case evaluation.
Assume bending stress not local primary for S1+S2+S3.

- Use local tensor values for averaged and not

averaged stresses.

Overstressed Areas $X


Table of Contents

Highest Primary Stress Ratios $X

Shell SCR at Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 2

5 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 2


Circ Plate SCR for Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 2

1 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 2


Long Plate SCR for Plate # 1

Pl SPL Primary Membrane Load Case 2

1 236 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 2


Pad SCR for Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 2

3 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 2


Shell in Plate # 1 Vicinity

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 2
8 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 3) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Inside) Case 2


Circ Plate for Plate # 1

Pl SPL Primary Membrane Load Case 2

0 236 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 2


Long Plate for Plate # 1

Pl SPL Primary Membrane Load Case 2

0 236 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 2


Pad for Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 2

2 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 2


Highest Secondary Stress Ratios $X

Shell SCR at Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 4

288 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 4


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 5

288 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 12) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (EXP,Outside) Case 5


Circ Plate SCR for Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 4

175 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 4

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 5
175 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 11) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (EXP,Inside) Case 5


Long Plate SCR for Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 4

198 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 4


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 5

198 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 11) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (EXP,Inside) Case 5


Pad SCR for Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 4

338 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 4


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 5

338 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 12) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (EXP,Outside) Case 5


Shell in Plate # 1 Vicinity

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 4

370 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 4


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 5

370 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 12) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (EXP,Outside) Case 5


Circ Plate for Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 4

72 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 4


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 5

72 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 11) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (EXP,Inside) Case 5

Long Plate for Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 4

107 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 4


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 5

107 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 11) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (EXP,Inside) Case 5


Pad for Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 4

361 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 4


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 5

361 484 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 12) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (EXP,Outside) Case 5


Highest Fatigue Stress Ratios $X

Shell SCR at Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Outer) Load Case 5

194 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.016 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 25,266.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 286.2
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 294,260.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 68,359.
1% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 94,908.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 28,924.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 0.119
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.894
Plot Reference:
14) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 5

Circ Plate SCR for Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Inner) Load Case 5

118 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.010 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 162,224.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 286.2
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 802,737.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 186,483.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 258,908.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 128,231.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 13.991
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.067
Plot Reference:
13) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 5

Long Plate SCR for Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Inner) Load Case 5

134 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.011 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 104,381.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 286.2
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 613,037.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 142,414.
1% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 197,724.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 88,829.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 5.018
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.166
Plot Reference:
13) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 5

Pad SCR for Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Outer) Load Case 5

228 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.018 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 15,483.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 286.2
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 93,000.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 21,605.
1% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 29,995.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 17,932.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 0.206
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.829
Plot Reference:
14) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 5

Shell in Plate # 1 Vicinity

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Outer) Load Case 5

185 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.000
MPa 0.015 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 29,361.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 286.2
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 122,847.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 28,539.
1% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 39,622.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 13,615.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 0.258
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.795
Plot Reference:
14) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 5

Circ Plate for Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Inner) Load Case 5

36 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.000
MPa 0.003 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 1.0000E11
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 286.2
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 12,814,725.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 2,976,974.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 4,133,154.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 1,825,104.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 6.392
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.135
Plot Reference:
13) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 5

Long Plate for Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Inner) Load Case 5

54 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.000
MPa 0.004 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 9.5622E9
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 286.2
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 4,232,462.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 983,239.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 1,365,104.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 561,728.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 2.535
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.283
Plot Reference:
13) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 5

Pad for Plate # 1

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Outer) Load Case 5

180 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.000
MPa 0.015 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 31,779.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 286.2
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 76,476.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 17,766.
1% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 24,666.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 14,710.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 0.171
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.854
Plot Reference:
14) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 5
Finite Element Model

• Finite Element Model

Area of Discontinuity at Plate

• 1) Pl < SPL (SUS Membrane) Case 2

• 2) Qb < SPS (SUS Bending) Case 2
• 3) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS Inside) Case 2
• 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS Outside) Case 2
• 5) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (SUS S1+S2+S3) Case 2
• 6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE Inside) Case 4
• 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE Outside) Case 4
• 8) Membrane < User (OPE Membrane) Case 4
• 9) Bending < User (OPE Bending) Case 4
• 10) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (OPE S1+S2+S3) Case 4
• 11) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (EXP Inside) Case 5
• 12) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (EXP Outside) Case 5
• 13) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP Inside) Case 5
• 14) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP Outside) Case 5


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