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Context –Cusco: Perú (a site with traces of the violet race)
Content: How do ancient cultures provide opportunities to inspire cosmic citizens? How can
we follow wisely in the footsteps of the violet race (not necessarily mentioning it)? What
spiritual message did Adam and Eve hope to spread? How can the Spirit of Truth help us spread
that today? –Mentioning these topics as triggering questions (not going into much detail) with
audio-visual support of archaeological & cultural evidence.

1.1 What is the core spiritual message of The Urantia Book?

What does it mean to you to be a son or daughter of God? The Urantia Book’s teachings
are very diverse, but the number one spiritual message is that God is a loving and merciful
father and that we are all family, no matter what we believe or don’t believe. This core message
the trunk of a tree with many flowering branches. This talk will introduce the listener to how in
these difficult times, we can experience the supreme joy of spiritual truth and its power to

1.2 What is cosmic citizenship, and how can we apply it practically?

God is spirit, but the Creator works on material and intellectual levels, too. Cosmic
citizens establish spiritual goals as their top priority, and the Urantia Book teaches many ways
to coordinate, integrate, and unify these levels. This talk will touch on the concepts of cosmic
mind (16:6/191), cosmic truth (2:7/43), using an example that will help listeners understand
how to apply and work effectively as a cosmic citizen with the down-to-earth facts of daily life.

1.3. How does humankind evolve from primitive origins to a glorious planetary destiny?
We are on the way to the age of light and life; in that age, we integrate in our lives the
positive achievements of all previous ages. A review of these ages helps us understand what
happened in the distant past that helps explain the turmoil in our world today.

DAY 2: Cosmic citizenship, holistic personal growth, and our planetary



As referential system for future quality translations

2.1 What are some principles of holistic personal growth for cosmic citizens?
Cosmically mature character is balanced. Jesus’ Lesson on Self-Mastery reveals a process
of growth. Believe and rejoice. You are first transformed by the Spirit of Truth, which “endows
you with the power of the certain and joyous performance of the gracious, acceptable, and
perfect will of God.” Then Jesus names a series of vices. (Think also of intellectualism and the
dark side or inner enemy, and all the things we fall into in everyday life: gossip, complaining,
anger, etc.). In order to break through our own resistance and outer obstacles to living spiritual
values, we need to use spiritual force (166:3.8/1829.5). Finally, Jesus puts us in charge of
cleansing ourselves of all evils of mind and body as we seek for perfection in the love of God.
In another place we are told that the Spirit of Truth also endows us with power “to
forgive personal injuries, to keep sweet in the midst of the gravest injustice, to remain
unmoved in the face of appalling danger, and to challenge the evils of hate and anger by the
fearless acts of love and forbearance.” [194:3.12/2064.4])

2.2 How shall we design projects to promote planetary progress as true cosmic citizens?
How can we help during this difficult and dangerous transition in our planetary history?
What great projects for planetary progress are highlighted in The Urantia Book? We may design
a contribution to one of these. We may modify a project that we are already working on or join
an existing project (teamwork multiplies results).

2.3 What sources of spiritual power enable us to go forward with our goals?
Jesus’ transformation of our character “endows [us] with the power of the certain and
joyous performance of the gracious, acceptable, and perfect will of God.” In order to break
through our own resistance and outer obstacles to living spiritual values, we need to use
spiritual force (166:3.8/1829.5). And the Spirit of Truth endows us with power “to forgive
personal injuries, to keep sweet in the midst of the gravest injustice, to remain unmoved in the
face of appalling danger, and to challenge the evils of hate and anger by the fearless acts of love
and forbearance.” (194:3.12/2064.4)

Still under construction

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