Global Organisational Environment: Portfolio: Sony Ericsson

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1 Global Organisational Environment


Global Organisational
Portfolio: Sony Ericsson
Abdul Latif Sultan : s1010402

Word Count: 3200

This report has been submitted inpartial fulfillment
Standard of the Masters
APA Referencing Style in Business Administration course
module ‘Global Organisational Environment.’ The report aims to introduce the organisation, its
purpose and present an analysis of the organisation’s external environment by using various tools of
external analysis. The report includes bringing forward the key factors affecting Sony Ericsson, its
market position and segmentation strategy employed by Sony Ericsson.
2 Global Organisational Environment

Table of Contents
Introduction…………………………………………………………...…………………………………………………………... 3

Global activities of Sony Ericsson…………………………………………………………...……………………………… 3

The Organisational Structure and Governance…………………………………………………………...…………. 4
Corporate Governance and Financial Risk Management ……………………………………………………….. 4

Stakeholder Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5

External Environment Analysis………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

PESTEL Analysis for Sony Ericsson……………………………………………………………………………………. 6

Porter’s five forces analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

Market Share and Segmentation……………………………………………………………………………………… 10

Opportunities and Threats………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11

Introduction to Sony Ericsson around the world and in most of the major
markets [1][2].

Sony Ericsson is a jointly owned venture of Sony Ericsson has been working at high costs
Japanese consumer electronics giant, Sony towards its vision, which in their official
Corporation and Swedish Telecom player documents is stated as “to be the
Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson. Both of them Communication Entertainment brand, enabling
hold equal stake in Sony Ericsson (50:50). After people to create and participate in new
its incorporation in October, 2001 with its global experiences which blur the line between
head quarter in Hammersmith (London), the communication and entertainment” [2].
corporation’s presence can be felt almost all Omatseye in an article calls this joint venture- a
3 Global Organisational Environment

marriage rather than just a joint venture and The production facility at Beijing , Beijing SE
argues, that this as a significant step in the Potevio Mobile Communications Co., Ltd. is
telecom world [1] Sony Ericsson’s primary and only in-house
Another news article reports how Sony and manufacturing facility [2].
Ericsson have replaced older successful research
laboratories by researching on new technology
such as the Bluetooth technology, standard and
how this is an evolution in R&D [3]. Sony’s
wide portfolio includes entertainment that
encompasses of music, movies, games etc. while 1. Omatseye, S. (2001). Sony Ericsson phone marriage
Ericsson is known for being highly competent in starts Oct. 1. RCR Wireless News, 20(18), 1. Retrieved
from Business Source Complete database.
telecommunication technologies. Ericsson
maintains a good relationship with a number of 2. (2001). Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications
telecom service providers [2][3]. Drawing on the established today. Cisionwire retrieved.
strengths of its parents Sony Ericsson is
involved in manufacturing mobile phones,
accessories and providing content and 3. (2003). Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
application services in key areas of imaging, SWOT Analysis. Sony Ericsson Mobile
music, design and other multimedia features to Communications AB SWOT Analysis, 1-8. Retrieved
its users. Both companies ceased production of from Business Source Complete database.

individual handsets.

The Organisational Structure and

Global Activities of Sony Ericsson:

Sales and marketing activities of Sony Ericsson

are concentrated all across the globe and divided
in these following market areas:

 Western areas
 Central & Eastern Europe, Middle East and
North Africa
 Asia Pacific
 China
 Japan
 Americas

Their Research and development sites are

located in:

 Lund, Sweden
 Beijing, china
 Tokyo, Japan Figure 1.1
 California, US
4 Global Organisational Environment

Fig. 1.1 [4] shows the organisational structure at

Sony Ericsson. The structure is based on its developments, position of the organization,
functional divisions, where different functions of liquidity etc.
the organization have been departmentalized.
Each department follows its own chain of Sony follows a policy for managing its financial
command within. risks. “Sony Ericsson’s financial risk
management is governed by a policy approved
The President, Bert Nodberg at the top level
by the Sony Ericsson Board. The management of
plays multiple roles as the Chief executive
risks is executed by a centralised treasury
officer and the chairman of Sony Ericsson. The
function and its principal role is to ensure
post of executive vice president is shared by two
appropriate financing, manage the liquidity,
competent persons, Rikko Sagakuchi and
Kristian Tear. The portfolio for the chief secure effective cash-management and conduct
financial officer is held by William A. Glaser Jr. effective management of accounts receivables.
The centralised treasury also manages and
Corporate Governance and controls financial risk exposures in a manner
Financial Risk Management: consistent with underlying business risk and
financial policy” [4].
The Board of directors are responsible for the
organization and operations of the firm. The
President keeps the board and the parent
companies updated regularly on new 4. Sony Ericsson. (2009). Sustainability Report. United
Kingdom: Sony Ericsson.

5. Sony Ericsson.Analysis
(2010). Executive Biographies.
Retrieved November 22, 2010, from

Stakeholders are those who have rights or

interests in a system [6].
Sony Ericsson is known for its sound corporate
social responsibility (CSR) practices. In one of
its CSR documents, Sony Corporation identifies
the potential stakeholders of Sony Ericsson.
With more Research one can identify them as
follows [7]:

1. Shareholders and parent companies

2. Board of Directors
3. Customers
4. Suppliers
5. Employees
6. Other organizations
7. Business Partners
8. Local Communities
5 Global Organisational Environment

9. Government

Stakeholder analysis is used to analyse the level

of interest each group of stakeholder would
generally show and the power they yield that
affect the organisation in one or more ways. One
of the few ways of stakeholder analysis is using
the power/interest matrix.

  Level of Interest

  Low High

Low Local Communities Customers, Suppliers, Employees,

Other Organisations, Business

High Government Shareholders, Parent co., Board

of Directors

Figure 2.1
Fig 2.1 [9] maps the various stakeholders of
Sony Ericsson according to Mendelow’s
Power/Interest Matrix. Local Communities
would be considered as an entity with low power
and low interest towards the Organisation
The Mendelow’s Power/Interest matrix indicates because of the minimal effort they make.
the type of relationship which organizations The government would be an entity which yields
typically might establish with stakeholder high power because of its ability to introduce or
groups in the different quadrants [8]. Based on change laws for instance but they have a
his matrix we can map stakeholders on different relatively low interest towards how the company
quadrants. fares & they have to be kept satisfied at always.
SonyEricsson’s customers, product suppliers,
employees, competitors, partners are entities that
6. Mayers, J. (2005). Stakeholders power analysis. would look forward to be informed about the
Power-tools , 3-5. business and have relatively low power but have
a high interest in the organisation and its
7. Sony Corporation. (2005). Corporate Social
policies. The Board of Directors, Shareholders
Responsibility Report. Japan: Global reporting.
& the Parent companies (Sony & Ericsson)
Mendelow, A. (1991). Proceedings of the second would be considered as the key players of the
internaitonal conference on Information Systems. organisation as they yield high power to change
Cambridge: MA

6 Global Organisational Environment

strategies and their level of interest in Sony ANALYSIS and PORTERS FIVE FORCES
Ericsson is high. MODEL.

PESTEL Analysis for Sony Ericsson:

There are many factors in the external

environment that would affect the decisions
made by the management at Sony Ericsson.
Changes in law, policies, government
regulations, standards, tax etc. are examples of
factors that would affect the organisation
externally. To analyse these factors they can be
categorised using the PESTEL model.


Mendelow, A. (1991). Proceedings of the second

internaitonal conference on Information Systems.
Cambridge: MA


10. Wood, R. (2000). Managing Complexity. The

External Environment Analysis Political Factors:books.

Business environment is a set of political, 11. (2009).

These factors
External all the policies
Environment. or other
Retrieved 1 2010,
direct, indirect interventions by the government,
from The Times 100 Website:
economic, social, technological, environmental,
government priorities etc. Government decisions
legal, competitive forces that are largely outside external-environment--236.php
can affect Sony Ericsson up to a high extent.
the control and influence of a business and that
Sony Ericsson is present in a number of different
can potentially have both a positive and a
countries worldwide and the political scenario in
negative impact on the business [10].
each one of them would affect them in one way
Sony Ericsson would be affected by its or the other. Political stability of existing or
competitors because their actions affect the potential markets affects the decisions made by
ability of the business to make profits, because the management at Sony Ericsson.
competitors will continually seek to gain an
advantage over each other, by differentiating Economics Factors:
their product and service, and by seeking to These factors include more of macro-economic
provide better value for money [11]. changes such changes in tax rates, rate of
The External Environment of Sony Ericsson can borrowings, exchange rates. It has to do with the
be much better analysed using 2 popular and economic scenario of the country(ies) it carries
highly useful analyzing tools; PESTEL out operations in. Economic status prevailing in
different countries and especially the United
7 Global Organisational Environment

Kingdom would affect Sony Ericsson have started to recruit older employees to tap
significantly. The Rate of borrowing in the UK into this growing labour pool. The ageing
where the co. is originally based in is very low is population also has impact on demand: for
significantly high in 2010 which would affect example, demand for sheltered accommodation
their plans for expansion. Inflation has been and medicines have increased whereas demand
provoking higher wage demands from for toys is falling. [13]”. Other components of
employees. The Economic conditions in the UK these factors include using Ethical business
and other western countries are not very good practices and employee welfare. Sony Ericsson
with huge economic trade deficits. Due to the has been having drives to work towards the
credit crunchy and the ongoing recession most benefits of the society and employee welfare.
countries have been facing, there have been Sony Ericsson protects the human rights of all
significant changes in exchange rates in 2010 its employees and complies with all the local
which affects imports and exports made by Sony and international regulation policies with respect
Ericsson worldwide. Sony Ericsson has had to to Human resources. Due to the changing social
formulate new strategies in 2010 with respect to scenarios and realizing that businesses play an
segmentation and to work out the new prices of important part in the global community, Sony
products being launched in different markets Ericsson has also been involved in other causes
because of the changes in these exchange rates. and fund raising programs [12].
Low growth in the National income of most of
the countries has been resulted in low demand of References:
the firm’s products. Because of these increasing
12. Sony Ericsson. (2009). Sustainability Report. United
costs and problems Sony Ericsson has had to Kingdom: Sony Ericsson.
reduce the size of its organisation in terms of its
In 2010, the uncertain global economic climate 8/1280492941/SE_Sustainability_Report_2009.pdf

has had a negative effect on Sony Ericsson and 13. Gilespie, (2007) Foundations of Economics, Oxford
as a direct result of this it was necessary to Technological Factors:
University Press Website:
remould and reduce the size of the organisation
new technology Sony can create or
around the world. Without these reductions it
innovate products for e.g. The Walkman series,
would have been impossible for Sony Ericsson
Cybershot high definition cameras embedded in
to remain competitive and to continue to operate
cellphones etc., this was all possible due to the
effectively [12].
technological advances. Technology helps Sony
Social Factors: Ericsson reduce costs, improve quality, and lead
to innovation and new developments. These
Changes in taste, trends of people affect the products benefit the company as well as its
organisation too. It also has an impact on the customers. Sony Ericsson works around
demand of the firm’s products. technology. In order to stay ahead of its
According to Gillespie “this also has an impact competitors they have to stay updated at all
on the availability and willingness of individuals times and regularly research and develop.
to work. In the UK, for example, the population
has been ageing. This has increased the costs for Environmental Factors:
firms who are committed to pension payments
Environmental factors involve contributing
for their employees because their staff are living
towards avoiding weather and climate change
longer. It also means some firms such as Asda
and being sustainable towards the environment.
8 Global Organisational Environment

With major climate changes occurring due to trade restrictions enforced on many countries for
global warming and with greater environmental e.g. import of Chinese products in some
awareness this external factor is becoming a countries e.g. Syria
significant issue for Sony Ericsson and other
firms to consider. The general move towards
more environmentally friendly products and
processes is affecting demand patterns and
creating business opportunities [14]. Due to the
recent environmental issues and new guidelines
towards sustainability, Sony Ericsson has had to
take initiatives towards being sustainable. For
E.g. it has reduced its carbon footprints
significantly by 2009 and aim to reduce it by 20 References:
percent by 2015, they strive to reduce emissions
14. Gilespie, (2007) Foundations of Economics, Oxford
in their product lifecycle, use more of renewable
University Press Website:
resources of energy, committing to recycling,
reducing mobile charging and power dent/additional/page_12.htm
consumptions. All this was done because of the
changing environmental guidelines and more 15. Sony Ericsson. (2009). Sustainability Report. United
Kingdom: Sony Ericsson.
awareness because of environmental problems
[15]. 8/1280492941/SE_Sustainability_Report_2009.pdf

Legal Factors:
Porter’s five forces analysis:
It refers to the legal and regulatory environment
The Five Forces model of Porter is an outside-in
Sony Ericsson operates in locally or
business unit strategy tool that is used to make
internationally. In 2009 and 2010 there have
an analysis of the attractiveness (value...) of an
been there have been many significant legal
industry structure. The Competitive Forces
changes that have affected Sony Ericsson. The
analysis is made by the identification of 5
introduction of age discrimination and disability
fundamental competitive forces [16].
discrimination legislation, an increase in the
minimum wage and greater requirements for 1. Entry of Competitors: It is not very difficult
firms to recycle are examples of relatively recent for new entrants to enter the
laws that affect an organisation's actions [14]. telecommunication and multimedia market.
Legal changes can affect a firm's costs (e.g. if Although a few telecom regulations, high
new systems and procedures have to be investment might be a barrier for new
developed) and demand (e.g. if the law affects players, but it is not very difficult for new
the likelihood of customers buying the good or entrants to setup. For e.g. the launch of 3
using the service). Other factors that have new mobile phone companies in India
affected Sony Ericsson recently are changes in offering cheap mobile phones has had a
International policies and environmental acts, negative impact on Sony Ericsson and
9 Global Organisational Environment

similarly in other countries.

2. Threat of substitutes: The degree of threat is

relatively high and depends on the product
and its features. Sony Ericsson has had to
introduce cheap multimedia phones to avoid
customers from shifting to other multiple
cheap substitutes like Mp3 players, cheap
tablet android computers.

3. Power of buyers: The power of buyers in

some markets is very high and some its very
low. Sony is affected by the power of buyers
around the globe. For e.g. the power of
buyers in Asia is relatively higher than the

4. Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers

aren’t very strong in case of Sony Ericsson.
There are a large no. of suppliers that can
meet the requirements of the firm. Suppliers References:
do not have a very high power.
16. Porter, M.E. (1979) How Competitive Forces Shape
5. Rivalry among existing players: There is Strategy, Harvard business Review, March/April 1979
very strong competition in this industry.
There are a number of big and small players
that affect SE. Nokia is the strongest
competitor and the company that is Market share and segmentation
dominant. Other competitors that SE faces
threat from are Blackberry, LG, and The market share of Sony Ericsson by the end of
Samsung. 2010 was better than before. It was around 3.5%
and the value market share has been somewhere
around 6%. Its sales accounted for around
11,008 units in 2010 out of 325,556 that were
sold totally. Nokia being the biggest player
managed to sell 111,473 units [17].
Sony Ericsson has employed a no. of market
segmentation policies in the past. But its
segmentation in 2010 has been introducing
more of business and high end phones with
high features for e.g. the Xperia series.
Innovation in its Walkman series is also one of
its segmentation. Introducing phones with
10 Global Organisational Environment

multimedia features and more options like

music, games, mobile social networking SE aims
to capture a share of the teenage market. With
the introduction of its Satio series it aims at the
the other age groups and class of people. Both
demand and technology for handsets with
wireless internet, better storage, cameras and
music capabilities are increasing. This has
influenced Sony Ericsson to mould its strategies
to fit into the current scenario. According to
Robin Hohman from Technews world “Devices
like Sony's PSP and other multimedia gaming
terminals and portable media players like the
iPod have shown that if kids want something
they can definitely find the resources to buy it,"
he said. "It's all about making the devices
appealing enough so that they can compete
with the likes of the iPod and people will spend References:
the extra money on that rather than on an iPod.
17. Sony Ericsson. (2010, October 15). Q3 Financial
[18]” Press Release. Retrieved November 20, 2010, from
Sony Ericsson Website:

18. Robin, H. (2006, September 20). Sony Ericsson to

Launch M-Buzz
Opportunities andMusic Service. facing
threats Tech News World .

SE in 2010
Opportunities Threat

• Expanding content • Intense

service business competition

• New product launches • Environmental

• Growth of

According to Data Monitor Reports and research

the opportunities and threats in 2010 for SE can
be stated as follows.
11 Global Organisational Environment

Opportunities: phone and the Bluetooth Noise Shield Handsfree

VH700 to its GreenHeart portfolio. In addition,
Expanding Content Service Business: The the company introduced VH110 and VH410,
company has been expanding its content new Bluetooth headsets in June 2010. The
services portfolio in recent times. PlayNow is company's increasing new product portfolio will
Sony Ericsson's content delivery platform. In help it to gain market share and revenues in
recent times, it has expanded PlayNow to offer coming years.
movies and an application store, in addition to
music and game downloads. Additionally, Sony Growth of smart Phones: The global smartphone
Ericsson announced, in 2009, its market is expected to grow in the coming years.
'Communication Entertainment' strategy, which According to the industry sources, the
aims to broaden and unite entertainment smartphones are forecast to grow at an annual
experiences into a single offering. In November rate of 32% between 2010 and 2014. More than
2009, the company launched the Xperia X10, the 50% of this growth in handsets is forecast to
first phone in a family of phones with a new user come from the developing markets of Asia-
experience (UX) platform. The UX platform, Pacific, including China and India, and Central
built on the Open OS, creates user experience by and Latin American states. Also, the smart
combining entertainment features with signature phones are expected to represent 26% of all
applications, integration of social media services handsets in 2014, compared to 14% in 2009. The
and graphical user interface. In addition, the company also offers smartphones to its
company launched Sony Ericsson Vivaz, the customers as part of its portfolio. In addition, in
second installment in a new family of June 2010, Sony Ericsson launched Xperia X10,
communication entertainment phones and also X10 mini and X10 mini pro smartphones.
with HD video capabilities in January 2010. The Growth of smart phones presents an opportunity
company also has content licensing deal with for the company to enhance its revenues in the
Sony Music Entertainment. This strategy allows coming years. [19]
Sony Ericsson to ensure its devices include the References:
most desirable applications and features for Threats:
19. DATAMONITOR: Sony Ericsson Mobile
consumers, as the mobile content services Intense Competition:
Communications The
AB. companyEricsson
(2010). Sony faces severe
market is forecast to cross $130 billion by 2015. Communications AB SWOT Analysis, 1-9. Retrieved
competition in the mobile phones market. In the
The company's expanding content services from EBSCOhost.
low end mobile devices segment, the company
business will allow it to record steady revenue has been facing competition from South Korean
from these services in coming years. mobile device companies such as LG and
New Product Launches: Sony Ericsson has been Samsung, while it continues to compete with
launching new products in recent times. In June Nokia and Motorola, among others. In the high
2009, the company introduced its first mobiles end mobile devices/smartphones segment, the
as part of GreenHeart portfolio strategy, C901 company is facing intense competition from
GreenHeart and Naite. It also launched the Apple, RIM, HTC, Nokia, HP and Samsung.
world’s first motion activated headphones, Additionally, it is also facing competition from
MH907, which enables users to listen to the mobile network operators offering mobile
music by plugging in two earphones and pause phones under their own brand. The company's
by removing one earphone, in September 2009. market share and revenues have been
In December 2009, the company added the Sony significantly affected by intense competition in
Ericsson Elm phone, the Sony Ericsson Hazel recent times. Intense competition will continue
12 Global Organisational Environment

to affect the company's operating performance

and market share in coming years.

Environmental Regulations: Sony Ericsson is

subject to a broad range of environmental,
including laws and regulations relating to air
pollution, water pollution, the management,
elimination or reduction of the use of hazardous
substances, decreases in the level of standby
power of certain products, waste management,
and recycling of products, batteries and
packaging materials. For instance, the company
is required to comply with a number of
environmental regulations enacted by the
European Union such as the Restriction of
Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive,
restricts some heavy metals and two types of
brominated flame retardants (BFR). Some public
interest organizations are advocating for
strengthening of the RoHS directive by
imposing restrictions on all BFR as well as
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in electronics put on
the market. Similar regulations are being
formulated in other parts of the world, including
China and South American countries. The
company may incur substantial costs in
complying with the above-mentioned
regulations and other similar programs that BIBLIOGRAGHY
might be enacted in the future. Non compliance
with these regulations may result in penalties or
1. Omatseye, S. (2001). Sony Ericsson phone
suspension of the company’s operations thereby marriage starts Oct. 1. RCR Wireless News, 20(18),
adversely affecting its brand image. 1. Retrieved from Business Source Complete
13 Global Organisational Environment

2. (2001). Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications established today. Cisionwire retrieved.

3. (2003). Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB

SWOT Analysis. Sony Ericsson Mobile
Communications AB SWOT Analysis, 1-8. Retrieved
from Business Source Complete database.

4. Sony Ericsson. (2009). Sustainability Report. United

Kingdom: Sony Ericsson.

5. Sony Ericsson. (2010). Executive Biographies.

Retrieved November 22, 2010, from

6. Mayers, J. (2005). Stakeholders power analysis.

Power-tools , 3-5.

7. Sony Corporation. (2005). Corporate Social Responsibility Report. Japan: Global reporting.

Mendelow, A. (1991). Proceedings of the second internaitonal conference on Information Systems. Cambridge: MA


Mendelow, A. (1991). Proceedings of the second internaitonal conference on Information Systems. Cambridge: MA

13. Porter, M.E. (1979) How Competitive Forces Shape

Strategy, Harvard business Review, March/April
9. 1979

10. Wood, R. (2000). Managing Complexity. The 14. Sony Ericsson. (2010, October 15). Q3 Financial
Economist books. Press Release. Retrieved November 20, 2010, from
Sony Ericsson Website:
11. (2009). The External Environment. Retrieved 1
2010, from The Times 100 Website: pressreleases/pressreleasedetails/q32010semcfinanc ialspressrelease-20101015?cc=global&lc=en

15. Robin, H. (2006, September 20). Sony Ericsson to

Launch M-Buzz Music Service. Tech News World .

12. Gilespie, (2007) Foundations of Economics, Oxford 16. DATAMONITOR: Sony Ericsson Mobile
University Press Website: Communications AB. (2010). Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB SWOT Analysis, 1-9. Retrieved
tudent/additional/page_12.htm from EBSCOhost.
14 Global Organisational Environment

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