AP08 AA9 EV06 FORMATO OralPresentationOutline

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6Oral Presentation Outline

Use the outline format below to plan your presentation. You may use this sheet of paper
(and only this) when recording your presentation. Take into account the following

● Use signal words/phrases to help you remember major key points you want to make.
● Avoid using complete sentences as you will be tempted to read these.

I. Introduction

Your name(s):

Title of presentation: Professional project idea with SENA

Presentation topic, purpose or objectives, and main idea: In the presentation I want to
understand how our interface works and in which productive sector it could be applied

II. Body

Background information about topic: This is a project in which we have worked since the
beginning of our academic training, from where we begin the analytical part of the
process with flow diagram and waterfall, to the development of interfaces and

Specific details, explanations or descriptions of topic (there may be more than three).

● Explanation and detail of example #1:

The software is very safe since it requires the creation of a user to use it, without this
user the program cannot be used to avoid misuse, providing more security with the
information that the software stores. An effort was also made to make the interface as
simple and intuitive as possible so that the customer can easily navigate through it.

● Explanation and detail of example #2:

This project is based on the need for micro-companies to acquire software that in a
simple way allows them to have control through a kardex system that at the same time
serves as accounting software, so they can compete more effectively in the market

● Explanation and detail of example #3:

The project we have worked on is an inventory system that has the ability to find in its
database customers, suppliers, monetary movements, inputs and outputs of stocks and
stocks where they must be recorded in detail, this so that the user When generating a
search for a necessary piece of information, you can find information in a simple way.
Managing the NetBeans program that allows multiplatform through MySQL, makes it a
useful and efficient tool
III. Closing

Closing statement or summary about your topic or assignment:

Question requests from audience:

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