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Today I want to share a short story with you about the one thing

that changed everything for me and my business.

But don't worry.

It's not only going to be a story with a happy ending - my focus

throughout this blog post will be to give you a blueprint of how

you can replicate what I did with LinkedIn in your business,

too - so you can find and attract your high-quality LinkedIn

leads and convert them to clients.

So, I spent the first two months of 2017 traveling and working in
Thailand, enjoying the sun and scaling my business - which is
something I always wanted to do.

And I have to be honest.

If you asked me a couple of years ago what I think about all these
"superstar" entrepreneurs who just seem to have it all figured out,
write blog posts about starting from ZERO and turning it into a six
figure business...

How they travel the world, work from the beach and go on

Well, honestly – I’d feel like puking every single time.


Because those successful entrepreneurs seemed to be

everywhere I looked online (and going places in real life) - and I
was very much aware of how stuck I was in my business.

Their success just reminded me of how I wanted to be where

they are (but I wasn’t even close).

I wasn’t going anywhere.

Nobody asked me for my opinion

Nobody was envious of my success or read my blog posts.

Honestly, that was REALLY depressing.

And then, under pressured circumstances - I become good at one



(I have to tell you a secret – you don’t have to be good at

everything. You only need to be good at ONE thing to have a
successful business.)

It was beginning of 2014, and I was a CEO of my startup, a nutrition

software-as-a-service company.
We were struggling to get clients and we didn't have a
marketing budget.

And I mean it when I say - we were struggling.

We had investors in the company and they put enormous amount

of pressure on me to just "come up" with clients and sales and
figure it out - and I had no marketing or sales experience at the

(Talk about tough luck.)

I tried everything there is to try, from content marketing, cold

calling, engagement, cold e-mailing but nothing was working.

We were a B2B company, but most of the strategies "that are

proven to work" were focused on B2C - and I was banging my head
against the wall.

I was super-stressed and running a company under that amount of

pressure was just exhausting.

And then, one day, I saw a webinar about LinkedIn and

everything changed.

I started to use LinkedIn as a lead generation platform for my

I started experimenting, testing and tweaking the lead generation
processes on LinkedIn - and it worked!

We got more quality leads.

More clients and customers.

The income of the company increased.

People started to ask me for my opinion.

People started to read and share my blog posts.

Plus - we made over $45,000 in just about a year by using

LinkedIn, without spending a single dollar on ads.

Here you go...My first business focused only on getting clients over LinkedIn. We didn't spend a
dollar on ads.
Then, in the beginning of 2016, I decided to walk away from my
startup and start my own business.
That was hard because at that point I was in debt, with no product,
no e-mail list and no idea what to do.

So, I used what I've learned about LinkedIn to start my LinkedIn

consulting business and I made over $55,000 in just about a year
- again with no ad spent.

Basically, I do what I preach.

So, how did I do that?

How did I use LinkedIn to find high-end clients, make 6-figures in

two different business without spending any money on ads in just
2 years?

Read on my friend, and I'll tell you all about it.

“To sum it up, in two years I made over $100,000 with two
completely different business and without spending a
dollar on ads. And none of that would be possible if I didn't
identify the most important thing for my business - LinkedIn
lead generation funnels."

Click here to download the three LinkedIn Funnel Blueprints that made me over $100,000 in two
What the are LinkedIn funnels and
how does it all work?

Now, before we go further, I want you to really read this blog post
until the end, because I have something special for you.

I am going to show you EXACTLY how to use LinkedIn

funnels for your business, so you can find the right, targeted
leads on Linkedin, attract them and convert them to clients.

Sounds good?

Alright, let's get to business.

So, what are LinkedIn Funnels?

LinkedIn lead generation funnels are basically lead

generation/sales funnels applied to LinkedIn.

Let me explain.

When I started using LinkedIn for lead generation in my startup, I

experimented with different LinkedIn features and calls to
action within LinkedIn that would enable me to convert my
LinkedIn leads to clients in a more easy, predictable way.

But, I didn't want to just identify and attract quality leads on


I wanted to find a way to convert those LinkedIn leads in an

automated way - which is what MOST LinkedIn users, looking
to get clients, have a problem with.

I wanted to create funnels within LinkedIn that would allow my

business to get constant stream of quality leads and clients -
because I knew my target market was there and all the other
platforms I've tried just weren't getting me results.

(You have to go where your market is, there is no other way.)

But, I also knew that I need to do things differently.

I knew that the old way - "get 5,000 subscribers in 7 days" approach
- just won't work on LinkedIn.


Firstly, LinkedIn is a BUSINESS social media network and it

should be your No. #1 lead generation platform if you are in
B2B space.

(It's also great for finding high-ticket coaching or corporate clients,

by the way.)

But, most importantly - LinkedIn is all about building

relationships with your potential clients.

Taking that into consideration, I knew I needed to focus on creating

a long-term strategy that would enable me to build
relationships, trust and authority within my niche on LinkedIn,
and that I need to come up with a lead generation system that
would support that.

I needed to figure out a couple of things:

Your LinkedIn Target Market

I knew that if I wanted to answer these questions and create

LinkedIn funnels that would work long-term for my business - I
needed to firstly define my target market on LinkedIn in greater

Defining your LINKEDIN target market is the step ZERO of

everything you do or plan on doing on LinkedIn, and I suggest you
do this BEFORE you even think about using LinkedIn for lead

(No, don't start connecting with people or "pimping" your LinkedIn

Profile if you don't have your LinkedIn target market figured out.)

Because, if you don't define your LinkedIn target market - nothing

else will work.

Trust me.

You'll just end up talking to the wrong people on LinkedIn, or you'll

appear to be just like everyone else.
And positioning is EVERYTHING on LinkedIn, remember that.

So, when I talk about defining your LinkedIn target market, I'm not
talking about how old your target market is or which TV series on
Netflix they binge on.

I am talking about going deep into the psychology of the people

you want to work with on LinkedIn – their needs, wants, pains and

This is exactly what I did - I dig even deeper into the psychology of
my ideal client, my product/ service I want to offer on LinkedIn and
tried to answer an important question:

How is my product or a service going to solve their problems?

Only after I did that – I went on LinkedIn and started researching

all the LinkedIn members (they are at over 450 million today and
growing) to find the ones I’d want to work with.
This was a CRUCIAL step so I could finally define and pinpoint my
LINKEDIN target market, build a lead generation strategy and
create my LinkedIn Funnels.

LinkedIn funnels are very similar to lead generation/sales funnels

you see everybody using today – but just applied to LinkedIn.
One of the purpose for creating LinkedIn funnels was to narrow
down all the LinkedIn members and identify the perfect, high-
quality leads for my business:

Once I found my LinkedIn target market, I started connecting with

them by sending them a personalised message.
This helped me to get a higher invite acceptance rate, and enabled
me to rapidly build my LinkedIn target market connection base.

It's important to connect with as many of your ideal clients over

LinkedIn as possible if you want to really start leveraging LinkedIn.

But, I also know that this is the part where most people get stuck
on LinkedIn - they connect with their LinkedIn target market and

create a big connection base - but then they don't know what to do
to convert those connections into clients.

And this is where LinkedIn funnels actually come in.

LinkedIn funnels are a strategic way of moving your LinkedIn
Target Market (connections) from LinkedIn to your e-mails
lists, webinar registration pages or anywhere else you need
them to go.

Also, while you funnel your LinkedIn Target market through

LinkedIn Funnels, you "qualify" them and build relationships, trust
and likeness.

For example, I firstly connected with my high-quality LinkedIn


Then, I funnelled them through my LinkedIn funnels to ”qualify”

them I moved them from LinkedIn to my e-mail lists, my webinars
or landing pages.

Since we had some interaction on LinkedIn, they were already

"warm" and it was SO MUCH EASIER for me to convert them to

So, after over a year of experimentation (and a LOT of trials and

errors) I realized that - as you build sales funnels for your business
- you can build lead generation funnels within LinkedIn.
And the result I got?
How LinkedIn Funnels helped me
make over $100,000 in less than 2
years, without spending a dollar
on ads.

As you see, LinkedIn lead generation funnels helped me to not only

start my both of my businesses - but to skyrocket them, period.

I didn’t waste time on leads that didn’t have a problem my services

and products were solving.

I didn’t waste energy on leads that will never buy from me.

I didn’t spend money on ads that didn’t work.

(I didn’t spend a dollar on ads at all, to be honest).

And, if you ask me, LinkedIn Funnels are the most amazing
lead generation strategy on the planet.
If you are in B2B space and you have a LinkedIn account but have
never been able to use it to attract the right leads and convert them
to clients, or you just didn’t know how – you have to incorporate
LinkedIn funnels right away.

If you already have a LinkedIn account and had some success

finding clients over it – then you need LinkedIn lead generation
funnels to improve your LinkedIn lead generation strategy and
create a PREDICTABLE stream of quality leads and clients.

Trust me, if you don't have LinkedIn Funnels implemented in your

business yet - you are leaving MASSIVE amount of money on the

Don't do that:)

In any case, I have identified three LinkedIn Funnels that work

really well, and they are:
The LinkedIn Profile Funnel

The LinkedIn Profile Funnel is one of the most powerful lead

generation funnels you can implement on LinkedIn, and I suggest
you build one AS SOON as you identify your LinkedIn Target
market and BEFORE you start connecting with people.

This is the LinkedIn Funnel I am currently using to get high-ticket

clients, and about 80% of all of my consulting clients come
from this funnel.

It made me tens of thousands of dollars already with, and I

didn't spent a dollar on ads to maintain it - I just work on it for about
30 minutes a day.

Honestly, I'd say that this is the only LinkedIn funnel that you
absolutely MUST HAVE if you are taking of finding clients over
LinkedIn - because it uses the power of your LinkedIn Profile to
attract and convert your LinkedIn leads into clients and sales.

If you are a CEO or a business owner looking for partners, clients

or leads on LinkedIn - you need a LinkedIn Profile Funnel.
Click here to download your LinkedIn Profile Funnel Blueprint

If you are a coach, looking for high-ticket consulting clients - you

need a LinkedIn Profile Funnel.

If you are a consultant, looking for corporate gigs - you need a

LinkedIn Profile Funnel.

As I said before, LinkedIn is all about positioning, and your LinkedIn

Profile is your business card.

That's why in this LinkedIn Funnel the focus is on your

LinkedIn Profile, and is basically the base for every other LinkedIn
Funnel you might be thinking about incorporating.

Because everything on LinkedIn starts with your LinkedIn


Every funnel.

Every lead engagement.

Every potential client relationship.

Every lead on LinkedIn will check your LinkedIn Profile out

before they engage in any way with you and you need to optimise
your LinkedIn Profile for that specific audience.

If your LinkedIn Profile sucks, you'll never get quality leads over
LinkedIn and you'll really struggle to convert leads to clients from

So, if finding your LinkedIn Target Market is the step ZERO, then
implementing your LinkedIn Profile Funnel is the step ONE.

Also, you need to understand how to optimise your LinkedIn

Profile the right way to stand out from the crowd - and position
as an expert that your targeted leads will want to get in touch with.
Now you might be asking yourself - what do I need to do to get
there and build a LinkedIn Profile Funnel? What are the steps of
building the LinkedIn Profile Funnel?

There are three steps you need to take:

1) Identify your LinkedIn target market and find them using LinkedIn

2) Optimise your LinkedIn Profile for that audience and put specific
calls to action throughout your LinkedIn Profile

3) Intentionally drive traffic to your LinkedIn Profile using different

LinkedIn features

These are the steps you need to take to build your LinkedIn Profile,
in a nutshell.

You can download a free PDF below where I explain these three
steps in a bit more detail - and don't forget to download your free
LinkedIn Profile Funnel Blueprint to get the whole picture of how to
do it.
Click here to download your free "LinkedIn Profile Demystified" PDF.
The LinkedIn Group Funnel

If you are looking to build a community and get super-quality

subscribers from LinkedIn - then LinkedIn Group Funnel is for you.

(But don't forget - the LinkedIn Profile funnel is still a must, even if
you want to build a LinkedIn Group Funnel.)

I used this funnel in my first business, the nutrition software-as-a-

service startup to build a LinkedIn group of nutritionists - and this
group is now almost 9,000 members and growing virally.

Most of the startup's income came from this funnel - almost

$40,000 of recurring revenue was a direct result of the
LinkedIn Group Funnel.

This funnel also helped me to build a list of over 2,000 super-

targeted subscribers, without spending a dollar on ads.

It did require some time though.

As you can probably imagine, building any community takes time,

but once you do - LinkedIn Groups have AMAZING backend
features that can enable you to get subscribers directly out of
your LinkedIn group and into your list.

LinkedIn Groups are NOT as engaging as Facebook groups

are, and engagement is low.

That's why I only use the Group Funnel when I want to be in my

target market's headspace, build my e-mail list with super-
quality, targeted leads and when I have a couple of months to
focus just on that.

Keep that in mind, because if you go with the idea of building a

LinkedIn Group Funnel to get engagement or the idea that you are
going to get those super-quality subscribers tomorrow - don't

In that case you'll be disappointed.

Your focus with this funnel should be to get your targeted

LinkedIn leads in your LinkedIn Group and then out of the
group on your list as soon as possible.
For example, if you are a LinkedIn Group owner, you can sent one
announcement to all group members per week that goes
directly into their e-mail inbox - and that's just one of the perks
of having a LinkedIn Group.

Click here to download your LinkedIn Group Funnel Blueprint

So, what are the steps to building a LinkedIn Group Funnel?

Here they are:

1) Find and identify your LinkedIn Target market

2) Create a LinkedIn Group and position it towards your LinkedIn
Target market

3) Optimize your LinkedIn Profile towards that market

4) Connect with your LinkedIn Target Market

5) Ask them to join your LinkedIn Group

6) Share content and soft offers (while providing a LOT of value)

and position as the expert in the Group

7) Continue to grow your Group until it starts to grow virally

The LinkedIn Message Funnel

The LinkedIn Message funnel is the toughest one to "crack" out of

all LinkedIn funnels, but once you do - you have hit a jack pot.

Even though I suggest you don't use the LinkedIn message

funnel before you setup the LinkedIn Profile Funnel, most
people actually do the opposite - and then wonder how come
LinkedIn is not working for them.

Well, if you read this blog post, then you might have noticed I am
referring to LinkedIn funnels as a lead generation SYSTEM, which
means there are skipping steps.

For example, if you define your LinkedIn Target Market, but your
LinkedIn Profile is not optimised towards that market - what's the
point of sending LinkedIn messages?

As I said before, everything on LinkedIn starts with your LinkedIn

Profile, and as soon as you send someone a LinkedIn message
- this person is going to check your Profile out before even thinking
about responding.

And THAT'S the main reason your targeted leads don't

respond to your carefully crafted messages on LinkedIn.
Because they don't know who you are, they don't like or trust you
- and sometimes they don't even understand, by looking at your
Profile - why have you contacted them in the first place.

So, what is the LinkedIn Message Funnel?

It's a set of carefully crafted and strategically send LinkedIn

messages that build engagement and trust with your LinkedIn
prospects until they do the desired action you want them to

Unlike what most people think - no, it's not a bunch of sales pitches
sent to your LinkedIn prospects - and if you get a client by pitching
them stuff over LinkedIn messages, they'll get pissed.

If you actually manage to close clients just by pitching them your

products or services by using LinkedIn messages - it's most
probably pure luck.

It is absolutely true that some niches require longer

relationship-building Message Funnel while other niches react
better on harder sales pitches (like lawyers, doctors, accountants
etc.), but this is only because they have "My hour costs money, just
let tell what you want" attitude.
For 85-90% of niches - the purpose of the LinkedIn Message
Funnel is to engage, build relationships and trust with potential
clients before you offer them ANY call to action.

Click here to download your LinkedIn Message Funnel Blueprint

So what do you need to create a LinkedIn Message Funnel?

Okay, so here are the steps:

1) Find and identify your LinkedIn Target market

2) Optimize your LinkedIn Profile towards that market

3) Connect with your LinkedIn Target Market

4) Send them an engagement Message 1 (read my blog post, an

open-end question, introduction, give them free stuff)

5) Engage in the conversation with the ones that respond to the

Message 1

6) Those that didn't reply to the Message 1, send a Message 2 (ask

a question, give free stuff, invite to read a blog post etc)

7) Rinse and repeat until you get them to do the action that you

Your LinkedIn Message Funnel can have as many LinkedIn

messages as you want, but keep in mind that they need to be
carefully crafted, smartly positioned and strategically send.

You'll probably have to spend some time and effort to test the
funnel out, because you'll firstly need to learn how your LinkedIn
Target Market behaves and tweak it.

Good news is that once you crack the code - you really will have
a completely predictable LinkedIn funnel that will give you
ROI on your time and money for years to come!
So, what are your next steps?
I really hope you liked this blog post and that you learned a thing
or two.
So, a quick question for you...
Have you thought about using LinkedIn for lead generation,
because your target market is there - but just didn't know how
and where to start?

Have you tried using LinkedIn to find and attract high-quality

leads, but with no success?

Or maybe you've been able to pinpoint your LinkedIn Target

Market, but you weren't able to convert them to high-end

Do you have a LinkedIn Funnel in your business that would

do all these things for you?

Think about it...

If you feel like upgrading your game...

Then make sure you get all the free resources below (you'll also
get free access to my 9-lesson LinkedIn Profile Funnel
training) and - implement LinkedIn funnels in your business.
Also, I invite you to join my FB Group and get into a community
of hundreds of like-minded entrepreneurs, coaches and business
owners that all have the same goal - to get high-end clients with

Click here to join my LinkedIn Community

In this group I share daily challenges, questions, strategies, tricks

and tips that will get you closer to getting high-end clients with
LinkedIn - and it's the most active and vibrant group about
LinkedIn on Facebook at the moment.
Let's do this!

Click here to get all bonuses

See you on the other side!

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