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Lesson 2.

Medulla oblongata. Metencephalon: pons, cerebellum.

Rhomboid fossa.IV ventricle.

Pic. 2.1. Ventral surface of medulla oblongata.

Give the English and Latin names of the formations.

№ English term Latin term

1. Pyramid of Medulla oblongata Pyramis medullae oblongatae

2. Behind irrigation Area retroolivaris

3. Back furrow Sulcus retroolivaris

4. Anterolateral sulcus Sulcus anteroiateralis

5. Cross pyramid Decussatio pyramidium

6. Anterolateral sulcus Sulcus anteroiateralis

7. Olive Oliva

8. Anterior median fissure Fissure mediana anterior

pic. 2.2. Dorsal surface of medulla oblongata.

Give the English and Latin names of the formations.

№ English term Latin term

1. Tubercle of thin nucleus Tuberculum gracile

2. Tubercle of the wedge shaped nucleus Tuberculum cuneatum

3. Posterior median sulcus Sulcus medianus posterior

4. Thin beam Fascicular gracilis

5. Wedge shaped beam Fasiculus cuneatus

6. Posterolateral sulcus Sulcus poste rolateralis

7. Rear Intermediate furrow Sulcus intermedius dorsalis

8. Lateral cord Fasciculus lateralis

9. Inferior cerebellar peduncle Pedunculus cerebellaris inferior

Pic.2.3. Internal structure of pons.
Give the English and Latin names of the formations.

№ English term Latin term

1. Reticular formation Formatio reticularis

2. Medial loop Lemniscus medialis

3. Spinal loop Lemniscus spinalis

4. Cortical-nuclear fibers Fibrae corpticonucleares

5. Cerebellar fibers Fibrae ponto-cerebellares

6. Cortical-bridge fibers Fibrae corticopontinaes

7. Bridge cores Nuclei pontis

8. Cortico spinal fibres Fibrae basilaris

9. Basilar groove Sulcus basilaris

10. Transverse fibers of the bridge Fibrae pontis transversae

11. Anterior part of the bridge Pars anterior pontis

12. The lining-spinal path Tractus tectospinalis

13. Rear part of the bridge Pars posterior pontis

14. Posterior longitudinal bundle Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis

Pic. 2.4. Internal structure of cerebellum.

Give the English and Latin names of the formations.

№ English term Latin term

1. The core of the tent Nucleus fastigii

2. Spherical nucleus Nucleus globosus

3. Corky core Nucleus emboliformis

4. Serrated core gate Hilum nuclei dentati

5. Jagged core Nucleus dentatus

6. The tree of life of the cerebellum Arbor vitae cerebelli

7. Cerebellar cortex Cortex cerebellaris

Pic.2.5. Rhomboid fossa.
Give the English and Latin names of the formations.
№ English term Latin term

1. Bluish place Locus caeruleus

2. Medial eminence Eminentia medialis

3. Median sulcus Sulcus medianus

4. Facial tubercle Colliculus facialis

5. Vestibular field Area vestibularis

6. Lower fossa Fovea inferior

7. Hyoid nerve triangle Trigonum nervi hypoglossi

8. Vagus triangle Trigonum nervi vagi

9. Tubercle of the wedge-shaped nucleus Tuberculum cuneatum

10. Tubercle of thin nucleus Tuberculum gracile

11. Gate valve Obex

12. Trigeminal tubercle Tuberculum trigeminale

13. Brain strips Striae medullares

14. Upper fossa Fovea superior

15. Diamond-shaped fossa Fossa rhomboidea

16. Border furrow Sulcus limitans

17. Middle cerebellar pedicle Pedunculus cerebellaris medius

18. Superior cerebellar pedicle Pedunculus cerebellaris superior

Pic. 2.6. IV ventricle.
Give the English and Latin names of the formations.

№ English term Latin term

1. Superior cerebellar pedicle Pedunculus cerebellaris superior

2. Superior cerebral sail Velum medullare superius

3. Bridle of the superior cerebral sail Frenulum veli medularis superioris

4. Middle cerebellar pedicle Pedunculus cerebellaris medius

5. Vascular basis of the fourth ventricle Tela choroidea ventriculi quarti

6. Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle Plexus choroideus ventriculi quarti

Median aperture (Magendie) of the fourth

Apertura mediana ventriculi quarti

8. Gate valve Obex

9. Tubercle of the wedge-shaped nucleus Tuberculum cuneatum

10. Tubercle of thin nucleus Tuberculum gracile

11. Olive Oliva

12. Lateral aperture of the fourth ventricle Apertura lateralis ventriculi quarti

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