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Bloc diagram Ex plained L

InouE DniE
i s a device hrouga ulich ho enter he proa om and
data ian he compur
Dae daa is he shored and processed uith the help cher proqams.ErHouse,
Pen,TzhPad Joushck 3
Caahel Proressing Oait CCPu).
He cenal procesia Unit CPU) dekdedinlD 3 unibs. Ihe conol uaik he
arithmehc ait and Hhe LoaioUnit and the niemory nii
CPUaalso Laan aj he Drain tme Cpmaer

Con lait
Tris Uait ÁconAidexed ko he he Nevous rem ae complAexa t cH als
all ariHhmeiceperaHos o_be penormoo also coordinate Hae uacion
all faard uwale upi oq he covoaputer
a C) reciee mshrochon ov inormahon diec.iu JumHae_ main memoru s hecomp-
ah en the conhrel unit eciLeves aniaaWoch on Aer or inlOriacion, it conu@rly he insiachon 4¢t
mconel biauaal Hhen h iaaala eakw He ceaal proxescy jor uaher prtcegain
neconalsnit undetheudsuaica.-opaabinn excoteaauraly an in ulich cder

Jais unLtpeLpy all oritamoic Calculahor ad bogialoeraions inuplved inHhe praaran»
on inteoAs_binaYy gumbeS.
Ine ouput AL uilM dlaangea3ynchtonouu louts4tunch inespende.h Hae iapot.

DoraasNemacsA nit PreceRA-

The anchicon this wait is hm sore taedata ond pef o ina uchonh aLVenby thepergam
Me merma hon ocdata is S oued or hdLd in compoer memaru orArag2

Teacher's Signature:-
Expt. No.. Page No..

hput Delce
OuHpuf deicey _e deve iuermaioA JLoa Hhe CP0 and pre) ent i Othe_A in
he desived yem Lk. VOUCse reen), Pyinter, p0a Kepzajeor en
L-Nachine languge L-Sembly anquge n-Bdaotagg DAg-OiSadvantagt
toy eoce ad SiilaYitH behueen MLand hLuhth A0 gnd Qa0.

2 Nachine Lanauna
Haclhine languaeÀa lamuge that han a binon omTtcon be diectly excued
b aCempuker
ANoanice lanauae iy easilu undecyned by the Lompaer,Hence, it can be divecty
aat byCPOunithahscletCly no need o4 Conpilexaandinterprelerg
wer compoterhaaa Agt ecpexaiocode) called i inshiocion e hg instruchon_
ek ae delided inn 2paHA AnepexahonChdglor opcode) and an opad.

Opcode Dorehencede helLA Hhe compuer Jnchion kopeinema Ynghchion

0gerad: Teusuhee iind ox shxe iHne data Io be_manipal1ted
Tnshocdon: Tels uhat operaion m perjom and the kngtah 0 and ncah ond
he dajaJidds inyolued in he operabon

Hona with remembexina nedoanscode Aumbex) jar the opemiona, ne

DroggmOn alSD Los m keep hack h e Hddressess Jorall he daa ilen).Hee-
Hoclaine ampeiA Loasideved challaneanqnd erroprone

Assembly leungg0-
Aembly longuge he Mare. tae lou leuel and lex than higla- lerelangugeSo
t iA inter mediau laguage embly lamgey uge numbe Aumbds, and
A bbrey/iaions intead s 0Samdlss Forex additieqif yeA Jaloala lice Ad
tneuih_Holipli.ootion Nol
Teacher's Signature

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