EE314 - Assignment # 3

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EE 314: Control Systems

APCOMS, Rawalpindi

Assignment # 3
Class Assigned Due
TE-10 March 29, 2011 April 6, 2011 (Wednesday) @ 03:30 PM in Room F-21
EE-7 March 31, 2011 April 7 , 2011 (Thursday) @ 04:30 PM in Room F-21

 Find 2 research papers on mathematical modeling of any system/process, read them and
copy them in your assignment. You are not expected to understand each and every step
from the papers; you must know the basics of the work however. Your viva will be based
on this basic knowledge.
 Reading assignment:
Read carefully and try to understand the mathematical modeling of a DC motor (see next
few pages)

Group work is encouraged.
Single assignment can be submitted by a group as VIVA is must for this assignment.
Electronic submission is highly encouraged.

You must appear groupwise for viva in office, at your

convenience but before 04:30 PM Friday, April 8, 2011.
Mathematical Model of Speed Control of DC Motor

A common actuator in control systems is the DC motor. It directly provides rotary motion
and, coupled with wheels or drums and cables, can provide transitional motion.

A voltage is applied to its armature circuit and to the field winding. It can operate in two
1) Fixed field and varying armature voltage (armature controlled)
2) Varying field and fixed armature voltage (field controlled)

We will use armature controlled for our model.

A voltage is applied to the armature circuit while field is kept constant. A torque is
developed which is
T  K1I a
Where K is the motor torque constant and Ia is the armature current. When armature is
rotating a voltage proportional to the product of flux and speed of motor is induced in the
armature. For constant flux
Eb  K 2
Where Eb is the back emf, K2 is the back emf constant of the motor and θ is the angular
displacement of the shaft.
The electric circuit of the armature and the free body diagram of the rotor are shown in
the following figure:
The differential equation for the armature circuit is
La I a  Ra I a  Eb  Ea

or La I a  Ra I a  K2  Ea
Where La is the armature inductance, Ra is the armature resistance and Ea is the applied
The equation for torque equilibrium is
J  b  T

or J  b  K1I a
Where J is the moment of inertia of the motor and b is the viscous friction coefficient of
the motor referred to motor shaft.

Transfer Function:
Transfer function can be found by taking Laplace transform and then eliminating the Ia
La sI a  Ra I a  K 2  Ea
Js  b  K1 I a
I a ( sLa  Ra )  Ea  K 2
Ea  K 2
Ia 
( sLa  Ra )
Now Js  b  K1 I a
Ea  K 2
 ( sJ  b)  K1
( sLa  Ra )
 ( sJ  b)( sLa  Ra )  K1Ea  K1K 2
 ( sJ  b)( sLa  Ra )  K1K 2  K1Ea

Transfer Function 

( sJ  b)( sLa  Ra )  K1 K 2
State Space
La I a  Ra I a  K 2  Ea
J  b  K1 I a
Let   x1 ,   x2 , I a  x3
input U  Ea output Y  
The equations can be written as
x1  x2
Jx2  bx2  K1 x3
K1 b
x2  x3  x2
La x3  Ra x3  K 2 x2  U
U Ra K
x3   x3  2 x2
La La La
The state space pair
X  AX  BU
Y  CX  DU
can be written as:

 x1  0 1 0   x1   0 
 x   0 b / J K1 / J   x2    0  U 
 2 
 x3  0  K 2 / La  Ra / La   x3  1/ La 
 x1 
Y   0 1 0  x2    0U 
 x3 
Simulink Model

The Simulink model for calculating the step response is as follows:

For this model we have used the following values of the different parameters

 Moment of inertia of the rotor (J) = 0.01 kg.m2/s2

 Damping ratio of the mechanical system (b) = 0.1 Nms
 Constants of the motor (K1=K2=K) = 0.01 Nm/Amp
 Armature electric resistance (Ra) = 1 ohm
 Armature electric inductance (L) = 0.5 H

The response obtained is

The same can be obtained by following the transfer function approach

Where transfer function is

T .F 
JLa s  ( JRa  Lab) s  (bRa  K 2 )

The MATLAB code to see the step response is given below:
%Step Response of Position Control of a DC Motor
clear all
close all

den=[(J*L) ((J*R)+(L*b)) ((b*R)+K^2)];


Step Response










0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (sec)

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