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APROBACIÓN OFICIAL N.07-0004 DIC 5 DE 2008 N.07-0112 OCT 23 DE 2009
CALLE 65 SUR N. 100 A 51 TEL 7239852 – 7239778


● Reads and answers according to the text


Last night, Dane and Emily danced in a competition. They danced a salsa dance. They had practiced
for six months before they danced in the competition. They were very good.
Dane and Emily’s friends were in the audience. Before that night, they had never seen Dane and
Emily dance. In fact, Dane and Emily had never danced in front of anyone before the competition.
After everyone had danced, the judges announced the winners. Dane and Emily won ! They were the
best dancers in the competition. Emily said she had never practiced so hard before ! she was glad
they had practiced a lot.
1. Dane and emily are part of a salsa group?
A. Not
B. Yes
C. They are not part of any group
D. I don’t know
2. Before that night, who had seen Dane and Emily dance?
A. Nobody
B. Your friends
C. Your family
D. The audience
3. what happened after everyone had danced?
A. Nobody won
B. They came out
C. The judges announced the winners
D. Nothing happened
4. How long did you practice?
A. The night before
B. One year
C. They did not practice
D. Six months
5. Where were dane and emily's friends?
A. In the cinema
B. In the competition
C. In the audience
D. At home
6. who hadn't practiced so hard before? :
A. Dane
B. Emily
C. Your friends
D. Nobody
7. who won the competition??
A. Dane and Emily
B. Nobody
C. Your Friends
D. The judges

Reads and answers according to the text


Monica is an accountant. She works at the Central Bank of Sydney. Today is a weird day for Monica, it
seems like her regular daily routine has changed dramatically.
She usually walks to work but today she is driving because she overslept. Most of the times she wears
a red blouse and a black skirt for work, but today she is wearing jeans and t-shirt because the washing
machine got damaged yesterday.

Although her husband takes the kids to school every day, today Monica is taking them to school
because her husband went to a party last night and got home really late. She regularly listens to
classical music on her way to work, but today she and her children are listening to reggaeton; they say
that classical music is not as interesting and cool as reggaeton.
Some people may think Monica is not enjoying her day; on the contrary, she loves doing new things
so she is happy about this weird day.

13. What is more common for her?

A. To oversleep
B. To drive to work
C. To walk to work
D. To sleep
14. What is she wearing today?
A. She is wearing formal clothes
B. She is wearing casual clothes
C. She is wearing a skirt
D. She is wearing unusual clothes
15. Is Monica married?
A. We don’t know
B. No, she isn’t
C. Yes, she is
D. Maybe
16. Why is she taking the kids to school?
A. Because her husband might be tired an sleepy
B. Because her husband has a party tonight
C. Because her husband does not drive
D. Because she wants
17. Who might say that classical music is not as interesting and cool as reggaeton?
A. Monica’s father
B. Monica’s husband
C. Monica’s children
D. Monica’s mother

18. What might Monica say about this weird day?

A. I hate it
B. I like it
C. My worst day ever
D. Nothing
19. Where does monica Works?
A. Sydney
B. Germany
C. Australia
D. London
20. what is monica’s Job?
A. Secretary
B. Manager
C. Administrator
D. Accountant

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