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CE 141-2 – Quiz #3

Solve the following problem:

1. A well in an unconfined aquifer is pumped at the rate of 25 L/s ( 400 gal/min.). The thickness
of the aquifer is 15 m. and the elevation of the phreatic surface is 12.5 m. above the
underlying aquiclude at an observation of well 20 m away from the well and 14.6 m above at
a well 50 m. away. What is the value of K for this aquifer?

2. A well in a confined aquifer with a thickness of 15 m produces a flow of 25 L/s ( 400 gal /
min ). The height of the phreatic surface is at an elevation of 114.6 m. at an observation well
50 m away and at 112.5 m at an observation well 20 m. away. Find K and T for the aquifer
and estimate the height of the phreatic surface at the 0.5 m. diameter well.

3. In fig 3-5, the aquifer thickness is 10 ft, the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer is 0.06
m/day, and the river water surface is 7m above the bottom of the aquifer. If it is necessary
to maintain a water level in the trench not more than 10 m deep, at what rate must water
be pumped out of a 100 m long trench? The distance between the edge of the trench and
the river is 300 m. Assume all water comes from the river.

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