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Selected Works

Articles, Chapters, & Reports

Administering Money: Coinage, Debt Crises, and the Future of Fiscal Policy

Equality, Not Equal Pay: Distributional Justice Beyond Money (.pdf)

Banking in a Digital Fiat Currency Regime (.pdf)

Monetary Resilience (.pdf)

Money Isn't Scarce, It's In nite (.pdf)

What is Money? (.pdf)

Who Owns the Intellectual Fruits of Job Guarantee Labor (.pdf)

The Macroeconomic Implications of Digital Fiat Currency (.pdf)

Op-Eds & Interviews

We Can Afford To Beat This Crisis (.pdf)

Facebook Wants Its Own Currency. That Should Scare Us All (.pdf)

Money & Property (.pdf)

An MMT Response on What Causes In ation (.pdf)

The Future of Digital Fiat Currency (.pdf)

The Job Guarante vs. Universal Basic Income: A Debate (.pdf)

Free Culture? Free Finance (.pdf)

The Cost of Justice: Law Students Need Macroeconomics, and

Macroeconomics Needs Us (.pdf)


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