3505 A Co - 2011 Fall Ed Marynowski

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The University of Lethbridge

Faculty of Education

EDUCATION 3505 — Section A

Professional Semester I: Fall, 2011

Tuesdays: 9:15 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
Room TH277

Instructor: Richelle Marynowski Secretary: Margaret Beintema

Office: TH 335 Office: TH321
Phone: 403-329-2269 Phone: 329-2732
Cell: 403-929-0048
Email: richelle.marynowski@uleth.ca
Office Hours: Please e-mail me to arrange appointment times.

Course Description:
Teaching Seminar is designed to assist you in the development of skills, knowledge, and attitudes or
attributes needed to become a teacher. The course will help to answer such questions as: “What is
teaching?” “What do I bring to teaching?” and “How can I be a better teacher?” This course could be
described as a lens through which to focus PS1 content and experiences; where you will have opportunities
to assimilate what you’re learning and to develop supportive peer and professional relationships as you
begin the transition from student to teacher.

Course Objectives
The following objectives have been correlated with the Knowledge, Skills and Attributes for Beginning
Teachers, excerpted from the Quality Teaching Policy Document. By the end of this teaching seminar, you
will be able to:

• Demonstrate professional attributes and responsibilities b. (2) structure of the Alberta education system
(demonstrate interest in and commitment to teaching,
maturity, professional judgement, and ethical conduct).
• Identify and communicate personal beliefs and values p. (16) importance of guiding actions with personal
about teaching and learning. vision of teaching
• Critically reflect on teaching and learning experiences o. (15) importance of career-long learning
and identify strengths and areas for improvement.

• Work cooperatively and communicate effectively with h. (8) importance of respecting others' human
others. dignity/establish professional relationships
characterized by mutual respect, trust and harmony
n. (14) importance of contributing collegially to the
quality of their educational school/community
• Apply learning from PSI modules and personal experience varies:
to classroom contexts. a. (1) contextual variables affect teaching and
learning, through
k. (11) purposes of student assessment

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• Plan and teach effective mini-lessons using an appropriate g. (7) students’ needs for physical, social, cultural
variety of instructional, assessment, and classroom and psychological security
management strategies. h. (8) importance of respecting students’ human
i. (9) many approaches to teaching and learning
j. (10) functions of teaching/learning technologies
k. (11) purposes of student assessment

This course is graded on a pass/fail basis. Students must satisfactorily complete EACH of the following in
order to receive a passing grade in the course. Please note that the format of these assignments is
completely negotiable.

1. Reflective Writing Assignments DUE: As noted on the schedule

One of the main requirements of this Teaching Seminar is that you engage in written reflection of your
thinking; describing, assessing and analyzing, in an honest way, your progress throughout the semester
and your development as a teacher. You may choose to submit your entries in a notebook or electronic
format. It is anticipated that length of entries will vary from one page to three pages. Any literary form is
acceptable (poems, letters, narratives, essays, collages, stream of consciousness, etc.) All text must be
legible. Prompts for you to respond to after each seminar are provided.

2. Statement of Personal Teaching Beliefs and Values DUE: September 20

(AKA: Teaching Philosophy or Professional Credo)
This assignment requires you to examine and record your beliefs and values about teaching and learning as
a first step in your preparation for the practicum experience and a key step in your development as a
professional educator. This will also be an important entry in your Professional Portfolio.

The length of this statement will normally run 1-2 pages, word-processed and double-spaced. This should be
a clear expression of your educational philosophy: assumptions, goals, beliefs and values. It must address
key issues or principles that will determine the way you will teach: your vision of yourself as a teacher,
learning and learners, classroom atmosphere and climate, your feelings about the major subject(s) you will
teach, the roles of teachers, curriculum, classroom management, parental and community involvement, etc.

Format is completely negotiable. Whatever enables you to best express your ideas and priorities regarding
teaching and learning in a way that reflects your style, personality and strengths.

3. PSI Professional Growth Plan DUE: October 4

A growth plan is a professional responsibility of every teacher. Formats vary greatly from teacher to teacher
and between districts. Your professional growth plan may take whatever form works for you but must
include the following components:
• 2-3 goal statements: Each goal must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.
• An action plan: Specific actions you will undertake in working towards your goal.
• Resources: Materials and/or people you will access to help you achieve success
• Measuring tool: Establish specific criteria you will use to assess your level of achievement
• Timeline: An indication of what you will do by when and a deadline for completion.
• *Reflection: A space built in to allow for reflection at the end of the practicum.

4. Letter of Introduction DUE: October 18

In preparation for Practicum Orientation Day, you will write a letter of introduction to your Teacher
Associate. You should include a brief resume of you academic background, any previous teaching or related
work experience, particular interest, hobbies and passions, special qualifications or certifications, etc. You
need to provide the reader with a sense of who you are both personally and professionally.

5. Microteaching/Presentation on Educational Issue DUE: October 18 and 25

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Develop a 15 minute micro-teach of a favoured teaching / learning strategy centered on a curricular
objective that demonstrates your understanding of the key elements of a strong lesson plan. You may also
choose to do a presentation on a current issue in education, on an attribute of effective teaching, on effective
classroom discipline/management strategies, or on another topic of your choice. You may also choose to
work individually or in pairs for this assignment. Further details will be provided in class.

6. Professional Portfolio DUE: Week of December 5

The point of the portfolio is to illustrate your professional growth, accomplishments, and who you are as a
teacher. Creating a portfolio is a personal task. Although similar, one is never the same as another. Your PSI
portfolio is a beginning. It will provide the foundation for further portfolio development in PSII and PSIII.
Time taken now will save a lot of time later.

The following items must be included in your portfolio:

• Table of Contents
• Statement of Beliefs and Values…….…………………………. ….DUE: September 20
• PSI Professional Growth Plan……………………………………..DUE: October 4
• Letter of Introduction………………………………………………DUE: October 18
• Evidence / Artifacts of: (each artifact needs to be accompanied by a rationale for its inclusion)
o Planning (best lesson plans)
o Curriculum (what you taught)
o Instruction (how you taught, teaching strategies)
o Evaluation and assessment strategies
o Learning environment (how you established your classroom culture: routines, rules,
o Teacher Associate/Faculty evaluations
o Reflections
*Please ensure you have the school’s permission to include students and/or their work
• Optional items may include: artifacts that give a sense of who you are and how they are linked
you as a teacher.

7. Attendance, Participation and Non-Academic Criteria

You are required to attend all scheduled class meetings and workshops and to participate fully in each
planned class activity/discussion. When preparation outside of class is assigned, you are expected to
come fully prepared and submit work that reflects a standard of excellence in appearance, form and
content. Teachers are expected to demonstrate specific non-academic behavior when working with
children, parents, classroom assistants, administrators and other professional personnel and student
teachers are asked to demonstrate these same behaviors/characteristics. You are expected to follow the
standards for professional conduct as outlined in the Orientation to teaching Handbook.

Links to important documents:

Professional Semester I Handbook

Teaching Assignment Sheet


PS I Formative Assessment form


PS I Summative Report

PS I Guidelines for Summative and Formative Assessment


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Time/Place Tentative Topics Assignment Due
September 6
PSI Orientation
9:00 – Noon
September 6 Reflection 1: Why have you
Seminar 1: Personal Nature of Teaching
1:00 – 3:50 chosen to become a teacher?
September 6
SU 300A/B
September 7
ATA Workshop
9:00 – 11:50
Reflection 2: What does it
Wednesday mean to be a professional
September 7 teacher? How do you view the
Seminar 2: Professional Nature of Teaching
1:00 – 3:50 ATA’s code of conduct with
L1170G respect to your vision of you
as a teacher?
Reflection 3: Write a
statement of your teaching
September 13
Seminar 3: Learner and Classroom Contexts beliefs and values.
9:15 – 11:50
Bring portfolios to class
Monday Reflection 4: Reflect on 1 or 2
September 19 resources in the Curriculum
Curr Lab Orientation
1:00 – 3:50 Laboratory that you think will
Curr Lab be the most valuable to you.
Tuesday Due: Statement of Personal
September 20 Teaching Beliefs and Values
Seminar 4: Teaching Strategies
9:15 – 11:50
Reflection 5: What
Monday knowledge did you gain, or
September 26 First Nations Studies Education Workshop have clarified, in regards to
1:00 – 3:50 R. Big Head First Nations? How will you
Curr Lab use this knowledge in your
Tuesday Reflection 6: What
September 27 Seminar 5: Teacher Development/ skills/attributes do you want to
9:15 – 11:50 Communication and Interpersonal Skills work on during your PS1
TH277 practicum?
September 30
Literature Fair
8:30 – 1:00

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Reflection 7: What questions
or concerns do you still have
for your practicum? How do
you feel about the practicum
October 4 Seminar 6: Field Experience Practicum
experience after today’s
9:15 – 11:50 Orientation – Dr. Lorraine Beaudin
Due: PSI Professional Growth
No Class
October 11
Tuesday Due: Letter of Introduction
October 18
Seminar 7: Micro-Teaching/Presentations
9:15 – 11:50
October 25
Seminar 8: Micro-Teaching/Presentations
9:15 – 11:50
Reflection 8: What are your
Thursday first impressions, and/or
In School Practicum Orientation
October 27 concerns with your
Reflection 9: What are you
Tuesday looking forward to during your
Seminar 9: Teacher Development
November 2 practicum? What are you still
Preparation for Practicum
9:15 – 11:50 unsure about? What can you
Summative Assessment Form
TH277 do to ease your apprehensions
(if any)?
Last day on Campus
November 4
PSI Practicum Begins
November 7
Week of Dec. 5 Summative Assessments/Final Interview Due: Professional Portfolio
PSI Practicum Ends
December 13
December 14
PSI Culmination Day
10:00 - Noon
TH 143

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