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Pz Note the readings pro EXPERIMENT 6 AIME-To smdy the various wiring components (such a wires, fuses, plugs. sockets, lamp holders et), their uses and ratings. Pre requisite: 4, Studentshould know the alternating current and current supply 2, student should have the basic knowledge about afferent rypes of conductors, resistance, differen type ofinsulating material. ‘THEORY. 1 TYPESOF WiRES: Various types of wires are used in electrical wiring The commonly wed types are 4) VIR (Yuleanized India Rubber) wites: These types of wires consist af a tinned conductor coated with rubber insulation, This rubber insulation i not moisture or heatproct b) CTS. Cable Type Sheathed )wires-In this ordinary insulated conductors are provided with additional tough rubber sheath. This provides protection against moisture, chemical fumes and tear ©) PNG @alysinyl chloride) These re the most commonly wed wines, These Ihave eondctors with PX.C insulation, 4) Cables» These consist of individually insulated conductors which are put protecive mechanical evering, These are af wo 1ype5 together inside ‘CONSTRUTION OF CABLE Conductor or core Insulation Metallic sheath edd Armouting DISIGNATION OF WIRES Types of conductors: copper and aluminium canductors are commonly used. Types of wires | Size ofwire Number of cores Voltage gracing oCt ao I.VARIOUS SYSTEMS OF WIRING. (CHOICE OF WIRING IS DECIDED ON FOLLOWING FACTORS: Durability satesy Appearance Acces ‘Maintenance Cost Fallwvingsystems are 8) Wooden casing and capping wiring ) Conduits wising |V.AWIRING ACCESSORIES. @) Fusts Fuse isthe simplest current interrupting device for the protectin against Function of the Fusein general, che fuse consist ofa small piece of metal connected in berween two terminals mounted on the insulated base, When the fuses inserted ina circuit be protected, i carries the normal working current without heating. But when the current exceeds the pre determined value it malts due t rapid overheating, The circuit Is then interrupted preventing any damage due to exeessve current. ‘Types Fuses @ Semi-endosed or Rewirable Type use “Operation die use is wired in series with the dreuit to be protected Appliation- commonly wsed in domestic installations and other circuits ‘Where verylow values of fault euerensare tobe handled Advantages-cheaper ‘Alter Bowing ll the fuse element, he bridge can be pulled out and again revwired with anew fuse wire. This, service can be restored very quickly ‘with negligible additonal expenditure Disadvantages-cannot be wed for higher values of fault current. Risk offre lable due to inaccurate characteristics, ‘Gi Migh Rupeuing Capacity (H.R.C) Cartridge Fuses: Appliation: With the increasing loads and size ofthe network, HRC. caridge {uses are naw gradually replacing the svwirable pes, Paci na RRR ce econ wed ow Advantages high speed operation = Cc a 15:39 1 @ Advantages: high sped operation Ability to clear hgh value of fault current. Its operation is silent and without fame, gases or smokes. Hence safe from the pointof view of fie hazards, Disadvantages: Costly in camparison with ewirable ype fuses. ‘The cartridges tobe replaced byanew one after each operation (Over heating af the adjacent contacts is posible during the operation of the fuse 2) Stary of miniature circuit breaker (MCB) ‘AMR isa mechanical switching device whichis capable of making, carrying land breaking currents under normal circuit conditions and also making, camying for a specified time and automatically breaking currents under specified abnormal creult conditions suchas dhe of short cil. tn shor, MICH is a device for averioad and short creuit protection. They are used in resental & commercial ares, Rating In mest cases, the ampere rating should not exceed the current-carrying opacity of the duit For example, sta conductors rated at 10 amps, Selec a reut beaker no larger than 10 amps Ampere ratings for miniature eect breakers range from 10 o 150 amps. Voltage ratings for miniature circuit breakers are. 120/240-olt_and 240-velt interrupting ratings for miniature iret breakers are 10, 22,42, ‘and 85 KAIC (thousand amps interrupting capacity) Advantages: Instant re dosing of the circuit after a fault has been eleared Safety disconnect features for Greut isolation, Terminal insulation for operator safety Lover power losses Simplicty of mounting and wiring. Lowerspace requirements, Disadvantages: “More expensive as compared to fuse Ditficlt identify where the Fault accurred Applications:MCBs find wide application in resdendal. commercial and Industrial operations ©) Switches A switch is @ manually operated mechanical device used for making or breaking the electrical circuit. Single poe switches are normally employed for controling lighting and heating dircuis in domestic wiring, Depending up au ce ene mg See en, oy = Cc a oCt ao ©) Switches A switch is @ manually operated mechanical device used for making or breaking the electrical eireuit. Single pole switches are normally employed for controling lighting and heating dircuis in domestic wiring, Depending up fon the creult requirements. they may be of single-way , woway, neo-way center of (b) © @ i mestic wiring, Various types of single pole switches in general use for domestic wiring @ Lamp teers: Lamp holders made up of brass, akelite or hard plastic are used, hold the Jamps and connect them to the wiring. Connection. of lamps to the wing ‘hrough the holders faciltates thelr quick removal oF replacement without disturbing the wiring. The lamp holders are basically either of bayonet ype oF Screw type. Lamps with bayanet base (or cap) are pressed against spring loaded brass plungers and turned in bayonet type holders whereas lamps with Screw based areserewed into the screw type heders 1) Pendant Holders: These are forthe lamps, whieh are tobe, kept hanging from the ceings 1) Batten Helder: These holders can be screwed en the wooden blocks and as such are suitable forthe lamps, which are tobe fied on the walls fr ceiling. Angle batien holders are iso available for fix angle lirectional lighting lly) Sevewed Holders: This type of holders ean be screwed en to a wall Dracket lang stand of a table lamp, o9 {u) Pendent holder (by Hatten bolder (Bracket holder older fr bayonet sap lamps /— Wal ace: ©) Coiling Roses Cannettion tothe pendant lamp holders. huorescent tubes and eilng fans are provided from colling roses using Meable wires. The ceiling roses are made of < d12dbe18-bddb-4b9c-a5 Dakelit and have elther evo or three terminal plates. Accordingly, they are called two plate or three plate celing res {@) Pwo Plate Type Gelling Roses (b)Three-Plate Type Calling Roses @Tw0-P Type Celing Roses (0) Thrce- Plate Type Ceiling Roses 1) Phug and Sockets: ‘These are used for providing connections to portable appliances such at mises, table lamps, ee. and are made of hakelite. Even though the plugs and sockets of both two pin type and three-pin type are availabe, from the point of view of safety, oly three pin type with aprovsion for earth connection are now used = cee. B ¥.Damesticlnstallations ‘The power to the domestic wiring installation is tapped from the low vatage Aistebntion line known as the distsbutor. The wires supplying power fram the distributors tothe demestic wiring installation areknawn asservice mains. Pig, 4.12 shows the layout ofa demesie installation for a smal house The supply single phase ac and broughtin through thesupply company’s sealed fuse box ‘and meter tothe consumer's man switch a a g Rotate screen Fit screen Enter Browser = Cc a Supt Fs Domest wiring instalation EXPERIMENT 7 AIME-To study the conttl of wo lamps from woswitehes Goopng in system), 1 Aim: Control of One Lamp By Means of One Single Pole Sitch, Apparatus: Switches lamps, ines, 8 fuse LFusment Lene (C0W,2000) A. Single Pele S a EXPERIMENT 7 AIME-To study dhe contrl of two lamps from twa switehes Coopng in system). 4 Aim: Control of One Lamp By Means of One Single Poe Switch Apparatus: wits, amps, ites, fuse Wx VY trol of one Wiring diagrams for ap by one single pole swil Wiring diagram for contaling the lamp 1, 0 single pale switch A is Introduced in its creas The live or phase wire Is always connected to the lamp holder through the switch. whereas, nefral is connected directo All ite, Lamp holder, ete. are always fited the acessories such as a single pole cn the teak wood round block Working: when thesoiteh is tumed on, a fll supply voltage sapped across the lamp terminals and the lamp glows. Thus, the lamp can be independently contrlle by the single pole switch, Application: the circuits we farsingle raom wiring 0 Aimm: Two oF More Lamps with individual On-Off Contr Wiring diagram: Instead of running separate wizes fer each lamp from the supply aint they ae looped in from one lamp to the other in manner ‘Working: In this case, i will be observed that de postion of any switch does not affect the working af other lamps and thus, each lamp is contrlled Independently by its own switch, To Next Lamp U,L2- Potent Lamps, 200) A,B. Single Pole Sichee = C a (@) Aim Two or More Lamps with Individual On-Off Contra. ‘Wiring diagram: Instead of running separate wires for each amp fram the supply point they are looped in from onelamp tothe other in manner. ‘Working: in this case, i wile observed thatthe postion of any switch does noe affect the working of other lamps and thus, each lamp is cantralled independently by its oan switch To Next Lamp 12. Plsent Lamp GOW, 200) ‘A,B Single Pole Snichee N Th ‘Two or more lamps with individual on-off contral Application: This system is commonly used in domestic wiring abit saves length of wire and other wiring materia m 7 TARP TANPOD oN oF BRIT Orr ON HaCaT EXPERIMENT 8 Aim: contrat of One Lamp by Means of Two Switches. (Stair Case Wiring) ‘Wiring diagram: To cane de lamp L fram to places using w oways sites, A & Bin the respective positions, As usual, neutral f direcly connected to one terminal of the lamp holder and the phase wire is connected tis other terminal through no wayswitches A&B. Working: With avo way switch RRS ASA pRsitions shown, the lamp Zell be in the of condition. The Lamp ca eon by ne of the 0 switches {& can be switched off by the other by chaning their blade ooslons Le. the lamp. = Cc a EXPERIMENT 8 Aim: Contral of One Lamp by Means of Two Switches. (Stair Case Wiring) Wiring diagram: To conta te lamp Lfram two places using ovo ways slteas, A & Bin the respective positions, As usual, neutral i direc connected to one terminal ofthe lamp holder and the phase wie it cannected 1 its other terminal {hough tivo wayswWitches A & ‘Working: with two way switches 88 Bin the postions shown, the lamp Il be In the off condition. The lamp can be again switched on by ane ofthe oo switches '& cane switched aff by the other by changing thelr blade postions Le the lamp, swithed on by the switch A can be switched off by the switeh Band vice versa Thus, one single lamp can be cantralled from two places L Pimt Lampe ow, 20) A. SageFaeSicter Application: 1s normally used for staircase & corridor lighting x T T T T ow T z ‘OFF z T OFF z OW

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