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2nd Semester


Sahid Er. Akanksha Sharma
Roll No. :20010203041
Sr. Experiment Date of Remark
No. performance

1. Verification of Kirchhoff’s law 18-05-21

2. Construct an electric circuit with passive components 25-05-21

and verify Norton`s Theorem
3. Construct an electric circuit with passive components 01-06-21
and verify Thevenin`s theorem
4. To study the behavior of a series R-L-C circuit 08-06-21

5. Three phase power measurement by two wattmeter 29-06-21

6. To study the various wiring components(such as 12-07-21
wires, fuses, plugs, sockets, lamp holders, etc.)their
uses and ratings
7. To study the control of two lamps from two 12-07-21
switches(looping in system)
8. Control of one lamp by means of two switches(stair 12-07-21
case wiring)
Aim: To verify Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) and Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL).

Apparatus: PSpice software

• Resistor: A resistor is a two-terminal electronic component that produces a voltage across its terminals that
is proportional to the electric current flowing through it in accordance with Ohm's law.

• Lamp: A lamp is a replaceable component such as an incandescent light bulb, which is designed to produce
light from electricity. These components usually have a base of ceramic, metal, glass or plastic, which makes
an electrical connection in the socket of a light fixture.

• Wire: A wire is a single, usually cylindrical, elongated string of metal. Wires are used to bear mechanical
loads and to carry electricity and telecommunications signals. Wire is commonly formed by drawing the metal
through a hole in a die or draw plate.

• Switch: In electronics, a switch is an electrical component that can break an electrical circuit, interrupting
the current or diverting it from one conductor to another.

•Battery: In electronics, a battery or voltaic cell is a combination of many electrochemical Galvanic cells
of identical type to store chemical energy and to deliver higher voltage or higher current than with single cells.

•Voltmeter: A voltmeter is an instrument used for measuring the electrical potential difference between
two points in an electric circuit. Analog voltmeters move a pointer across a scale in proportion to the voltage
of the circuit; digital voltmeters give a numerical display of voltage by use of an analog to digital converter.

• Ammeter: An ammeter is a measuring instrument used to measure the electric current in a circuit. Electric
currents are measured in amperes (A), hence the name.


Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL): This law is also called Kirchhoff’s point rule. Kirchhoff’s junction rule (or
nodal rule), and Kirchhoff’s first rule. It states that, “In any network of conductors, the alzebric sum of currents
meeting at a point is zero”.
Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL): This law is also called Kirchhoff’s second law, Kirchhoff’s loop (or mesh)
rule and states that, “The alzebric sum of all IR drops and Emf ‘s in any closed loop of a network is zero”.

1. We will make a circuit in which we have three resistors and a voltage source as shown in figure 1.
2. Click on gate new port and write r to get resistance strip, then click on place to place the resistor.
You can place as many as you want. For example, for now we take three resistors. (If you want to
place the strip in vertical use ctrl + r)
3. Now to place voltage write in gate new port, vdc, then place it by using ctrl + r in vertical direction
4. Now we want connection, so click on draw line and make the connections. If you forget to draw the
connections properly, and when you simulate you will get message of error.
5. Now we want ground, so click on gate new port again and write and_ analog and place it. Value of
grounded voltage is 0V.
6. Default value of resistor in pspice will be 1k and default value of voltage will be 0V. So if want to
change the value then double click on the number and change the value. change the value of voltage
from 0V to 5V.
7. Save it.
8. Now we will verify KVL.
9. Go to analysis and then on setup, click on dc sweep, name it as V1 and start value as 0V and end
value as 5V, also take increment as 0.5V, click on ok. Then close.
10. Now go on display results in schematics in analysis only and then just enable voltage source only
and unclick enable current source.
11. Click on Simulate. You will get values of voltages as output as shown in figure 2.
12. Similarly, to verify KCL, just enable current source and you will get values of current in output.
13. Now if we want both voltages and current values to be displayed, go in analysis and click on display
results in schematics and click on both enable current source and on enable voltage source.
14. Now we will simulate the circuit.
15. Click on simulate, after simulating you will get figure are getting values of current and
voltages both.

S. NO. V (Volts) I1 (mA) I2 (mA) IP (mA) IT (mA)

1 5 165 45 210 210

2 4 120 35 150 155

3 3 80 25 105 105

S.NO. APPLIED V (volts) V1 (volts) V2 (volts) V1+V2(volts)

1 5 2.7 0.9 1.8 2.7

2 4 1.9 0.6 1.2 1.8

3 3 1.4 0.4 0.9 1.3

1. Make the connections properly.
2. Note the readings of voltmeter and ammeter properly.
Aim: To verify Norton’s Theorem.
Apparatus: Virtual lab.
Resistor: A resistor is a two-terminal electronic component that produces a voltage across its terminals that
is proportional to electric current through it in accordance with Ohm's law.
• Lamp: A lamp is a replaceable component such as an incandescent light bulb, which is designed to produce
light from electricity. These components usually have a base of ceramic, metal, glass or plastic, which makes
an electrical connection in the socket of a light fixture.
• Wire: A wire is a single, usually cylindrical, elongated string of metal. Wires are used to bear mechanical
loads and to carry electricity and telecommunications signals. Wire is commonly formed by drawing the metal
through a hole in a die or draw plate.
• Switch: In electronics, a switch is an electrical component that can break an electrical circuit, interrupting
the current or diverting it from one conductor to another.

• Battery: In electronics, a battery or voltaic cell is a combination of many electrochemical Galvanic cells
of identical type to store chemical energy and to deliver higher voltage or higher current than with single cells.

• Voltmeter: A voltmeter is an instrument used for measuring the electrical potential difference between
two points in an electric circuit. Analog voltmeters move a pointer across a scale in proportion to the voltage
of the circuit; digital voltmeters give a numerical display of voltage by use of an analog to digital converter.

• Ammeter: An ammeter is a measuring instrument used to measure the electric current in a circuit. Electric
currents are measured in amperes (A), hence the name.

• Non-contact ammeter: A type of ammeter that need not be a part of the circuit.

Norton`s theorem: It states that any two terminal linear networks with current sources, voltages source
and resistance can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a current source in parallel with the
resistance. The value of current source is that short circuit current between the two terminals of a network and
resistance is the equivalent resistance measured between the terminals of the network with all the energy
sources are replaced by their internal resistance.
1. Make an electric network using specific resistors and voltage sources.
2. Determine the current through the load resistance in the original circuit using an ammeter.
3. Determine the equivalent Norton current INO, Norton resistance RNO
Steps to find Norton equivalent resistance RNO and Current INO:
a) Calculate the output current for zero load resistance. This gives INO
b) Calculate the output voltage V for infinite load resistance i.e. under open circuit condition.
c) RNO equals V divided by INO
4. To make a current source connect a suitable resistance in series with a voltage source as shown in the last
5. Construct the Norton equivalent circuit and hence find the load current.
6. Show that in both case the load currents are equal, hence verify that Norton's theorem is correct .


Aim: Construct an electric circuit with passive components and verify Thevenin’s theorem.
Apparatus: Virtual labs
Theory: It provides a mathematical technique for replacing a given network, as viewed from two terminals,
by a single voltage source with a series resistance. It makes the solution of complicated networks quite quick
and easy. It states that “Any two terminal linear network having a number of voltage current sources and
resistance can be replaced by simple equivalent circuit consisting of a single voltage sources in series with
resistances, when the value of voltage source is equal to open circuit voltage across the two terminal of
network and resistance equal to the equivalent resistance measured between the terminals with all the energy
sources are replaced by their internal resistances.”

1) Keep all the resistance close to their maximum respective values.
2) Close the switch S1 to "aa" and S2 to "cc" positions. Observe the load current (IL) and voltage (VL)
readings The load resistance
3) Remove the load by opening the switch S2 and read the open circuit voltage (or Thevenin equivalent
voltage) Vth.
4) Next, compute the resistance (RTH) of the network as seen from the load terminals,
a) Replace the 220 V source by a short by closing S1 to "bb".
b) Apply 110 V at the output terminals by closing S2 to "dd". Read the voltmeter (V) and ammeter (I) and
get readings.
5) Now compute the load current. Applying Thevenin theorem.
6) Compare the above computed load current with its observed value in step (2) and verify the theorem


Aim: To study the behaviour of a series R-L-C circuit.
Apparatus: Virtual labs

Phasor diagram:

Phasor diagram for inductive circuit

Phasor diagram for capacitive circuit

Circuit diagram

Circuit Diagram for experimental set-up of R-L-C circuit analysis

1. Connect the circuit as shown in the diagram in figure 1.

2. Adjust the rheostat for maximum resistance and the auto transformer to the position of zero-output
voltage and switch on the supply.

3. Adjust the voltage across the circuit to about 70 V and note I, Vs, VL, VC, VRI, Vs, VL, VC,
VR and WW.

4. Adjust the rheostat for several settings and repeat step 3.

5. Adjust the rheostat to the maximum setting and change the capacitance to 140 μF and repeat step

6. Compare the values of phase angle as obtained from the meter readings and from the phasor
diagrams. (From the phasor diagrams compute cos θ and θ). Draw phasor diagrams showing I, Vs,
VL, VC, I, Vs, VL, VC and VRVR for different sets of readings.

1. Make the connection properly

AIM- Three phase power measurement by two wattmeter method.
APPARATUS- Virtual labs

The connection diagram for the measurement of power in three phase power measurement circuit using two
wattmeter’s method. This is irrespective of the circuit connection star or delta. The circuit may be taken as
balanced or unbalanced one, balanced type being only a special case. Pleaes note the connection of two
wattmeter’s. The current coil of the wattmeter’s 1and 2 in series with R and B phase with the pressure voltage
coils being connected across R-Y and B-Y respectively. Y is the third phase in which no current coil is
If star connected circuit is taken as an example, the total instantaneous power consumed in the circuit is,
W= IRN. VRN + IYN. VYN + IBN. VBN -------------------------- (1)
We know VRY= VRN- VYN
The instantaneous power measured by wattmeter W1 is W1= IRN. VRY= IRN. (VRN- VYN)
The instantaneous power measured by wattmeter W2 is W2= IBN. VBY= IBN. (VBN- VYN)
W1+ W2= IRN. (VRN- VYN)+ IBN. (VBN- VYN)
W1+ W2= IRN .VRN+ IBN.VBN- VYN. (IRN+ IBN) -------------------------- (2)
Apply KCL
Therefore, in equation (2)
W1+ W2= IRN .VRN+ IBN.VBN+ VYN. IYN -------------------------- (3)
Equation (1) = Equation (3)
W= W1+ W2
The phasor diagram of three phase balanced star connected circuit is

1. Set the 3 phase (line to line) voltage 100V at frequency 50Hz.
2. Set the balanced load value.
3. Switch on the supply to get the meter readings and click on “Fill the table” button to update the
observation table.
4. Compare calculated power (WC) with the measured power (WM) for each observation.
5. Then change tha balanced load value to take another observation.
Note: Click on the fuse indicator to repair it, if it got fused.

1. Set the 3 phase (line to line) voltage 100V at frequency 50Hz.

2. Set the different values for R1, R2 and R3.
3. Switch on the supply to get the meter readings and click on “Fill the table” button to update the
observation table.
4. Compare calculated power (WC) with the measured power (WM) for each observation.
5. Then change the values of R1, R2 and R3 to take another observation.
Note: Click on the fuse indicator to repair it, if it got fused.



1. CASE 1: R= 25
2. CASE 2: R= 20
3. CASE 3: R= 15
4. CASE 4: R= 30
5. CASE 5: R= 35

1. CASE 1: R1= 120, R2= 160, R3= 180
2. CASE 2: R1= 100, R1= 160, R1= 200
3. CASE 3: R1= 100, R1= 190, R1= 180
4. CASE 4: R1= 90, R1= 150, R1= 185
5. CASE 5: R1= 190, R1= 155, R1= 165

1. Make the connections properly.
2. Note the readings properly.
AIM- To study the various wiring components ( such as wires, fuses, plugs, sockets, lamp holders etc.), their
uses and ratings.

Pre- requisite:
1. Student should know the alternating current and current supply.
2. Student should have the basic knowledge about different types of conductors, resistance, different type
of insulating materials.

Various types of wires are used in electrical wiring. The commonly used types are
a) V.I.R. (Vulcanized India Rubber) wires- These types of wires consist of a tinned conductor coated
with rubber insulation. This rubber insulation is not moisture or heatproof.
b) C.T.S. (Cable Type Sheathed ) wires- In this ordinary insulated conductors are provided with
additional tough rubber sheath. This provides protection against moisture, chemical fumes and tear.
c) P.V.C. (Polyvinyl chloride)- These re the most commonly used wires. These have conductors with
P.V.C. insulation.
d) Cables - These consist of individually insulated conductors which are put together inside a protective
mechanical covering. These are of two types.
• Conductor or core
• Insulation
• Metallic sheath
• Bedding
• Armouring
• Serving
• Types of conductors: copper and aluminium conductors are commonly used.
• Types of wires
• Size of wire
• Number of cores
• Voltage grading



Durability , Safety , Appearance
Accessibility , Maintenance , Cost

a) Wooden casing and capping wiring

b) Conduits wiring


Fuse is the simplest current interrupting device for the protection against excessive current.

Function of the Fuse-In general, the fuse consist of a small piece of metal connected in between two
terminals mounted on the insulated base. When the fuse is inserted in a circuit to be protected, it carries
the normal working current without heating. But when the current exceeds the pre determined value it
malts due to rapid overheating. The circuit is then interrupted preventing any damage due to excessive
Types of Fuses-
(i) Semi- enclosed or Rewirable Type Fuse
Operation- the fuse is wired in series with the circuit to be protected

Application- commonly used in domestic installations and other circuits where very low values
of fault currents are to be handled.
Advantages- cheaper
After blowing off the fuse element, the bridge can be pulled out and again rewired with a new fuse
wire. Thus, service can be restored very quickly with negligible additional expenditure.

Disadvantages-cannot be used for higher values of fault current.

Risk of fire
Protection is not reliable due to inaccurate characteristics.

(ii) High Ruptuing Capacity (H.R.C.) Cartridge Fuses:

Application: With the increasing loads and size of the network, H.R.C. cartridge fuses are now
gradually replacing the rewirable types, particularly in industial installations. They are frequently
used in low voltage distribution systems.

Advantages: high speed operation

Ability to clear high value of fault current..
Its operation is silent and without flame, gases or smokes. Hence safe from the point of view of
fire hazards.

• Costly in comparison with rewirable type fuses.
• The cartridge is to be replaced by a new one after each operation.
Overheating of the adjacent contacts is possible during the operation of the fuse.

b) Study of miniature circuit breaker (MCB)

A MCB is a mechanical switching device which is capable of making, carrying and breaking currents
under normal circuit conditions and also making, carrying for at specified time and automatically
breaking currents under specified abnormal circuit conditions such as those of short circuit. In short,
MCB is a device for overload and short circuit protection. They are used in residential & commercial

In most cases, the ampere rating should not exceed the current-carrying capacity of the circuit. For
example, if a conductor s rated at 10 amps, select a circuit breaker no larger than 10 amps.
Ampere ratings for miniature circuit breakers range from 10 to 150 amps. Voltage ratings for
miniature circuit breakers are 120/240-volt and 240-volt. Interrupting ratings for miniature circuit
breakers are 10, 22, 42, and 65 KAIC (thousand amps interrupting capacity).

• Instant re-closing of the circuit after a fault has been cleared.
• Safety disconnect features for circuit isolation.
• Terminal insulation for operator safety.
• Lower power losses.
• Simplicity of mounting and wiring.
• Lower space requirements.

• More expensive as compared to fuse.
• Difficult to identify where the fault occurred.

Applications: MCBs find wide application in residential, commercial and industrial operations.

c) Switches
A switch is a manually operated mechanical device used for making or breaking the electrical circuit.
Single pole switches are normally employed for controlling lighting and heating circuits in domestic
wiring. Depending up on the circuit requirements. they may be of single-way , two-way, two-way
center off .

d) Lamp Holders:
Lamp holders made up of brass, bakelite or hard plastic are used. hold the lamps and connect them to the
wiring. Connection of lamps to the wiring through the holders facilitates their quick removal or
replacement without disturbing the wiring. The lamp holders are basically either of bayonet type or screw
type. Lamps with bayonet base (or cap) are pressed against spring loaded brass plungers and turned in
bayonet type holders whereas lamps with screw based are screwed into the screw type holders.
i) Pendant Holders: These are for the lamps, which are to be, kept hanging from the ceilings
ii) Batten Holders: These holders can be screwed on the wooden blocks and as such are suitable for
the lamps, which are to be fixed on the walls or ceiling. Angle batten holders are also available
for fix angle directional lighting.
iii) Screwed Holders: This type of holders can be screwed on to a wall bracket of long stand of a
table lamp.
e) Ceiling Roses:
Connection to the pendant lamp holders. fluorescent tubes and ceiling fans are provided from ceiling
roses using flexible wires. The ceiling roses are made of bakelite and have either two or three terminal
plates. Accordingly, they are called two- plate or three-plate ceiling roses.
(a) Two-Plate Type Ceiling Roses (b) Three- Plate Type Ceiling Roses

f) Plug and Sockets:

These are used for providing connections to portable appliances such as mixers, table lamps, etc. and are
made of bakelite. Even though the plugs and sockets of both two pin type and three-pin type are available,
from the point of view of safety, only three pin type with a provision for earth connection are now used.

v. Domestic Installations
The power to the domestic wiring installation is tapped from the low voltage distribution line known as
the distributor. The wires supplying power from the distributors to the domestic wiring installation are
known as service mains. Fig. 1.12 shows the layout of a domestic installation for a small house. The
supply is a single phase ac. and brought in through the supply company's sealed fuse box and meter to
the consumer's main switch.
Aim: To study the control of two lamps from two switches (looping in system).
I) Aim: Control of One Lamp By Means of One Single Pole Switch.

Apparatus: Switches, lamps, wires, & fuse.

Wiring diagram: for controlling the lamp L, a single pole switch A is introduced in its circuits. The live or
phase wire is always connected to the lamp holder through the switch. whereas, neutral is connected directly
to it. All the accessories such as a single pole switch, lamp holder, etc. are always fitted on the teak wood
round block.

Working: When the switch is turned on, a full supply voltage is applied across the lamp terminals and
the lamp glows. Thus, the lamp can be independently controlled by the single pole switch.

Application: the circuit is used for single room wiring.

(b) Aim: Two or More Lamps with Individual On-Off Control.

Wiring diagram: Instead of running separate wires for each lamp from the supply point, they are looped
in from one lamp to the other in manner.

Working: In this case, it will be observed that the position of any switch does not affect the working of
other lamps and thus, each lamp is controlled independently by its own switch.

Application: This system is commonly used in domestic wiring as it saves length of wire and other
wiring material.


Aim: Control of One Lamp by Means of Two Switches. (Stair Case Wiring)
Wiring diagram: To control the lamp L from two places using two ways switches, A & B in the respective
positions. As usual, neutral is directly connected to one terminal of the lamp holder and the phase wire is
connected to its other terminal through two-way switches A & B.

Working: With two-way switches A & B in the positions shown, the lamp L will be in the off condition.
The lamp can be again switched on by one of the two switches & can be switched off by the other by changing
their blade positions i.e. the lamp, switched on by the switch. A can be switched off by the switch B and vice
versa. Thus, one single lamp can be controlled from two places.
Application: It is normally used for staircase & corridor lighting.
1 1 ON
1 2 OFF
2 1 OFF
2 2 ON

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