SSB Pyp 2019-14

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o{:Pri*rted Fages : 2
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100:* i
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(CBCS) (F+R) (2015-16 and Onwards)
(Semester Scheme)
Paper - 3.2 : Soft Skills. for Business
Time : 3 Hours Max. It{arks : 7O

Instntctlon : Anstaers shauld be uritten in Engltsh onlg.


Ar,rswerany 5 sub-questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 5x2=1O

1. (a) What do you mean by Non-Verbal Communication ?
(b) What is Internal Communication ?
(c) Give tl:e meaning of Presentation.
(d) What do you mean by Interview ?
(e) What do you mean by Brainstorming ?
(0 Write the meaning of Acknowledgement.
(S) What is Covering Letter ?


Answer any 3 questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 3x6=.18

2. Explain the fea{ures of Communication.

3. State the importance of good Public Speaking.

4. Write a note on preparations for conducting an Interview.

b. Explain tlr.e importance of Meeting.


6. Explain tJ:e objectives of a Business Letter.

c1{:367 lr riltll lll fllll lllllllll llll

sE'grlolr - c
14 marks' BxL4=42
Answer aay 3 questions' Each question carries
7. Briefly explain various Barriers of Communication'

8. Explain Important features of .Effective Presentation'

9. Discuss the puipose and limitations of Interview'


11. Draft an enquiry letter to Reliance Mobiles, K'R' Road' Bangalore about
availability of roil Smart Brand and request a Quotation
of Samsung
for the sarne.




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