Vol 1 - Greed Is Good

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VOLUME 1, MAY 2011


The Gordon Gekko Issue

Eino Joas works at CCP as a DUST 514 Game Designer. He
holds a Master’s degree in Economics and takes pride in

Surprised with the cover?

P 04
being a connoisseur of all things microtransactional. While
Main story: What does CCP sell?
he enjoys the many delights of Shanghai living, where he
is currently based, he says what he misses the most about

Wait till you see the contents.

P 06
his native Finland are the wolves and snow.
Argument: Are virtual goods sales
in EVE a good thing?
Known at times as The Good Doctor or, more properly,
Dr. Eyjo, Eyjólfur Guðmundsson is CCP´s Director of
P 08
Research and Statistics, heading a team of nine, all
Virtual goods feature: Incarna
responsible for in-game (and, at times, out of game –
Based on the assumption that as a loyal, clever CCPer, you
cue Iceland during October 2008) economies. Eyjo flies
must have read previous Fearless issues, you know that this P 10
gliders in his spare time on the occasions when Icelandic
new one (the first one this year) is looking kind of different. Virtual goods feature: DUST
We’ve changed things: the way you hold it, the tone of what skies permit him, saying that it’s often more dangerous on land in the
you read in it, the way it makes you feel. Fearless is getting country than it is in the air.
P 12
more, well, fearless. It’s asking some tough questions, its Virtual goods feature: World of
writers are experts in what they write about and it’s one of the best Part Icelandic, part French, all physics, Kjartan Emilsson
issues I have had the pleasure of producing. Fearless aims at becoming was recently knighted with a sword from the CCP stables
an objective news-stop, journal even, for you, the CCPer. It aims to involve Peri Desai for his decade’s dedication to the company. In his tenure,
you. It wants to know what you think, how you feel, what you do - at your P 14
Editor he has been Lead Game Designer and then Director for the
favorite place to be in the day, five days a week: CCP. CCPer profiles
Shanghai office before returning to Iceland as once more
CCP’s Principal Game Designer. He remains steadfastedly
And it couldn’t come at a better time. As EVE edges closer to being the P 20
entralled by photography while not living a life of general decadence.
grand dame of gaming, turning 8 years old this month, and our other Nearly censorable photos
game titles continue their prodigious growth (yes, World of Darkness too
– you got the t-shirt to prove it), our development road map is shaping up As Associate Producer for the World of Darkness, Priscilla
stronger and better. However, as a subscription based golden goose, EVE Kim’s gotten to know bloodsuckers first-hand. With
needs to incorporate the virtual goods sales model to allow for further hair as changeable as a chameleon, a nomadic life
revenue – revenue to fund our other titles, revenue for its developer: you. roaming from city to city in the US, and a checkered past
The model also supports the notion of creating a meaningful experience involving convention costuming, Priscilla can be counted
and identity for the player (more in our main feature on page 4). on to bring a colorful tint to the game’s development.

For EVE, it will combine the forces of subscriptions with those of smaller Scott Holden is part of CCP’s small but strong Team Ginger,
sales. A whole new currency, the AUR, for these sales, means a whole new a group of individuals with hair in varying shades of red
world of possibilities. And that’s just for a published game – think of what
(Facebook page pending). As Director of Content Design,
virtual goods sales can do for the likes of a console title like DUST (page
Scott works from the Atlanta office overseeing all content
10) and the obvious value they would bring to the fashion passionate in
World of Darkness (page 12). But change is married to reservation, and for the EVE property; he regularly shuttles between our
depending on the reservation levels, its spectrum of adoption ranges from offices and his homeland of Canada.
those totally for it, to those vehemently against it. A debate piece takes on
brave souls who courageously tread on contested territory, arguing about CCP Sreegs aka Sean Conover moved to Iceland from the
hot topics, thematically varying with each Fearless issue. See this issue’s The masthead was written US east coast in September 2010 to become part of the
virtual goods sales argument on monetization versus design integrity on by Sif Hákonardóttir
company whose game he’s played for the past 6 years.
page 6. The views put forward in Sean’s favourite thing to do on a weekend is sleep,
this magazine do not reflect though you won’t catch him snoozing on the job. As
But before you begin to moan about the loss of everything Fearless had in general CCP company policies Senior Security Administrator he polices mischief makers
the past, we’re still running some regular features – like profiles of people, or decisions and are strictly
both within EVE as well as at CCP.
and photos you forgot you’d uploaded to the CCP library, produced now individual opinions, written by
for your colleagues’ viewing pleasure. I’d also love to hear from you. Our CCPers or about CCPers who Talk and read:
next issue will have a “Letters to the Editor” section, if I receive enough feel strongly about these issues. Help:
Say what you think at
This is confidential internal Kjartan Emilsson for editorial guidance, Davíð Sigurðsson for compiling
(fan) mail. information. Please respect that fearless@ccpgames.com
Access an e-version at CCP people profiles, Lyuba Kharitonova for information on the Employee
every company has its trade
So tell me what you think. As a CCPer, sharing an opinion is the least of secrets and that you are privy to central/ccp/fearlessnewsletters Survey Results, Diljá Ámundadóttir for support with the character creator
your worries. those at CCP. avatars and Lilja Valþórsdóttir for statistics on the Annual Report.
Buy me
he English word game is certainly competing for the expenditures will actually
derived from the Icelandic time that people allocate for improve their experience of
word gaman, which actually leisure and pleasure. the game and make them
means fun. Furthermore, feel better about it and
the gothic etymology of the word Another important factor to about themselves.

I’ll change
gaman is ‘people together’. That is consider, especially in
actually not a bad definition for us: the context of social Now does this mean
people having fun together. games, is that people that we should go
are participating and for unbridled evil
More generally a game could be thus representing consumerism, trying

What Does CCP sell?

your life
said to involve people performing themselves to others to squeeze every
some kind of formalized activity in one way or another. The single penny from our
and deriving a certain amount of importance of appearance hapless customers? Of
emotions from it, usually positive ties directly into our notion course not. Summarily:
ones. of vanity, recognition and
validation. This again
Kjartan Emilsson So when we say that we are selling heavily influences your will thoroughly enjoy this extra
games what exactly are we selling? potential emotional response of
The simple question of “what does CCP Is it the activity, the rules or the the experience.
expenditure. Why is that?
CCP is selling people
sell?” may sound a little trivial to some, but emotions? We do create some of An interesting aspect of selling experiences and identity
the rules and they certainly affect So we are also selling people
many will actually find themselves faltering a fraction of the activities and a social identity or a persona.
experience and identity is that the In this, we are in
actual action of paying for it can competition with people’s
when challenged to answer it at their family emotions you will experience, but Again here we are in competition strengthen their perceived value. limited time for other
we will never cover them all. In with the many roles that a person
reunion or when trying to impress some fact, people will also create their might have during a day. Some
This is in many ways because of the experiences and identities
way we are raised as consumers:
romantic prospect. own rules, thus enriching further they might be happy to leave We shop therefore we are. Fashion Consumerism can, up to
the game experience. behind temporarily, like their work a certain level, improve
Obviously we sell games, as we are a game identity, but others they might
is a beautiful example of this: it
is an endless source of creativity, experience and strengthen
company. But what exactly In the case of an online game like be less interested in abandoning, seems completely unpredictable identity, making us more
EVE it is more correct to say that like their role as parents or lovers. and can fetch incredible prices competitive
is a game? we are really selling access to tools Now compare the two following yet is deceivingly fleeting. When
different people: Too much consumerism will
and social environments allowing buying nice clothes we might feel ruin the experience (think
you to perform certain activities more desirable and confident
“I am an EVE space pirate that tourist traps)
and experience emotions resulting and in this way the act of buying
from them rather than selling the blows up innocent wayfarers for can actually be a factor to make
emotions themselves. As people loot” your experience more meaningful A balanced approach should
use those services we could acknowledge consumerism as

I shop
or your identity stronger and as
argue that we are selling people And such it becomes more competitive a powerful game design tool
emotionally laden time, or more with other alternatives. The act of (amongst others) that we need to
succinctly, an experience. “I am a golfer that likes to finish buying is a powerful psychological get familiar with and that should be
18 holes on Saturdays” pattern deeply rooted in all of us used carefully and with respect to
But this is time they could whether we like it or not. create more enjoyable experiences
easily choose to spend Both of these will pay money to and stronger identities for our

I am
differently. Indeed, access this experience. Both will The pure subscription model for players. If successful, this will
people’s time is a spend a significant amount of games, even though quite well result in their increased emotional
limited resource time doing it and will have strong suited for the selling of holistic attachment to our product and
and thus extremely emotional moments doing so. The experiences, takes little advantage services for the benefit of all. If
valuable. We are in latter, though, will probably spend of this part of human nature. Many not, we run the risk of sucking our
direct competition with other much more money indulging in his players will actually voice the customers dry and leaving their
activities, and must make sure that pastime. He will spend a lot of time opinion that adding any kind of shriveled corpses by the side of
the experience we offer is more researching and buying various consumerism to such a game will the road to the benefit of none.
engaging and meaningful different clubs, balls, gloves and ruin their experience. Those same
than the alternatives. shoes. He will spend money in players will buy PLEX without any
This doesn’t mean that the club house socializing with qualms to get instant access to
we are in competition other golfers, travel, etc. In fact that ship they just “need to have
with all of a person’s the average golfer spends $3,000 right now” and they might even
time because most people a year on his pastime with about go as far as buying a $500 leather
compartmentalize their life for half of it being the actual access jacket that matches the one their
different functions, but we are fee to the experience. Most avatar is wearing. And all of these
Yes Kristoffer
don’t. We’re going to face an uphill well executed. But most important out. I think that’s pretty goddamn
struggle, and the reason many of of all, they need to provide value cool, and I’m not entirely sure why
Touborg us never talk about this publically to our customer. that makes me Hitler to some EVE
is that we’d be burned at the stake players.
wants you to show by the players. I’ll give you an example of
him the money: something I think provides value Now this shouldn’t be a one way
I don’t really understand the logic to our customer, which I’d like to street; I think we should be giving

Are virtual goods I would like virtual goods sales in

EVE. In fact, I’d like to sell a lot
behind it, but that’s probably
because I’ve been using virtual
sell. Right now, you can store 50
personal fittings on our servers.
money away too. Giving people
small amounts of micro-currency

sales in EVE a
more than vanity items. Does this goods sales for a long time now That’s more than enough for the for being loyal subscribers, or
mean I’m an evil capitalist that, and actually prefer them over average EVE player, but for a even as a reward for high level
unless stopped, will cause the subscriptions. Why? Because they subset of our users, it’s too small gameplay like taking sovereignty

good thing?
entire company to catch fire and let me manage my spending, and a number. Why not be able to add should be just as legitimate a part
be buried at sea by a secret team I’ll sometimes prefer to buy a more storage space for a small of the business model as charging
of Navy SEALs? better experience when engaging amount of money? You’d even be players.
in my hobby. able to upgrade it multiple times Kristoffer is a driving
Let’s hope not, although that’s the if you needed and permanently force in CCP’s Game
Moderated by
impression I get sometimes when Does that mean that they’re add this benefit to your character, Design department.
Sean Conover The vast majority of
interacting with our customers. universally good, and we should making it even more valuable. And
slap a price-tag on everything? you know what? If you don’t like his free time is spent
There is a pretty overwhelming
Virtual goods sales can be viewed by perception amongst EVE players Probably not, and like any other paying for this, you can always
buying dresses for
his characters (using microtransactions)
some as a nuclear issue. In many cases that these changes are bad. I think change we make to our game, they buy a PLEX off the market, and in League of Legends and reading
they’re brilliant, but our players need to be well thought out and never have to get your credit card
it may be that the conversation itself authentic Japanese Manga comic books.

could be better managed. It is easy to

make decisions without debate, but CCP Two CCPers from each end of the spectrum of this
espouses transparency and unity – two topic vocalise their thoughts on it.
values integral to the recent Economic and
Microtransaction Summit held in Reykjavik,
No John
additional subscription options. sales (such as with PLEX), then deal about how you can approach
The negatives caused from the gaining an in-game advantage virtual goods sales. While it’s true
which focused on the viability of the virtual
Turbefield ISK for real money trade such as isn’t justifiable. More revenue is that others, such as Blizzard have
goods sales model in all our games. hacking and botting are reduced of course an aim, but making our gone down the microtransaction
is worried that the
Fearlessness is as much an inherent as their profitability declines. PLEX customers feel like they are being path, they have not implemented

company value as any other. It follows

rules are changing: differs from typical virtual goods ‘double billed’ to be able to play any gameplay affecting items. They
sales because we allow players to on the same level as others is just also do not offer a microtransaction
then that we need to have a healthy pay their subscriptions this way a step too far. to gold conversion as we do with
Virtual goods sales can be positive using in-game currency. PLEX.
conversation about an issue such as in certain circumstances. However, The most visible example of
microtransactions. The inevitable tension when you introduce something To me, virtual goods sales are far another game introducing virtual I don’t oppose the concept of
that can create an imbalance where less appealing when the gameplay goods sales is certainly LOTRO. virtual goods in the case of vanity
between monetization and design is others can’t compete with their is affected and they aren’t It is worth pointing out though items, merely in cases where the
an obvious red flag when it comes to spending power, you inevitably replacing a black market. When that they made almost everything monetization of items impacts the
introducing a whole new way of playing decrease their satisfaction we’re adding additional things into microtransaction based and at the balance of the game.
with your product. As such it is the game that enable users to gain same time removed subscription
a game. A great deal of the perceived essential that a game is designed an advantage over other people for fees. Because other games with
John Turbefield is
angst seems to come from a deeply- from the ground up to incorporate real money in a way they simply very different communities and a renowned master
any major virtual goods sales that wouldn’t be able to if we hadn’t very different gameplay styles are
seated concern for the very real virtual fall outside of this. PLEX (and time done so, then it becomes an issue. able to do something it doesn’t
of spreadsheets
and works his Excel
worlds we’re all creating rather than that codes before that) work extremely I feel that if people have already mean we can do the same thing wizardry in the
Research and Statistics
corporate greed is defining the direction of well as they not only largely paid a subscription fee then unless with the same levels of success.
department. In-game he has led large
replace a black market for ISK, there is a good reason for the EVE is a far more complex game alliances to war in EVE, balancing that
development. but provide substantial benefits to overall community to introduce a with significantly more social with the real life courage of moving to a
other players in the form of offering gameplay-affecting virtual goods interaction, which changes a great rock in the middle of the North Atlantic.

no matter how cool, should cost rate analogy, think of it like this:
the same as a new Maserati; simi- you can develop a friendship by
larly, it would be silly to buy sun- “spending” your time, or you can
glasses for my avatar and pay the pay to get the same benefits that
same price that I would for a fac- friendship would otherwise allow.
tion battleship. So we might sell (I’m sure you can think of a few
tiny things or batches of consum- other situations where one might
able goods for just a few “micro- temporarily “buy” services other-
PLEX,” but we would have the op- wise gained only through social
tion to sell premium content and interaction.)
services at a much higher price
point. And that’s really about all there is
to it. Regarding the notion of “vir-
Consumable goods raise a unique tual sales in Incarna,” though, I’d
problem. In EVE today, once a play- like to elucidate one point before
er buys a blueprint original (BPO) closing: Incarna cannot be consid-
or a new skill, that asset or benefit ered a product distinct from other
cannot really be taken away; the parts of EVE. Incarna and “flying-
asset neither depreciates in value in-space” (and in due course DUST
nor degrades. Destroyed ships 514) are merely aspects of the EVE
and modules must be replaced, Online experience; in virtual sales,
though, and we want to ensure as in development as a whole, we
n short, it’s the same in Incar- that the market for most virtual must all adopt this way of thinking.
na as elsewhere: we give players purchases is similarly renewable. Thus, we will not and cannot focus
the means to buy stuff in addition And in cases where a virtual item on virtual sales only within the In-
to their base subscription, offering or service is perpetual or unchang- carna environment, nor build that
things like new “nano-paints” that ing, such as with avatar recustomi- environment around such sales;
allow one to customize ships while zation, for example, we will most rather, we will effect a universal
docked; new articles of virtual likely levy a small broker’s fee or strategy of micro-sales throughout
clothing, tattoos, and other avatar tax on the sale. the EVE experience. So, as a play-
customizations; tokens for custom- er, while you are inside a station,
izing Captain’s Quarters and so One other service we’re looking you will find gameplay that links
on. Not all virtual purchases will at is selling faction standings. We to other aspects of the game and
focus on customization: some will want to offer convenience for a that also presents you with virtual
EVE: simply be new items, ammunition, price. As an example, your friend purchasing opportunities — just

Delivering the goods:

ships, etc. that can be purchased might give you free tickets to see as you will while you are in space
outright. The devil, as always, is in her band play simply because the or on a planet fighting as a DUST
the details. two of you are friends; meanwhile, merc.

virtual sales in Incarna

other fans have to pay for a ticket
First, we don’t want to glut the vir- because, well, that’s how it normal-
tual market with too many offers ly works. The more noteworthy the
right out of the gate. Instead, we band, the more those friendships
By Scott Holden want to provide a steady stream of (and thus the tickets) are worth. If
digestible goods and services over that doesn’t seem quite an accu-
CCP is in the process of adopting a virtual sales a long period of time, allowing cus-
tomers to sample and purchase as
model for its game products. While this model has they get used to the new model. You can develop a
always been intended for World of Darkness and We want to cater to long-term cus- friendship by “spending”
tomers who will gradually acquire your time, or you can pay to
DUST 514, you may be wondering how this will a taste for our wares.
work in EVE Online. Specifically, how will this new get the same benefits that
strategy unfold in Incarna? Second, we must sell our units of friendship would otherwise
virtual currency - the AUR - at ap- allow.
propriate rates. No pair of pants,

not going to spur sales either. regarding virtual goods. Fashion
in vanity goods, for one, remains
s I don’t mean to say that sensible grossly underutilized across the
you probably monetization mechanics and board but contains great potential.
know, DUST interesting virtual goods are not If anyone in the real world knows
will operate important – they certainly play how to turn people’s longing to be
under a a key role in maximizing the unique into recurring wants it is
virtual goods monetization potential that we have the fashion industry.
sales model. To pent up in our engaged playerbase.
offset the cost We want to see our monetization On the opposite end of the scale
of ‘freeloading techniques blend seamlessly to vanity goods are performance-
spectators’ DUST will into the game mechanics and based items such as weapons.
have a nominal cover establish themselves as a part They are consumed through
charge, one we believe of the fiction. They need to feel gameplay, making them a
is highly attractive for an natural and in accordance with potentially powerful source of
AAA F2P game. After the players’ expectations. Perhaps renewable income. Selling them
cover charge you can play the principle of verisimilitude that for real money is very tempting.
for free, but there are certain defines EVE and DUST will prove They are highly desired by the
things that are only available useful to us in this – by functioning player audience and yield lower
for a currency that derives so much like the real world, real development costs, as variation
from real money. That is how world conventions become easier can be achieved through numbers
the business model functions: to accept. rather than unique art assets.
people spending real money on Selling them though, is highly
all things virtual. Spending your One such convention is of controversial. We are planning on
own money is optional, however. special importance to us: cyclical doing so. I would be tempted to
If you happen to be economically consumption. In EVE, the say it is because we are fearless,
challenged or just don’t trust the monthly but the real reason is that we have
PlayStation Network with your strong evidence that selling
credit card details, you can trade Emotion and performance enhancers, in

ISK with other players for some engagement ar moderation, works. Korean
real-money currency, just like you e developers have capitalized on
the fundamenta
can with PLEX today. You can also l
Fighting wars with
performance-enhancing items
do the opposite and exchange foundation for for a long time, but it took a
purchased real-money currency
virtual leap of faith from the people
goods sales.

perseverance and real

for ISK, too. Both work for us as developing Battlefield: Heroes
long as money is being spent. to show that the same principles
that work in Korea apply for the

The above builds, of course, subscription takes western market as well.
on the assumption that people care of this. With no subscriptions  
actually want to spend real in DUST, we have to be careful about The market is changing and has
money. To achieve this, one thing selling permanent awesomeness, been for years now. And like
By Eino Joas is very important: people have as there’s a danger of saturating everyone else we’re looking to
to be captivated by the game. the market. When everyone has adapt and change with it. Adapting
Emotion and engagement are the everything, there’s no reason to to a business model that is
Summer is coming and people are flocking to fundamental foundation for virtual buy anything anymore. Concepts not only becoming increasingly
goods sales. Having interesting such as planned obsolescence and commonplace, but fast-becoming
swimming pools. You usually have to pay an virtual goods to sell means perceived obsolescence thus play the de-facto standard, is essential,
entrance fee, but at least in Reykjavik you get free nothing until the customers are a key role (obsolescence referring but we can do so much more. We can
towels now, I hear. engaged and involved in the game. to the deliberate shortening of figure out how to step ahead of the
In terms of the swimming pools of a product’s lifespan).  In the real curve and do more than merely sell
Next summer people will be flocking to play DUST Reykjavik, engagement equates to world, light bulbs are engineered some swimming goggles… group
514. There will be an entrance fee, but we will the water in the swimming pool. If to last for a thousand hours and buying power, deep discounts,
we don’t have enough to swim in or fashion cycles get people to buy flash sales, dynamic pricing and
make sure to also provide some proverbial free if it’s bloody cold, it will be really new stuff season after season. If monetizing social acceptance in
towels. We will be charging for the swimming hard to sell those goggles. Spiking we are in this for the long run, we online games… and maybe just a
the water with tons of chlorine is have to be thinking in similar terms tiny bit of that chlorine after all.
goggles, though.
Cosmetic items will definitely
be a major focal point, with The question of vi
everything from clothing, ac- goods sales is not
cessories, Haven furnishings
and decorations, tattoos, hair, do, or not to do?”
etc. being available for pur- Rather, it’s “how do
chase. New collections could do this?”
be released with each expan-
sion. Particularly luxurious
items could have a limit on
however, final gameplay is too un-
online purchases. The rarity of the
certain to pinpoint specific possi-
item would then become a point of
pride for those who own it.
Concierge services are similarly
Cosmetics are the easiest form of
hazy as far as specific implemen-
virtual goods sales to discuss, but
tation goes, but offer a midpoint
they’re not the only ones. Items
between cosmetics and power-
that improve the player character’s
purchasing. These are the items
capabilities are some of the most
that simply make life easier for
effective at converting free or trial
the player, without directly bet-
players into paying ones. Accord-
tering the character’s potency in
t a more detailed level, ing to Jon Selin, Lead Designer on
the game. Service items might in-
virtual goods sales give a direct, World of Darkness, metrics from
crease inventory size or increase
unmistakable line of feedback into other games that sell virtual goods
the amount of blood your Blood
what players want. If we build a indicate that overall enjoyment in-
Doll can hold.
feature or items that nobody likes, creases – up to a point. Two types
everyone will just use the features of items appear to create the most
One important aspect of CCP’s
they already have and like and give enjoyment: equalizers and merit-
virtual goods sales philosophy,
us no more development money. driven items. Equalizers are items
though, is that any item bought
WORLD OF DARKNESS: It puts pressure on us to develop that allow the players to play with
for use in-game can also be sold
things players actually use, in a or against substantially more pow-
on the market in-game. Due to

More than fashionable way that a subscription-based

model doesn’t.
erful characters without completely
eliminating the advantage of the
powerful. Merit-driven items are
this, a sufficiently determined and
wealthy player can buy any item

Blood Dolls
purchasable for real money with
“Escalation of commitment” is an- locked from purchase until the
only in-game resources, if it is put
other key concept for the value of player achieves specific criteria,
on the market. In practice, such
virtual goods sales. When a person hence having to earn the item as
an exchange would work much
By Priscilla Kim has put time, effort, or money into well as pay money for it.
like PLEX does today in EVE. No
something, she’s more likely to
one will be locked out of access-
be attached. If players can spend After a certain point of power,
ing something if they don’t want to
Virtual goods sales are a hot topic these days, money more directly on our game, though, the enjoyment goes down
spend additional money on it – the
and more and more companies are moving toward their enjoyment will heighten and (after all, how fun is it to have a
virtual goods sales possibility ex-
they’ll bond more strongly with it. “win button” that allows you to kill
them, CCP included. If handled well, virtual goods everything in sight with just one
ists so that players who don’t want
to invest the time can instead in-
sales are far from a greedy money-grab that Given that World of Darkness is click?). When the mechanical power
vest the money.
in pre-production status, specif- of microtransactable items scales
impoverishes the players. At its most elementary, ics on virtual goods sales are hard too high, player resentment goes
The question of virtual goods sales
“the king and the land are one.” When CCP has to assess. Broadly speaking, there up and players start abandoning
is not “to do, or not to do?” Rather,
more money to put into development, the players are three main areas that virtual the game or avoiding it, and the
it’s “how do we do this?” For the
goods sales will focus on in the company ultimately suffers. There
get more goodies to play with. World of Darkness game: cosmetics, items of conveni- is a sweet spot on the scale of em-
yet unpublished World of Dark-
ness, the details are foggy, but the
itself wouldn’t be in development if we didn’t have ence (or “concierge services”), and powerment that will only be found
philosophy is strong.
items of power. via experimentation. Right now,
the revenue to support it.
Eric Dietsch Bára Gunnarsdóttir Kurt Van Meter
created by Eric Dietsch created by Bára Gunnarsdóttir created by Katrín Atladóttir

Eric is the front end web developer Bára has been working as an EVE Kurt is the QA Manager for EVE
for Team Dracbook currently user interface programmer for online. His role at CCP is to facilitate
working on “Conclave” aka EVE over three years. That means she so that our kick-ass EVE testers
Gate of the World of Darkness implements all those buttons you can do their jobs as thoroughly and
project. His tasks include coding click, the scrolls we all know and efficiently as possible. He also
HTML, CSS and Jquery while love, the right click menus, and points out risks and advocates for
coordinating with Marketing and all that other fun stuff you use to the quality side, helps get stuff
the World of Darkness teams to interact with the game. deployed to the live server, gets
design a stylized layout that flows flamed by players, helps to clarify
with the game’s client. She loves playing football, and processes and communication and
one of the highlights of her week ownership, and fights cowboys
His love for his wife made him is playing football with the CCP and kills ninjas.
PÉTURSDÓTTIR created by Marco Mazzoni created by Jianwei Chen
gift her a kitten on her birthday boys (and kicking their butts). Bára
created by Sveinbjörg Pétursdóttir
ten years ago, now a full grown also really likes snowboarding and Though American by birth, living in
One of the few true natives to Jianwei was born and raised in
cat called Merlin Underfoot. Eric other outdoorsy stuff, and has Iceland since 1996 has naturalized
Her first job was at a record work at the Atlanta office, Shane’s Shanghai. Before joining CCP he
enjoys ice-cream and Jack Daniel’s, recently started to knit way more Kurt where he is now one with all
store and she performed as a lived under the shadow of Stone worked in the QA department at
often at the same time. than is appropriate for anyone the people. There are several things
backup vocalist for Reykjavik Mountain all his life. At CCP he Gameloft for three years. In these
under the age of 60. If she was which piss him off: people that
based band Gus Gus, so it’s no works in Ops as an Associate years he worked as a game play
a Hollywood villain she would like don’t use apostrophes properly
surprise Sveinbjörg loves music System Administrator, so he’s the tester before joining CCP last year
to be Darth Vader – besides the or those that drive in the left lane
and dancing. Domestic bliss has go-to guy for office computers as a QA Tester. Working on DUST
deep sonorous voice, he has an without passing, for example.
caught up with her however and and the absolutely robust Lifesize 514, he is part of Team Vanquish.
awesome soundtrack wherever he
now all she can talk about is her system, amongst other tech type goes.
little son, Lego and going on rides things. Jianwei’s dream is to take part
on her bling bike. in the Olympic Games one day,
Much to his wife’s chagrin, perhaps in archery – though he
These days you‘ll find her on the Shane pulls out all the stops on could easily compete with anybody
third floor of the CCP Iceland office
where she works as an Associate
a synthesizer he owns at home, in movie watching marathons just CCPers
recording and mixing mostly 80s as easily.
Producer. Her projects include
product ownership for EVE Gate
horror music during his spare time. with nearly
His cats enjoy it though, so at least
and overseeing external liaisons
with VIVOX, CCP‘s partners for
he has an audience. spotless
the voice in EVE. Her tldr version
of her job is “making it easier for
our players to talk to other players
about playing our kick-ass game”.
That sounds like a fun job.
Research and Statistics analyzes behavior - anything a
Research character, account, organization or social group does in-game.
The discipline has four units each specializing in specific type
and Eyjólfur Guðmundsson
of research. In addition the department regularly takes on
Statistics different tasks and projects that have either been in testing mode
or have needed additional resources where the unit can help.

Internal Internal Affairs Virtual World Socio-Economics is Data Datawarehousing Market

Data warehousing Market research
Affairs also monitors Research a broad category warehousing is all about making Research
Development focuses on
behavior but that refers to sure that data Datamining Services analyzing
Monitoring employees Socio-Economics Development Churn/Retention
focuses on CCP research on in- is accessible to subscriber trends
playing our games Behavioral Analysis Datamining Services Subscriber Predictions
employees as game behavior those that need it Surveys and understanding
gamers within our (currently only for for their work. In our customer base
virtual worlds EVE as a published order to simplify via surveys. The
rather than our game). The access to the data results from this
customers. CCP has economic research this team has research can be
learned a lot over is published in the been developing found in bi-weekly
the years about Quarterly Economic Online Analytical dashboards on
best practices for Newsletter. Processing (OLAP) the RandS site
staff members when Different cubes which allow on Central. This
playing our game parameters users to access unit provides
Ari Eldon Kjartan Þór Halldórsson Jóhann Einarsson Ingólfur V. Ægisson
and that experience are also used the data in a pre- information from
is compiled in the CCP to measure the structured manner surveys which are
bible which you can health of the EVE directly through sent out with the
find on the front economy, such as Excel. You can EVE newsletter,
page of Central. price indices, the check on the OLAP surveys answered
You can also turn amount of ISK in cubes on the RandS when a player
to IA for assistance the system, jumps site on Central. quits, as well AS
with roles on your and kills. All of surveys conducted
Dev accounts or these parameters in cooperation with
Sindre Lundberg any question that Freyr Tómasson can be seen on the Kristófer Hannesson Lyuba Kharitonova larger research
you might have Publishing KPI pages firms.
with regard to on Central.
how you can play
EVE. Everyone at
CCP should enjoy
playing EVE – just
be sure to know the

John Turbefield


3.7 4.3
3.6 4.1
4.4 MY jOB aNd


3.6 3.7 MY jOB aNd
MY jOB aNd
PrOCEssEs 3.6
3.7 2011
Highest score

I often try to improve the ways I do my job. 4.4

I am always positive towards ccP to an outside party. 4.5
new I respect my immediate manager. 4.5
I am proud to work for ccP. 4.5
I respect the ceo of ccP. 4.5

Professional development is well organized within ccP. 2.9

I am satisfied with the air-conditioning at my office. 3.0
I feel that my pay is in line with the position that I occupy 3.1
communication with other offices is good. 3.1
ccP´s salary policy is fair. 3.2
20 9



Lowest score






4. 3


1 4

4. 2





Highest score


















3. 8


I often try to improve the ways I do my job. 4.5








I would recommend ccP as a workplace to my friends. 4.5


I am always positive towards ccP to an outside party. 4.5



I respect the ceo of ccP. 4.6
I am proud to work for ccP. 4.6

Professional development is well organized within ccP. 3.1



sE B


PE T W E N E ss

Li K

rF E N G

i s CE

ia a LE a NT

Er T

a NT

EN d

a ON
Ti Y E

EC Ma aG N
Es jO

L r

PE E M N i N



O M s


V E d
O Tr E

a Or T

aT a

r aN

a O



N a

GO s i

I am satisfied with the air-conditioning at my office. 3.1



r r


a M



s i


LV a

Li G E



ir N

sF P



Es Y
iN s
Ti E M


I feel that my pay is in line with the position that I occupy. 3.2
iP Na

TE N a

Ti a

rs E




si Pa

sC a

di M

Ed M

communication with other offices is good.





d E

rK Q


d O




a E


ccP´s salary policy is fair.










Lowest score

Total number of pages
in the Annual Report,
including the cover.

Percentage of pages
dedicated to Financial
information compared

to other information.

Number of people it takes

to bring the Annual
Report together. Depends
on how many writers
contribute each year.

IT takes
f r o m
when we
s t a r t
the issue
UNTIL the time iT’s printed
for shareholders at the
Annual General Meeting.

Number of years
it has been in
production at CCP.

Lilja Valþórsdóttir:
Contact person for AR

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