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:Electronic configuration of elements:

The representation showing the no of electrons in various orbital and shell of an

element is called electronic configuration of an element. Following principle are
used to write electronic configuration of elements:

1. Aufbau’s principle (Building up principle): According to this electrons

are filled in various orbital in order of their increasing energies, thus an
orbital with lowest energy will be filled first. From the energy level diagram
we know that energies of orbital increase in the following order:

1 s < 2 s <2 p <3 s <3 p < 4 s <3 d <4 p <5 s <4 d <5 p <6 s <4 f<5d<6p<7s<5f
i. The maximum no of electron in any shell can be 2n2. Where n is the
number of the shell or Principal quantum number.
ii. The maximum number of electrons in an orbital (s, p, d, f) is equal to
2(2l+1). Where l is 0, 1, 2, 3 …( called Azimuthal quantum number),
thus they can have maximum of 2,6,10 and 14 electrons respectively. The
value of l can be from 0 to n-1
iii. As a rule a new electron enters the orbital where the value of n + l is
minimum, when n + l has the same value for two or more orbital, the new
electron enters the orbital where n has the minimum value.( Known as
Aufbau’s principle).
iv. There can be one s, three p, five d and 7 f orbital in a Sub shell. Each
orbital can contain maximum two electrons with opposite spin (+1/2 & -
v. Energy levels tend to become completely full or exactly half full of
2. Hund’s rule: According to this electron pairing will not take place in an
orbital of same energy (same sub shell) until each orbital is singly filled.
Explanation: The repulsive forces between electrons are minimum when
electrons have parallel spins and occupy different orbital. So if p- sub shell
contains three electrons, these must occupy different orbital in order to have
minimum repulsive forces between them.
Electron distribution in 3 P
Electrons orbital
in p-sub
1 ↑
2 ↑ ↑
3 ↑ ↑ ↑
4 ↑↓ ↑ ↑
5 ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑
6 ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓
Electronic configuration of H: Atomic no. 1(1 electron) configuration: 1 s 1

He-, conf.: 1 S2 ,Li –,3,conf.: 1 s2 ,2 s1 , Be- At no. 4, conf.: 1 s2 ,2

s2,, Conf.: 1 s2 ,2 s2,2 px1 , C-, Conf.: 1 s2 ,2 s2,2 Px1, 2 Py1 ,
similar conf. follows up to Ca ( .
In next 10 elements (At.no21-30): Sc- Zn the addition of electron takes place in
the inner 3 d orbital, while the outer 4 S orbital remains fully occupied. All these
elements are known as transition elements.
Sc: (21): 1s2, 2 s2, 2 p 6, 3 s2 ,3 p 6,3 d1 4 s2

Zn: (30): 1s2, 2 s2, 2 p 6, 3 s2, 3 p 6,3 d10 4 s2

S Block element: I A (Li, Na, K, etc.-are called alkali metals)

IIA ( Be, Mg, Ca etc- are called alkaline earth metals)
P- Block elements: III A to VII A & 0
d- Block elements: III B to VIII B & I B or II B
f –Block elements: Lanthanides -4f series
Actinides 5-f series
Inert gas (Zero group) - except He, other contains 8 electrons in outer most orbit
and all s and p orbital are completely filled.
:Atomic and Ionic sizes:
Since outer electronic configurations of elements are repeated in periodic table the
periodic properties are also repeated. There is more or less regular change in
similar properties in going from lighter to heavier elements in the same family.
Thus they are periodic properties.

Atomic size (Atomic radii): The size of atom is one of the important properties
which affect their character. The atomic sizes are expressed as the radius of atom
assuming spherical shape of atom. It is expressed as the distance between centre of
the nucleus and outer most shell of electron. However, it can’t be determined
precisely due to following reasons.

i. It is not possible to isolate an independent atom so radius can’t be

determined precisely.
ii. The positions of electrons are not definite. These are only probable.
iii. Atoms are always surrounded by other atoms. The presence of
neighboring atoms also influence the size of the atoms.

Atomic radii

Factors influencing Atomic size:

i. Nuclear charge: with increase of nuclear charge the electron cloud

moves closer to the nucleus so atomic size decreases.
ii. Number of orbits: With increase in the number of orbits, the distance
between the nucleus and outermost orbit increases hence the size
increases similarly on decrease of orbit the size decreases.
Measurement: Atomic radii is determined in Angstrom’s unit (1 A˚ = 10-8 cm).
Different types of radii are used depending upon the environment.

i. Covalent radius
ii. Metallic radius
iii. Vander wall radius

Covalent radius: It is defined as the one half of the distance between the
centers of the nuclei of two atoms held together by a single covalent bond. Inter
nuclear distance can be determined by X-ray spectroscopy. Half of this gives
the covalent radius.

Covalent radius = Inter nuclear distance between two covalently bonded atoms/2

Ex. Covalent radius of H= 0 .74/2 = 0.37 (Where 0.74 is inter nucleus distance of H)
For hetero nuclear molecules like (HCl):
Covalent radius of H in HCl = Inter nuclear distance between H & Cl atoms

- ( cov. rad.of Cl atom) =1.36- 0.99 = 0.37 A˚.

Covalent radius for single bond is greatest and decreases gradually for double
bond and triple bond.
C − C = 0.771 A˚
C = C = 0.665 A˚
C ≡ C = 0.602 A˚
Covalent radius is always less than Vander wall radius:
Covalent radius of I2 = 1.33 A˚, while Vander wall radius of I2 = 2.15 A˚
Covalent radii of single bond are additive. E.g., bond length of C − Si bond is
sum of the bond length of C − C and Si − Si bonds:
Covalent radius of C = 0.77 A˚
Covalent radius for Si = 1.17 A˚
Bond length of C − Si = 1.94 A˚

Metallic radii (crystal radii): In case of metallic elements the radii of atom is
denoted as metallic radii. In metallic elements a large number of atoms are closely
packed and joint to each other by metallic bonds. Half of inter nuclear distance
between two adjacent atoms represent metallic radius or crystal radius. It is
determined by X-ray diffraction method. The value of Metallic radius is always
more than that of covalent radius (since there is no overlapping):
Metallic radius of Na = 1.86 A˚,
Covalent radius of Na = 1.54 A˚
Metallic radius of K = 2.34 A˚
Vander wall’s radius: It is defined as half of the distance between two similar
adjacent atoms belonging to two neighboring molecules in the solid.
Ex., Vander wall radius of Cl atom is 1.86 A˚ & that of Argon Inert element is 1.91

Periodic trends (Atomic radii):

In periods: It decreases as size of atom decreases.
In Groups: It increases down the group as atomic number increases (number of
shell increases).
Ionic radii: This relates to the radii of ions in ionic crystals. Ions formed by loss of
electrons acquire positive charge are called cation, while ions formed by gain of
electrons acquire negative charge are called anion. The ionic radius is the distance
from the nucleus of an ion up to which it has influence on its electron cloud. Inter
nuclear distance in any ionic compound is determined by X-ray spectroscopy. It is
sum of ionic radii of two ions.

E.g., The inter nuclear distance of Na+ - Cl - is 2.76 A˚ this is equal to the ionic
radii of Na+ ( 0.95) & Cl- (1.81). In general, scientists use formula of inter
nuclear distance to test out the radii of ion

Inter nuclear distance (d) = rcation + ranion

*To calculate ion radii, Lande used ionic compound under solid state (ex: Na Cl).

Find the radii of anion (r-) atom.

Find inter nuclear distance (d) between anion and cation.

• Use Inter nuclear distance formula to find the r+.

i. 2r- = x therefore r - = x/2

ii. rcation + ranion = y so r+ = y- x/2

• The radius of a positive ion is smaller than the corresponding atom.

• The radius of a negative ion is bigger than the corresponding atom.

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