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• Write your answers in the answer sheet.
• Write legibly.

TEST I. Choose the letter of the correct answer. CAPITALIZE YOUR ANSWER.

1. Which of the following reading strategies is the graphical representation of text?

a. graphic organizer b. language cues c. outline d. text map

2. Which of the following reading strategies deals with the major and minor ideas of a text?
a. graphic organizer b. language cues c. outline d. text map

3. Which of the following informational text structures explains what a term means and gives examples of it?
a. classification b. definition c. description d. enumeration

4. Which of the following informational text structures is used in giving a process or procedure?
a. classification b. enumeration c. problem-solution d. recount of sequence

5. Which of the following techniques in summarizing completely expresses a person’s ideas using his own
a. getting the main idea b. outline making c. paraphrasing d. condensing

6. Which of the following techniques in summarizing uses synonyms or synonymous phrases?

a. getting the main idea b. outline making c. paraphrasing d. applying condensation

7. Which of the following citations are used in business, history and the fine arts?
a. APA Citations b. Chicago Citations c. MLA Citations d. none of the above

8. Which of the following bibliographies is written in APA format?

a. Allen, Thomas B. Vanishing Wildlife of North America. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society,
b. Gutierrez, J. (2016). Reading and writing for senior high school. Manila: Mindshapers Co. Inc.
c. Pollan Michael. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin, 2006
d. Weinstein, Joshua. 2009. The Market in Plato’s Republic. New York: Anvil Publishing Inc.

9. Which of the following techniques in summarizing information is used in expressing the meaning of a text
using own words?
a. condensing b. outlining c. paraphrasing d. summarizing

10. Which of the following techniques in gathering information is used in the situation below?
The servers asked their customers about their level of satisfaction on the service and food of their
restaurant by answering the questionnaires given to them.

a. interview b. observation c. questioning d. survey

11. Which of the following techniques in gathering information is used in the situation below?
The ABM students asked a series of questions to Mr. Henry Sy about his life, work, and being a
successful businessman.

a. interview b. observation c. questioning d. survey

12. Which of the following techniques in gathering information is used in the situation below?
The students look for some books related to their feasibility study and gather information for the second

a. discussion b. interview c. searching d. survey

13. What is the main idea of the text below?

Product codes on items consist of bars and numbers on the product label. The first number tells which
company made the item. The last numbers identify the product and size. A laser reads the bars at the
checkout. A computer finds the price for that product and prints the price on the cash-register slip. Store
owners can change prices of items by changing the codes in the computer. The records in the computer help
the owners learn which goods sell well.

a. how one machine reads the numbers and bars c. how product codes are effective
b. how product codes are developed d. how the numbers were assigned to companies

14. What is the main idea of the text below?

A growing number of individuals from corporate offices to coffee shops are finding romance in the
workplace.  Today’s emphasis on teamwork and longer work hours make the work environment an opportunity
for personal relationships.  Today’s busy, almost frantic, and often stressful lifestyle does not allow much free
time for meeting interesting people outside the office.  With a huge portion of our lives devoted to business
meetings, and associated activities, the likelihood of meeting someone we might wish to date is highly

a. Romance in the workplace is occurring more often.

b. The workplace is a good place to find romance.
c. The workplace is not a good place to find romance.
d. You can be fired for engaging in romance at the workplace.

15. What is the main idea of the text below?

The Louisiana Purchase proved to be one of the shrewdest business pacts in the entire history of the
United States. The purchase doubled in the area of the country and provided territory from which fourteen new
states were created either wholly or in part. It also gave us control over the mouth of the Mississippi River and
opened up the way to foreign trade. Prior to the purchase, the waterway had been blocked by the Spanish,

probably with the approval of Napoleon. The land that was bought was rich in timber, minerals, and natural
resources of many kinds. Finally, the cost of the transaction was unbelievably low; the total of $15 million
amounted to about four cents an acre.

a. Most Americans were very pleased with the purchase.

b. The land bought by the Louisiana Purchase was rich in minerals.
c. The land bought by the Louisiana Purchase was very cheap.
d. The Louisiana Purchase was a very good business deal for the U.S.

TEST II. Classify the structure of the following texts.

1. Suki, as I later learned, is not simply a popular moniker among market folk. It is essentially a buddy system
of doing business in the Philippines, wherein a customer buys certain products from a particular vendor, who in
turn offers discounts and other perks for such exclusivity. Filipinos use the word suki to refer to both buyers
and sellers, indicating their equal roles and obligations in an eponymous relationship.

2. Credit cards can be very secure and convenient methods of payment, but they aren’t perfect. Credit card
users will make mistakes, and cards carry fees and penalties. One of the biggest problems that credit card
users can face is incurring too much debt relative to their available credit. To get out of this situation, start by
taking a break from your cards and use other forms of payment as much as possible. Then, you can apply for a
new credit card with a 0% APR balance transfer offer for a limited time period. These 0% offers allow you to
avoid interest charges while you pay down your debt, although nearly all require the payment of a 3% balance
transfer fee.

3. Marketing mix is the set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that a company uses to produce a desired
response from its target market. Marketing mix can be divided into four groups of variables commonly known
as the four P’s: product, price, place, and promotion. Price refers to how much the product is worth. Product
refers to the item or service for sale. Promotion refers to the work companies do to make people aware of the
product or service. Place refers to where the product is sold.

4. Inflation has become the big economic issue, not only in the Philippines, but all over the world. The Bangko
Sentral ng Pilipinas has just announced that the current inflation rate of 4.2. percent to 4.3 percent is not going
to be a problem for the Philippine economy. In other parts of the world, inflation has become an increasingly
worrisome issue. If GDP growth is picking up but inflation is rising with it, the boom can’t last long because at
some point – sooner rather than later – the Central Bank will have to respond by raising interest rates in order
to dampen demand and subdue inflation. This increase in borrowing costs may also choke off growth. The
worst case, however, is high inflation with low or falling growth, because in these conditions the Central Bank
will have to raise rates in order to control inflation, effectively putting the brakes on an economy already at risk
of stalling. This can lead to stagflation, an extended period of low growth and high inflation.

5. Products come in several forms. Two of them are the convenience products and shopping products.
Convenience products are bought more frequently unlike shopping products. Convenience products include
articles such as laundry detergents, fast food, sugar, and magazines. On the other hand, shopping products
include furniture, clothing, used cars, airline services, etc. Convenience products are also products that are
usually low-priced and placed in many locations to make them readily available when consumers need or want

6. Obligation and responsibility are often viewed in terms of reciprocity (utang-na-loob), comprised of debts
(utang), and inner-self free will (na-loob). The process begins with an unsolicited gift and continues going often
onto the next generation. The essence of utang-na-loob is an obligation to appropriately repay a person who
has done one a favor. This internal dimension, loob, differentiates utang-na-loob from an ordinary debt
(utang); being an internal phenomenon, utang-na-loob thus goes much deeper than ordinary debt or even the
western concept of owing a favor. In business, utang-na-loob may be good or bad for business depending on a
lot of considerations, but it affects the way business is conducted especially when the business person is
confronted with ethical issues.

7. You may not know who Mark Zuckerberg is but I bet you know about Facebook. Zuckerberg and his
roommates launched Facebook from their college dormitory at Harvard. Facebook started off as just a
"Harvard thing," but Zuckerberg and roommates spread it to other universities like Stanford, Dartmouth, and
NYU. As Facebook grew in size and popularity, Zuckerberg took investments but resisted buyout offers. The
founders maintained control and in 2012 Facebook became a publically traded company. Today, Facebook is
one of the world’s most popular websites and Zuckerberg is the CEO. Facebook has over one billion users and
Zuckerberg is one of the 25 richest people in America. That’s not too bad for a college dropout.

8. Income statement is a document that reports the firm’s gross proceeds, expenses, and profit or loss. This
report addresses the income and expenses that are produced both by regular operating activities, or by ‘non-
operating’ activities - income or expenses that are not directly produced by the business. This is probably the
most important of the three types of accounting reports, as it is commonly used by management to help
determine financial standing and decision-making.

9. One of the most popular, sought-after, and expensive shoes ever marketed are the Air Jordan shoes. The
first Air Jordan shoes were released in 1985. These shoes were not legal to wear on the court since they did
not have any white on them, but Jordan wore them to every game anyway, getting fined $5000 for each
appearance. The next Air Jordan shoes came out in 1986. These shoes were unique for basketball shoes,
because they were made in Italy, which gave them a luxury feel. Two years later, the third Air Jordan shoes
were released. These were the first shoes with the visible air pocket in the back and were the inspiration for
many later shoe designs. The Air Jordan shoe line has had a long history of successful and noteworthy

10. One problem with the modern Olympics is that it has become very big and expensive to operate. The city
or country that hosts the games often loses a lot of money. A stadium, pools, and playing fields must be built
for the athletic events and housing is needed for the athletes who come from around the world. And all of these
facilities are used for only two weeks! In 1984, Los Angeles solved these problems by charging a fee for
companies who wanted to be official sponsors of the games. Companies like McDonald’s paid a lot of money
to be part of the Olympics. Many buildings that were already built in Los Angeles area were also used. The
coliseum where the 1932 games were held was used again and many colleges and universities in the area
became playing and living areas.

11. Damnoen Saduak Floating Market in Ratchaburi is one of the most popular floating markets in Thailand.
Everyday, many Thai and foreign tourists travel here to shop, eat, and absorb the atmosphere of Thailand
water markets that have been like this for over 100 years. This large floating market is about 100km
Southwest of Bangkok. Photos of this vibrant market featuring many small boats laden with colorful fruits and
vegetables and paddled by Thai women wearing bamboo hats, are among the most often published in travel
magazines and brochures of Thailand.

12. Unemployment is a worldwide curse. Every government has to pay attention to this issue otherwise it is
unable to handle the economy of the nation, cost-cutting policies of companies which tend to remove
employees from their jobs, and many more. Because of these reasons, people suffer from depression which
may cause an increase in suicide and crime rates. The Gross Domestic Product of the country also decreases
that may lead to the migration of population to other countries in search of employment.

13. The inability to sell your product will be the downfall of your company. The “build it and they will come”
strategy is not effective anymore or maybe it never was. If you are investing money on something you assume
people need, you better cross your fingers. You need to get out there. You need to be visible. For a solution,
you must sell first and build later. Show customers that you have a viable product, help you grow. Your job is to
solve small business problems and invest in a CRM to keep track of them. Then, spend months and years
improving the business to reduce the chances of falling out of the gates.

14. Cooperatives and corporations may sound like one and the same thing, but they are very different in the
formation, running, and the purposes they serve. A cooperative is a legal entity owned by a group of people
who come together voluntarily for their mutual benefit. These people usually join hands to fulfill their common
economic, social, or cultural needs, a task that would be hard to accomplish if one was left to handle it alone. A
corporation is a legal entity formed by a group of people who contribute capital, but it exists as a separate legal
entity having its own privileges and liabilities distinct from those of its members. These members of a
corporation are often termed the shareholders.

15. There are three types of business. First is service business that provides intangible products like salons,
repair shops, schools, banks, etc. Second is merchandising business. This type of business buys products at
wholesale price and sells the same at retail prices. They are also known as “buy and sell” businesses. Last is
manufacturing business that buys products and resells them in smaller quantities for a higher price.

16. Leadership and management are two ways of organizing people that are effectively used in business
relationships. Today it is impossible to imagine a business organization without an effective leader, as well as
without an effective manager. In fact, leadership and management have very much in common. Both
leadership and management practices are very important in organizational hierarchy. According to researchers,
leadership and management are “vital elements” in running any business (Hughes, et al., 2009). At the same
time, there are certain differences between these styles. For example, it has been found that leaders inspire
others and initiate organizational change, while managers are able to cope with challenges that may occur in
the result of change. The differences are concluded in different personalities, focus, outcome, approach to
tasks/objective, risk association, role in decision making and style and type of organization.

17. Success in business is never automatic. It depends primarily on the owner’s foresight and organization.
Even then, of course, there are no guarantees. The most common reasons for business to under perform or
fail are as follows: poor cash flow management, absence of performance monitoring, inefficient decision-
making and many more.

18. Accountability and responsibility are two terms commonly considered interchangeable. The difference
between the two terms is that responsibility can be shared while accountability cannot. Responsibility involves
having authority over one’s actions. Accountability means you are liable or answerable for one’s actions. In
order to be responsible, you must be accountable and vice versa.

19. The term documentation refers to the processes and items which serve as evidence for the validity or truth
of a certain claim or statement. As the name suggests, this involves the use of documents or tangible records,
whether in physical or electronic format. Documentation is necessary for the conduct of any business,
transaction, or project. It serves as a record of every official action that is taken and may come in very handy in
the future.

20. The Internet becomes an integral part of our everyday life in a more literal sense. However, although it
makes life much easier for an average person, this effect is nothing if compared with what it did and does to
businesses all around the world. For a person living in modern times, it is hard to understand that the world
was much bigger and mysterious in the past. Until the development of telegraph in the 19th century, the
effective communication between places located relatively far from each other was all but impossible. What
use is there in information that is needed today if you receive it in a month? How can one plan ahead if what
he knows now is already outdated? With every new invention in the sphere of communication, the world
became smaller and smaller, but only now can one really feel and consider himself to be a citizen of the world.
The Internet allows people to communicate immediately, no matter how far they are from each other, to get
any information they need the moment they need it. It lets businesses grow large, for until there are no
dependable means of communication, no global organization can act with any serious degree of

TEST III. Answer the following.


When deciding on a future career, a lot of people don't give accountancy a second thought. Most
people don't realize how varied the world of accounting is and in fact it is often seen as boring. The truth is that
accounting is the backbone of any organization and offers a wide number of attractive careers within it. When
we consider the accounts team within a company, we generally think about clerks, both sales ledger clerks and
purchase ledger clerks recording the financial information from all transactions the company makes. Other
roles include the payroll clerk responsible for processing staff salaries and the tax which occurs from them.
Higher up the hierarchy we have the management accountant who finalizes the accounts and prepares
the annual financial statements. The people doing these jobs make sure that the directors or owners of the
company always know its true financial position. However, accounting is more than just reporting financial data.
A good accounts team actually works to save the company money by minimizing the tax payable and delaying
payments so companies can earn interest from their banks.
These job roles are not so clear in smaller accounting practices, where the accounting staff often need
to perform various tasks from meeting clients to helping with loan applications. Often the majority of the work in
these smaller practices is done by bookkeepers. Generally, the owner of the practice is the most senior
accountant and is usually a chartered accountant, which means that their signature is accepted on the financial
statements. The job opportunities for accountants don't stop there: auditors are the police of the accounting
world and when they are called into a company it is their job to ensure that the accounts were done in the
correct way and that everything was accounted for. The most feared of these auditors are the government
auditors who are sent to companies suspected of somehow breaking the rules. Working as an auditor is very
different from other accountancy work as there is no routine; you work in many locations and have contact with
many people. Although, you should be thick-skinned as often, the accounting staff in companies do not like the
idea of being audited.
Career progression within accountancy often results from a specialist knowledge in a particular area.
Tax advisors are able to help their clients lower their tax bill thanks to their in-depth knowledge of taxation law

and specifically what a client can off-set against tax. As you can see, the world of accountancy offers various
careers, but in all of these areas there are some qualities that a potential accountant should have. Firstly, as
accounting is the process of collecting and classifying financial data, all accountants need to be perfectionists
unwilling to accept anything less than an exact result. Also, as accountants deal with large volumes of data,
they need to have a good eye for detail and a real love of numbers. A talented accountant will also be able to
advise their clients on the best course of action to take so as to save money and at the same time stay within
the local accounting standards.
Accountants have to follow very strict rules and codes of conduct in order to make sure that they do
everything in a legal way. If an accountant breaks these rules they could face severe punishment, but some
accountants practice creative accounting to get around rules without breaking them. Confidentiality is
obligatory for all people working with accounts as the financial data could be very sensitive. Whether working in
the public or private sector, accountants can expect to earn very good salaries and also gain valuable
knowledge on topics like income tax, value added tax (VAT) and pension schemes which can help them in their
life outside of work. What's more, as accounting is such an important part of a company's success there will
always be a demand for good accountants.

1. Summarize paragraph 1
2. Summarize paragraph 3
3. Summarize the text
4. Paraphrase the text below:
“Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction” - Warren Buffett
5. Paraphrase the text below:
“Make men work together to show them that beyond their differences and geographical boundaries there
lies a common interest.” - Jean Monnet

TEST IV. Create a graphic organizer for each text from Test II.
• Text 5 • Text 14
• Text 9 • Text 15
• Text 11

RUBRIC (5pts. each)

Content 3
Creativity 2

TEST V. Write a critique about the movie, “The Intern.”

Guidelines: RUBRIC
Paragraph 1: Introduction and summary CRITERIA POINTS SCORE
Paragraph 2: Things you learned about the movie Content 15
Paragraph 3: Reaction, suggestions and Organization 10
Grammar 5

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