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Applied Behavior Analysis: A

Foundation for Response to


Scott P. Ardoin, Liliana Wagner and Kathryn E. Bangs

Implementation of a response to intervention vide schools with data that can directly inform
(RTI) model requires schools to make both con- instruction. Finally, implementation of an RTI
ceptual and procedural modifications that are model requires that schools do not blame chil-
essential to its success and will lead to improve- dren for their behavior or poor academic perfor-
ments in the education and behavior of all stu- mance, and instead determine what aspects of the
dents within a building. Schools must modify instructional environment must be manipulated
their identification process from one which to maximize student achievement. In essence, the
identifies children based upon discrepancies in implementation of RTI within schools requires a
the constructs of intelligence and achievement shift from providing services to students based
to one that identifies students who are at risk of upon a nomothetic traditional assessment frame-
later disability identification. RTI is a prevention- work to assessing student needs based upon an
based model that requires students to receive idiographic applied behavioral analysis (ABA)
early intervention based upon their instructional framework.
and behavioral needs. Waiting for students to fail
before beginning to provide them with interven- Traditional Assessment The goal of traditional
tion results in too many students being identified assessment is to determine the precise prob-
as needing intervention when the possibility of lem and measure inferred states from indirect
remediation is slim (President’s Commission on observations (Galassi and Perot 1992; Hayes
Excellence in Special Education 2002). A second et al. 1986; Tkachuk et al. 2003). These inferred
change required by schools in order to ensure states are assumed to be stable, intraorganismic
the success of RTI is a change in assessment variables (Hayes et al. 1986; Nelson and Hayes
procedures. Schools must not rely so heavily on 1979a, 1979b). That is, the variables do not
evaluating behaviors believed to represent inter- change based on the situation, rather they are a
nal states/constructs and instead directly evaluate reflection of the person’s cognitive constructs,
the behaviors and skills students must possess to mental disorders, and/or their personality empha-
be socially and academically successful. Mea- sizing personology constructs (Hayes et al. 1986;
suring behaviors that students need to succeed, Nelson and Hayes 1979a; Tkachuk et al. 2003).
as opposed to measuring constructs, will pro- Hence, behavior is seen to be a sign or sample of
these constructs (Hayes et al. 1986; Nelson and
Hayes 1979b). Behavior is not viewed as having
S. P. Ardoin () · L. Wagner · K. E. Bangs controlling variables outside of the individual;
Department of Educational Psychology, therefore, these variables are largely ignored
University of Georgia, 323 Aderhold Hall,
30602 Athens, Georgia (Hayes et al. 1986). Since traditional assess-
e-mail: ment is based on stable constructs, the focus of

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016 29

S. R. Jimerson et al. (eds.), Handbook of Response to Intervention, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4899-7568-3_3
30 S. P. Ardoin et al.

assessment is to classify and diagnose individu- Applied Behavior Analysis The discipline of

als, therefore, emphasizing group experimental ABA provides a foundation from which the prin-
designs (Tkachuk et al. 2003) and the compari- ciples and procedures for RTI were developed.
son of individual performance to normative data ABA is the science of solving socially important
(Hayes et al. 1986). problems by evaluating how the environment
The IQ-achievement discrepancy model, a impacts behavior (Gresham 2004). Emphases of
traditional assessment approach, has served as ABA include (a) measuring individuals’ behavior
the approach for determining students’ special as opposed to their mental states, (b) continuity
education eligibility since the 1970s (Fletcher between those behaviors which are observable,
et al. 2004). Under the discrepancy model, stu- and those events private to the individual, (c)
dents are identified as needing special education predicting and controlling individuals’ behavior
if a discrepancy exist between the constructs as opposed to the behavior or mental states of
of intelligence (believed to represent learning groups, and (d) an understanding of the environ-
potential) and academic achievement (Sparks mental causes of behavior (Fisher et al. 2011).
and Lovett 2009). Other constructs (e.g., inat- The primary focus of ABA is on observable
tention, depression, anxiety) are also measured behaviors (e.g., talking, academic engagement,
to evaluate whether the discrepancy between biting, crying, fidgeting, etc.) and measuring the
their intelligence and achievement is due to a ways in which the environment (e.g., quality of
learning disability or the manifestation of other instruction and teacher attention) influences the
internal states. To measure these constructs, dimensions of those behaviors (Cooper et al.
caregivers (e.g., teachers and parents) as well 2007). In ABA, the amount (frequency, intensity,
as the students themselves, might be asked to or duration) a person engages in target behav-
complete behavioral rating scales on the fre- iors of interest is compared to his/her history of
quency with which a student engages in vari- engaging in the target behavior under the same or
ous behaviors (e.g., day dreaming, interrupting different environmental conditions. Environmen-
others, fidgeting, somatic complaints). Students tal variables are measured and manipulated to
with attention problems might have higher rat- evaluate how changes in the environment might
ings on questions pertaining to concentration, alter the amount a person engages in the behav-
perceptions of being off-task, and boredom in ior.
school, whereas students with anxiety would With ABA as a foundation, RTI models focus
have higher ratings on questions about fearing on whether the general education environment
people or situations, being self-conscious, and (tier 1) can be expected to produce adequate
being nervous (Achenbach 1991; Reynolds and learning and the environmental changes neces-
Kamphaus 2006). sary for producing significant gains for the tar-
Basing students’ educational needs primar- get student. Assessing the skills and behavior
ily on their internal states, as determined by of all students within a school through multiple
samples of their behavior believed to represent universal screenings across the academic year
constructs, ignores the impact of the learning provides RTI teams with information regard-
environment on behavior. Ignoring the impact ing the general effectiveness of tier 1 instruc-
of the environment results in students being tion. It allows the academic performance and
blamed for their failure and, ultimately, label- classroom behavior of individual students to be
ing some students with a disability who were, compared to other students receiving similar tier
in fact, disabled by their learning environment. 1 instruction and behavior management. Ma-
Choosing to focus on problems within the child nipulation of the existing environment through
also limits the availability of information used the implementation of increasingly intensive
for developing effective interventions (Presi- interventions during tier 2 instruction provides
dent’s Commission on Excellence in Special information to RTI teams regarding the level of
Education 2002). modifications necessary to produce adequate
Applied Behavior Analysis: A Foundation for Response to Intervention 31

learning and behavior. Students who require en- Selecting Target Behaviors
vironmental manipulations that extend beyond
that which a general education classroom can An essential feature of ABA as an applied sci-
provide are in need of special education services ence is the targeting of behaviors for change
(tier 3) (Fletcher et al. 2005; Marston 2005; that are immediately important to the individ-
Shinn 2007). Given ABA’s focus on behavior, ual and society (Cooper 1982). At face value,
the environment, and measuring the impact of selecting target behaviors for change within a
changes to the environment on the behavior of school setting that are socially significant and
individuals, it provides a framework that RTI will result in immediate changes in student be-
teams can reference when (a) identifying target havior may sound simple. The task, however,
behaviors, (b) selecting and developing inter- requires knowledge of appropriate replacement
ventions, and (c) measuring intervention effects behaviors, an understanding of the hierarchy
(Martens and Ardoin 2010) (see Table 1.) of skills necessary to perform complex tasks

Table 1   Applied behavior analysis and RTI: Implications for practice
Selecting target behavior: Target behaviors should be selected that are immediately important to the individual and
Behavior: Although the purpose of intervention is generally
to eliminate one or more inappropriate behaviors, it is best
to identify appropriate replacement behaviors. Replace-
ment behaviors should
Allow the student to access to the same consequence that
inappropriate behavior leads to as otherwise the student will
still have a need to engage in the inappropriate behavior
Be as easy for the student to engage in as the inappropriate
target behavior
Lead to reinforcement at least as readily as the inappropri-
ate behavior
Academic: Although the eventual goal may be to have the
student perform complex skills at a level commensurate
with peers, it is essential that students have the prerequisite
skills necessary to perform the complex behaviors. Identify
what target prerequisite skills the student does and does not
possess and then target those skills for which the student
needs greater accuracy and fluency
Selecting and developing interventions: To increase the probability of selecting an appropriate intervention, schools
should experimentally test their hypotheses as to why a student is struggling behaviorally or and/or academically
Behavior: Although schools frequently collect indirect and
descriptive assessment data through functional behavioral
assessments, the hypotheses generated from these data are
rarely tested. Modified functional analyses procedures that
are appropriate for implementation within schools could
enable schools to tests the hypotheses that they generate
and increase the probability that they develop a function-
ally relevant and effective intervention
Academic: Functional behavioral assessments are rarely
thought of in relationship to determining why a student’s
academic performance is not adequate. Daly and colleagues
(1997, 2002) have developed hypothesized functions of stu-
dents’ academic difficulties as well as brief experimental
analyses procedures for testing the generated hypotheses
32 S. P. Ardoin et al.

Table 1  (continued)
Selecting target behavior: Target behaviors should be selected that are immediately important to the individual and
Measuring intervention effectiveness: It is essential that the behaviors/academic skills measured to evaluate interven-
tion effectiveness are likely to change immediately as a function of the intervention being implemented
Behavior: Single subject designs can be used to empirically
demonstrate that an intervention is the cause of improve-
ments in observed behavior. Demonstration of a functional
relationship requires evidence of (a) prediction: behavior
changes in the predicted direction with the implementa-
tion of intervention, (b) verification: when intervention is
withdrawn, behavior worsens or the behaviors on which
intervention was implemented do not change when inter-
vention is implemented on other target behaviors, and (c)
replication: the effects of intervention are replicated when
re-implemented with on the same behavior or when imple-
mented on new behavior/participants/settings on which
intervention was not previously implemented

Academic: RTI teams generally collect data intended to

assess students’ response to intervention. Data also need to
be collected that allow for the determination of whether an
intervention is simply effective
Data need to be collected that measure the effect of inter-
vention on the skills being targeted
Measuring skills targeted through intervention may require
that the variable(s) being measured change across the
period of intervention implementation, but measuring
targeted skills as opposed to generalization will provide a
more sensitive measure to intervention effects
Although measuring targeted skills may require RTI teams
to collect (a) data that inform intervention effectiveness
and (b) data that inform responsiveness to intervention,
it should allow for teams to determine more quickly that
an intervention is unlikely to lead to a student adequately
responding to the intervention. More resources may be
required to collect data, but fewer resources will be wasted
on implementation of ineffective interventions

(e.g., reading with comprehension), and knowing ate replacement behavior may result in the stu-
how to assess the behaviors targeted by interven- dent simply replacing the inappropriate behavior
tion (Noell et al. 2011) with an equally problematic alternative. For this
reason, education professionals implementing an
Classroom Behavior  When developing interven- RTI framework must determine why the student
tions for students who are engaging in unaccept- is engaging in inappropriate behavior (i.e., what
able levels of inappropriate classroom behav- is reinforcing the inappropriate behavior), what
ior, research within ABA has demonstrated the appropriate behavior(s) might enable the student
importance of identifying appropriate alternatives to access the same reinforcer(s), and what appro-
that could potentially replace the inappropriate priate replacement behavior(s) the student is
behavior (Carr and Durand 1985; Cooper et al. capable of engaging in. RTI teams should refer to
2007). Although punishing inappropriate behav- the large base of ABA research using functional
ior will likely result in an immediate decrease in assessment procedures to identify the factors
punished behaviors, failure to teach an appropri- potentially reinforcing inappropriate behavior,
Applied Behavior Analysis: A Foundation for Response to Intervention 33

and the literature on differential reinforcement student’s skills to a level comparable to his/her
for guidance on selecting and increasing appro- peers.
priate alternatives (Geiger et al. 2010; LeGray Selecting the proper academic skills to target
et al. 2010; Miller and Lee 2013). for intervention requires knowledge of the pre-
requisite skills necessary to perform the complex
Academic Performance  Selecting a target tasks that make up grade level curriculum goals.
behavior for students identified as needing tier Research in ABA highlights the importance of
2 intervention due to poor academic perfor- creating task analyses for complex, multistep ac-
mance might seem obvious, as the goal is to tivities, and then determining which of the skills
get the student to accurately perform the aca- the student has and has not mastered (Noell et al.
demic tasks related to his/her area of weakness. 2011). For instance, Parker and Kamps (2011)
In fact, it may be tempting to simply target the used task analyses, in combination with self-
behavior(s) measured through universal screen- monitoring and social scripts, to teach functional
ing procedures which were used to identify the life skills and increase verbal interactions with
student as needing intervention. However, by peers in two children with autism. Three activi-
definition the students identified through a uni- ties were selected for the intervention (playing
versal screening as needing tier 2 intervention board games, cooking, and dining in a restaurant)
are not performing at the level of their peers, and and a task analysis was developed for each. The
are likely in need of remediation of prerequisite task analyses were written and displayed on a
skills to adequately perform those behaviors at laminated sheet of paper, listing each step nec-
which their peers are succeeding. Thus, the ten- essary for completing the activity in the order it
dency to select academic behaviors within the needed to be completed. The number of steps for
child’s grade level curriculum is unlikely to be each activity ranged from 8 to 22, and, in addition
an appropriate target for intervention (Brown- to performing the more functional components of
Chidsey and Steege 2005; Daly et al. 2007). For the task, the steps included prompts for initiating
instance, many schools employ curriculum-based conversation with peers. Participants were taught
measurement procedures in reading (CBM-R) to how to use the task analysis, using a combination
identify which of their students might need sup- of verbal and physical prompts, in the settings in
plemental reading instruction. CBM-R measures which the intervention sessions would take place.
students’ oral reading rate with accuracy (Ardoin Data were collected on each student’s task com-
et al. 2013; Mellard et al. 2009). Second grade is pletion, activity engagement, and peer directed
recognized as a grade in which fluency greatly verbalizations. Once students’ proficiency in
increases across the academic year. It would, task completion improved, prompts were faded
therefore, seem socially appropriate to provide in order to decrease reliance on the prompts and
second grade students struggling in reading with increase the probability of the student generaliz-
an intervention addressing reading fluency. A ing the behaviors to other settings. Similar proce-
lower-performing second-grade student may dures can be employed for teaching students how
not, however, have the prerequisite skills (e.g., to complete complex math problems or write
letter recognition, knowledge of letter sounds, well-constructed narratives (Alter et al. 2011;
phonological awareness) necessary to benefit Hudson et al. 2013; Noell et al. 2011).
from an oral reading fluency-based interven-
tion. The intervention therefore would not likely
result in the student making adequate progress, Selecting and Developing
not due to the student needing a more intensive Interventions
intervention, but due to the student needing an
intervention targeting his/her skill needs. Thus, A primary objective of ABA is to identify the
although oral reading fluency might seem to be motivation behind behavior, and use that knowl-
the most socially significant behavior to target, edge to create individualized interventions that
such a decision would be unlikely to elevate the work to reduce problem behavior and increase
34 S. P. Ardoin et al.

positive replacement behaviors (Gresham 2004). FBAs involve a process of gathering informa-
This is synchronous with the goal (within an RTI tion on the function of behavior through indirect
framework) of determining whether a student’s assessments (e.g., structured interviews, rating
problem behavior or poor academic performance scales), descriptive assessments (e.g., direct ob-
is a function of the environment in which they servations in the child’s typical environment),
are being instructed, or the result of a disability. and functional analyses. The data collected from
Universal screening data that indicates other stu- these procedures are used to form and test hy-
dents are responding to tier 1 instruction provides potheses about the motivation behind a child’s be-
evidence that general education instruction is ad- havior (Cooper et al. 2007). Once the function of
equate. If interventions are properly selected, stu- problem behavior is identified, targeted interven-
dents’ response to increasingly intensive levels tions can be put in place to change the reinforce-
of intervention through tier 2 instruction should ment contingencies maintaining the problem be-
provide RTI teams with information regarding havior. Most behavioral interventions developed
whether (a) a student failed to learn essential through the widely used school-wide behavioral
prerequisite skills that if learned would allow the management system known as positive behavior-
student to make adequate academic progress and al intervention and support (Positive Behavioral
(b) the level of modifications necessary to tier 1 Interventions and Supports (PBIS) 2013; Sugai
instruction for the student to make adequate rates et al. 2000) begin with an FBA (Carr and Sidener
of academic progress (McDougal et al. 2010). 2002), and use the information collected to create
The likelihood that tier 2 will provide RTI teams interventions teaching the student more appropri-
with accurate information regarding a student’s ate, effective, and efficient ways of accessing
instructional needs is largely based upon whether reinforcement than engaging in the inappropri-
proper analyses are conducted to determine the ate behavior (Carr and Sidener 2002; Sugai and
function of students’ poor classroom behavior or Horner 2002). The basis for these assessments is
academic performance. derived from the ABA research literature (Iwata
et al. 1994; Vollmer and Iwata 1992).
Classroom Behavior Research in ABA sug- IDEA requirements for FBAs in schools were
gests that development of an intervention based largely based upon research conducted with stu-
upon the cause of the student’s problem behav- dents engaging in high rates of severe behavior,
ior is likely to lead to greater improvements in and studies in which a component of functional
behavior with a less intense intervention (Daly assessment, functional analysis, was implement-
et al. 1997; Iwata et al. 1994; Vollmer and Iwata ed (Drasgow and Yell 2001; Individuals with
1992). Determining the cause of problem behav- Disability Education Act Amendments of 1997
ior is often accomplished through a functional [IDEA] 1997, 2004). Functional analysis is the
behavior assessment (FBA), a process of analyz- only component of an FBA that involves the di-
ing environmental conditions and collecting data rect testing of hypotheses on behavioral function
on patterns of behavior to establish a hypothesis by performing systematic environmental manip-
of the function (Cooper et al. 2007; Solnick and ulations and examining which of the test condi-
Ardoin 2010). The term FBA is familiar to many tions elicits the highest rate of problem behavior.
educators, especially those involved in special In a school setting, the conditions typically as-
education. Amendments to the Individuals with sessed involve attention (positive reinforcement),
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1997 man- escape from demands (negative reinforcement)
dated that schools conduct an FBA, and imple- and play (automatic or sensory reinforcement;
ment a behavioral intervention plan based on Solnick and Ardoin 2010). For example, in the
the behavioral function, if a student’s aberrant typical functional analysis escape condition, stu-
behavior is determined to be a result of his/her dents are issued a demand and allowed to mo-
disability (Individuals with Disability Education mentarily escape from the task demands when
Act Amendments of 1997 [IDEA] 1997). they engage in problem behavior. If the function
Applied Behavior Analysis: A Foundation for Response to Intervention 35

of student behavior is escape, then the student for reading failure, displaying high levels of off-
is more likely to escape in this condition. Thus, task and disruptive behavior (Shumate and Wills
the condition that results in the highest rate of 2010). All functional analysis sessions in this
inappropriate behavior is hypothesized to be the study were conducted during regularly scheduled
function of that behavior. Although it might be classroom activities, with escape and attention
considered problematic to intentionally induce conditions occurring during small group read-
problem behavior in this manner, with severe ing instruction and the control condition taking
problem behavior (e.g., head banging), the ben- place in a separate play area. Three sessions were
efits of creating an effective intervention may presented each day (one of each condition), until
outweigh the risk of the student engaging in in- the data showed a clear pattern of responding. As
appropriate behavior during assessment sessions teacher attention was determined to be maintain-
(Iwata et al. 1994). ing the aberrant behavior of all participants, an
Functional analyses are difficult to imple- intervention was designed to address this specific
ment in a school setting due to the challenges function. Teacher attention was withheld for all
of controlling the classroom environment (e.g., instances of problem behavior, with immediate
peer attention) and the fact that functional anal- attention and praise-delivered contingent on de-
ysis conditions are meant to elicit problem be- sirable alternative behaviors (e.g., hand raising).
havior, which may endanger the student, peers, The results from this Shumate and Wills (2010)
and teachers (Bloom et al. 2011; Solnick and indicate that the function-based intervention was
Ardoin 2010). Several studies have, however, successful in both decreasing the participants’
demonstrated some success in employing modi- off-task and disruptive behaviors and increas-
fied functional analysis procedures in the child’s ing appropriate alternatives, further validating
natural environment. Bloom et al. (2011) sub- the use of function-based assessments in the role
stantially reduced the length of sessions to only of identifying the variables maintaining problem
2 min per test condition and implemented the test behavior.
conditions within the context of naturally occur-
ring classroom activities. For example, attention Academic Performance The FBA literature
and tangible conditions were conducted during might initially not seem to generalize to students
free play, and the demand conditions occurred difficulties with academic skills. However, the
during instructional time, when it was appropri- benefits of systematically altering the stimuli stu-
ate for the teacher to be issuing demands. The dents are exposed in order to evaluate the causes
authors reported that results from the trial-based of their academic difficulties remain, whereas, in
functional analyses matched those of a standard the FBA literature, problem behavior is believed
functional analyses conducted for comparison to be a function of attention, escape, tangibles
purposes in 60 % of the cases. In another modi- (e.g., access to toys or food), or automatic rein-
fication to traditional functional analyses proce- forcement (Cooper et al. 2007). Daly et al. (1997)
dures, researchers have examined participants’ argued a student’s failure to perform academi-
latency to problem behavior under different lev- cally is a function of his/her (a) lack of motiva-
els of aversive demands and teacher attention tion, (b) insufficient opportunities to practice the
(Call et al. 2009; Hine and Ardoin 2011). Such skill, (c) not previously having sufficient assis-
procedures allow for analyses to be conducted tance/instruction/modeling in how to perform the
with fewer occasions of inappropriate behavior task, (d) not having been asked to perform the
and allow for inappropriate behavior to be appro- task in that manner previously, and (e) simply not
priately dealt with when it occurs. having the prerequisite skills necessary to per-
Functional analysis procedures have also been form the task. In line with this theory, researchers
successfully implemented by classroom teach- have explored brief experimental analysis (BEA)
ers with typically developing children at risk procedures, which include the implementation of
36 S. P. Ardoin et al.

test conditions that involved implementing inter- alization can be promoted by providing practice
ventions matching the aforementioned function opportunities. Practice involves opportunities to
of poor academic performance. Daly et al. (2002) respond to learned stimuli when the stimuli are
conducted a BEA of reading during which ele- presented across multiple contexts. For oral read-
mentary students were exposed to interventions ing, this would mean providing opportunities to
of increasing complexity that were associated read the same words in different configurations
with the functions of poor academic performance or passages, thus, allowing for further develop-
identified by Daly et al. (1997). The intervention ment of stimulus control at the word level and
that produced the highest level of student read- generalization is reinforced (i.e., generalization
ing accuracy and fluency for each student was due to multiple exemplars).
hypothesized to be associated with the function
of each student’s poor reading fluency. Generalization and Maintenance  Another
The interventions tested within BEA of aca- important principle of ABA that must be incor-
demic performance are largely based upon Har- porated into the implementation of interventions
ing and Eaton’s (1978) instructional hierarchy, within an RTI model is programming for gener-
a systematic framework for providing students alization and maintenance of improvements in
with prompts to promote correct academic re- behavior over time (Mesmer and Duhon 2011).
sponding, and consequences to encourage future Generalization and maintenance of intervention
correct responding. Haring and Eaton (1978) effects should not be expected as a positive side
described how principles of ABA apply to aca- effect of intervention; rather, they must be pro-
demic learning. They outlined strategies to move grammed into the intervention (Stokes and Baer
a student from not having the skills or knowledge 1977). Interventions developed within an ABA
to respond accurately to stimuli to responding ac- framework are developed so that improvements
curately and fluently to that stimuli, and finally, in behavior are not only observed within inter-
generalizing and, then, adapting knowledge and vention sessions but also generalized to other
skills to new instructional materials (Ardoin and settings and maintained across time. Steps taken
Daly 2007). Haring and Eaton’s instructional hi- to increase the probability of generalization and
erarchy has been employed across multiple read- maintenance include (a) training behaviors that
ing and math studies to assess and develop in- will be naturally reinforced outside of the inter-
terventions for elementary students (e.g., Ardoin vention setting, (b) conducting the intervention
et al. 2007; Cates and Rhymer 2003; Eckert et al. across multiple settings and using multiple exem-
2002; Martens et al. 1999) and is central to many plars of stimuli that signals to the individual to
of the problem-solving models employed by RTI engage in the appropriate behavior, and (c) train-
teams in schools (Daly et al. 2005; Goldstein and ing target behaviors to high levels of proficiency,
Martens 2000; Hosp and Ardoin 2008). which minimizes the effort required by the stu-
Haring and Eaton (1978), as well as support- dent to engage in the behavior and thus increases
ing studies (e.g., Belfiore et al. 1995; Szadoki- the probability that the behavior will occur and
erski and Burns 2008), suggest that multiple op- be reinforced across settings (Ardoin et al. 2007;
portunities to respond to stimuli promotes future Mesmer and Duhon 2011). For instance, Led-
accurate and fluent responding to the drilled ford et al. (2008) evaluated the effectiveness of
stimuli. For oral reading, this would mean that a teaching procedure on the acquisition of related
repeated reading increases accurate and fluent and pictorial information by children with autism
responding to words and word sequences that during sight word instruction conducted in pairs.
were drilled. Essentially, multiple opportunities The authors selected target words from lists
to practice helps to develop strong stimulus con- provided by caregivers, ensuring the informa-
trol, allowing for accurate and fluent reading of tion learned would be relevant, and, thus, more
drilled text. After stimulus control is developed to likely to be reinforced in the children’s natural
allow for accurate and fluent responding, gener- environments. In addition, generalization probes
Applied Behavior Analysis: A Foundation for Response to Intervention 37

were conducted throughout the study in con- direct, continuous measurement of individuals’
texts where children could apply the information behavior to inform intervention decisions is an
they were taught in the classroom. For example, essential component of both ABA and RTI (Coo-
a child might be asked to identify a sign read- per 1982; Carr and Sidener 2002). Failure to con-
ing “Keep Out” while walking past the janitor’s tinually evaluate the effects of intervention on
closet. classroom behavior and academic performance
The same steps used within ABA for promot- has the potential to result in the continued imple-
ing generalization and maintenance of target mentation of ineffective interventions that can
behaviors have and should be employed when worsen classroom behavior or further increase
developing tier 2 behavioral and academic in- the discrepancy between the academic achieve-
terventions. For instance, many schools employ ment of a student and his/her peers.
repeated reading procedures for improving stu-
dents’ reading fluency and comprehension. To Selecting Behaviors to Monitor  Many RTI teams
ensure the effects of intervention are generalized monitor the effects of students’ academic perfor-
to the classroom, the materials on which inter- mance using the screening measures employed by
vention is being provided could be selected from their schools for conducting universal screenings
the reading curriculum. Repeated readings could (Mellard et al. 2009). Although useful for evalu-
also be provided on directions that are frequently ating generalization effects and for comparing a
presented on standardized tests and classroom students’ rate of growth to peers, these measures
tests, as well as on content area classroom ma- are typically not sufficiently sensitive to measure
terials (e.g., science, history). If content area intervention effects within short periods of time
materials are too challenging for the student to (2–3 weeks). RTI teams should, therefore, moni-
read, listening passage preview procedures can tor the behaviors that are specifically targeted
be provided on the materials, which involve by the intervention being provided to a student
modeling accurate reading and, thereby, prevent- (Ardoin et al. 2008). For instance, if an inter-
ing students from practicing errors (Eckert et al. vention is implemented to improve a student’s
2002). It is also important that interventions be on-task behavior, on-task behavior collected in
implemented across settings in order to promote the setting and time during which intervention
students’ engagement in appropriate behavior is implemented would be the most appropri-
and/or use of newly learned skills across con- ate behavior to measure. Although the student’s
tent areas. With preplanning, physical education work completion and class grades might also be
teachers can easily incorporate basic math calcu- expected to improve, these two outcomes are
lation and problem-solving instruction into their not directly targeted by the intervention and are
activities, and content area teachers can assist likely to be impacted by environmental variables
students in applying targeted reading comprehen- other than those controlled by the intervention ,
sion and writing skills into their daily instruction. and, thus, should not serve as primary outcome
It is, however, essential that all individuals pro- measures. Likewise, a student’s response to an
viding instruction/intervention are taught how to intervention designed to improve vocabulary and
implement the procedures as inconsistent imple- comprehension skills should not be evaluated
mentation can hamper intervention progress. based upon CBM-R (oral reading fluency) prog-
ress monitoring data. Even though a students’
oral reading fluency would likely improve with
Measuring Intervention Effects gains in vocabulary and comprehension, CBM-R
is a general outcome measure on which imme-
In addition to providing RTI teams with a founda- diate intervention effects should not be expected
tion for selecting behaviors to target for interven- (Ardoin et al. 2013). Although there is an empha-
tion and developing interventions, ABA provides sis on generalization within the field of ABA,
a model for evaluating intervention effects. Using data must be collected on the behaviors directly
38 S. P. Ardoin et al.

targeted through intervention as generalization ability of intervention data are compared to these
does not occur immediately. Measurement of same characteristics of baseline data. Baseline
generalization alone may result in a premature data collected as part of an ABA study are intend-
decision to designate an intervention as not pro- ed to provide an understanding of behavior under
ducing adequate student gains, when, in fact, the pre-intervention conditions. Only by understand-
intervention is having positive effects (Ardoin ing pre-intervention behavior can it be known if
et al. 2008, 2013). Measuring whether a student behavior has changed with the implementation
improves in those skills directly targeted through of the intervention. Improvements in behavior
intervention can provide schools with data at an from baseline to intervention does not, however,
earlier phase of intervention implementation that guarantee that observed changes were due to the
will directly inform them of the probability that intervention (Roane et al. 2011).
an intervention will produce inadequate response To demonstrate that the intervention alone is
to instruction (Ardoin 2006). responsible for changes in behavior, single sub-
ject design methodology is employed to dem-
Evaluating Intervention Effects Neither ABA onstrate the elements of prediction, verification,
nor RTI teams typically use inferential statistics and replication. Prediction is demonstrated when
to evaluate the effects of intervention on groups behavior changes in the intended therapeutic
of individuals. Instead, visual analyses of data direction as compared to baseline data. The ele-
plotted across baseline and intervention condi- ment of prediction is not provided when (a) insuf-
tions are conducted. Despite having a common ficient baseline data are collected thus preventing
level of analysis (the individual), as well as com- a clear understanding of behavior prior to inter-
mon purposes for conducting assessments (i.e., vention, (b) substantial variability exist in both
identifying the cause of problem behavior) and baseline and intervention data resulting in sub-
implementing interventions (decreasing inap- stantial overlap in data between conditions, (c)
propriate behavior and increasing appropriate baseline data trending in the direction it would be
behavior, teaching skills), the questions asked expected to trend with intervention implementa-
within ABA and by RTI teams when evaluating tion, and (d) failure of behavior to change when
intervention data generally differs. RTI teams are the intervention is implemented. The second el-
primarily interested in whether or not a student ement of single subject designs is verification,
is making adequate progress. When examining which provides evidence that an intervention is
classroom behavior, a student’s current level or the cause of changes in behavior. Verification
rate of behavior is compared to a desired level of can be demonstrated by either withdrawing the
behavior, often taken from the average of other intervention and observing a return to baseline
students in the classroom. Evaluating whether levels of behavior or evidence that behaviors not
a student is making adequate academic gains is yet targeted through intervention (either engaged
generally determined by comparing the student’s in by the same person or others within the study)
observed rate of growth to a target rate of growth have not changed from their baseline levels. The
that is based upon either national or district level final element used to demonstrate the effects of
normative growth rates (Ardoin et al. 2013). intervention is replication. Replication is demon-
In ABA, the question is not simply whether strated either by behavior changing in the direc-
a student is responding adequately, but whether tion intended with the reinstatement of the inter-
changes in behavior are truly due to intervention vention or intervention effects being replicated
implementation and if the changes are sufficient across other behaviors, individuals, or settings
enough to positively impact student functioning (Richards et al. 1999).
(Gresham 2004; Roane et al. 2011). In order to Although it is not reasonable to expect RTI
address these questions, a student’s behavior is teams to evaluate interventions in the same man-
not compared to prespecified normative levels or ner as tightly controlled ABA studies, there is
rates of gain. Rather, the level, trend, and vari- much that can be learned from these analytic
Applied Behavior Analysis: A Foundation for Response to Intervention 39

procedures. First, RTI teams would benefit from discrepancy between two constructs. Rather, it is
developing a greater understanding of the need based upon analyses of data and whether those
to collect baseline data. Universal screening data data suggest the student is responding adequately
can serve as a form of baseline data as it provides to intervention. Implementation of RTI models
evidence that a student has failed to respond to are also complicated by the fact that poor class-
tier 1 instruction and, thus, their level of academ- room behavior and academic performance may
ic performance falls below their peers. Universal be due to the instructional environment and deci-
screening data alone does not, however, provide sions made by the RTI team. A student’s response
information regarding the variability and trend in to instruction is dependent upon the quality of tier
student behavior prior to intervention implemen- 1 instruction, accurate identification and mea-
tation. Second, RTI teams would benefit from surement of targeted behaviors, the selection of
addressing the question of whether an interven- an appropriate evidenced-based intervention, and
tion is effective instead of only addressing the implementation of the intervention with fidelity.
question of whether a student is making adequate Although the empirical literature on RTI is
progress. still emerging, schools can reference the exten-
Answering the question of whether inter- sive research available on the principles of ABA,
vention is effective for a student would require which serve as a foundation for RTI. The science
teams to measure behaviors that are directly tar- of ABA, with its focus on measuring behavior and
geted by the selected intervention, thus, allowing the impact of the environment on behavior, pro-
RTI teams to evaluate intervention effects within vides a scientific foundation from which schools
shorter periods of time. It would also allow RTI can draw upon to ensure that their instructional
teams to use the data they collect for making in- environment will maximize achievement for stu-
formative decision regarding whether a student dents of all abilities. In 1986 when describing
has mastered the skill(s) being targeted by the in- differences between traditional assessment and
tervention and, thus, when the target of interven- ABA, Hayes, Nelson, and Jarrett wrote, “Rather
tion needs to be modified. Ultimately, answering than seek the pure group first, perhaps we should
the question regarding whether intervention is let treatment responsiveness or other functional
improving student behavior by collecting data on effects select our groups for us” (p. 499). It is this
the skills being targeted through intervention will principle upon which RTI frameworks are built.
result in (a) implementation of ineffective inter- We must not place students into categories based
ventions for shorter periods of time, (b) increases upon measures of mental constructs, but rather
in the rate of gains made by students as RTI teams we must provide instruction to students based
can be more responsive to the changing instruc- upon data that directly informs us of their instruc-
tional needs of students, and (c) RTI teams being tional needs.
able to better predict students’ responsiveness
to instruction as they observe the rate at which
students acquire the skills necessary to make im- References
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