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PRINTED BY: Osama Jamran <>. Printing is for personal, private use only.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without

publisher's prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.

  Contributors xiii
  Preface xv
  Acknowledgements xvii
1 Introduction 1
  Introduction 2
  Studying organisational behaviour 2
  Diversity in the workplace 4
  Conflict and communication 6
  Organisational change 7
  Overview of the book 7
  Reference 11
  Further reading 11
  Internet sites 11
2 Organisational theory 13
  Introduction 14
  Macro-organisational theories 15
  Technical–rational approach 16
  Socio-human approach 22
  Systems theory 24
  Contingency theory 26
  Contemporary lenses and postmodernism 30
  Organisational analysis: contemporary themes 34
  Managerial implications 36 vii
  Summary of main points 37 viii
  Conclusions 37
  Questions 38
  References 38
  Further reading 39
  Internet sites 39
3 Perspectives on individual behaviour 41
  Jon Stephens
  Introduction 42
  Individual behaviour and personality 42
  Perception and the perceptual process 51
  Attitudes and values 56
  Individual learning in the organisation 62
  Decision making 65
  Communication, change and conflict 68
  anagerial implications 71
  Summary of main points 72
  Conclusions 73
  Questions 73
  References 74
  Further reading 76
  Internet sites 77
4 Motivation at work 79
  Introduction 80
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PRINTED BY: Osama Jamran <>. Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without
publisher's prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.
4 Motivation at work 79
  Introduction 80
  Schools of thought 81
  Expectancy theory: a framework for the analysis of workplace motivation 82
  Needs theory 87
  Intrinsic and extrinsic rewards 93
  Motivation and equitable treatment 97
  Change, motivation and the psychological contract 98
  Motivation and conflict 99
  Contemporary motivation theories 102
  Motivation and job design 104
  Managerial implications 106 viii
  Summary of main points 106 ix
  Conclusions 107
  Questions 107
  References 108
  Further reading 109
  Internet sites 110
5 Groups and teams 111
  Hugh Davenport
  Introduction 112
  Why gather in groups? 112
  Groups and teams 115
  Formal and informal groups and teams 121
  Stages of group and team development 123
  Roles and routines 127
  Building and maintaining effective teams 131
  Communication and conflict 137
  Groups and change 141
  Managerial implications 149
  Summary of main points 150
  Conclusions 150
  Questions 151
  References 152
  Further reading 154
  Internet sites 155
6 Management and leadership 157
  Introduction 158
  From Taylor to Mintzberg 158
  Differentiating leadership from management 163
  Leadership: schools of thought 165
  Leadership style 168
  Reframing leadership 175
  Leadership and change 177
  Leadership and diversity 184
  Leadership and communications 184 ix
  Leadership and conflict 185 x
  Managerial implications 185
  Summary of main points 186
  Conclusions 186
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Laureate Education, 4th Edition
PRINTED BY: Osama Jamran <>. Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without
publisher's prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.
  Conclusions 186
  Questions 186
  References 187
  Further reading 188
  Internet sites 188
7 Organisation structure 189
  Stephen Swailes
  Introduction 190
  What is structure? 190
  Talking about structure 191
  Structural types 194
  Partnership working 203
  Influences on structure 206
  Criticisms of the contingency approach 211
  The organisation as a system 211
  Current issues affecting structuring 214
  Flexible working 216
  Communities of practice 218
  Cross-cultural influences upon structure 219
  Structure and competition: research evidence 221
  Restructuring 223
  Managerial implications 225
  Summary of main points 225
  Conclusions 226
  Questions 227
  References 228
  Further reading 230
  Internet sites 231
8 Organisational power, politics and conflict 233
  Introduction 234
  Organisational power 237 x
  Organisational politics 245 xi
  Organisational conflict 248
  Power and communications 253
  Power and organisational change 254
  Managerial implications 255
  Summary of main points 256
  Conclusions 256
  Questions 256
  References 257
  Further reading 257
  Internet sites 258
9 Organisational culture 259
  Introduction 260
  Organisational culture in context 261
  Organisational culture: definition and debate 264
  Diversity and organisational culture 269
  Organisational culture and change 270
  Culture, conflict and communications 276
  Managerial implications 278
Organisational of main points
Individuals, Groups and Organisation, 4/e for 278 3 of 4
Laureate Education, 4th Edition
PRINTED BY: Osama Jamran <>. Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without
publisher's prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.
  Managerial implications 278
  Summary of main points 278
  Conclusions 279
  Questions 279
  References 279
  Further reading 281
  Internet sites 281
10 The impact of national culture on organisational behaviour 283
  Jon Stephens
  Introduction 284
  National culture 285
  Perspectives on culture 287
  Organisational behaviour and national culture 301
  Culture and leadership 305
  Culture and structure 306
  Change, conflict and communication 310 xi
  Managerial implications 315 xii
  Summary of main points 316
  Conclusions 316
  Questions 317
  References 317
  Further reading 320
  Internet sites 320
  Case studies 321
  Case 1 ● Motivated teams: an inter-cultural case 322
  Case 2 ● Organisational change: multiskilling in the healthcare sector 330
  Case 3 ● ‘It’s been a bad week at the office …’ 336
  Index 341

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