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Business and organizations use various types of information systems to support the
many processes needed to carry out their business functions. Each of these
information systems has a particular purpose or focus, and each has a life of its own
This life of its own" concept is called the systems development life cycle or SDLC,
and it includes the entire process of planning, building deploying, using, updating, and
maintaining an information system.
This project work adopts a standard system analysis and design techniques, which is a
result of hybridization of the engineering techniques and software system
development called Cistern
Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
A system can be described as a collection of various components which interact with
one another in a manner to satisfy objectives and goals according to a set of functional
and performance specifications. A system should be well defined, a well-defined or
structured system is that whose objectives are well formed and can be stated clearly.
This chapter provides an insight into the various stages of analysis and design of the
propose system. The design stage of a system development process concentrates on
how a system should work and the development of procedures to make it work that
way. System design can as well be seen as the process of transforming a problem into
resulting solution.
Compute based system shall be considered in this study, basically system analysis
involves the detailed study of a system constituents and the relationship that exist
between them which might lead to the design and implementation of a new and
improved system. (Fielding & Reschke, 2014)
System analysis is a process of collecting and interpreting facts, identifying the
problems, and decomposition of a system into its components. It is conducted for the
purpose of studying a system or its parts in order to identify its objectives. It is a
problem solving technique that improves the system and ensures that all the
components of the system work efficiently to accomplish their purpose.
System analysis is the process of analysing a system with the potential goal of
improving or modifying it. This knowledge of a system is achieved through the
investigation of the system and its environment. The basic tools of system analysis are
the ability to probe, enquire, observe, and reconcile all that happens in any situation.
The purpose of system analysis is to gather enough information, to determine if the
information or problems specified in the existing system, request or warrant
conducting subsequent phases of the system development life cycle
The existing system works in a way that debts are been recovred manually, which
always result to loss of payment details, loss of students’ files etc..
3.3.1 Problems with the Existing System
Due to the fact that the current operational system is manual system the following are
the likely problems that the existing system is facing:
• Time consuming: The existing system works in such ways that students make their
payment manually, which always result to loss of payment details, loss of students’
files etc, this is somehow time consuming and its one of the disadvantages of the
existing system.
• Lack of security of data or file: A lack of security is another common disadvantage
of manual payment activities. Academic firms may be finding it difficult to keep the
tract of those that paid and some related meta-data regarding their firm.
• Operations are very slow in processing the documents
• Delay in the collation and collection of data
• Slow access to information
• Lack of security of data or file
• Sluggishness in processing data
• Loss of information due to improper track of user details
3.3.2 Solution to the Problems of the Existing System
The provision of a concrete, prompt and effective web based online bebtbook
management system will go a long way in solving the problems of the existing system
highlighted above.


The system being proposed is a web based system that will allow debts to be
recovered in a modern and technological ways etc. Apart from providing proper
standard user experience, it also facilitates maintenance (keeping the track of those
who used the system).
The new system is designed with a view of alleviating the problems encountered
using the existing system and meeting up with the organization information
requirements. It takes into consideration the various shortcomings of the old system in
different ramification, incorporate all the various operations, detailed data and
information requirements with a view to grossly improving and increasing efficiency.
The proposed system employs computerized and procedure to alleviate some of the
challenges faced by students when it comes to transactions offline.
It is a process of panning a new business system or replacing an existing system by
defining its components or modules to satisfy the specific requirements. Before
planning, you to understand the old system thoroughly and determine how computer
can best be used in order to operate efficiently.
The creative process of system is the transformation of problem into solution. System
design is the production of the system to be developed on the process of analysing
what should be done and how it should be done System design is sub divided into
various stages to aid to process of development.
 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: The architectural design of a system design of
the system architecture that describes the structure, behaviour and more that
system and analysis.
 LOGICAL DESIGN: The logical design of a system pertains to an abstract
representation of the data flows, inputs and outputs of the system. This is often
conducted via modelling, using an over-abstract and sometimes graphical model
of the actual system. In the context of systems, designs are included. Logical
design includes entity-relationship diagrams (ER diagrams).
 PHYSICAL DESIGN: The physical design relates to the actual input and output
processes of the system. This is explained in terms of how data is input into a
system, how it is verified or authenticated, how it is processed, and how it is
displayed. In physical design, the following requirements about the system are
 Input requirement
 Output requirement
 Storage requirement
 Processing requirement
 System control and backup or recovery
The physical portion of system design can generally be broken down into sub task
1. User interface Design
2. Data Design
3. Process Design
The input to the system is entered via keyboard and mouse input devices. The data to
accepted is about debtbook management system. These data could be entered through
the user area, data such as payment history etc.
The output is the end product of any particular system. This is the decrypted version
of the payment history by the students that will be available for the end users to carry-
out various activities.
This is a process of determining the requirements of the system. The requirements for
a description of what the system should do, the service that it provides and the
constraints on its operation. There are basically two types of requirement: the user
requirements and the system requirements.
3.8.1 User Requirements
 Login to the account
 Perform transactions
 View debts records
 Log out
 Add User
 Delete User
 Update transaction
 Delete transaction

3.8.2 System Requirement

 The users shall be able to login to the system
 The users shall be able to make transaction
 The users shall be able to edit their profile
 The user shall be able to see previous transaction
3.8.3 Non-Functional Requirement
 Efficiency
 Security


These are the sequence of steps, procedures, technique that are used to analyze,
process and provide solution to the software problem. In software engineering, there
are three basic types of software process models that can be used. They include:
3.9.1 The Waterfall Model
It was the first process Model to be introduced. It is simple to understand and use. It is
a plan driven process model that ensure each phase is completed before moving to the
next stage. It is rigid in style and make make sure the software is properly
documented for read
3.9.2 Incremental Development
Incremental development is a process of software development where requirements
are broken down into multiple standalone modules of software development cycle. It
is based on the idea of developing an initial implementation, exposing this to user
comment and its evolution through several versions until an adequate system has been
developed. Specification, validation activities are interleaved rather than separate,
with rapid feedback across activities (Sonerile 2011).
3.9.3 Reuse-Oriented Software Engineering
This process allows the developer to leverage on existing software and to use its
components to develop the new system. It is most widely used in the 21" century as a
way of developing at software providing functionalities and frameworks that can be
integrated into the software customized. In developing the software for this research
work, Incremental software engine method is being used because the requirements are
not clearly specified and incremental software development reflects the way that we
solve problems. We rarely work out a complete problem solution in advance but move
toward a solution in a series of steps, backtracking when we that we made a mistake.
By developing the software incrementally, it is cheaper and easier to make changes in
the software as it is being developed.
This is the process of developing abstract models of presenting a different view or
perspective of that system. System modelling helps the analyst to understand the
functionality of the system and models are used to communicate with customers.
(Somerville 2011)
The design tools required to carry out this design includes:
 Use case model
 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) model
 Entity- Relationship (ER) Model


a. Requirements discovery: This is the process of interacting with stakeholders
(possible users) of the system to discover their requirements. Domain requirements
from stakeholders and documentation are also discovered during this activity. There
are several complementary techniques that were used for requirements discovery, but
only the interview method was analyzed here.
b. Requirements classification and organization: This activity takes the unstructured
collection of requirements, groups related requirements, and organizes them into
coherent clusters. The most common way of grouping requirements is to use a model
of the system architecture to identify sub-systems and to associate requirements with
each sub-system.
c. Requirements prioritization and negotiation: Inevitably, when multiple
stakeholders are involved, requirements will conflict. This activity is concerned with
prioritizing requirements and finding and resolving requirements conflicts through
negotiation. Usually, stakeholders have to meet to resolve differences and agree on
compromise requirements. But for this project, a critical resolution was made based
on responses from the stakeholders.
d. Requirements specification: The requirements are documented and input into the
next round of the spiral. Formal and informal requirements documents were be
produced, for easy analysis.


Software system requirements are often classified as functional requirements or
nonfunctional requirements:
Functional Requirements: The functional requirements for this system,
describe what the system should do. When expressed as user requirements,
these functional requirements are usually described in an abstract way that can
be understood by system users. However, these functional system
requirements describe the system functions, its inputs and outputs, exceptions,
etc., in detail. The major functional requirements of the system are:

a. Creating a Registration and Login access

b. Redirecting the user to the dashboard
c. Starting a new transaction for the user (with the mandatory upload of
d. Sending email notifications to Debtors on agreed debt payment deadline
e. Creating a chat panel between the creditor and the debtor
f. Creating access for credit check and credit worthiness on prospective
g. Introducing a legal personnel to take charge after failure to recover debt

Non-Functional Requirements: Non-functional requirements, as the name

suggests, are requirements that are not directly concerned with the specific
services delivered by the system to its users. They are requirements that relate
to emergent system properties. The major non-functional requirements of the
system are:

a. Performance
b. Security
c. Safety
d. Availability
e. Maintainability


Programming Tools
TOOLS: Phpstorm & Notepad++, Adobe Dreamwaver, XAMPP, Laravel,
Browsers (Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox)

Programming Languages
LANGUAGE: PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, JQuery

System Development Model: Incremental development was used for this
project. Incremental is based on the idea of developing an initial
implementation, exposing this to user comment and evolving it through
several versions until an adequate system was developed. Specification,
development, and validation activities are interleaved rather than separate,
with rapid feedback across activities. Incremental development reflects the
way that we solve problems. We rarely work out a complete problem solution
in advance but move toward a solution in a series of steps, backtracking when
we realize that we have made a mistake. By developing the software
incrementally, it was cheaper and easier to make changes in the software as it
is being developed.

Interviewing: To have a better insight of how the loan grant works, there were
interview sessions with different bank officers and financial institutes in
Nigeria. All of which made similar comments, suggestions and
recommendations on the proposed project. All these to be implemented in the
next chapter of this project.

UML Tools: System modeling has generally come to mean representing the
system using some kind of graphical notation, which is now almost always
based on notations in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). For the purpose
of this project, four tools were used in modeling this work. The following
tools have been used for modeling the proposed system:
a. Use Case
b. Context Model

c. Class Model
d. Activity Diagram

System Architecture: The proposed system makes use of the Model-View-

Controller pattern. This pattern is the basis of interaction management in
many web-based systems. The MVC was used to develop the user interfaces
that divide the system into three interconnected parts. This is done to separate
internal representations of information from the ways information is presented
to and accepted from the user.
a. The model is the central component of the pattern. It is the system’s
dynamic data structure, independent of the user interface. It directly
manages the data, logic and rules of the system.
b. A view is any output representation of information from the system.
Multiple views of the same information are possible.
c. The controller accepts input and converts it to commands for the model or

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