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Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter describes and discusses how the proponents gathered the necessary data and
information used in the entire study. It describes who would be the respondents. This also shows
the research method used, statistical treatment data, population and sample size, sampling
technique used, respondents of the study, procedure of data collection and instruments used, and
used software developmental tool.

Methods and tecniques used

This research utilized the Quantitative methods a descriptive and experimental research design in
development of faculty scheduling system. (explain why quantitative and descriptive and

Respondent of the study

 Faculty (end user)

Research Design

The proponents used the design and developmental research in developing a Class
Scheduling tool for Perpetual Help College of Manila: A Web Application and Mobile
Application because it has been defined as the systematic study of designing, developing, and
evaluating instructional programs, processes, and products that must meet criteria of internal
consistency and effectiveness. According to Ritchey, Rita C. (1994) expanded on Nunamaker et
al. (1991) and Hevner et al. (2004) to develop a 6-phase model including: a) identify the problem
motivating the research; b) describe the objectives; c) design and develop the artifact; d) subject
the artifact to testing; e) evaluate the results of testing; and f) communicate those results. Figure 2
outlines the 6-phase design and development framework. We will follow such approach as the
framework for design and development research studies.

Figure 4: The 6-Phase Design and Development Research Approach (Peffers et al, (2007)
expanded on Nunamaker et al. (1991) and Hevner et al. (2004)

Data Gathering Procedure

1. Identify the problem

The proponents identified the problem by starting with the current issue in the Perpetual
Help College of Manila and recent problem-solution to how blind can read bibles and make an
easy way for blind persons.

The Proponents Research on different studies addressing the reading of the blind citizens
was studied and considered. After the review of related literature, the proponent decided to
develop a Class Scheduling tool for Perpetual Help College of Manila: A Web Application and
Mobile Application

2. Describe the objectives

The proponents formulated the general and specific objectives by starting to know
the existing structure of the scheduling of Perpetual Help College manila

The proponents also studied different mobile and web programming language and other
platforms to develop the Class Scheduling tool for Perpetual Help College of Manila: A Web
Application and Mobile Application.

3. Design & Develop the artifact

These phase included three factors. Building a conceptual framework, designing the
system architecture and building a prototype for testing and evaluation(hevner, 2004, Nunamaker
et al, 1991).

The proponent created the conceptual framework using Input Process and Output (IPO)
diagram. Different diagrams are created to support the system architecture presented by the
proponents. A hierarchical chart was created by the proponents to show the program flow of the
mobile application.

4. Test the Artifact

In this phase, the proponents used black box testing to check the functionalities and
requirements established during design and development phases.

5. Evaluate Testing results

The proponents evaluated the Class Scheduling tool for Perpetual Help College of
Manila: A Web Application and Mobile Application level of acceptance based from ISO 9126
(International Standards Organization)

6. Communicate the testing results

In this phase, the proponents derived its results and conclusions from the interpreted data
and previous studies related to the proposed Mobile application

Research Instrument

There are great varieties of research instrument used by the proponents to aid in data
gathering. The proponents used the following instruments.

Interview - This involved the collection of data through direct verbal interaction. The
proponents conducted an interview with the College Dean, Thesis adviser and PINSP Ines to gain
information. The proponents also asked their ideas on how to develop an informative and useful
mobile application in relate with the study.

Internet Research - The proponents also used this research instrument to gather some
related literatures and studies. It also help the proponents gain tips and ideas in developing a
quick response mobile application.

Instruments of the study


Properties Sub-Properties Rating

Functional Suitability

This characteristic represents

the degree to which a product
or system provides functions
that meet stated and implied
needs when used under
specified conditions.

 Functional
completeness - Degree
to which the set of
functions covers all
the specified tasks and
user objectives.

Functional correctness -
Degree to which a product or
system provides the correct
results with the needed degree
of precision.

Functional appropriateness -
Degree to which the functions
facilitate the accomplishment
of specified tasks and

Performance efficiency

This characteristic represents

the performance relative to the
amount of resources used

under stated conditions.

Time behaviour - Degree to

which the response and
processing times and
throughput rates of a product
or system, when performing
its functions, meet

Resource utilization - Degree

to which the amounts and
types of resources used by a
product or system, when
performing its functions, meet

Capacity - Degree to which

the maximum limits of a
product or system parameter
meet requirements.


Degree to which a product,

system or component can
exchange information with
other products, systems or
components, and/or perform
its required functions while
sharing the same hardware or
software environment.

Co-existence - Degree to
which a product can perform
its required functions
efficiently while sharing a

common environment and

resources with other products,
without detrimental impact on
any other product.

Interoperability - Degree to
which two or more systems,
products or components can
exchange information and use
the information that has been


Degree to which a product or

system can be used by
specified users to achieve
specified goals with
effectiveness, efficiency and
satisfaction in a specified
context of use.

recognizability - Degree to
which users can recognize
whether a product or system is
appropriate for their needs.

Learnability - Degree to which

a product or system can be
used by specified users to
achieve specified goals of
learning to use the product or
system with effectiveness,
efficiency, freedom from risk
and satisfaction in a specified

context of use.

Operability - Degree to which

a product or system has
attributes that make it easy to
operate and control.

User error protection - Degree

to which a system protects
users against making errors.

User interface aesthetics -

Degree to which a user
interface enables pleasing and
satisfying interaction for the

Accessibility - Degree to
which a product or system can
be used by people with the
widest range of characteristics
and capabilities to achieve a
specified goal in a specified
context of use.


Degree to which a system,

product or component
performs specified functions
under specified conditions for
a specified period of time.

Maturity - Degree to which a

system, product or component
meets needs for reliability
under normal operation.

Availability - Degree to which

a system, product or
component is operational and
accessible when required for

Fault tolerance - Degree to

which a system, product or
component operates as
intended despite the presence
of hardware or software faults.

Recoverability - Degree to
which, in the event of an
interruption or a failure, a
product or system can recover
the data directly affected and
re-establish the desired state of
the system.


Degree to which a product or

system protects information
and data so that persons or
other products or systems have
the degree of data access
appropriate to their types and
levels of authorization.

Confidentiality - Degree to
which a product or system
ensures that data are
accessible only to those
authorized to have access.

Integrity - Degree to which a

system, product or component
prevents unauthorized access
to, or modification of,
computer programs or data.

Non-repudiation - Degree to
which actions or events can be
proven to have taken place so
that the events or actions
cannot be repudiated later.

Accountability - Degree to
which the actions of an entity
can be traced uniquely to the

Authenticity - Degree to
which the identity of a subject
or resource can be proved to
be the one claimed.


This characteristic represents

the degree of effectiveness and
efficiency with which a
product or system can be
modified to improve it, correct
it or adapt it to changes in
environment, and in

Modularity - Degree to which

a system or computer program
is composed of discrete
components such that a

change to one component has

minimal impact on other

Reusability - Degree to which

an asset can be used in more
than one system, or in building
other assets.

Analysability - Degree of
effectiveness and efficiency
with which it is possible to
assess the impact on a product
or system of an intended
change to one or more of its
parts, or to diagnose a product
for deficiencies or causes of
failures, or to identify parts to
be modified.

Modifiability - Degree to
which a product or system can
be effectively and efficiently
modified without introducing
defects or degrading existing
product quality.

Testability - Degree of
effectiveness and efficiency
with which test criteria can be
established for a system,
product or component and
tests can be performed to
determine whether those
criteria have been met.


Degree of effectiveness and

efficiency with which a
system, product or component
can be transferred from one
hardware, software or other
operational or usage
environment to another.

Adaptability - Degree to
which a product or system can
effectively and efficiently be
adapted for different or
evolving hardware, software
or other operational or usage

Installability - Degree of
effectiveness and efficiency
with which a product or
system can be successfully
installed and/or uninstalled in
a specified environment.

Replaceability - Degree to
which a product can replace
another specified software
product for the same purpose
in the same environment.

Likert Scale

Data gathering procedure (essay)

1. Seek for approval for our client and it experts.

2. Once approve, conduct an interview to the client.

3. Cunsult to the it expert about design and conceptualization development.

4. Survey to it expet and client about the instrument.

Data processing and stattistical treatment

The data collected were tabulated and computed using Microsoft Excel. To analyze and interpret
the data gathered, the following statistical measures will be used:….

Description of the Respondents

The respondents of the study were college deans and system administrator of the school
or university.

Table 1 Summary of Estimated Finished of Activities in Weeks

Table 1 show that chapters 2,4, and 5 got the longest activity to be done in the project which
lasted 20 weeks while chapters 1 and 3 lasted only for 8 weeks.

Statistical Tools

The statistical description and analysis of data were treated using the following formula:

A. For finding the weighted mean, the researchers used the formula below,


WM = weighted mean

f = frequency

N = total population

1(f) + 2(f) + 3(f) + 4(f) + 5(f)

WM =

Sampling Technique

The proponents used the simple random sampling technique in gathering the respondents.
The simple random sampling technique is a subset of individuals chosen from a large set of
population. Each individual is chosen randomly and entirely by chance, such that each individual
has the same probability of being chosen at any stage during the sampling process. In this
technique, each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected as subject. The
entire process of sampling is done in a single step with each subject selected independently of the
other members of the population. The proponents collected a simple random sample where each
unit of the target population is assigned a number. A set of random numbers is then generated and
the units having those numbers are included in the sample.

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