Pattern-Oriented Modelling of Plant Architecture A New Approach For Constructing Functional-Structural Plant Models

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2016 IEEE International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications

Pattern-Oriented Modelling of Plant Architecture: A

New Approach for Constructing Functional-Structural
Plant Models
Ming Wang1, Grant Thorp2, Helen Hofman3, Neil White1,4, Ella Wherritt1 and Jim Hanan1
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI), The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Plant & Food Research Australia Pty Ltd, Brisbane, QLD, Australia 4000
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Bundaberg Research Facility, Kalkie, QLD, Australia 4670
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Toowoomba, QLD, Australia 4350

Abstract—Computational modelling is becoming increasingly Keywords—pattern-oriented modelling; agent-based model;

significant in improving our understanding of natural systems, individual-based model; functional-structural plant model; model
and in making predictions to manage them. Many computational analysis; model verification; model validation; avocado; Persea
models have been used in various areas for these purposes. americana; plant architecture
However, it has been suggested that models should not be either
too simple or too complex, if they are to be useful. Thus, it is of I. INTRODUCTION
importance to construct models with an optimised model With the rapid increase of computing power over recent
structure that sufficiently well represents their real world decades, computational modelling is now having a profound
counterparts. To do that, better modelling strategies are needed. effect on streamlining scientific research that would otherwise
require a large amount of work that is costly in both time and
The pattern-oriented modelling (POM) strategy is an
approach that has been proposed to address these issues. It has resources. Many computational models have been used as
been used widely to develop agent-based models (ABMs), aiming valuable tools in understanding the studied system and making
to make the models more comprehensive and rigorous, and predictions for unknown scenarios [1-7]. However, when it
increasing their predictive power. Functional-structural plant comes to models, a major issue is whether a given model
models (FSPMs) can be identified as ABMs, if organs/growth sufficiently well represents its real world counterpart, since a
units of a plant are considered as agents. To test the feasibility model is intended to be a purposeful representation of a real
and demonstrate the value of using the POM strategy for system [8]. A model certainly cannot contain every aspect of
functional-structural plant modelling, this study focuses on the real system. Models should be neither too simple nor too
modelling of avocado (Persea americana, cv. Hass), because of its complex, if they are to be useful [9]. For example, if a model is
clear modular construction and its economic significance to too simple, it may not be realistic enough and the essential
subtropical and tropical horticulture world-wide. mechanisms of a real system could be ignored in model
structure. In such a case, the model cannot explain much, and
Our study focuses on the systematic development of this will limit its potential to provide understanding and
techniques to apply the POM strategy to functional-structural testable predictions. On the other hand, if a model is too
plant modelling. The overall objective was to determine whether complex, it may be very difficult to parameterize and model
the POM strategy could be used to construct FSPMs in order to
analysis will be unmanageable due to too much detail. Thus,
increase their predictive power. In the present study, a
better modelling strategies are needed to handle complexity
functional-structural plant model of the annual growth module of
avocado was constructed using the POM strategy. The model was
and uncertainty in model parameters and structure during
able to reproduce multiple observed patterns of architecture and model development, so that the constructed model can be
shoot growth simultaneously, and to make independent structurally realistic [10]. Only models with realistic structures
predictions providing insights into branching architecture, which will contain key structural elements of a real system and
were consistent with independently generated findings of other produce independent/testable predictions. A realistic structure
studies. Comparison of model outcomes to multiple observed will make model outcomes more reliable and allow them to be
patterns of modular construction at different scales, e.g. metamer transformed into better applications in relevant industries.
level, growth unit level and branch level, increases our confidence
that the model performed well. Those independent predictions
The pattern-oriented modelling (POM) strategy [11, 12] has
can be strong indicators that the model is structurally realistic. been proposed to improve handling of complexity and
uncertainty. The POM strategy is to use multiple observed
patterns at different scales to design, develop and test models,
because multiple patterns often emerge from different essential

We acknowledge funding for this research from ‘The Small Trees High
Productivity Initiative’ project – AI13004 ‘Transforming subtropical/tropical
tree crop productivity’ funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia Ltd (HIA)
and from the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
(MBIE) project: ‘Avocados for export – delivery on an industry version’

978-1-5090-1659-4/16/$31.00 © 2016 IEEE 204

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properties of a real system. Simulation models often require Generally, avocado trees grow in a rhythmic pattern with
many parameters to simulate the complexity of the studied periodic shoot extension in which a spring flush (mixed
system. For example, modelling plant growth usually requires reproductive and vegetative), a summer flush (vegetative) and
many parameters describing each biological component of an autumn flush (vegetative) occur over an annual growing
plant physiology (e.g. growth rate for each organ and their period, and the canopy is made up of a mix of proleptic and
priority for carbon allocation) as well as parameters describing sylleptic shoot modules [36]. Proleptic shoots develop from
the environment, such as light and temperature. In general, it dormant or resting buds after their parent shoots have stopped
can be very difficult or impossible to collect data on plant growing. In avocado, they can be identified by buds or a bud-
growth for many parameters to allow models to be developed scar ring at their base and they can be vegetative or
in a timely manner. However, the POM strategy has been reproductive. In contrast, sylleptic shoots develop from axillary
suggested as an approach to overcome problems when there is buds while the subtending parent shoots are still extending.
a lack of detailed biological knowledge [13, 14]. The Cultivar differences can be clearly seen in the relative
advantages of using the POM strategy are that (1) ‘inverse frequency and dimensions of each shoot type which ultimately
modelling’ [1, 3, 5] can be achieved by adjusting a model to determine the structure and shape of the mature tree.
reproduce multiple observed patterns to determine unknown Understanding these relationships and the natural growth habit
parameters, since each observed pattern can act as a ‘filter’ to of trees, i.e. their architecture, is fundamental to the
identify unrealistic parameters/processes or model structure, development of more intensive growing systems for many fruit
and (2) alternative model versions/hypotheses can be tested crops including avocado [39]. Thus, development of such an
against multiple observed patterns representing different avocado architecture model is timely. Additional insight into
aspects of a real system [9, 12]. Although many models may architecture and shoot growth patterns could translate into
correctly reproduce a single pattern, a model with a realistic applied outcomes, so that better canopy management strategies
structure is more likely to reproduce multiple observed patterns can be conducted more effectively in avocado orchards.
simultaneously [10]. In other words, a model capable of
reproducing multiple observed patterns will be most likely to Our overall objective was to determine whether the POM
contain the right mechanisms to describe the studied system strategy could be applied to construct FSPMs in order to
and reveal emergent patterns. Hence, that model should be able increase their predictive power. The aim of this paper was to
to generate reliable and testable predictions. use the POM strategy to develop a functional-structural plant
model that simulated avocado annual growth modules as
The POM strategy was originally developed in the field of described by Thorp and Sedgley [36] and Thorp et al. [37], and
ecology and has been used widely to develop agent-based to determine if the model could then accurately predict the
models (ABMs) known as individual-based models (IBMs) architecture and shoot growth patterns of avocado under
[10]. It has been applied in many fields in addition to ecology different orchard management strategies.
[15, 16], including engineering [17], environmental science
[18], geography [19], microbiology [20] and social science [21, II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
22]. Functional-structural plant models (FSPMs) [23-25] can A. The Model
be identified as IBMs, if organs/growth units of a plant are
considered as individuals. FSPMs use simple rules to simulate A 3D functional-structural plant model was developed,
plant behaviour, the interactions among and between tested and parameterized in terms of the POM strategy [11, 12].
individuals in a branching structure, and the interactions L-studio [40, 41] has been used to develop the model, and L-
between individuals and their abiotic environment. Many systems [42] were used to create a 3D virtual plant
FSPMs have been used as tools to increase the understanding representation [43] of the avocado annual growth module [36],
of how different aspects of plant architecture and function that is formed from an indeterminate inflorescence that does
interact for various plant species in agriculture and horticulture, not set fruit over an annual growing period – one mixed
e.g. for apple (Malus domestica) [26], cucumber (Cucumis reproductive and vegetative (spring) and two vegetative
sativus) [27, 28], grapevine (Vitis vinifera) [29], kiwifruit (summer and autumn) growth flushes (Fig. 1).
(Actinidia deliciosa) [30, 31], peach (Prunus persica) [32], The model was designed to simulate the development of an
soybean (Glycine max) [33, 34], and tomato (Solanum avocado annual growth module for a 4-year-old tree in the
lycopersicum) [35]. However, there has been little application absence of fruit set. Agents are individual organs (apices -
of the predictive power of computational models in functional- terminal buds, leaves, internodes, axillary buds and compound
structural plant modelling (FSPM) research field, rather than inflorescences) represented as modules in the L-system, with
just using models to understand the studied system. The POM state variables appropriate to the organ (see Table 1). L-system
strategy may be helpful in this respect, and the idea of using it productions control the behaviour of agents. Production rules
seems not to have been promoted for FSPM. for organs such as leaves and internodes capture extension
To test the feasibility and demonstrate the value of using growth of the organs based on the parameters listed in Table 2.
the POM strategy for FSPM, this study focused on modelling Production rules for terminal buds and axillary buds control
of avocado (Persea americana, cv. Hass), because of its clear when they produce a new shoot, based on probabilities in Table
modular construction [36, 37] and its economic significance to 2.
subtropical and tropical horticulture in the world [38].


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Organs (Agents) State Variables Description

Node The node number on the axis
Order The axis order
Degree days Age in thermal time
Shoot type flag Sylleptic type or proleptic type
Preformed nodes The number of preformed/neoformed nodes
Axillary shoot number Axillary shoot ID
Flush node number Node number within vegetative section of flush

Axillary bud
Node The node number on the parent axis
Delay Keeping axillary buds inactive
Order The axis order
Degree days Age in thermal time
Flush node number Node number within vegetative section of flush
Flush number Flush number of different flushes
Shoot type flag Sylleptic type or proleptic type
Proleptic bud
Node The node number on the subtending axis
ID The node number on the current axis
Order The axis order
Degree days Age in thermal time
Flush node number Node number within vegetative section of flush
Flush number Flush number of different flushes
Shoot type flag Proleptic type
Sylleptic bud
Node The node number on the subtending axis
ID The node number on the current axis
Order The axis order
Degree days Age in thermal time
Shoot type flag Sylleptic type
Length Current length of the internode
Degree days Age in thermal time
Flush number Flush number of different flushes
Length Current length of a leaf
Width Current width of a leaf
Degree days Age in Thermal time
Node The node number
Order The axis order
Inflorescence internode
Length Current length of the internode
Degree days Age in thermal time
Flush number Flush number of different flushes


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Parameter Description Value and Units References
Avocado physiology
Thermal time – average degree days in a day 20 °C d *
Phyllochron 40 °C d *
Maximum length of leaf 60 cm *
Growth duration of leaf – maximum thermal time for leaf growth 100 °C d *
Maximum length of internode 30 cm *
Growth duration of internode – maximum thermal time for internode
50 °C d *
Maximum length of the primary axis of the inflorescence 10 cm *
Growth duration of the inflorescence – maximum thermal time for
50 °C d *
inflorescence growth
Preformed node number
Number of nodes for leaves and leaf bracts in the spring flush 9.2 ± 0.4 (mean ± SE) [37]
Number of nodes for the secondary axes of the inflorescences in the
6.5 ± 0.3 (mean ± SE) [37]
spring flush
Number of nodes for bud scales in spring, summer or autumn flushes 5.7 ± 0.3 (mean ± SE) [37]
Number of nodes for the primary growth axis in summer or autumn
14.1 ± 0.3 (mean ± SE) [37]
Number of nodes for the second and third order growth axes including
11.9 ± 0.2 (mean ± SE) [37]
proleptic shoots and extension shoot axes in summer or autumn flushes
Neoformed node number
Number of nodes for sylleptic shoots in spring, summer or autumn flushes 5.9 ± 0.9 (mean ± SE) [37]
Location of second and
third order growth axes
4 (first basal four nodes
Based on [37] and
Location of sylleptic shoots excluding nodes for bud
model calibration
scales or inflorescences)
4 (last four nodes – Based on [37] and
Location of proleptic shoots
closest to the apex) model calibration
Probability of shoot extension in the spring flush 100% [45]
Based on [45]and
Probability of shoot extension in the summer flush 80%
model calibration
Based on [45] and
Probability of shoot extension in the autumn flush 30%
model calibration
Probability of a sylleptic shoot developing from an axillary bud on the Based on model
primary growth axis in the position noted above calibration
Probability of a sylleptic shoot developing from an axillary bud on a Based on model
second order growth axis in the position noted above calibration
Probability of a proleptic shoot developing from an axillary bud on the Based on model
primary growth axis in the position noted above calibration
Probability of a proleptic shoot developing from an axillary bud on a Based on model
second order growth axis in the position noted above calibration
Start of spring flush 1 day *
Start of summer flush 92 day *
Start of autumn flush 183 day *
Total number of days 365 day [36]
Value was used only for visualization purposes

In our model, the terminal bud on a shoot produced during resting axillary buds in subterminal positions on the previous
the spring growth flush initiates a compound, indeterminate growth flush of the primary growth axis or second order
inflorescence. This inflorescence contains a vegetative bud in a growth axes. Sylleptic shoots may develop from axillary buds
terminal position with second and higher order axes producing formed during the current flush on the primary or second order
the branches of the compound inflorescence. The vegetative growth axes. Shoots stop extension growth when an
apex continues growth during spring by producing successive empirically determined maximum number of
metamers, each including an internode, a leaf, and an axillary preformed/neoformed nodes have developed.
bud. Those extending internodes become the primary
vegetative growth axis. Sylleptic shoots can develop from
axillary buds on this axis.
In subsequent summer and autumn growth flushes, the
terminal bud continues to develop as a vegetative shoot and
forms the primary growth axis. Proleptic shoots develop from


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growth unit level and branch level) that had been observed in
the field.
1) Model Output Verification: The term ‘verification’ is
defined as the comparison of model outcomes with patterns
that guided model design and were possibly used for
calibration. The model was run 50 times and outcomes used for
verification against observed patterns from field experiments
conducted by Thorp et al. [37] and Thorp and Sedgley [36].
This allowed us to evaluate the accuracy of model processes
and outcomes based on the data that the model was tuned for,
because correct properties (independent predictions) of a real
system can only emerge from a sound base of a verified model.

Fig. 1. Example of a 2D representation of an avocado annual growth module,

forming from an indeterminate inflorescence over an annual growing period –
one mixed reproductive and vegetative (spring – yellow) and two vegetative
(summer – green and autumn – red) growth flushes. The annual growth
module contains a primary growth axis, and second and third order growth
axes that can be either proleptic shoots (shown with a bud-scar ring at their
base) or sylleptic shoots. The current season’s shoot growth developed from a
terminal bud from the previous season with the shoot initially producing
lateral inflorescences without internode extension. Vegetative growth then
Fig. 2. Simulation of an annual growth module on a 4-year-old ‘Hass’
occurred in the three flushes with the formation of a terminal bud in between
avocado tree. The annual growth module formed from an indeterminate
each flush. The remains of the terminal buds turned into a bud-scar ring
inflorescence that did not set fruit over an annual growing period. It shows
visible between each flush later in the season.
inflorescence positions at the base, the primary growth axis, and second and
third order growth axes at the end of each growth flush. A: the reproductive
The model parameters were chosen based largely on and vegetative growth flush in spring (orange). B: the vegetative growth flush
multiple observed patterns of branching architecture and the in summer (brown). C: the vegetative growth flush in autumn (blue).
modular construction of trees. However, for visualization
purposes, parameters associated with plant physiology and the 2) Model Calibration: Model calibration was performed to
start day of each flush used arbitrary values, and the growth identify the optimal values of several parameters. For example,
rate of inflorescences, leaves and internodes were assumed to for the second/third order growth axis location parameters, it
be linear. Specific values were not needed, since the current was observed that the location for sylleptic shoots was
study focuses on the branching architecture of an avocado generally the first two or three nodes towards the base of a
annual growth module. All model input parameters are listed in
shoot, whereas proleptic shoots developed from the last two or
Table 1. Simulation of the growth of an avocado annual growth
module in three flushes over an annual growing period is three subterminal nodes at the apex of a shoot [37]. In addition,
shown in Fig. 2. it has been observed that the probability of shoot extension is
from 60% to 80% for summer flush and between 20% and 30%
B. Model Assessment for autumn flush in avocado orchards [45]. However, when
The model was assessed using both qualitatively and using the combination of those values for model parameters,
quantitatively observed patterns in terms of the POM strategy several observed patterns (e.g. the number of proleptic shoots
[11, 12], and using a combination of model evaluation and on the primary growth axis) were not able to be reproduced by
validation (the ‘evaludation’ approach [44]). The ‘evaludation’ the model. To determine the best values, we followed the POM
approach is a protocol and guide for assessing a model’s
performance, reliability and quality in the field of ecological strategy [11, 12] using observed patterns [36, 37] at multiple
modelling. The main purpose was to determine whether our scales as filters to determine the optimized value for calibrated
model reproduced patterns at multiple scales (metamer level, parameters that are capable of reproducing all observed


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patterns for model output verification. In such a way, the when the model was developed, parameterised and verified.
uncertainty in those parameters was reduced [9]. Those independent predictions are emergent properties from
3) Model Output Corroboration: The term ‘corroboration’ the model, as the model verification has been done to ensure
refers to the comparison of model predictions with independent the accuracy of processes underlying the model.
patterns that were not used and preferably not even known,

C. Data Analysis • Pattern7: the mean number of sylleptic shoots on the

Statistical analysis of the comparison of model outputs with primary growth axis was 10.26 (SE = 0.2), which was
multiple observed patterns was undertaken. The independent similar to 10.7 (SE = 1.5) found in experiments
samples t-test was used to compare model outputs with data conducted by Thorp and Sedgley [36] (t = 0.46, df =
collected in the real world. The model was run 50 times. Each 66, P = 0.64).
run was set to stop when the time step reached 365 (equivalent • Pattern8: the mean number of proleptic shoots on the
to 365 days in reality). primary growth axis was 6.56 (SE = 0.21), which was
III. RESULTS similar to 7.2 (SE = 0.8) found by Thorp and Sedgley
[36] (t = 1.09, df = 66, P = 0.28).
A. Model Output Verification
• Pattern9: more sylleptic shoots than proleptic shoots on
In order for the model to reproduce multiple observed the primary growth axis [36]: mean = 10.26 (SE = 0.2)
patterns [36, 37] at different scales, several parameters were for sylleptic shoots and 6.56 (SE = 0.21) for proleptic
inversely determined by model calibration. We have tried a shoots (t = 12.82, df = 98, P < 0.001).
range of values for those parameters and found optimized
values listed in Table 2, which led to the best correspondence • Pattern10: the mean number of total nodes on the
with what has been observed in reality, reproducing all primary growth axis was 51.36 (SE = 0.83), which was
observed patterns from the experiments [36, 37]. similar to 53.4 (SE = 1.3) found by Thorp and Sedgley
[36] (t = 1.28, df = 66, P = 0.2).
Thirteen patterns observed by Thorp et al. [37] and Thorp
and Sedgley [36] were used for verification. Using those fine- • Pattern11: the mean number of growth units borne by
tuned parameters, our model outcomes match all observed the primary growth axis was 26.48 (SE = 0.49), which
patterns. The model outcomes show: was similar to 25.5 (SE = 3.1) found in experiments
conducted by Thorp and Sedgley [36] (t = 0.49, df =
• Pattern1: the mean number of nodes for leaves and leaf 66, P = 0.63).
bracts in spring flush was 9.56 (standard error of the
mean [SE] = 0.35), which was similar to 9.2 (SE = 0.4) • Pattern12: the mean number of terminal growth units
found by Thorp et al. [37] (t = 0.68, df = 89, P = 0.5). was 19.2 (SE = 0.39), which was similar to 18.0 (SE =
2.2) found by Thorp and Sedgley [36] (t = 0.83, df =
• Pattern2: the mean number of nodes for axillary 66, P = 0.41).
inflorescences in spring flush was 6.66 (SE = 0.27),
which was similar to 6.5 (SE = 0.3) found in • Pattern13: the mean number of nodes for proleptic
experiments conducted by Thorp et al. [37] (t = 0.4, df shoots was 11.7 (SE = 0.19) which was more than the
= 89, P = 0.69). mean number of nodes for sylleptic shoots (mean =
8.1, SE = 0.69) and was consistent with the observed
• Pattern3: the mean number of nodes for bud scales in pattern found by Thorp et al. [37] where (t = 5.0, df =
spring, summer or autumn flush was 5.86 (SE = 0.21), 98, P < 0.001).
which was similar to 5.7 (SE = 0.3) found by Thorp et
al. [37] (t = 0.44, df = 89, P = 0.66).
• Pattern4: the mean number of nodes for primary These model outcomes are thus consistent with
growth axis in summer or autumn flush was 14.64 (SE observations in the two studies.
= 0.38), which was similar to 14.1 (SE = 0.3) found by B. Model Output Corroboration
Thorp et al. [37] (t = 1.11, df = 100, P = 0.27).
After running simulation experiments, our model
• Pattern5: the mean number of nodes for the predictions were compared with independently generated
second/third order growth axis including proleptic findings of other studies on the architecture of avocado trees.
shoots and extension shoot axis in summer or autumn Six independent patterns have been used for model output
flush was 11.7 (SE = 0.19), which was similar to 11.9 corroboration. The model predictions showed:
(SE = 0.2) found in experiments conducted by Thorp et
al. [37] (t = 0.72, df = 100, P = 0.48). • Pattern14: the mean number of nodes (leaf nodes only)
per growth unit was 6.98 (SE = 0.28), which was
• Pattern6: the mean number of nodes for sylleptic similar to 6.5 (SE = 0.24) on non-fruit-bearing shoots
shoots in spring, summer or autumn flush was 8.1 (SE found on 4-year-old ‘Hass’ trees in a commercial
= 0.69), which was similar to 5.9 (SE = 0.9) found by orchard in central Queensland, Australia [46] (t = 0.93,
Thorp et al. [37] (t = 1.93, df = 100, P = 0.06). df = 64, P = 0.36).


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• Pattern15: the mean number of nodes (leaf nodes only) third order growth axes, we did not know how many shoot
on the primary growth axis was 27.12 (SE = 0.92), levels a non-fruit-bearing branch can be up to. In order for the
which was similar to 24.23 (SE = 0.86) on non-fruit- model to reproduce patterns on the number of terminal growth
bearing shoots found on 4-year-old ‘Hass’ trees in a units and growth units observed by Thorp and Sedgley [36],
commercial orchard in central Queensland, Australia the third order growth axes had to be considered in the model.
[46] (t = 1.69, df = 64, P = 0.1). The third order growth axes indirectly emerged during the
construction of the model, which was later found it consistent
• Pattern16: the mean number of nodes including leaves with the study conducted by Mickelbart et al. [47] because it is
and leaf bracts nodes, axillary inflorescences nodes and unusual to see third order growth axes on trees with fruit
bud scales nodes in spring flush was 22.08 (SE = 0.48), present in avocado orchards. Also, the uncertainty around
which was similar to 20.9 (SE = 0.4) found by Thorp et parameters such as the probability of shoot extension in
al. [37] (t = 1.89, df = 100, P = 0.06). summer or autumn flushes, was inversely determined using
• Pattern17: the proportions of sylleptic and proleptic other observed architectural patterns on the number of nodes
growth units were 42.52% and 57.48% respectively, and growth units. According to Grimm and Railsback [10], a
which was similar to 46% and 54% on shoots with set of seemingly ‘weak’ patterns used for model construction
very few fruit found by Mickelbart et al. [47]. can be more efficient in capturing relevant parameter
combinations and identifying the most appropriate model
• Pattern18: third order growth axes occurred during the structure, than focusing on a single ‘strong’ pattern. Thus, it is
simulation experiments as there were no fruit (see Fig. important for a model to reproduce multiple observed patterns
2), which was consistent with the observation that simultaneously, as the more patterns a model reproduces, the
shoots with almost no fruit had third order growth axes greater the chance that those patterns are reproduced for the
[47]. right reason, instead of having the model tuned through
These model predictions were consistent with the calibration to appear realistic.
independent patterns noted in the referenced studies. For FSPM, it is common to build a model by tuning the
model through calibration, so that behaviours of the model can
IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS look exactly like the plant that has been observed in the field or
We have described, applied and demonstrated the possible lab experiments [48]. As a result, the model will tend to merely
use of the POM strategy [11, 12] for FSPM. Therefore, we appear realistic, rather than being structurally realistic. Such
constructed a functional-structural plant model of an avocado models may help to increase the understanding of how
annual growth module using the POM strategy to check how different aspects of plant architecture and function interact, but
well multiple observed qualitative and quantitative patterns can are less likely to generate insightful perspectives (independent
be reproduced after model calibration, and to see how the POM predictions) or explanations and may lose their predictive
strategy could help refine model parameters and structure. power. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, plant
modellers may tend to identify plant structure empirically
By comparing model outputs to multiple patterns observed without understanding underlying mechanisms before
in the field or experiments we can increase our confidence that constructing a model. Many parameters are determined by
the model performed well [9]. The model was able to predict specific field or lab experiments. The parameters used in the
architecture and shoot growth patterns of the avocado annual model may not be all necessarily related to their scientific
growth module that was consistent with independent data. The research questions. This would lead to an over-parameterized
model generated realistic outcomes observed in different model with a complex model structure, so emergent properties
orchards using published data as model inputs. Our model was will not be able to fully arise from the model. Secondly, due to
able to identify the key elements of the modular growth or the lack of multiple patterns in construction of the model, e.g.
branching architecture of avocado, e.g. the number of nodes, verification and corroboration, wrong parameters or
and the proportion of sylleptic/proleptic growth units. Such inappropriate model structure could nevertheless reproduce
patterns, secondary or independent predictions, can be strong exactly what has been seen in the field or lab experiments.
indicators that the model is structurally realistic [9]. Therefore, those models would not be suitable for providing
We used the POM strategy to guide construction of the suggestions for decision-making or management purpose in
model. For model development and testing stages, we agriculture and horticulture, but certainly could be used by
compared the outcomes from the model with observed scientists for the purpose of understanding.
patterns to refine the model and to determine uncertain Our model also generated specific predictions, which
parameters. In this way, the model is most likely to capture the provided insights into branching architecture of an avocado
essential elements/mechanisms of studied systems, because annual growth module. During model calibration, we found
model design and development are based on patterns that help that the probability of shoot extension and the probability of an
narrow down the scope of model structure and parameters in a axillary bud turning into a sylleptic/proleptic shoot, played an
natural way. For instance, we used observed rhythmic growth important role in determining the whole structure of the annual
patterns to start constructing a fundamental structure of the growth module. A study conducted by Thorp and Sedgley [36]
model, and then refine it by adding each biological component has shown that the mean number of growth units borne by the
(e.g. primary growth axis, second/third order growth axis and primary main growth axis in a non-fruit-bearing annual growth
shoot types) on the model structure in terms of multiple module is 25.5 (SE = 3.1), which is similar to the model
observed patterns on branching architecture. Especially for the


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outcome (mean = 26.48, SE = 0.49). However, this is very individual organ level for growth, a more sophisticated
different from that found in central Queensland, Australia, by functional-structural plant model can be achieved coupling
the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries with the carbon transport-resistance allocation model (C-
(DAF), on 4-year-old ‘Hass’ trees in a commercial orchard of a TRAM) [54] or simulating the light environment where the
mean of 11.13 growth units (SE = 2.52) in the 2014-2015 model exists (QuasiMC) [55], which can provide dynamic
season of growth and 2.29 (SE = 0.34) in the 2015-2016 season growth patterns of architecture. Future research will be
[46]. This not surprising, because data about growth units were conducted to develop such a model to investigate underlying
collected from fruit-bearing branches with a particularly heavy mechanisms of carbon competition on the avocado annual
crop load in 2015-2016 by DAF. Furthermore, it has been growth module. A similar approach could be used to model
found that the excessive shoot development occurred when gene expression and the transition to flowering in avocado trees
there was little fruit presence on branches [47]. Mickelbart et to help explain biennial bearing.
al. [47] found that the proportion of shoot module types was
46% for sylleptic growth units and 54% for proleptic growth Once a pattern-oriented model is constructed, however,
units on shoots with very few fruit, which is similar to model other adjustments are also possible. There may be cause to
outcomes where (sylleptic growth units: 42.52% and proleptic adjust it further to study architecture of different cultivars other
growth units: 57.48%). In contrast, there was no more than 2% than ‘Hass’. The model can be used as a generic model.
sylleptic shoots in heavy crop load years. Third order growth Adjustments for specific cultivar can be achieved by tuning
axes were also observed by Mickelbart et al. [47] in a light crop parameters based on targeted experimentally obtained data
load year, which is consistent with the model outcome, [36]. Additionally, the strength of the pattern-oriented
whereas it is unusual to see the third order growth axes in modelling approach is that such pattern-oriented models can
heavy crop load years. Thus, we hypothesize that those produce comparative predictions which can be tested in the
differences can be ascribed to the repression of vegetative field [11, 12]. As a result, time and resources can be better
growth by a heavy crop load. The lack of fruit growth results in focused on experimentation that shows the greatest likelihood
a higher probability for an axillary bud developing into a of success.
sylleptic or proleptic shoot type in the model. This high In summary, this study has demonstrated that it is feasible
probability may represent maximum vigour or maximum to build a functional-structural plant model using the POM
growth potential, which may be a result of the absence of strategy. We constructed a simple architecture model of the
competition for carbon between vegetative components and avocado annual growth module, and applied the POM strategy
fruit. to identify parameter combinations that match with multiple
In the current model, there was no fruit in the annual observed patterns from a number of field experiments.
growth module, so vegetative growth was very strong, which is Furthermore, the model was able to generate independent
consistent with field experiments conducted by Thorp and predictions that match with independently generated findings
Sedgley [36]. The probability of shoot development might be of other studies. The POM strategy cannot, of course, solve
lower, if fruit were incorporated in the annual growth module. everything for the FSPM research area, but it is a superior way
While fruit may compete for carbon and thus suppress to construct a functional-structural plant model. Thus, we
vegetative growth, the presence of fruit may also have a more strongly recommend that plant modellers follow the POM
direct effect on gene expression associated with vegetative strategy to construct models so that they can be structurally
growth and floral development [49-52]. This phenomenon realistic.
could lead to biennial (‘on’/‘off’) patterns of avocado shoot ACKNOWLEDGMENT
growth, because few branches would be generated if shoot-
development probability is lower. This argument can be We would like to acknowledge Dr. David Doley at the
supported by studies [47, 49, 53] that have shown avocado University of Queensland for his constructive comments, and
shoot growth follows such patterns. Thus, the model has Dr. John Wilkie and Mr. Jarrad Griffin at the Queensland
generated outcomes that relate to carbon allocation and gene Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for support of field
expression perspectives from model calibration in terms of the work in central Queensland.
POM strategy. The model has identified that fruit is a key
factor determining biennial patterns of avocado shoot growth
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