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- Poor people contribute a small percentage
CONTEMPORARY WORLD as compared to large companies, factories
Throw-away Culture but they are the ones greatly suffering from
• Specific effects that we see now where the the effects of big countries like China and
culture can be seen? the US that contributes greatly to the
○ Extrajudicial killings environmental degradation we have
● We forget the value of every human life - To not protect the environment is also
● Not only focused on devaluing human life, committing injustice to the poor people
it involves how we treat the environment - We must be in solidarity against the
continuing environmental degradation all
STUDY around so that we can also help protect the
1. What is climate change? poor and help them in other ways (housing,
2. What is the impact of climate change to our renewing their lives destroyed by floods,
community, our country and to the rest of fires, etc.)
the world?
3. What are the Human Roots of the present VIDEO: Climate Change UN Conference of the
Ecological Crisis? What human Parties (COP 19) 2013 Warsaw Poland
attitudes/activities/practices contribute to - Super typhoon Hayan/ Yolanda caused a
bad effects of climate change? massive destruction
- Nadarev Sano: Philippine Climate Change
Climate Change Commissioner
• Is one of the most pressing problems that - His relatives died bc of the typhoon
the entire human family in the world is - Underwent voluntary fasting for the
facing and which the coming or future climate which means that he will
generation will inevitably sugar from: is the voluntarily refrain from eating food
harmful effects of environmental during the situation until a
deterioration of our planet, which we have meaningful outcome is in sight.
caused (United Nations, 2017) - “We can fix this. We can stop this
GLOBAL WARMING leads to Climate Change. - Personal experience of Typhoon
But what causes global warming? Haiyan through his brother
- THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT - “Loss and damage is a reality today across
the world.”
Therefore: Climate Crisis… Climate and Planetary
Emergency “We are failing in addressing effectively the climate
emergency and the biodiversity crisis.” - Atty. Tony
Cry of the Poor La Vina
- “...the deterioration of the environment - We are known to be the second among the
and of society affects the most countries with the greatest exposure to
vulnerable people on the planet.” - Pope disaster risks worldwide.
Francis - The catastrophic super typhoons like
- Cry of the people greatly affected by the Yolanda/Haiyan (Nov. 13), Ondoy/Ketsana
environmental degradation caused by (Sept 2009), Sendong, and Pablo
pollution, man’s exploitation to the - Effects of climate change: series of
environment typhoons (2020)
- Cry of the most vulnerable people on the - Quinta - Oct. 25
planet, poor people - Rolly - Nov. 1
hyun.e &
- Siony - Nov. 7 - Open our eyes to the environmental
- Tonyo - Nov. 9 degradation
- Ulysses - Nov. 11 - “HOW DARE YOU! YOU STOLE MY
- Developing countries such as the CHILDHOOD AND DREAMS >:(“
Philippines -> high risk when it comes to - “You say you hear us and that you
disasters understand the urgency… Because if you
- If this will continue, how many super really understood the situation and still kept
typhoons can the PH face just to on failing to act, then you would be evil. And
convince all of the people in the that I refuse to believe.”
world that we are in an - Act upon the knowledge we have
environmental emergency? - All of us are challenged to change
- If we kept on failing to act on the knowledge
Greta Thuberg, 15 years old that we have as an individual, as a citizen of
- In August 2018, she this world then we would be evil
started spending her
school days outside ANALYSIS
the Swedish - Articulating and reflecting about the
Parliament to call for question together with the help of other
stronger action on climate change by disciplines AND IN THE LIGHT OF
holding up a sign reading Skolstrejk för CHRISTIAN FAITH…
klimatet (School strike for climate). Soon, - Read Laudato Si’ chapters 1-2
other students engaged in similar protests - Guide for reading:
in their own communities. Together, they - List down the problems
organised a school climate strike or challenges that were
movement under the name Fridays for identified by Pope
Future. Francis
- At her young age, she is already aware of - What, according to him, is the root
the immensity of the crisis that the world is of the environmental crisis?
facing especially when it comes to the - Do you agree with his view of the
environment current situation?
- After the
movement, it The Pope’s Message in Laudato Si’
Chapter 1
ignited the
1) What is happening to Our Common Home
people to see the
a) Realities of our common home
immensity of the
2) The Gospel of Creation
environmental crisis that we are in
a) God’s plan from the start of his
creation for all of us
Greta Thunberg, 18, Climate Activist, from Sweden
3) Human Roots of the Ecological Crisis
- Speech addressing the U.N.’s Climate
4) Integral Ecology
Action Summit in New York City,
5) Lines of approach and Action
September 23, 2019
6) Ecological Education and Spirituality
- “People are suffering. People are dying.
Entire ecosystems are collapsing.”
What is happening to our Common Home?
- “We are in the beginning of a mass
- “To all people of Good will”
extinction, and all you can talk about is
- “More than 50 years ago, with the world on
money and fairytales of eternal economic
the brink of nuclear crisis, Pope Saint John
hyun.e &
XXIII wrote an Encyclical which not only - Scientific studies indicate global warming is
rejected war but offered a proposal for due to the great concentration of
peace. He addressed his message Pacem greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide,
in Terris (Peace on Earth) to the entire methane, nitrogen oxides, and others)
“Catholic world” and indeed “to all men released mainly as a result of human
and women of good will”. Now, faced as activity. Concentrated in the atmosphere,
we are with global environmental these gases do not allow the warmth of the
deterioration, I wish to address every sun’s rays reflected by the earth to be
person living on this planet… I would like dispersed in space.
to enter into dialogue with all people about - The problem is aggravated by a model of
our common home.” development based on the intensive use of
- Pope Francis, LS no. 3 fossil fuels…
- Still addressed to the same people - The world today is addicted to fossil fuels -
(all of us) regardless our differences > can be depleted sooner or later
(e.g. education, economic status, - Continuous use of fossil fuels -> short-term
beliefs) solution to the technology we have today
- Promoted peace - Its worst impact will be felt by developing
countries. Many of the poor live in areas
Why is Laudato Si’ addressed to “every affected by [this]... their means of
person living on this planet”? subsistence - agriculture, fishing and
1. All of us are affected - there is already a forestry
CLIMATE EMERGENCY - Countries affected are primarily the
2. Because we are the ones responsible or developing countries and not the countries
accountable to the present and future using this for their daily lives
children/generation - They have no other financial activities or
a. Intergenerational injustice: a form of resources which can enable them to adapt
injustice that we commit to the to climate change or to face natural
future generations disasters
3. And we “are capable of rising above
Pope Francis declares ‘climate emergency’
and urges action
***We can solve this as long as we stay united and ● Pope Francis has declared a global “climate
act very quickly, to act “now” as if our very own emergency”, warning of the dangers of
house is on fire, it’s burning and we are in a state of global heating and that a failure to act
emergency urgently to reduce greenhouse gases
would be “a brutal act of injustice toward
CLIMATE CHANGE (Francis, LS 23, 25) the poor and future generations.”
- Climate change is a global problem with ● Endorsed the 1.5C limit on temperature
grave implications; one of the principal rises that some countries are now aiming
challenges facing humanity in our day. for… A “radical energy transition” would
- A very solid scientific consensus be needed to stay within that limit,... urged
indicates… a disturbing warming of the young people and businesses to take a
climatic system… accompanied by a leading role.
constant rise in the sea level and, it would ● “Future generations stand to inherit a
appear, by an increase of extreme weather greatly spoiled world. Our children and

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grandchildren should not have to pay the - Inviting us to evaluate our lifestyles
cost of our generation’s irresponsibility,” and attitude on producing and
● “Indeed… young people are calling for a consuming goods
change.” - Chapter 2
○ Esp. if the future is already at stake - He advises us to put on the gaze of
Jesus who recognizes the paternal
Man as the Imago Dei relationship God has with all
● “All is not lost. Human beings, while creatures
capable of the worst, are also capable of - “In talking with His disciples, Jesus
rising above themselves, choosing again would invite them to recognize the
what is good, and making a new start… paternal relationship God has with
We are able to take an honest look at all His creatures. With moving
ourselves, to acknowledge our deep tenderness, He would remind them
dissatisfaction, and to embark on new that each one of them is important in
paths to authentic freedom. No system God’s eyes:
can completely suppress our openness to - “Are not five sparrows sold for two
what is good, true and beautiful, or our pennies? And not one of them is
God-given ability to respond to his grace forgotten before God” (Lk 12:6).”
at work deep in our hearts. I appeal to - Laudato Si’, #96
everyone throughout the world not to - Chapter 3
forget this dignity which is ours. No one - The Pope dwells on the human roots
has the right to take it from us.” -(Francis LS of the ecological crisis
205) - Pope Francis admits that science
○ We are made in the image of God and technology an produce
therefore we are capable of change. important means of improving the
quality of human life
Called to Caring Stewardship - Cautions us with the abuse of
- “Care for our common home…” technological power so
● The Pope urges us to respond to the signs dominant that in history, it
of the times: the ecological crisis we are all killed billions of people
experiencing, especially the global - He laments the seemingly
problem: Climate Change. Technocratic Paradigm which is
● He emphasizes on the need for ecological based on the lie that there is an
conversion, embracing ecological infinite supply of the earth’s goods
citizenship through the cultivation of leading our planet, our common
ecological virtues, leading to selfless home to be squeezed dry of its
ecological commitment. natural resources beyond every
VIDEO: The World Exposed (Cardinal Tagle) - “Nobody is suggesting a return to
Laudato Si’ – Part II (Chapters 3 &4) the Stone Age, but we do need to
- Chapter 1 slow down and look at reality in a
- Global Degradation different way, to appropriate the
- Global warming positive and sustainable progress
- Throwaway culture which has been made, but also to
recover the values and the great
goals swept away by our

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unrestrained delusions of - This integral ecology as the pope
grandeur.” envisions it should include
- Laudato Si’, #114 environmental, economic, social
- The Holy Father critiques the and cultural ecologies
Modern Anthropocentrism which - He also underlies the ecology of
compromises the intrinsic value of daily lives
the world - “Authentic development includes
- He advises the need to slow efforts to bring about an integral
down to appropriate the improvement in the quality of
positive and sustainable human life in the city and in the rural
progress which has been areas, and this entails considering
made and recover our the setting in which people live their
values. lives. These settings influence the
- “Our ‘dominion’ over the universe way we think, feel, and act.”
should be understood more - Laudato Si’, #147
properly in the sense of responsible - How are we relating with our
stewardship.” environment, with other people, with
- Laudato Si’, #116 the natural resources and
- Includes our care for each technology available for us?
other - This chapter boils down to the
- “We cannot presume to heal our principle of the common good
relationship with nature and the - “Common good is respect for the
environment without healing all human person as such, endowed
fundamental human relationships.” with basic and inalienable rights
- Laudato Si’, #119 ordered to his or her integral
- For we are brothers and development.” - Laudato Si’, #157
sisters, each a keeper of one - “Common good calls for social
another so he calls on us to peace, the stability and security
denounce the culture of provided by a certain order which
relativism and exclusion to cannot be achieved without
protect the dignity of work particular concern for distributive
and employment and to seek justice; whenever this is violated,
ethical grounding for our violence always ensues. Society as a
utilization of biological whole, and the state in particular,
technologies. are obliged to defend and promote
- Chapter 4 the common good.” - Laudato Si’,
- Pope Francis stresses that “We are #157
faced not with two separate crises,
one environmental and the other But what is the Root Cause of our Ecological
social, but rather with one complex Crisis?
crisis which is both social and A. Concern for Nature
environmental. Strategies for a 1. The Human Roots of the Present
solution demand an integrated Ecological Crisis
approach to combating poverty, a. Environmental, Social and
restoring dignity to the excluded, Human Degradation
and at the same time protecting
nature.” - Laudato Si’ #139
hyun.e &
i.Roots of the present society, its economy, its behavior
ecological crisis that patterns, and the ways it grasps
humanity is having reality - LS no. 139
b. Technocratic Paradigm and - If you are in a poor society,
Modern Anthropocentrism the area is polluted because
c. Problem Tree Analysis most of the people living in
slum areas are uneducated
and don’t have any options
DEGRADATION at all of what they are doing
- The human environment and the natural - How they see human
environment deteriorate together. beings also
- If natural environment is deteriorate
deteriorating, it follows that the - It is essential to seek
human environment is also comprehensive solutions which
deteriorating consider the interactions within
- We cannot adequately combat natural systems themselves and with
environmental degradation unless we social systems. We are faced not
attend to causes related to human and with two separate crises, one
social degradation… environmental and the other social,
- In fact, the deterioration of the environment but rather with one complex crisis
and of society affects the most vulnerable which is both social and
people on the planet: environmental.
- Most vulnerable people: Homeless, - Strategies for a solution demand an
fishers, farmers, coastal integrated approach to combating
communities, and indigenous poverty, restoring dignity to the
people excluded, and at the same time
- “Both everyday experience and scientific protecting nature. - LS no. 39
research show that the gravest effects of - Society, human
all attacks on the environment are environment, and natural
suffered by the poorest” - LS no. 48 environment goes hand in
- On the INTERCONNECTEDNESS OF ALL - Strategies should be
THINGS: addressing the crises
- When we speak of the - Should alleviate the poor
“environment”, what we really mean - Environmental and social
is a relationship existing between health in moving forward to a
nature and the society which lives in more progressive society
it. Human Roots of the Ecological Crisis:
- Nature cannot be regarded as 1. Technocratic-paradigm
something separate from 2. Modern/Tyrannical Anthropocentrism
ourselves or as a mere setting in - According to the LS encyclical, the human
which we live. We are part of nature, roots of ecological crisis can be seen in the
included in it and thus in constant technocratic-paradigm and the
interaction with it. Recognizing the modern/tyrannical anthropocentrism
reasons why a given area is polluted
requires a study of the workings of

hyun.e &

shapes the lives of individuals and
Technocratic Paradigm
the workings of society. - LS107
- It is the opposite of synthesis or integration
- When we acknowledge
& it is the greatest example of reductionism
environmental degradation, we
- Stollenwerk Daniel J
must not only rely in Science but
consult Cultural Science, Theology,
- When knowledge is not integrated;
see the philosophy behind
or when in focusing only to a
environmental degradation
particular field of knowledge one
because it is a complex problem
does not see/fails to see (or
- If it is to be approached in a
intentionally turn a blind eye) the
scientific manner only, there’s a
connection with other
possibility that cultures, religions or
religious practices will not be
plines… Therefore, has a narrow
respected and may lead to another
perspective on which dangerous
problem/ more complex problem
prescriptions or solutions may be
- A kind of thinking which only sees one way
in solving problems
- Opposite of synthesis/integration
- How technology conditions and shapes us
- Laudato Si’ advocates the environmental
in a negative way?
science principle “Everything is connected”
- We have to accept that technological
or interrelated. Hence: the need for
products are not neutral:
integration or synthesis.
- For they create a framework which ends up
- There’s no problem in focusing to a
conditioning lifestyles and shaping social
particular field of study which becomes
possibilities along the lines dictated by the
one’s expertise but the subdivision has had
interests of certain powerful groups.
its own downside. Specialists may well
Decisions which may seem purely
develop narrow perspectives on which
instrumental are in reality decisions about
dangerous prescriptions or solutions may
the kind of society we want to build. (LS
be based giving rise to reductionist
- Technological products somehow
- If we can only approach the problem in one
affects the way we think and the way
eye not with both eyes, then there’s a
we consume things
possibility that we will not come up with a
- If it affects us human beings, we can
very comprehensive problem.
say that these technological
- Not only applicable in addressing
products are not neutral because
environmental degradation as
they create a framework which ends
complex as the problem is
up conditioning lifestyles and
- Can also be applied to other
shaping social possibilities along
problems as well
the lines dictated by the interest of
- Product of Critical Thinking
certain powerful groups.
(Answers questions with more than
- Decisions which may be seen purely
one perspective)
instrumental are in reality decisions
- Many problems of today’s world stem from
about the kind of society we want to
the reductionist tendency:
- To make the method in aims of
science and technology, an
epistemological paradigm which

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- This product is conditioning not care of what is happening around him,
you to a consumerist lifestyle he sees only himself as the center and
without you even knowing measure of all things (Protagoras)
- “Broke ass student here
looking for a sugar dada.” - “The beginning of Ecological Garbage is Moral
Aly, 2021 Garbage.” - Ven. Archbishop Fulton Sheen (May 8,
- Even food products 1895 - December 9, 1979)
- We must do something - If we fail to come up with a good
about it morality, if we fail to see the
- “When technology disregards the great goodness and if we fail to
ethical principles, it ends up considering distinguish from good and evil, then
any practice whatsoever as licit.” (LS 136) we are slowly creating a moral
- A combination of “Technology + Greed = garbage
Disaster” (Reese, Thomas) - When this starts, it is not a
- The way that humanity has taken up surprise that ecological
technology and its development according degradation follows
to an undifferentiated and one- - When we talk about
dimensional paradigm. problems/solutions,
- This paradigm exalts the concept of a humanity and the
subject who, using logical and rational environment must be
procedures, progressively approaches and discussed together and not
gains control over an external object… (LS separately that shows a kind
106) = a kind of SECULARISM, when one is of division
already playing God. - The Deified Market
- We forget to halt before “the Tree of the - Rooted in the technocratic
Knowledge of Good and Evil” paradigm
- When we fail to see that certain - How environmental deterioration and
products are already conditioning human and ethical degradation are closely
us in creating a certain lifestyle that linked:
in the long run destroys or dries up - Economic powers continue to justify
the resources of our environment the current global system where
then, we fail to have a priority tends to be given to…
comprehensive solution to the pursuit of financial gain, which fail to
environmental degradation that we take into account the effects on
have. human dignity and the natural
- We only have a 1D (</3) paradigm environment.
that exalts the concept of a subject - Economists, financiers, and experts
using logical and rational in technology believe in this Lie:
procedures, progressively that there is an infinite supply of
approaches and gains control over the earth’s goods, and this leads to
an external object. the planet being squeezed dry
- “If I have this because I want this” - As long beyond every limit. (LS 106)
as it will not create a particular lifestyle that - Many people will deny doing anything
would somehow contribute to the wrong because *distractions constantly dull
environmental degradation that we have, our consciousness of just how limited and
then we have created a kind of secularism finite our world really is. As a result,
when one is already playing god and does “whatever is fragile, like the environment, is
hyun.e &
defenseless before the interests of a deified - Science and technology greatly
market, which become the only rule”. (LS help in combating environmental
56) degradation, but we also have
- When we are too distracted with so cultural, theological, sociological
many distractions, when we forget aspects that is needed to be fixed
what is important and what must to - How true is this in our daily routine? I’m a
be acted upon because of deified Christian called to Caring Stewardship, and
market, we forget that there is Contemplation
something wrong with the system - Is this the way to do it? The Quick Fix?
that we have - Inayos mo lang mali na ginawa mo
- *Distractions because of RAPIDIFICATION without even trying to solve the
= everything is fast, rapid, just like a “rat effects of your action to other
race” - we have no time to contemplate - we people
become impatient, everything now should - Out of sight, out of mind (If I cannot
be “instant” “fast” even “QUICK FIX” see it, then it’s not real)
- We have no time to think critically - Everything is connected:
and see the bigger picture Environmental and social. If we will
- When everything and everyone approach it only in an environmental
becomes impatient, we have perspective with science and
already been distracted and we technology only, there is a chance
forgot what must be done for the that the problem will evolve from
environment time to time, more complexed
- When we are too engrossed of - If it is not approached in the
having the new cellphone, buying most complex approach as
more things to feel satisfied (PCS ;( possible, we will fail in other
<3), we already forget what must be aspects as well
done today that is causing so much
destruction and suffering to the Precautionary Principle
poor people - “This makes it possible to protect those who
- What must be done: address the are most vulnerable and whose ability to
environmental degradation that is defend their interests and to assemble
causing so much destruction and incontrovertible evidence is limited.
suffering to the poor people around - If objective information suggests
the world that serious and irreversible
- Even in front of a technology as if we are damage may result, a project should
under a “trance” be halted or modified, even in the
- Quick-fix mentality - because of: absence of indisputable proof.
“rapidification” The continued acceleration - Here the burden and proof is
of changes affecting humanity and the effectively reversed, since in such
planet is coupled today with a more cases , objective and conclusive
intensified pace of life and work (LS 18); demonstrations will have to be
- We are too engrossed in the fast- brought forward to demonstrate
pace of this world that the proposed activity will not
- When science and technology are the only cause serious harm to the
solutions to environmental problems; when environment or to those who inhabit
concern for practicality and efficiency is it (LS 186)”
the only concern (LS 8)
hyun.e &
- We must be prudent when it comes to - “Rule” “Have Dominion” or
dilemma “Subdue” the earth
- We must be prudent if all the information is - He said Christianity is to be blamed
not presented to us for the environmental destruction.
Citing that the Bible especially
Genesis 1 commands man to: “Rule”
Modern/Tyrannical Anthropocentrism
“Have Dominion” or “Subdue” the
Anthropocentric? Or Anthropocentrism(?)
- What is an
- He set forth the thesis that the roots of our
view? Is this bad? Or is
ecological crisis lie in our Judeo-Christian
it “Anthropocentrism”?
idea that humanity is to dominate nature
What is the difference?
- By seeing nature as alien, as a mere
resource to be exploited, we have wreaked
- It is a technocentric-mechanistic havoc on Earth and are reaping the
environmental worldviews consequences
- Man’s attitude towards the environment at
the dawn of industrialization is Is Lynn White Correct? Is Christianity to be
“anthropocentric” and mechanistic blamed?
- It focuses on human beings - We will not go through the long details of
- Anthropocentric environmental worldview the historical development regarding this
sees man as the most important creature or issue.
species and therefore all forms of - Same claim with: Plato, Friedrich Nietsczhe,
development that will supply his needs and Rene Descartes, etc.
wants are deemed justifiable - Medieval Philosophers who try to
- Avatar, 2009 directly or indirectly blame the
- Humanity sees itself as the only quote Genesis 1 as one of the
creature even with the existence of justification of people and
Avatar exploiting the environment and
- This results in a mechanistic regard for all having dominion over it.
the elements of nature “as merel objects to - We will go directly to the clarifications given
which humans attach utilitarian values.” to us by Pope Francis in His Encyclical
- With this kind of environmental worldview, Laudato Si’
man continues to believe that the rich and
teeming natural resources are always at his Some Clarifications:
disposal and therefore can be exploited. - Laudato Si’ does not directly reject the
“anthropocentric view.”
LYNN WHITE (1907-1987) - It is noticeable in LS the word
- He wrote the very controversial article: “The “anthropocentrism” is always used in a
Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis” qualified sense with descriptive adjectives
(1967) such as:
- He said Christianity is to be blamed for the - “Tyrannical” (LS 68)
environmental destruction. Citing that the - “Distorted” (LS 69)
Bible especially Genesis 1 commands man - “Modern” (title before 115)
to: - “Excessive” (LS 116)
- “Misguided” (LS 118, 119, 122)

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- These are the kind of anthropocentric views rebellion on the part of nature, which is
and attitudes that must be avoided. more tyrannized than governed by him.
- Laudato Si’ emphasizes the need to have a - St. John Paul II Centesimus Annus
correct and balanced anthropology. (LS 90) (1991) no. 37
- We don’t have the same dignity with - At the root of the senseless
animals, plants - we have a higher form of destruction of the natural
dignity as we are created in the image and environment lies an anthropological
likeness of God error which unfortunately is
widespread in our day. Man who
Therefore, NO to Anthropocentrism that is: discovers his capacity to transform
- “Tyrannical” (LS 68) and in a certain sense create the
- “Distorted” (LS 69) world through his own work forgets
- “Modern” (title before 115) that this is always based on God’s
- “Excessive” (LS 116) prior and original gifts and the
- “Misguided” (LS 118, 119, 122) things that are. Man thinks that he
- We must have a Correct and Balance can make an arbitrary use of earth
Anthropology (LS 90) subjecting it without restraint to his
- Remember the Christian Vision of the will as though it did not have its own
Human Person requisites and a prior God given
***These are all negative adjectives before purpose which can be
anthropocentrism. redeveloped(?) but must not
- Instead of carrying his role of co-
Tyrannical/ Excessive/ Distorted/ Modern/
Misguided Anthropocentrism creator with God, man sets himself
- At the root of the senseless destruction of in place of God and thus ends a
the natural environment lies an provoking rebellion on the part of
anthropological error… nature which is more tyrannized
- Man, who discovers his capacity to than governed by him. - Centesimus
transform and in a certain sense create the Annus (1991)
world through his own work, forgets that - When we forget the original God’s
this is always based on God’s prior and plan to the environment, we create
original gift of the things that are. our own path that is open to
- Man creates His own plan misinterpretation and abuse.
- When we forget about God’s plan, - Yes, ANTHROPOCENTRIC in the sense
we forget about the real value/way that: we are created in God’s image &
to approach the environment likeness, we have a special covenantal
- Many think that he can make arbitrary use relationship with HIM, we have a special
of the earth, subjecting it without restraint covenantal relationship with HIM, we have a
to his will, as though it did not have its own special place in the plan of God, in Creation
requisite and a prior God-given purpose, - But we are not gods, we are to halt before
which man can indeed develop but must the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
not betray. - We must know our limits and we
- Instead of carrying out his role as a co- must not betray the real purpose of
operator with God in the work of the true anthropocentric view of
creation, man sets himself up in place of God to us
God and thus ends up provoking a - TO AVOID: an absolute or extreme
anthropocentrism/anthropocentric view
hyun.e &
- Anthropocentrism: extreme - “With great power, comes great
anthropocentric view responsibility.” - Spiderman
- The need to have a correct & balanced - It was sin that destroyed this original
anthropology. harmony with the earth
- Fundamentally, our faith is THEOCENTRIC - “Dominion” in Genesis is not the same as
“God centered” “Domination”
- Not man-centered!!! - Domination: to rule over
- We must always acknowledge God’s - Because “humans as images of God should
plan to the world reflect in their relationship with creatures,
- Remember that all the things God’s relationship with His creation” (Cales,
we do must be in p. 139)
accordance with God’s plan - We must try to think and reflect our
- Only with that relationship with the rest of the
anthropocentric view can the creation
world change and correct its - Then we can see God’s
wrongdoings relationship with the rest of
How should we understand: “To Rule” or “To creation
Subdue”? - Genesis 1:26-27 & 28 - Laudato Si’ - Gospel of Creation
- The whole human race is made in the - Clarifications regarding basic
“image” and “likeness” of God (Israel’s King) doctrines taught in the encyclical of
and therefore as a royal race, humans have Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ were
“dominion”. given. These are the following:
- Royal race: higher dignity than 1. The anthropocentric view &
animals/the rest of God’s creation anthropocentrism
- However, the royal language “dominion” 2. Correct interpretation of
here does not give human beings unlimited “have dominion”
power, 3. On the intrinsic value of
- For *even kings in the Bible had limited other creatures (will be
dominion and were subject to prophetic discussed in the PART 2)
- Kings before know their limits and 03/08/21
listen to their Gods READ POPE FRANCIS’ LAUDATO SI CHAP 1 & 2
- In a Jewish world, this kingly role was (Included in the finals!!!)
understood in the context of God’s
shepherding rule Part 2. The Good News of Creation
- And God’s love for and delight in all A. Concern for Nature (LS)
creatures. (Toolan, p. 21) a. The Plan of God for Creation
- To serve people is to be a proper b. The Role of Man in Creation
- Dominion over creation by human beings, The Good News of Creation
actually signifies the imaging of God’s - Good news is creation itself, Creation is
wisdom and love in the care of creation. “Good News”
(John Paul II) - Why are we acting as if the environment is
- As servants, as shepherds not a gift? As if it’s not important?
- Servants: take care of the - We are destroying the environment
environment bc we have a greater - We are neglecting the good news
hyun.e &
- In the wake of modernity, we have been - It is the basic goodness of creation in God’s
accustomed to look at the natural world as own eyes that constitutes the intrinsic worth
inert matter - the Cartesian res extensa, as of every created reality.
in modern science, or as merely as a - Polynation: important for our environment
storehouse of resources, as in the and even for our survival; without the bees,
neoliberal economy. humanity will cease to exist
- Kureethadam, p. 57 - [Ecosystems] have an intrinsic value
- There are some things that are unthinking independent of their usefulness. Each
- Res extensa: “unthinking thing”; ; organism, as a creature of God, is good and
perspective of modern science which does admirable in itself; the same is true of the
not give any value to the environment (for harmonious ensemble of organisms
some, not all) existing in a defined space and functioning
as a system. (LS 140)
- Pope Francis inaugurates a new era in the
Chapter 2 of Laudato Si’: “The Gospel of
Creation” Catholic Church’s approach to the natural
- It presents the theological foundation of the world
encyclical’s theological vision - The world of animals, forests, mountains
- The environment has its own value and and waters are inextricably part of God’s
dignity therefore it must be cared of good news for us;
- If you have a dualistic value of things, you - They express and participate in the
will fail to see the real value of the mystery of salvation (Grey Carmody)
environment - We are called to recognize that other living
beings have a value of their own in God’s
Creation is Good News because: eyes: “by their mere existence they bless
1. Creation is very good in God’s own eyes him and give him glory”, and indeed, “the
2. Creation is a profound act of love on the Lord rejoices in all his works” (Ps 104:31)
part of God - Intrinsic value: God Himself
3. Creation is God’s first revelation - In our time, the Church does not simply
- Through creation, we can see and state that other creatures are completely
appreciate God subordinated to the good of human beings,
- as if they have no worth in themselves and
can be treated as we wish. (LS #69)
Creation is Good News because:
- The German bishops have taught that,
Creation is very good in God’s own eyes
- “God looked at everything He made and where other creatures are concerned: “we
found it very good” - Genesis 1:31 can speak of the priority of being over
- Evil is only dependent on its source that of being useful”.
- Source is not goodness - We have this hierarchy/priority of
- God created everything that exists which is beings (Man as the top)
good - The Catechism clearly criticizes a distorted
- Thomas of Aquinas (Summa Theologiae): anthropocentrism.
“Evil does not exist, it is only the absence of - Each of the various creatures, willed in its
something that is good.” own being, reflects in its own way a ray of
- XiunChu(?): Humanity has this innate God’s infinite wisdom and goodness.
goodness and when can we say that Man must therefore respect the particular
humanist - it is impossible for man to react goodness of every creature, to avoid any
if child falls from a tree disordered use of things.:

hyun.e &

- “By their mere existence, they bless Him - The entire material universe speaks of
and give Him glory.” - LS 69 God’s love. Soil, water, mountain… (LS 84)
- These animals teaches us different values, - It is all the more in the case of humanity: We
patience are not here by chance… We were
- Beauty is created with a purposed; Beauty conceived in the heart of God… “each of us
is planned and appreciated esp the beauty is the result of the thought of God.”
that God showed us with the rest of - We are not here by chance
environment - “Each of us is willed, each of us is loved,
each of us is necessary” (LS 65)
- Kureethadam, pp. 61-62
Creation is Good News because:
2 nd
Creation is a Profound act of love on the - Before I formed you in the womb, I knew
part of God you (Jer 1:5)
- Before I formed you in the womb, I knew - SOCIAL MEDIA GIVES US INSECURITIES
you (Jeremiah 1:5) - Kahit sino ka pa man, you are loved
- Our physical universe is not an accident or by God ;) <3
a fluke event - yes. <3
- Creation has to do with God’s loving plan in - nEvEr Be WorKaHoLiC :’)
which every creature has its own value and
significance… Creation is Good News because:
- The whole creation & every creature is a 3rd Creation as God’s Revelation
sign of God’s outpouring love. Every - Creation is the very first epiphany of
creature is brought into existence out of God, God’s first and primordial revelation.
love and with a definite purpose. - God has written a precious book/whose
(Kureethadam, p. 60) letters are the multitude of created things
- Every person must be valued and must be present in the universe. (John Paul II, 2002)
given identity - Nature speaks to us of the Creator (cf. Rom
- Everything in the environment has its own 1:20) and his love for humanity (Benedict
uniqueness XVI, CV no. 48)
- Everything is made out of love with a - “Nature as a whole not only manifests God
definitive purpose but is also a locus of his presence” (LS 88;
- “What is my purpose in the world?” Bishops of Brazil)
- Laramie, on her opinion with - His divine presence, which ensures the
nursing: “Napressure lang po kala subsistence & growth of each being,
ko matutuwa ako.” - (Gi Young, continues the work of creation - St. Thomas
2021) Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, 1, q. 104, art.
- Purpose: to marry hyunjin po or any 1, ad 4)
bias <33 - The Canadian bishops pointed out that no
- Unlike a detached study of nature, creature is excluded from this manifestation
“Creation can only be understood as a gift of God: “From panorama vistas to the tiniest
from the outstretched hand of the Father of living form, nature is a constant source of
all, and as a reality illuminated by the love wonder and awe. It is also a continuing
which calls us together into universal revelation of the divine”. (LS 85)
communion,” (LS 76) - The bishops of Japan had a thought-
- Every creature is thus the object of the provoking observation: “To sense each
Father’s tenderness who give it its place in creature singing the hymn of its existence is
the world. (LS 77) to live joyfully in God’s love and hope”. (LS
hyun.e &
- We must protect God’s creation - Beauty of the environment is the beauty of
- Go to the forest and look at the God.
harmony the forest has - The message of God is simple:
- The Call to regard each creature as brother TREAT THE ENVIRONMENT AS
and sister, and the Earth as our common PLANNED
home as both sister and mother - As you appreciate God
- Creation carries the imprint of the Divine. Himself
St. Francis of Assisi praises God not only for - The awareness that each creature reflects
creation, but also in Creation. something of God and has a message to
- But this is not like neo-paganism or new convey to us,
pantheism - And the security that Christ has taken unto
- “Everything is God. We need to himself this material world and now, risen,
worship the trees, chuchu.” - It is intimately present to each being,
- We only protect the environment surrounding it with his affection and
because ---, but that is not only penetrating it with his light. (LS 2210
God?? - Jesus invited his disciples “to recognize the
- St. Francis of Assisi, invites us to see nature paternal relationship God has with all his
as a magnificent book in which God creatures”
speaks to us and grants us a glimpse of His - He reminded them of the Father’s loving
infinite beauty and goodness (LS 12) tenderness & care for all creatures and
- If we are with perfection, we can’t how each one of them is important in God’s
appreciate God eyes:
- Nobody knows what happens in heaven - “Look at the birds of the air: they neither
- If we are in heaven, we have sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet
achieved perfection your heavenly Father feeds them” (Mt
- Okay going to heaven <3 - 6:26)(LS 96)
agree - Then too, there is the recognition that God
- If you have already seen perfection, why created the world, writing into an order and
turn away from perfection? a dynamism that human beings have no
- Through the greatness and the beauty of right to ignore.
creatures one comes to know by analogy - We read in the gospel that Jesus says of
their maker” Wisdom 13:5 the birds of the air that “not one of them
- “His eternal power and divinity have been is forgotten before God” (Lk. 12:6)
known through His works since the creation - How then can we possibly mistreat them or
of the world” Romans 1:20 cause them harm? LS 221
- Human beings are Imago Dei. We are - There’s something wrong when people
created in God’s image and likeness. come together in celebration to torture an
- “In Laudato Si”, Pope Francis returns often animal to death while mocking his despair.
to the symbolic view of creation. - You can kill animals for food but only for
- Created realities are ultimately symbols of man’s sustenance
God - its capacity to link the finite with the - Pope Francis notes with sadness and with
infinite. profound theological insight:
- As symbols of God, created realities are - It is not enough, however, to think of
vestigia Dei - signs and traces of God’s different species merely as potential
presence in creation. “resources” to be exploited, while
- Kareethadam, p. 64 overlooking the fact that they have
value in themselves.
hyun.e &
- Each year sees the disappearance of - A sublime communion
thousands of plant and animal species - Which fills us will a sacred, affectionate and
which we will never know, humble respect (LS 89)
- Which our children will never see, - Pope Francis sees human life as a
because they have been lost forever. pilgrimage in communion
- The majority become extinct for reasons - Along with the rest of God;s creatures
related to human activity, - Bonded together by God’s love
- Because of us, thousands of species will - We are in the journey to find our place and
no longer give glory to God by their very purpose in the world not only for ourselves
existence, nor convey their message to but also for other people
us. LS 33 - Everything is related,
- When created, things become Vestigia Dei - And we human beings are united as
(signs & traces of God’s presence in brothers and sisters on a wonderful
creation) - creation becomes a true act of pilgrimage
communication. - Woven together by the love God has for
- In every act of communication, no single each of His creatures
word of expression will be sufficient to - And which also unites us in fond affection
communicate reality. with brother sun, sister moon, brother river
- It is also true of God’s communication in and mother earth. (LS 92), Kareethadam, p.
Creation ?6)
- No one creature not even the human, is - Our universal communion with the rest of
sufficient to represent God the human family & with the whole creation
- The infinitely diverse living species are consequently entails:
indeed pages of God’s great Book of - The common or universal destination of
Works, revealing the Creator’s wisdom & all Earth’s goods which are meant to
goodness. benefit everyone.
- the sharing of Earth’s fruits is ultimately a
- St. Thomas explained that the diversity of question of fidelity to the Creator, since God
the extraordinary array of creatures created the world for everyone
roaming the earth reveals the richness of - It is the whole creation, the entire physical
the nature of God. universe, and not just humanity alone, that
- He sad that: multiplicity and variety “come is destined to be redeemed & transformed
from the intention of the first agent” who in Christ.
willed that “what was wanting to one in the - Thus, no reason for humans to tyrannically
representation of the divine goodness dominate other creatures.
might be supplied by another” (LS 86) - Rather, humanity’s task is to lovingly
- Inasmuch as God’s goodness “could not be accompany all of creation in their
represented fittingly by any other creature.” eschatological journey
(Summa Theologiae, 1, q. 47, art. 1.) - If we aim to be holy, it comes with our
responsibility to care of our environment
- Humanity’s task is to accompany all
The Plan of God for Creation: Creation’s Call
to Universal Communion creations in their journey
- As part of the universe, - The ultimate purpose of other creatures is
- Called into being by one Father, not to be found in us. Rather, all creatures
- All of us are linked by unseen bonds and are moving forward with us and through us
together form a kind of universal family towards a common point of arrival, which is
God, in that transcendent fullness where
hyun.e &
the risen Christ embraces and illumines all - Yeb Sanio - calling on powerful countries to
things. join him
- “Creation is destined to communion with - Walked from Paris to Yema sa gitna
God” (Cajes, p. 147) ng tag-lamig
- Human beings, endowed with intelligence - Ipaglaban ang katarungan para kay
and love, drawn by the fullness of Christ are Agit at lahat ng naging biktima ng
called to lead all creatures back to their yolanda
Creator. (LS, 83) - Pilgrimage from Italy to Paris ang napiling
- The ultimate end of the whole divine paraan
economy is the entry of God’s creatures - They walked for 1500 kms
into the perfect unity of the Blessed Trinity. - Took them 59 days to arrive in Paris
- Hindi lang bagyo ang epekto ng climate
The Plan of God for Creation
- “For thus says the LORD, the Creator of the - Sea levels are also rising
heavens, who is God. The designer and - Extreme heat
maker of the earth who established it, not - Dt. Peter Frumhoff
creating it to be a waste, but designing it to - Director of Science & Policy, Union
be lived in: I am the LORD, and there is no of Concerned Scientists
other”. (Isaiah 45:18) - El Nino: matinding init, lalo na sa mindanao
- We are among the most affected by climate
VIDEO: GMA change
- Bagyong Yolanda, Leyte - “If not now, then when?”
- Maraming namatay na bata - “If not us, who?”
- Victims of climate change caused by - The climate crisis is madness
humans - She let her mother go
- Air pollution - Over 6k people died
- Paris, France - Agit Sustento - music and tattoo artist
- Music is part of the Paris and other - Called a warrior/mandirigma
forms of arts - He fought for the fading culture of
- AG Sano: Filipino artist the Filipinos
- Permanent mural: located at Point - Patay na si Agit :--(
Ephemere, beside Canal Saint Martin - Died on Nov. 8, 2013
- Agit Sustento - Tacloban - Our use of fossil fuels - sanhi ng pagkawsak
- Musician and tattoo artist ng climate
- People were also mourning in Paris - Climate justice ang panawagan ng marami
- Nov 13: nagpasabog ISIS sa Paris; 130 ppl ngayon
died - Solution: Leyte Geothermal Production
- Happened two weeks before Field in Ormoc, Leye
Conference of Parties or COP21 - The energy from this plant is
- Two decades have passed since the renewable
meeting among nations took place - 30% of electricity in Visayas comes from
concerning climate change Geothermal and kaya pa dagdagan
- Haiyan/Yolanda - dinudulot ng climate - Renewable energy lacks support in our
change society
- Summit in Paris considered as the last hope - Coal is the dirtiest fossil fuel
in the world - We need to help each other out

hyun.e &

- All of us are called to holiness
- We are not only doing all of these things for

hyun.e &

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