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Negacio Demais/em excesso Menos que 0 necessiirlo/desejado dis-, il-, im-, ir, un- over- Children often become tearful when they're overtired, + Do you disapprove of advertisements for cigarettes? + He looks exhausted: they're overworking him, ~ Cocaine, LSD and heroin are all itegal drugs. + We all tend to overuse certain expressions. ~ had to leave the job because my boss was impossible. + 1'm only a few kilos + She suffers from an overweight. imegular heartbeat, but there are drugs which help. + IF your luggage is overweight, you have to pay extra. + Never underestimate your | 7 {thought we hod ‘enough plates for the enemy! party, but perhaps | + What's that miscounted. kid doing in the bar? He's clearly underage. + Unfortunately, your luggage has been misdirected to a different airport + They're ridiculously undemaid, especially She was accused as the work is So of professional dangerous. misconduct when + Without a jacket her love affair with ora tie, | felt rather underdressed at their wedding, a student became public. guns exemplos de sufixos e a classe gramatical Para formar verbos: Os sufixos, por sua vez, apresentam-se em maior numero que os prefivos. Vela, a Segui, al que sinalizam, Para formar advérblos: wants to fatten me up. (fat » fatten) + Could you simplify what've you just said? (simple » simplify) = Let's modernize the litchen, shall we? (modern » modernize) ity; -ize/-ise ly * Could you please speak mare slowly? (slow » slowly) + He lived happily with his wife = My mum gives me so much food | think she (hoppy » happily) + Most of these people are paid monthly* (month » monthly) + Do you find it difficult to exercise daily (day » daily) *[yearly / monthly / weekly / daily / hourly Inightly também podem ser classificados como adjetives, quando se referem a ke substantiwos } ee} + In our talk show, we try to make interviewees feel as relaxed as possible {interview » interviewee) *Lee indica a pessoa que sofre a aco do verbo “interview"] | wish TV interviewers would make Politicians answer their questions properly. (interview » interviewer) *Ler indica a pessoa que faz a acao do verbo “interview"] ~ Folha de Londrina is a daily newspaper. (day » daily) ~ At school, we now have monthly tests (month » monthly) + She has a friendly smile. (friend » friendly) * It was a good party and the food was heavenly. (heaven » heavenly) -ation/-ition/-ision -al; -able/-ible + It's important for children to get a good education, (educate » education) » Asecretary would be a welcome addition to our staff. (add » addition) + Two drivers were killed in a collision between a car and a taxi last night. (collide > collision) + Britain has more than ten national. newspapers. (nation » national) *[-al também pode formar substantivos.] ~ The house is in a very desirable area of the city. (desire » desirable) + They made me an irresistible offer so we closed the deal. (resist » irresistible) ;-ity; -ment; -ness; -ship ful; -less oe ~ Alan is someone who always needs the approval of other people. (approve » approval) *[-al também pode formar adjetivos.] ~ Her friends take advantage of her generosity. (generous » generosity) * What this state needs is really strong government. (govern » government) ~ Everyone wants to find true happiness, right? (happy » happiness) = Did you form any lasting friendships while you were at college? (riend » friendship) + He is a very careless driver, that’s why | never ride with him. (care » careless) + He had a painless death. (pain » painless) *[-less sinaliza auséncia: careless » sem cuidado, descuidado: painless » sem dor, indolor) ~ Be careful to look both ways when you Cross the road. (care » careful) * Is your arm very painful? (pain » painful) *[ful sinaliza 0 oposte de -less: careful- CoM Cuidado, cuidadoso; painful - com dor, dolorido/doloroso} {No diagrama abaixo, encontre 05 equivalentes em Inglés das seguintes palavras: ndo-atraente infelicidade desonesto Inesquecivel supermercado —_governo Internacional invisivel psicologia informagao investinento poderoso 5s AO | oh | oe: im if | 16)47 20 ju o|R|GleE AlBiL{e}ultfo}syk | | Dd A|R}| clo TIH}O|RJFLY|J}VyA N a] F AlT}ufe N|N}O]U|G/]U]I]HIG T = |S E;R|MlA E|T]Z|NJA|G/H]O]/E E D DO] s|H]F H|T/T/H/ EE; T PH] e R |G TlJ}iju TI/TIJRIAJC]T]I1]vVye N S|H M|MJ/O|R TIH|P|PJH]RINI FIA A HG G\Y]u}A El]ujo|p|s|ele}oyjo T \ e;s|t|m Tli}wii}K]o};o}s}fe 1 oyH KF] Plo RIKJEIN|X]S]|R]H]R ° D Y|C]H]O G]Y|R{eE;]s}e|mi sa] rt N ily S|H]O]N TITIFEIS/F[OIA]LIR A H x} C/E] Ss xX} R]U;S|H] vitlule L A R|Y|H|G H}ci]cJele;riil tls A c Nic]ifa EJO|T{R]|Y|L]o}N}o E A o|vielR E]N|T/O|N]B|N]Y]R °

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