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The changes should be made below the translated line in a different colour.

Make sure your changes dont deviate much from the translation and keep an eye out for them

For ex: Mary have littl lam. Little lam. Littl lam.
--->>>​ ​Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb.

“”: s, sorry I’m a bit late.
“”: U're not too very late. Its alright.
“”: We can go on right away.
OT: Ah, alright…
(): Please just tell we missed flight…
[]: Yu Jae-ha (Disguised as Chloe)
“”: We shall guide you. Come on, this way.
(): Don't matter how you look at that, this is insane.

(): I’m going solo into the middle of enemy lines!!
(): Can I pass....?
(): I wanted to get off right new…
(): Shall I say my stomach hurts...?!
“”: Why? Are you sick? Are you?
“”: Euak!! Where are you out?! Get back in!
“”: To think that this is the only bodyguard that Captain could put on me…!
“”: Ak?! Why! Why!

“”: Stop it! Stop it!
“”: Keuk!
[]: Flashback
OT: I’ll give you my most reliable relic as a bodyguard

(): Does he give this thing to troll me? // How is this a bodyguard…
“”: I come out to do something! To do something!
“”: Do what you want, but try to stay out of vision.
“”: Don’t worry. Don’t worry.
(): Garlic, mugwort, and a mortar and pestle? What it tryna do…?

“”: Ow!
“”: What are you doing!
“”: H...hey, you’re not? No way…
“”: ow, ow! Owie~ Stop it!
“”: What did we do wrong!
“”: nothing at all. Nothing at all.

“”: I don’t have a mouth so I’m trying this. I’m trying.
“”: Wouldn’t making a powder do something? Wouldn’t it?
“”: P, powder?!
“”: Just bear with us! Bear with me!
“”: Owww~ help!!
“”: uh… mmm… what do you need?
“”: The commandar relic is interfering with this women. Find a way to server the connection.
“”: A god of wisdom shall know something right?
“”: C, commander? Which commander?
“”: The bothersome spider one.
“”: Hik~! That one?!

“”: That one is a relic of high position! You want me to ​dare to​ cancel out one of his works?
“”: How could I do something as rude!
“”: I don't care about how rude you are the commander.
“”: I’m your owner so you work for me. Isn’t that simple?
“”: b, but…!
“”: But?
“”: Okay, Okay! I’ll listen! I’ll listen!
“”: Mmm, let’s see… // Ah. there it is.

“”: Here, could you see it now?
“”: sigh… it's plant in her head.
“”: This is a relic, a brainwashing relic.
“”: Then I can destroy it with relic destruction.
“”: Can​ ​destroy it without hurting Chloe?
“”: Since it’s in the head so it seems petty dangerous…
“”: Well we can not just sit around and do anything right?
“”: If we don’t then Jin Chae-won will keep spying on us.

“”: I’ll try my best to just destroy relic then.
“”: Khuk…!
“”: I, It’s moving!
“”: Keuk…! Just hold on a moment.
“”: Oh, it's coming out, he's coming.
“”: Caught it!

“”: D… did that do it?
“”: I don’t know. Let’s take care of these little bug first.
“”: Kkuek!!
“”: Mm…
“”: Oh, you are awake?
“”: Chloe, you are alright?
“”: Eu…
“”: Will it recognize us?
“”: Her memory must be back.// Was she just brainwashed before.
“”: Aha…

“”: W, where…?
“”: It’s my place. We brought you here in hurry.
“”: Wait… Captain?
“”: Since you’re calling me that then you must be back.
“”: I’ll explain slowly. // We’re presently 15 years behind in time.
“”: With all of us' memories intact…
“”: C, captain! Chloe?!

“”: Captain! you alright?
“”: Your injuries?
“”: Did the blood stop?
“”: Y, your leg! Your leg cut off?!
“”: Wake up! I’m completely fine, right now.
(): Since she’s seeing things because of the memories….
(): Maybe this how she sees me…
“”: Captain! Wake up!
“”: Don’t die! You think I’ll let you do this?!

“”: Chloe, look! Captain is absolutely fine!
“”: What do you mean fine!? This is an emergency!
“”: Not an emergency.
“”: Calm down and think straight.
“”: Who.. who are you?
“”: Isn’t that to far fetched?
“”: It's me, Seo Ju-heon.
“”: No way… The Seo Ju-heon didn’t look like this…?

“”: He was older, looked like a dead body, and his eyes were like a rotting flunder’s…
“”: Stop…
OT: Hurt
“”: Did you used some random relic again? right?
“”: No.
“”: Then you eat something weird?
“”: No.
“”: Then you just scammed someone again!
“”: We always do that. What does this have to with this…
ST: D, do you have a problem with me?
“”: Anyways, there's nothing to worried about.
“”: I ain't suffering from any side effects. Okay?

“”: You think I believe that? I have to examine you, lei down I can dissect you.
“”: Dissect… Are you insane?
“”: Chloe, I was that at first.
“”: but this is real. We’re really back 15 years in time.
“”: Now that I’m thinking about it… Seul-ah, you look super young, too.
“”: Same to you?
“”: Wait… then we really go behind 15 years?
“”: How could anything like that happen…?
“”: I think that any relic has to do with that.
“”: Ah, that’s right. Relics could do that. Sigh…
“”: what’s important is, we’re here knowing what will happen to the future.
“”: things will never play out way ever again no matter what.

“”: That’s good to know.
“”: Right? Would you want to join us?
“”: Of c…
“”: Then just sign here.
“”: This contract never fails to showing up…
“”: You’ve always gotta have a contract for everything you'd do.
“”: But this… the contents do seem a little weird​,​ doesn’t it?

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