Epidermolysis Bullosa in Animals A Review

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Vet Dermatol 2015; 26: 3–e2 DOI: 10.1111/vde.


Epidermolysis bullosa in animals: a review

Gildenor X. Medeiros and Franklin Riet-Correa
Postgraduate Program in Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Hospital, Federal University of Campina Grande, Patos, Paraıba, CEP 58708-110, Brazil
Correspondence: Franklin Riet-Correa, Postgraduate Program in Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Hospital, Federal University of Campina Grande,
Patos, Paraıba, CEP 58708-110, Brazil. E-mail: franklin.riet@pq.cnpq.br

Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a hereditary mechanobullous disease of animals and humans, characterized by an
extreme fragility of the skin and mucous membranes. The main feature of EB in humans and animals is the for-
mation of blisters and erosions in response to minor mechanical trauma.
Epidermolysis bullosa is caused by mutations in the genes that code for structural proteins of the cytoskeleton of
the basal keratinocytes or of the basement membrane zone. Based on the ultrastructural levels of tissue separa-
tion, EB is divided into the following three broad categories: epidermolysis bullosa simplex, junctional epidermoly-
sis bullosa and dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. Human types of EB are divided into several subtypes based on
their ultrastructural changes and the mode of inheritance; subtypes are not fully established in animals. In
humans, it is estimated that EB affects one in 17,000 live births; the frequency of EB in different animals species
is not known.
In all animal species, except in buffalo with epidermolysis bullosa simplex, multifocal ulcers are observed on the
gums, hard and soft palates, mucosa of the lips, cheek mucosa and dorsum of the tongue. Dystrophic or absent
nails, a frequent sign seen in human patients with EB, corresponds to the deformities and sloughing of the
hooves in ungulates and to dystrophy or atrophy of the claws in dogs and cats.
This review covers aspects of the molecular biology, diagnosis, classification, clinical signs and pathology of EB
reported in animals.

somes and hemidesmosomes, these filaments play a

role in the organization of the shape of the cell and in
Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a hereditary mechanobul- maintenance of the structural integrity of the epidermis.
lous disease of animals and humans, characterized by an Desmosomes are specialized complexes that form tight
extreme fragility of the skin and mucous membranes. intercellular junctions between adjacent epithelial cells.
The main feature of EB in humans and animals is the for- The main proteins of these intercellular junctions are pla-
mation of blisters and erosions in response to minor koglobin, plakophilin and desmoplakin and the cadherins
mechanical trauma, especially in areas subject to fric- desmocollin and desmoglein (Figure 1).4 The BMZ is
tional stress, such as the oral cavity and the limbs.1,2 The located at the junction between the dermis and the epi-
fragility of the skin and mucous membranes results from dermis. Its function is to maintain the adhesion between
abnormalities in the cytoskeleton of the basal keratino- these two structurally different tissues by means of a
cytes or of the basement membrane zone (BMZ).3,4 complex network of adhesion molecules intricately
Epidermolysis bullosa is caused by mutations in the related to one another. The BMZ is divided into three
genes that code for structural proteins of the cytoskele- areas (hemidesmosomes, lamina lucida and lamina
ton of basal keratinocytes and of the BMZ.3–5 Advances densa), which are attached to the dermis by the anchor-
in analytical techniques of molecular genetics have ing fibrils. The hemidesmosomes are composed of an
allowed the identification of mutations in the genes inner and an outer plaque. The inner plaque is composed
encoding the structural proteins of the cytoskeleton of of the cytoplasmic hemidesmosomal proteins HD1/plec-
keratinocytes and BMZ, namely, PKP1 (plakophilin 1), tin and BP230 and is connected to the intermediate
DSP (desmoplakin), KRT5 (keratin 5), KRT14 (keratin 14), filaments within the cytoplasm of the basal-layer kerati-
PLEC1 (plectin), ITGA6, ITGB4 (a6b4-integrin), LAMA3, nocytes. The outer plaque contains the proteins a6b4-in-
LAMB3, LAMC2 (laminin 332), COL17A1 (type XVII tegrin and BP180. The lamina lucida is formed by the
collagen) and COL7A1 (type VII collagen).6 plasma membrane, the sub-basal dense plate and the
The cytoskeleton comprises a cytoplasmic network of anchoring filaments composed of BP180 (also known as
intermediate filaments composed primarily of keratin 5 collagen XVII) and laminin 332 (formerly known as
and keratin 14. Through their connections to the desmo- laminin 5). The lamina densa is composed mainly of
type IV collagen. Beneath the lamina densa are
anchoring fibrils, cross-banded structures composed of
type VII collagen that extend into the papillary dermis
Accepted 1 July 2014
Sources of Funding: This work was supported by the National (Figure 1).7,8
Council of Technological and Scientific Development, CNPq, Epidermolysis bullosa in humans was first described by
grant 471386/2010-3. Koebner in 18866 and has since been widely studied;
Conflict of Interest: No conflicts of interest have been declared. recent advances have led to the identification of
© 2014 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 26, 3–e2. 3
Medeiros and Riet-Correa

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the molecular organization of the cytoskeleton of basal keratinocytes and the basement membrane zone.
Abbreviations: E, epidermis; H, hemidesmosome; LD, lamina densa; LL, lamina lucida; and SD, sublamina densa. Proteins of the desmosome and
of the intercellular junction are abbreviated as follows: C, cadherins; Dp, desmoplakin; Pg, plakoglobin; and Pp, plakophilin.

mutations in different genes, which account for the clini- minor trauma or they can be identified by applying the
cal heterogeneity of EB.2,5,6 The term ‘epidermolysis bull- Nikolskiy test,29 performed by gently twisting a finger or
osa’ was first used in veterinary medicine in 1974,9 an object back and forth on the surrounding normal-
although it was also suggested for other similar diseases appearing skin (marginal Nikolskiy test) and on the nor-
reported in animals, including red foot disease in sheep,10 mal-appearing skin distant from the lesions (direct Nikol-
hereditary mechanobullous diseases in horses11,12 and skiy test; Figure 2a). In a positive test, the epidermis will
cattle13 and epitheliogenesis imperfecta in horses.14 It is be detached easily from the skin. It is important to con-
estimated that in humans the disease affects one in duct a complete anamnesis, to determine whether the
17,000 live births in the world population.15 In animals, disease could be hereditary, and a thorough physical
the frequency of EB in different species is not known. In examination, including an assessment of the type and dis-
our diagnostic laboratory, in the Brazilian semi-arid region, tribution of the lesions. Laboratory diagnosis is suggested
one of 861 goat specimens for postmortem examination by typical histological lesions of detachment of the epider-
received between 1983 and 2012 was diagnosed with mis from the dermis (Figure 2b). Confirmation requires
EB. During the same period, in a total of 1144 cattle speci- transmission electron microscopy (Figure 3), immunoflu-
mens, two Gir calves from different farms were diag- orescence mapping and mutation analysis. Electron
nosed with EB. Genetically modified mice have been microscopy and immunofluorescence mapping allow the
used as animal models for understanding the pathogene- determination of the level of skin cleavage, which may be
sis of EB in humans. Molecular studies are rarely reported intraepidermal, intralamina lucida or sublamina densa.
in domestic animals; however, some mutations have Electron microscopy permits visualization and semi-quan-
been identified (Table 1).1,16–28 titative assessment of the specific structures (keratin fila-
Given the rarity of the disease and the growing volume ments, desmosomes, hemidesmosomes, sub-basal
of literature we assembled this review, which covers the dense plates, anchoring filaments and anchoring fibrils),
molecular biology, diagnosis, classification, clinical signs which can be altered in number and/or appearance in
and pathology of EB; it is hoped that this review will assist selected EB subtypes.30,31 Immunofluorescence map-
in the diagnosis and future research of the disease in ping, when coupled with the use of specific monoclonal
animals. antibodies, can provide considerable insight into the
major type of EB present and also the structural protein
most likely to be altered. Immunofluorescence mapping
Diagnosis and classification
has relied traditionally on the staining of cryopreserved
Epidermolysis bullosa is suspected when newborn ani- EB skin specimens with antibodies to bullous pemphigoid
mals have blisters and erosions in the skin and mucous antigen, laminin-1, type IV collagen and keratin 14, in
membranes. These typically manifest in response to order to determine the level of blistering.31,32 Genetic
4 © 2014 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 26, 3–e2.
Epidermolysis bullosa in animals

Table 1. Summary of epidermolysis bullosa in animals

Epidermolysis bullosa Ultrastructural site
type and animal species Mode of inheritance of separation Target gene (protein) Types of mutation known References
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS)
Cattle Autosomal dominant Basal layer KRT5 (keratin 5) Missense, G?A at 4164 23
Cattle Autosomal dominant Basal layer Undetermined Undetermined 40,44,45
Cattle Autosomal recessive Basal layer Undetermined Undetermined 43
Buffalo Autosomal recessive Suprabasal Undetermined Undetermined 39
Dogs Autosomal recessive Suprabasal PKP1 (plakophilin 1) Splice site, IVS1 + G?C 28
Herlitz junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB)
Cattle Undetermined Lamina lucida Undetermined Undetermined 60
Horses Autosomal recessive Lamina lucida LAMA3 (laminin 332) 6589 bp deletion, 24
exons 24–27
Horses Autosomal recessive Lamina lucida LAMC2 (laminin 332) Nonsense, insertion 18,19,21
of C after 1368
Horses Autosomal recessive Lamina lucida Undetermined Undetermined 11,12,14,69,70
Sheep Autosomal recessive Lamina lucida LAMC2 (laminin 332) Frameshift, deletion 26
of CA after 2746
Sheep Autosomal recessive Lamina lucida Undetermined Undetermined 66
Dogs Autosomal recessive Lamina lucida LAMA3 (laminin 332) Nonsense, insertion 22
of 227 bp at 4818
Dogs Undetermined Lamina lucida Undetermined Undetermined 62
Rats Autosomal recessive Lamina lucida Undetermined Undetermined 64
Mice Autosomal recessive Lamina lucida Undetermined Undetermined 65
Non-Herlitz JEB
Dogs Autosomal recessive Lamina lucida Undetermined Undetermined 61,74–79
Cats Undetermined Lamina lucida Undetermined Undetermined 63
Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (DEB)
Cattle Autosomal recessive Sublamina densa COL7A1 (type VII collagen) Nonsense, C?T at 4756 27
Cattle Autosomal recessive Sublamina densa Undetermined Undetermined 13,92
Sheep Autosomal recessive Sublamina densa Undetermined Undetermined 84,85
Goats Autosomal recessive Sublamina densa Undetermined Undetermined 80
Dogs Autosomal recessive Sublamina densa COL7A1 (type VII collagen) Missense, G?A at 5716 20,25
Dogs Autosomal recessive Sublamina densa Undetermined Undetermined 90,91
Cats Autosomal recessive Sublamina densa Undetermined Undetermined 88
Ostriches Undetermined Sublamina densa Undetermined Undetermined 93

analysis of an animal’s ascendents and decendents by ing skin disease, first reported in humans in 1895.
mutational analysis through DNA sequencing is the ulti- Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita was classified as an EB
mate means of determining the mode of inheritance and because clinically, it resembles hereditary DEB.35 It is
the precise site(s) and type(s) of molecular mutation pres- caused by the production of immunoglobulin G autoanti-
ent in an animal with EB. This also plays a key role in iden- bodies to collagen VII, the major component of anchoring
tification of EB carriers and provides an excellent fibrils.36 Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita was reported in
research tool.5–7,33 In addition, the eventual application of dogs in 1998,37 but because it can mimic the clinical,
gene therapy to EB cases will be dependent on the deter- histological and immunohistological features of bullous
mination of the specific mutation(s) present.20,25,34 pemphigoid, it is likely that it was misdiagnosed before
The classification of the types of EB in animals has tra- 1998.38 Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita is included in the
ditionally been based on the human classification, which group of autoimmune subepidermal bullous diseases
is based on the ultrastructural level of the tissue separa- (including bullous pemphigoid and mucous membrane
tion. Thus, EB can be divided into the following three pemphigoid) and will therefore not be discussed further
broad categories: epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS), in this review.
characterized by basal or suprabasal intercellular clefting The clinical and pathological findings are similar in all
with or without cytolysis of basal keratinocytes; junctional types of EB, varying only in severity. Given that the
epidermolysis bullosa (JEB), in which separation occurs in descriptions are based on findings observed in a small
the lamina lucida; and dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa number of animals, the complete range of clinical signs
(DEB), with a cleavage within or below the lamina densa. may be more diverse (Table 3). It is interesting to note
Other human disorders, such as Kindler’s syndrome, that skin fragility resulting in the formation of blisters is
which show clinical and biological aspects similar to EB common in humans, whereas in animals, especially in
but differ in the presence of other systemic symptoms dogs and cats, the integument is less prone to such
and usually resolve with age, can be included within the lesions. One possible explanation for this phenomenon is
EB group.6,7 Based on the ultrastructural changes and the that in animals hair prevents the detachment of the epi-
mode of inheritance, human types of EB are divided into thelium, not only by acting as a mechanical barrier but
several subtypes (Table 2).6 also by deeply anchoring the epidermis into the dermis at
There is also an acquired form of EB called epidermoly- the level of the invagination of the hair follicles. It can be
sis bullosa acquisita, which is a rare, autoimmune, blister- speculated that in animals the severity of lesions is
© 2014 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 26, 3–e2. 5
Medeiros and Riet-Correa

Clinical signs occur immediately after birth, with superfi-

cial epidermal layers sloughing upon pressure. The signs
tend to be less severe than in JEB and DEB (Figure 4).
Dystrophic or absent nails are frequently seen in human
patients,42 and this corresponds to the deformities and
sloughing of the hooves in buffalo (Figure 4c)39 and cat-
tle23,40,41,43–45 and to dystrophic or atrophic claws in
dogs.28 Multifocal ulcers on the gums, hard and soft pal-
ates, mucosa of the lips, buccal mucosa and dorsum of
the tongue are observed in cattle with cytolytic basal layer
separation23,40,41 and dogs with noncytolytic suprabasal
separation.28 In contrast, lesions of the oral cavity are not
observed in buffalo with noncytolytic suprabasal separa-
tion.39 Generally, cattle affected by EBS with basal layer
separation die at 1–4 weeks old,23,40,41 whereas dogs28
(b) and buffalo39 with suprabasal separation have been
reported to die at 1 and 4 years of age, respectively.
Histopathological findings in the skin and oral mucosa
are similar, but they vary in degree depending on the clini-
cal manifestation period, the distribution of the lesions
and the presence of secondary complications, such as
bacterial infections. The initial lesion is the subepidermal
separation with a minimal neutrophilic inflammation. In
more advanced skin lesions, extensive areas of intact full-
thickness epidermis are separated from the dermis, form-
ing large clefts containing eosinophilic fluid, extravasated
erythrocytes and occasional neutrophils.23,41 Periodic acid
Schiff staining of histological skin sections from calves
demonstrated cleft formation involving the epidermis,
with the basement membrane attached to the floor of the
cleft.41 An apparent loss of the intercellular junction and
acantholysis are observed in EBS with suprabasal separa-
tion (Figure 3a).28,39,43 Detachment of the corneal epithe-
lium with minimal inflammation was observed in cattle.23
Figure 2. (a) Skin of the inner face of the pinna of a calf affected by
In humans46,47 and in cattle,23 EBS is generally caused
junctional epidermolysis bullosa, showing friction-induced detach-
ment of the epidermis after the Nikolskiy test. (b) Photomicrograph
by mutations in the genes encoding keratins 5 and 14
of histopathology of the skin of a calf affected with junctional epi- (KRT5 and KRT14) and is transmitted by autosomal domi-
dermolysis bullosa. The epidermis is detached from the dermis, nant inheritance. In cattle, suprabasal clefts arise from
forming a subepidermal cleft containing erythrocytes and neutrophils. lysis of the basal keratinocytes and the clumping of the
Haematoxylin and eosin stain. The scale bar represents 50 lm. intermediate filaments.23,41 The clumping of the interme-
diate filaments has been described in the Dowling–Meara
directly proportional to the risk of trauma associated with form of EBS in humans.47,48 In cattle, a missense muta-
the mode of life of each species. In farm animals, lesions tion was identified in the KRT5 gene that revealed a one
are more severe because they live in herds and in envi- base change (G-to-A substitution at position 4164 of the
ronments more often favourable to trauma. In EB- genomic sequence). This resulted in a codon change from
affected animals, sloughing of the hooves is also GAG (glutamic acid, E, acidic) to AAG (lysine, K, basic) at
common. In dogs and cats, the lesions are milder than in position 478. It is possible that this amino acid change
farm animals and are most predominant in hairless areas, (acidic to basic) altered the formation of the keratin hete-
such as the muzzle and footpads. Oral lesions in herbi- rodimers and the intermediate filaments, leading to kerati-
vores are more extensive than in other species, possibly nocyte fragility and a separation of the epidermis. In
because of their fibrous food, except in buffalo with EBS. these cattle with EBS, only one mutant allele was identi-
Most cases of EB in humans lead to death in infancy. fied, present at a frequency of ~20% in the sire’s blood
Likewise, animals are euthanized or die during the first and semen samples. This suggested a mosaic distribution
months of life. Reports of survival for months or years in in these tissues and a dominant mode of inheritance;
animals with EB are rare. however, the sire was unaffected.23 In some human EBS
cases, the disease presents revertant mosaicism, which
refers to a situation in which a second mutation attenu-
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex
ates or abolishes the deleterious effect of the original
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex is characterized by supra- mutation in certain areas of the skin.49 Revertant mosai-
basal separation without cytolysis of basal cells, as it cism was also demonstrated in humans patients with
occurs in dogs28 and buffalo,39 or by basal separation with mutations in the JEB genes COL17A1 and LAMB3,50 in
cytolysis of basal cells (cytolytic), as seen in cattle.23,40,41 DEB51,52 and in Kindler’s syndrome.53,54
6 © 2014 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 26, 3–e2.
Epidermolysis bullosa in animals

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 3. Transmission electron photomicrographs. (a) Skin of a buffalo affected with epidermolysis bullosa simplex. The floor of the suprabasal
blister (star) is formed by basal cells attached to the dermis (D). Note acantholytic cells (arrows) within the blister. The scale bar represents 2 lm.
(b) Skin of a calf affected with junctional epidermolysis bullosa. Basal cells form the roof of the blister (star) after separation from the dermis at the
level of the lamina lucida. Note the small hemidesmosomes (box). The scale bar represents 1 lm. (c) Higher magnification of the box in (b). Note
the cell plasma membrane (arrow) and small and ill-defined hemidesmosomes within the boxes. The scale bar represents 200 nm. (d) Skin of a
goat affected with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. The lamina densa (arrows) forms the roof of the bulla (star). The basal lamina, hemidesmo-
somes and anchoring filaments are well preserved. The scale bar represents 500 nm.

In humans, recessively inherited EBS is caused by matosis was not classified as EB because the ultrastruc-
mutations in the plectin,55,56 desmoplakin57 and plakophi- tural site of the separation is suprabasal and oral lesions
lin-1 (PKP1) genes.46,58 In Chesapeake Bay retriever are not observed.39 However, following the current clas-
dogs, an autosomal recessive acantholytic dermatosis sification of EB in humans (Table 2), this buffalo disease
with deficiency of plakophilin-1 was reported.28 Electron can be defined as epidermolysis bullosa simplex with a
microscopy demonstrated a reduced number of partly suprabasal separation. The disease is similar to EBS,
formed desmosomes with detached and aggregated ker- which also has minimal or absent oral lesions, in its defi-
atin intermediate filaments. Immunostaining for desmo- ciency of plakophilin-1.6 Epidermolysis bullosa simplex in
somal adhesion molecules revealed a complete lack of buffalo is inherited through an autosomal recessive mech-
staining for plakophilin-1 and anomalies in the distribution anism, characterized by a suprabasal separation between
of desmoplakin and keratins 10 and 14. Nucleotide the stratum basale and stratum spinosum, with a loss of
sequencing revealed a G-to-C conversion at the IVS1 the desmosomal attachment (Figure 3a).39 Further stud-
splice donor site within the first intron of PKP1, resulting ies suggested that it is likely the disease in buffalo occurs
in a premature stop codon. As a consequence, the due to defects in the stability, structure or function of the
mutated protein is predicted to be truncated and com- desmosomal cadherins and not to alterations in the des-
posed of 75 instead of 749 amino acids.28 These changes mosomal plaque proteins.59
resemble EBS with a suprabasal separation, associated
with a deficiency of plakophilin-1, known as ectodermal
Junctional epidermolysis bullosa
dysplasia/skin fragility syndrome in humans.46,58
In buffalo, a hereditary mechanobullous disease called In JEB, the clinical signs are due to defects and changes
hereditary suprabasilar mechanobullous acantholytic der- in the hemidesmosomes, the plasma membrane, the
© 2014 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 26, 3–e2. 7
Medeiros and Riet-Correa

Table 2. Types and subtypes of epidermolysis bullosa based on the ultrastructural level of tissue separation in the basement membrane zone,
based on the classification in humans*
Epidermolysis bullosa type and subtype Ultrastructural site separation Other ultrastructural findings
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS)
Localized EBS Basal layer Split may spread to suprabasilar layer
Dowling–Meara EBS Basal layer Dense, circumscribed clumps of keratin filaments
(most commonly observed within lesional biopsy site)
EBS–muscular dystrophy Predominantly in basal layer, above Reduced integration of keratin filaments within
the hemidesmosome attachment plaque hemidesmosomes
Autosomal recessive EBS Basal keratinocytes Absent or reduced keratin filaments within basal
Superficial EBS Suprabasal, usually at interface between –
granular and cornified cell layers
Lethal acantholytic EBS Suprabasal and acantholysis Perinuclear retraction of keratin filaments
Plakophilin-1 deficiency EBS† Suprabasal, mid-epidermal cell–cell separation Diminutive suprabasal desmosomes; perinuclear
retraction of keratin filaments
Junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB)
Herlitz JEB† Lamina lucida Markedly reduced or absent hemidesmosomes;
absent sub-basal dense plate
Non-Herlitz JEB† Lamina lucida Hemidesmosomes may be normal or reduced in size
and number
JEB–pyloric atresia Lamina lucida Small hemidesmosome plaques often with attenuated
sub-basal dense plate
Dominant dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (DDEB)
Generalized DDEB Sublamina densa Normal or decreased numbers of anchoring fibrils
DDEB–bullous dermolysis Sublamina densa Electron-dense stellate bodies within basal layer,
of the newborn reduced anchoring fibrils
Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB)
Severe generalized RDEB† Sublamina densa Absent or rudimentary anchoring fibrils
Other generalized RDEB Sublamina densa Reduced or rudimentary-appearing anchoring fibrils
RDEB–bullous dermolysis Sublamina densa Electron-dense stellate bodies within basal layer,
of the newborn reduced anchoring fibrils
Kindler’s syndrome Variable; intraepidermal, intralamina Reduplication of lamina densa; presence of upper
lucida or sublamina densa dermal colloid bodies and melanophages
*Adapted from Fine et al. (2008)6 and Bruckner-Tuderman and Has (2014).7

Subtypes described in animals.

sub-basal dense plate and the anchoring fibrils. In cattle some-anchoring filament complex. The hemidesmo-
(Figure 5),60 horses,18 and sheep26 affected by Herlitz somes are the principal structures of adhesion at the
type of JEB, the skin lesions are more severe than in the BMZ. Abnormalities in the hemidesmosome–anchoring
other types of EB, are distributed throughout the body filament complex can cause extreme fragility in the
with all hooves affected at the same time (Figure 5a,b), dermo-epidermal junction.4,15 In cattle,60 horses14,70 and
and most animals die in the first week of life. The same rats,64 abnormalities in this complex include reduced
pattern is observed in dogs,61,62 cats (Figure 6),63 rats64 anchoring filaments, small hemidesmosomes without
and mice65 with JEB, although the lesions are somewhat clear demarcation (Figure 3c) and an attenuated or absent
less severe. In all animal species with JEB, oral multifocal sub-basal dense plate. In contrast, dogs affected by JEB,
ulcers are observed (Figure 6a).18,26,60,63,66 Enamel hypo- with severe fragility of the skin and mucosa caused by
plasia is a common finding in humans67 with JEB; in ani- mutations in the LAMA3 gene, do not present abnormali-
mals, it has only been sporadically observed in ties in hemidesmosomes.22 Most mutations causing JEB
horses18,19 and dogs.22 Sporadically, ulcers are observed in humans are located in one of three genes encoding the
elsewhere, such as on the anus, vagina14 and rumen (Fig- a3, b3, or c2 laminin 332 heterotrimer chains, the
ure 5c). Histopathological findings in skin (Figure 2b) and LAMA3, LAMB3 and LAMC2 genes, respectively.2 These
oral mucosa are similar to those observed in EBS with mutations result in a lack of expression of the respective
separation in the basal layer. In cattle, areas of a total loss protein chain. The laminin 332 heterotrimer forms the
of the oral and lingual epithelium are observed, leading to anchoring filaments that attach the a6b4-integrin of the
necrosis, extensive ulceration, infiltration by neutrophils hemidesmosome to the collagen VII of the anchoring
and haemorrhages.60 Similar changes are observed in the fibrils.8
vaginal and anal mucosa in horses.14 In Belgian horses, a nonsense mutation in the LAMC2
Junctional epidermolysis bullosa in humans is inherited gene, designated 1368insC, caused a shift in the open
through autosomal dominant68 and recessive genes.2,6,46 reading frame of the c2 messenger RNA, resulting in a
In animals, JEB is inherited through autosomal recessive downstream premature termination codon (TGA).18,19
genes.1,11,12,14,18,19,21,22,24,26,64–66,69,70 The disease is The same mutation was associated with JEB in trait Bre-
characterized by blister formation in the lamina lucida ton and trait Comtois horses.21 Mutations in the gene
(Figure 3b) and defects in the proteins of the hemidesmo- LAMA3 due to a deletion of 6589 bp in the region that
8 © 2014 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 26, 3–e2.
Epidermolysis bullosa in animals

Table 3. Summary of the clinical and pathological findings of epidermolysis bullosa in animals
Clinical and pathological Epidermolysis bullosa
findings simplex Junctional epidermolysis bullosa Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
Onset of the clinical signs First week At birth First week
Skin findings
Predominant distribution Limbs, pressure points, Generalized Limbs, pressure points, glabrous areas
glabrous areas
Blisters, erosions and crust +++ (cattle), ++ (buffalo, dogs)* +++ (cattle, horses, sheep), ++ (cattle, sheep, goats, ostriches),
++ (dogs, cats, rats, mice) + (dogs, cats)
Alopecia +++ (cattle), ++ (buffalo, dogs) +++ (cattle, horses, sheep), ++ (cattle, sheep, goats, ostriches),
++ (dogs, cats, rats, mice) + (dogs, cats)
Atrophic scarring – – ++ (goats)
Milia – – + (dogs, cats)
Ear deformities – – ++ (cattle)
Hoof and claw findings
Erythema of the coronary +++ (cattle), ++ (buffalo, dogs) +++ (cattle, horses, sheep), ++ (cattle, sheep, goats, ostriches),
band ++ (dogs, cats, rats, mice) + (dogs, cats)
Deformities +++ (cattle), ++ (buffalo, dogs) ++ (cattle, horses, sheep), +++ (cattle, sheep, goats), + (dogs, cats)
+ (dogs, cats, rats, mice)
Exungulation +++ (cattle), ++ (buffalo, dogs) +++ (cattle, horses, sheep), ++ (cattle, sheep, goats, ostriches),
++ (dogs, cats, rats, mice) + (dogs, cats)
Extracutaneous involvement
Growth retardation ++ +++ ++
Oral cavity lesions +++ (cattle), ++ (dogs) +++ (cattle, horses, sheep), +++ (cattle, sheep, goats), ++ (dogs, cats)
++ (dogs, cats, rats, mice)
Corneal ulcer + (cattle) + (cats) + (sheep, goats)
Postmortem examination
Ulcers in the oral cavity +++ (cattle), ++ (dogs) +++ (cattle, horses, sheep), +++ (cattle, sheep, goats), ++ (dogs, cats)
++ (dogs, cats, rats, mice)
Ulcers on the tongue +++ (cattle), ++ (dogs) +++ (cattle, horses, sheep), +++ (cattle, sheep, goats), ++ (dogs, cats)
++ (dogs, cats, rats, mice)
Defects in tooth enamel – Enamel hypoplasia, + –
(horses, dogs)
Gastrointestinal tract lesions – Rumenal ulcers, + (cattle); Oesophageal ulcers, + (sheep, goats, dogs)
anal ulcers, + (horses)
Genitourinary tract lesions – Vaginal ulcers, + (horses) Vulvar ulcers, + (goats)
Death Third week (cattle) Herlitz: first week First at third month (cattle, sheep, goats,
First year (dogs) and fourth Non-Herlitz: first year (cats) ostriches)
year (buffalo) and fourth year (dogs) First year (dogs, cats)
Scale: –, absent; +, sporadically present; ++, frequently present; and +++, always present.
*In buffalo and dogs, in which the separation is suprabasal without cytolysis, the lesions are less severe than in cattle, in which separation is basal
with cytolysis.

includes exons 24–27 have been identified in American

Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
saddlebred horses with JEB.24 A 2 bp deletion within
exon 18 of LAMC2 (c.2746delCA) was identified as In DEB, lesions of the skin and mucous membranes can
responsible for Herlitz-type JEB in black-headed mutton heal with scar formation, and this has been reported in
sheep, causing a frameshift with a premature stop codon goats80 and humans.81 Healing with scar formation
and an alternative splicing of exon 18.26 In German shor- occurs because blisters below the lamina densa will lead
thaired pointer dogs, the mutation is due to an abnormal to a mesenchymal wound-healing response in the der-
mRNA transcript with an insertion of an out-of-frame 227 mis.81,82 As reported in humans,67,83 healing in goats with
nucleotides in position 4818 at the junction between ex- DEB80 led to changes in the architecture of some of the
ons 35 and 36 of the LAMA3 gene. This 227 bp insertion anatomical structures of the oral mucosa, including the
carries a nonsense (TAA) codon 33 bp downstream of palatal rugae and tongue papillae, which may reduce in
the insertion site.22 In animals, mutations located in one length or disappear after healing, leaving a flat surface
of the three genes encoding laminin 33218,19,21,22,24,26 (Figure 7a). This finding is not observed in ruminants with
are genetically similar to mutations causing Herlitz-type EBS23,40,41,43,44 or JEB (Figure 7b).60 Ulcers in the
JEB in humans.71,72 oesophagus,80,84,85 vulva80 and cornea80,84 are described.
In humans, JEB with less severe clinical findings, Histopathological findings in the skin and oral mucosa are
known as non-Herlitz JEB, is caused by mutations in the similar to those found in EBS and JEB; however, periodic
COL17A1 (encoding type XVII collagen), ITGA6 and acid Schiff staining of histological sections skin demon-
ITGB4 genes (encoding a6b4-integrin). In these cases, strated that the basement membrane was attached to
the hemidesmosomes are either normal or reduced in the roof of the cleft.80,85
size and number.6,73 Clinical and ultrastructural findings Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa comprises dominant
similar to the non-Herlitz form of JEB in humans have and recessive forms caused by mutations in the
been observed in dogs.74–79 COL7A1 gene that codes for type VII collagen, which
© 2014 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 26, 3–e2. 9
Medeiros and Riet-Correa

(a) (b)


Figure 4. Buffalo with epidermolysis bullosa simplex. (a) Numerous areas of chronic lesions with alopecia, erosions, crusts and scars are
observed on the skin. Note that the buffalo is an adult and nearly 4 years old. (b) Skin with recent detachment of the epidermis caused by occa-
sional friction. (c) Palmar aspect of the digits of the thoracic limb showing loss of the hoof of a paradigit and deformities in the other hooves.
Courtesy of Cristina Ghever Fernandes.


is the major component of the anchoring fibrils of the

dermo-epidermal junction.81,86,87 Ultrastructurally, the
site of blistering is the sublamina densa zone
(Figure 3d). In humans,81,86 cats,88,89 dogs,90,91
sheep,84 cattle13,92 and goats80 with recessive DEB,
the anchoring fibrils are scarce and rudimentary. Dys-
trophic epidermolysis bullosa with similar ultrastructural
alterations has also been reported in ostriches,
although the mode of inheritance was not deter-
mined.93 These changes in the anchoring fibrils
decrease their adhesion to the collagen fibres of the
dermis, leaving the dermo-epidermal junction suscepti-
ble to separation.94 In dominant DEB, recorded in
humans but not in animals, the anchoring fibrils are
(b) (c)
normal but decreased in number.95 Other structures of
the BMZ, such as the basal keratinocytes, the lamina
lucida, the lamina densa and the hemidesmosomes,
appear to be normal in DEB. Over 300 mutations have
been reported in humans, and DEB is strongly associ-
ated with the glycine substitution by different amino
acids in one allele of the gene encoding the collage-
nous domain of type VII collagen. Glycine substitutions
probably have a dominant negative effect on the forma-
Figure 5. Calf (2 months old) with junctional epidermolysis bullosa.
tion of type VII collagen.95–97 A missense mutation in
(a) Large areas of erosions and crusts are observed on the skin, espe-
cially at the areas of friction, mainly on the limbs. Note exungulation
the COL7A1 gene (5716G-to-A) with the substitution of
of all hooves. (b) Lateral aspect of the digits of the thoracic limb glycine by a serine has also been observed in golden
showing skin detachment and exungulation of the hooves. (c) Rume- retriever dogs with recessive DEB. This mutation
nal mucosa showing several ulcers, mainly in the ruminal pillars. results in reduced secretion of abnormal type VII colla-
10 © 2014 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 26, 3–e2.
Epidermolysis bullosa in animals

the COL7A1 gene (c.4756C.T), resulting in a stop

codon at amino acid residue 1586 in the bovine
COL7A1 protein sequence, which probably prevents
anchoring fibril formation in the homozygous animals.27

Knowledge about EB in animals has increased in recent
years; however, more extensive use of molecular tech-
niques is needed to identify further gene mutations
responsible for the different clinical and pathological pic-
tures of the diseases. In animals, the three basic types of
EB have been reported; subtypes remain poorly defined.
In animals, the severity of oral, cutaneous and hoof
lesions may be related to the type of EB and to the mode
of life of each species. At present, there is no specific
(b) treatment for EB. Clinical management is mainly support-
ive, aiming at protection of the skin from friction, preven-
tion of infections and loss of body fluids, analgesia and
optimal nutritional status. Progress in understanding the
molecular basis of recessive DEB will provide the basis
for development of novel genetic and cellular therapies
targeted at restoring the defective anchoring fibrils. The
availability of animal models to study human EB may pro-
vide a basis for gene therapy approaches as a potential
definitive treatment for this devastating disease.

We would like to thank Severo Sales de Barros and Cristi-
na Gevher from the Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil
and Zeneib Alhaidari from Clinique Ve  te
rinaire Roquefort
les Pins, France, for providing photographs.

Figure 6. Cat with junctional epidermolysis bullosa. (a) Oral lesions

at 6 months of age. (b) Superficial ulcer on the anterior aspect of the
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Resume  – L’e
pidermolyse bulleuse (EB) est une maladie he  re
ditaire bulleuse des animaux et des humains,
qui se caracterise par une extre
^me fragilite
 de la peau et des muqueuses. La principale caracte ristique de
l’EB animale et humaine est la formation de cloques et d’erosions en re ponse a un traumatisme mecanique
mineur.L’epidermolyse bulleuse est cause e par des mutations des ge nes codant pour les prote ines
ratinocytes basaux ou de la membrane basale. Compte tenu des nive-
structurales du cytosquelette des ke

© 2014 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 26, 3–e2. 13

Medeiros and Riet-Correa

aux de separation ultrastrcturale tissulaire, l’EB est divisee en trois grandes cate gories : l’e
pidermolyse bul-
pidermolyse billeuse jonctionnelle et l’e
leuse simple, l’e pidermolyse bulleuse dystrophique. Les types hu-
mains d’EB sont divise s en plusieurs sous-types base s sur les modifications ultrastructurales et le mode
de transmission ; les sous-types ne sont pas totalement e tablis chez les animaux. Chez l’homme, on es-
time que l’EB touche 1 individu sur 17 000 naissances ; on ne conna^ıt pas la fre quence de l’EB dans les
rentes espe
diffe ces animales.Pour toutes les espe ces animales,  a l’exception du bison atteint d’e pidermo-
lyse bulleuse simplex, les ulce res multifocaux sont observe s sur les gencives, les palais mous et durs, les
muqueuses labiales, et les muqueuses des joues et la face dorsale de la langue. Les ongles absents ou dy-
strophiques, un signe frequent chez l’homme atteint d’EB, correspond  formation et 
a la de  des
a la friabilite
sabots chez les ongule s et a de la dystrophie a l’atrophie des griffes chez le chien et le chat.Cette revue
couvre les aspects de la biologie mole culaire, du diagnostic, de la classification, des signes cliniques et de
la pathologie de l’EB decrite chez l’animal.

Resumen – La epidermolisis bullosa (EB) es una enfermedad hereditaria mecanovesicular de animales y

humanos, caracterizada por una extrema fragilidad de la piel y de las membranas mucosas. La principal car-
acterıstica de EB en humanos y animales es la formacio n de ampollas y erosiones en respuesta a traumas
mecanicos menores.La epidermis bullosa se caracteriza por mutaciones en los genes que codifican para
proteınas estructurales del esqueleto de los queratinocitos basales o de la zona de la membrana basal. Ba-
sado en los niveles de separacio n del tejido a nivel ultraestructural, la epidermis bullosa se divide en las tres
siguientes amplias categorıas: epidermolisis bullosa simplex, epidermolisis bullosa de la unio n, y epidermal
bullosa distrofica. Los tipos humanos de epidermolisis se dividen en varios subtipos basados en sus cambi-
os estructurales y el modo de herencia; Los subtipos no est an totalmente establecidos en animales. En
humanos, se estima que la epidermolisis bullosa a uno en 17.000 nacimientos; la frecuencia de epidermoli-
sis bullosa en diferentes especies animales no se conoce.En todas las especies animales, excepto el bis-
onte con epidermolisis bullosa simplex, se observan u lceras multifocales en las encıas, paladares duro y
blando, mucosa de los labios, mucosa de los carrillos, y superficie dorsal de la lengua. Las un ~as estan dis-

plasicas o ausentes, un signo frecuente en pacientes humanos con epidermaolisis bullosa, que corre-
sponde con la deformacio n y la pe
rdida de pezun ~as de ungulados y la distrofia o atrofia de las un ~as en
perros y en gatos.Esta revisio n cubre aspectos de la biologıa molecular, diagno stico, clasificacio
n, signos
clınicos y patologıa de la epidermolisis bullosa descritos en animales.

Zusammenfassung – Die Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) ist eine heredita €re mechanobullo €se Erkrankung von
Tieren und Menschen, die charakterisiert wird durch extreme Fragilit€ at der Haut und der Schleimh€ aute.
Das Hauptcharakteristikum der EB des Menschen und der Tiere ist die Blasenbildung und die Entstehung
von Erosionen als Reaktion auf geringes mechanisches Trauma.Die Epidermolysis bullosa wird durch Mu-
tationen von Genen verursacht, die die Strukturproteine des Zytoskeletts der basalen Keratinozyten oder
der Basalmembran kodieren. Basierend auf den ultrastrukturellen Levels der Gewebstrennung, wird die
EB in die folgenden drei breiten Kategorien eingeteilt: Epidermolysis bullosa simplex, junktionale Epiderm-
olysis bullosa und dystrophische Epidermolysis bullosa. Die Typen der humanen EB werden basierend auf
den ultrastrukturellen Ver€anderungen und der Art der Vererbung in verschiedene Subtypen eingeteilt; bei
den Tieren sind die Subtypen nicht g€anzlich bekannt. Beim Menschen wird gesch€ atzt, dass EB eine von
17000 Lebendgeburten betrifft, w€ahrend die Frequenz von EB bei den verschiedenen Tierspezies nicht
bekannt ist.Bei allen Tierspezies, außer beim Bu €ffel mit Epidermolysis bullosa simplex, kommen multifok-
ale Ulzera am Zahnfleisch, sowie am harten und weichen Gaumen, an den Schleimh€ auten der Lippen, der
Wangenmukosa und dem Zungenru €cken, vor. Dystrophische oder fehlende N€ agel, ein h€
aufig auftretendes
Symptom beim menschlichen Patienten mit EB, korrespondiert mit Deformit€ aten und dem Ausschuhen
von Hufen bei Einhufern und mit Dystrophie oder Atrophie der Krallen bei Hunden und Katzen.Diese
Review befasst sich mit Aspekten der Molekularbiologie, der Diagnose, Einteilung, den klinischen Sympto-
men und der Pathologie der EB, die bei Tieren beschrieben sind.

要約 – 表皮水疱症(EB)は皮膚と粘膜の極度の脆弱性を特徴とする、イヌおよびヒトの遺伝性水疱性疾患
e1 © 2014 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 26, 3–e2.
Epidermolysis bullosa in animals

摘要 – 大疱性表皮松懈症(EB)是一种人和动物的遗传性机械性大疱性疾病,以皮肤和黏膜极端脆弱为特

© 2014 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 26, 3–e2. e2

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