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Rafaa AL Majid Secondary School

Classes: Second year Literature and philosophy

Duration: 2 Hours Date: May 1017
Third Term English Exam
Part one: Reading ( 15 Points)
Read the text then do the following activities
Charities are independent organizations that help the poor, the homeless, children, old people and
animals. They are involved with human rights, education, medical research and conversation of the

In 1997, there were about 180 000 charities in Britain, with a total income of £ 18 billion. Many
charities that are now, well known throughout the world, such as «Oxfam» and «Amnesty International»,
began in Britain. Americans are also enthusiastic supporters of charities. In 1995, they gave over $116
«Oxfam» has aid programs to help poor people overseas, especially the victims of natural disasters.
Other weII-known charities working in Britain include «Bernado's», which helps children, «Age
concern» and « help the Aged» which supports old people. «Shelter» provides food and a place to stay
for the jobless and the homeless.
In recent years, the «Telethon» has proved effective method of fund-raising. During an evening
of popular television programs, television stars ask the public to telephone and promise money to, the
charities involved. Other fund-raising activities include fetes and jumbles sales.
From Oxford Guide to British and American Culture.

A- Comprehension (07pts)

1. Are the following statements true or false?

a. Charities are governmental organization that provide aid to people in need.
b. Americans don’t like charities
c. “Shelter” charity gives jobs and homes to the jobless and the homeless.
d. The “Telethon” is another way of charity.
2. Answer the following questions according to the text.
a. Where did “Oxfam” and “Amnesty international” charities start?
b. What do the “Bernado’s” charity do?
c. Does the “Telethon” improve efficient method of fund raising?
3. Who or what do the underlined words refuter to in the text?
a- They (§1) b- Which (§3-line 2)
4. Copy the title you think is the most appropriate.
a- Natural disasters b- Charities. c. the Oxfam charity.

B. Text exploration: (8pts)

1. Find in the text words or expressions that are synonyms to the following:
a- Catastrophes ( §3) b- Started (§2)
2. Rewrite sentence (b) so it means the same as sentence (a).
a1)- They said, “The telethon has proved and effective method of fund raising”
b1)- They said………………………………………………………………………………………………
a2)- The mother advised her son, “Don’t panic”
b2)- The mother advised her son…………………………………………………………………..
3. Compete the following table!
Noun Adjective
Charity ………………………………..
………………………………… Independent
4. Classify the following words according to the final pronunciation of “ed”.
Helped- wanted- involved- worked.
/t/ /d/ /id/
… … …
5. Fill in the gaps with words from the list given:
Money Organize- busy- given.
The traditional method of raising money is to …..(1)… a flag day. Volunteers stand
in a …(2)… street asking members of the public to put ….(3)…. In a collecting tin. In
exchange, they are… (4) ….. a sticker to be put on a coat.

Part two: Written expression (05Points)

Choose one of the following topics.
Topic I: Write a short biography about William Shakespeare making the best use of the
following notes.

Birth: Achievements:
Stafford- upon- Avon 1564
Father: Wrote first play Henry VI
A wealthy glove maker. Went to London become
actor 1594.
Marriage: Build his awn theatre the
Anne Hathaway 1582 globe 1599.
Children: Death
Susanna 1583 first child Strafford-* upon-Avon 1616.
Birth of twins 1585.

Topics 2: Your friend has sent to you a letter in order to ask you for help because he/she
has got a serious family problem. The father is very strict; he does not let him/her go
out with his/her friends. Write a reply to your friend in which you suggest a solution to
this problem
Good Luck

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