Collection of Diagnostic Tests by KHADEEJA

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Sara Mokhtar

Sedraya is cleaningTechnicum
the house. –Who is cleaning the house?

Stream: Scientific stream Sara speaks Spanish.

Houda is the new student.
Activity one: reorder the He watched the new film.
following words to get Mom is in Arabia Saudi.
coherent sentences
My sister slept at 10 p.m.
1) going / a / year. / startActivity
/ four: put the verbs between brackets in the correct form.
new / to / are / school / We (5pts)
………………………………… She usually (to help) ………………….. her mother on weekends.
Tomorrow I think I ( to start) ………. My new project.
2) from?/ you / are / Where
………………………………… 3) I (to be ) so sick last night.
……………………... While Marwa (to clean)………………………….the house, Souad is playing in the
3) new / a / watched / night,
/ film. / I / Last 5) Sarah ( already/to write)…….. five letters.
………………………………… Diagnostic Assessment
……………………... Name: ……................................ Class :……………
Marks ………./100
4) will / be / I / she / late. /
………………………………… Make the following sentences negative.
………………………………… Example :
……………………... Crocodiles live in Europe.
Crocodiles don’t live in Europe. They live in Africa.
5) exam / because / He / 1. An airplane flies very slowly.
he / ill. / the / missed / was ................................................................................................................
………………………………… ....................
………………………………… 2. Bananas come from England.
……………………... ...............................................................................................................
Activity two: Turn the ......................
3. The temperature rises at night.
following statements into
the negative form ......................
(5pts) 4. The French won the World Cup in 2006.
1- She likes reading. ......................
2- He is sick. 5. Brazilians speak English.
3- I want this dress. ................................................................................................................
4- I will go to the zoo .....................
5- She missed the 7 o’clock
train. Write the comparative and superlative form of
the adjective.
Activity three: ask questions
Fast ........................... ...............................
about the underlined words. Funny ........................... ...............................
Cheap ........................... ...............................
Expensive ........................... ...............................
Hot ........................... ...............................
Match lines 1 – 5 with lines a – e 05
Match 1. May I see your passport, please? a- A
the words and phrases passenger
in column A with their 2. I’d like to book a flight to London, please. b- An
opposites in column B. air hostess
3. Would you like to open your suitcase please? c- An
immigration officer
4. Excuse me, sir. This sitting area is for non-smokers. d- A
flight captain
5. On behalf of British Airways, I would like e- A
customs officer
to welcome you on board this aircraft.
Here are thirty verbs – fifteen are regular and fifteen are
D. DESCRIPTIONS irregular. Write in the Past simple and the Past Participle for the
irregular verbs only.
Match a line in column Stem Past Past
A with a line in column sim partici
B. ple ple
A Answ
What’s the weather like? er
What’s Wissal like? Be
What was the film like? Begin
What does she like doing? Borro
What are her parents like? w
e 05
Three words in the s
lines below have one Drink
silent letter each. Eat
Cross them out and Give
circle the word where Go
the letter is Greet
pronounced. Have
sign - Imagi
foreign - signature ne
- eight Like
knock - Liste
key - know n
poster Look
- listen - castle Love
- fasten Live
would - Make
could - should Play
- shoulder Put
write - Read
wrong - when Say
- who Send
F. WHO SAYS Trave 05
write 5. .............................. to go for a walk in the park? 05


STRUCTURE Complete the sentences with a form of going to or will.
Put yet or already 1-‘Why have you bought so much food?’
in these sentences. ‘Because I________ (cook) a meal for ten people.
2-‘So you have registered at the university?’
1- I have spoken with ‘ That’s right: I __________ (study) Geology at the university of
my teacher about my Boumerdes.’
project. 3-‘ My car has broken down.’
................................. ‘Ask Hassen the mechanic. I am sure he ________(help) you.’
....................................... 4-‘ I have passed my exam, Mom!’
....................................... ‘That’s great! We__________ (give) a party to celebrate that!’
.............................. 5-‘Why have you got your old jeans on?’
2- We haven’t finished ‘ Because I _____________ (clean) the garden.
the exercise.
................................. K-RELATIVE PRONOUNS
....................................... Fill in the blanks with who, where, which or whose.
.............................. The Life Guards are soldiers ____1____ protect royal building. They wear
3- I am planning to fly to uniforms
Oran next week but I ____2____ consist of a red tunic, black trousers and big brown hats. The
haven’t bought the royal building
plan ticket. ___3___ the Queen lives is called Buckingham Palace. The Life Guards,
................................. ___4___ hats are made of bear skin, are hated by people ____5___ love
....................................... wild animals. 05
.............................. L-PRESENT PERFECT OR PAST SIMPLE
4- Have you done your Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
homework? the present perfect or the simple past.
................................. 1- Assia Djebar _________ (write) a lot of books. She _______ (write) her
....................................... first book in 1955.
....................................... 2- ______ you ever ______ (try) Chinese food?
.............................. 3- I ________ never _________ (be) to Morocco.
5- No, I haven’t done it. 4- She __________ (live) in Tlemcen for three years and then in 2003 she
.................................. _______ (move) to Oran.
.................................. 5- We _________ (meet) Ahmed three years ago. How about you? How
.................................. long _______ you
.................................. ________ (know) him?
..... 05
I. VERB PATTERNS Complete the following sentences using the correct form of can, must or
Complete the may.
following questions
using would you like or 1. You -------------- visit Edinburgh, because many people
do you like. think it is the most beautiful city in Scotland.
1. ............................... 2. -------------- play the guitar?
swimming? 3. You -------------- knock on the door before entering.
2. ............................... 4. You ------------ take an umbrella, because it is going to
to go to the cinema rain.
with me? 5. You mustn’t drive so fast, you ---------- have an
3. ............................... accident.
going to the cinema? / 05
4. What.......................
to drink?
There are ten
mistakes in the draft
letter below. Find them
and write the
corrections in the
margin on the same

Level: 1st Year
Dear Rima,

i am in London at Centuries ago, people used to live in tents or houses which were
the moment, I am made of wood or mud. People used to live on vast lands far from one another.
People used to live on food that they cultivated by their hands near their houses
visiting my friend
Alison? I arrived using simple tools. Big tools used to be pulled by beefs and horses.
here People who wanted to travel used to do it on foot or horseback.
Journeys used to be long, tiring and used to take several days and sometimes
afternoon: I went to several weeks. The travellers used to spend the night on open air.
visit Life in the past used to be simple but difficult because people didn’t
have all the necessary facilities that we have now like: electricity, natural gas,
Palace this computers, machines ……
morning. The
1/ Read carefully the text then answer the following questions
life Guards were a- How did people use to travel in the past?
very colourful with ………………………………………………………………………..
b- Did they use to buy food?
their red tunics; ……………………………………………………………………….
black trousers and c- Do people have all the necessary facilities now?
brown hats we are 2/ What do the underlined words refer to in the text :
going to see a film Which : ……………............... that:………………………………
who: ………………………
tonight. It is called
The lord of the 3/ a) Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to:
Large (1§) = …………………… hard (3§) =
Rings. …………………

b) Find the text words that are opposite in meaning to:

I’ll tell you all about close (1§) =/= ………………….. day(2§) =/=
it in my next letter, ……………………

Love, 4/Pick up from the text words that have the following sounds :


/ 10

Done by N. Halfaoui. 5/ Turn to the negative form 

People used to live in tents.
6/ Write the verbs Name: William Shakespeare
between brackets in the
correct form Date and Place of birth: 1564 in Stratford Upon- Avon.
a) He
Occupation: Writer
always ........................
(to get up) early. Father’s job: a glove maker.
b) If Raymond worked
hard, he ( to get) Wife: Anne Hathaway in 1582.
enough money. Hobbies: listening to music.
c) If he (to have)
…………………… Achievements: wrote many comedies and tragedies like : Othello, King Lear,
a lot of money, he Hamlet ,,,etc
will be happy.
Habits: acting in his own plays.

7/ Complete by the Date of death: 1616 in Stratford Upon- Avon.

following relative
pronouns: who -
where - which
The Sahara didn’t
use to be a desert. It had .............................................................................................................................................
large forests ………….. .............................................................................................................................................
were full of animals. The .............................................................................................................................................
people …………… used .............................................................................................................................................
to live in the Sahara were .............................................................................................................................................

cave people. They used .............................................................................................................................................

to paint many beautiful .............................................................................................................................................

pictures in the caves
…………….. they lived.
8) Classify the following
words according to the
pronunciation of their
final “s”:
Choose the right answer
- facilities -
horses - days -


Written Expression:

Write a short biography

using the following
Example: Thanks for all ... help. O you X your O yours O
a good

1. Do you understand me? ... O Yes, I understand. O No, not. O Yes, I do. O No, I
understand not.
2. ... How do I get to Victoria Station? O Sorry me. O I pardon you. O Excuse me. O
Apologise me.
3. I heard a woman.... O screaming O to scream O screamed O has
4. A scanner … for copying pictures and texts.O is using O is used O uses O
has usable
5. Who … the tennis match last night? O has seen O saw O sees O did see

6. The teacher … Mike not to worry. O tell O say O said O told

7. If Jack wins tomorrow, … a prize. O he’ll get O he becomes O he had O
for him be
8. Helen can’t play the guitar, …. O can’t she? O can she? O does she? O doesn’t
9. Please, … smoke here. . O don’t O not do O must not O does
10. My mobile is … Tina’s. O smaller as O smaller then O smaller than O
smaller like

11. My aunt is … . O doctor O a doctor O get doctor O

be doctor
12. If you slept more, you … more energy. O has O would have O bringed O
would have
13. … two discos in our village. O It gives O It has O There are O It’s
14. Susan wants to know where … O Joe lives O Joe does live O Joe has living O
have lived
15. Oh no, it .. .again. O does rain O is raining O comes rain O
there rains
16. We … pizza. O often eat O eat often O often eating O
eated often

17. We … home tomorrow. O will flew O are going to fly O go flying to O

have flied
18. Suddenly … a noise. . O heard I O I heard O I hearing
O seldom
19. Mr Ospel … of losing his job. . O have fearing O have attention O has poor from O
is afraid of

20. Can you remember … grandfather? O of his O off the O his O from a
21. I’m just downloading some games. … O Wait a minute. O Be a patient. O Wait off. O
Hurry me.
22. Jane lives in Dover. She likes it …. O there O that O so
O this
23. The sun … in the east. O risen O rises O rise O rised
24. First Ann tries on the dress. Then she …. O make it O bought that O buys her O buys it
25. You… read my e-mails. O mustn’t O doesn’t O don’t should
O hasn’t to

26. Have you … read an Enid Blyton book? O ever O any O every O
27. The more you eat, the … you’ll become. O thinner O fatter O greasy O
28., I quite enjoy travelling … train. O with O O hungry
by together O O
29. Our flat is … the bakery. O down with O up above toward
O about
30. It would be easier to compare prices, if … O all is cheaper. O we have moneyO we are English
O Britain had the euro.

31.I don’t know … I can come to the party.. O if O whenever O always O sure
32. We were … to use the swimming pool. O not please O not allowed O happily about O
glad about
33. You should have … more carefully. O driver O driven O driving O
34. She is … beautiful than my sister. . O such O less O so O same
35. The film … was in English. O we saw O we look at O we regarded
O like we
36. I’ll have coffee … tea today. O liker than O better as O instead of
O against

37. You always win … I always O never mind O whether O wait O

lose. while
38. She left … saying goodbye. O forget O without O O
nothing no
39. I like … mushrooms. O picking O emptied O read up O for
40. He is always talking … money. O off O over O about O
Diagnostic test
Exercise 01: Classify the words according to their number of syllables.
Problem – gift - school - understand - classify - preparing – civilized.

One syllable Two syllables Three or more

Exercise 02: Rewrite the sentences in simple past.

1) We move to a new house. ___________________________________________
2) They bring a dog. ___________________________________________
3) He doesn't do the homework. ____________________________________________
4) They sell cars. ____________________________________________
5) The teacher is nice. _____________________________________________
6) Does he visit his friends. _______________________________________________
Exercise 03: Reorder the words to get coherent sentences.
1) kids/ tell/ my / I/ to / read/ always.
2) Our/ reading/ develop/ thinking / helps.
3) I/ a / write / letter/ will/ friend/ my .
Exercise 04: What nouns can be derived from the following words.
Teach - develop - grow – invent – act- educate.
Word Noun

Exercise 05: Classify the words according to their part of speech.

Woman - in- cake – rapidly- beautiful- drive- intelligent - rapidly – out- under- late- mobile .
Verb Noun Adjective Adverb Preposition

Exercise 06: Rewrite these questions in reported speech.

1. “Are you going to visit the museum?” she wanted to know.
She wanted to know
2. “How old are you?” he asked me.
He asked
3.“Mary works in a bank”, Jane said.
Jane said
4. “I’ve never been to Russia”, Mike said.
Mike said
5. “I’ll stay at home on Sunday”, Bill said.
Kaci Lakhdar Ben Mouloud – Ath Mansour High School
Academic year: 2019/ 2020
First year


POINTS) Read the text carefully then do the following activities
Forests cover almost a third of world's land surface. Many of them are so vast that the only
way to map and study them is from space.
Forests are not only valuable sources of wood and fuel, but they are also home to many
types of plants and animals. Trees also stop wind and rain removing soil, they modify local
climate and slow down climate change by storing carbon.
Unfortunately, the forests are rapidly lessening. Every year, huge areas are destroyed by
human activity.


1. Are the following statements true or false? (2pts)

1. Forests occupy a big surface in our planet.

2. We use planes and satellites to locate forests.
3. Forests are responsible for climate change.
4. The number of forests is increasing.

2. In which paragraph is it mentioned that forests are in a real danger? ( 1pt)

3. Answer the following questions according to the text (3pts)

a. What is the area of forests?

b. What do forests provide us?
c. Does deforestation affect the weather positively?

4. What do the underlined words refer to in the text? (1pt)

 - Many of them are so….(§1)

 - they modify….(§2)


1. Lexis:

a. Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (1.5)
nearly (§1) - weather (§2) - devastated (§3)

b. Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (1.5)
small (§1) few (§2) - speed up (§2)

2. Complete the following chart as shown in the example: (2pts)

Noun Verb Adjective
Example Value To value Valuable
………. To change ……….
………. ………. Destroyed

3. Ask questions which the underlined words answer. (1.5)

Trees stop wind

4. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “s” (1.5)

sources – activities – types – forests – animals

s z iz



Nowadays, forests are being destroyed by fires and intensive extraction of wood. What can be
done to protect them?



LEARNING OBJECTIVE: By the end of the diagnostic test, the teacher will somehow
have a clear idea about the prior knowledge of the learners, their strengths and their
weaknesses that enable him prepare incremental remedial sessions.


1. True or false statements (2pts)

a b c d
True True False False

2. The idea is mentioned in the last paragraph / paragraph N°03/ third paragraph ( 1pt)

3. The answers to the questions (3pts)

a. Forests cover almost a third of world's land surface.

d. Forests provide us with wood, fuel and home to many types of plants and animals
e. No, it does not. (FOCUS ON YES/NO QUESTIONS)
4. Reference words: Pro forms (1pt)

them: Forests they : trees


1. Lexis:

Synonyms: (1.5) Nearly: almost - weather: climate - devastated; destroyed

Opposites: (1.5) Small ≠huge few≠ many - speed up ≠ slow down

2. Chart completion : (2pts)

Noun Verb Adjective

Change To change Changeable – changed- changeless
Destruction – destroyer - Destroy Destroyed- indestructible-

3. Asking questions. (1.5) Trees stop wind

 What stops wind? Focus on s when the question is about the subject and the verb is in the
 What do trees do?
 What do trees do?
4. Pronunciation of final “s” (1.5)

s z iz
types – forests activities – animals sources

Nowadays, forests are being destroyed by fires and intensive extraction of wood. What can be
done to protect them?

Focus on the form and content

- Build more trees for the renewal of forests

- Launch sensitive campaigns to protect forests
- Enact laws punishing people who dare set fire to forests
- Reinforce controls
- Organise voluntary actions there and raise awareness of people
- Regular and planned cutting of trees
- Produce less waste
- Do not make open fires
- Do not throw your cigarette on the ground
- Educate others about what causes forest fires.
- Educate others about what you can do to prevent a forest fire.
- Join an organization that works to protect our forests
- Stop overgrazing by cattle.

CHERIF Yahia Secondary School

September 2014
Level: 1st year Scientific Stream. Timing:
1 hour.

 Diagnostic Evaluation 
Name: …………………………………………….

Class: 1st Year Scientific Stream N°2 Mark:

20 20

Part One: Reading

A. Comprehension: (06 points)
Read the text carefully and do the activities.

Emma Bridgewater, 14 years old, was leaving a disco last night when she saw smoke
coming from one of its windows. Emma didn’t panic. She first phoned the fire brigade and then
went back very quickly to the disco to sound the alarm.

Emma behaved heroically. She saved many teenagers from death. “She really deserves an
award for her courage,” said the head of the fire brigade.

1. Are the following statements true or false? Write T or F next to the statements. (02pts)
a. Emma is a teenager. …….
b. She was dancing in the disco. ……..
c. The fire came from the door. …….
d. Emma is brave. …….
2. Answer the following questions according to the text. (03pts)
a. When was Emma leaving a disco?
b. What did she see?
c. Was she afraid? ……………………………………………………..
3. What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text? (01pt)
Its (§1) refers to: …………………… She (§2) refers to: ……………………

B. Text Exploration: (14 points)

1. Find in the text: (02pts)
a. Words that are synonyms to: afraid (§1) = …………………… called (§1) =
b. Words that are opposites to: slowly (§1) ≠ …………………… life (§2) ≠

2. Ask questions that the underlined words answer. (02pts)

a. Karim visited France last year.
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………
b. My pupils will be great students.
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Give the correct form of the verbs between brackets. (04pts)
 Last night, I (to see) ……………….. a big match. It (to be) ………………. Real Madrid
vs Juventus. The match (to start) ………………… at 19.45. Ronaldo (to score)
…………….. two goals for Real Madrid.
4. Turn the following sentences into the negative form. (02pts)
a. The match will start early.
 ……………………………………………………………………………
b. He wants to write a letter.
 ……………………………………………………………………………
5. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “S”. (02pts)
Deserves – smokes – bridges – windows.

/s/ /z/ /Iz/

…………………… …………………… ……………………

…………………… …………………… ……………………

6. Reorder the following sentences to get a coherent paragraph. (02pts)

a. But the car driver was seriously injured.
b. Last Sunday I saw an accident.
c. A bus was coming from the opposite direction and ran into a car.
d. The driver of the bus had only minor injuries.

1 2 3 4

Your teacher Miss HENNOUS Fatima Zahra .

Best of luck to you as you continue to learn and grow
as adults. I have no doubts that all of you will make
me proud in your new year. May Allah bless you all
my beloved. 
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Moubarek El Mili Secondary school
Level: 2 AS

School year: 2017 – 2018_

English Diagnostic Test

Written Expression:
Use the following notes to write a short biography about Mother Teresa.
Real name: Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu
Date of birth: August, 26th 1910
Place of birth: Yugoslavia (Republic of Macedonia now)
Personality: kind/ soft-hearted/ simple lifestyle/ service of humanity/ help poor/ helpless/
diseased/ refugees.
Life and Career: Joined Loreto Nuns/ Dublin/ Ireland/ 17 years old.
Start free school/ "Nirmal Hriday"/ poor children.
Founded "Missionaries of Charity"/ 1950.
Founded "Nirmal Shishu Bhavan"/ orphan children.
Awards: Padma Shri Award/ The Nehru Award/ The Nobel Peace Prize Award-1979.
Date of death: September, 5th 1997/ Kolkata.

Activity 1: supply punctuation and capitals where necessary?

louis braille is a famous inventor in 1912 he had a terrible accident he hit himself in
the eye and became blind
activity 2: use the correct form of the verbs between brackets . Use the past
continuous or the past simple.

She ....................(listen) to Mozart at 8:00 o'clock last night.

When I ................(be) young I ..................(want) to be a fireman.

He ...................(die) while he .................(work) in the building.

I .....................(stay) at home last night because I .........(be) very tired.

Activity 3: complete the following sentences with one of these words: (which /
who / whom / whose)

Is this the umbrella ........... you lost ?

The man ........... is sitting by the door takes a break.

He reminds me of some one ............. I used to know.

The children played in the snow ........... had fallen during the night.

Activity 4:

A-underline the correct ending for the sentences: (a or b)

1-Although I took a taxi

a) I arrived late b) I arrived early

2- He attended the meeting though

a) He was not ill b) he was ill

3- Although they work hard

a) They make little progress b) they will succeed in their exam

B-combine the two sentences using the given connector

1-She was angry. She listened to me ( however)

2-They are generous. They are poor ( but)

3-Djamel used to smoke. He seems to be in good health ( although)

Activity 5: written expression

Reorder the following sentences to get the biography of Albert Einstein.

a- He was born in Germany in 1819.

b- Physics is a science which studies the properties and the inter actions of
matter and energy.

c- Albert Einstein is one of the well known geniuses.

d- Einstein was a physist.

e- He especially studied the relationship among time, space, gravity and energy.

f- He died in 1955.

g- He was awarded by the noble prize in physics in 1921.

Saci Radouani Secondary School

Level: 2 year Diagnostic Test
Timing: one hour
Activity 01 : Put the verbs in the correct form

1- She (to do) ……………not like tennis.

2- Sara (to have)………..brown eyes.
3- He (to be) …………….a doctor.

Activity 02: Divide the following words according to prefix root and suffix:
Replay – friendship – international – peaceful

Activity 03: Fill in the following table

Word Adjective
recycle …………………..
Product ………………….
nation …………………..
interest ………………….
beauty ............................

Activity 04: Give the opposites of these words by keeping the same root.
Words Opposites

- Agree
- Mobile
- Regular
- Effective

Activity 05: Combine each pair of sentences using the connectors in the brackets:
- My father has bought a car. It has an amazing radio (with)
- It is nice to have internet at home. I can connect with my best friends (so....that)
- There are no means of communication. People will stay away from each other. (if)
- John has bleu pen. Mary has bleu pen. (both .... and)

Activity 06: Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tense:

a. When we (to heat) water, it boils

b. If I (not to be) here, they would kill her.

Activity 07: rewrite sentence “B” so that it means the same as “A”
1-a- The woman said: “I like this song"
b- The woman said ……………………………………………………………………………….
2-a- The man asked: "Do you know Robert?"
b- The man asked her ……………………………………………………………………….
Name: ………………………………………………………….. Class:

Diagnostic Evaluation Test

*Reading and interpreting: Read the text and do the activities:

1- Choose the correct alternative to complete each blank in the text:

1- (win- won- winning). 2- (in- on- at). 3- (have- had- having). 4- (until- before- afterwards).

5- (twelves- twelve- twelfth). 6- (who- where- what). 7- (aren’t- doesn’t- isn’t). 8- (in addition- addition-
additional). 9- (how- when- who). 10- (youngest- young- younger). 11- (at- in - on). 12- (are- does- is).

More than 2000 years ago, a Greek man called Leonidas of Rhodes, competed in the Olympic Games and
(1) …………. Three first-place crowns. He repeated these victories during the following three Olympic Games,
and twelve years later, (2) …….. the age of 36, he (3) ……… won a total of 12 crowns. The record lasted (4)
………………. The 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil when Michael Phelps, 31 years old, won his (5) ……………………..
gold medal for an individual sport. Unlike Leonidas, (6) …………… was a runner, Michael Phelps is a swimmer.
Also, Michael Phelps (7) ………………….Greek, he is an American.

Amazingly, (8) …………………………………….. to the 12 gold medals he has so far won, Phelps has won 10 more
Olympic gold medals in relay competitions (for a total of 22 gold medals). He began swimming (9)
………………….. he was 7 years old and he became one of the (10) ……………………………. ever swimmers on an
American Olympic team when he was only 15 years old. Before he was 16 years old, (11) ……………. 2001, he
had broken a world swimming record. He stands at 6 feet four inches (193 cm), and one of his nicknames (12)
…………. ‘the Flying Fish’.
2. Read the text and answer these questions:
A- Where did the Olympic Games first occur?
B- What did ancient Greeks give to winners instead of medals?
C- What are the main differences between Leonidas and Phelps?
3. Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following:
A- Contested= ……………………….. B- Contrary to= ……………………….
* Text Exploration :

1 / - Complete the following table:

Verb Noun Adjective

To practise ………………………………… ……………………………

………………………………… Competition ……………………………

…………………………………… ………………………………… different

2/- Complete the sentence B so that it means the same as the sentence A:
A- The world record was broken by Michael Phelps.
B- Michael Phelps
……………………………………………………………………………………….. .
A- The journalist said, “Phelps is a pool shark”.
B- The journalist said that
………………………………………………………………………………… .

3/- Put the verbs between brackets in their correct forms :

A- The Olympic games (to occur) …………………. every four years.
B- Algeria (never to organise) ……………………………………………. the Olympic
C- Toufik Mekhloufi (to win) ……………………. A solver medal for Algeria the Olympic
Games of Rio in 2016.
D- After Michael Phelps (to turn) ……………..……15, he (to become) …………………..
the youngest American to join an Olympic Team.
E- Tokyo, the capital city of Japan, (to organise) ………………………. The Olympic Games
of 2020.

4/ - Ask questions about the underlined words:

*Michael Phelps broke the world record in 2016.

*He had broken the world swimming record.

*His nickname is ‘the Flying Fish’.


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………….. .

…………... .

5/ - Classify the following words according to the number of their syllables:

record- crown- competition- compete- victory- school.

One syllable Two syllables Three syllables Four syllables

…………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………

…………………… …………………… ……………………


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