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The euthanasia

In this Essay I´am going to talk about the euthanasia. The euthanasia is a medical
procedure, where the life of a terminally ill person is ended, without any kind of pain,
Ideally, the procedure has the voluntary approval and explicit request on the part of the
patient, or their manager, in the event of being unable to express their own will. Although
euthanasia is a humanitarian idea, it is very controversial medical procedure.

a few Arguments in favor of euthanasia are: Firstly the liberation of the patient from all pain
and suffering both physical, emotional and moral and in addition euthanasia is considered
an act of mercy, which also respects the right to self-determination of the patient, the only
owner of his own life. Another one is the conditions required to carry out euthanasia can
be standards and debated by the legislators of each country, in order to reconcile it with
the local values and traditions of the country.

a few Arguments against of euthanasia are: On the other hand there are already existing
medical methods to calm pain and accompany death , Also, it is argued that voluntary
death is still a death and for that has moral consequences both in the doctor that assisted
and in society, that which could look like ethical dilemmas.

the euthanasia has different benefits for critical patients , but the beliefs of life and death
have always been and will continue to be the subject of a debate, and in my opinion In all
countries, a law that considers the use of euthanasia to alleviate the pain of terminally ill
patients, in a responsible manner, should be submitted for discussion.

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