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The following data represent the operating time in hours

of 3 types of scientific pocket calculators before a
recharge is required. Determine the difference in operating
time of the three calculators. Used α = 0.05
A A2 B B2 C C2
4.9 24.01 6.4 40.96 4.8 23.04
5.3 28.09 6.8 46.24 5.4 29.16
4.6 21.16 5.6 31.36 6.7 44.89
6.1 37.21 6.5 42.25 7.9 62.41
4.3 18.49 6.3 39.69 6.2 38.44
6.9 47.61 6.7 44.89 5.3 28.09
∑ A=32.1 5.3 28.09 5.9 34.81
na = 6 A2 = 176.57
4.1 16.81 ∑ C=42.2
Nc = 7 C2 = 260.34
Ma= 5.35 4.3 18.49 Mc= 6.03
∑ B=52
Nb = 9 B2 =308.78
Mb = 5.78

SSb =¿ ¿ + ¿ ¿ + ¿ ¿ – ¿ ¿ = 1.51
= 171.74+300.44 + 254.41 – 725.08 =726.59 – 725.08
SST = 176.57 + 308.78 + 260.84 – 725.08 = 21.11
SSw = SSt – SSb = 21.11 – 1.51 = 19.6
DFb = k – 1 = 3 – 1 = 2
DFw = N – K = 22 – 3 = 19
MSB = SSb/DFb = 1.51/2 = 0.755
MSW = SSw/DFw = 19.6 /19 = 1.03
F = MSB/MSW = 0.755/1.03 = 0.733
F-test table at α = 0.05
Source SS DF MS CF TF Interpretatio Conclusion Analysis
of n
Between 1.51 2 0.755
Within 19.6 19 1.03 0.733 3.52 Less Than Accept Ho
Total 21.11 21 1.785

Since the computed f-value of 0.733 is less than the tabular f-value of 3.52, at
0.05 level of significance and 22 (2 and 19) degree of freedom, accept null hypo thesis.
This means there is no significant difference among the operating time in hours of 3
types of scientific pocket calculators before a recharge is required. It implies that the
operating time of the said three scientific pocket calculators before a recharge is
required are the same.

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