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8th Grade Social Studies GLE #3 Page 1 of 5

The Art Map of Louisiana Project

The Art Map of Louisiana is the first major project of the school year. The project is central to the geography unit. The project
reinforces learning and skills required by the LEAP test, the high-stakes required by the State of Louisiana for entrance to high
school. The Art Map of Louisiana Project combines visual and kinesthetic learning styles. The Project uses spatial intelligence as
defined by Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory.

The Art Map of Louisiana Project primarily addresses GLE #3: “Construct a map based on given narrative information.” The
benchmark addressed is G-1A-M2: “Interpreting and developing maps, globes, graphs, charts, models, and databases to analyze
spatial distributions and patterns.”

The Art Map also partially addresses, supports, or reviews other GLEs that are measured by the LEAP Test:
★ 5th Grade GLEs
★ GLE 1: “Describe the characteristics, functions, and applications of various types of maps.”
★ GLE 2: “Compare the uses of different types of maps, including two different types of maps of the same area.”
★ GLE 3: “Interpret a map, using a map key/legend and symbols, distance scale, compass rose, cardinal or
intermediate directions, and latitude and longitude.”
★ GLE 4: “Locate major landforms and geographic features, places, and bodies of water/waterways on a map of the
United States.”
★ GLE 5: “Translate a mental map into sketch form to illustrate relative location, size, and distances between
★ 6th Grade GLEs
★ GLE #1: “Use latitude and longitude to determine direction or locate or compare points on a map or
representation of a globe.”
★ 8th Grade GLEs
★ GLE #1: “Use time zones in the United States or the International Date Line to interpret a map or representation
of a globe and calculate current times in different places.”
★ GLE #2: “Locate major landforms and geographic features, places, and bodies of water/waterways on a map of
★ GLE #4: “Construct a chart or diagram to display geographical information in an organized way.”
★ GLE #5: “Describe and analyze the distinguishing physical and/or human characteristics of Louisiana regions.”
★ GLE #10: “Analyze the population characteristics and other demographic information about the United States
and Louisiana, including rates of increase/decrease for demographic variables.”
★ GLE #15: “Analyze the benefits and challenges of the Louisiana physical environments on its inhabitants (e.g.,
flooding, soil, climate conducive to growing certain plants).”
★ GLE #16: “ Analyze the distribution and uses of Louisiana's natural resources.”

I will provide you with a set of instructions; you will use them to make a map. I will grade you map using the rubric included in
these instructions.


1. Use a WHITE piece of foam board to create your art map. The art map should be no less than 20 by 30 inches. I
recommend 40 x 60 inches for more room to work.
2. Draw an outline of the State of Louisiana. Include the scale on the map. The easiest way to do this is to use my overhead
projector. Be neat.
3. Draw the outlines of the 64 parishes. Label each parish. You may use the map at or http://
4. Indicate groups of parishes. Indicate which parishes are the Florida parishes (see Indicate
which parishes are the Acadiana Parishes. See
5. Select a color scheme for the map. Water should be blue. Writing should be in black. You may select other colors, but
avoid any colors that are hard to see on a white background (such as light yellow).
6. Include a legend on the map. The legend should explain your color scheme, objects, symbols, and textures. The legend
must show a compass rose, the map scale, Louisiana’s time zone, and note the difference between Louisiana’s time zone
on BOTH standard and daylight savings times and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
7. Note the following statistics on your map: Louisiana’s population (at the last Census), land area (in square miles), and
persons per square mile. See
8. Use a texture to indicate each of the following geological regions: the Tertiary Hills, the Chenier Plain, Pleistocene
Coastwise Terraces, Deltaic Plain, Mississippi River Alluvial Plain, Macon Ridge, Atchafalaya Basin, and Bastrop Hills.
For help see the maps on this web page:
9. Indicate the major land resource regions in Louisiana. See
10. Add the three cultural regions of Louisiana. Use the map located at:

Copyright 2011 by Paul Blankenship.

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0
8th Grade Social Studies GLE #3 Page 2 of 5

11. Add waterways to your Art Map. The waterways should be in blue. You should include the Mississippi River, the Red
River, Cane River Lake, the Atchafalaya River, Lake Pontchartrain, Lake Maurepas, Lake Borgne, the Gulf of Mexico, the
Sabine River, and the Pearl River. Add 4 more waterways of your choosing. You may use the map at:
12. Add the nine cultural subregions of Louisiana. Use the map located at:
13. Add cities to your map. You must include New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Shreveport, Monroe, Lake Charles,
Alexandria, Ruston, Natchitoches, Coushatta, Colfax, Bogalusa, and Mansfield. Add 4 more cities of your choosing. Give
the latitude and longitude of each city. You may use the map at:
14. Using the space outside your outline of Louisiana, add a chart showing the populations of the cities on the map in the 2000
Census and an appropriate graph comparing the populations of these cities. This portion of the project addresses GLE #4.
Do this part of the assignment using a computer and a spreadsheet program. Spreadsheet programs include Microsoft
Excel, the free suite, Apple’s Numbers application in iWork, and the free online Google Spreadsheet
application. You may print your results in color or in black-and-white and add color with markers.
15. Add the locales of the following ethnic groups in the state: French Creoles in North and South Louisiana, African-
American, Anglo, Belgian, Czech, Croatian, Filipino, German, Greek, Hungarian, Isleño, Italian, Spanish (other than
Isleño), and Vietnamese or other Asians. Use the map at:
16. Add the locales of the following Native American tribes: Chitimacha, Choctaw, Houma, Koasati (Coushatta), and
Tunica-Biloxi. For some of these groups you may use the map at:
17. Add major roadways to your map. Include I-10, I-12, I-20, I-49, I-55, I-59, I-220, I-310, Highway 1, Highway 65 (do not
confuse with I-65), Highway 71, Highway 90, and the River Road between Baton Rouge and New Orleans. You may use
the map at:
18. Add plantations to your map. Include Destrehan (, Houmas House (,
Nottoway (, Oak Alley (, San Francisco (,
Madewood (, Magnolia Mound (, Melrose (,
and the Myrtles (
19. Add major crops to your art map. The five major crops of Louisiana are cotton, soybeans, rice, sugarcane, and corn.
Indicate the parishes with these crops on the Louisiana's Agriculture Map at

Copyright 2011 by Paul Blankenship. Some rights reserved.

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a
copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second
Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

Art Map Rubric 10 5 Zero

1. Project Board Student used the required The student used something other No project submitted.
minimum size 20 x 30” white foam than the recommended board.
board. The map fills almost all of
the project board.

2. Outline The outline of the state is neat The outline of the state is less No project submitted or the outline
and to scale. than neat and/or not to scale. is very messy or poorly drawn.

3. Parishes The parishes are clearly labeled The parishes were not neatly The parishes were not drawn and/
and neatly drawn to scale. drawn to scale or some labels are or not labeled.
missing or unreadable.

4. Groups of Parishes The map clearly indicates the The map indicates some groups of No groups of parishes indicated or
required groups of parishes. parishes or the indication is the work is very messy.

5. Color Scheme The map is colorful yet tasteful. Colors are used but are not The map lacks color or the use of
Colors compliment one another. coordinated. Color use seems color is sloppy or very limited.
Color use is logical (e.g., blue for random (e.g., pink for water).

6. Legend The legend follows all of the The legend follows most of the The legend does not follow most of
directions and is neat and directions and is readable. the directions or is messy.

Copyright 2011 by Paul Blankenship.

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0
8th Grade Social Studies GLE #3 Page 3 of 5

Art Map Rubric 10 5 Zero

7. UTC v. Louisiana’s Time Zones The legend includes a note about The legend includes a note about The map lacks information about
Louisiana’s time zone (both Louisiana’s time zone (both Coordinated Universal Time and/or
standard and daylight savings standard and daylight savings Louisiana’s time zone.
time) and the difference between time) and the difference between
Louisiana’s time and Coordinated Louisiana’s time and Coordinated
Universal Time. Universal Time but the information
is inaccurate or incomplete.

8. Statistics All statistics in the instructions are Some statistics in the instructions The statistics are not included or
accurately included on the map. are accurately included on the are not accurate.

9. Textures A different texture is used for each The representation of geological Textures are not used to represent
of the eight major geological regions is incomplete but includes the geological regions or the
regions. at least four regions. representation is inaccurate or

10. Major Land Resource Regions The major land resource regions Some (over half) of the major land Half or less than half of the major
are neatly and clearly indicated. resource regions are neatly and land resource regions are neatly
clearly indicated. and clearly indicated.

11. Major Cultural Regions The three major cultural regions Two of the three major cultural One (or less) of the three major
are clearly indicated on the map. regions are clearly indicated on cultural regions is clearly indicated
the map. on the map or the indication is
messy or inaccurate.

12. Waterways All required waterways are neatly, 51% to 99% of the required Less than 51% of the waterways
clearly, and accurately indicated in waterways are neatly, clearly, and are neatly, clearly, and accurately
blue. accurately indicated in blue. indicated in blue.
OR: The waterways are not neatly,
clearly, and accurately indicated in

13. Cultural Subregions The nine cultural subregions are At least six of the nine cultural Less than six of the nine cultural
neatly, clearly, and accurately subregions are neatly, clearly, and subregions are neatly, clearly, and
indicated. accurately indicated. accurately indicated.
OR: The cultural subregions are
not neatly, clearly, and accurately

14. Cities All required cities are neatly, At least 51% of the required cities Less than 51% of the required
clearly, and accurately labeled. are neatly, clearly, and accurately cities are neatly, clearly, and
labeled. accurately labeled.
OR: The cities are not neatly,
clearly, and accurately indicated.

15. Ethnic Groups All ethnic groups required in the 51% or more of the ethnic groups 50% or less of the ethnic groups
instructions are included in the required in the instructions are required in the instructions are
map. They are clearly, neatly, and included in the map. They are included in the map. They are
accurately indicated. clearly, neatly, and accurately clearly, neatly, and accurately
indicated. indicated.
OR: The ethnic groups are not
clearly, neatly, and accurately

Copyright 2011 by Paul Blankenship.

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0
8th Grade Social Studies GLE #3 Page 4 of 5

Art Map Rubric 10 5 Zero

16. Native American Tribes All Native American tribes required 51% or more of the Native 50% or less of the Native
in the instructions are included in American tribes required in the American tribes required in the
the map. They are clearly, neatly, instructions are included in the instructions are included in the
and accurately indicated. map. They are clearly, neatly, and map. They are clearly, neatly, and
accurately indicated. accurately indicated.
OR: The Native American tribes are
not clearly, neatly, and accurately

17. Roadways All roadways required in the 51% or more of the roadways 50% or less of the roadways
instructions are included in the required in the instructions are required in the instructions are
map. They are clearly, neatly, and included in the map. They are included in the map. They are
accurately indicated. clearly, neatly, and accurately clearly, neatly, and accurately
indicated. indicated. OR: The Native American
tribes are not clearly, neatly, and
accurately indicated.

18. Plantations All plantations required in the 51% or more of the plantations 50% or less of the plantations
instructions are included in the required in the instructions are required in the instructions are
map. They are clearly, neatly, and included in the map. They are included in the map. They are
accurately indicated. clearly, neatly, and accurately clearly, neatly, and accurately
indicated. indicated.
OR: The plantations are not clearly,
neatly, and accurately indicated.

19. Crops All crops required in the 51% or more of the crops 50% or less of the crops required
instructions are included in the required in the instructions are in the instructions are included in
map. They are clearly, neatly, and included in the map. They are the map. They are clearly, neatly,
accurately indicated. clearly, neatly, and accurately and accurately indicated.
indicated. OR: The crops are not clearly,
neatly, and accurately indicated.

20. Overall Appearance The map is neat, to scale, The map is less than neat, to The map is messy and obviously
accurate, and visually appealing. scale, accurate, and visually did not receive the effort required.

21. Chart The population chart of the cities The population chart of the cities No chart is attempted or the chart
is accurate and includes all cities. is inaccurate and/or does not represents a lack of effort.
include all cities.

22. Graph The population graph of the cities The population graph of the cities No graph is attempted or the
is accurate and includes all cities. is inaccurate and/or does not graph represents a lack of effort.
The graph type is appropriate to include all cities, or the graph type
the information presented. is appropriate to the information

23. Lowest Point The map clearly indicates the The map attempts to indicates the No indication.
lowest point in Louisiana. lowest point in Louisiana but
indicates the wrong location.

24. Highest Point The map clearly indicates the The map attempts to indicates the No indication.
highest point in Louisiana. highest point in Louisiana but
indicates the wrong location(s).

25. Great Mississippi Flood Clearly indicates the area of Attempts to indicate the area of No attempt.
Louisiana inundated in the Great Louisiana inundated in the Great
Mississippi Flood of 1927. Mississippi Flood of 1927 but
shows the wrong area(s).

Copyright 2011 by Paul Blankenship.

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0
8th Grade Social Studies GLE #3 Page 5 of 5

Art Map Rubric 10 5 Zero

26. Salt Domes The map clearly indicates the salt The map attempts to indicates the No indication.
domes in Louisiana. salt domes in Louisiana but
indicates the wrong location(s).

27. Haynesville Shale The map clearly indicates the area The map attempts to indicates the No indication.
of the Haynesville Shale in area of the Haynesville Shale in
Louisiana. Louisiana but indicates the wrong

28. Lignite Mining The map clearly indicates the area The map attempts to indicate the No indication.
of lignite mining in Louisiana. area of lignite mining in Louisiana
but indicates the wrong location

29. Other natural gas The map clearly indicates the area The map attempts to indicate the No indication.
of natural gas wells other than the area of natural gas wells other
Haynesville Shale in Louisiana. than the Haynesville Shale in
Louisiana but indicates the wrong

30. Petroleum The map clearly indicates the area The map attempts to indicate the No indication.
of petroleum extraction in area of petroleum extraction in
Louisiana. Louisiana. but indicates the wrong

Copyright 2011 by Paul Blankenship.

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0

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