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Chapter 5

Special Cleaning Processes

This chapter explains special cleaning processes that are useful if classical
methods do not work in unique situations (e.g., an unconventional or
irreplaceable optic, limited access, or an unusual contaminant).
Eight methods are presented, many of which have been developed
and improved upon over time. For example, the drag method was
developed to clean laser optics where high-quality surface finishes must
be maintained to reduce scatter. Some require tooling, specialized
equipment, and special materials. The reference section has a list of
white papers and books that provide additional information on each
method, along with various equipment and material suppliers.
For decades, strippable materials have been used for cleaning or
to protect optical surfaces. Diethyl ether (collodion) is one type of
strippable coating. It was developed in the 1850s for use on
photographic plates. Amateur astronomers have used it to clean
their telescope optics (mirrors and lenses). However, collodion is
no longer used as a solvent because it has a low flash point and
leaves a residue on surfaces.10 In the early 1980s, a polymer coating
with alcohol solvent was developed, and further improvements since
then have produced strippable coating materials that are free of
The widespread use of plastic-based optics, including optical mice,
eyewear, barcode-reading machines, health-care products, and toys,
requires a few selective cleaning methods. There are limited choices
for cleaning plastic due to the softness of the materials and the


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location of optics within an instrument, as in a barcode reader or

optical mouse.
For over a hundred years, chalk (calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
powder) cleaning was used to scrub the back surfaces of decorative
wall mirrors before silvering. It still continues to be used today. Chalk
is also used on astronomical mirrors as part of the cleaning process
before aluminizing. Chalk cleaning is effective at absorbing oils and
mechanically removing smears and stains from glass.
CO2 cleaning is a recently developed process used to clean large
telescope mirrors without having to rewash and recoat them on a
regular basis. The CO2 snow captures and removes contaminants.
This method can remove sub-micron-sized particles on special
industrial products, such as silicon wafers and critical aerospace or
laser optics.
Ultrasonic cleaning has been used in the optical industry for
medium- and large-scale cleaning processes. An ultrasonic unit is part
of a multistage cleaning system or a standalone unit for small optics.
Carbon-tip cleaning uses fine carbon particles embedded in felt or
chamois; the tip is rubbed across the surface to remove oils and stains
without the use of liquids.
Spin cleaning uses a rotating spindle to which the optic is secured.
The speed of the rotation is variable. The spin-cleaning method is used
as a final cleaning method before coating.

5.1 Drag Method

The drag method simply involves dragging a solvent-dampened lens
tissue or wipe across an optical surface (illustrated in Fig. 5.1). This is
a light-touch cleaning method that uses no pressure on the tissue or
optical surface and is best used for critical optics, such as a laser or
reticle. It is sometimes the final cleaning step.
Lay the tissue on the optical surface. Depending on the size of the
optic, apply one or more drops of solvent directly onto the tissue in a
line. The tissue will absorb and spread the solvent across the surface.
Using one or both hands, pull the tissue towards you while keeping the
tissue level and tight against the surface. If done correctly, the solvent

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Figure 5.1 Illustration of the drag method: (a) position a small wipe over the optical
surface, and (b) using a solvent, squeeze 2–4 drops directly on the wipe. (c) Slowly
pull the wipe across the optic while maintaining surface contact, and (d) continue
pulling the wipe—the solvent will evaporate behind the edge of the wipe. As the wipe
nears the edge, continue pulling the wipe up and away from the surface.

should evaporate quickly behind the tissue: no residue from the

solvent or contaminate on the surface should remain. Observe the
result and repeat as needed. Use only clean, dry air to blow across
the surface during inspection.

5.2 Strip-Coating Cleaning

The strip-coating cleaning method uses a viscous liquid (a polymer base
with an organic solvent) that is poured on the optical surface and allowed

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to dry.7–10 Strip coating should not be used on certain types of plastics, as

it may etch or dissolve the surface; consult the manufacturer’s data sheet
for a list of suitable materials. All optical coatings must have good
adhesion to the substrate. If they are weak or in poor condition, the
optical coating can be removed (this is true for a traditional cleaning
As the liquid hardens, it dissolves and traps contaminants. The
coating can serve as a protective layer for critical optics while in
storage or during shipping. Strip coatings have been used as
removable protective coatings during polishing for many years;
however, their use on large optics or for simple cleaning have been
plagued by two difficulties: residue left on the surface, and tearing of
the film during removal, which makes it painstaking to remove.10 It
works well on optics that require a nontouch cleaning process, such as
that used on laser optics or optical gratings.
To begin, prepare the worktable with a diffused light source to
provide broad illumination across the surface of the optic. Arrange
hand tools and wipes, and place the optic on a foam mat. Review and
follow instructions from the coating manufacturer.
The solvent liquid is usually poured directly onto the optical
surface; its thickness can range from 0.2–1.0 mm. Watch as it spreads,
hold the optic at a slight angle, and then rotate and tilt the optic to
spread the liquid evenly across the surface. Be sure to coat the whole
surface. Do not allow the liquid to thin out towards the edge—if this
happens, the coating will tear into small pieces when it is removed.
The liquid usually requires 10 min to 2 h to harden (consult the
manufacturer’s requirements for recommended drying times). Keep
the optic covered and protected while drying.
For small optics (<50 mm), an eyedropper, pipette, small squeeze
bottle, or brush can be used to apply the liquid. Hold the optic with
covered fingers or tweezers. While holding the optic, position it under
the light. Apply several drops to cover the whole surface or brush the
liquid across the surface. Keep the optic covered and protected while
For large optics, the coating can be sprayed on the surface; consult
the manufacturer’s specifications and safety instructions.

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Figure 5.2 After the strip coating has dried, slowly pull the coating up and away
using a pull tab.

Pull tabs (supplied by the manufacturer) are then applied on the hard
coating with light pressure (see Fig. 5.2). Consult the manufacturer’s
instructions to see if cellophane or masking or Kapton® tape can be used
as a pull tab. After applying the tab or tape, rub across its surface to ensure
that it sticks evenly. Remove the coating by slowly but firmly pulling the
tape up at an angle. The strip coating should pull off. Observe and check
the optical surface as it is being pulled; if any strip-coating residue is left on
the optical surface, apply the liquid again and repeat the process.

5.3 Cleaning Plastic Optics

The cleaning of plastic optics presents different challenges because the
material is softer than glass and can be scratched or damaged easily.
A protective hard coating can be added to the surfaces; however, this

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Figure 5.3 Use a light touch when cleaning plastic.

clear coating may not be visible, so it is best to assume that the optic is
not coated. Handle the plastic optic with extra care. The use of hand
tools should be avoided during the cleaning process (see Fig. 5.3).
Remove any dust or fibers using a soft brush or compressed air.
A microfiber wipe, a soft clean-room wipe, or a swab can be used.
Fold the wipe to the size required, and use a corner of the fold to get
into small areas. Observe the result: if fingerprints or oils are still
visible, a cleaning liquid may be needed.
Before using any liquids, however, the optic should be removed
from the housing or device. Always check the manufacturer’s manual
before proceeding, as the optic may require special assembly, disassem-
bly, or testing before and after the process. The plastic surface should
be accessible enough to reduce the risk of damage while cleaning (see
Fig. 5.4). Make sure that no liquid can leak into the device.

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Figure 5.4 Use small pointed-tip applicators to reach enclosed plastic optics.

Lightly moisten a swab with soap and water (or a plastic-cleaning

liquid), test a small area with the swab, and then observe the result. If
any contaminant is still visible on the surface, a solvent may be
required. Few solvents are suitable for use: alcohol is preferred, as
methanol may affect different types of plastics and acetone will
dissolve most plastics. Always test a sample of the plastic or an area
outside of the optic. Moisten the wipe or swab with the solvent, and
then either stroke the wipe across the surface or rotate the swab as you
move and lift it away from the edge of the optic. Observe the result.

5.4 Chalk Cleaning

Cleaning optics with chalk [calcium carbonate (CaCO3)] in fine
powder form is very effective. The powder is used to scrub the optical

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surface to remove stains, oils, and glue. It can be used when other
cleaning methods have failed or as part of the final cleaning of either
an optical surface or a ground edge/side. Magnesium oxide (MgO)
talc powder can be substituted for chalk.

Caution should always be used when scrubbing an optical surface. On

most types of glass, this process should not damage the surface. It is
important to practice this procedure on a sample before using it on a
finished part.

Prepare the workstation with the tools needed; note that the
station can get wet during this process. Place a large wipe on the
worktable, centered under the light source. Add a 1- to 2-mm-thick
pad as a cushion, and place the optic on the pad. Transfer
about 10–20 g of chalk from its large container into a smaller one.
Cleaning requires about 1–2 g; sprinkle this amount in a small,
clean, flat dish.
The chosen swab or wipe should be free of particles. A wipe is
used to clean a large optic (>50 mm), whereas a swab is used for
smaller optics. However, a swab can be used to clean a localized area
on a large optic.
Dampen a folded wipe by either dipping its corner into a dish of
soap and distilled water or spraying the solution on the wipe using a
spray bottle. Take the dampened corner of the wipe and touch the
outer edge of the chalk to collect a small amount. Place the corner
on the area of the optical surface to be cleaned. Use a slight
downward pressure to scrub the surface in a small circular pattern
(see Figs. 5.5 and 5.6). Do not allow the chalk to dry during the
process—clean excess chalk off of the surface, and then inspect
using the light. Repeat the process as needed, but dampen a new
corner each time to prevent cross-contamination. Finish cleaning
by using a swab dampened with a solvent, and then inspect the
optical surface using the light source. The drag method may be
useful after this procedure. Be sure to remove any remaining chalk
particles from the edges.

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Figure 5.5 Apply light pressure when using a damped wipe and chalk.

Figure 5.6 Apply light pressure while using an applicator to clean, using multidirec-
tional movements, such as circles and short back-and-forth strokes.

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5.5 CO2 Cleaning

The CO2 method involves spraying CO2 snow against the optical
surface. Snow is made using a specialized nozzle (Fig. 5.7) that expands
the gas or liquid through an orifice. The snow is propelled at a high
velocity, so the impact of the snow strikes any particles or contaminants
off the surface. Particles of all sizes, from the visible down to 0.03 μm,
and hydrocarbons are removed quickly.11 Figures 5.8 and 5.9 illustrate
the effect of this cleaning on an optical surface. Figure 5.10 shows
physicist Charles Townes cleaning a large mirror.
This method is used for critical optics like lasers, telescopes,
enclosed, or hard-to-reach optics (within the line of sight from the
nozzle to the surface). It may be possible for the snow to reach into
grooves and around tubes. CO2 can be used as an interim or the final
cleaning step.
The CO2 hardware and the workstation should be in a very clean
environment to reduce the chance of re-contamination. Special particle
filters such as a HEPA should be used in the cleanroom and/or flow
bench. To purge the area and keep the moisture level low, the use of dry
air or nitrogen may be required as part of the cleaning. Follow the
manufacturer’s instructions on the setup and use of the hardware.

Figure 5.7 CO2 nozzle and control applicator with a pressure gauge (image
courtesy of Applied Surface Technologies).

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Figure 5.8 Optical surface before the CO2 cleaning process (image courtesy of
Applied Surface Technologies).

Figure 5.9 Optical surface after the CO2 cleaning process (image courtesy of
Applied Surface Technologies).

The use of a warming plate, heat lamp, warming box, or other

warming method is sometimes required to reduce moisture condensa-
tion during spraying. A dry box or a nitrogen shroud are alternatives.
Caution should be used when applying the cold CO2 to thermally

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Figure 5.10 UC Berkeley physicist Charles Townes cleaning one of the large
mirrors of the Infrared Spatial Interferometer (image courtesy of Cristina Ryan, 2008).

sensitive optics or a localized area on very thick glass; be sure to test

the procedure on samples.

When using CO2, a static charge build-up is possible and should be


Observe the effectiveness of the procedure and make adjustments.

Select several samples and vary the procedure. On coatings, use the
CO2 process cautiously—if the coating has not adhered to the glass, the
snow can remove it. An improperly bonded coating can be broken off.9
The optic needs to be properly supported at all times and should
be secured. The nozzle should be pointed away from the clean parts

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and the snow should flow away from them. For safety reasons, the
area should have good airflow. Do not let the CO2 and nitrogen
accumulate in the room or under the flow bench.

5.6 Ultrasonic Cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning uses sound waves to clean optics. The process
removes hard-to-clean contaminants from the surfaces and sides of an
optic. It can be scaled to handle one optic at a time or hundreds as
part of a large cleaning line.
A small hobby ultrasonic cleaner can be used for experimental
cleaning; they are typically used for small items such as jewelry.
A cleaner of this size can handle optics up to 50–60 mm. As a precaution,
test a few samples of the type of glass to be cleaned and observe the effect
of the ultrasonic process on the glass. The mixture of cleaning liquids and
the agitation of the ultrasonic waves can have adverse effects. Although
benign when used alone, combining sound waves and cleaning liquids
can damage an optic.
Start by pouring a simple soap-and-DS-water mixture into an
ultrasonic tub. This mixture is used to clean polishing compounds off of
the edges of an optic, and oils and fingerprints from the surfaces. The
percentage of soap to water should be about 1% of the volume of water.
A simple plastic holder or rack is recommended to place the optic in
the cleaner; it should have an open design to allow for proper cleaning.
The optic should be held on its edge or laid flat, and secured to prevent
movement during cleaning (in such a way that the optical surface does
not touch the insides or bottom of the cleaning chamber). This
precaution prevents vibrations from causing subsurface damage to the
optical surface. Leave the optic in the cleaner and bath for a limited
amount of time: the process should be monitored every 30–90 s.

5.7 Carbon-Tip Cleaning

This method uses a fine carbon powder that is embedded in felt or
chamois material. The cleaning process is very similar to the chalk
method, where a fine powder scrubs and absorbs oils and other
contaminants. It works best on uncoated optical surfaces or coated

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Figure 5.11 Cleaning the surface of a cell phone screen using a carbon-tip wipe.

surfaces with hard AR coatings. Carbon tips have the advantage of

removing oils and stains without the use of liquids, and the felt or
chamois softness reduces the risk of scratching the optical coating or
surface. A carbon wipe can be used on flat surfaces, such as tablets,
screens (e.g., computers and smartphones; see Fig. 5.11), and windows.

Do not use carbon tips on soft coatings such as unprotected front-surface-

mirror coatings. If in doubt, test on a sample first. Review and follow the
manufacturer’s instructions on its use and limitations. Also, do not use carbon
tips on optical surfaces that have large amounts of moisture, dirt, or oils, as
they will be less effective. Moisture and oils will be absorbed into the felt,
chamois tip, or wipe.

The carbon-tip tool has a fine brush attached on the opposite

end of the tool; the brush is used first to remove large dust particles
(see Fig. 5.12). When finished, remove the cap covering the carbon
tip (note that it contains a small amount of carbon powder to
replenish the tip). The tip is then lightly pressed against the optical

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Figure 5.12 Cleaning the eye lens of an eyepiece with a small brush before using
the carbon tip.

surface and slowly moved in a spiral motion from the center out to
the edge (Fig. 5.13). During the final rotation, lift the tip up and
away from the surface.

5.8 Spin Cleaning

The spin-cleaning process uses a rotating spindle on which the optical
component is mounted. The spindle is spun by hand, foot petal, or
motor. The spindle can be a simple table mounted on a bearing
housing. Examples include old record players, dinner table turntables,
or industrial motorized spinners (see Fig. 5.14).

High-rotation (>1000 rpm) spin cleaners were originally developed for the
semiconductor wafer process. These cleaners use spray cleaning, rinsing
liquids, and drying with gases under high pressure.

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Figure 5.13 Cleaning the eye lens of an eyepiece using a carbon tip.

The optical component is secured on the spindle standoffs, O-ring,

or suction cup. Industrial spinners will use an O-ring and a vacuum
system. A motor-speed controller adjusts the spindle rotational speed.
For inspection, a diffused light should be positioned above the
spindle ~150–250 mm. The spindle contact surface is checked for burrs
and cleaned using a solvent to remove any residue oils. The optical
part is then secured on the spindle. Adjust the lighting to view the
optical surface to be cleaned.
Dampen a folded wipe applicator with a solvent, and start the
spindle rotation by hand or motor. Once the part is spinning, using the
folded edge, start from the center of the part. Apply the wipe using
slight pressure; slowly move the wipe towards the edge, allowing the
part to rotate several times. The vapor trail should appear as a “comet
tail” shape. Slowly lift the wipe as it approaches the edge; this will
prevent the contaminant from rolling over the edge of the part.

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Figure 5.14 A motorized spin cleaner, with foot pedal and digital speed controller
(image courtesy of Headway Technologies).

Observe and inspect the surface, repeat cleaning as needed. Use a

focused or fiber optic light to enhance the view of the surface for any
contaminants. To lift the optic off of the spindle, use tweezers to pick
it up by the edge or use a handheld vacuum system.

5.9 Automatic Cleaning System: A Reference

For high-volume cleaning of optics, an automatic cleaning system can
be employed. The system uses a batch process wherein one to
hundreds of optical parts are cleaned. They are arranged with a series
of immersion stations (see Fig. 5.15). Each station is filled with a
liquid; common liquids include water, solvents, and detergent cleaning
solutions. Systems have stations that use vapor degreasing, vapor
drying, air knife, and heated DI or DS water. An air-drying station
may be located at the end of the process.

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Figure 5.15 Diagram of a simple automatic-cleaning system.

Systems can be purchased as catalog items or they can be custom built. It is

important to supply detailed information to the manufacturer to ensure that the
proper systems are selected.

The system can be programmed for each cycle of the process. It

can be adapted to clean different types of optical materials: each
station’s fluids and cycle times can be set independently.
The bath temperatures range from cool to very warm. It is very
important to control the pH values in the liquids so as not to stain or
etch the material. Ultrasound can be added to further enhance the
cleaning process; however, exercise caution to avoid subsurface damage
or etching due to the tooling or the type of cleaning liquid used.
The parts are mounted in cassettes or carriers with one part per
slot. The cassette material and mounting methods are designed to
prevent damage to the surfaces throughout the cleaning process.

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