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Human Control around Climate Change

The greatest contributor to global warming are Buildings. Can Architecture and
Engineering alter its operations to favor a greener construction and built environment
sustainable energy consumption? Yes. Will this alteration entirely combat climate change? No.
As we go along with this discussion I will explain the components of construction in relation to
climate change and how can humans fix the effects of it to the planet.
Humans strive for development, sustainable or not. And that development greatly
revolves to the evolution of the built environment. Expansion of urbanities has great
implications to the economy but for the natural environment it tells otherwise. From the
construction of roads to the erection of skyscrapers, energy consumption and exploitation of
the nature for the use of construction materials greatly affects the ability of the planet to cope
with the overwhelming heat as the ozone continuously depletes with the emission of
greenhouse gases from the given propositions above. Sustainable Development is being
pursued by different institutions originating from different countries. It waives the use of
harmful construction materials and follows energy efficiency. The soaring green architects is
currently leading the industry with the greatest reason: to lessen the effects of the construction
industry and create a more sustainable green buildings.
With the raised awareness on the construction industry, a domino-effect will go along
the other industries especially in transportation, renewable energy cultivation and industrial
corporations. But to control the effects of climate change requires more than just prevention.
To cure the damage given takes the cooperation of every individual occupying the planet. That
includes everyone that could read this essay. Now, let me ask you. What have you done to heal
the planet?

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