Lincoln Nebraska LPlan2040 Implementation of ICLEI Sustainability Strategies

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ICLEI SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGIES Encourage businesses to offer public transit tickets in lieu of parking

Green -this topic is in the 2030 Comp Plan 40 vouchers

Encourage businesses to offer an employee cash-out parking
Yellow- this topic need further discussion on how it might fit into the
2040 Comp Plan 41 scheme
Develop neighborhood traffic management programs Encourage shared parking facilities (eg between theatres, churches
42 etc)
2 Introduce traffic calming measures
43 Promote community purchases of compact and hybrid vehicles
3 Prepare a transportation masterplan Help bring car sharing programs to the community
Implement bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure programs (lanes
4 etc) 45 Raise gas taxes
5 Provide better cycling and pedestrian information (maps etc) 46 Introduce congestion charging or road pricing
6 Introduce bus lanes Offer reductions on parking permit/congestion charge/vehicle
Introduce a high vehicle occupancy lane (HVOC) 47 registration based on GHG Emissions
48 Offer priority/free parking for Ultra Low Emissions vehicles
8 Introduce lane incentives for alternative fuel vehicles
Introduce/expand Safe Routes to School Program/Walk to School Raise parking prices/extend hours of operation/reduce number of
9 programs 49

Implement a car sharing program 50 Provide tax incentives to encourage carpooling

Strengthen public transport provision (infrastructure and service 51 Waive sales tax/provide loans for energy efficient vehicles
11 expansion/upgrade) 52 Lobby for increased CAFE (vehicle fuel economy) standards
12 Introduce or expand park-and-ride facilities 53 Encourage use of more fuel efficient jets/jet fuel
13 Promote use of public transportation Create financial incentives or encourage hybrid and fuel efficient
54 vehicles in the community
14 Institute a public transportation pass program (price reductions)
Encourage businesses to improve fuel efficiency of freight
15 Introduce bus rapid transit or shuttle services
55 movements (eg move by rail)
Provide transit passes to residents through a household or business Encourage pay as you drive car insurance
57 Implement carbon tax
17 Make provision for bicycle parking at train and bus stations
58 Establish carbon cap and reduction plan for utility emissions
Make provision for carriage of bicycles on trains and buses 59 Develop a carbon neutral certification scheme
60 Provide tools for tracking carbon emissions
19 Introduce public bikesharing/rental facilities
Encourage and support regional, state, and national GHG reduction
20 Use fuel efficient vehicles and/or alternative fuels for city fleets goals
21 Open local government alternative fueling stations to the public Provide or promote a reliable GHG offset program
Provide electric plug-in stations for freight vehicles at public car Promote carbon neutral mechanisms/resources for tourists
22 parks, truck stops or boats marinas and ports
Promote carbon neutral programs and events (including city
Use parking policy measures to discourage car use/encourage use 64 events)
23 of alternative fuel vehicles Develop flood management systems to protect local communities
24 Promote increased private citizen fuel efficiency Update 100-year flooding maps
25 Improve Vehicle Maintenance Program Document flood management systems to help local businesses and
Monitor tire pressure for fuel efficiency (eg by placing stickers on 67 residents get adequate flood insurance
26 them)
Develop adaptation strategies for essential local services and
27 Retire old and under-used fleet vehicles 68 infrastructure
28 Station police officers on bicycles/increase police bike patrols Work with communities to develop area-specific climate change
Use car sharing programs in lieu of a city fleet 69 adaptation strategies
Provide cycle facilities for employees (eg. bike rental ports, lockers, 70 Amend building codes to address the impacts of climate change
30 maps, bike racks, shower facilities) 71 Prepare communities for extreme heat events
Encourage car-pooling, van-pooling, and mass transit use by 72 Open 'cooling centers' for extreme heat events
31 municipal employees Support efforts to get greater A/C penetration in high-risk residential
Encourage telecommuting and flexible working for municipal 73 areas
32 employees
Support sustainability efforts in schools (green curriculum,
33 Implement an employee cash-out parking scheme financing, etc)
34 Implement subsidized bicycle purchase for employees Develop measures to counter 'urban heat island' effect (tree
Provide municipal employees with public transport travel passes 75 planting etc)
Encourage employees to reduce transport use in work time by 76 Support public transit 'discount days' during high ozone days
36 teleconference, walking etc Encourage distributed solutions to stormwater flooding (downpipe
Renewable Energy/Green Business Trainings/ 77 disconnection/rain barrels, rear yard permeability)
37 Workshops/Outreach
78 Install permeable paving
Offer public transit tickets to government visitors as an option to
parking permits 79 Use perforated sub-surface pipes for stormwater drainage
Promote commuter trip reduction programs Require taxicabs and other licensed private hire vehicles to reduce
80 emissions
Install Diesel Particulate Filters on municipal fleet (motor vehicles, Require disclosure of energy efficiency at point of residential and
81 trains, ferries etc) 121 commercial sale
82 Restrict idling of municipal vehicles Require energy efficiency upgrades at point of residential and
122 commercial sale
Restrict idling at public facilities
83 Promote energy conservation through campaigns targeted at
Restrict air, rail and maritime idling 123 residents and businesses
Create Energy Task Force/Committee/Office of Energy
85 Restrict idling of domestic vehicles Efficiency/Energy Coordinator to manage energy efficiency
86 Improve traffic signal synchronization 124 programs
Use natural landscaping to reduce emissions from lawnmowers etc 125 Use energy-efficient holiday/decorative lighting
Promote 'Spare the Air' days (voluntary curtailment of high emission 126 Install energy-efficient traffic and street lighting
88 activities) as a means of awareness raising Decrease average daily time for street light operation
Introduce a 'Gas cap exchange' project for private vehicles with
89 leaking or missing gas caps 128 Retrofit energy efficiency measures to public housing
Encourage replacement of gasoline-powered lawnmowers with Conduct an energy audit of municipal facilities, develop energy
90 electric-powered 129 management plan
Develop a green building policy for all new muncipal buildings and Implement an energy tracking and management system for
91 major revonations 130 municipal buildings

92 Revise building/energy codes to support green building targets Retrofit heating, cooling and ventilation system (HCAV) (e.g.
chillers, boilers, fans, pumps, belts, fuel-switching from electric to
93 Develop/adopt/encourage green building practices
gas heating, heat exchanges ventilators) in municipal buildings and
94 Require an environmental review of new buildings public housing
95 Enforce energy code compliance
Retrofit lighting fixtures and/or replace bulbs with CFLs in municipal
Adopt or encourage LEED building standards for commercial, 132 buildings and public housing
96 residential, and municipal projects
Install energy efficient appliances in city offices, kitchens, laundries
Provide system of recognition for new construction which voluntarily 133 and cafeterias in municipal buildings and public housing
exceeds minimum standards for energy conservation (eg Green Install building/office occupancy sensors in municipal buildings and
Building Certificates) 134 public housing
Implement a weatherization program for municipal buildings / public Install green or reflective roofing on municipal buildings and public
98 housing 135 housing
Promote / subsidize weatherization of commercial and residential Improve water pumping energy efficiency in municipal buildings and
99 properties 136 public housing
100 Develop green roofs on municipal properties Install or improve building insulation (including double-glazed
Develop reflective or 'cool' roofs on municipal properties, encourage 137 windows) in municipal properties
101 them on commercial and residential properties
Institute a "lights out at night" or "lights out when not in use" policy
102 Offer energy audits to small businesses in municipal buildings
Share the efforts and knowledge of the city's green building Implement an employee awareness program to change habits
103 resources eg. publish a guide regarding turning off computers and monitors when not in use
Encourage use of sustainable building materials (eg minimize Install computer shut down (optimization) software on municipal
104 cement use) computers
Encourage retrofit of green building technologies on commercial Promote energy conservation through campaigns targeted at
105 and residential buildings businesses and residents
Provide incentives for green roofs on commercial and residential Run appliance trade-in sessions for local community
106 properties
143 Promote participation in a local green business program
107 Provide green building information to the public
Make available network of contractor contacts for green building
108 Subsidize residential energy audits 144 retrofit/energy audits/green technologies
109 Implement a green concrete program 145 Provide energy audits/analysis to businesses and households
Provide training for City staff on green building/energy code 146 Give grants for / bulk purchase household insulation
110 procedures and financing
147 Distribute free CFL bulbs and/or fixtures to community
Hold workshops on green building and energy efficiency financing
148 Distribute energy efficiency/conversion kits
111 mechanisms for businesses, developers etc
Establish VOLT Loan Program (Fannie May loan program for
112 Require improved power plant efficiency energy efficiency upgrades to homes)
113 Implement district heating and cooling
150 Provide energy conservation loans
114 Install energy-efficient co-generation power production facilities
151 Community energy efficiency rebate program
Require local industries to mitigate their adverse environmental
152 Waive sales tax for/ offer rebates on energy efficient appliances
115 impacts
Better loan rates/financial incentives for energy efficient, Energy
116 Implement time-of-use or peak demand energy pricing
153 Star certified/LEED homes
117 Implement distributed energy generation
154 Small business grants for energy efficiency upgrades
118 Purchase locally produced energy sources Require a tiered rate for electricity consumption (above the
119 Develop a comprehensive energy conservation program 155 average)
Adopt stringent residential or commercial energy code requirements Implement schemes to incentivize building insulation in commercial
156 and residential properties
Implement schemes to incentivize energy efficient appliances in 200 Implement a healthy school lunch program and buy local foods
157 residential and commercial properties Adopt a 'buy local' purchasing policy
Promote greenmarkets and local food markets, especially in areas
Purchase only ENERGY STAR equipment and appliances for City
158 underserved by grocery stores
use (including computers, kitchen equipment, vending machines
159 Increase land dedicated to food production 202
etc). Negotiate prices by purchasing in bulk where feasible.
Plant shade trees in and around local government parking lots and 203 Establish a hydrogen energy dispensing facility
160 facilities
204 Generate electricity from wastewater methane
161 Maintain healthy urban forests and street trees
205 Install an anaerobic digester at wastewater facilities
162 Promote tree planting to increase shading and to absorb CO2
206 Generate electricity from landfill methane
163 Organize community tree-planting and maintenance events
207 Generate electricity from biomass
164 Promote a biodiverse landscape in parks
208 Install a biodiesel fuel processor or biorefinery
165 Encourage/expand community gardening program
Install a cogeneration plant (generates electrical & thermal power by
166 Eliminate use of artificial/chemical pesticides and fertilizers in parks 209 using waste heat)
167 Implement green yard campaigns 210 Use woodchip heating in municipal buildings and public housing
Use government agency developments to underpin new affordable 211 Use geothermal heating municipal buildings and public housing
168 housing through co-location
212 Install hydroelectric micro-turbines in water lines
Encourage/incentivize developers to adapt redundant buildings for Implement tidal or ocean current power project
new housing uses (though policy, taxation system or financial
incentive) 214 Implement a form of community choice aggregation
Deck over transportation infrastructure (rail lines, rail yards, Purchase green electricity from solar, geothermal, wind or
highways) to provide new land for housing 215 hydroelectric sources
Pursue creative financing options to help develop affordable Establish a Renewable Portfolio Standard for government energy
171 housing 216 use
Support and encourage homeownership 217 Install solar panels on municipal facilities for heating and hot water
Preserve and maintain the existing stock of affordable housing 218 Install wind energy turbines
Introduce or expand the use of Inclusionary Zoning 219 Install hydropower turbines
Use zoning powers to protect or increase open space Offer incentives to foster renewable energy installations in the
220 community
176 Open schoolyards as public playgrounds
Promote community clean energy use through green power
177 Expand provision for sports and leisure purchasing or on-site renewable technologies
178 Complete or enhance underdeveloped parks Make available a council contact on green energy sources
Maximize use of existing facilities for sports and leisure (e.g. by Provide technical assistance to developers and businesses on
179 installing floodlights) green building renewable energy technologies
180 Create or enhance public plazas Enforce or increase renewable portfolio standards on utility
Co-locate civic facilities to reduce travel requirement and maximize 224 companies
181 building use Implement a renewable energy tax credit program
182 Utilize brownfield sites for civic facilities where possible Promote installation of fuel cells
Promote high-density and in-fill development through zoning
227 Promote renewable energy use to businesses and homeowners
183 policies
Institute growth boundaries, ordinances or programs to limit 228 Offer property tax abatements for installation of renewable energy
184 suburban sprawl 229 Implement a Clean Renewable Energy Bond (CREB) scheme
Give development incentives for development in existing downtown 230 Capture and combust methane at landfills
185 areas and areas near public transit
Establish/expand recycling programs (municipal or commercial) and
186 Give development incentives for brownfield development 231 set aggressive recycling targets/goals
Discourage sprawl through impact, facility, mitigation, and permit Implement organics and yard debris collection and composting
187 fees
Establish system for reuse or recycling of construction and
188 Use transit extensions to stimulate development in new areas
233 demolition materials
189 Develop new communities around a public transit hub
234 Implement pay-as-you-throw collection for non-recyclable trash
190 Work to create a regional land use plan
235 Implement program to reuse asphalt millings
191 Develop green urban design guidelines and/or policies
236 Implement penalties for non-compliance with recycling programs
192 Implement a green purchasing program for the city
237 Implement a solid waste recycling program in municipal buildings
193 Use life cycle cost analysis in city purchasing decisions
238 Reduce paper use in municipal offices
194 Purchase environmentally friendly (non-VOC) cleaning products
Recover CFCs from discarded air conditioners, freezers and
195 Purchase environmentally friendly (non-VOC) paints 239 refrigerators in municipal properties and public housing
196 Use environmentally friendly materials in construction Educate the public about existing recycling programs to boost
Purchase furniture and flooring from sustainable sources 240 compliance
Implement recycling and environmentally friendly purchasing in 241 Promote home composting
198 municipal shop operations (oil and fuel reuse etc) Implement free household electronic/ hazardous waste disposal
Buy recycled products where possible (eg paper for office printing) 242 program
Encourage producer take-back campaigns for disposal of waste 286 Train City staff in sustainability awareness
243 products
Sustainability training for zoning, building permit and energy code
Discourage use of plastic bags/ encourage recyclable bags at staff
244 stores
Partner with local media, educators, businesses, universities,
245 Ensure public events recycle waste governments to get and spread information
246 Increase landfill fees
289 Commit to high quality education and adult education system
247 Incentives for restaurants to recycle waste grease
290 Enhance ties with local universities, promote R&D
248 Restrict purchase of bottled water
291 Integrate sustainability into child and adult education programs
249 Use solar powered public trash compactors
250 Implement a stormwater management program
251 Upgrade energy efficiency at wastewater treatment plants
252 Adopt a water conservation ordnance
253 Protect existing wetland areas
254 Develop 'bluebelt' areas
255 Increase use of high level sewers to manage storm water
256 Use non-asphalt paving / increase permeable surfaces
Use zoning law to prevent excessive paving and require tree
257 planting
258 Green' parking lots (with grass, trees etc)
259 Develop expanded tree pits
Install weather-controlled irrigation systems in parks to reduce water
260 use
261 Use low-maintenance landscaping to reduce irrigation required
262 Improve water pumping energy efficiency (heat and distribution)
Use grey water recycling technology in municipal buildings and
263 public housing
Install water-saving toilets and showers in municipal buildings and
264 public housing
Install automatic sensors on hand basins in municipal buildings and
265 public housing
Provide water saving technology (toilet cistern balls, reduced flow
266 showerheads) to residential properties
267 Promote water conservation activities in homes and businesses
268 Limit hose and sprinkler use and car washing to specified times
Daylight' streams (bring to open air waterways that have previously
269 been culverted to improve biodiversity)
270 Promote 'green businesses' in the local economy
271 Promote and nurture the creative economy
Promote diversity and equal opportunity through municipal hiring
272 practices
273 Provide training and job search support for 'green collar jobs'
Institute a Green Investment Program (making environmentally
274 responsible investments)
275 Encourage local businesses to hire locals
Identify/provide financing opportunities (for efficiency, clean energy,
276 etc.)
Maintain and enhance traditions of community involvement in policy
277 making
278 Support integrated, citywide volunteer program
Continue or enhance support for social service programming for
279 vulnerable communities and individuals
Organize community clean sweep sessions of illegal dumping sites
280 and street litter, remove graffiti
281 Community education campaign on sustainability issues
Create a website outlining sustainability issues and providing info
282 on (eg) contractors, green energy providers etc
283 Go Green Month events and outreach
284 Run a "Community Climate Challenge" program of events
285 Promote Green Business practices

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