Infinite Space Walkthrough

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| Infinite Space |

Infinite Space FAQ/Walkthrough

by Brenton Reinders - "Katal"
Version: 0.91
Copyright 2010 Brenton Reinders


First and foremost I would like to point out that the vast majority of the
information used in creating this faq came from a Japanese Wiki, which is
a great deal more detailed (at the moment at least) than this faq so if your
Japanese is of sufficient skill then by all means visit the site here:


If you notice any mistakes, incongruities or missed information while reading

my guide, by all means send me an email with what needs to be corrected or
added. I would be grateful for any information, and would add you to the
credits at the end of the FAQ if your information is accurate. At this point
most of the Japanese Names should have been removed from the FAQ, but if you
notice any places where the names are still incorrect, that information would
be helpful as well.

| Table of Contents |

o Basic Information(Partial-at-best) [S1000]

o Ship Battles [S1010]
o Melee Battles [S1020]

o Walkthrough [S2000]
o Chapter 1 [S2010]
o Chapter 2 [S2020]
o Chapter 3 [S2030]
o Chapter 4 [S2040]
o Chapter 5 [S2050]
o Chapter 6 [S2060]
o Chapter 7 [S2070]
+ Nova Nacio Route [S2071]
+ Kalymnos Route [S2072]
o Chapter 8 [S2080]

o Chapter 9(2-1) [S2110]

o Chapter 10(2-2) [S2120]
+ Govt. Route [S2121]
+ Rebel Route [S2122]
o Chapter 11(2-3) [S2130]
o Chapter 12(2-4) [S2140]
+ Enemonzo/Lavena Route [S2142]
+ Enemonzo/Mesenzana Route [S2143]
+ Zenito Route [S2144]
o Chapter 13(2-5) [S2150]
o Chapter 14(2-6) [S2160]
o Chapter 15(2-7) [S2170]
o Chapter 16(2-8) [S2180]
o Chapter 17(2-9) [S2190]

o Characters(In-progress) [S3000]
o Character Skills [S3100]
o Special Skills [S3200]

o Ships(In-progress) [S4000]
o Destroyers(DD) [Complete] [S4100]
o Cruisers(CG) [Complete] [S4200]
o Carriers(CV) [Complete] [S4300]
o Battleships(BB) [Complete] [S4400]
o Unclassified(M) [Complete] [S4500]
o Modules [S4600]
o Fighters [Complete] [S4700]
o Weapons [Complete] [S4800]

o Miscellany [S5000]
o Fame Reward Chart [S5001]

| Basic Info [S1000] |

* The main purpose of this FAQ is to assist the player in locating the vast
many missable characters, ships, and modules in this monster of a game.
As a result, there are very few points in the Walkthrough that I will make
specific notes of Battle Tactics for normal or Boss encounters. I will attempt
to make a short compendium of useful information in this section to cover for

| Ship Battles [S1010] |

* Ship battles consist of a reasonably large set of commands, although you will
not have access to all of them from the start of the game.

* First up are the 3 primary commands: Normal, Barrage, and Dodge.

o Normal is just as it says, a Normal attack, where all the ships in your
fleet attack with all weapons currently in-range. This attack uses 1AP
(1/3 of the AP Bar).

o Barrage is an attack which has all your ships attack 3 times, making it
significantly devastating. This attack uses 2AP, making it more
efficient than normal attacks.

o The third command, Dodge, is what controls the use of the previous two.
Using the Dodge command uses 1AP and puts you in the "Dodge State" which
lasts until you take another action. While in this state, any barrages
aimed at the dodging fleet will miss (almost) entirely, however any
normal attacks aimed at the dodging fleet will have significantly
increased hit rate.

* Making use of this system is important to surviving the tougher enemies in

the game. The AI enemies use the same 3 commands as well, and will quite
often make liberal use of the dodge command, thus often turning battles into
a game of chicken, with both fleets holding off until the other fires, which
creates an opening for barrage.

* [Melee]
o The next command is Melee, which allows you to board a ship to take it
out of the fight immediately. You do not recieve the ship after battle,
and you must close in to point blank range to execute this attack, and
it is also disabled during a good many of the encounters in the game,
thus making its usefulness rather slim except in the situations where
its usage is required.

* [Fighters]
o After obtaining Hangar technology, you can equip fighters on ships
capable of carrying them. These can be lauched during battle at a cost
of 1AP and they will fight independently, destroying enemy fighters if
present, or attacking your current target for a duration equal to their
Time stat or until all are destroyed. Individually, fighters are weak,
but with several ships equipped with multiple hangars, your squadrons
will be able to rip through enemy fighters and capital ships alike.

* [AA]
o When under enemy fighter attacks, your fleet is locked in place, unable
to move. This leaves you extremely open to enemy attack, and as such you
must quickly remove the fighters from around your ship. The first method
of doing this is to launch your own fighters, which will drive the enemy
fighters away and attempt to destroy them. The second method is using
this command, AA, which will use any equipped point defense weapons to
destroy the attacking fighters.

o Unfortunately, it takes a reasonable amount of time for all fighters to

be destroyed by this command, and you are still unable to move until all
are dead, you also cannot use any other commands while it is in effect,
or you will have to use 1AP again to reactivate the AA guns. As a
result, since you must use weapon slots for point defense weapons and the
AA command does not really solve the fighter problem quickly, its use is
not recommended. Stick to fighters, they wont let you down.

* [Special Attacks]
o There are also 3 special attack buttons at the bottom of the command tab.

o The first is your Captain's special skill (Final Roar) which is the
equivalent of a barrage that uses a full 3AP but has increased Critical
rate on all attacks.

o The second is your First Mate's skill, which varies from character to
character (not all characters have one, it is denoted by a (C) next
to the skill in the character menu.)

o The third skill is your Ship's special skill, usually only Battleships
have special skills, and only certain ones at that, they vary according
to ship, but are all infinite-range attacks that disable AP guage
recharging temporarily after firing.

| Melee Battles [S1010] |

* Melee Battles are simple yet awfully annoying beasts that resemble to a
stunning degree the game of Rock,Paper,Scissors.

* You have 3 normal commands at your disposal, [Leader] [Slash] and [Shoot].

* The pattern is Leader > Slash > Shoot > Leader. It is in fact more
complicated than just that, but that is the jist of it.
* Further tips will show up here in the case that I ever get a better handle
on the system.

| Walkthrough [S2000] |

| Chapter 1 [S2010] |


* [Event Battle]

* Opening Scene choice

o "Yes" for [Yuri Ship Management EXP+20]
o "I don't know" for no effect.

* Head to [Bagut] for an [Event Battle]

---Chapter 1---

* Bagut
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Nia", "Go to Grus" for [Yuri Combat +5]
+ Reenter for an [Event] to proceed.
+ "Talk to bartender", "Get information" for info on a new starlane

* [Event Battle] now available at Area 1's ??? area

o The ship does nothing but run away, and the Daisy isnt fast enough to
catch it, so come back after getting a destroyer. Recieve [1150g] on

* Head towards Hapsal for a [Scene]

* Hapsal
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Nia", "Yes", new starlane revealed.
+ "Talk to Gate Guard", "Give him something like 100g"
+ "Talk to Radimir" several times and hear his troubles.
+ "Talk to Radimir", "Ask for job", Take package to Bagut Tavern
for [300g]

* Toropets
o [Event] on arrival, recieve [10000g] for buying Destroyer
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Nia", "No, I guess not" for [Fame+10]
+ "Talk to bartender", "Ask for job", Take package to Bagut Tavern
for [250g]

o Ship Design Company - [Otlichny DD] [Perekop DD]

o Take your pick and build your ship.

* Head towards Ropesk for [Scene] and [Boss Battle]

* After battle, [Kira] joins crew
* Stop by a Tavern and "Talk to friends" for a convo with Kira, Yuri and Kira's
[Navigation +1]

* Head for Area 3's Void Gate for [Torlo] to join crew
* On arrival at Void Gate, [Scene] and [Event Battle]

* After battle, automatically warped to "Elgava Lutsk A"

| Chapter 2 [S2020] |

* For the next event to occur, one of the following must occur.
o You talked to the bartender on Popash, Ketryzn(?), or Nezhatin and
heard about the pirates
o You should now get an [Event Battle] randomly during flight at some

* After dealing or taking enough damage, [Scene] will occur during the
[Event Battle]

* Popash
o Modular design company
+ [Sick Bay 1] [Security Rm 1] [Accounting Office 1]

* Perekop
o Efimov Inc.
+ Visit here first, then go talk to the employees in the tavern
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Weapons Employee 2" to get info.
+ "Talk to bartender", "Ask for job", Take package to Nezhatin
Tavern without fighting any enemies for [700g]

* Head for Area 2's upper-left ??? area to find [300g]

* Nezhatin
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Old Man", "Talk to Gen", "Yes" for [Fleet Commander LV2]
o Modular design company
+ [Elgava Bridge 02] [Crew Cabin 02]

* Lutsk
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Rufina" and she will introduce Tatiana
+ "Talk to Tatiana" for [Tatiana] to join your crew
+ "Talk to Rufina" once more, and she'll talk about her husband.
o Modular design company
+ [Fire Con Rm 02] [Anti-ship Con Rm 01] [Radar Rm 02] [Amplifier 01]
o Guild
+ choose Poplo, Requires ~200 Fame, Costs 500g, [Poplo] joins crew
+ choose Gadina, Requires ~200 Fame, Costs 300g, [Gadina] joins crew

* Head for the Void Gate and warp to Ropesk for a [Scene]
* Head to Hapsal and visit the Tavern, "Talk to Radimir", [Radimir] joins crew

**************************Crew Recruitment Notes*******************************

Recruiting Radimir also sets Rufina's recruitment flag(Ch11) and you will
recieve the [Mess Hall 6] Module in Ch12.

* Toropets
o Pawn Shop
+ Enter for a [Scene], new starlane appears.

* Head for Milesk Sct. for [Event] leading to [Melee Combat]

o For the first battle, you'll need to either win or make them retreat
but for the second you will always lose.
o Melee Command is now usable

* [Event] on entering any port.

* Head back to Milesk Sct. again to find [Second Bridge 01] blueprint

* Head for the Void Gate and warp back to Lutsk

* Klaipeda
o Tavern
+ "Talk to bartender", "Get info" to unlock Karlo's House
o Karlo's House
+ "Talk to Karlo", "yes" to recieve [S-Frame 01] blueprint and have
[Karlo Efimov] join crew
+ Make sure to do this before beating the chapter boss, or you wont be
able to recruit him.

* Head towards Lutsk Base for an [Event]

* Lutsk Base
o HQ
+ "Talk to Tefed" twice, "Talk to Mogilek" twice, then "Talk to Oleg"
twice, choose "Yes" to recieve [Mission] to destroy pirates
o Lodgings
+ "Talk to Oleg" 3 times, then youll get to choose between [Orfey DD]
and [Derzky DD] blueprints
o Starlane to Ruza added

* Ruza
o Tavern
+ "Talk to military man", choose "We'll buy you a few drinks" to
recieve [Data Chip]

* Head back for Lutsk Base and mid-way youll encounter an [Event Battle]
o After dealing or taking enough damage, the fight will stop.

* Head for Lutsk Base, Housing and hand over the data chip.

* Ketryzn
o Tavern
+ "Talk to bartender", "Ask for job", to get a Mission
- "Talk to male adventurer" on Popash(Tavern)
- "Talk to adventurer" on Lutsk(Tavern)
- "Talk to tough-looking guy" on Ruza(Tavern)
- Return to Ketryzn for [1000g]

* At some point during that mission you should have gotten an [Event] about the
IP transmission. This also means that the Lutsk Base decoding is complete.

* Return to Lutsk Base.

* Lutsk Base
o Lodgings - "Talk to Oleg" twice
+ If you choose the indirect route, you will later recruit
[Dedon Galkin]
+ If you choose the direct route, you will later recruit
[Zakhar Agarkov]
+ Go to the Tavern and "Consult with friends", then go back and choose.

**************************Crew Recruitment Notes*******************************

Dedon Galkin is available far sooner (in Chapter 4) as compared to Zakhar (who
is not available until Chapter 11), but Zakhar is a skilled Melee Fighter
while Galkin does not have any skills and has reasonably mediocre stats.
They otherwise have no effects on other character or blueprint requirements
so choose whichever you prefer.

* Head towards Pirate Base to proceed. [Event Battle] may occur

depending on route you took.

* On arrival, [Boss Battle], afterwards head inside Balik's Base

o "Forward", "Left", "Right" to find [Nav Bridge 01] blueprint
o "Turn back", "Right", "Forward", "Right", "Left", [Event]

* Head back to Lutsk Base, [Event] on arrival, go to Lodgings to recieve

[Rurik CG] blueprint

* If you recruited Karlo, then head to Perekop and visit Efimov Inc.
[AS Missiles] can now be equipped

* Go to a Tavern for a [Scene]

* Head for Area 4's ??? area to find [600g]
* Head for Area 4's Void Gate for an [Event]
* Use Void Gate to warp to "Elgava Central"

| Chapter 3 [S2030] |

* Paozero
o Tavern
+ "Talk to bartender" to unlock Medic Org. HQ on Nerekhta

* Head towards Zvenigorod, [Event] on arrival

* Zvenigorod
o Central HQ
+ [Event] on entrance, choose all options.

o Lodgings
+ "Talk to Oleg", recieve [Borodino BB] blueprint and
[Fleet Leader Lv3]
+ Even though you have two missions to take care of, the pirates cant
be taken out till youve resolved the conflict, so start with that one

o Hospital
+ If you set Zakhar's recruitment flag last chapter, then be sure to
visit him in the hospital here (or you may not be able to recruit
him in Ch11)

* Chernesk
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Middle-aged man", go to Zvenigorod's Hospital and pay 150g
to recieve polyphermin, return to Tavern and talk to man again to
recieve [Novik DD] and [Gnevny DD] blueprints.

---Resolve the Dispute---

* Nerekhta
o Tavern
+ [Event] on entry, [Ian Fenevich] joins crew.
+ "Talk to Galkin", new starlane added, "Talk to Galkin" again
for Mission (find old guy)
o Medic Org. HQ
+ Donate 500g once to recieve [+2 Medicine] for Nia, Kira or Tatiana
+ Donate 500g twice more to recieve [Sick Bay 2] and [Shield Gen 2]

* After Ian is recruited, head towards anywhere besides a Void Gate for a
[Scene], choice:
o choose "Yes" for [Yuri Leadership EXP+30]
o choose "No" for nothing.

* Head for Void Gate and warp to "Lutsk A"

* Nezhatin
o Head to Tavern and "Talk to Gen" to proceed

* Head back to the Void Gate and warp to "Elgava Central" for an [Event]

* Head to Alatyr for a [Scene]

* Head for Deviagorsk for an [Event]

*Note* After docking 3 times an [Event] will occur and the Tavern event
on Nerekhta will be available.

* Nerekhta
o Enter Tavern for an [Event]
* Deviagorsk
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Gen" twice to proceed, [Gen Nadiy] temporarily joins crew.

* Head for Driutesk for [Event Battle]

o Make sure not to attack the #1 ship in any of the fleets you fight in
these areas.

* Head for Area 4's upper-left ??? area for another [Event Battle]

* Head for Buzhsk for yet another [Event Battle]

o Afterwards, Yuri Learns [Final Roar Lv1]

* Alatyr
o Modular design company (appears after ending conflict)
+ [Elgava Bridge 03] [Fire Control Rm 03] [Radar Rm 03] [Engine Rm 02]
[War Rm 01] [Deflector 01]
+ Make sure to buy and equip the Deflector, as it is required for
the next section

* Ostrog
o Tavern
+ "Talk to bartender", "Ask for job", head back to Alatyr(Science Lab)
head to Buzhsk(choose "Magnetic Field Value", return to Alatyr
(Science Lab), return to Ostrog Tavern, let [Nadja Musin] join your
crew, recieve [400g], head back to Alatyr(Science Lab) once more to
recieve [Analysis Rm 01] blueprint.

o Modular design company

+ [Security Rm 02] [Thruster Control Rm 01]

* After recruiting Nadja head to a Tavern and "Talk to friends" till a convo
with her appears, choose "I wonder what he had to do" for [Fame+20]

* Head for Area 4's upper-right ??? area for [300g]

---Kill the Pirates---

* Head for Gorodok for an [Event] on arrival

* Gorodok
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Melania twice to proceed, starlane to Medyn appears.

*Note* Before leaving port, make sure to have deflectors equipped on your ships
and equip at least one good combat character to the secondary security post
(This allows Yuri to still take the place of the security chief, use someone
else by all means if you dont mind using 2 chars)

* Head to the first ??? area along the path to Medyn for an [Event Battle] and
to rescue Ian

* Head towards the second ??? area for a [Scene], need deflector equipped to
get through
o You can get through with a deflector only on your flagship, but all ships
without will be reduced to 10HP after flying through
+ Even if you somehow got Deflector 7 from ranking rewards, you have
to equip Deflector 1 to get through

o After youve passed through the first time, you no longer need the
deflectors to pass through the area.

* Head for Medyn for first [Boss Fight] (CGx1, DDx2, Mx2)
o You can head back for repairs afterwards

* Continue along afterwards for a second [Boss Fight] (CGx1, DDx2, Mx2)

* On arrival at Medyn, head down to the Pirate's Base

o "Forward", [Melee Battle](400HP/5ATK), "To 2F", "Forward", "To 3F"
o Recieve [300g], "Right", "To 4F", [Melee Battle](400HP/35ATK)
o "Forward", "To 5F", "Forward", [Melee Battle](400HP/5ATK)

* After the final Melee battle, a choice..

o If you "Show no mercy" 3 times, then Melania will be saved.
o If you "Spare his life" at any point, she's gonna die.

* Head towards Area 1's rightmost ??? area for a [Scene]


* You'll be taken to Zvenigorod, "Leave the Hospital"

* Head to Zvenigorod/Lodgings for an [Event] and to proceed

* Zarub
o Tavern
+ "Talk to bartender", "Ask for job", recieve mission to salvage ship
near Ostrog, may take several passes of starlanes connecting to
Ostrog to find it, after found return to Tavern for [1100g]

* Nerekhta
o Medic Organization HQ
+ Enter twice, then head towards the Void Gate to get a [Scene] enroute
+ Use the Void Gate to warp to "Lutsk B" and head to Ruza
+ [Event] on arrival, head to Tavern to recruit [Feador Kuchin]
and [Larissa Kuchin]

* Head back to Central Elgava, then towards Volodarev, [Event Battle] enroute
o Battle is against (CGx1, DDx4) but they arent all that strong, the
bigger concern is the long path you have to take to get to them, so to
make the fatigue bar a little less of an issue, be sure to assign
someone to the 2 Chef positions (Kira is ideal)

* Volodarev
o Tavern
+ "Talk to oddly dressed man", "Talk to Seimas", Leave Tavern,
Visit Forest and Meadow areas, then back to "Talk to Seimas"
to obtain [Voyage Recorder]

o Meadow
+ "Talk to farmer" to set Ratai's recruitment flag.
o Modular design company
+ [Hold 02] [Crew Cabin 03] [Messhall 01] [Accounting Office 02]

o [Event] on Departure

* Head for Area 6's ??? area for an [Event]

* Head for Zvenigorod and if you talked to the old farmer back on Volodarev,
then [Ratai Faustov] will join your crew on arrival
o Head back to the Meadow on Volodarev after recruiting him to
recieve [Observation Rm 1] blueprint

* Zvenigorod
o Lodgings
+ choose "Report on the Probe Ship" to proceed

o Central HQ
+ [Event] on entry, Ship Design Company on Chernesk unlocked

* Chernesk
o Ship Design Company
+ [Askold CV] [Skoryy DD] [Derzky DD]or[Orfey DD]
(Whichever you did not get in Ch2)

* Driutesk
o Tavern
+ "Talk to bartender", "Ask for job", [Mission] head to the ???
area between Nerekhta and Ostrog for [Event Battle], after
completing it, head back to the bar for [850g]
+ "Talk to bartender", "Ask for job", [Mission] take package to
Paozero's Tavern for [450g]

* [One last useless scene, feel free to skip it] Head to Area 1's Void Gate
and warp back to Lutsk then go to Ketryzn's Tavern and "Talk to dignified
man", either following choice will result in [Yuri Ship Management EXP+5]

* Head for Deviagorsk for an [Event] on arrival, [Gen] leaves crew

* Head for the Area 5 Void Gate and warp to Kalymnos Junction

| Chapter 4 [S2040] |

* Go to Chios for an [Event]

* Chios
o Tavern
+ Talk to Bartender x3, Ask for Job - Recieve Mission (To Dodecanese)

* Heraklion
o Modular design company
+ [AA Con Rm 1] [Engine Rm 3] [Sick Bay 3] [Nav Sim Rm 1]
[Science Lab 1] [Shop 1] [Deflector 2]

o Tavern
+ "Talk to Friends" - choice in a convo with Karlo, choose "Why?" for
[Yuri Science +1]

*Note* The path to get to Dodecanese is from the ??? area above Chios only,
the other path is blockaded at this time, and this path is slightly
difficult to see, so look closely.

* Dodecanese
o Ship Design Company
+ [Ilithyia CG] [Themis DD]

o Jezelmite Mine - Chios Tavern Mission Target [500g]

* Volos
o Tavern
+ [Event] on entry, Gadina fights brawler, wins [500g]
+ "Talk to bartender", "Ask for Job" - Recieve Mission [To Zante]

o Defense Post
+ If you set his recruitment flag in Ch2, entering here 3x allows
you to recruit [Dedon Galkin]

* Go to one of the ??? areas above Volos for an [Event] where you meet Roubis

* Thira
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Roubis" - [Nerissa Roubis joins]
o Fighters Co. (Can't be used till later)

* Heraklion
o Minas' Lab - Talk to Minas x2 [Minas temporarily joins crew]
+ Sometime after recruiting Minas, HELP will break down after viewing a
HELP topic and be fixed by Minas upon leaving port.
- You have to view quite a few Help topics before this event will
occur, but it seems to start counting well before the event is
unlocked, so if you have been using the Help terminal to look up
effects of various skills for example, then it should occur rather
quickly. (Estimated 20+ viewed topics required for event to occur)

* Dodecanese
o Tavern
+ [Event] on entering, Help the trader out - [Yuri & Torlo Combat
+ Talk to trader, [Paulo Marjeno] refuse his reward twice to set his
recruit flag (For Ch6)
+ [Event] on later entering, Miner's attack you several times upon
entering the bar after helping trader. {No noticable effect}

* [Event] occurs in any ??? area after Dodecanese tavern encounter

{between Dodecanese and Chios for me} you will encounter pirates
fighting Security forces
o Choice effects Ch5 recruits
+ "Attack the Pirates" [Adorinda Nobelo] joins in Ch5
+ "Defend the Passenger Ship" [Nikolao Garni] joins in Ch5

**************************Crew Recruitment Notes*******************************

Adorinda Nobelo - has All-Seeing Lv1 and Amateur Chef Lv3
Nikolao Garni - has Abacus Lv2 and Ace Helmsman Lv1
There is otherwise no difference between them as far as recruits or blueprints.

* Head for the two ??? areas below Dodecanese for [600g] and [1000g]

* Zante
o Jezelmite Mine - Volos Tavern Mission Target [600g]

* Veroia
o Modular design company
+ [Elgava Bridge 04] [Nav Bridge 02] [AS Con Rm 02] [Briefing Rm 01]
[Study Hall 01] [Shield Generator 01]

o Tavern
+ After doing both Mining Missions, [Event] occurs when entering bar,
[Loukas Barberis] joins crew

o Security Agency
+ Enter, then Talk to Ioannov x2, Answer
"Yes I'm confident we can."

+ Go to the ??? area right before Spider Web

(past the blockade) for a scene

+ Proceeding on to Spider Web, back to back event battles will occur

+ Return to any planet for scene - [Rhea joins]
+ Return to Veroia - Security Agency, choose "I'm not so confident"

o Tavern - Talk to Pappas repeatedly for next objective

+ Recieve access to Ship Design Company on [Volos]

* Volos
o Ship Design Company
+ [Pallas BB] [Eudora CG] [Zephyr CG] [Kalliope DD]
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Rhea" to learn about her boyfriend Leo
+ "Talk to bartender", "Ask for job", Take package to Nerekhta tavern
back in Elgava Central (Last Chapter's Area) for [1200g]

* Head Towards Zante and an [Event] will occur enroute.

* Go to the Tavern on Dodecanese and talk to friends for a convo about Celina,
then head towards Zante again for [Event] (check both ??? areas if event is
not occuring)

* Return to The Security Agency on Veroia - choose

"You can't do that!" [Yuri Leadership EXP+20]

* Proceed to the Upper-Left ??? of AREA3 for a [Scene]

* Head into Dock 3 times for a [Scene]
* Dock 3 more times for another [Scene]
* Go to a Tavern and "Talk to Ian"

* Go to a ??? area before Zante, you should encounter a 5 ship fleet.

o Capture the head ship of this fleet with the melee command during battle.

* Veroia
o Security Agency
+ Go inside to get the Fighter and AA abilities
fighter shop now available on [Thira]
+ Go inside again once you are ready to begin the assault.

* Thira
o Fighter Design Company
+ [Krechet] [Berkut] [Grif]

* Head towards Skantzoura, you will encounter a [Boss Fight](Uses Fighters)

at the ??? area along the way. Continue to Skantzoura after.

* Skantzoura
o Prison (West)
+ "Forward", "To 2F", "Forward", [Melee Battle](700HP/15ATK), "To 3F"

o Prison (East)
+ "Forward", "To 2F", "Forward", [Melee Battle](700HP/15ATK),
[Leo Folias] joins crew, "To 3F", "Forward", "To 4F", "Forward",
[Melee Battle](700HP/15ATK)

o Administrative Building
+ "Go to observation room", "go to Warden's Office", follow the path.

o Go to Prison (west) to move things along, then leave port for a scene.

* Head towards Spider Web for 2x [Event Battle] enroute, and a [Boss Battle]
(with fighters) on arrival. (You can go back to Skantzoura between battles
for repairs)
o You do not have to board the lead ship to capture the warden,
it is in fact a no melee battle.

* Return to Veroia - Security Agency for [5000g] [Volos CG] and [Selene DD]
* Go to a Tavern and talk to Leo to recieve [AA Con Rm 2] blueprint.

* Mytilene
o Ruins - Select all options

* Take the Lower-Left(newest) Warp Gate in Area 1 to Nova Nacia.

| Chapter 5 [S2050] |
* Riveli
o Tavern
+ If you recruited Roubis, [Event] Upon entrance, pick
"Make Torlo Apologize" for [Yuri Leadership EXP+30]
o Fighter Design Company (currently unavailable)

* Head towards the ??? area above Riveli for [300g]

* Hermeta
o Tavern
+ Talk to the Bartender and pay [500g] to unlock the Guild

o Guild
+ [Recruit 1] Requires 3000+ Fame, offer 800g to hire. [Palmo] joins
+ [Recruit 2] Requires 3000+ Fame, pay 500g + 100g to hire.
[Soneta] joins

o After recruiting Soneta, "Talk to friends" in the tavern till a convo

with her comes up, choose "Oh I'm sorry to hear that" for [Fame +5]

* Tineo
o Observatory
+ Talk to Aminda to progress story.

* Go to the ??? area between Shelo and Riveli for [Event]

* After previous event, go to a tavern and talk to friends for a convo

between Ian and Torlo - [Torlo Ship Management +1]

* Populara
o [Event] Upon entering port.
o Lanco Branch
+ Choose to Apply.
o Lanco Hotel
+ "Talk to Men" 3 times to progress.
o Talk to [Nikolao Garni] in the Tavern and [Belen Pappas] in the Hotel.

* Move to any other area for a scene - Area 3's Void Gate is unlocked
o Take it to Elgava Border.

* Zvenigorod
o Central HQ
+ Talk to progress story.
o [Event] On departure.

* Head back towards Deviagorsk and an [Event] will occur at Nerekhta.

* Deviagorsk
o Tavern
+ Talk to Semias Alastar 4 times - The Daisy(Nia's Ship)
will be removed from fleet.
*Note* This is your last chance to get anything you missed from this sector,
the gate closes after you leave.

* Take the Void Gate to Nova Nacio Junction A.

* [Event] Upon moving away from gate.

* Tineo
o Observatory
+ [Scene] on entry, choose to visit Nia (the others arent awake).
+ Go back to the Observatory, Talk to both people, then leave.

* Populara
o Lanco Hotel
+ Talk to Pappas 3 times.
o Tavern
+ Talk to Nikolao 2 times.

o On Departure - Depending on which choice you made in Chapter 4

during the pirate attack battle you can recruit a crewmate
+ If you chose to attack the pirates, [Adorinda Nobelo] joins crew.
+ If you chose to protect the civilian ship, [Nikolao Garni]
joins your crew.

o The Left Void Gate in Area 3 is now active.

* Riveli
o Guard Post
+ Talk to Valso 2 times to recieve an introduction letter to the
fighter co. (Can't be done after going through to next area)
o Fighter design company
+ [Skoryi] [Orlan]

* Use Area 3 Void Gate to Warp to [Spetses Border]

* Head towards Leucas and an [Event Battle] will occur.

* Leucas
o Tavern
+ [Event] If Kuchin is recruited, event occurs -
Pay [500g] for [+100 Fame]

* [Event] Go to Area 1's ??? area for a scene.

* Oenus
o Tavern
+ Talk to Young man(Cico) 3 times to advance story.

* Go to Kilikis Sct. for [1000g].

* Orion
o Tavern
+ If you recruited Barberis, talk to the Zero-G Dog for a bonus for
him to one of: [Artillery] [Navigation] [Ship Management] +2.
o Modular design company
+ [Second Bridge 2] [Lookout 1] [Engine Rm 4] [Hangar 2]
[Captain's Cabin 1] [Thruster Con Rm 2] [Amplifier 2]

*Note* This is the point of no return for all previous areas (except Kalymnos
Central which is already closed off) so if you have stuff to get from
previous areas, go back now.

* Head for the Blockade

o Once there youll have to fight a defensive battle, no attacking allowed,
just wait for a scene. (Back away to far end to avoid damage)
o Head back towards Area 2's ??? area for another defensive battle.
o Head for Kilikis Sct. for a normal [Event Battle] (CV, CG, CG, DD, DD)
o Head for Alonnisos for a [Boss Battle] (CV, CG, CG, DD, DD)
+ If you destroy the Lead Ship in this battle, it will end immediately.
+ If you destroy all besides the Lead Ship first, then you can recruit
[Belenko] in Ch7.

**************************Crew Recruitment Notes*******************************

Belenko is a very strong character with high stats and Space Warrior/AS Genius
skills and Iron Wall First officer skill, but his recruitment flag is very
easy to miss.

* Head towards Spetses for a [Scene]

* Spetses
o Fort Cadmus
+ Melee Battle(HP400/ATK30)
o Prison
+ Melee Battle(HP400/ATK30) - Free Miss Lanco
o Epitaph Ruins
+ Scene upon entrance.
o Depart Planet for a [Scene].

* Head to Area 3's ??? area for a [Scene]

o Choose "Go through the gate" for [Yuri Leadership EXP+30]
o Choose "Ask Gavrill Minas" for [Yuri Leadership EXP+30]
o Choose "Look for Valantin"
+ Choosing either other option leads to a GAME OVER.

* After all that, youll automatically be in the Irvest Sector.

| Chapter 6 [S2060] |

*Note* Enemies in this sector are not intended to be defeated at this point in
time, so fighting them without the help of an NPC ship is not advised.

* Head to the right ??? area of Area 1 - [Scene]

* NN005
o [Event] On docking - Scene.

o Tavern
+ "Talk to Cico" for [Scene].
+ "Talk to Friends" until you get a convo with Ratai and Minas (Ratai
must be recruited) to get [Yuri Control +2]

o Desert
+ Pay [1000g] for entrance and go to the three areas inside for
[Yuri Science +1]

o On Departure - Scene Occurs - NPC Ship "Rudianos" joins fleet.

*Note* Long path ahead, high livability recommended

* Head to Void Gate and Warp to Magellanic Stream A

* [Event Battle] occurs at first ??? area along path.

* [Scene] occurs at the next ??? area.

* As you move on towards Area 5, youll begin taking damage over time
while moving.

* Kashtano
o [Event] Upon entering Port.

o Trader's Guild
+ "Pay respects to Pipra", "Pay your respects to Pipra",
"Pay 2000g" - Recieve [Red Pass]
+ "Talk to Pipra" again for access to Zefiro
+ You can also sell fame for G here with the last option.

o Tavern
+ "Talk to Nia" to advance plot.
+ "Talk to Friends" for a conversation with Nia and Tatiana for
[Yuri Ship Management +1]

* Subpremi
o Guild
+ Talk to the first man once and pay [100g] to improve Artillery
by 1 for Yuri, Torlo, or Nia.
+ Talk to him again and pay [1000g] - [Nichjo Lotuso] joins crew.
+ Talk to the second guy once and pay [100g] to improve Piloting
by 1 for Yuri, Torlo, or Nia.
+ Talk to him again and pay [1200g] - [Johano Sceptro] joins crew

* Zefiro
o [Event] upon arrival.
o Tavern
+ Talk to Bartender for Trade Hall info.
o Trade Hall
+ [Event] on entry.

o Scenic Tower
+ [Event] on entry.
+ You can refuse all you want, but eventually give in to Cico
to proceed with the event.

o [Event] On departure
+ Go back to the Scenic Tower for [Scene] - Recieve [Black Pass]

* Strategio
o White Bazaar
+ "Shop for Daily Necessities" pay [500g] - [Yuri Ship Management +2]
+ "Shop for Medicine" for [Scene] - [Nikolao Garni leaves crew]
+ "Shop for Medicine" pay [800g] - [Yuri Medicine +2]
+ "Shop for Clothes" pay [1200g] - recieve [Party Dress]
(for trade conference)
+ "Shop for Clothes" pay [50g] - [Yuri Ship Management EXP+50]

o Blue Bazaar
+ "Check Research Equipment" pay [1000g] - [Yuri Science +2]
+ "Check Sports Equipment" pay [400g] - [Yuri Combat +1]
+ "Check out the flowers" (for a little later)
+ If you've set [Paulo Marjeno]'s recruitment flag then he joins crew
after you buy all 3 items.

**************************Crew Recruitment Notes*******************************

Katida is a wierd character, she has rather obscure recruitment requirements
(coming up in next section) but is terrible statwise and has no skills. She
does however have a rather large effect on the story if you do not recruit her.
Also if you do not set her recruitment flag, then in Act 2 [Adorinda Nobelo] or
[Nikolao Garni] will rejoin you, wheras they will not if you have recruited
Katida. So the choice is yours, it's more the story effect than the character
recruitment, but Katida's alternatives are without a doubt the better crew.

o Hospital
+ [Scene] on entering, "Talk to Katida" for a choice
- "Yell at her" to set [Katida]'s recruitment flag
- "Lecture her" and she will not join
+ Head to Blue Bazaar and buy the flowers [300g]
+ Back to the Hospital for [Scene].
+ "Talk to Katida" once more for [Katida] and [Garni] or [Nobelo] to
rejoin crew.

* Kranio
o Red Bazaar
+ "Shop for Ship Blueprints"
- [Chloris CG] [Daphne CV] [Kolonio CV] [Kamarado CG] [Admiralo DD]
+ "Shop for Modules"
- [Nova Nacio Bridge 01] [Nav Bridge 03] [Radar Rm 04] [Maint Rm 02]
[Briefing Rm 02] [Training Rm 01] [Shop 02] [Nature Dome 01]
+ "Shop for Figher Blueprints"
- [Dividi] [Zarnica]

o Black Bazaar
+ [Event] upon entry if Katida is in party. Recieve [IDs]

* Zefiro
o Trade Hall
+ [Scene] upon entry (only if you bought the dress and have IDs)
+ Talk to "Young man in black" 3 times to advance.

* Head for the Lower ??? area of Area 5 for [Scene] - NPC Ship leaves party
Path to Kashtano will disappear.

* Head for Area 3's leftmost ??? area for [Scene] (Any fights from here on
you will likely need to escape from).

* Head for RG Sector - [Event] upon arrival - "Yeah, let's look for it"
until you find the station.

* Abandoned
o Be sure to reform your fleet here now that the NPC ship is gone.

* Head towards Area 1's ??? area for an [Event Battle]

o The first fight, you need to launch fighters or activate AA without
moving to destroy the mines.
o The second fight is normal, just blow him away.

* Void Gate - Warp to Nova Nacio Fringe B

| Chapter 7 [S2070] |

*Note* There is a path split in this chapter. Nova Nacio's route has far better
characters, as well as a wealth of useful modules, while Kalymnos has
slightly cooler ships(opinion) and the quite useful Shield Frame 2 and
Second Bridge 3 modules. Details below.

*Note* It appears that siding with Nova Nacio may be required in order to
recruit Katida in addition to the requirements listed in the previous
chapter. Confirmation of this would be appreciated.

=====Branch Obtainables Breakdown=====

-Nova Nacio Route-

Characters - [Antoro Letero] - Machine Geek Lv1

[Yianni Pavlov] - Ace Helmsman Lv2, Maneuver Ace Lv1
[Merita Tajloro]- Cool and Calm Lv1
[Mikhaelo Luko] - Ace Pilot Lv3 (Ch11)

Ships - [Necesa BB] [Gromki CG] and [Paradizo CV](Ch11)

Fighters - [Majesto] [Komandi]

Modules - [Nova Nacio Bridge 02] [Nav Bridge 04] [Nav Bridge 07]
[Fire Con Rm 04] [Radar Rm 05] [Hangar 03] [Hold 03]
[Crew's Mess 01] [Battlesim Rm 01] [Science Lab 02]
[Thruster Con Rm 03] [Deflector 04] [Mess Hall 02]

-Kalymnos Route-

Characters - [Belen Pappas] - Marksman Lv1

[Vlasis Delis] - No skills (Temporary)
[Koralo Villo] - No skills (Ch8)
[Leandro Xenakis] - Ace Helmsman Lv1 (Ch11)
[Terzi] - AA Genius Lv2 (Ch11)

Ships - [Ianthe BB] [Eudora 2 CG] [Thalia BB] and [Adrasteia BB](Ch11)

Modules - [Elgava Bridge 05] [Second Bridge 03] [Nav Bridge 06] [Hold 03]
[Reference Rm 01] [Security Rm 03] [Deflector 03] [Shield Frame 02]
[Shield Generator 03]


* Nejo
o Lanco HQ
+ [Event] upon entry - [Katida] and [Garni] or [Nobelo] leave crew.

o Lanco Hotel
+ Talk to Lanco - recieve [20000g]
+ Talk to Lanco 3 more times to progress.

o Tavern
+ "Talk it over with everyone" to progress.

* Maneiro
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Friends" until a convo with Larissa appears for
[Yuri Medicine +2]

* Go back to the Lanco Hotel and decide which nation to support.

o For Nova Nacio, Continue below.
o For Kalymnos, Move on to their section after Nova Nacio's. [S2072]

===Nova Nacio Route=== [S2071]

* Nejo
o Lanco Hotel
+ After Siding with Nova Nacio recieve [10000g]
o Lanco HQ
+ Ship Models for sale [Necesa BB] [Gromki CG]
o [Event] on leaving - [Mateo Belenko] joins if you defeated him last in
previous boss fight.

* Miraklo
o Tavern
+ [Event] on entry if Palmo is recruited - [Palmo Navigation +2]
+ "Talk with friends" until a conversation between two scientists
pops up [Yuri Science +2]

o Modular design company

+ [Nova Nacio Bridge 02] [Nav Bridge 04] [Nav Bridge 07]
[Fire Con Rm 04] [Radar Rm 05] [Hangar 03] [Hold 03]
[Crew's Mess 01] [Battlesim Rm 01] [Science Lab 02]
[Thruster Con Rm 03]

* Head towards the upper ??? in Area 3 to find [300g] upon arrival.

* Citadelo
o Tavern
+ [Event] upon entering if Soneto is recruited - Yuri, Torlo, or
Ian's Artillery +1
o Fighter design company
+ [Majesto] [Komandi]

* Head to Area 3's Leftmost Void Gate and warp to [Irvest B]

* Ermeno
o [Scene] upon arrival
o Joint HQ
+ "Talk to Valso" - [Antoro Letero joins temporarily]
+ "Talk to Valso" again to progress.

* Universala
o Universala HQ
+ [Event] on entrance.
+ Talk to both people to continue.
+ Your mission is to go to CL-617 and destroy 4 cargo ships.

* Head for Area 4's rightmost ??? area for [Event Battle(s)]
* Head for Area 4's lower-right ??? area for [Event Battle(s)]
* Head for Area 5's rightmost ??? area for another [Event Battle(s)]
o You should have destroyed 4 cargo ships by now - [Scene] occurs,
new starlane added.

* Head for the upper ??? area in Area 5 for an event battle
o If you have over 5000 fame, then [Yianni Pavlov] joins after the battle.
o Also recieve [Deflector 04] and [Mess Hall 02] Blueprints.

* Universala
o Universala HQ
+ [Scene] Upon entering, recieve [2000g]

o [Event] upon Departure.

* Najbaro
o [Event] upon arrival.

o Najbaro HQ
+ "Talk to Merita" to recieve your mission.
+ You're to go and destroy 3 Battleships near the planet CL-665

* Go to Area 3's leftmost ??? for an [Event Battle] against a battleship group.
* Next to Area 4's ??? area for another Battleship [Event Battle].

* CL665
o Tavern
+ "Talk to the Middle Aged Man" - If Spectro is recruited, pay
[500g] - [+50 Fame]

* Go to Area 5's ??? area for another [Event Battle]

o After the first, yet another [Event Battle] follows, this one has a
monster main gun, so be careful.
+ After battle choose "Do not Follow" for [Yuri Leadership EXP+50]
* Najbaro
o Najbaro HQ
+ "Talk to Merita" - recieve [3000g]
o [Event] upon Departure - Starlane to Monarho appears.

* Head towards Monarho, on the way two [Event Battle] will occur.

* On arrival [Scene], then another [Event Battle] against a single

Battleship(Monster Gun)
o The Boss has an absolutely absurd amount of health, and his main gun
can hit for up to 500dmg, but has an exploitable minimum range, so get
as close as you can without hitting your medium guns min range for an
easier time.
o "Talk to Letero" for [+10 Fame]

* Najbaro
o [Event] upon arrival.
o Najbaro HQ
+ [Event] upon entry, Control Bunker unlocked.
o Control Bunker
+ Two Melee Battles (HP600/ATK30)
+ Choose "Evacuate without Antono" for [+30 Fame] - Letero leaves crew.
o [Event] on Departure.

* After all that, head towards Najbaro. [To Chapter 8] [S2080]

====Kalymnos Route==== [S2072]

* Nejo
o [Event] on leaving - [Mateo Belenko] joins if you defeated him last in
previous boss fight.

* After the event, you are automatically taken to a new sector(Kalymnos)

* Basiliscus
o [Event] on arrival.
o Tavern
+ If Palmo is recruited, then [Event] on entry, [Palmo Navigation +2]
+ If Palmo is recruited, "Talk to friends"
for a convo with Palmo
to recieve [Yuri Artillery +2]

o Allied HQ
+ "Talk to Jacen" for [Vlasis Delis] to join crew temporarily
+ "Talk to Jacen" again to recieve [5000g] and access to Module Co.

o Modular design company

+ [Elgava Bridge 05] [Second Bridge 03] [Nav Bridge 06] [Hold 03]
[Reference Rm 01] [Security Rm 03] [Deflector 03] [Shield Frame 02]
[Shield Generator 03]
o [Event] on departure

* Head to another planet or ??? area for an [Event], [Belen Pappas] joins crew.
* Drama
o Ship Design Company
+ [Ianthe BB] [Eudora 2 CG]

* Head to Area 2's upper ??? area to find [1000g]

* Argos
o Tavern
+ If Soneta is rectruited, [Event] on entry, choose one of Yuri
Torlo or Ian to recieve [Artillery +1]

* Head for Area 3's ??? area to find [600g]

* Head to Area 4's Void Gate and warp to "Irvest A", [Event] on arrival

* Lesvos
o Lesvos HQ
+ "Talk to Terzi", "Talk to Delis", "Yes" to proceed
+ [Mission] is to escort transport ship from here to CL-617
+ NPC Ship "Hestia" joins, it's very weak so be sure to set it in back.

* Head for Area 5's upper ??? area

o If you have reasonably strong medical crew assigned, a new starlane
will appear after the event

* Head to Area 5's upper-right ??? area for an [Event Battle](BBx1 CGx2)
o After battle, choose "See what we can retrieve" to recieve
[Thalia BB] blueprint.
+ After obtaining blueprints, [Event] occurs next time you enter
a starbase.

* Head towards CL-617 for an [Event Battle] on arrival

* CL-617
o [Event] on arrival

* Head back to Lesvos for an [Event Battle]

* Lesvos
o [Event] on arrival, NPC Ship removed.
o Lesvos HQ
+ [Event] on entry, recieve [3000g]
o [Event] on departure

* Chalkis
o Chalkis HQ
+ "Talk to Deacon" twice, then "Leave"
+ [Mission] is to head to CL-665

* Head to Area 5's lower-left ??? area for an [Event Battle]

o Do Not attack the ship in the first spot, after destroying the other two
the battle will end
o If you do destroy the ship in Spot 1, then you will get a GAME OVER
+ After battle, choose "Stop him" for [Fame +20]

* Head towards CL-655 for an [Event Battle] on arrival (CVx1,CGx2)

* CL-665
o Tavern
+ If you recruited Sceptro, "Talk to middle-aged man"
then pay [500g] to recieve [Fame +50]

* Chalkis
o Chalkis HQ
+ [Event] on entry, recieve [5000g]
o [Event] on departure

* Head towards Area 4 for an [Event]

* Head towards Najbaro for an [Event] followed by [Event Battle] (CVx1,BBx2)

o After the battle, two choices will occur
+ For the first, choose "Talk to Verga" for [Leadership EXP +10]
+ For the second, choose "Talk to Delis" for [Fame +50]
o After that event, [Boss Battle] (BBx1)

* Najbaro
o [Event] on arrival
o Control Bunker
+ [Melee Combat] x2 (600HP/30ATK)
+ choose "Evacuate without Dellis" for [Fame +30], [Dellis] and
[Pappas] will leave crew temporarily.
o [Event] on departure

* After the event, head for Bezantium [To chapter 8] [S2082]

| Chapter 8 [S2080] |

The story starts out split as in last chapter, but meets up midway.

====Kalymnos Route==== [S2082]

=====Common Route===== [S2083]

===Nova Nacio Route=== [S2081]

* Najbaro
o [Event] upon arrival
o Control Bunker
+ "Check it out" - [Antono Letero] and [Merita Tajloro] join your crew.

* Ermeno
o [Event] upon arrival - agree to give food to refugees and pay [2000g]
o Joint HQ
+ "Talk to Valso" to move on.

o Shelter
+ [Event] on entering, if you gave refugees food, then you recieve
[Captain's Cabin 2] Blueprint.

o [Event] on departure.

* Fly around and defeat 3 enemy groups for a [Scene]

* Ermeno
o [Event] upon arrival - [Kira] leaves crew
+ "Talk to Kira", "Talk to Everyone" 3 times
- A bunch of
characters leave crew.
o [Event] upon departure.

* Go to the Area 3 Void Gate and warp to Magellanic Stream A

* Continue on to Common Route. [S3208]

====Kalymnos Route==== [S2082]

*Note* DO NOT go inside the Allied HQ on Basciliscus. The game will glitch
if you do.

* Byzantium
o [Event] on arrival
o Tavern
+ If Marjeno is recruited, "Talk to friends" for a convo with him,
choose "Contribute 1000g" for [Fame +50]

o Joint HQ
+ "Talk to Glavanis" to proceed
+ "Talk to Pappas" for him to rejoin crew

o Shelter
+ [Event] on entry

o [Event] on departure

* Fly around and defeat around 3 enemy groups and an [Event] should occur

* Byzantium
o [Event] upon arrival - [Kira] leaves crew
+ "Talk to Kira", "Talk to Everyone" 3 times
- A bunch of
characters leave crew.
o [Event] upon departure. [Koralo Villo] joins crew

* Go to the Area 3 Void Gate and warp to Magellanic Stream A

* Continue on to Common Route. [S3208]
=====Common Route===== [S2083]

* Head to the rightmost ??? area in Area 3 for a [Scene] - NPC Ship
"Lykourgos" Joins.

* Kashtano
o Trader's Guild
+ "Talk to Pipra" 3 times to advance.

* Subpremi
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Seimas Alastar" 3 times - [Seimas joins crew]

* Kashtano
o Trader's Guild
+ [Event] on entry.

* Head for the lower ??? area in Area 5 for an [Event]

* Return to Kashtano for a [Scene]
* Head for Area 4's ??? area for an [Event Battle].

* Head for RG Sector for [Event] followed by [Event Battle]

o Followed by yet another [Event Battle] (ends after short time)
o Followed by yet another [Event Battle] (No NPC ship to help this time)

* [Scene] to end the Chapter.

| Chapter 9 [S2110] |
| Yuri the Man Chapter 1 |

--Prison Planet - Day 1--

* Visit all areas, then go to the cell block, east wing.

* Cell Block - East Wing
o "Go to Franny's cell", "Talk to Franny"
o "Go to Semias' cell", "Talk to Semias" [Yuri Combat +1]
o "Go to Gen's cell", "Talk to Gen" [Fleet Commander LV4], "Talk to Gen"
o "Return to Yuri's Cell"

--Prison Planet - Day 2--

* Cell Block - East Wing

o "Go to Franny's Cell", "Talk to Franny"
o "Go to Semias' cell", "Talk to Semias" twice
o "Go to Gen's cell", "Talk to Gen"
o "Return to Yuri's Cell", Events progress.

* Prison Complex
o "Move Forward", "To 2F", [Yuri Combat +2], "Turn Right", "To 3F"
o "Move Forward", Melee Battle (800HP/30ATK), "To 4F", "Move Forward"
o "To 5F", "Move Forward", Melee Battle(1000HP/12ATK), "To 6F"
o "Move Forward" for [Scene]

--After Jailbreak--

* Head towards Labico, along the way youll encounter a transport fleet.

* Labico
o [Event] upon arrival.
o Tavern
+ "Talk with friends" for [Yuri Ship Management +1]

o Union HQ
+ "Pay 1000G", "Talk to Jovani", "Don't tell him" for
[Yuri Ship Management +1]
+ "Talk to Jovani", access to [Chart Bank]
+ "Talk to Jovani", starlane to Aceranza open

o Chart Bank

* Acerenza
o Bazaar
+ "Check out the Clothier"
- Pay [1000g], come back a little later after flying around a bit.

+ "Check out the Ship Trader"

- [Fellowship BB], Requires 13000+ Fame
- [Sodality CG], Requires 7000+ Fame
- [Junkyard CG], Requires 7000+ Fame
- [??], No Fame Requirement, but unavailable till later in game

+ "Check out the Arms Dealer"

- "Buy one for Franny", pay [500g], [Franny Combat +1]
- "Buy one for Alik", pay [500g], [Alik Combat +1]
- "Buy one each for both", pay [900g], [Franny and Alik Combat +1]

+ "Check out Arms Dealer" again after above

- "Okay", pay [3000g], [Yuri Combat +2]

o Guild
+ "Talk to the tall man", [Alechjo Rapiro joins crew]
+ "Talk to the pale man", Pay [1500g] - [Linus Zografos joins crew]

**************************Crew Recruitment Notes*******************************

* Linus Zografos allows you to get the [Secruity Rm 7] Module in Chapter 11. *

* Fly around and fight about 3 enemy groups for your clothes to get finished.
* Area 2's Lower ??? area has a [600g] resource asteroid on visiting
* Area 1's Upper ??? area has a [1500g] resource asteroid on visiting
* Head back to Acerenza after a few fights. (the clothes should be done)

* Acerenza
o Bazaar
+ "Check out the Clothier"
- "Talk to Mariana", "Talk to Pipra" twice

* Go to the Upper ??? area in Area 1 for an [Event Battle] - Use Melee in
Battle, win two [Melee Battles].
o After battle, choose "Talk to her", then "Then you leave me no choice"
or "Sorry to bother you". (both choices have same outcome)

* Belgirate
o [Event Battle] on arrival
o All crew members from the first arc return after battle
o [Event] on departure

* Go to Area 4's ??? area for an [Event]

| Chapter 10 [S2120] |
| Yuri the Man Chapter 2 |

Another Branching chapter, youll have to pick sides a ways in.

===Government Route=== [S2121]

=====Rebel Route====== [S2122]

* Rentinen
o Ship Design Company
+ [Agrell BB] [Kraus CG] [Seitz DD] [Eberlin CV] [Scheidt CG] [Bruch M]
o Alpha Quadrant HQ
+ "Talk to Sankt" twice then "Leave" to progress.
o Tavern
+ If Karlo is recruited, "Talk to friends" for a convo with him for
[Karlo Combat +2]
o [Event] upon departure.

* Go to Area 1's Void Gate and warp to "Xeos Belt B"

* Acerenza
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Bartender", go to the bazaar, "Check out the Clothier" for a
scene with Pipra, [Mariana] is now recruitable in Rentinen's Tavern.

* Head back through the void gate and on to Zeippern

* Zeippern
o Tavern
+ "Talk to bartender", "Ask for job" to get a mission
(take cargo to Mindesfelde) [1800g reward]

+ After completing first mission, go back and "Talk to bartender"

"Ask for job" to get another. (Find Fioros flower)
- Head back through the void gate to the Xeos Belt and go to
Daiano's Forest area to find the flower.
- Return to Zeippern's tavern
for [3000g]

+ Exit and reenter the bar, then "Talk to Anastasia Andreas" for
[Anastasia Andreas] to join crew

o Fighter design company

+ [Nadlo] [Intrigo]

* Mindesfelde
o Module design company
+ [Nacio Bridge 1] [Nacio Bridge 2] [Fire Con Rm 5] [AS Con Rm 3]
[Engine Rm 5] [Crew Cabin 4] [Thruster Con Rm 4] [Amplifier 3]

* Ischlausen
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Bartender", "Ask for job" to recieve a pirate hunting
job, pays [2000g] (just head towards the void gate)

+ After completing that job, go back to the tavern and ask for
another job (Find an old woman)
- Head for Acerenza's Bazaar to find her in the clothing shop.
Head back to Ischlausen Tavern for [2300g].

+ "Talk to Merchant" to unlock Pirate's Lair

o Pirate's Lair
+ "Enter", "Forward", "To 2F", "Left", "Forward", get [1300g], "Leave"
+ "Enter", "Forward", "To 2F", "Right", [Melee Battle] (800HP/30ATK)
+ "To 3F", "Forward", [Melee Battle] (1200HP/55ATK)
- Recieve [Nav Bridge 08] and [Lookout 02] Blueprints

* Go to Area 1's rightmost ??? area for [600g]

* Rentinen
o Tavern
+ If you havent done so already, [Mariana Errigo] joins on entering.
o Alpha Quadrant HQ
+ "Talk to Schneizer" to progress.

* Head to Area 2's Void Gate - Warp to "Escondido Lane Y" - [Event]

* There is a planet, [Canopus] at the beginning of the lane, and another

towards the end, [Octans]. High Livability recommended.

* Head for Area 2's upper-left ??? area to obtain [3000g] on arrival.

* Move to Area 3's upper ??? area for an [Event].

(Stopping at Octans first may be advisable)

* Head to Area 3's Void Gate and warp to "Escondido B"

===Branch Point===

* Head for "Presidio" to ally with the government forces. [S2121]

* Head for "Agua Clara" to ally with the rebel forces. [S2122]

=====Branch Obtainables Breakdown=====

-Government Forces Route-

[Oscaldo Ochoa](Combat) and [Sandalio Lozano] recruitable

[Pelayo BB] [Aragon CG] [Churruca DD] and [Alfonso M] blueprints

-Rebel Forces Route-

[Arturo Basadre] and [Rogelio Jimenez] recruitable

[Furor BB] [Ciscar BB] [Rapido DD] and [Navarra BB] blueprints

-Both Routes obtain-

[Technological Info] required to recieve [Castilla Shield Ship] in Ch11

and [Shield Frame 6] in Ch12.

The same modules are purchasable on both routes as well.


===Government Route=== [S2121]

* On the way to Presidio, [Event]

* Presidio
o Use Elevator for [Event]
o Tavern
+ You can "Talk to Merchant" and Pay [1000g] to recieve [Presidio Pot]
but its only use is to sell to Cino Tavern's Archeologist(Xeos Belt)
for [100g].
+ "Talk to Friends", convo with Letero for [800g]
o President's Residence
+ "Talk to Arturo" twice to progress
+ [Mission] is to destroy enemy fleets around Guadalajara
and Agua Clara

* Head for Area 2's upper-left ??? area for [1500g]

* Arraigado
o Tavern
+ If you "Talk to Merchant" and Pay [500g] to recieve [Arraigado Pot]
then take it to Cino Tavern's Archeologist(Xeos Belt), he will buy
it for [8000g]
o Ship Design Company
+ [Pelayo BB] [Aragon CG] [Churruca DD]

* Go to Area 2's lower-right ??? area for [2000g]

* Head towards Guadalajara, [Event Battle] on arrival

* Guadalajara
o Tavern
+ "Talk to the laborer", "Buy the info" - Pay [3000g]
[Recieve technological data] (gives blueprints in later chapters)
+ After obtaining the information, [Emiliano] is recruitable in
the Xeos Belt - Planet Labico - Union HQ. (CH9 area)

* Head towards Agua Clara, [Event Battle] on arrival.

* Agua Clara
o Tavern
+ "Talk to the Navigator", pay [200g] to progess.

* Dorado
o Tavern
+ "Talk to the Merchant", choose an accountant crew member for
[+2 Ship Management]

o Modular design company

+ [Escondido Bridge 1] [Crew Cabin 5] [War Room 2] [Security Room 5]
[Deflector 5] [Shield Frame 3]

o Front Line HQ (Requires Navigator's Info)

+ "Talk to Rogelio" first to unlock Meadow area, if not you wont
be able to recruit Ochoa and Lozano later.
+ "Talk to Arturo" to progress.
+ [Mission] is to patrol the space lanes around Guadalajara
and Agua Clara.

o Meadow
+ "Call out" for an [Event] to set recruitment flags for
Ochoa and Lozano.

* Head to one of the ??? areas in Area 3 for an [Event Battle]

+ In order to damage the leader's ship you have to use a
Multi-Atk capable(Fleet Wide) weapon such as the [Particle LS]
* Dorado
o Front Line HQ
+ [Event] on entry - recieve [Alfonso BB] blueprint.

* Head for Area 1's Void Gate and warp to Escondido Lane A

* Head for Area 3's upper ??? area for an [Event]

o [Osvaldo Ochoa] and [Sandalio Lozano] join after the battle
if previous event was done.

* Head to Area 1's ??? area for a [Scene]

* Head to Area 1's Void Gate and warp to Regeinland A [To Chapter 11] [S2130]

=====Rebel Route====== [S2122]

* On the way to Agua Clara, [Event]

* Agua Clara
o [Event] upon using Elevator
o Zaga House
+ "Talk to Osvaldo Ochoa" twice to progress
+ [Mission] is to capture Dorado and the sector containing the
Adis void gate

* Head to Guadalajara via the upper ??? area

* Guadalajara
o Tavern
+ "Talk to the laborer", "Buy the info" - Pay [3000g]
[Recieve technological data] (gives blueprints in later chapters)
+ After obtaining the information, [Emiliano Colaci] is recruitable in
the Xeos Belt - Planet Labico - Union HQ. (CH9 area)

o Ship Design Company

+ [Furor BB] [Ciscar BB] [Rapido DD]

* Head for Area 4's Void Gate (Adis Gate) for an [Event Battle]

* Head for Area 3's lower ??? area for an [Event Battle]
o Shield Ship present in this battle, use formation foe to bypass it to
make things easier. (brute force works too, just takes longer)

* Head towards Dorado, [Event Battle] on arrival

o Ships 3 and 4 during this battle have AA guns, in the case that you
are using fighters, destroying them first is advisable.

* Dorado
o [Event] on using elevator
o Tavern
+ "Talk to the Merchant" then choose an accountant crew member for
[+2 Ship Management]
o Modular design company
+ [Escondido Bridge 1] [Crew Cabin 5] [War Room 2] [Security Room 5]
[Deflector 5] [Shield Frame 3]

o Front Line HQ (Requires Navigator's Info)

+ "Talk to Sandalio Lozano" only once and then leave

o Tavern
+ "Talk to Osvaldo", to set Arturo and Rogelio's recritment flag.

o Front Line HQ
+ "Talk to Sandalio Lozano" again for a choice about Gen:
- "No, we need his help." [Yuri fame -200]
- "Yeah, we should let him rest." [Gen leaves temporaly]
+ [Mission] is to destroy the fleet at EE-ZZ Sector

* Head for Area 2's lower-right ??? area for [2000g]

* Head to the EE-ZZ Sector in Area 2 for a [Boss Battle]

o The Boss is protected by 4 Shield Ships, which can be destroyed given
enough time, but it is a pretty big waste of time.
o The easier way to take out the boss is just to use fighters, or if
you chose to keep Gen in the choice above, his Formation Foe will of
course make this battle a cake walk.

* Dorado
o Front Line HQ
+ If you let Gen rest, he rejoins on entering, also recieve
[Navarra BB] blueprint

* Head for Area 1's Void Gate and warp to Escondido Lane A

* Head for Area 3's upper ??? area for an [Event]

o [Arturo Basadre] and [Rogelio Jimenez] join after the battle if you
set their recruitment flag.

* Head to Area 1's ??? area for a [Scene]

* Head to Area 1's Void Gate and warp to Regeinland A

| Chapter 11 [S2130] |
| Yuri the Man Chapter 3 |

*Note* If you havent picked up Emiliano yet, he should be recruitable

in the
Xeos Belt - Planet Labico - Union HQ.

* Rentinen
o [Event] on arrival

o Alpha Quadrant HQ
+ "Talk to Sankt" 3 times to advance.
+ "Talk to Dietrich", If you have data from the laborer last chapter,
you recieve [Castilla Shield Ship] blueprint

+ "Talk to Roth", reply "yeah" for [Nele Baecker] and

[Dietrich Schneizer] to temporarily join crew.

+ After the event you are automatically taken to "Voyage Sector"

* Go to Area 2's lower-right ??? area for an [Event]

* Head towards the unstable gate for an [Event]

o choose "Video he saw on Rentinen" for [Yuri Science +1]

* Warp to Spetses Frontier

* Head towards Kilkis Sct. for an [Event Battle]

* Orion
o [Melee Battle] occurs when using the elevator or departing (50HP/112ATK)
o Tavern
+ "Talk to bartender" for an [Event]
o Modular design company
+ [Lugovals Bridge 1] [Engine Rm 6] [Maint Rm 3] [Sick Bay 4]
[Acct Office 3] [Deflector 6]

* Oenus
o Tavern
"Talk to bartender", "Talk to the informant" for an [Event]

* Head for the Sardis Belt for an [Event]

o "Talk to Celina" twice for a choice
+ "Okay..." skips the next short section
+ "No, this comes first" to head for Spetses

*Note* If you choose "Okay.." above, then head to Area 1's Void Gate, then on
to Chios below. Doing so makes you miss the opportunity to recruit
[Mikhaelo Luko] or [Leandro Xenakis] and the [Erebos BB] blueprint.

* Head towards Blockade for an [Event Battle]

* Head towards Spetses for a [Boss Battle]

* Spetses
o Fort Cadmus
+ "Search 1F" for [Erebos BB] blueprint
+ "Search 2F" to rescue a character who will join your crew
- If you went Nova Nacio Route in Ch7 [Mikhaelo Luko] joins
- If you went Kalymnos Route in Ch7 [Leandro Xenakis] joins
+ "Search the Great Hall" for [Event]

* Head back to the Sardis Belt for a [Scene]

* Head for Area 1's Void Gate - warp to "Kalymnos Jct A" - [Scene]

* Chios
o Ship Design Company
+ [Thalia A BB] [Daphne 2 CV]

* Veroia
o Security Agency
+ [Event] on entry, Rudak Fomich can now be recruited.
o Tavern
+ "Talk to soldier", "Talk to wanderer", then " I'm Yuri", for
[Rudak Fomich] to join crew.

* Heraklion
o Tavern
+ [Event] on entering if Zografos is recruited, recieve
[Security Rm 7] blueprint.
+ If Fomich is recruited, "Talk to friends" for a convo with
him for [Yuri Navigation +2]

o Minas' Lab
+ Enter for an [Event] and recieve [Anaysis Room 2] Blueprint.

* Skantzoura
o [Event] on arrival

o Prison (West)
+ "Go in", "Forward", "To 2F", "Forward", "To 3F", "Forward",
[Melee Battle] (800HP/55ATK)
+ After winning, [Event] occurs, Kira's special changes from
Medic to Mercy Angel.
+ Choose all three options after this (Well-built man option
requires Zakhar's recruitment flag)
+ [Kira] [Torlo] and [Tatiana] rejoin crew
- If you recruited [Radimir] in Act 1, then he and [Rufina Bondar]
will join here
- If you saved him in Act 1, [Zakhar] will join here
- If you saved him in Ch7-Kalymnos Route, [Terzi] will join here

* Head towards the Dead Gate for an [Event]

* Head for Mytilene for an [Event Battle]

* Mytilene
o [Melee Battle] on using the Elevator (1200HP/46ATK)

o Desmond's Lab
+ "Forward", [Melee Combat] (1200HP/40ATK), "Forward",
+ "To 2F", "Forward", [Melee Combat] (1200HP/40ATK), "To 3F",
+ If youve set Katida's recruitment flag, then she joins.
+ "Go Left", "To 4F", "Forward", [Melee Combat] (1200HP/40ATK)
+ "To 5F", "Forward", [Event] and [Minas] and [Aminda] join your crew

o [Event] on departure

* Head towards the Void Gates in this sector, along the way many
event battles will occur.
o You cannot dock at any planets along the way, so no saving or repairing,
individual enemies are easy but there are alot of them.
+ Using Kira as first officer for her healing ability may help
+ For this section, make sure not to make any side trips, head
towards the gate as quickly as possible.

* After getting to the Void Gate - warp to Spetses

* Head towards the Void Gate here as well for more fights, still no rest.

* After getting to the Void Gate, youll automatically end up back in

Voyage Sector

* Head for Area 2's lower-right ??? area for an [Event]

* Head for a Tavern somewhere in Voyage for an [Event] -

o If you took the Nova Nacio Route back in Ch7 then you recieve
[Paradizo CV] blueprint.
o If you took the Kalymnos Route back in Ch7 then you recieve
[Adrasteia BB] blueprint.

* Head for the Area 4 Void Gate for an [Event] - afterwards automatically
taken to "Escondido Lane"

| Chapter 12 [S2140] |
| Yuri the Man Chapter 4 |

* Rentinen
o [Event] on arrival

o Tavern
+ "Talk to friends" till you get a conversation with Dietrich..
- choose "Let me help" for [Yuri Control +1]
- choose "Good Luck" for [Dietrich Control +1]

o Alpha Quadrant HQ
+ [Event] on entry, Baecker leaves crew.
+ "Talk to Sankt" 3 times to progress, Dietrich leaves crew.

* Ischlausen
o [Event] on arrival, if Radimir and Rufina are recruited, they give
you [Mess Hall 6] blueprints.

* Mindesfelde
o Tavern
+ If you have recruited Rapiro and Xenakis, [Event] occurs on entry..
- Choose "Own up Xenakis" for [Fame +50] and [Yuri Leadership EXP+50]

* Baranietz
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Merchant" to find out about his forgotten briefcase.
- (In Ch14) go to Nizia's Tavern in Central to find his item and
bring it back to him for [Accounting Office 4] blueprints

* Head for Area 3's ??? area for an [Event Battle]. Gives access to
Kallas and Co. on Noldau.
* Noldau
o Getting the next recruit is apparantly glitchy in the JP version, unsure
if the same is true for the English version, but to be on the safe side,
saving now is advisable.

o Kallas and Co.

+ Staff Assignment Room
- You can hire [Balthasar Hanno] for 4000g here
- You can hire [Theodore Galatas] for 8000g here

+ Training Room (Cost is 1000g for first four times,

4000g for 5th-7th times, 8000g 8th and beyond)
- "Artillery Squad" to increase the artillery skill of one
crew-member by +2
- "Radar Squad" to increase the control skill of one
crew-member by +2

+ After the Training Room's cost reaches 8000g, Leave and reenter
the Training Room to recruit [Phyllis French].
- This can supposedly be glitchy so the supposed path is to:
Exit and reenter the building after using the training room
once, scene with Palpo should occur.
- Be sure to choose "I'd prefer you to stay" during scene or else
he will leave, and Phyllis can't be recruited.
- Use the training room till the cost gets to 8000g, but do not
use it again once it is there.
- Exit and reenter once more and go to use training room for
recruitment scene.

* Head towards Area 4's bottom-right ??? area to recieve [2000g] on arrival.

* Mondschutz
o Tavern
+ "Talk to bartender", "Ask for Job", to recieve mission
(Take pictures of Armored Fleet HQ and Alpha Quadrant HQ).
- Head to Rentinen(Alpha Quadrant HQ), and to Gunnitz
for the GENERAL HQ(mission typo)
- Head back to the bar for [3500g], then head for Xeos Belt B
via the Void Gate in Area 1
- Head for Cino and depart for an [Event] - [Anchjo Luzerno]
joins crew - [+500 Fame]

+ "Talk to bartender", "Ask for Job", to recieve mission

(Deliver package to Noldau) [1500g]
+ "Talk to the drunkard" to reveal Pirate's Lair.

o Ship Design Company

+ [Gluck CG] [Homilius CG]

o Pirate's Lair
+ Head to Noldau's Tavern first and "Talk to 0G dog" for info
(if you go in without you will get a GAME OVER)
+ "Enter", "Forward", "To 2F", "Forward", "To 3F", "Forward",
[Melee Combat] (1200HP/55ATK)
+ "Go Forward", Recieve [Regnlnd Bridge 1] [Lookout 3] and
[Reference 2] blueprints.

* Head for Area 5's lower ??? area for [1500g]

* Treumark
o Rental Lab
+ [Event] on entering, choose "Rent it" then "Go for it"
- Fly around for awhile, and on entering port you should
recieve [Shield Frame 4]
- If you had the [Electrofining data] you will instead
recieve [Shield Frame 6]

+ You can rent it again to give a Science +1 bonus to a scientist

crew member, the costs are:
- [1000g] for the first 2 times, [3000g] for the 3rd-6th times,
[5000g] after.

o Pirate's Lair
+ "Enter", "Forward", "To 2F", "Forward", "To 3F", "Forward",
[Melee Battle] (1200HP/30ATK), recieve [1800g]
+ "To 4F", "Forward", [Melee Battle] (1200HP/55ATK), recieve [500g]
+ "To 5F", "Forward", [Melee Battle] (1200HP/55ATK), recieve [50g]

* Gunnitz
o General HQ
+ Enter for [Event] and to proceed with story
o [Event] on departure.

* Head for Area 3's ??? area for an [Event], then head for Rentinen.

--Yet another [Branch Point]--

* Rentinen
o Alpha Quadrant HQ
+ "Invade Grand Duchy Enemonzo" [Enemonzo Route]
+ "Invade Zenito" [Zenito Route]

===Enemonzo Route=== [S2141]

====Zenito Route==== [S2144]

=====Branch Obtainables Breakdown=====

====Enemonzo/Lavena Route=====

Characters - [Teodoro](Melee) OR [Adolfo](ch13)

Ships - [Dandolo BB] [Fiume CG] [Zara CG] [Impavido DD] [Pola CG] and
[Enemonzo BB], also [Impero BB] possible(Ch14).

Modules - [Enemonzo Bridge 01] [Nav Bridge 11] [Sick Bay 5]

[Security Room 6] [Studio 01] [Gym 01] [Shield Generator 04]
[Control Unit 01]

===Enemonzo/Mesenzana Route===

Characters - [Siro](Engineer/Mechanic) and [Gino Zanetti](No skills)

Ships - [Roma CG] [Trento CG]

[Lepanto BB] and [Minerva M] in Ch13 if you dont recruit Siro
[Zanetti BB] in Ch14

Modules - [Orsino Bridge 1] [Orsino Bridge 2] [Fire Con Rm 6] [AS Con Rm 4]

[Engine Rm 8] [Crew Cabin 6] [Mess Hall 3] [Shield Frame 5]
[Thruster Con Rm 6] [Control Unit 2]

[Observation Rm 2] and [Battle Sim Rm 2] in Ch13 if you do recruit


=========Zenito Route=========

Characters - [Georgo Zinko](Engineer/Medic) and [Abrahamo Etoso](ch13)

Ships - [Kajto CG] [Misio CG] [Plugilo DD] [Crepuscolo BB] [Nahab M] and
[Absoluta BB]

Fighters - [EIT-1000] [EOF-005] [EA-0120]

Modules - [Zenito Bridge 01] [AntiAir ConRm 03] [Radar Rm 06] [Engine Rm 07]
[Hangar 04] [Messhall 04] [Study Hall 02] [Science Lab 03]
[Antiair 4] [Analysis 3] [Control Unit 5]


===Enemonzo Route=== [S2141]

* Rentinen
o Tavern
+ If you recruited Ochoa "Talk to friends" for a convo with him...
- choose "Sure" for [Yuri Combat +1] and [Ochoa Combat +1]
- choose "Maybe Torlo's interested" for [Torlo Combat +1]
and [Ochoa Combat +1]
o [Event] on departure.

* Head to Area 1's Void Gate and Warp to "Xeos Belt B"
* Head to Area 2's Void Gate and Warp to "Enemonzo Frontier A" - [Event]

--Yet another [Branch Point]--

* Head for the ??? area ahead (Area 1)

o "Capture Lavena" [S2142]
o "Capture Mesenzana" [S2143]

====Enemonzo/Lavena Route===== [S2142]

* Head towards Usellus for an [Event Battle]

* Usellus
o [Event] on arrival - New starlane appears.
o Tavern
+ "Talk to bartender", pick one of your chefs for
[Ship Management +2] and [100g]

**************************Crew Recruitment Notes*******************************

In the next area you will encounter Teodoro, and if you beat him in Melee then
you will set his recruitment flag. Doing this prevents you from getting Adolfo
in Ch13 and Aria in Ch14. As a character Teodoro is really far better than
either of these characters, and recruiting him also gets you the Impero BB
ship blueprint (which happens to be one of my personal favorites). Thus:

[Teodoro] + [Impero BB] if you beat him in battle or

[Adolfo] + [Aria Serreno] if you lose to him.

* Head for Area 2's lower-right ??? area for an [Event]

* Head back towards Usellus for another [Event]

[Melee Battle](3200HP/112ATK) [+200 Fame] on victory
o Even if you lose this battle, its not a GAME OVER.
o If you lose, he will continue to attack you at random intervals,
defeating him sets [Teodoro]'s recruitment flag

* Head for Zevio, [Event Battle] occurs

* [Event] on arrival, new starlane appears.

* Zevio
o Tavern
+ "Talk to bartender", win his card game to unlock Module Design Co.
o Module Design Co.
+ [Enemonzo Bridge 01] [Nav Bridge 11] [Sick Bay 05] [Security Room 06]
[Studio 01] [Gym 01] [Shield Generator 04] [Control Unit 01]

* Head for Fiera for an [Event Battle]

* Fiera
o Ship Design Company
+ [Dandolo BB] [Fiume CG] [Zara CG] [Impavido DD]

* Head for Retorbido for [Event Battle]

* Head for Lavena for a series of 3 [Event Battles]

o First battle is with Teodoro if you've not defeated him (CGx5)
or (CGx3, DDx1) if you have.
o Second battle is (CGx3, DDx1)
o Third battle is against Adolfo's fleet (BBx1, CGx4)

* Head for Void Gate and warp to "Zeos Belt A"

* Head for Area 2's upper-left ??? area for an [Event]

(If you defeated Teodoro)
o Afterwards, Teodoro joins your crew and you recieve [Pola CG]
and [Enemonzo BB](Awesomeness) blueprints.

* Head for Area 1's lower-right ??? area for an [Event]

* Head for Area 1's Void Gate and warp to "Regeinland B"
--To Chapter 13-- [S2150]

===Enemonzo/Mesenzana Route=== [S2143]

* Head towards Savelli for an [Event Battle]

* Savelli
o [Event] on arrival, new starlane appears.
o Tavern
+ "Talk to bartender" to learn about Module Co. on Claviere.

* Head towards Claviere for an [Event Battle]

* Claviere
o [Event] on arrival, new starlane appears.

o Tavern
+ "Talk to Orsino Employee" (Both options are losses, is
there some later effect?)
- choose "Sure" to pay [1000g]
- choose "No way" to lose [-100 Fame]

o Modular design company(After talking to Savelli bartender)

+ [Orsino Bridge 1] [Orsino Bridge 2] [Fire Con Rm 6] [AS Con Rm 4]
[Engine Rm 8] [Crew Cabin 6] [Mess Hall 3] [Shield Frame 5]
[Thruster Con Rm 6]

* Head for Area 3's ??? area for an [Event Battle]

* Head for Mesenzana for 2 [Event Battles]

o First [Event Battle] is (CGx3)
o Second [Event Battle] is (CGx4)

* Head for Mesenzana again for a [Boss Battle] (BBx1,CGx4)

* Mesenzana
o Ship Design Company
+ [Roma CG] [Trento CG]

o Orsino Foundation
+ "Search 2F"
- First time you will find [1000g], search again and you will
find [Orsino ID Card]
- Search a third time to find [Control Unit 2] blueprint

**************************Crew Recruitment Notes*******************************

Before recruiting Siro below, be aware that his recruitment affects which
blueprints you will obtain next chapter.
[Observation Rm 2] and [Battle Sim Rm 2] If you do recruit him.
[Lepanto BB] and [Minerva M] If you do not recruit him.
After obtaining these blueprints next chapter, you can actually come back here
and still recruit Siro, so go for whichever set of blueprints you want.

+ "Search the Basement" (after finding ID Card)

- "Talk to Siro" once to progress story
- "Talk to Siro" again if you want to recruit him - [Siro Beltrone]
will join crew. If you dont want him, then just "Leave".

o [Event] on departure

* Head for the ??? area before the Void Gate in Area 5 as quickly as possible.
o When you catch up to them, you will fight [Boss Battle] (BBx1, CGx4)
o If you fail to catch up before they fire, you will lose [-300 Fame]

* Head to Area 1's Void Gate and warp to "Xeos Belt A"
* Head to Area 1's lower-right ??? area for an [Event]
* Head for Area 1's Void Gate and warp to "Regeinland B"

--To Chapter 13-- [S2150]

=========Zenito Route========= [S2144]

* Rentinen
o Tavern
+ "Talk to friends", for a conversation with Letero
[Yuri Science +2]

o [Event] on departure.

* Head for Area 1's Void Gate and warp to "Xeos Belt B"
* Head to Area 1's lower-right ??? area for [Event]

* Head for Area 1's upper-right ??? area for [Event Battle]
* Head for Area 2's Void Gate - Warp to "Zenito A" - [Event]

* Head towards Area 1's ??? area for [Event]

o choose "We can trust him" to set Georgo Zinko's recruitment flag.

* Head towards Jardeno for an [Event Battle]

* Jardeno
o Aircraft design company
+ [EIT-1000] [EOF-005] [EA-0120]

* Head for Area 2's ??? area for an [Event], new starlane appears.

* Head for Area 2's rightmost ??? area for an [Event Battle],
o First battle against Rubriko (BBx1, CGx2, DDx2)

* [Event] on arrival at rightmost ??? area, new starlane appears.

* Head towards Marshalo for an [Event Battle]

* Marshalo
o Ship Design Company
+ [Kajto CG] [Misio CG] [Plugilo DD]
* Head to the lower ??? area in Area 2 for the second [Event Battle]
against Rubriko (BBx1, CGx2, DDx2)
o Afterwards, choose "Talk to Georgo" for [Yuri Leadership EXP+50]

* Head to the leftmost ??? area of Area 2 for the third [Event Battle]
against Rubriko (BBx1, CGx2, DDx2)
o After the battle, a new starlane appears.

* Head towards Harmonio for [Event Battle]

* Head towards Nederand for the fourth [Event Battle] against Rubriko
(BBx1, CGx2, DDx2)
o His formation has changed in this battle (Cruisers in front,
Destroyers in back).

* Nederand
o [Event] on arrival

o Ampule Bar
+ "Talk to 0G Dog" to learn about Pirate Lair on Harmonion

o Sensorium Tower
+ "Go to top floor"
- "Talk to the Queen" 3 times, then to Georgo to gain access to
the basement level.

+ "Go to basement" - Modules are buyable here.

- [Zenito Bridge 01] [AntiAir ConRm 03] [Radar Rm 06] [Engine Rm 07]
- [Hangar 04] [Messhall 04] [Study Hall 02] [Science Lab 03]

o [Event] on departure

* Harmonion
o Pirate Lair
+ "Enter", "Forward", "To 2F", "Forward", [Event]
and a choice
- choose "All Right" to recieve [Crepuscolo BB] and
[Nahab M] blueprints.
- choose "Liar" for [Melee Battle] (1600HP/75ATK), "To 3F",
"Forward", [Melee Battle] (1200HP/55ATK), recieve [2500g]

* Head towards Sektoro for another [Event Battle] against Rubriko

(BBx1, CGx2, DDx2)

* Sektoro
o Qualia Net
+ "Go to basement", recieve [Antiair 4] and [Analysis 3] modules
+ "Go to top floor", "Check the central terminal" to move things along.

* Head to Area 2's rightmost ??? area for an [Event] - new starlane appears.
* Head to Area 3's ??? area for an [Event]

* Head towards Juno for [Event Battle] x3 (You can return for repairs
between battles)
o 1st Battle (CGx3)
o 2cd Battle (CGx4)
o 3rd Battle (Mx1, CGx2, DDx1)
+ The 3 frontline ships cant be permanently killed, so using
formation foe or fighers to damage the command ship is advised.
+ If the battle takes too long, the frontline ships will be
destroyed via [Scene] but you will lose 50 fame as a result.

* Juno
o [Event] on using elevator

o Qualia Net
+ "Enter", "Forward", "To 2F", "Forward", [Melee Battle](620HP/30ATK)
+ "To 3F", "Turn left", recieve [800g], "To 4F", "Forward",
[Melee Combat] (620HP/30ATK)
+ "To 5F", [Event], asked how many times youve killed Rubriko
(5 by my walkthrough)
+ "Forward", [Event], Georgo joins crew (if you flagged him for

* Nederand
o Sensorium Tower
+ "Go to top floor", recieve [Absoluta BB] Blueprint and a
[Control Unit 4] Prototype

o [Event] on departure, Minas wants to upgrade the prototype you got..

+ choose "No way" and go to Area 2's upper ??? area to recieve
[Control Unit 4] blueprint.
+ choose "Go for it" and go to Area 2's upper ??? area to recieve
[Control Unit 5] blueprint.

* Head for Area 1's Void Gate and warp to "Xeos Belt A"
* Head for Area 1's lower-right ??? area for an [Event]
* Head for Area 1's Void Gate and warp to "Regeinland B"

| Chapter 13 [S2150] |
| Yuri the Man Chapter 5 |

* Rentinen
o [Event] on arrival

o Tavern
+ "Talk to friends", if Nerissa is recruited, in a conversation
with her [Yuri Maintenance +2]

o Alpha Quadrant HQ
+ choose "Join strategy meeting" twice to proceed.

* Head for Area 4's ??? for an [Event]

* Gunnitz
o General HQ
+ [Event] on entering, event is dependant on what route you took
in the previous chapter.
o Enemonzo/Lavena Route
+ If you recruited Teodoro, choose "Thats not necessary" [Fame+50]
+ If he was not recruited, then choose "Lets accept" for [Adolfo]
to join your crew.

o Enemonzo/Mesenzana Route
+ If you recruited Siro, you recieve [Observation Rm 2] and
[Battle Sim Rm 2] module blueprints.
+ If you did not recruit him, you recieve [Lepanto BB] and
[Minerva M] ship blueprints.
- After getting these, you can still go back and recruit Siro.

o Zenito Route
+ If you choose "Accept", then [Abrahamo Etoso] joins crew.
+ If you don't accept, then in ch14 you'll get [EOF-006] and
[EIT-2000] fighter blueprints.

* Ambach
o Royal Guard HQ
+ "Talk to Roth" twice, choice appears, "Thats not.." or
"I dont know" (unknown if this has any effect).

+ Go back in and "Talk to Roth" twice, choice appears..

- choose "You think so?" to trigger [Volo Naturo] recruitment flag
- choose "Maybe you're right" to trigger [Marajha Sombra]
recruitment flag

**************************Crew Recruitment Notes*******************************

Both characters are fighter pilots with the Ace Pilot skill, but Naturo
is a much better one, starting with Ace Pilot Lv3, while Sombra starts only
with Ace Pilot Lv1, the joke/point here being that you can get the cute
female Pilot at the expense of efficiency/effectiveness.

* Wander around the map for a bit till an [Event] occurs. (Message from Sankt)

* Rentinen
o [Event] on arrival
o Alpha Quadrant HQ
+ "Join strategy meeting" three times to proceed.

* Head for Area 2's Void Gate and warp to "Escondido Lane Y"

* Head for Area 1's ??? area for an [Event], you can visit Gen by
stopping at a planet.
o Visit Gen
+ choose "Talk to Thomas" for [Yuri Leadership EXP+50]

* Head for the Area 1 rightmost Void Gate and warp to "Hinwald Sector Y"

* Head for Area 1's ??? area for an [Event]

* If you recruited Anchjo, stop at a planet for a [Scene] and a choice

o choose "Okay" for [Fame+1000]
o choose "I dont think so" for [Yuri Leadership EXP+30]

* Stay away from Area 3+ until stated, going can cause GAMEOVER
* Arenberg
o Tavern
+ "Talk to bartender", "Pay 100g" or "Rough him up" for [Event]

* Wahlstatt
o Tavern
+ [Event] on entry if Phyllis and Luko are recruited,
then [Phyllis Piloting +1]
+ After clearing the smuggler's base "Talk to friends" if Luko is
recruited for [Yuri Piloting +2]

o Smuggler's Base
+ "Enter", "Forward", [Melee Battle] (1200HP/20ATK), "Forward",
+ "To 2F", "Forward", "To 3F", "Forward", "To 4F", "Forward",
+ [Melee Battle] (1600HP/149ATK)
+ "Talk to Lennox" twice to proceed.

- If you can't beat the boss, theres a shipyard on planet, so go

swap in some security rooms to make it easier.

* Head for Area 3's rightmost ??? area for an [Event Battle]
o Don't attack the freighter, instead back away from it, then hit
secede when at the edge for a [Scene]
+ The secede command appears in place of the back command when at the
left edge of the battlefield.

* Head for Area 4's lower-right ??? area for an [Event], new starlane appears.
* Head for Area 4's lower-left ??? area to find [1500g] on arrival.
* Head for Area 5's rightmost ??? area for an [Event], new starlane appears.
* DO NOT go to Area 5's central ??? area, causes GAMEOVER.

* Mensa
o Tavern
+ If you go get Phermeon ore from the mine and sell it to the
Dangerous-looking man, [+5000g] [-500 Fame] (Your choice)
o Phermeon Mine

* Head towards ZR Sector for an [Event]

o "Send Serreno" to set her recruitment flag(Ch14)
+ Only recruitable if you did not recruit Teodoro(Enemonzo/Lavena)

o After event, 2 [Event Battles] occur

+ First Battle (BBx1, CGx2, DDx2)
+ Head towards ZR Sector again for Second Battle (BBx1, CGx2, DDx2)

* Head for Area 4's central ??? area for [Event], new spacelane appears.

* Rastaban
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Garner Twins" to set their recruitment flag.
+ This needs to be done after destroying the ZR-2 but before
attacking Taurus in order to recruit them.

o Modular design company

+ [Fire Control Rm 07] [Maint. Rm 05] [Crew's Mess 02] [War Rm. 03]
[Nav Sim Rm. 02] [Nature Dome 02]
* Head towards Taurus Sct. for a [Scene] and 3 [Event Battles]
o First Battle (BBx1, CGx2, DDx2)
o To Taurus Sct again, Second Battle (BBx1, CGx2, DDx2)
o To Taurus Sct, Third Battle (Mx1) [BOSS]
+ The Boss has extremely strong long ranged attacks, as well as very
strong armor. However, if you close in to around Medium range weapon
minimum range, it will not be able to attack at all. So In order to
prevent overwhelming damage, close range attacks are suggested, but
the damage from them will not be very significant. Fighters and
Final Roar can help in making the battle quicker.

* Head back to Rastaban's Tavern to pick up the Garner Twins

(Mission to take them to office in Central)

* Head for Area 2's upper-left ??? area to find [1000g]

* Elson
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Old Man", if Belenko is recruited, choose sick bay
crew for [Medicine +2] bonus.

* Head to Area 4's Void Gate and warp to "Gal Fed Central Y"

| Chapter 14 [S2160] |
| Yuri the Man Chapter 6 |

*Note* This is a rather long chapter with many events, but rather strict time
restrictions on performing them.

* Nizia
o Tavern
+ "Talk to bartender" to recieve merchant's forgotten briefcase if you
talked to him in the Tavern back on Baranietz.
+ Take it back there (Through Hinwald and Escondido to Regeinland) to
recieve [Accounting Office 04] blueprints.

* Head for Merylgild for an [Event] enroute - Learn [Fleet Commander Lv5]

* Merylgild
o [Event] on arrival
o Star Child (Only if you picked up the Garner Twins last chapter)
+ "Check out goods for sale" twice, "Leave him alone" for [Fame +20]
+ "Enter the office" and the [Garner Twins] will join your crew.
- If you go inside again, they will leave your crew and you will
recieve [Study Hall 03] blueprint
(so dont go in if you want
to keep them)

o Tavern
+ "Talk to Merchant" to learn he wants a picture of Roth.
+ Head to Regeinland Sector - Planet Ambach and talk to the bartender,
then pay 100g to get the picture. Take it back to the merchant to
recieve [Training Rm 2] and [Shop 3] blueprints.

o Galactic Federation Headquarters

+ "Visit the President's Office", "Talk to Brian" then
"Talk to Lennox" then "Talk to Brian"

+ "Go to 2F", "Talk to Sankt", "Talk to Weimar",
+ "Go to 3F", "Talk to Lennox" to recieve [1F Cardkey]
+ "Go to 1F", for [Alliance CG] [Regal CG] and [Bastian DD]
blueprints available for purchase.

*Note* As a note, you may wish to head around to all the embassies first
thing, as the characters required for the events at those locations are
only available for a short period of time.

* Doleway
o Enemonzo Embassy
+ If you chose to Send Serreno in the last Chapter she may be
recruitable here:
- As long as you did not recruit Teodoro, and triggered her recruit
flag, [Aria Serreno] should join.
- If you recruited Teodoro, then you wont be able to recruit her,
but you will instead recieve [Impero BB] blueprint(kinda awesome).

o Tavern
+ If Serreno is recruited, "Talk to bartender", "Ask for info" for
[Kira Management +1]
+ "Ask for Job",
Take package to Wahlstatt in Hinwald Sector for
+ "Ask for Job", Take out the pirates at the lower-left ??? area
in Area 2, return for [4000g]

* Esranto
o Tavern
+ "Talk to SEGA employee", pick artillery crew for [Artillery +2]

o Nacio Embassy
+ "Talk to Glorinda" twice, then "Talk to Michaelo" to unlock the
Trade Hall

o Trade Hall
+ Theres not really anything to do here right now, but unlocking
it now is a good idea.

* Nizia
o Regeinland Embassy
+ "Talk to Nele" for a crew member to join.
- If you agreed with Roth a few chapters back, [Marajha Sombra]
joins crew.
- If you disagreed then, [Volo Naturo] joins crew
- If you are on 2+ playthrough then you get to choose between
the crew member(as above) or 2 Mobile Weapon blueprints:
[Manovro] and [Kometo]

+ "Talk to Dietrich" to reveal Ship Design Company, if you went

Zenito route but did not recruit Abrahamo then "Talk to Dietrich"
again to recieve [EOF-006] and [EIT-2000] fighter blueprints.

o Ship Design Company

+ [Janitsch CV] [Graun M] [Danzi M]

* Hydrus
o Kallas and Co.
+ Staff Assignment Room
- choose [Aleksandro Marsho] and pay 6000g to recruit him
- choose [Mihijo Festono] and turn down his services 3 times
before accepting to only pay 2000g

+ Training Room (The price structure is the same as the last one)
- "Navigation Squad" for [+2 Navigation]
- "Pilot Squad" for [+2 Piloting]
- After raising the price up to 8000g, leave and reenter to recieve
[War Room 04] and [Nav Sim Room 03] blueprints
- If you didnt recruit [Phyllis French] in Ch14, then go to train
again after price is 8000g and she will join.

---Hunting Orders Remnants---

* Greymuth
o Modular design company
+ [Libertas Bridge 01] [Libertas Bridge 02] [Fire Con Rm 08]
[Anti-Ship Con Rm 04] [Radar Rm 08] [Engine Rm 09] [Hangar 04]
[Crew Cabin 06] [Briefing Rm 04] [Deflector 07] [Thruster Con Rm 07]

o Libertas Embassy
+ "Talk to Norton", "Offer to shake hands" for [+50 Fame]
+ "Talk to Norton" twice for a choice
- If you choose "Alright", then [Douglas Bernard] will temporarily
board(wont join), you will not be able to get [Carl Kitson], but
the first of three flags for the [Evstafi BB] will be set
(Warning: the third flag requires ~26500 Fame)
- If you choose "Sorry, but", then after the Garlen battle
[Carl Kitson] will join crew.

**************************Crew Recruitment Notes*******************************

There are several affects from either recruiting or not recruiting Carl Kitson:

If you recruit Carl Kitson:

o You will recieve [Independence CG] and [Freedom BB] blueprints at the
end of this chapter/start of ch15.

If you do not recruit Carl Kitson:

o [Kyle Larson] will join at start of ch15, and it will be possible to get
the [Evstafi BB] blueprint.

* Head for Area 5's lower-right ??? area for [1000g]

* Head for Area 5's lower-left ??? area for an [Event Battle] (do before
going to Garlen)
o Doing this battle ensures that you can get [Spohr BB] blueprint
at FSN HQ later.
*Note* After going to Garlen, you will no longer be able to get any of the
Embassy events, so be sure to do them all before going to Garlen.

* Head for Garlen for an [Event], followed by [Event Battle]

* [Event] after Battle

* Garlen
o Fighter design company
+ [EOF-004] [EA-0116] [EA-0119]

o Tavern
+ "Ask for Job" and accept Mission, Pirate's Lair appears.

o Pirate's Lair
+ "Enter", "Forward", "To 2F", "Forward", [Melee Battle](1600HP/75ATK)
+ "To 3F", "Forward", [Melee Battle](2000HP/105ATK)

o Return to Tavern to finish mission, recieve [5500g], then head for

Esranto's Trade Hall and "Talk to Kompaso" twice to recruit
[Vilhelmo Sincera]
+ On your way back to Esranto you should get an [Event] that moves the
plot along, Embassy events are no longer accessable.

---Chasing down Zanetti---

* Merylgild
o Tavern
+ If you recruited Basadre, "Talk to Friends" for a convo with him
and [Yuri Leadership +1]

+ "Go to 2F", then Talk to Sankt, Weimar, then Sankt again. If you
saved the prototype earlier, you will recieve [Spohr BB] blueprints.

o [Event] on departure.

* Head for Area 2's Void Gate and warp to "Argoran Sector A"
* Head through the Sector(No planets) to Area 3's Void Gate and warp to
"Gibraltar Sector A" - [Event]

* Oz
o Ship Design Company
+ [Liberty CG] [Bastian2 DD]
o Front Line HQ
+ "Talk to Horton"
o [Event] on departure, advances story

*Note* there are no pirates in this sector, so you wont be making much money

* Zan
o Modular design company
+ [Libertas Bridge 03] [Antiair Con Rm 05] [Messhall 05] [Sickbay 07]
[Training Rm 03] [Stadium(Gym) 03]

o Tavern
+ "Talk to Soldier", if Andreas is recruited, choose a Navigator
crew for [+2 Navigation]

* Boulog
o Tavern
+ "Talk to young man" then head to Annon(Tavern) and "Talk to young
woman", then come back to Boulog(Tavern) and "Talk to young man"
once more to recieve [Enemonzon Bridge 2] blueprint

* Annon
o Pirate's Lair
+ "Enter", "Forward", "To 2F", "Forward", [Melee Battle](1200HP/55ATK)
+ recieve [3000g], "To 3F", "Forward", [Melee Battle](1600HP/75ATK)
+ recieve [Battle Sim Rm 3] and [Captain's Cabin 3] blueprints.

* Head to Area 6's rigthmost ??? area for an [Event]

* Head to Area 6's leftmost ??? area for a [Boss Battle]

* After battle
o If you went Enemonzo/Mesenzana Route back in Ch12 then you will
recieve [Zanetti BB] and ZR2 blueprints(not usable),
and [Gino Zanetti] will join your crew.
o If you went either other route in Ch12 then you will only recieve
the ZR2 blueprint(not usable).

* Head back to Annon and save and arrange your crew, once going to Area 5's
??? area, you will not be able to go into ports until you reach your
destination at Berge so prepare for marathon battles.

* When ready, head to Area 5's ??? area for a [Scene]

o choose "Fight to the death" and [Yuri Leadership -2] penalty
o choose "Surrender" for [Yuri Leadership +2]

* Head for Area 5's upper-left ??? area for an [Event Battle], new starlane

* Head towards the new ??? area (Area 5 leftmost) for a [Battle] enroute,
[Event] afterwards and new starlanes added.

* You have two starlanes to choose from now, both advance onwards only a
slight difference in the fleet you fight when you arrive, so pick either
the lower-left or lower-right ??? area and proceed onwards.
o [Battle] enroute, [Event] afterwards, new starlanes added.

* Head for Area 4's ??? area for a [Battle], an [Event] and a choice - New
starlane added after.
o If you "Ask Kira", then crew tiredness and casualties are recovered
by an amount dependant on your Chef's skills(?)
o If you "Ask Tatiana", then crew tiredness and casualties are recovered
by 50%
o If you "Ask the Garner Twins", crew tiredness and casualties are
recovered by 100% (only available if they are recruited)

* You can head towards Berge for some long awaited rest and saving.

* Head towards the ??? area above Berge for an [Event]

* Head for Area 2, and on arrival at the upper-left ??? area, [Event] then
[Event Battle]

* Oz
o Front Line HQ
+ "Talk to Douglas Bernard", to set the second flag for obtaining
the [Evstafi BB]
o Tavern
+ If you recruited Festono, "Talk to Friends" till a convo with
him appears, choose "No" for [Yuri Navigation +1]

* Head back to Central via the Argoran Sector

* While going through the Argoran Sector, [Event] will occur
* Once back in Central, head to Merylgild

* Merylgild
+ "Go to 2F", "Talk to Sankt" 3 times
+ "Go to 3F", to hear about Lennox investigating something on Luzir
in the Hinwald Sector.
o [Event] on departure

* Esranto
o Trade Hall
+ "Talk to Kompasso" and give him the ZR2 blueprints to unlock a
new Ship Design Co.
o Ship Design Company
+ [Renkonti CV] [Tigro CV] [Aglo BB] [Patrolo CG] [Najtingalo DD]

* Head to Area 1's Void Gate and warp to Hinwald

* Luzir
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Lennox" 3 times

* Go back to Central through Area 4's Void Gate, [Event] after warping

* Nizia
o Regeinland Embassy
+ "Talk to Roth" and "Talk to Nele"

* Lenoi
o LMC Observatory
+ "Talk to Grant" twice, Alik and Franny temporarily leave crew

* Fly around for a little while until you get an [Event]

o Head back to the LMC Observatory to pick up Alik and Franny

* Merylgild
+ "Go to 2F", "Talk to Sankt"
* Head to Area 2's Void Gate and warp to Argoran Sector, and pass through it
to Gibraltar Sector

* Use Area 1's right Void Gate and warp to Andalucia Sector

---Merril Fleet Battle---

*Note* There are no random encounters here.

* Platic
o Tavern
+ If Pavlov is recruited, [Event] will occur on entry, you will
recieve [Engine Room 11] and [Nav Bridge 10] blueprints

* Head for Area 2's upper-left ??? area for an [Event]

* Quraso
o Tavern
+ If Garner Twins are recruited, [Event], recieve [2000g]

* Head for Satiada, a [Battle] will occur enroute and on arrival you will
discover new starlanes and a new planet

* Satiada
o Tavern
+ "Talk to Wealthy-looking Man", If you recruited Larissa, she will
cure him and as a reward you can choose between [5000g] or a
- The medal unlocks the Pirate's Lair on Nemetona, which contains
some blueprints

* Head for Area 4's upper-left ??? area to reveal a new starlane and planet
o Make sure you do this now, since if you wait till late it may not be
findable, the planet isnt story related, but has some ship blueprints.

* Head towards the newly revealed Belisama for a [Battle]

* Belisama
o Ship Design Company
+ [Nebula BB] [Galaxy CV] [Magellan CG]
o Tavern
+ "Talk to 0G Dog" and choose an Artillery crewman for [+2 Artillery]

* Head towards Nemetona for a [Battle] and to discover a new starlane

* Nemetona
o Tavern
+ If you did not recruit Katida, then [Nikolai Garni] or
[Adorinda Nobelo] will join your crew(Dependant on which one of the
two joined back in the First Act.

o Pirate's Lair (requires medallion from Satiada)

+ No Battles, just follow the path to find [Zenito Bridge 2]
[Studio 2] and [Reference Room 3] blueprints

* Head towards Ancasta for a [Battle]

* Ancasta
o Tavern
+ [Event] on entering, [Matthew Baron] joins crew (cant be used
+ Pick [Barbero] here before defeating Merril

* Head for Area 3's lower ??? area for an [Event]

o From here you need to get to the sector on the far side of Pedan in 5
waypoints.(Without docking at any planets)
o Move from your starting point like this:
+ ??? below Pedan -> ??? left of Pedan -> ??? below Pedan(yes again)
-> Pedan -> ??? in Area 2

o After arriving in Area 2, [Scene] then [Event Battle]

o Head to the lower-right ??? area after the battle to proceed.

---After defeating Merril---

* Head for Pedan, an [Event] should occur enroute

* Pedan
o Modular Design Company
+ [Libertas Bridge 04] [Nav Bridge 12] [Anti-Ship Con Rm 05]
[Engine Rm 10] [Security Rm 08] [Shield Generator 05] [Amplifier 04]

*Note* If you have done the first two steps for getting the [Evstafi BB], you
will need to have ~26500 Fame during a scene back in Central, so now
is the time to farm for it if you don't have enough yet.

* Head back to Central (To Gibraltar, then to Argoran, then to Central)

* Nizia
o [Event] on arrival, afterwards you may recieve the [Mayr BB] blueprint:
+ If you did the previous 2 events earlier in the chapter required to
get the [Evstafi BB] blueprint, and have ~26500(Higher ranked than
Roth) fame at this point, then you will not recieve the [Mayr BB]
blueprint, and will instead recieve the [Evstafi BB] blueprint
AFTER defeating Ursula's Fleet.

* Some rather random events that can happen in this part of the game(seem to
be related to distance traveled after finishing previous part)
o Torlo and Tatiana [Event] on docking at a planet
o Minas [Event] randomly during flight
o Head to a planet, and Minas' Report should be an option groundside
+ Warning about this, if you want to send the Garner Sisters back to
get the [Study Room 3] module, this would be your last chance, as
when you choose Minas' Report, the Star Child office is no longer
selectable.(Though they're way better than the module IMO)

---Ursula Fleet Battle---

* Head to Gibraltar Sector(through Argoran)

* Oz
o Front Line HQ
+ "Talk to Norton", Alik is now usable again, has become stronger,
and can use Formation Foe Lv5
o Tavern
+ "Talk to friends" till a convo with Alik appears, answer
"That's what I plan on doing" for [Yuri Leadership +1]

* When ready, head for Area 5's ??? area for the [Boss Fight]
o Make sure that Alik is set up in the 1st officer spot and use Formation
Foe, then unload on the flagship, the battle will end after destroying
the Flagship.
o Don't bother trying to attack the Shield Ships, they are significantly
invincible. Formation Foe or Fighters are the way to go.

* Move around for a bit and you should get an [Event] (Message from Lennox)
o If you cannot get the above event (message from Lennox) to occur, it is
likely because you did not do all 3 of the "random" events in the section
before "Ursula Fleet Battle". So go back and make sure you have compeled
all of them if needed.

* Head back to Central

* Merylgild
+ "Go to 3F", "Join the meeting", "Continue with meeting" twice
o After the meeting, Use the Elevator (Make sure you do not Depart from
the surface) for a [Scene] if you cleared all three conditions for the
[Evstafi BB] you will recieve its blueprint now.

o On the other hand, if you recruited [Carl Kitson] earlier in the chapter
(thus preventing you from getting the Evstafi) you can go to Greymuth,
Orders HQ to recieve [Independence CG] and [Freedom BB] blueprints.

| Chapter 15 [S2170] |
| Yuri the Man Chapter 7 |

This is another branching chapter, just as a heads-up.

* Greymuth
o Orders HQ
+ If you recruited [Carl Kitson] last chapter then you will recieve
[Independence CG] and [Freedom BB] blueprints.
+ If you did not recruit [Carl Kitson] last chapter, then [Kyle Larson]
will join your crew.

o Tavern
+ If you recruited Phyllis, "Talk to friends" for a convo with her
and a choice:
- choose "Sure" for [Yuri Piloting +1]
- choose "No thanks" for [Phyllis Piloting +1]

* Doleway
o Enemonzo Embassy
+ "Talk to Ettore" twice to recieve [10000g]

* Esranto
o Nacio Embassy
+ "Talk to Michaelo", choose "Yes", then "Talk to Michaelo" again for
a choice between these two characters.
- [Jochjo Shildo] (No Abilities, High Stats)
- [Glorinda Falko] (Fighter Expert(C), Raises Fighter Damage output
when used)
- If you choose "No" to Michaelo's first question, then only
[Jochjo Shildo] will be recruitable
- If you are on your 2cd+ Playthrough, then on recruiting
[Glorinda Falko] you will also recieve [Lanterno] Mobile Weapon.

* Go to Area 4's left Void Gate and warp to "Adis Lane" - [Event]
* Go to Area 2's Void Gate and warp to "Adis" - [Event]

* Head to Area 1's upper-left ??? area for an [Event]

o choose "Hit them swift and hard" for [Yuri Leadership EXP+50]

* Wolf-Rayet
o [Event Battle] x4 enroute
o [Boss Battle] on arrival
+ Destroy the escorts before the flagship to take [Matriarch Vanbeleg]
prisoner(allowing his later recruitment).

* After the boss battle, the branch point will occur

* Branch Point Choice

o "Use normal sector" - [S2171]
o "Use starburst sector" - [S2172]

=====Branch Obtainables Breakdown=====

-Normal Sector Route-

Characters - [Fajra Atlaso] [Batdarga]

Ships - [Ongots CG] [Notsoh BB] [Solongo CG] [Lugshih M] [Dalbaa BB]

Modules - [Adis Bridge 1] [Navigating Bridge 13] [Fire Control Rm 9]

[Security Rm 9] [Amplifier 5]

-Starburst Sector Route-

Ships - [Shamdah CG] [Demzhih CV] [Yalah M] [Buyan CG] [Ayanga CG] [Tsahih BB]

Modules - [Adis Bridge 2] [Navigating Bridge 14] [Radar Rm 9] [Engine Rm 12]

[Sick Bay 8] [Science Lab 4] [Deflector 8] [Shield Frame 7]
[Thruster Con Rm 8]


---Normal Sector Route--- [S2171]

* Head to the only ??? area in Area 2 for an [Event Battle]

* New starlanes appear after battle.

* Take the middle of the three new starlanes to discover a new planet/starlane
* Head to Zuudnutag for a [Battle]

* Zuudnutag
o Ship Design Company
+ [Ongots CG] [Notsoh BB] [Solongo CG]
o Tavern
+ "Talk to bartender" and pay [1000g] to hear info about Adist mutiny
+ "Talk to middle-aged man" then choose "Yeah" to reveal Pirate TV
o TV Station
+ choose "Dochin sent us" to get inside
+ "Talk to Fajra" for [Fajra Atlaso] to join crew
+ Leave and reenter to recieve [Lugshih M] blueprint

* Head to Area 2's lower-left ??? area to discover a new planet/starlane

* Head for Hadmuzuh, [Battle] enroute, [Event] on arrival followed by an
[Event Battle]
o If you recruited Fajra then you will recieve [Dalbaa BB] blueprints
after battle and [Batdarga] will join your crew

* Hadmuzuh
o Module Design Company
+ [Adis Bridge 1] [Navigating Bridge 13] [Fire Control Rm 9]
[Security Rm 9] [Amplifier 5]

* Head towards Area 5's ??? area and an [Event] should trigger enroute
o If you got the info about the mutiny, [+100 Fame]
o If you did not get the info, [-400 Fame]

* Move on to the Common Route [S2173]

---Starburst Sector Route--- [S2172]

*Note* For this route you will want a [Danzi M] class ship in your fleet
(buyable back on Nizia if you didnt get it while there), its radar
will counteract the starburst effect which causes your weapons range
to be ~40% its normal level (as well as taking Fame penalties at
various points).
* Head to Area 3's ??? area for an [Event], new starlane is revealed.
* Head to Area 3's right ??? area for an [Event Battle] enroute and to
discover a new planet/starlane.
* Head towards Nayrah for an [Event Battle] enroute, discover new starlane
on arrival

* Nayrah
o Modular Design Company
+ [Adis Bridge 2] [Navigating Bridge 14] [Radar Rm 9] [Engine Rm 12]
[Sick Bay 8] [Science Lab 4] [Deflector 8] [Shield Frame 7]
[Thruster Con Rm 8]
o Tavern
+ "Talk to bartender" and pay [1000g] to hear about the Adist mutiny

* Somewhere in the next few moves you should get a [Scene] in regards to the
Adist mutiny, if you got the info above then [+100 Fame], if not then
[-400 Fame]
* Head for Area 4's lower-left ??? area to find a new planet/starlane

* Head towards Suronzon for another [Event Battle], after battle you will
recieve [Tsahih BB] blueprint

* Suronzon
o Ship Design Company
+ [Shamdah CG] [Demzhih CV] [Yalah M] [Buyan CG] [Ayanga CG]
o Tavern
+ "Talk to bartender", "I agree" for First Officer's [Leadership +2]

* Move on to the Common Route [S2173]

---Common Route--- [S2173]

* Head towards Uudamgazar for [Event Battle] x2, followed by a [Boss Battle]
* After the scenes, head to .. and upon docking you will recieve [Almas BB]
and [Goridoh BB] blueprints

* Yanagoron
o Fighter Design Company
+ [Nachin] [Zeeh]
o Patriarchal Court
+ "I'm ready", "Talk to Bogd" x5 to proceed.
o [Event] on departure

* Head to Area 5's lower Void Gate for an [Event]

* Warp to "Ancestral Site Sector"

* Head to Area 1's upper-left ??? area to discover a new starlane.

* Head to the newly revealed ??? area in Area 2 to find [1500g]
* Head to Area 2's central ??? area to find [2000g]

* Head to Area 2's rightmost ??? area to discover a new starlane.

* Head to the newly revealed ??? area in Area 3 to find [3000g]

* Head to Area 2's upper-left ??? area to find a new planet/starlane.

* Parmelia
o Progenitor's Ark
+ "Talk to Bogd"
o [Event] on departure

* Head towards the Void Gate for an [Boss Battle] enroute.

* After the Boss fight, warp back to Adis.

| Chapter 16 [S2180] |
| Yuri the Man Chapter 8 |

* Yanagoron
o Tavern
+ "Talk to friends" for a convo with Soneto(if recruited) and give
her 2000g for [+50 Fame] or 500g for [+30 Fame]

* Head to Area 1's Void Gate and warp to "Adis Lane"

* [Event] occurs at Area 2's upper-left ??? area

* Use Area 1's Void Gate to warp back to Central

* Once back in central, dock on any planet other than Esranto and choose
"Talk to Minas" planetside for an [Event]

* Nizia
o Ship Design Company
+ [Praetorius BB] [Schop M]

* Head for Merylgild for an [Event] enroute

* Merylgild
o Galactic Federation HQ
+ "Go to President's Office", "Talk to Brian", "Talk to Lennox",
+ "Go to 2F", "Join the strategy meeting" x2, "Leave"
o [Event] on departure

* Head for Area 2's Void Gate and warp to Argoran Sector
* Head for Area 3's Void Gate and warp to Gibraltar Sector, [Scene] on arrival

* Head for Area 1's other Void Gate and warp to Andalucia Sector

* Head for Area 2's Dead Gate for an [Event], continue towards it for
another [Event]
o In the Japanese version there is a bug where after coming through the
ancient gate, going back to it again(pressing back immediately after
scene?) can cause you to get sent back and be unable to continue the
game, so be careful.
* Head for Area 4's ??? area for an [Event]
* Head for Area 1's lower-right Void Gate and warp to Spetses Border

* Head for Area 1's lower-right ??? area, if you did not recruit Katida,
then you fight her here.

* Head for Area 1's upper-right ??? area for an [Event] followed by
[Event Battle]x3 followed by a [Boss Battle]

* Head for the Sardis Belt for a [Scene] followed by [Event Battle] followed
by a [Boss Battle]
o During the Boss Battle, just attack the flagship, and after dealing
enough damage a [Scene] should occur, ending the battle.

* After the [Scenes] head to .. (or any dock, this one is on the way though)
for an [Event] on arrival.

* Head to Area 3's Void Gate and warp to Voyage Frontier...

| Chapter 17 [S2190] |
| Yuri the Man Chapter 9 |

* Head for Area 4's Void gate and warp to Gibraltar Sector

* Daurong
o Ship Design Company
+ [Belenus BB] [Toutatis CV] [Sirona CG] [Belisana M]

* Endora
o Module Design Company
+ [Lugovals Bridge 2] [Lugovals Bridge 3] [Fire Con Rm 10]
[Radar Rm 10] [Engine Rm 13] [Maint Rm 6]

* Make sure you get any of the blueprints from the above two planets you
want now, cause after arriving at Annon, the Starlanes back disappear.

* Head to Annon and an [Event] will occur just before arrival, another on
* After the scene upon docking, depart for another [Scene], followed by an
[Event Battle]

* Head for Area 2's central ??? area for an [Event]

* Head for Area 1's left Void Gate for [Event Battle]x2, after battle youll
be automatically taken to Argoran Sector

* Head for Area 2's central ??? area for an [Event]

* Go to Area 1's Void Gate and warp to Central

* Merylgild
o [Event] on arrival
o Galaxy Federation HQ
+ "Go to President's office" and go along with the dialogue then
choose "Talk to Minas"

* Head for Area 4's left Void Gate and warp to Adis Lane
* Head to Area 1's ??? area for an [Event Battle]
* Head to Area 2's lower ??? area for an [Event]
* Go to Area 1's Void Gate and warp back to Central

* Merylgild
o [Event] on arrival. [Hierarch Myagmar] [Hierarch Vanbeleg] and
[Hierarch Zaazhad] join crew(if they lived through your Adis Campaign,
One of the Hierarchs likely changes based on which path you took through
Adis) and you recieve [Haruul BB] blueprints
+ "Go to 2F" and follow the dialogue

*Note* Youve got one last chance to mess around here, this would be a point of
no return if such a term were really appropriate for this game of
infinite points of no return.

* When your ready head back to FSN HQ(2F) and "Talk to Valantin" then choose
"Yes" for a [Scene]

* Head for Saturn to reveal a new Starlane

* Head for Jupiter to reveal a new Starlane and [Event]
o After [Event] Fatigue and Crew Casulties fully healed

* Head for Mars for an [Event Battle]

* (Terra e) Head for Terra for an [Event]
o Followed by [Event Battle]x2 then [Last Boss]

THE END - hope you enjoyed the ride.

| Character Skills [S3100] |

This section just briefly shows the crew position affected by each character
stat. This info is easily accessable in game, and thus can for the most part
be ignored.

Skill Position Effect

----------- ------------------------ -------------------------------
Leadership: Captain, First Officer +Mobility, +Gauge Spd
Control: Operator, Radar +Gauge Spd, +Atk Rng
Navigation: Navigation +Mobility, +Btl Spd, +Crs Spd
Artillery: Artillery +AS, +AA
Maintenance: Engineer +Mobility, +Btl Spd
Maintenance: Mechanic +Maint(Repair Rate)
Science: R&D +Science(Upgrade Rate)
Piloting: Fighter Pilot +Fighter Dmg
Medicine: Sick Bay +Medical(Crew Recover Rate)
Ship Mgmt: Accounting +Income
Ship Mgmt: Chef +Livability
Combat: Security +Livability, (Melee Combat)
| Special Skills [S3200] |

Special Skills will always be on a given Character from the moment you recruit
them (with the exception of some of the main characters who get a new ability
in the second half of the game). The level of the ability is based on the
innate ability level for that character and their current Level, for every
20 character levels the Skill's level will increase by one to a maximum of 5.

There are also three types of Special Skills; Assignment types which are always
in affect as long as the Character is in the specified position, Command types
which are only in effect when the character is assigned to the First Officer
position, at which point the ability will be usable in battle, and finally
Melee types which are only usable in Melee battles (The character must be
assigned to the Security Chief Position).

---Assignment Type Skills---

Skill Position Effect

------------- ------------------------ -------------------------------
Fleet Leader Captain Raises # of Usable Ships
Cool & Calm Operator +Gauge Speed
Ace Helmsman Navigation +Mobility
AA Genius Artillery +AA
AS Genius Artillery +AS
All-Seeing Radar +Atk Rng
Star Engineer Engineer +Btl Spd, +Crs Spd
Machine Geek Mechanic +Maint
Mad Scientist R&D +Science
Ace Pilot Fighter Pilot +Fighter Dmg
Scalpel Star Sick Bay +Medical
Abacus Accounting -Fleet Upkeep
Amateur Chef Chef +Livability
Space Warrior Security +Combat
Angel Voice Any +Gauge Speed

---Command Type Skills---

Skill Effect
------------- -------------------------------------------------------
Final Roar Yuri's Special Attack (+40% Crit Rate Barrage)
Medic Restores Fleet Durability
Mercy Angel Restores Fleet Dura and Crew Health
Inciter +20% Crit Rate for duration of buff
Maneuver Ace +Dodge Rate for duration of buff
Iron Wall +Armor
FTR Expert +Fighter Dmg for duration of buff
Mr. Precise +AS/AA for duration of buff
Formation Foe Removes Enemy Formation bonus(Can hit back rows)
Comeback Kid* Revives one destroyed ship with 20% durability

---Melee Type Skills---

Skill Effect
------------- -------------------------------------------------------
Commander Special version of Leader.
Death Blow Special version of Slash.
Marksman Special version of Shoot.

* The Comeback Kid skill does not appear to be on any recruitable character in
the game and is thus only usable through codes.

| Ships [S4000] |

Crew Req(Crew Requirement) - The number of crew members required to properly

operate the ship, if you have less than this #
of current crew(through design or in-battle damage
then the ship's Guage Speed will be reduced.

Crew Cur(Current Crew) - The number of currently staffed crew-members, increase

this number by equipping more crew cabins.

Anti-Air - The to-hit rating of this ship's equipped AA weapons.

Anti-Ship - The to-hit rating of this ship's equipped standard weapons.

Crs Spd(Cruise Speed) - The rate at which this ship travels on the Starmap.
Btl Spd(Battle Speed) - The rate at which this ship travels during Battle.

Mobility - The Evasion rate of this ship.

Armor - The amount of damage which this ship reduces from each recieved attack.
Dura(Durability) - This ship's Hit Points.

Atk Rng(Attack Range) - The In-Battle Radar Range of this ship(only important
on flagship, weapons that are fired while outside this
range have highly reduced accuracy)

Livab(Livability) - Affects the rate at which the Fatigue guage rises when
moving on the Starmap(The fatigue guage affects how quickly
your AP guage rises during battle)

MdlSpc(Module Space) - The number of squares of Module Space this ship has.
(Shape also plays a large part in module allocation, but
this can be used as a reasonable guideline)

Gauge Speed - Amount ship contributes to the speed at which the AP guage rises

Medical - Amount ship contributes towards healing wounded crewmembers.(?)

Science - Amount ship contributes towards ship upgrades.(?)

Maint - Amount ship contributes towards between battle ship repairs.

Weapons - Ships can have up to 5 weapon slots ranging in size from S(Small)->
M(Medium)->L(Large)->XL(Extra Large) and can either be Free or Fixed.
Free weapons can be exchanged for new ones as they are unlocked,
while fixed weapons cannot and will often become outdated as the
game progresses.
| Destroyers [S4100] |

*-----------------------Starting Destroyers-----------------------------------*

[Perekop] Price 6200g

Crew Req (200) Crew Cur (180)

Anti-Air (008) Armor (021)

Anti-Shp (020) Dura (00420)
Crs Spd (078) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (135) Livab (30)
Mobility (09) MdlSpc (036)

GaugeSpd (115) Medical (05)

Science (18) Maint (05)

Weapons(2/2): M: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch1 - Toropets


[Otlichny] Price 6900g

Crew Req (200) Crew Cur (170)

Anti-Air (012) Armor (024)

Anti-Shp (022) Dura (00460)
Crs Spd (075) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (130) Livab (30)
Mobility (07) MdlSpc (038)

GaugeSpd (118) Medical (05)

Science (23) Maint (05)

Weapons(2/2): M: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch1 - Toropets

*-----------------------Elgavan Destroyers-----------------------------------*

[Novik] Price 7200g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (260)

Anti-Air (016) Armor (027)

Anti-Shp (035) Dura (00690)
Crs Spd (114) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (156) Livab (20)
Mobility (14) MdlSpc (040)

GaugeSpd (135) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (05)
Weapons(3/3): M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch3 - Chernesk


[Gnevny] Price 7400g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (260)

Anti-Air (010) Armor (025)

Anti-Shp (020) Dura (00650)
Crs Spd (112) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (152) Livab (20)
Mobility (10) MdlSpc (041)

GaugeSpd (130) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (05)

Weapons(2/2): M: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtain: Ch3 - Chernesk


[Derzky] Price 7600g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (270)

Anti-Air (006) Armor (032)

Anti-Shp (025) Dura (00640)
Crs Spd (105) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (148) Livab (30)
Mobility (18) MdlSpc (037)

GaugeSpd (130) Medical (05)

Science (15) Maint (10)

Weapons(3/3): M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch2 - Lutsk Base or Ch3 - Chernesk


[Orfey] Price 8200g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (270)

Anti-Air (008) Armor (034)

Anti-Shp (027) Dura (00670)
Crs Spd (108) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (152) Livab (30)
Mobility (20) MdlSpc (044)

GaugeSpd (135) Medical (05)

Science (15) Maint (10)

Weapons(1/3): M: Free
S: AS Missiles Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 15 ACC)
S: AS Missiles Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 15 ACC)

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch2 - Lutsk Base or Ch3 - Chernesk


[Skoryy] Price 9200g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (270)

Anti-Air (012) Armor (035)

Anti-Shp (030) Dura (00760)
Crs Spd (110) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (164) Livab (30)
Mobility (22) MdlSpc (047)

GaugeSpd (140) Medical (05)

Science (15) Maint (15)

Weapons(3/3): M: Free
M: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch3 - Chernesk

*-----------------------Kalymnos Destroyers-----------------------------------*

[Themis] Price 7200g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (260)

Anti-Air (023) Armor (029)

Anti-Shp (026) Dura (00680)
Crs Spd (080) Atk Rng(11000)
Btl Spd (134) Livab (30)
Mobility (13) MdlSpc (034)

GaugeSpd (130) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (05)

Weapons(1/3): M: Free
S: AS Missiles Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 15 ACC)
S: AS Missiles Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 15 ACC)

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch4 - Dodecanese

[Selene] Price 7500g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (270)

Anti-Air (005) Armor (030)

Anti-Shp (032) Dura (00720)
Crs Spd (112) Atk Rng(12000)
Btl Spd (168) Livab (30)
Mobility (17) MdlSpc (043)

GaugeSpd (130) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (06)

Weapons(3/3): M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch4 - Veroia


[Kalliope] Price 8000g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (270)

Anti-Air (003) Armor (032)

Anti-Shp (036) Dura (00730)
Crs Spd (090) Atk Rng(12000)
Btl Spd (138) Livab (30)
Mobility (18) MdlSpc (037)

GaugeSpd (140) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (05)

Weapons(3/3): M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch4 - Volos

*-----------------------Nova Nacio Destroyers---------------------------------*

[Admiraldo] Price 8600g

Crew Req (200) Crew Cur (170)

Anti-Air (014) Armor (030)

Anti-Shp (022) Dura (00620)
Crs Spd (112) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (152) Livab (30)
Mobility (26) MdlSpc (034)

GaugeSpd (140) Medical (05)

Science (20) Maint (07)

Weapons(2/3): S: Free
S: Free
M: AS Missile Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 15 ACC)
Specials: None

Obtained: Ch6 - Kranio

*-----------------------Regeinland Destroyers---------------------------------*

[Seitz] Price 12400g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (260)

Anti-Air (003) Armor (067)

Anti-Shp (047) Dura (01840)
Crs Spd (124) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (150) Livab (30)
Mobility (35) MdlSpc (034)

GaugeSpd (145) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(3/3): M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch10 - Rentinen

*-----------------------Escondido Destroyers---------------------------------*

[Rapido] Price 8200g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (240)

Anti-Air (008) Armor (080)

Anti-Shp (028) Dura (01870)
Crs Spd (124) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (152) Livab (30)
Mobility (22) MdlSpc (040)

GaugeSpd (150) Medical (05)

Science (20) Maint (10)

Weapons(0/4): S: Linear Cannon Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 35 ACC)

S: Linear Cannon Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 35 ACC)
S: Linear Cannon Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 35 ACC)
S: Linear Cannon Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 35 ACC)

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch10 - Rebel Route - Guadalajara


[Churruca] Price 8300g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (240)

Anti-Air (018) Armor (082)

Anti-Shp (030) Dura (01920)
Crs Spd (122) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (162) Livab (30)
Mobility (24) MdlSpc (040)

GaugeSpd (150) Medical (05)

Science (20) Maint (10)

Weapons(0/4): S: Linear Cannon Lv2 (100x1 DMG - 35 ACC)

S: Linear Cannon Lv2 (100x1 DMG - 35 ACC)
S: AS Missiles Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 15 ACC)
S: AS Missiles Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 15 ACC)

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch10 - Govt Route - Arraigado

*-----------------------Enemonzo Destroyers-----------------------------------*

[Impavido] Price 8400g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (260)

Anti-Air (014) Armor (062)

Anti-Shp (034) Dura (01820)
Crs Spd (135) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (156) Livab (30)
Mobility (26) MdlSpc (054)

GaugeSpd (155) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(3/3): M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch12 - Enemonzo/Lavena Route - Fiera

*-----------------------Zenito Destroyers-------------------------------------*

[Plugilo] Price 16300g

Crew Req (150) Crew Cur (140)

Anti-Air (010) Armor (070)

Anti-Shp (045) Dura (01200)
Crs Spd (125) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (160) Livab (30)
Mobility (52) MdlSpc (026)

GaugeSpd (170) Medical (20)

Science (50) Maint (20)

Weapons(1/3): M: Plasma Cannon Lv1 (200x1 DMG - 50 ACC)

M: Plasma Cannon Lv1 (200x1 DMG - 50 ACC)
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch12 - Zenito Route - Marshalo

*-----------------------Libertasian Destroyers--------------------------------*

[Bastian] Price 13000g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (270)

Anti-Air (010) Armor (070)

Anti-Shp (042) Dura (01870)
Crs Spd (130) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (160) Livab (30)
Mobility (42) MdlSpc (054)

GaugeSpd (155) Medical (05)

Science (45) Maint (10)

Weapons(2/3): M: Plasma Cannon Lv1 (200x1 DMG - 50 ACC)

S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch14 - Merylgild (FSN HQ - 1F)


[Bastian 2] Price 14200g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (270)

Anti-Air (012) Armor (072)

Anti-Shp (046) Dura (01920)
Crs Spd (134) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (160) Livab (30)
Mobility (45) MdlSpc (051)

GaugeSpd (165) Medical (05)

Science (45) Maint (10)

Weapons(2/4): M: Plasma Cannon Lv1 (200x1 DMG - 50 ACC)

M: Plasma Cannon Lv1 (200x1 DMG - 50 ACC)
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch14 - Oz

*-----------------------Nacio Destroyers--------------------------------------*

[Najtingalo] Price 12500g

Crew Req (200) Crew Cur (170)

Anti-Air (016) Armor (065)

Anti-Shp (036) Dura (01680)
Crs Spd (127) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (158) Livab (30)
Mobility (40) MdlSpc (033)

GaugeSpd (150) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (20)
Weapons(3/3): M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch14 - Esranto Ship Design Co - Must give ZR2 Blueprints to

Kompasso first.

| Cruisers [S4200] |

*-----------------------Elgavan Cruisers--------------------------------------*

[Rurik] Price 7500g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (280)

Anti-Air (032) Armor (029)

Anti-Shp (025) Dura (00840)
Crs Spd (110) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (142) Livab (20)
Mobility (13) MdlSpc (043)

GaugeSpd (125) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (05)

Weapons(3/3): M: Free
M: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch2 - Lutsk Base


[Askold] Price 9600g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (320)

Anti-Air (028) Armor (034)

Anti-Shp (020) Dura (00830)
Crs Spd (105) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (130) Livab (20)
Mobility (22) MdlSpc (054)

GaugeSpd (115) Medical (05)

Science (15) Maint (17)

Weapons(3/3): M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtain: Ch3 - Chernesk

*-----------------------Kalymnos Cruisers-------------------------------------*

[Ilithyia] Price 7500g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (280)

Anti-Air (018) Armor (031)

Anti-Shp (022) Dura (00760)
Crs Spd (080) Atk Rng(11000)
Btl Spd (115) Livab (30)
Mobility (10) MdlSpc (051)

GaugeSpd (125) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (05)

Weapons(2/3): M: Free
M: Free
S: AS Missiles Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 15 ACC)

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch4 - Dodecanese


[Zephyr] Price 8300g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (280)

Anti-Air (026) Armor (034)

Anti-Shp (020) Dura (00740)
Crs Spd (090) Atk Rng(12000)
Btl Spd (128) Livab (30)
Mobility (15) MdlSpc (041)

GaugeSpd (125) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (05)

Weapons(3/3): M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch4 - Volos


[Volos] Price 8400g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (280)

Anti-Air (024) Armor (032)

Anti-Shp (018) Dura (00740)
Crs Spd (115) Atk Rng(12000)
Btl Spd (144) Livab (30)
Mobility (13) MdlSpc (050)

GaugeSpd (115) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (06)

Weapons(3/3): M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch4 - Veroia


[Eudora] Price 9800g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (280)

Anti-Air (018) Armor (036)

Anti-Shp (025) Dura (00920)
Crs Spd (090) Atk Rng(12000)
Btl Spd (112) Livab (30)
Mobility (16) MdlSpc (049)

GaugeSpd (100) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (05)

Weapons(3/3): M: Free
M: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtain: Ch4 - Volos


[Chloris] Price 8900g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (280)

Anti-Air (026) Armor (034)

Anti-Shp (022) Dura (00780)
Crs Spd (112) Atk Rng(12000)
Btl Spd (138) Livab (30)
Mobility (15) MdlSpc (052)

GaugeSpd (105) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (06)

Weapons(3/3): M: Free
M: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch6 - Kranio


[Eudora 2] Price 10600g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (280)

Anti-Air (024) Armor (036)

Anti-Shp (027) Dura (00930)
Crs Spd (090) Atk Rng(12500)
Btl Spd (122) Livab (30)
Mobility (17) MdlSpc (057)
GaugeSpd (100) Medical (05)
Science (10) Maint (05)

Weapons(3/3): M: Free
M: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch7 - Drama(Kalymnos Route)

*-----------------------Nova Nacio Cruisers-----------------------------------*

[Kamarado] Price 10400g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (180)

Anti-Air (034) Armor (032)

Anti-Shp (018) Dura (00830)
Crs Spd (115) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (125) Livab (30)
Mobility (24) MdlSpc (041)

GaugeSpd (120) Medical (05)

Science (20) Maint (07)

Weapons(3/3): M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch6 - Kranio


[Gromki] Price 7800g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (280)

Anti-Air (022) Armor (028)

Anti-Shp (028) Dura (00860)
Crs Spd (110) Atk Rng(12500)
Btl Spd (132) Livab (20)
Mobility (10) MdlSpc (041)

GaugeSpd (120) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (05)

Weapons(0/4): M: AS Missiles Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 15 ACC)

S: AS Missiles Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 15 ACC)
S: AS Missiles Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 15 ACC)
C: Missile Volley (200x1 DMG - 80 ACC - Multi+Special)

Specials: Missile Volley

Obtained: Ch7 - Nejo(Nova Nacio Route)

*-----------------------Xeos Belt Cruisers------------------------------------*

[Sodality] Price 10800g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (280)

Anti-Air (034) Armor (054)

Anti-Shp (025) Dura (02750)
Crs Spd (140) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (156) Livab (30)
Mobility (32) MdlSpc (064)

GaugeSpd (135) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(4/4): M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch9 - Acerenza


[Junkyard] Price 11600g

Crew Req (500) Crew Cur (380)

Anti-Air (036) Armor (058)

Anti-Shp (027) Dura (03580)
Crs Spd (139) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (148) Livab (30)
Mobility (33) MdlSpc (115)

GaugeSpd (115) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(4/4): M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch9 - Acerenza

*-----------------------Regeinland Cruisers-----------------------------------*

[Scheidt] Price 14800g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (340)

Anti-Air (034) Armor (068)

Anti-Shp (033) Dura (02780)
Crs Spd (130) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (136) Livab (30)
Mobility (38) MdlSpc (060)

GaugeSpd (135) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(4/4): M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch10 - Rentinen


[Kraus] Price 23700g

Crew Req (600) Crew Cur (480)

Anti-Air (026) Armor (072)

Anti-Shp (038) Dura (03890)
Crs Spd (120) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (122) Livab (30)
Mobility (36) MdlSpc (055)

GaugeSpd (105) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(3/4): M: Laser Accel Lv1 (140x1 DMG - 60 ACC)

M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtained: Ch10 - Rentinen


[Homilius] Price 25400g

Crew Req (600) Crew Cur (480)

Anti-Air (035) Armor (072)

Anti-Shp (043) Dura (03920)
Crs Spd (120) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (154) Livab (30)
Mobility (38) MdlSpc (042)

GaugeSpd (130) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(2/4): M: Laser Accel Lv1 (140x1 DMG - 60 ACC)

M: Laser Accel Lv1 (140x1 DMG - 60 ACC)
M: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch12 - Mondschutz


[Gluck] Price 28600g

Crew Req (600) Crew Cur (480)

Anti-Air (036) Armor (072)

Anti-Shp (045) Dura (04150)
Crs Spd (130) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (134) Livab (30)
Mobility (40) MdlSpc (045)

GaugeSpd (125) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(2/4): M: Laser Accel Lv1 (140x1 DMG - 60 ACC)

M: Laser Accel Lv1 (140x1 DMG - 60 ACC)
M: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtained: Ch12 - Mondschutz

*-----------------------Escondido Cruisers------------------------------------*

[Aragon] Price 11000g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (280)

Anti-Air (022) Armor (094)

Anti-Shp (025) Dura (03740)
Crs Spd (110) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (118) Livab (30)
Mobility (22) MdlSpc (037)

GaugeSpd (115) Medical (05)

Science (20) Maint (10)

Weapons(1/5): M: AS Missiles Lv2 (160x1 DMG - 15 ACC)

M: AS Missiles Lv2 (160x1 DMG - 15 ACC)
S: AS Missiles Lv2 (120x1 DMG - 15 ACC)
S: Free
C: Missile Volley (200x1 DMG - 80 ACC - Multi+Special)

Specials: Missile Volley

Obtained: Ch10 - Govt Route - Arraigado

*-----------------------Enemonzo Cruisers-------------------------------------*

[Roma] Price 8200g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (280)

Anti-Air (052) Armor (062)

Anti-Shp (022) Dura (02580)
Crs Spd (125) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (152) Livab (30)
Mobility (20) MdlSpc (090)

GaugeSpd (130) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(3/3): M: Free
S: Free
S: Free
Specials: None

Obtained: Ch12 - Enemonzo/Mesenzana Route - Mesenzana


[Zara] Price 11400g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (280)

Anti-Air (045) Armor (064)

Anti-Shp (026) Dura (02590)
Crs Spd (125) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (142) Livab (30)
Mobility (22) MdlSpc (061)

GaugeSpd (135) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(4/4): M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch12 - Enemonzo/Lavena Route - Fiera


[Trento] Price 13200g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (280)

Anti-Air (041) Armor (064)

Anti-Shp (024) Dura (03720)
Crs Spd (135) Atk Rng(15000)
Btl Spd (138) Livab (30)
Mobility (24) MdlSpc (072)

GaugeSpd (115) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(4/4): M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch12 - Enemonzo/Mesenzana Route - Mesenzana


[Fuime] Price 13800g

Crew Req (500) Crew Cur (360)

Anti-Air (040) Armor (068)

Anti-Shp (026) Dura (03740)
Crs Spd (120) Atk Rng(15000)
Btl Spd (126) Livab (30)
Mobility (25) MdlSpc (069)

GaugeSpd (110) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(4/4): L: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch12 - Enemonzo/Lavena Route - Fiera


[Pola] Price 16400g

Crew Req (600) Crew Cur (480)

Anti-Air (042) Armor (068)

Anti-Shp (028) Dura (03860)
Crs Spd (122) Atk Rng(15000)
Btl Spd (135) Livab (30)
Mobility (24) MdlSpc (070)

GaugeSpd (115) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(2/4): L: AS Missiles Lv3 (340x1 DMG - 15 ACC)

L: AS Missiles Lv3 (340x1 DMG - 15 ACC)
M: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch12 - Enemonzo/Lavena Route - End of Chapter, after boss

*-----------------------Zenito Cruisers---------------------------------------*

[Misio] Price 23800g

Crew Req (150) Crew Cur (130)

Anti-Air (036) Armor (074)

Anti-Shp (032) Dura (02410)
Crs Spd (110) Atk Rng(15000)
Btl Spd (135) Livab (30)
Mobility (48) MdlSpc (030)

GaugeSpd (145) Medical (20)

Science (50) Maint (20)

Weapons(2/4): M: Plasma Cannon Lv2 (240x1 DMG - 50 ACC)

M: Plasma Cannon Lv2 (240x1 DMG - 50 ACC)
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch12 - Zenito Route - Marshalo


[Kajto] Price 26500g

Crew Req (150) Crew Cur (130)

Anti-Air (027) Armor (078)

Anti-Shp (033) Dura (02980)
Crs Spd (100) Atk Rng(15000)
Btl Spd (120) Livab (30)
Mobility (44) MdlSpc (036)

GaugeSpd (120) Medical (20)

Science (50) Maint (25)

Weapons(2/4): L: Plasma Cannon Lv1 (240x1 DMG - 50 ACC)

M: Plasma Cannon Lv2 (240x1 DMG - 50 ACC)
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch12 - Zenito Route - Marshalo

*-----------------------Libertasian Cruisers----------------------------------*

[Liberty] Price 18300g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (280)

Anti-Air (035) Armor (078)

Anti-Shp (029) Dura (03420)
Crs Spd (114) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (125) Livab (30)
Mobility (35) MdlSpc (069)

GaugeSpd (115) Medical (05)

Science (45) Maint (10)

Weapons(2/4): M: Plasma Cannon Lv2 (240x1 DMG - 50 ACC)

M: Plasma Cannon Lv2 (240x1 DMG - 50 ACC)
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch14 - Oz


[Magellan] Price 18300g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (280)

Anti-Air (032) Armor (072)

Anti-Shp (026) Dura (02830)
Crs Spd (120) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (135) Livab (30)
Mobility (32) MdlSpc (058)

GaugeSpd (130) Medical (05)

Science (45) Maint (15)
Weapons(4/5): M: Plasma Cannon Lv2 (240x1 DMG - 50 ACC)
S: Free
S: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch14 - Belisama


[Independence] Price 22400g

Crew Req (500) Crew Cur (380)

Anti-Air (038) Armor (080)

Anti-Shp (032) Dura (03970)
Crs Spd (116) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (125) Livab (30)
Mobility (36) MdlSpc (069)

GaugeSpd (120) Medical (05)

Science (45) Maint (15)

Weapons(2/4): M: Plasma Cannon Lv3 (280x1 DMG - 50 ACC)

M: Plasma Cannon Lv3 (280x1 DMG - 50 ACC)
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch15 - Greymuth (Only if you recruited Carl Kitson)


[Regal] Price 23000g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (280)

Anti-Air (037) Armor (075)

Anti-Shp (030) Dura (02760)
Crs Spd (144) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (145) Livab (30)
Mobility (40) MdlSpc (060)

GaugeSpd (140) Medical (05)

Science (45) Maint (15)

Weapons(2/4): M: Plasma Cannon Lv2 (240x1 DMG - 50 ACC)

M: Plasma Cannon Lv2 (240x1 DMG - 50 ACC)
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtained: Ch14 - Merylgild (FSN HQ - 1F)


[Alliance] Price 24800g

Crew Req (500) Crew Cur (380)

Anti-Air (042) Armor (074)

Anti-Shp (032) Dura (03750)
Crs Spd (140) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (135) Livab (30)
Mobility (42) MdlSpc (061)

GaugeSpd (135) Medical (05)

Science (45) Maint (15)

Weapons(2/4): M: Plasma Cannon Lv3 (280x1 DMG - 50 ACC)

M: Plasma Cannon Lv3 (280x1 DMG - 50 ACC)
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtained: Ch14 - Merylgild (FSN HQ - 1F)

*-----------------------Adis Cruisers-----------------------------------------*

[Ayanga] Price 23700g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (270)

Anti-Air (030) Armor (094)

Anti-Shp (030) Dura (03400)
Crs Spd (142) Atk Rng(17000)
Btl Spd (130) Livab (30)
Mobility (32) MdlSpc (044)

GaugeSpd (120) Medical (05)

Science (50) Maint (10)

Weapons(3/3): M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch15 - Starburst Sector Route - Suronzon


[Shamdah] Price 27400g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (320)

Anti-Air (036) Armor (079)

Anti-Shp (025) Dura (02580)
Crs Spd (140) Atk Rng(23000)
Btl Spd (168) Livab (30)
Mobility (38) MdlSpc (035)

GaugeSpd (140) Medical (05)

Science (50) Maint (10)

Weapons(3/3): M: Free
S: Free
S: Free
Specials: None

Obtained: Ch15 - Starburst Sector Route - Suronzon


[Solongo] Price 28500g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (280)

Anti-Air (042) Armor (080)

Anti-Shp (026) Dura (02780)
Crs Spd (144) Atk Rng(20000)
Btl Spd (126) Livab (30)
Mobility (30) MdlSpc (039)

GaugeSpd (125) Medical (05)

Science (50) Maint (10)

Weapons(4/4): M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch15 - Normal Sector Route - Zuudnutag


[Buyan] Price 31200g

Crew Req (500) Crew Cur (380)

Anti-Air (034) Armor (085)

Anti-Shp (042) Dura (03800)
Crs Spd (122) Atk Rng(20000)
Btl Spd (110) Livab (30)
Mobility (28) MdlSpc (045)

GaugeSpd (110) Medical (05)

Science (50) Maint (10)

Weapons(4/4): L: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch15 - Starburst Sector Route - Suronzon


[Ongots] Price 32400g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (220)

Anti-Air (046) Armor (082)

Anti-Shp (039) Dura (03200)
Crs Spd (118) Atk Rng(20000)
Btl Spd (134) Livab (30)
Mobility (28) MdlSpc (043)
GaugeSpd (130) Medical (05)
Science (50) Maint (10)

Weapons(4/4): L: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtained: Ch15 - Normal Sector Route - Zuudnutag

*-----------------------Lugovalian Cruisers-----------------------------------*

[Sirona] Price 43700g

Crew Req (600) Crew Cur (440)

Anti-Air (056) Armor (087)

Anti-Shp (032) Dura (04860)
Crs Spd (124) Atk Rng(15000)
Btl Spd (128) Livab (30)
Mobility (34) MdlSpc (065)

GaugeSpd (110) Medical (05)

Science (40) Maint (10)

Weapons(1/5): L: Free
M: Cluster Missiles Lv2 (200x1 DMG - 60 ACC - Multi)
S: Cluster Missiles Lv2 (180x1 DMG - 80 ACC - Multi)
M: AA Cluster Laser Lv1 (060x1 DMG - 40 ACC)
M: AA Cluster MS Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 30 ACC)

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtained: Ch17 - Daurong

| Carriers [S4300] |

*-----------------------Kalymnos Carriers-------------------------------------*

[Daphne] Price 20400g

Crew Req (500) Crew Cur (380)

Anti-Air (005) Armor (038)

Anti-Shp (015) Dura (00920)
Crs Spd (065) Atk Rng(10000)
Btl Spd (110) Livab (20)
Mobility (06) MdlSpc (041)

GaugeSpd (095) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (05)

Weapons(4/4): M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtained: Ch6 - Kranio


[Daphne 2] Price 21800g

Crew Req (600) Crew Cur (540)

Anti-Air (012) Armor (040)

Anti-Shp (017) Dura (00980)
Crs Spd (075) Atk Rng(10000)
Btl Spd (115) Livab (20)
Mobility (08) MdlSpc (044)

GaugeSpd (105) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (10)

Weapons(4/4): M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtained: Ch11 - Chios

*-----------------------Nova Nacio Carriers-----------------------------------*

[Kolonio] Price 20800g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (240)

Anti-Air (015) Armor (028)

Anti-Shp (012) Dura (00760)
Crs Spd (105) Atk Rng(12000)
Btl Spd (124) Livab (30)
Mobility (22) MdlSpc (067)

GaugeSpd (110) Medical (05)

Science (20) Maint (12)

Weapons(2/2): S: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Gravity Catapult

Obtained: Ch6 - Kranio


[Paradizo] Price 23400g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (220)

Anti-Air (018) Armor (030)

Anti-Shp (015) Dura (00880)
Crs Spd (110) Atk Rng(12000)
Btl Spd (126) Livab (30)
Mobility (24) MdlSpc (075)

GaugeSpd (115) Medical (05)

Science (20) Maint (12)

Weapons(2/2): M: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Gravity Catapult

Obtained: Ch11 - Voyage Sector(Chapter End) - If[Nova Nacio Route]

*-----------------------Regeinland Carriers-----------------------------------*

[Eberlin] Price 34200g

Crew Req (600) Crew Cur (360)

Anti-Air (010) Armor (046)

Anti-Shp (015) Dura (02150)
Crs Spd (126) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (122) Livab (30)
Mobility (32) MdlSpc (069)

GaugeSpd (110) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (20)

Weapons(2/2): M: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtained: Ch10 - Rentinen


[Janitsch] Price 42800g

Crew Req (600) Crew Cur (300)

Anti-Air (012) Armor (048)

Anti-Shp (015) Dura (02270)
Crs Spd (130) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (128) Livab (30)
Mobility (35) MdlSpc (071)

GaugeSpd (115) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (20)

Weapons(2/2): M: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtained: Ch14 - Nizia (Ship Co. revealed by talking to Dietrich in


*-----------------------Nacio Carriers----------------------------------------*
[Tigro] Price 45800g

Crew Req (500) Crew Cur (180)

Anti-Air (025) Armor (046)

Anti-Shp (010) Dura (04100)
Crs Spd (131) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (130) Livab (30)
Mobility (37) MdlSpc (075)

GaugeSpd (110) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (40)

Weapons(2/2): S: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Gravity Catapult(A)

Obtained: Ch14 - Esranto - After giving ZR2 blueprints to Sankt on

Merlgild, go to the Trade Hall on Esranto and give them to
Kompasso to unlock Ship Co.


[Renkonti] Price 46300g

Crew Req (700) Crew Cur (460)

Anti-Air (025) Armor (062)

Anti-Shp (024) Dura (03240)
Crs Spd (131) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (134) Livab (30)
Mobility (37) MdlSpc (065)

GaugeSpd (125) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (40)

Weapons(4/4): M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Gravity Catapult(A)

Obtained: Ch14 - Esranto - After giving ZR2 blueprints to Sankt on

Merlgild, go to the Trade Hall on Esranto and give them to
Kompasso to unlock Ship Co.


[Eleganta] Price 47900g

Crew Req (800) Crew Cur (700)

Anti-Air (025) Armor (065)

Anti-Shp (025) Dura (02740)
Crs Spd (134) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (144) Livab (30)
Mobility (40) MdlSpc (069)
GaugeSpd (110) Medical (05)
Science (30) Maint (40)

Weapons(4/4): L: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Gravity Catapult(A)

Obtained: Fame Rank 20 Reward

*-----------------------Libertasian Carriers----------------------------------*

[Galaxy] Price 58400g

Crew Req (800) Crew Cur (620)

Anti-Air (020) Armor (065)

Anti-Shp (010) Dura (02650)
Crs Spd (115) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (125) Livab (30)
Mobility (32) MdlSpc (066)

GaugeSpd (120) Medical (05)

Science (45) Maint (20)

Weapons(1/3): M: Plasma Cannon Lv2 (280x1 DMG - 50 ACC)

M: Plasma Cannon Lv2 (280x1 DMG - 50 ACC)
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtained: Ch14 - Belisama

*-----------------------Lugovalian Carriers-----------------------------------*

[Toutatis] Price 73500g

Crew Req (600) Crew Cur (300)

Anti-Air (048) Armor (076)

Anti-Shp (028) Dura (03270)
Crs Spd (123) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (136) Livab (30)
Mobility (32) MdlSpc (066)

GaugeSpd (130) Medical (05)

Science (40) Maint (20)

Weapons(0/3): S: Cluster Missiles Lv1 (180x1 DMG - 80 ACC - Multi)

S: AA Cluster Miss Lv1 (050x1 DMG - 20 ACC)
S: AA Cluster Laser Lv1 (020x1 DMG - 30 ACC)

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtained: Ch17 - Daurong

| Battleships [S4400] |

*-----------------------Elgavan Battleships-----------------------------------*

[Borodino] Price 16700g

Crew Req (600) Crew Cur (420)

Anti-Air (010) Armor (038)

Anti-Shp (030) Dura (01220)
Crs Spd (092) Atk Rng(15000)
Btl Spd (110) Livab (30)
Mobility (14) MdlSpc (073)

GaugeSpd (090) Medical (05)

Science (15) Maint (10)

Weapons(3/4): L: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: AS Missiles Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 15 ACC)

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch3 - Zvenigorod

*-----------------------Kalymnos Battleships----------------------------------*

[Pallas] Price 18500g

Crew Req (600) Crew Cur (420)

Anti-Air (005) Armor (042)

Anti-Shp (040) Dura (01180)
Crs Spd (080) Atk Rng(15000)
Btl Spd (098) Livab (30)
Mobility (10) MdlSpc (063)

GaugeSpd (088) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (05)

Weapons(4/5): L: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free
C: Super Long-Range (240x1 DMG - 80 ACC - Special)

Specials: Super Long-Range

Obtain: Ch4 - Volos


[Ianthe] Price 19800g

Crew Req (700) Crew Cur (460)

Anti-Air (006) Armor (043)
Anti-Shp (042) Dura (01200)
Crs Spd (080) Atk Rng(15000)
Btl Spd (112) Livab (30)
Mobility (10) MdlSpc (069)

GaugeSpd (090) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (05)

Weapons(4/5): L: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free
C: Super Long-Range (240x1 DMG - 80 ACC - Special)

Specials: Super Long-Range

Obtain: Ch7 - Drama(Kalymnos Route)


[Thalia] Price 20300g

Crew Req (700) Crew Cur (480)

Anti-Air (005) Armor (045)

Anti-Shp (028) Dura (01370)
Crs Spd (070) Atk Rng(15000)
Btl Spd (100) Livab (30)
Mobility (06) MdlSpc (057)

GaugeSpd (085) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (05)

Weapons(4/4): L: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch7 - Kalymnos Route - During the transport escort mission.


[Thalia A] Price 22600g

Crew Req (700) Crew Cur (490)

Anti-Air (005) Armor (046)

Anti-Shp (037) Dura (01580)
Crs Spd (080) Atk Rng(15000)
Btl Spd (102) Livab (30)
Mobility (13) MdlSpc (071)

GaugeSpd (085) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (05)

Weapons(5/5): L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free
Specials: None

Obtain: Ch11 - Chios


[Adrasteia] Price 27500g

Crew Req (800) Crew Cur (560)

Anti-Air (008) Armor (057)

Anti-Shp (045) Dura (01970)
Crs Spd (100) Atk Rng(15000)
Btl Spd (115) Livab (30)
Mobility (15) MdlSpc (079)

GaugeSpd (090) Medical (05)

Science (10) Maint (05)

Weapons(4/5): L: Free
L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
C: Super Long-Range (240x1 DMG - 80 ACC - Special)

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Super Long-Range

Obtain: Ch11 - Voyage Sector(Chapter End) - If[Kalymnos Route]

*-----------------------Nova Nacio Battleships--------------------------------*

[Necessa] Price 19600g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (220)

Anti-Air (024) Armor (036)

Anti-Shp (032) Dura (01190)
Crs Spd (100) Atk Rng(16000)
Btl Spd (106) Livab (30)
Mobility (20) MdlSpc (054)

GaugeSpd (095) Medical (05)

Science (20) Maint (07)

Weapons(4/4): L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch7 - Nejo(Nova Nacio Route)

*-----------------------Xeos Belt Battleships---------------------------------*

[Fellowship] Price 22800g

Crew Req (600) Crew Cur (420)

Anti-Air (018) Armor (065)
Anti-Shp (040) Dura (05400)
Crs Spd (128) Atk Rng(16000)
Btl Spd (138) Livab (30)
Mobility (32) MdlSpc (064)

GaugeSpd (100) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(5/5): L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch9 - Acerenza

*-----------------------Regeinland Battleships--------------------------------*

[Agrell] Price 32400g

Crew Req (800) Crew Cur (620)

Anti-Air (010) Armor (078)

Anti-Shp (050) Dura (06700)
Crs Spd (110) Atk Rng(17000)
Btl Spd (106) Livab (30)
Mobility (30) MdlSpc (056)

GaugeSpd (075) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(3/5): L: Free
M: Laser Accel Lv1 (140x1 DMG - 60 ACC)
M: Laser Accel Lv1 (140x1 DMG - 60 ACC)
M: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtain: Ch10 - Rentinen


[Spohr] Price 37600g

Crew Req (1000) Crew Cur (760)

Anti-Air (012) Armor (082)

Anti-Shp (052) Dura (06800)
Crs Spd (105) Atk Rng(17000)
Btl Spd (102) Livab (30)
Mobility (33) MdlSpc (042)

GaugeSpd (070) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(3/5): L: Laser Accel Lv1 (140x1 DMG - 60 ACC)

L: Laser Accel Lv1 (140x1 DMG - 60 ACC)
L: Free
L: Free
M: Free

Specials: Impact Convergence Control System (Crit UP)

Obtain: Ch14 - Merylgild (FSN HQ - After Hunting Orders Remnants)


[Kreusser] Price 42500g

Crew Req (800) Crew Cur (560)

Anti-Air (020) Armor (080)

Anti-Shp (068) Dura (07000)
Crs Spd (120) Atk Rng(17000)
Btl Spd (112) Livab (30)
Mobility (35) MdlSpc (051)

GaugeSpd (084) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(3/5): XL: Free

M: Laser Accel Lv2 (200x1 DMG - 60 ACC)
M: Laser Accel Lv2 (200x1 DMG - 60 ACC)
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Fame Reward - Rank 40


[Praetorius] Price 42800g

Crew Req (1200) Crew Cur (960)

Anti-Air (016) Armor (087)

Anti-Shp (066) Dura (07100)
Crs Spd (116) Atk Rng(17000)
Btl Spd (112) Livab (30)
Mobility (35) MdlSpc (056)

GaugeSpd (075) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(3/5): L: Laser Accel Lv3 (320x1 DMG - 80 ACC)

L: Laser Accel Lv3 (320x1 DMG - 80 ACC)
M: Laser Accel Lv2 (200x1 DMG - 60 ACC)
M: Laser Accel Lv2 (200x1 DMG - 60 ACC)
S: Free

Specials: Impact Convergence Control System (Crit UP)

Obtain: Ch16 - Nizia (Late in Chapter)


[Mayr] Price 53700g

Crew Req (900) Crew Cur (600)

Anti-Air (024) Armor (085)
Anti-Shp (074) Dura (07200)
Crs Spd (125) Atk Rng(17000)
Btl Spd (126) Livab (30)
Mobility (37) MdlSpc (051)

GaugeSpd (090) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(3/5): L: Laser Accel Lv2 (280x1 DMG - 60 ACC)

L: Laser Accel Lv2 (280x1 DMG - 60 ACC)
M: Laser Accel Lv2 (200x1 DMG - 60 ACC)
M: Laser Accel Lv2 (200x1 DMG - 60 ACC)
C: High Stream Blaster (1200x1 DMG - 80 ACC)

Specials: Impact Convergence Control System (Crit UP)

High Stream Blaster

Obtain: Ch14 - Nizia - Recieve blueprint from Roth if you are LOWER
ranked than him (~26500 fame)

*-----------------------Escondido Battleships---------------------------------*

[Pelayo] Price 32000g

Crew Req (800) Crew Cur (360)

Anti-Air (008) Armor (112)

Anti-Shp (035) Dura (07300)
Crs Spd (090) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (100) Livab (30)
Mobility (20) MdlSpc (049)

GaugeSpd (085) Medical (05)

Science (20) Maint (10)

Weapons(0/5): XL: Mass Driver C Lv2 (260x1 DMG - 20 ACC)

XL: Mass Driver C Lv1 (240x1 DMG - 20 ACC)
XL: Mass Driver C Lv1 (240x1 DMG - 20 ACC)
XL: Mass Driver C Lv1 (240x1 DMG - 20 ACC)
S: Linear Cannon Lv3 (120x1 DMG - 35 ACC)

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch10 - Govt Route - Arraigado


[Furor] Price 34100g

Crew Req (600) Crew Cur (420)

Anti-Air (010) Armor (124)

Anti-Shp (034) Dura (07200)
Crs Spd (102) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (112) Livab (30)
Mobility (20) MdlSpc (056)

GaugeSpd (090) Medical (05)

Science (20) Maint (10)

Weapons(0/3): XL: Mass Driver C Lv1 (240x1 DMG - 20 ACC)

M: Rail Cannon Lv3 (170x1 DMG - 30 ACC)
S: Linear Cannon Lv2 (100x1 DMG - 35 ACC)

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch10 - Rebel Route - Guadalajara


[Ciscar] Price 31200g

Crew Req (800) Crew Cur (620)

Anti-Air (012) Armor (107)

Anti-Shp (032) Dura (07050)
Crs Spd (095) Atk Rng(15000)
Btl Spd (094) Livab (30)
Mobility (20) MdlSpc (052)

GaugeSpd (085) Medical (05)

Science (20) Maint (10)

Weapons(0/5): M: Rail Cannon Lv3 (170x1 DMG - 30 ACC)

M: Rail Cannon Lv3 (170x1 DMG - 30 ACC)
M: Rail Cannon Lv3 (170x1 DMG - 30 ACC)
M: Rail Cannon Lv3 (170x1 DMG - 30 ACC)
S: Linear Cannon Lv2 (100x1 DMG - 35 ACC)

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch10 - Rebel Route - Guadalajara


[Navarra] Price 36000g

Crew Req (700) Crew Cur (520)

Anti-Air (010) Armor (127)

Anti-Shp (036) Dura (07600)
Crs Spd (110) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (104) Livab (30)
Mobility (20) MdlSpc (049)

GaugeSpd (090) Medical (05)

Science (20) Maint (10)

Weapons(0/5): XL: Mass Driver C Lv1 (240x1 DMG - 20 ACC)

M: Rail Cannon Lv2 (150x1 DMG - 30 ACC)
M: Rail Cannon Lv2 (150x1 DMG - 30 ACC)
S: Linear Cannon Lv3 (120x1 DMG - 35 ACC)
S: Linear Cannon Lv3 (120x1 DMG - 35 ACC)

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch10 - Rebel Route - Dorado(End of Chapter)

*-----------------------Enemonzo Battleships----------------------------------*

[Dandolo] Price 27000g

Crew Req (800) Crew Cur (560)

Anti-Air (030) Armor (070)

Anti-Shp (037) Dura (05800)
Crs Spd (120) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (106) Livab (30)
Mobility (20) MdlSpc (074)

GaugeSpd (086) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(5/5): M: Free
M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch12 - Enemonzo/Lavena Route - Fiera


[Crepuscolo] Price 27600g

Crew Req (800) Crew Cur (620)

Anti-Air (020) Armor (072)

Anti-Shp (045) Dura (06400)
Crs Spd (125) Atk Rng(15000)
Btl Spd (132) Livab (30)
Mobility (18) MdlSpc (055)

GaugeSpd (090) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(5/5): L: Free
L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch12 - Zenito Route - Harmonion (Pirate's Lair)


[Lepanto] Price 28700g

Crew Req (800) Crew Cur (530)

Anti-Air (030) Armor (072)

Anti-Shp (038) Dura (06200)
Crs Spd (110) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (110) Livab (30)
Mobility (19) MdlSpc (075)

GaugeSpd (084) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(5/5): L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch13 - Enemonzo/Mesenzana Route - Gunnitz

(Only if you did not recruit Siro)


[Impero] Price 35200g

Crew Req (1200) Crew Cur (880)

Anti-Air (020) Armor (076)

Anti-Shp (046) Dura (07250)
Crs Spd (110) Atk Rng(16000)
Btl Spd (126) Livab (30)
Mobility (16) MdlSpc (067)

GaugeSpd (085) Medical (05)

Science (40) Maint (10)

Weapons(5/5): L: Free
L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtain: Ch14 - Doleway (Only if you recruited Teodoro)


[Enemonzo] Price 37400g

Crew Req (1000) Crew Cur (760)

Anti-Air (037) Armor (073)

Anti-Shp (042) Dura (06700)
Crs Spd (114) Atk Rng(15000)
Btl Spd (114) Livab (30)
Mobility (20) MdlSpc (069)

GaugeSpd (080) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(5/5): L: Free
L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
C: Surface Blast (850x1 DMG - 80 ACC - Multi-Special)

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Surface Blast

Obtain: Ch12 - Enemonzo/Lavena Route - End of Chapter, after boss


[Zanetti] Price 39500g

Crew Req (1200) Crew Cur (880)

Anti-Air (025) Armor (078)

Anti-Shp (049) Dura (06500)
Crs Spd (124) Atk Rng(16000)
Btl Spd (128) Livab (30)
Mobility (18) MdlSpc (080)

GaugeSpd (074) Medical (05)

Science (40) Maint (10)

Weapons(5/5): XL: Free

L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
C: Surface Blast (850x1 DMG - 80 ACC - Multi-Special)

Specials: Surface Blast

Obtain: Ch14 - After defeating Zanetti (Only if you took Mesenzana

Route back in Ch12)

*-----------------------Zenito Battleships------------------------------------*

[Absoluta] Price 42700g

Crew Req (150) Crew Cur (110)

Anti-Air (020) Armor (087)

Anti-Shp (049) Dura (04870)
Crs Spd (095) Atk Rng(18000)
Btl Spd (105) Livab (30)
Mobility (34) MdlSpc (046)

GaugeSpd (100) Medical (20)

Science (50) Maint (30)

Weapons(5/5): L: Plasma Cannon Lv1 (240x1 DMG - 50 ACC)

M: Plasma Cannon Lv3 (280x1 DMG - 50 ACC)
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: NOS Command System (Hit/Dodge Rate UP)


Obtain: Ch12 - Nederand - Sensorium Tower

*-----------------------Nacio Battleships-------------------------------------*

[Aglo] Price 31900g

Crew Req (700) Crew Cur (520)

Anti-Air (020) Armor (068)

Anti-Shp (052) Dura (06500)
Crs Spd (122) Atk Rng(17000)
Btl Spd (112) Livab (30)
Mobility (33) MdlSpc (053)

GaugeSpd (095) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (20)

Weapons(5/5): L: Free
L: Free
L: Free
M: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch14 - Esranto - After giving ZR2 blueprints to Sankt on

Merlgild, go to the Trade Hall on Esranto and give them to
Kompasso to unlock Ship Co.

*-----------------------Libertasian Battleships-------------------------------*

[Nebula] Price 38700g

Crew Req (1000) Crew Cur (730)

Anti-Air (018) Armor (095)

Anti-Shp (053) Dura (06800)
Crs Spd (106) Atk Rng(17000)
Btl Spd (105) Livab (30)
Mobility (22) MdlSpc (077)

GaugeSpd (075) Medical (05)

Science (45) Maint (10)

Weapons(0/5): L: Diffus Plasmic Lv1 (230x1 DMG - 75 ACC - Multi)

L: Diffus Plasmic Lv1 (230x1 DMG - 75 ACC - Multi)
L: Plasma Cannon Lv2 (280x1 DMG - 30 ACC)
M: Plasma Cannon Lv3 (280x1 DMG - 50 ACC)
M: Plasma Cannon Lv3 (280x1 DMG - 50 ACC)

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtain: Ch14 - Belisama


[Freedom] Price 65200g

Crew Req (1600) Crew Cur (1150)

Anti-Air (023) Armor (097)

Anti-Shp (057) Dura (09200)
Crs Spd (110) Atk Rng(17000)
Btl Spd (105) Livab (30)
Mobility (25) MdlSpc (077)

GaugeSpd (077) Medical (05)

Science (50) Maint (25)

Weapons(0/5): L: Plasma Cannon Lv3 (320x1 DMG - 30 ACC)

L: Plasma Cannon Lv3 (320x1 DMG - 30 ACC)
M: Plasma Cannon Lv3 (280x1 DMG - 50 ACC)
M: Plasma Cannon Lv3 (280x1 DMG - 50 ACC)
C: Meteor Plasmic (1100x1 DMG - 80 ACC)

Specials: Meteor Plasmic

Obtain: Ch15 - Greymuth - Only if you recruited Carl Kitson in Ch14


[Evstafi] Price 85700g

Crew Req (1600) Crew Cur (1150)

Anti-Air (004) Armor (120)

Anti-Shp (085) Dura (12000)
Crs Spd (104) Atk Rng(21000)
Btl Spd (095) Livab (30)
Mobility (30) MdlSpc (081)

GaugeSpd (065) Medical (10)

Science (40) Maint (30)

Weapons(0/5): L: Diffusion Plasma Lv2 (270x1 DMG - 75 ACC - Multi)

L: Plasma Cannon Lv3 (320x1 DMG - 30 ACC)
L: Plasma Cannon Lv3 (320x1 DMG - 30 ACC)
M: Plasma Cannon Lv3 (280x1 DMG - 50 ACC)
C: High Stream Blaster (1200x1 DMG - 80 ACC - Multi)

Specials: High Stream Blaster

Obtain: Ch14 - Merylgild - End of Chapter, only if you cleared the

conditions for recieving it (see walkthrough for details)

*-----------------------Adis Battleships--------------------------------------*

[Notsoh] Price 54800g

Crew Req (800) Crew Cur (560)

Anti-Air (018) Armor (098)

Anti-Shp (066) Dura (06300)
Crs Spd (125) Atk Rng(20000)
Btl Spd (102) Livab (30)
Mobility (24) MdlSpc (047)

GaugeSpd (078) Medical (05)

Science (50) Maint (10)

Weapons(5/5): L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch15 - Normal Sector Route - Zuudnutag


[Goridoh] Price 57400g

Crew Req (800) Crew Cur (620)

Anti-Air (024) Armor (100)

Anti-Shp (068) Dura (06500)
Crs Spd (112) Atk Rng(20000)
Btl Spd (098) Livab (30)
Mobility (23) MdlSpc (050)

GaugeSpd (072) Medical (05)

Science (50) Maint (10)

Weapons(5/5): L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch15 - Uudamgazar (Near end of Chapter)


[Tsahih] Price 69500g

Crew Req (800) Crew Cur (560)

Anti-Air (026) Armor (100)

Anti-Shp (054) Dura (06800)
Crs Spd (135) Atk Rng(23000)
Btl Spd (142) Livab (30)
Mobility (32) MdlSpc (058)

GaugeSpd (120) Medical (05)

Science (50) Maint (10)

Weapons(5/5): L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch15 - Starburst Sector Route - After Event Battle at Suronzon


[Almas] Price 71300g

Crew Req (1000) Crew Cur (760)

Anti-Air (040) Armor (137)

Anti-Shp (072) Dura (10700)
Crs Spd (105) Atk Rng(20000)
Btl Spd (085) Livab (30)
Mobility (26) MdlSpc (047)

GaugeSpd (070) Medical (05)

Science (50) Maint (10)

Weapons(5/5): L: Free
L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
S: Free

Specials: None
Obtain: Ch15 - Near start of Common Route


[Dalbaa] Price 72600g

Crew Req (1200) Crew Cur (900)

Anti-Air (038) Armor (120)

Anti-Shp (060) Dura (09600)
Crs Spd (118) Atk Rng(20000)
Btl Spd (095) Livab (30)
Mobility (26) MdlSpc (047)

GaugeSpd (075) Medical (05)

Science (50) Maint (10)

Weapons(5/5): XL: Free

L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch15 - Normal Sector Route - If you recruited Fajra, you will
recieve it after an Event Battle at Hadmuzuh


[Haruul] Price 74800g

Crew Req (1200) Crew Cur (900)

Anti-Air (026) Armor (120)

Anti-Shp (068) Dura (10000)
Crs Spd (124) Atk Rng(20000)
Btl Spd (090) Livab (30)
Mobility (27) MdlSpc (056)

GaugeSpd (070) Medical (05)

Science (50) Maint (10)

Weapons(5/5): XL: Free

L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtain: Ch17 - Merylgild - Last stop before Endgame

*-----------------------Lugovalian Battleships--------------------------------*

[Belenus] Price 72800g

Crew Req (1800) Crew Cur (1350)

Anti-Air (020) Armor (092)

Anti-Shp (072) Dura (08400)
Crs Spd (120) Atk Rng(17000)
Btl Spd (114) Livab (30)
Mobility (20) MdlSpc (076)

GaugeSpd (070) Medical (05)

Science (40) Maint (15)

Weapons(1/5): XL: Free

M: Cluster Missile Lv3 (240x1 DMG - 60 ACC - Multi)
M: Cluster Missile Lv3 (240x1 DMG - 60 ACC - Multi)
S: Cluster Missile Lv3 (200x1 DMG - 80 ACC - Multi)
S: AA Cluster Laser Lv1 (020x1 DMG - 30 ACC)

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtain: Ch17 - Daurong

*-----------------------Unclassified Battleships------------------------------*

[Erebos] Price 62400g

Crew Req (600) Crew Cur (420)

Anti-Air (040) Armor (084)

Anti-Shp (062) Dura (04800)
Crs Spd (143) Atk Rng(18000)
Btl Spd (115) Livab (30)
Mobility (45) MdlSpc (072)

GaugeSpd (100) Medical (40)

Science (40) Maint (40)

Weapons(1/5): L: Free
M: MRV Missiles Lv3 (220x2 DMG - 45 ACC - Multi)
M: MRV Missiles Lv3 (220x2 DMG - 45 ACC - Multi)
S: AS Missile Lv3 (150x1 DMG - 15 ACC)
S: AS Missile Lv3 (150x1 DMG - 15 ACC)

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtain: Ch11 - Spetses


[Lykourgos] Price 72300g

Crew Req (600) Crew Cur (480)

Anti-Air (030) Armor (084)

Anti-Shp (062) Dura (06540)
Crs Spd (143) Atk Rng(18000)
Btl Spd (150) Livab (30)
Mobility (45) MdlSpc (060)

GaugeSpd (120) Medical (40)

Science (40) Maint (40)

Weapons(4/5): L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
C: Laser Accel (740x1 DMG - 80 ACC)
Specials: Laser Accelerator

Obtain: Rank 30 Fame Reward


[Picaroon] Price 278000g

Crew Req (1700) Crew Cur (1260)

Anti-Air (043) Armor (110)

Anti-Shp (090) Dura (10960)
Crs Spd (144) Atk Rng(20000)
Btl Spd (148) Livab (30)
Mobility (32) MdlSpc (090)

GaugeSpd (077) Medical (10)

Science (50) Maint (40)

Weapons(5/5): XL: Free

L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
S: Free

Specials: Fighter Capacity

Obtain: Rank 10 Fame Reward


[Corsair] Price 294000g

Crew Req (1800) Crew Cur (1400)

Anti-Air (030) Armor (130)

Anti-Shp (090) Dura (12000)
Crs Spd (140) Atk Rng(18000)
Btl Spd (132) Livab (30)
Mobility (36) MdlSpc (078)

GaugeSpd (060) Medical (10)

Science (50) Maint (30)

Weapons(5/5): XL: Free

L: Free
M: Free
M: Free
C: High Stream Blaster (1200x1 DMG - 80 ACC - Multi)

Specials: Fighter Capacity

High Stream Blaster

Obtain: Rank 1 Fame Reward

| Unclassified [S4500] |
[Bruch] Price 8400g

Crew Req (200) Crew Cur (170)

Anti-Air (004) Armor (052)

Anti-Shp (010) Dura (01750)
Crs Spd (137) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (160) Livab (30)
Mobility (35) MdlSpc (030)

GaugeSpd (165) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(2/2): S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch10 - Rentinen


[Alfonso] Price 36500g

Crew Req (400) Crew Cur (340)

Anti-Air (016) Armor (050)

Anti-Shp (030) Dura (02970)
Crs Spd (135) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (145) Livab (30)
Mobility (26) MdlSpc (050)

GaugeSpd (120) Medical (05)

Science (20) Maint (10)

Weapons(2/4): S: Linear Cannon Lv2 (100x1 DMG - 35 ACC)

S: Linear Cannon Lv2 (100x1 DMG - 35 ACC)
S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch10 - Govt Route - Dorado(End of Chapter)


[Castilla] Price 21400g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (120)

Anti-Air (010) Armor (135)

Anti-Shp (010) Dura (05840)
Crs Spd (096) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (120) Livab (30)
Mobility (10) MdlSpc (037)

GaugeSpd (085) Medical (05)

Science (20) Maint (10)

Weapons(0/1): S: Linear Cannon Lv1 (080x1 DMG - 35 ACC)

Specials: None
Obtain: Ch11 - Rentinen


[Nahab] Price 8200g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (270)

Anti-Air (004) Armor (052)

Anti-Shp (036) Dura (01640)
Crs Spd (135) Atk Rng(13000)
Btl Spd (174) Livab (30)
Mobility (26) MdlSpc (040)

GaugeSpd (160) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(0/3): M: Quantum Torp Lv1 (300x1 DMG - 10 ACC)

M: Quantum Torp Lv1 (120x1 DMG - 12 ACC)
S: Quantum Torp Lv1 (120x1 DMG - 12 ACC)

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch12 - Harmonian - Pirate Lair - choose "All Right" at the

boss to recieve blueprints.


[Minerva] Price 16200g

Crew Req (500) Crew Cur (400)

Anti-Air (004) Armor (065)

Anti-Shp (028) Dura (02650)
Crs Spd (115) Atk Rng(15000)
Btl Spd (127) Livab (30)
Mobility (25) MdlSpc (040)

GaugeSpd (135) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(0/5): L: AS Missiles Lv3 (340x1 DMG - 15 ACC)

L: AS Missiles Lv3 (340x1 DMG - 15 ACC)
L: AS Missiles Lv3 (340x1 DMG - 15 ACC)
L: AS Missiles Lv3 (340x1 DMG - 15 ACC)
M: AS Missiles Lv4 (250x1 DMG - 17 ACC)

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch13 - Enemonzo/Mesenzana Route - Gunnitz

(Only if you did not recruit Siro)


[Danzi] Price 9600g

Crew Req (200) Crew Cur (170)

Anti-Air (005) Armor (034)

Anti-Shp (005) Dura (01540)
Crs Spd (135) Atk Rng(22000)
Btl Spd (155) Livab (30)
Mobility (26) MdlSpc (030)
GaugeSpd (150) Medical (05)
Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(1/1): S: Free

Specials: Energy Discrim Radar

Obtain: Ch14 - Nizia - After talking to Dietrich at the Embassy to

unlock the Ship Design Co.


[Graun] Price 18300g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (240)

Anti-Air (002) Armor (040)

Anti-Shp (060) Dura (01920)
Crs Spd (115) Atk Rng(16000)
Btl Spd (132) Livab (30)
Mobility (17) MdlSpc (032)

GaugeSpd (095) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(3/4): XL: Free

S: Free
S: Free
C: Super Long Range (240x1 DMG - 80 ACC)

Specials: Super Long Range

Obtain: Ch14 - Nizia - After talking to Dietrich at the Embassy to

unlock the Ship Design Co.


[Yalah] Price 17300g

Crew Req (200) Crew Cur (180)

Anti-Air (008) Armor (060)

Anti-Shp (028) Dura (01500)
Crs Spd (140) Atk Rng(21000)
Btl Spd (158) Livab (30)
Mobility (36) MdlSpc (032)

GaugeSpd (140) Medical (05)

Science (50) Maint (10)

Weapons(2/2): S: Free
S: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch15 - Starburst Sector Route - Suronzon


[Lugshih] Price 30400g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (220)

Anti-Air (004) Armor (060)
Anti-Shp (030) Dura (02300)
Crs Spd (125) Atk Rng(20000)
Btl Spd (128) Livab (30)
Mobility (20) MdlSpc (027)

GaugeSpd (130) Medical (05)

Science (50) Maint (10)

Weapons(1/1): XL: Free

Specials: None

Obtain: Ch15 - Normal Sector Route - Zuudnutag - TV Station


[Schop] Price 29700g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (240)

Anti-Air (002) Armor (043)

Anti-Shp (064) Dura (02070)
Crs Spd (120) Atk Rng(17000)
Btl Spd (126) Livab (30)
Mobility (20) MdlSpc (037)

GaugeSpd (100) Medical (05)

Science (30) Maint (10)

Weapons(4/5): XL: Free

M: Free
M: Free
S: Free
C: Super Long Range (240x1 DMG - 80 ACC)

Specials: Super Long Range

Obtain: Ch16 - Nizia


[Belisana] Price 30600g

Crew Req (300) Crew Cur (260)

Anti-Air (015) Armor (072)

Anti-Shp (046) Dura (02350)
Crs Spd (128) Atk Rng(14000)
Btl Spd (165) Livab (30)
Mobility (36) MdlSpc (037)

GaugeSpd (165) Medical (05)

Science (40) Maint (10)

Weapons(0/4): M: Cluster Missile Lv1 (160x1 DMG - 60 ACC - Multi)

M: Cluster Missile Lv1 (160x1 DMG - 60 ACC - Multi)
S: Cluster Missile Lv1 (160x1 DMG - 60 ACC - Multi)
S: AA Cluster Miss Lv1 (050x1 DMG - 20 ACC)

Specials: None
Obtain: Ch17 - Daurong


| Modules [S4600] |

* I'll be using just a few abbreviations in this section, which are defined as
o Size descriptions

+ 2H = [][]

+ 2V = []

+ 3H = [][][]

+ 4S = [][]

+ 4R = []

+ 4L = []

+ 5T = []

+ 6H = [][][]

+ 6V = [][]

+ 7F = []

+ 9F = [][][]

o All others are as described in the ships section.

o Price listed here is the base price of modules, larger ships will have
costs of between 2-4x this number

| Bridges (Red) [S4610] |

[Elgava Bridge 01] Price 0g Size = 2H

Abilities: None

Obtain: Auto. (Standard Bridge)

[Elgava Bridge 02] Price 100g Size = 3H

Abilities: Gauge Speed +2

Obtain: Ch2 - Nezhatin

[Elgava Bridge 03] Price 200g Size = 4S

Abilities: Gauge Speed +4

CAPT Bonus +2

Obtain: Ch3 - Alatyr

[Elgava Bridge 04] Price 250g Size = 3H

Abilities: Gauge Speed +4

CAPT Bonus +2

Obtain: Ch4 - Veroia

[Elgava Bridge 05] Price 400g Size = 4S

Abilities: Gauge Speed +5

CAPT Bonus +5

Obtain: Ch7 - Kalymnos Route - Basiliscus

[Nova Nacio Bridge 01] Price 500g Size = 3H

Abilities: Gauge Speed +7

Obtain: Ch6 - Kranio (Red Bazaar)

[Nova Nacio Bridge 02] Price 600g Size = 6H

Abilities: Gauge Speed +9

Obtain: Ch7 - Nova Nacio Route - Miraklo

[Nacio Bridge 01] Price 1300g Size = 4R

Abilities: Gauge Speed +15

Obtain: Ch10 - Mindesfelde

[Nacio Bridge 02] Price 2250g Size = 7F

Abilities: Gauge Speed +20

Obtain: Ch10 - Mindesfelde

[Regeinland Bridge 01] Price 1750g Size = 4S

Abilities: Gauge Speed +10

CAPT Bonus +2

Obtain: ??

[Regeinland Bridge 02] Price 2100g Size = 6H

Abilities: Gauge Speed +14

CAPT Bonus +3

Obtain: Fame Reward - Rank 70

[Regeinland Bridge 03] Price 2250g Size = 4L

Abilities: Gauge Speed +14

CAPT Bonus +3

Obtain: Fame Reward - Rank 60

[Regeinland Bridge 04] Price 2950g Size = 7F

Abilities: Gauge Speed +16

CAPT Bonus +4

Obtain: Fame Reward - Rank 50

[Zenito Bridge 01] Price 1850g Size = 2H

Abilities: Gauge Speed +9

CAPT Bonus +9

Obtain: Ch12 - Zenito Route - Nederand (Sensorium Tower Basement)

[Zenito Bridge 02] Price 2250g Size = 3H

Abilities: Gauge Speed +11

CAPT Bonus +11

Obtain: Ch14 - Nemetona (Pirate's Lair)

[Libertas Bridge 01] Price 2100g Size = 4S

Abilities: Gauge Speed +10

CAPT Bonus +8

Obtain: Ch14 - Greymuth

[Libertas Bridge 02] Price 2650g Size = 6H

Abilities: Gauge Speed +12

CAPT Bonus +8

Obtain: Ch14 - Greymuth

[Libertas Bridge 03] Price 3250g Size = 6H

Abilities: Gauge Speed +12

CAPT Bonus +12

Obtain: Ch14 - Zan

[Libertas Bridge 04] Price 3350g Size = 5T

Abilities: Gauge Speed +12

CAPT Bonus +10

Obtain: Ch14 - Pedan

[Enemonzo Bridge 01] Price 1400g Size = 3H

Abilities: Gauge Speed +9

CAPT Bonus +6

Obtain: Ch12 - Enemonzo/Lavena Route - Zevio

[Enemonzo Bridge 02] Price 2250g Size = 4S

Abilities: Gauge Speed +10

CAPT Bonus +8

Obtain: ??

[Escondido Bridge 01] Price 1350g Size = 5T

Abilities: Gauge Speed +8

CAPT Bonus +6

Obtain: Ch10 - Either Route - Dorado

[Xeos Belt Bridge 01] Price 800g Size = 4S

Abilities: Gauge Speed +6

CAPT Bonus +6

Obtain: Fame Reward - Rank 100

[Orsino Bridge 01] Price 1500g Size = 4R

Abilities: Gauge Speed +8

CAPT Bonus +9

Obtain: Ch12 - Enemonzo/Mesenzana Route - Claviere

[Orsino Bridge 02] Price 2350g Size = 5T

Abilities: Gauge Speed +8

CAPT Bonus +12
Obtain: Ch12 - Enemonzo/Mesenzana Route - Claviere

[Adis Bridge 01] Price 3400g Size = 3H

Abilities: Gauge Speed +13

CAPT Bonus +7

Obtain: Ch15 - Normal Sector Route - Hadmuzuh

[Adis Bridge 02] Price 3600g Size = 6H

Abilities: Gauge Speed +15

CAPT Bonus +9

Obtain: Ch15 - Starburst Sector Route - Nayrah

[Lugovals Bridge 01] Price 2700g Size = 3H

Abilities: Gauge Speed +8

CAPT Bonus +10

Obtain: Ch11 - Orion

[Lugovals Bridge 02] Price 3900g Size = 7F

Abilities: Gauge Speed +16

CAPT Bonus +10

Obtain: Ch17 - Endora

[Lugovals Bridge 03] Price 4750g Size = 9F

Abilities: Gauge Speed +18

CAPT Bonus +12

Obtain: Ch17 - Endora

| Command Support (Red) [S4611] |

[Second Bridge 01] Price 100g Size = 2H

Abilities: Gauge Speed +1

Obtain: Ch2 - Milesk Sct. After Event

[Second Bridge 02] Price 200g Size = 3H

Abilities: Gauge Speed +3

Obtain: Ch5 - Orion

[Second Bridge 03] Price 300g Size = 2V

Abilities: Gauge Speed +4

Obtain: Ch7 - Kalymnos Route - Basiliscus

[Second Bridge 04] Price 400g Size = 4S

Abilities: Gauge Speed +5

Obtain: ??


[Nav Bridge 01] Price 100g Size = 2V

Abilities: Battle Spd +2

Mobility +2

Obtain: Ch2 - Balik's Base (Go Left at fork)

[Nav Bridge 02] Price 150g Size = 3H

Abilities: Battle Spd +4

Mobility +4

Obtain: Ch4 - Veroia

[Nav Bridge 03] Price 250g Size = 4S

Abilities: Battle Spd +6

Mobility +5

Obtain: Ch6 - Kranio (Red Bazaar)

[Nav Bridge 04] Price 300g Size = 4L

Abilities: Battle Spd +6

Mobility +6

Obtain: Ch7 - Nova Nacio Route - Miraklo

[Nav Bridge 05] Price 450g Size = 5T

Abilities: Battle Spd +8

Mobility +7

Obtain: Fame Reward - Rank 100

[Nav Bridge 06] Price 500g Size = 4S

Abilities: Battle Spd +8

Mobility +8

Obtain: Ch7 - Kalymnos Route - Basiliscus

[Nav Bridge 07] Price 550g Size = 4R

Abilities: Battle Spd +8
Mobility +10

Obtain: Ch7 - Nova Nacio Route - Miraklo

[Nav Bridge 08] Price 600g Size = 3H

Abilities: Battle Spd +9

Mobility +11

Obtain: Ch10 - Ischlausen (Pirate's Lair)

[Nav Bridge 09] Price 700g Size = 5T

Abilities: Battle Spd +11

Mobility +12

Obtain: Fame Reward - Rank 70

[Nav Bridge 10] Price 800g Size = 4S

Abilities: Battle Spd +8

Mobility +14

Obtain: Ch14 - Platic (Tavern) - Requires Pavlov

[Nav Bridge 11] Price 1200g Size = 4L

Abilities: Battle Spd +10

Mobility +15

Obtain: Ch12 - Enemonzo/Lavena Route - Zevio

[Nav Bridge 12] Price 1300g Size = 6H

Abilities: Battle Spd +15

Mobility +16

Obtain: Ch14 - Pedan

[Nav Bridge 13] Price 1500g Size = 5T

Abilities: Battle Spd +13

Mobility +18

Obtain: ??

[Nav Bridge 14] Price 1800g Size = 7F

Abilities: Battle Spd +16

Mobility +20

Obtain: ??

[Nav Bridge 15] Price 2200g Size = 9F

Abilities: Battle Spd +18
Mobility +21

Obtain: Fame Reward - Rank 60


[Fire Con Rm 01] Price 200g Size = 3H

Abilities: AS ACC +2

Obtain: ??

[Fire Con Rm 02] Price 400g Size = 4R

Abilities: AS ACC +5

Obtain: Ch2 - Lutsk

[Fire Con Rm 03] Price 600g Size = 4L

Abilities: AS ACC +3

Obtain: ??

| Fighters [S4700] |


[Krechet] Price 100g (Multirole)

Size = 1 Speed = 110

Time = 070 Dura = 070
AA = 010 AS = 010

Obtain: Ch4 - Thira


[Berkut] Price 115g (Striker)

Size = 1 Speed = 100

Time = 060 Dura = 070
AA = 010 AS = 013
Obtain: Ch4 - Thira


[Grif] Price 120g (Interceptor)

Size = 1 Speed = 120

Time = 065 Dura = 080
AA = 014 AS = 010

Obtain: Ch4 - Thira


[Skoryi] Price 200g (Striker)

Size = 1 Speed = 105

Time = 060 Dura = 072
AA = 010 AS = 016

Obtain: Ch5 - Riveli


[Dividi] Price 180g (Multirole)

Size = 1 Speed = 120

Time = 075 Dura = 092
AA = 012 AS = 012

Obtain: Ch6 - Kranio (Red Bazaar)


[Orlan] Price 190g (Interceptor)

Size = 1 Speed = 125

Time = 068 Dura = 080
AA = 016 AS = 010

Obtain: Ch5 - Riveli


[Zarnica] Price 210g (Striker)

Size = 1 Speed = 110

Time = 062 Dura = 072
AA = 010 AS = 018

Obtain: Ch6 - Kranio (Red Bazaar)


[Majesto] Price 230g (Interceptor)

Size = 1 Speed = 130

Time = 070 Dura = 086
AA = 021 AS = 010

Obtain: Ch7 - Nova Nacio Route - Citadelo


[Komandi] Price 220g (Striker)

Size = 1 Speed = 112

Time = 065 Dura = 080
AA = 010 AS = 019

Obtain: Ch7 - Nova Nacio Route - Citadelo


[Druantia] Price 270g (Multirole)

Size = 1 Speed = 140

Time = 086 Dura = 096
AA = 015 AS = 015

Obtain: ??


[EOF-004] Price 300g (Interceptor)

Size = 1 Speed = 150

Time = 080 Dura = 100
AA = 023 AS = 011

Obtain: Ch14 - Garlen


[EA-0116] Price 280g (Striker)

Size = 1 Speed = 140

Time = 075 Dura = 086
AA = 011 AS = 020

Obtain: Ch14 - Garlen


[EIT-1000] Price 320g (Multirole)

Size = 1 Speed = 145

Time = 085 Dura = 092
AA = 018 AS = 017

Obtain: Ch12 - Zenito Route - Jardeno


[Nadlo] Price 360g (Multirole)

Size = 1 Speed = 150

Time = 087 Dura = 100
AA = 020 AS = 020

Obtain: Ch10 - Zeippern


[EOF-005] Price 340g (Interceptor)

Size = 1 Speed = 165
Time = 085 Dura = 106
AA = 026 AS = 011

Obtain: Ch12 - Zenito Route - Jardeno


[EA-0119] Price 350g (Striker)

Size = 1 Speed = 155

Time = 080 Dura = 095
AA = 012 AS = 025

Obtain: Ch14 - Garlen


[Murigen] Price 400g (Multirole)

Size = 1 Speed = 160

Time = 092 Dura = 105
AA = 022 AS = 022

Obtain: ??


[Nachin] Price 360g (Interceptor)

Size = 1 Speed = 170

Time = 095 Dura = 115
AA = 028 AS = 012

Obtain: Ch15 - Yanagoron


[Zeeh] Price 420g (Interceptor)

Size = 1 Speed = 175

Time = 097 Dura = 120
AA = 030 AS = 016

Obtain: Ch15 - Yanagoron


[Intrigo] Price 500g (Multirole)

Size = 1 Speed = 170

Time = 095 Dura = 120
AA = 028 AS = 028

Obtain: Ch10 - Zeippern


[EOF-006] Price 400g (Interceptor)

Size = 1 Speed = 185

Time = 090 Dura = 106
AA = 028 AS = 015

Obtain: Ch14 - Nizia - Only if you went Zenito Route, but did not recrut


[EA-0120] Price 410g (Striker)

Size = 1 Speed = 175

Time = 085 Dura = 100
AA = 014 AS = 029

Obtain: Ch12 - Zenito Route - Jardeno


[EIT-2000] Price 430g (Multirole)

Size = 1 Speed = 180

Time = 095 Dura = 100
AA = 024 AS = 024

Obtain: Ch14 - Nizia - Only if you went Zenito Route, but did not recrut


[Bandua] Price 480g (Multirole)

Size = 1 Speed = 180

Time = 097 Dura = 120
AA = 026 AS = 026

Obtain: ??


[Kometo] Price 820g (Striker-MW)

Size = 2 Speed = 180

Time = 090 Dura = 240
AA = 025 AS = 065

Obtain: ??


[Manovro] Price 840g (Interceptor-MW)

Size = 2 Speed = 200

Time = 095 Dura = 250
AA = 065 AS = 030

Obtain: ??


[Lanterno] Price 1000g (Multirole-MW)

Size = 2 Speed = 190

Time = 098 Dura = 250
AA = 060 AS = 060
Obtain: ??


[Korekta] Price 1500g (Striker-MW)

Size = 3 Speed = 200

Time = 100 Dura = 400
AA = 100 AS = 100

Obtain: ??


| Weapons [S4800] |

Weapon Properties:
o Single ATK = Operates normally, hitting one enemy target.

o Multi ATK = Each attack attempts to hit all targets in enemy fleet, will
not ignore formation bonus to evasion innately, thus making
them significantly innacurate against most formations.

o Special = Only fires when the Special 3 Command is used, causes a stop
on the regeneration of AP for a short period after firing.

o Anti-Air = Can only be used to attack enemy fighters through the use of
the AA command in battle.

o Laser = Weapon type's damage is affected positively by Amplifiers on

the ship (Laser Weapon) is equipped on, or negatively by
Shield Generators equipped on the target ship.

o Plasma = Operates normally, with no known side effects positive or


o Solid Ammo = Operates normally, with no known side effects positive or


| S-Class [S4810] |

[AS Lasers Lv1] Price 0g

Firepower (060x1) Max Range (13000)

Accuracy (35) Min Range (01000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[AS Lasers Lv2] Price 200g

Firepower (080x1) Max Range (13000)

Accuracy (35) Min Range (01000)
{Single ATK} {Laser}

[AS Lasers Lv3] Price 600g

Firepower (120x1) Max Range (14000)

Accuracy (40) Min Range (01000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[D AS Lasers Lv1] Price 230g

Firepower (050x2) Max Range (12500)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (01000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[D AS Lasers Lv2] Price 840g

Firepower (060x2) Max Range (12500)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (01000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[D AS Lasers Lv3] Price 1600g

Firepower (110x2) Max Range (13000)

Accuracy (35) Min Range (01000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[DBAS Lasers Lv1] Price 920g

Firepower (050x3) Max Range (12500)

Accuracy (40) Min Range (01000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[DBAS Lasers Lv2] Price 2100g

Firepower (110x3) Max Range (13000)

Accuracy (40) Min Range (01000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[DBAS Lasers Lv3] Price 4200g

Firepower (130x3) Max Range (13000)

Accuracy (45) Min Range (01000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[AS Missiles Lv1] Price 170g

Firepower (80x1) Max Range (12000)

Accuracy (15) Min Range (03000)
{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}

[AS Missiles Lv2] Price 340g

Firepower (120x1) Max Range (12000)

Accuracy (15) Min Range (03000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[AS Missiles Lv3] Price 770g

Firepower (150x1) Max Range (12000)

Accuracy (15) Min Range (03000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Cluster Missiles Lv1] Price 1500g

Firepower (160x1) Max Range (14000)

Accuracy (80) Min Range (01000)

{Multi ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Cluster Missiles Lv2] Price 3400g

Firepower (180x1) Max Range (14000)

Accuracy (80) Min Range (01000)

{Multi ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Cluster Missiles Lv3] Price 5600g

Firepower (200x1) Max Range (14000)

Accuracy (80) Min Range (01000)

{Multi ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Quantum Torpedo Lv1] Price 1300g

Firepower (120x1) Max Range (14000)

Accuracy (12) Min Range (03000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Quantum Torpedo Lv2] Price 3000g

Firepower (160x1) Max Range (14000)

Accuracy (12) Min Range (03000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Quantum Torpedo Lv3] Price 4500g

Firepower (200x1) Max Range (14000)

Accuracy (12) Min Range (03000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[AA Pulse Laser Lv1] Price 200g

Firepower (010x1) Max Range (05000)

Accuracy (10) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


[AA Pulse Laser Lv2] Price 500g

Firepower (020x1) Max Range (05000)

Accuracy (10) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


[AA Pulse Laser Lv3] Price 1000g

Firepower (030x1) Max Range (05000)

Accuracy (10) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


[AA Pulse Laser Lv4] Price 3000g

Firepower (040x1) Max Range (05000)

Accuracy (10) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


[AA Pulse Laser Lv5] Price 4500g

Firepower (050x1) Max Range (05000)

Accuracy (10) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


[AA Pulse Laser Lv6] Price 7200g

Firepower (060x1) Max Range (05000)

Accuracy (10) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


[AA Cluster Laser Lv1] Price 3200g

Firepower (020x1) Max Range (05000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


[AA Cluster Laser Lv2] Price 4600g

Firepower (030x1) Max Range (05000)
Accuracy (30) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


[AA Cluster Laser Lv3] Price 5500g

Firepower (040x1) Max Range (05000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


[AA Cluster Missiles Lv1] Price 3400g

Firepower (050x1) Max Range (04000)

Accuracy (20) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


[AA Cluster Missiles Lv2] Price 5400g

Firepower (060x1) Max Range (04000)

Accuracy (20) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


[AA Cluster Missiles Lv3] Price 7700g

Firepower (070x1) Max Range (04000)

Accuracy (20) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


| M-Class [S4820] |

[AS Lasers Lv1] Price 0g

Firepower (090x1) Max Range (17000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (05000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[AS Lasers Lv2] Price 1000g

Firepower (120x1) Max Range (17000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (05000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[AS Lasers Lv3] Price 2000g

Firepower (150x1) Max Range (17000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (05000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[AS Lasers Lv4] Price 3100g

Firepower (180x1) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (35) Min Range (05000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[AS Lasers Lv5] Price 4300g

Firepower (230x1) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (35) Min Range (05000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[AS Lasers Lv6] Price 5500g

Firepower (270x1) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (35) Min Range (05000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[D AS Lasers Lv1] Price 800g

Firepower (070x2) Max Range (15000)

Accuracy (25) Min Range (06000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[D AS Lasers Lv2] Price 1800g

Firepower (080x2) Max Range (15000)

Accuracy (25) Min Range (06000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[D AS Lasers Lv3] Price 3500g

Firepower (150x2) Max Range (16000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (06000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[DBAS Lasers Lv1] Price 1500g

Firepower (070x3) Max Range (14000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (06000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[DBAS Lasers Lv2] Price 3400g

Firepower (130x3) Max Range (15000)
Accuracy (35) Min Range (06000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[DBAS Lasers Lv3] Price 6500g

Firepower (150x3) Max Range (15000)

Accuracy (35) Min Range (06000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[Particle Laser Lv1] Price 2000g

Firepower (080x1) Max Range (16000)

Accuracy (50) Min Range (06000)

{Multi ATK} {Laser}


[Particle Laser Lv2] Price 4700g

Firepower (140x1) Max Range (17000)

Accuracy (60) Min Range (06000)

{Multi ATK} {Laser}


[Particle Laser Lv3] Price 6800g

Firepower (180x1) Max Range (17000)

Accuracy (60) Min Range (06000)

{Multi ATK} {Laser}


[AS Missiles Lv1] Price 400g

Firepower (100x1) Max Range (16000)

Accuracy (15) Min Range (06000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[AS Missiles Lv2] Price 1100g

Firepower (160x1) Max Range (16000)

Accuracy (15) Min Range (06000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[AS Missiles Lv3] Price 2500g

Firepower (200x1) Max Range (17000)

Accuracy (17) Min Range (06000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[AS Missiles Lv4] Price 4100g

Firepower (250x1) Max Range (17000)
Accuracy (17) Min Range (06000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[MRV Missiles Lv1] Price 1600g

Firepower (090x2) Max Range (15500)

Accuracy (40) Min Range (06000)

{Multi ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[MRV Missiles Lv2] Price 3500g

Firepower (140x2) Max Range (16000)

Accuracy (45) Min Range (06000)

{Multi ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[MRV Missiles Lv3] Price 5100g

Firepower (220x2) Max Range (16000)

Accuracy (45) Min Range (06000)

{Multi ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Cluster Missiles Lv1] Price 2400g

Firepower (160x1) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (60) Min Range (06000)

{Multi ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Cluster Missiles Lv2] Price 4600g

Firepower (200x1) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (60) Min Range (06000)

{Multi ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Cluster Missiles Lv3] Price 6900g

Firepower (240x1) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (60) Min Range (06000)

{Multi ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Quantum Torpedo Lv1] Price 2500g

Firepower (300x1) Max Range (16000)

Accuracy (10) Min Range (06000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}

[Quantum Torpedo Lv2] Price 4200g

Firepower (400x1) Max Range (16000)

Accuracy (10) Min Range (06000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Quantum Torpedo Lv3] Price 6500g

Firepower (500x1) Max Range (16000)

Accuracy (10) Min Range (06000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[AA Pulse Lasers Lv1] Price 1000g

Firepower (040x1) Max Range (06000)

Accuracy (20) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


[AA Pulse Lasers Lv2] Price 3400g

Firepower (060x1) Max Range (06000)

Accuracy (20) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


[AA Pulse Lasers Lv3] Price 5500g

Firepower (080x1) Max Range (06000)

Accuracy (20) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


[AA Cluster Lasers Lv1] Price 4100g

Firepower (060x1) Max Range (06000)

Accuracy (40) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


[AA Cluster Lasers Lv2] Price 5500g

Firepower (080x1) Max Range (06000)

Accuracy (40) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


[AA Cluster Missiles Lv1] Price 8500g

Firepower (080x1) Max Range (05000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}

[AA Cluster Missiles Lv2] Price 11500g

Firepower (090x1) Max Range (05000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Anti-Air}


| L-Class [S4830] |

[AS Lasers Lv1] Price 0g

Firepower (120x1) Max Range (20000)

Accuracy (25) Min Range (08000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[AS Lasers Lv2] Price 2100g

Firepower (140x1) Max Range (20000)

Accuracy (25) Min Range (08000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[AS Lasers Lv3] Price 3500g

Firepower (220x1) Max Range (21000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (08000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[AS Lasers Lv4] Price 5600g

Firepower (280x1) Max Range (21000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (08000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[AS Lasers Lv5] Price 8200g

Firepower (340x1) Max Range (21000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (08000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[D AS Lasers Lv1] Price 5500g

Firepower (090x2) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (20) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}

[D AS Lasers Lv2] Price 7600g

Firepower (100x2) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (20) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[D AS Lasers Lv3] Price 8300g

Firepower (160x2) Max Range (19000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[D AS Lasers Lv4] Price 10800g

Firepower (190x2) Max Range (19000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[D AS Lasers Lv5] Price 12500g

Firepower (220x2) Max Range (19000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[D AS Lasers Lv6] Price 15100g

Firepower (250x2) Max Range (19000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[DBAS Lasers Lv1] Price 4600g

Firepower (150x3) Max Range (17000)

Accuracy (20) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[DBAS Lasers Lv2] Price 6400g

Firepower (160x3) Max Range (17000)

Accuracy (20) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[DBAS Lasers Lv3] Price 8200g

Firepower (180x3) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}

[DBAS Lasers Lv4] Price 10000g

Firepower (190x3) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[DBAS Lasers Lv5] Price 12000g

Firepower (200x3) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[DBAS Lasers Lv6] Price 14400g

Firepower (220x3) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[Particle Laser Lv1] Price 4700g

Firepower (200x1) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (08000)

{Multi ATK} {Laser}


[Particle Laser Lv2] Price 6900g

Firepower (230x1) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (08000)

{Multi ATK} {Laser}


[Particle Laser Lv3] Price 9500g

Firepower (260x1) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (08000)

{Multi ATK} {Laser}


[AS Missiles Lv1] Price 2400g

Firepower (170x1) Max Range (17000)

Accuracy (15) Min Range (08000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[AS Missiles Lv2] Price 4800g

Firepower (260x1) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (15) Min Range (08000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[AS Missiles Lv3] Price 6800g

Firepower (340x1) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (15) Min Range (08000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


| XL-Class [S4840] |

[AS Lasers Lv1] Price 3200g

Firepower (260x1) Max Range (23000)

Accuracy (20) Min Range (12000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[AS Lasers Lv2] Price 4400g

Firepower (320x1) Max Range (23000)

Accuracy (20) Min Range (12000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[AS Lasers Lv3] Price 6500g

Firepower (380x1) Max Range (23000)

Accuracy (20) Min Range (12000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[AS Lasers Lv4] Price 8700g

Firepower (430x1) Max Range (23000)

Accuracy (20) Min Range (12000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[AS Lasers Lv5] Price 12000g

Firepower (480x1) Max Range (23000)

Accuracy (20) Min Range (12000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


| Fixed-Only Weapons [S4850] |

[Linear Cannon Lv1] {S-Class}

Firepower (080x1) Max Range (16000)
Accuracy (35) Min Range (01000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Linear Cannon Lv2] {S-Class}

Firepower (100x1) Max Range (16000)

Accuracy (35) Min Range (01000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Linear Cannon Lv3] {S-Class}

Firepower (120x1) Max Range (16000)

Accuracy (35) Min Range (01000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Plasma Cannon Lv1] {M-Class}

Firepower (200x1) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (50) Min Range (05000)

{Single ATK} {Plasma}


[Plasma Cannon Lv2] {M-Class}

Firepower (240x1) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (50) Min Range (05000)

{Single ATK} {Plasma}


[Plasma Cannon Lv3] {M-Class}

Firepower (280x1) Max Range (18000)

Accuracy (50) Min Range (05000)

{Single ATK} {Plasma}


[Laser Accel Lv1] {M-Class}

Firepower (140x1) Max Range (19000)

Accuracy (60) Min Range (06000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[Laser Accel Lv2] {M-Class}

Firepower (200x1) Max Range (19000)

Accuracy (60) Min Range (06000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}

[Rail Cannon Lv1] {M-Class}

Firepower (130x1) Max Range (20000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (08000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Rail Cannon Lv2] {M-Class}

Firepower (150x1) Max Range (20000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (08000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Rail Cannon Lv3] {M-Class}

Firepower (170x1) Max Range (20000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (08000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Plasma Cannon Lv1] {L-Class}

Firepower (240x1) Max Range (21000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Plasma}


[Plasma Cannon Lv2] {L-Class}

Firepower (280x1) Max Range (21000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Plasma}


[Plasma Cannon Lv3] {L-Class}

Firepower (320x1) Max Range (21000)

Accuracy (30) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Plasma}


[Diffusion Plasmic Lv1] {L-Class}

Firepower (230x1) Max Range (19000)

Accuracy (75) Min Range (09000)

{Multi ATK} {Plasma}


[Diffusion Plasmic Lv2] {L-Class}

Firepower (270x1) Max Range (19000)

Accuracy (75) Min Range (09000)

{Multi ATK} {Plasma}

[Laser Accel Lv1] {L-Class}

Firepower (260x1) Max Range (22000)

Accuracy (60) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[Laser Accel Lv2] {L-Class}

Firepower (280x1) Max Range (22000)

Accuracy (60) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[Laser Accel Lv3] {L-Class}

Firepower (320x1) Max Range (22000)

Accuracy (80) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Laser}


[Mass Driver Lv1] {XL-Class}

Firepower (240x1) Max Range (24000)

Accuracy (20) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Mass Driver Lv2] {XL-Class}

Firepower (260x1) Max Range (24000)

Accuracy (20) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Solid Ammo}


[Phage S] {L-Class} {Enemy Only}

Firepower (340x1) Max Range (17000)

Accuracy (95) Min Range (01000)

{Single ATK} {Plasma}


[Phage M] {L-Class} {Enemy Only}

Firepower (460x1) Max Range (23000)

Accuracy (95) Min Range (08000)

{Single ATK} {Plasma}


[Phage L] {L-Class} {Enemy Only}

Firepower (780x1) Max Range (27000)

Accuracy (95) Min Range (10000)

{Single ATK} {Plasma}


| Special Weapons [S4860] |
| |

[Super Long Range]

Firepower (0240x1) Max Range (50000)

Accuracy (80) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Special}


[Missile Volley]

Firepower (0200x1) Max Range (50000)

Accuracy (80) Min Range (00000)

{Multi ATK} {Special}


[Meteor Plasmic]

Firepower (1100x1) Max Range (50000)

Accuracy (80) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Special}


[Laser Accel]

Firepower (0740x1) Max Range (50000)

Accuracy (80) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Special}


[Surface Blast]

Firepower (0850x1) Max Range (50000)

Accuracy (80) Min Range (00000)

{Multi ATK} {Special}


[High Stream Blaster]

Firepower (1200x1) Max Range (50000)

Accuracy (80) Min Range (00000)

{Multi ATK} {Special}


[Panfilov Cannon] {Enemy Only}

Firepower (0200x1) Max Range (50000)

Accuracy (50) Min Range (00000)

{Single ATK} {Special}


| Miscellany [S5000] |

This section is a depository of various things that just didnt fit well in
any of the other sections.

| Fame Reward Chart [S5001] |

These are all of the blueprints that you can recieve as a reward for rising
through the fame rankings. After getting enough Fame, go to the Ranking menu
at the CTA, and upon leaving you will recieve your reward.

[19900 Fame] Rank 99 - Recieve [Xeos Belt Bridge 01] [Nav Bridge 05]
[Security Room 04]

[20970 Fame] Rank 90 - Recieve [Maintenance Room 04] [Briefing Room 03]
[Gym 02]

[22092 Fame] Rank 80 - Recieve [Radar Room 07] [Shop 04] [Thruster Con Rm 05]

[23063 Fame] Rank 70 - Recieve [Regeinland Bridge 02] [Nav Bridge 09]
[Sick Bay 06]

[24074 Fame] Rank 60 - Recieve [Regeinland Bridge 03] [Nav Bridge 15]
[Engine Rm 14]

[25051 Fame] Rank 50 - Recieve [Regeinland Bridge 04] [Deflector 09]

[Control Unit 03]

[26058 Fame] Rank 40 - Recieve [Kreusser BB] [Shield Frame 08]

[Thruster Con Rm 09]

[26382 Fame] Rank 37 - Required (3rd of 3 flags needed) to recieve [Evstafi BB]
in Chapter 14.

[27087 Fame] Rank 30 - Recieve [Lykourgos BB] [Deflector 10]

[Shield Generator 06]

[27905 Fame] Rank 20 - Recieve [Eleganta CV] [Thruster Con Rm 10]

[Amplifier 06]

[29951 Fame] Rank 10 - Recieve [Picaroon BB]

[30516 Fame] Rank 01 - Recieve [Corsair BB]

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